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Table of Contents

Welcome letter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
The Science behind the New & Improved RIPPED! DVD Rotation Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

RIPPED! Research – Answers to Frequently Asked Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Heart Rate Monitors: Helpful for RIPPED! Success . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

RIPPED! Monthly Training Cycle (Beginner) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

RIPPED! Monthly Training Cycle (Intermediate) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

RIPPED! Monthly Training Cycle (Advanced) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Cardio Chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

The information in this document is copyrighted. Except as otherwise expressly permitted under
copyright law, no copying, redistribution, retransmission, publication or commercial exploitation
of downloaded material will be permitted without the express permission of Jari Love. If you have
any questions about these terms, please email

Dear Friend,

Thank you so much for ordering the New & Improved RIPPED! DVD Rotations Guide. I really
appreciate your support and truly value your business.

I’m so excited about the New & Improved RIPPED! DVD Rotations Guide! With the help of an
exercise physiologist, we were able to put together beginner, intermediate and advanced
programs that incorporate all seven DVDs along with suggestions for cardio workouts. I’ve
also included some helpful information about how using heart rate zones will lead to greater
success in your training. In addition, I have provided answers to some of the frequently asked
questions I get about diet and exercise.

Finally, I have included a cardio chart to help you keep track of your workouts and monitor
your progress on your journey to a healthier you!

I sincerely hope that you find this guide to be a helpful tool in making your workouts more
effective. For more information on Get RIPPED! DVDs or other products, please visit If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please feel free to email
me anytime at

Good luck in your training!


Jari Love
Unit #2, 1709 – 8th Ave NE
Calgary, AB T2E 0S9

The Science behind the RIPPED! Rotations
By: Ryan Saranchuk BPE. MSc.
Exercise Physiologist

The human body is a complex and brilliant machine that has the ability to adapt to the stresses placed on it. In an
attempt to lose fat and gain muscle, most of us, place physical stress on the body in the form of exercise. But, what
most of us fail to do is vary the type of training we do, which is necessary to optimize the benefits of our workouts.
The vast majority of us do the same type of exercise week after week, for the same amount of time. This is not the
best way to workout because when we do this the body adapts to be only as fit as it needs to be to handle this level
of stress. Then it stays there and you stop seeing results - This is known as a plateau. We’ve all experienced the
frustration of continuing to exercise but not seeing any more fitness gains. To help you avoid these plateaus, we
utilize a process called periodization to maximize the benefits you can get out of the RIPPED! Workouts!

Periodization is a method of training that alternates the levels of intensity and the duration of workouts within a
week and month to keep your body challenged. So, in this New & Improved RIPPED! DVD Rotations Guide you will
see harder days interspersed with easier days throughout the week. You will also see that each of the first three
weeks gets more difficult than the last so we are constantly increasing the stress on the body to produce a greater
stimulus for change in fitness levels. Then we give the body a chance to respond to the stress with a period of
reduced exercise in week 4. This recovery week is very important to the training process because we actually get
fitter when we are resting, not while we are exercising.

Also, to make you the best fat burning machine you can be, we alternate periods that utilize the high intensity
work of the RIPPED! series with periods of lighter cardio training and rest. Following the periodized plan of the
New & Improved RIPPED! DVD Rotations Guide is the best way to achieve your fitness goals.

Remember, variety is not only the spice of life, it’s the secret to achieving peak fitness!

RIPPED! Research: Answers to Frequently Asked Questions
By: Jari Love

1 How much cardio should I do each week?

The American College of Sports Medicine and the American Heart Association recommend doing moderately intense cardio 30 minutes
a day, five days a week OR vigorously intense cardio 20 minutes a day, 3 days a week. They also recommend doing 8-12 repetitions of 8-10
strength-training exercises, twice a week. It should be noted though, that to lose weight, the recommendations for cardio increase to 60
to 90 minutes. The 30-minute recommendation is for the average healthy adult to maintain health and reduce the risk for chronic disease.

2 How long should cardio sessions be?

Research shows that moderately intense physical activity accumulated throughout the day in 3 10-minute bouts can be just as effective
as exercising for 30 minutes straight.

3 How many days should one do interval training for?

It is currently recommended that interval training be done 2-3 times per week. This type of exercise can be hard on the joints so doing it
more often can cause injury.

4 How do you get a flat stomach?

Two main types of exercise can help you get a flat stomach - strength training and cardio. The abdominals are like all other muscle groups,
so to define them you need to tone them and lose the fat that overlays them. What makes abs tricky is that they are located at a part of the
body where we store excess fat, so they are harder to see. When you combine strength training with cardiovascular exercise you get rid
of the fat that is hiding the muscles underneath. Additionally, you need to consider your diet. Avoiding high sodium food items can help
your stomach stay flat because sodium causes the body to retain water and the abdomen to bloat.

5 How soon should you eat before a workout?

If you eat too much right before a workout, your body will divert blood to your muscles and away from your digestive organs, disrupting
the process of digestion. Therefore, it is generally, recommended to work out 2 to 3 hours after a meal, or an hour or two after a snack [1].

6 What is periodization?

Periodization is a resistance training technique where you rotate between cycles of high intensity weight lifting (lifting heavy weights)
with high volume weight lifting (doing lots of repetitions with lighter weights). This is an effective technique because it stimulates the
fast and slow twitch muscle fibers differently, so keeps the muscles challenged.

A study in the journal Medicine& Science Sports & Exercise found that when 34 untrained women followed a single set circuit training
program and a periodized, multiple-set program, there muscle performance increased significantly more after the periodized training [2].

7 Which is better for weight loss - Strength training or cardio?

For maximum fitness gains, you need to do both cardio and strength exercises. Cardio helps your heart and lungs get stronger and helps
your body utilize oxygen more efficiently, which increases overall fitness, while strength exercises help develop muscle, reduce body fat
and maintain bone mass.

In a recent study, researchers at McMaster University compared a 10-week program of weight training plus aerobic exercise against aerobic
exercise alone. They found that the aerobic group had a 2% increase in cardiovascular capacity and an 11% increase in endurance. But,
the group who did weight training plus aerobic exercise had a 15% increase in cardiovascular capacity and a massive 109% increase in
endurance. Additionally, the aerobic group showed no increases in leg or arm strength, but the aerobics plus weights group saw a 43%
increase in arm strength and a 22% increase in leg strength.

8 How much is too much when it comes to exercise?

When it comes to exercise we all think that more is better, but if we workout too much it can lead to overtraining syndrome. This limit on
how much exercise is too much is set by our genetics, lifestyle and fitness level. For example, if you are a beginner, hitting the gym 6 days
a week could be too much.

Some symptoms of overtraining include: prolonged feelings of fatigue in your body and joints, having trouble sleeping, elevated heart
rate when you wake up, losing motivation to do the activities you once loved, or persistent soreness in the muscles.

Overtraining can be avoided by giving your body the time it needs to rest between heavy workouts, by making sure your diet is giving
your body all it needs to fuel workouts and repair muscles, and getting adequate sleep.

9 Can you do RIPPED! everyday?

Because RIPPED! works all major muscle groups, you may need to take a day off in between workouts to allow your muscles to recover.
Research has found that in men who did heavy weight workouts, muscles were still undergoing repair 24 hours after the workout, but by
36 hours post-workout muscle recovery was complete.

10 Is doing RIPPED! enough exercise to lose weight?

While RIPPED! is an excellent tool to aid in weight loss, it would be most effective when combined with lighter intensity workouts.
RIPPED! is a high intensity workout that pushes your muscles and your heart, so it is recommended that you do RIPPED! 3-5 days per
week (depending on your fitness level) and alternate it with lighter cardio sessions.

11 How soon should I increase my weight?

It is recommended you increase your weight load between 4-12 weeks after starting basic training.

12 What are the benefits of interval training?

According to the American College of Sports Medicine, high intensity intervals are the best ways to burn significant calories in a short
period of time, leading to higher overall calorie burn than steady state exercises. So, jogging with intermittent sprints will burn more
calories than a long steady run.

When we do interval training, our muscles develop a higher tolerance to the build-up of lactate, and the heart muscle is strengthened,
which increases both your cardiovascular and muscular endurance. For example, a recent study found that after just two weeks of
interval training, six of the eight college-age men and women doubled their endurance, and the amount of time they could ride a bicycle
at moderate intensity before exhaustion [3].

13 Is it better to be aerobic or anaerobic during intervals?

Aerobic exercise is done with oxygen and is often what we are talking about when we talk about steady state exercises. Generally, without
things like dehydration and overheating, you could do aerobic exercises for a very long time because energy demands should be met by
the supply of oxygen. Anaerobic exercise, however, is done without oxygen so we are working beyond our available energy supply.

Intervals should be done anaerobically and should be of a short-duration, (generally not more than 90 seconds). This will force your body
to go all out and your muscles to reach the lactate threshold and produce lactic acid. The more anaerobic intervals we do, the harder we
have to work to get to that threshold and the longer we can stay there.

14 If my knee bothers me - what exercises can I do?

The following exercises are recommended for people who have knee trouble:

a. Swimming – this is a low impact, high intensity exercise that will burn calories with no stress on the joints
b. Stationary biking – this exercise will help strengthen knee ligaments without painful impact
c. Yoga – this will stretch out the joints and reduce pain
d. Lift light weights – this will help to alleviate the muscle pain associated with heavy weight lifting

15 Which is better, RIPPED! or cardio first thing in the morning?

This depends on your fitness goals. If you want to lose weight or build up aerobic capacity, do cardio exercise first. But, if you want to
increase muscular strength, then resistance training should be done first.

Heart Rate Monitors: Helpful for RIPPED! Success
By: Jari Love

With the pace of the world these days, who has time to waste on ineffective workouts? One of the best ways to design an
effective workout program is to use your heart rate. But who wants to spend time crunching numbers and using
mathematic formulas? Especially since these will only give you rough estimates based on generalizations for large groups
of people. We are all different with unique body make-ups and when it comes to exercise, the greatest benefits will be
achieved by training with a one-of-a-kind program specific to you.

When you use a heart rate monitor you are no longer estimating your heart rate, but pinpointing it so you can evaluate
your progress and adjust your training accordingly. For beginners, a heart rate monitor will tell you when to ease off and
when to work harder in order to improve your fitness level. Then as you get more fit, the monitor will tell you when you
should give it that extra push to see even further fitness gains.

The three keys to a good fitness program are frequency (how often you exercise), duration (how long) and intensity (how
hard). Frequency and duration are easy to measure because you can mark it on the calendar and use a clock. But, intensity
is a bit trickier because it is measured by monitoring your heart. By using a heart rate monitor your workouts will become
more effective and efficient giving you the best results, in the least amount of time. They also make your workouts safer
because they alert you when you are overdoing it and allow you to have more fun while you workout. It’s proven that when
exercise is fun we stick with it so it’s really important to make sure we are enjoying ourselves! Heart rate monitors are also
cheap, light and a breeze to use, so all in all they are one of the best investments you can make.

Types of Heart Rates

Resting Heart Rate

When you’re relaxing with the morning paper or watching TV, chances are good that you’re heart is relaxing right along with
you, beating slowly and not using a lot of energy. As you train your heart becomes more fit so you’re resting heart rate
becomes lower. For example, after six months of training your heart rate will be 10 to 15 beats slower per minute.

On the other side of the coin, when we are faced with emotional stress, anticipation or stimulants like caffeine and nicotine,
our resting heart rate speeds up. A high resting heart rate means our heart has to beat more times in a minute and can be
a sign of over training, dehydration, stress, lack of sleep, poor nutrition or a combination of the above.

Because the above factors can all influence heart rate, the best time to accurately measure your resting heart rate is in the
morning when you wake up. If you measure it every morning for a week you will get a reliable average.

Exercise Heart Rate

Unlike spikes in heart rate from downing a pot of coffee or being surprised by a spider behind your door, your exercise heart
rate reflects how much overall energy you’re using when you work out and it is the only type of heart rate increase that will
get you into shape. Depending on the intensity of your workout your heart rate will increase to a certain percentage of your
maximum heart rate. The harder you’re working, the higher your heart rate should be.

Maximum Heart Rate

As the name suggests, your maximum heart rate is the highest number of times your heart can beat in one minute.
Maximum heart rate (MHR) varies from person to person. As a general rule, the more muscles you have, the higher your
MHR will be. For example, swimmers tend to have MHRs about 10 beats per minute lower than a runners because the
runners are standing up as opposed to being horizontal, so they use more muscle groups as they move.

MHR also does not respond the same to every type of exercise. Body posture and the amount of muscle mass being used in
a specific exercise are just a couple of reasons it can change as the type of exercise changes.

Emotions are another variable affecting MHR. Imagine how you would feel before your first marathon. You would probably
be very nervous and a little frazzled and as a result your MHR would go up. But once the race began and you started to feel
comfortable with the pace, your MHR would likely drop back down to your normal training level.

Other factors that cause discrepancies in MHR include altitude (those at higher altitudes will have a higher MHR than those
training near sea level), sex (women tend to have a lower MHR than men at a similar training level) and whether or not
training takes place in water (MHR is lower for those doing an exercise in water versus the same activity on land).

It is important to know your maximum heart rate because it will allow you to determine the different heart zones in which
you can work. This will then help you design a training program tailored for your needs.

The Benefits of Training “In the Zones”

Because heart rate is so easy to measure using a heart rate monitor, you can now use heart rate zones to train more
effectively. There are five levels of heart rate zones, each varying with intensity.

Zone 1: Healthy Heart Zone (50 – 60% MHR)

In zone 1, you are doing low intensity exercises that can be maintained for prolonged periods of time, while maintaining a
conversation. This zone can still lead to increased fitness benefits, because you are primarily using fat as fuel. This zone is
useful for: warm-ups and cool downs, beginning a new program, recovering from an injury or simply improving one’s health.

Zone 2: Temperate Heart Zone (60 – 70% MHR)

Zone 2 is often referred to as the fitness zone because this is where your heart really begins to become stronger. This is often
referred to as moderate intensity and its benefits include: increases in the heart’s ability to pump blood, increases in the
number of small blood vessels, and improvements in cardiovascular endurance.

Zone 3: Aerobic Heart Zone (70 – 80% MHR)

Zone 3 has long been viewed as the benchmark intensity for overall general fitness because for most people this is the
highest level they can maintain for an extended period of time. By working in zone 3, your endurance will continue to
increase and your body will get used to working at a faster pace.

Zone 4: Threshold Zone (80 – 90% MHR)

Zone 4 is where your body is on the verge of its anaerobic threshold. During low-intensity training, the body is able to supply
enough oxygen to fuel the workout, but once you switch to high-intensity the body can no longer keep up with oxygen
demand. At this point your body has reached your anaerobic (“without oxygen”) threshold. This is the point where you will
start to feel some discomfort, including: tired muscles, heavy breathing and overall fatigue. At first, you won’t be able to
stay at this threshold for long, but the more you train in zone 4, the more you will increase your stamina and the longer you
can stay here.

Zone 5: Redline Zone (90 – 100% MHR)

Zone 5 is where you are working at maximum effort and have actually passed your anaerobic threshold. Your body can only
remain here for a very short period of time; generally less than a minute. Training in this redline zone will increase your ability
to sprint and do other exercises requiring short bursts of ultra-high intensity effort.

What does this all mean? If you feel the burn, are you burning carbs or fat?

In the past you may have been told that if you’re looking to burn fat, you should stick to low-intensity workouts because
high-intensity workouts burn carbohydrates and not fat. While this is true, it is also misleading.

In low-intensity exercises, fat acts as the primary fuel. Then as the workout gets tougher, the fuel switches over to carbs. But
even though more carbs are being used than in low intensity exercise, fat is still being burned and as you approach your
anaerobic threshold your fat burning level will begin to peak. So you don’t all of a sudden stop burning fat when you up
the intensity. Rather, you burn both, but with high intensity exercise, the number of calories you’re burning will be much
higher, which should always be the goal of an effective workout.

Let’s look at the breakdown of how fat and carbohydrates burn in each of the five heart zones:

Zone 1
Fat: 70-85%
Carbs: 10-25%

Zone 2:
Fat: 50-70%
Carbs: 25-50%

Zone 3:
Fat: 40-60%
Carbs: 50-85%

Zone 4:
Fat: 10-20%
Carbs: 80-90%

Zone 5:
Fat: 10-15%
Carbs: 85-90%

You’ll notice that as your move up in the various zones, your body uses more and more carbs as the primary fuel, which is a
great thing! When you work at high intensities and burn primarily carbs, you will burn more fat long after the workout.
Basically you want to make the most out of every workout so that your body will work for you by burning fat for the
remaining hours of the day. However, too much high intensity exercise is not necessarily a good thing. Just like all kinds
of exercise, you need to take breaks and make sure your body gets adequate rest.

Now that you understand a little more about heart rates and their importance, you will be able to understand the method
behind the creation of the periodized programs in the New & Improved RIPPED! DVD Rotations Guide. You will notice that
some of the Get RIPPED! DVDs require you to work at higher intensities than others and therefore have different training
goals. Understanding your heart rate and being aware of the various zones will be extremely helpful for you as you progress
in your training.

I really encourage you to use this information when you workout. Take the time to write down the intensity and duration of
your workouts and track your heart rate. You’ll notice that as you become more fit, activities that once required you to work
in a zone 4 will only require you to work in a zone 3. This is a sign for you to up the intensity so that you can challenge your
heart and make even more improvements to your fitness.

Exercise is a science and the more knowledge you can obtain about how your body works and responds to exercise, the
better. I really encourage you to use this information so that you can stop wasting countless hours on the treadmill and
start training smarter and more effectively today!


1. Powell, Don R. 2003. A Year of Health Hints: 365 Practical Ways to Feel Better and Live Longer.
American Institute for Preventative Medicine Press.

2. Marx, J.O., Ratamess, N.A., Nindl, B.C., Gotshalk, L.A., Volek, J.S., Dohi, K., Bush, J.A., Gomez, A.L., Mazzetti,
S.A., Fleck, S.J. Hakkinen, K., Newton, R.U. & Kraemer, W.J. (2001). Low-volume circuit versus high-volume
periodized resistance training in women. Medicine & Science Sports & Exercise. 33 (4), 635-643.

3. Burgomaster, K.A., Heighhauser, G.J.F., & Gibala, M.J. 2006. Effect of short-term sprint interval training on
human skeletal muscle carbohydrate metabolism during exercise and time-trial performance. Journal of
Applied Physiology. 100: 2041-2047

Videos Required: Get Ripped! and Get Ripped! Slim & Lean


Cardio - power walk,

Monday 2 20 mins Burn calories and begin to develop your aerobic fitness.
easy jog, bike, etc.

Light weights and body weight movements help

Tuesday Get RIPPED! 3-4 60 mins introduce you to the Ripped! Videos and let you perfect
your form.

Enjoy a day off or take a very light, short walk to help

Wednesday Day off or light walk 1
Build Week #1


Heavier weights, a faster tempo and shorter rest periods

Thursday Get RIPPED! Slim & Lean 5-6 60 mins increase the intensity of the workout to develop lean
muscle mass and cardiovasular fitness.

Cardio - power walk,

Friday 2 20 mins Burn calories and begin to develop your aerobic fitness.
easy jog, bike, etc.

Cardio - power walk, Burn calories and begin to develop your aerobic fitness by
Saturday 3 30 mins
easy jog, bike, etc. picking up the tempo and the time slightly.

Enjoy a day off or take a very light, short walk to help

Sunday Day off or light walk 1

Summary: Time (hrs) 3.2


Cardio - power walk,

Monday 2 25 mins Burn calories and begin to develop your aerobic fitness.
easy jog, bike, etc.

Light weights and body weight movements help

Tuesday Get RIPPED! 3-4 60 mins introduce you to the Ripped! Videos and let you perfect
your form.

Enjoy a day off or take a very light, short walk to help

Wednesday Day off or light walk 1
Build Week #2


Heavier weights, a faster tempo and shorter rest periods

Thursday Get RIPPED! Slim & Lean 5-6 60 mins increase the intensity of the workout to develop lean
muscle mass and cardiovasular fitness.

Cardio - power walk,

Friday 2 25 mins Burn calories and begin to develop your aerobic fitness.
easy jog, bike, etc.

Cardio - power walk, Burn calories and begin to develop your aerobic fitness
Saturday 3 35 mins
easy jog, bike, etc. by picking up the tempo and the time slightly.

Enjoy a day off or take a very light, short walk to help

Sunday Day off or light walk 1

Summary: Time (hrs) 3.4


Cardio - power walk,

Monday 2 30 mins Burn calories and begin to develop your aerobic fitness.
easy jog, bike, etc.

Light weights and body weight movements help

Tuesday Get RIPPED! 3-4 60 mins introduce you to the Ripped! Videos and let you perfect
your form.

Enjoy a day off or take a very light, short walk to help

Wednesday Day off or light walk 1
Build Week #3


Heavier weights, a faster tempo and shorter rest periods

Thursday Get RIPPED! Slim & Lean 5-6 60 mins increase the intensity of the workout to develop lean
muscle mass and cardiovasular fitness.

Cardio - power walk,

Friday 2 30 mins Burn calories and begin to develop your aerobic fitness.
easy jog, bike, etc.

Cardio - power walk, Burn calories and begin to develop your aerobic fitness by
Saturday 3 30 mins
easy jog, bike, etc. picking up the tempo and the time slightly.

Enjoy a day off or take a very light, short walk to help

Sunday Day off or light walk 1

Summary: Time (hrs) 4.6


Cardio - power walk,

Monday 2 15 mins Burn calories and begin to develop your aerobic fitness.
easy jog, bike, etc.

Light weights and body weight movements help

Tuesday Get RIPPED! 3-4 60 mins introduce you to the Ripped! Videos and let you perfect
your form.

Cardio - power walk,

Wednesday 2 15 mins Burn calories and begin to develop your aerobic fitness.
Recovery Week

easy jog, bike, etc.

Enjoy a day off or take a very light, short walk to help

Thursday Day off or light walk 1

Heavier weights, a faster tempo and shorter rest periods

Friday Get RIPPED! Slim & Lean 5-6 60 mins increase the intensity of the workout to develop lean
muscle mass and cardiovasular fitness.

Cardio - power walk,

Saturday 3 35 mins Burn calories and begin to develop your aerobic fitness.
easy jog, bike, etc.

Sunday Enjoy a day off or take a very light, short walk to help
Day off or light walk 1

Summary: Time (hrs) 3.1

Videos Required: Get Ripped! And Chiseled, Get Ripped! To The Core and Get Ripped!1000


Tax your muscles and feel the burn of lactic acid with this
Monday Get RIPPED! And Chiseled 7-8 60 mins workout designed to develop more lean muscle mass to
increase your toned look and metabolic rate.
Aerobic exercise to help your body recover from the
Tuesday Cardio - jog, bike, etc. 2 30 mins tougher days, burn calories, and enhance cadiovascular

Heavier weights and less reps to increase your strength

Wednesday Get RIPPED! To The Core 6-7 60 mins
Build Week #1


Aerobic exercise to help your body recover from the

Thursday Cardio - jog, bike, etc. 2 30 mins tougher days, burn calories, and enhance cadiovascular

High intensity cardio intervals are combined with weight

Friday Get RIPPED!1000 8-9 60 mins
exercises to increase your body's ability to burn fat.

Pick up the pace and length of your aerobic work to

Saturday Cardio - jog, bike, etc. 3 45 mins
maximize cardiovascular fitness.

Sunday Day off or light walk Enjoy a day off or take a very light, short walk.

Summary: Time (hrs) 4.8


Tax your muscles and feel the burn of lactic acid with this
Monday Get RIPPED! And Chiseled 7-8 60 mins workout designed to develop more lean muscle mass to
increase your toned look and metabolic rate.

Aerobic exercise to help your body recover from the

Tuesday Cardio - jog, bike, etc. 2 35 mins tougher days, burn calories, and enhance cadiovascular

Heavier weights and less reps to increase your strength

Wednesday Get RIPPED! To The Core 6-7 60 mins
Build Week #2

Aerobic exercise to help your body recover from the

Thursday Cardio - jog, bike, etc. 2 35 mins tougher days, burn calories, and enhance cadiovascular

High intensity cardio intervals are combined with weight

Friday Get RIPPED!1000 8-9 60 mins
exercises to increase your body's ability to burn fat.

Pick up the pace and length of your aerobic work to

Saturday Cardio - jog, bike, etc. 3 50 mins
maximize cardiovascular fitness.

Sunday Day off or light walk Enjoy a day off or take a very light, short walk.

Summary: Time (hrs) 5.0


Heavier weights and less reps to increase your strength

Monday Get RIPPED! To The Core 6-7 60 mins

High intensity cardio intervals are combined with weight

Tuesday Get RIPPED!1000 8-9 60 mins
exercises to increase your body's ability to burn fat.

Pick up the pace and length of your aerobic work to

Wednesday Cardio - jog, bike, etc. 3 60 mins
Build Week #1

maximize cardiovascular fitness.

Tax your muscles and feel the burn of lactic acid with this
Thursday Get RIPPED! And Chiseled 7-8 60 mins workout designed to develop more lean muscle mass to
increase your toned look and metabolic rate.

High intensity cardio intervals are combined with weight

Friday Get RIPPED!1000 8-9 60 mins
exercises to increase your body's ability to burn fat.

Pick up the pace and length of your aerobic work to

Saturday Cardio - jog, bike, etc. 3 60 mins
maximize cardiovascular fitness.

Sunday Day off or light walk Enjoy a day off or take a very light, short walk.

Summary: Time (hrs) 6.0


Tax your muscles and feel the burn of lactic acid with this
Monday Get RIPPED! And Chiseled 7-8 60 mins workout designed to develop more lean muscle mass to
increase your toned look and metabolic rate.

Aerobic exercise to help your body recover from the

Tuesday Cardio - jog, bike, etc. 2 30 mins tougher days, burn calories, and enhance cadiovascular

Heavier weights and less reps to increase your strength

Wednesday Get RIPPED! To The Core 6-7 60 mins
Recovery Week


Aerobic exercise to help your body recover from the

Thursday Cardio - jog, bike, etc. 2 30 mins tougher days, burn calories, and enhance cadiovascular

High intensity cardio intervals are combined with weight

Friday Get RIPPED!1000 8-9 60 mins
exercises to increase your body's ability to burn fat.

Aerobic exercise to help your body recover from the

Saturday Cardio - jog, bike, etc. 3 30 mins tougher days, burn calories, and enhance cadiovascular

Sunday Day off or light walk Enjoy a day off or take a very light, short walk.

Summary: Time (hrs) 4.5

Videos Required: Get Extremely Ripped! , Get Extremely Ripped! 1000 and Get Ripped! 1000


A slightly higher intensity version of Ripped! 1000 with new
Get Extremely RIPPED! 9 - 10 60 mins functional moves.
Recovery cardio 2 30 mins Easy cardio helps your body recovery from high intensity work.

Cardio - run, bike, Moderate aerobic work to burn calories and enhance
Tuesday 4 75 mins
x-country ski etc. cardiovascular fitness.

Get Extremely RIPPED! 1000 9 - 10 60 mins Longer intervals with weights to maximize fat burning ability.
Build Week #1

Recovery cardio 2 30 mins Easy cardio helps your body recovery from high intensity work.
A slightly higher intensity version of Ripped! 1000 with new
Get Extremely RIPPED! 9 - 10 60 mins functional moves.
Recovery cardio 2 30 mins Easy cardio helps your body recovery from high intensity work.

Cardio - run, bike, Moderate aerobic work to burn calories and enhance
Friday 4 75 mins
x-country ski etc. cardiovascular fitness.

High intensity cardio and weight exercises to increase your

Get RIPPED! 1000 8-9 60 mins body's ability to burn fat.
Recovery cardio 2 30 mins Easy cardio helps your body recovery from high intensity work.

Sunday Day off or light walk Take a well deserved .day off or go for a light, short walk.

Summary: Time (hrs) 8.5


A slightly higher intensity version of Ripped! 1000 with new

Get Extremely RIPPED! 9 - 10 60 mins functional moves.
Recovery cardio 2 30 mins Easy cardio helps your body recovery from high intensity work.

Cardio - run, bike, Moderate aerobic work to burn calories and enhance
Tuesday 4 90 mins
x-country ski etc. cardiovascular fitness.

Get Extremely RIPPED! 1000 9 - 10 60 mins Longer intervals with weights to maximize fat burning ability.
Build Week #2

Recovery cardio 2 30 mins Easy cardio helps your body recovery from high intensity work.
A slightly higher intensity version of Ripped! 1000 with new
Get Extremely RIPPED! 9 - 10 60 mins functional moves.
Recovery cardio 2 30 mins Easy cardio helps your body recovery from high intensity work.

Cardio - run, bike, Moderate aerobic work to burn calories and enhance
Friday 4 90 mins
x-country ski etc. cardiovascular fitness.

High intensity cardio and weight exercises to increase your

Get RIPPED! 1000 8-9 60 mins body's ability to burn fat.
Recovery cardio 2 30 mins Easy cardio helps your body recovery from high intensity work.

Sunday Day off or light walk Take a well deserved .day off or go for a light, short walk.

Summary: Time (hrs) 9.0

A slightly higher intensity version of Ripped! 1000 with new
Get Extremely RIPPED! 9 - 10 60 mins functional moves.
Recovery cardio 2 30 mins Easy cardio helps your body recovery from high intensity work.

Get Extremely RIPPED! 1000 9 - 10 60 mins Longer intervals with weights to maximize fat burning ability.
Recovery cardio 2 30 mins Easy cardio helps your body recovery from high intensity work.

Cardio - run, bike, Moderate aerobic work to burn calories and enhance
Wednesday 4 105 mins
Build Week #3

x-country ski etc. cardiovascular fitness.

A slightly higher intensity version of Ripped! 1000 with new

Get Extremely RIPPED! 9 - 10 60 mins functional moves.
Recovery cardio 2 30 mins Easy cardio helps your body recovery from high intensity work.

Get Extremely RIPPED! 1000 9 - 10 60 mins Longer intervals with weights to maximize fat burning ability.
Recovery cardio 2 30 mins Easy cardio helps your body recovery from high intensity work.

Cardio - run, bike, Moderate aerobic work to burn calories and enhance
Saturday 4 105 mins
x-country ski etc. cardiovascular fitness.

High intensity cardio and weight exercises to increase your

Get RIPPED! 1000 8-9 60 mins body's ability to burn fat.
Recovery cardio 2 30 mins Easy cardio helps your body recovery from high intensity work.
Summary: Time (hrs) 11.0

Monday Day off You definitely deserve a day off now!

High intensity cardio and weight exercises to increase your

Tuesday Get RIPPED! 1000 8-9 60 mins
body's ability to burn fat.

Cardio - run, bike,

Wednesday 2 45 mins Easy cardio helps your body recovery from high intensity work.
Recovery Week

x-country ski etc.

Take a day off or help your body recover and regenerate

Thursday Day off or light walk
by taking a light, short walk.

Cardio - run, bike,

Friday 2 45 mins Easy cardio helps your body recovery from high intensity work.
x-country ski etc.

High intensity cardio and weight exercises to increase your

Saturday Get RIPPED! 1000 8-9 60 mins
body's ability to burn fat.

Take a day off or help your body recover and regenerate

Sunday Day off or light walk
by taking a light, short walk.

Summary: Time (hrs) 3.5

Fitness Program Cardio Chart
Mon.- Tues.- Wed.- Thurs.- Fri.- Sat.- Sun.-
Cardio Type
Heart Rate
Ripped DVD Selection
Mon.- Tues.- Wed.- Thurs.- Fri.- Sat.- Sun.-
Cardio Type
Heart Rate

Ripped DVD Selection
Mon.- Tues.- Wed.- Thurs.- Fri.- Sat.- Sun.-
Cardio Type
Heart Rate
Ripped DVD Selection
Mon.- Tues.- Wed.- Thurs.- Fri.- Sat.- Sun.-
Cardio Type
Heart Rate
Ripped DVD Selection

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