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The Slow Sailing Manifesto

1.- Whatever your craft, whether a rowing boat, or a luxury yacht, it’s your
realationship with your boat and the sea that matters. Regardless of length,
price and equipment, your craft isn’t just another of your many possesions but
rather an agreeable travelling companion with whom you can learn about the
sea and, more importantly, about yourself.

2.- Spend time aboard your craft even if it’s just tied up in the harbour. Make the
boat part of your living space. Do little jobs aboard, this will hieghten your sense
of ownership and will strengthen the ties between you and your craft.

3.- Leave your hurries and worries on the quay when you go sailing. Go without
a set time to return, as if you were leaving for a long journey. Forget your watch
and let the sun guide you. If you take speed and time out of the equation you’re
left only with space: the sea.

4.- Sail without a strict course or destination. Let the wind and sea take you
where they will. Don’t think about miles covered or those still to go. Don’t go
anywhere, just sail and enjoy the moment.

5.- Disconnect the electronics and sail like they used to. Learn not to depend on
your instruments. When was the last time you took a bearing? Or a sun sight?
Find your position and mark it on the chart. Forget the windspeed indicator, feel
the wind on your face. Learn the art of sailing, become a real sailor.

6.- Disconect the mobile and turn off the music. Cut your ties with the land.
Listen to the murrmuring sea, the bow wave, the flap of the sail, the breathing

7.- Don’t hog the helm. Let somebody else take it. How long has it been since
you stretched out on deck or sat at the bow? If you’re sailing alone, tie off the
tiller, balance the sails and let yourself go. Trust in your crew and in your boat.

8.- Write a log book. Detail your sailing trips and note down your feelings. Then
go back over your notes and re-live the experience. Share your experiences
with others in what ever way suits you best.

9.- Race, if that’s what you like but don’t go for the prize. Go to learn about the
sea, your boat and yourself. There’s no more stimulating prize than this.

10.- Don’t desert your boat, she’d never desert you.

(This is a play on a famous Spanish campaign to stem the amount of pets that are abandoned by the roadsides in
Spain, particularly during the summer holidays.)

11.- Contemplate the sea for a while each day, let it’s energy flow into you and
take it where ever you go.

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