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Before attempting an engineoverbawor a tune-up, it is necessary that your shop be equipped with proper tools, equipment and mechanics who are thoroughly familiar with Eriggs &: Stratton engine design and construction. With yow shop rhus equipped, this book will serveas a guide in performing the various steps necessary to do .3 complete and sa risfactory j obi'


In order to keep;", all tables as simp: ,Ie as 'possible, onIy the bask enzine models are listed unless there is a difference

• 1, , ~ ~,

b t, d' r.; ~ J l' "\7' "II fi d suc ...... ~ d '1_ 1'" d I'" b ~ I d ~ L

erween them an, specrai mooers, iou WI '.10 . such specrat moelS . rsreo separare'Yln;alphaetlCil 0.;" er . .Also •. warcn

-,r,_ ,', "", ',~ • ", , , , "_'_~"'>'

'.~ " ", .'" '-'''-f'' _, , .-," ," -, ',,--"-' " ,,- '", ,', :' " .' ,r "

Eve ddlerenci! bern e'en 5 and (5 digi [ type numbers of the same models, n .'.

Irl!C~ _ oil

- ':'.,- '~-, ,~~'

. . ... •. "., . - "'. ,... -'_'11 .i:i!: ., ....".,

To make inspection of parts SImple and accurate only the SIzeS at which they should be T(:jenetl.-:re; shown, This elim-

• " ' " ,_' , , i -, c, , ' " ,'II' i _ '" .' .,',' " • ,.

matt's me necessity for figurm.g allowances for wear. ere, If It part IS worn hrger {inside dlmenswn such as magnet!;)

bi:"arin.g) or smaller (such a.s; crankshaft bearing surfaces) than the given sizes" mey should be rejected and replaced

w J 'in new parz::(, ~


,', T, ''", , .. ;. -." d h . I ible rni . , ii' I • 'd' . ~ .

Always use plug gauges wherever possible roehmrnare'ou l andposslle mistakes .. Xou WIll hn.::plug gaugesil- _'.,.

• '~" , .':' "" '. ' ,,'" .~ I .' ~.' ,_ , d! ," ,. '~" -",," , ~ .. ..1' _, - r,:. ,-c_,,.."=,,,,,,,__,,

Iustrsted In Chapter 1L You wIl! nonce that most plu.S gauge s have three SIzes-A, Ii anC, ·The Cend IS U5e-U:IQ:"._

'. .' " . - .,. . . '.-. " ..... ". .', .. '" '.',' z: ,'''.

check (he old part and If It enters, the pare .IS either OUt of round or oversize and shquld be rejected. The A and: B . .:

-i- d" ~I ' f-' .. 'll"- ~ A '~d" b B L uld S" ·' ..... 1 ..' - 'I' -;:;t.~

ends are u seo to -check the n ew parts ,ll'i tel' Justa' uanon, " ShOUi" en ret, ; ut ... > SJu 0 ':! n ot, :~Clw. rep .·,3 ~,r" parts; va v~ ~ ._,,'(

. ~ ,r- - '. '._. ;'",~.~""i

gu;de5, valve seat inserts, contact point plunger bushing. erc., are not listed in the regw . rlar Parts Lists and 'pan DUm, '. ~ ....

win De found ,001y i~ iliis book. '. . -, ".)';':~,Iri~~~

. t·

, '



11' - '~'~'iP' - -.. .. H ~~·c' :'h k!~ h'T' I· ,. In d '!~'R' J.. !,~, .. . . .. J ... f .. n '

":lIE term xns,pecf, I ... eci J' "esc an >ep' ace are usee a.'l, ,a.-J:,IOW~ ~


INSPECT-Visual inspection, look for signs of wear. scoring, cracks, stripped threads, etc"

CHECK-Measure by means of plug g.:tuges, feeler gauges, micrometer, scale, etc.

i .. I'






'. \

, \


TEST-Analyze with proper testing equipment.

REPLACE- This llsuaHymeans to rake oH the old pan and reassemble it or replace with a new one,

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($~{1C Pag" 87 for' 1.110(.'x) ~P~"i,ge



F'otev.!ord 2,'

i Ii 'f. 'II" 1 •• 1 .• '!I,ll .. , !i'o!!''tl P. jIo~ I; !i"i!~ ~ .1 I. '! .. = +,~ ~ii ir.

General Jnforrna t'ion .. ' , .. ' '" .' i' + ~ i' • ~ 4

M ochJ D'a ra - ""a b Leo ] .' ~ ~ '. . . + • ~ '. • '~ .. ~ .' ~ .. ~ ~ .. • • ~ .. ~ 5

'C:H,A,PTER, l~Ov'e.rh~u] & Tune-up ~."" i ' •• ~ •• , ~ • ~ 6 to' '14

Overhaul &. Tunc e= up Procedure-s-Table 2 .. ~ ~,~ ,.6 ro 9 TlJ ne-u :p" D ata~T'~b, "']&;" '3":, 1 01

• - - •• • r I . • rIi , • .. _.(Jr,.. ... ", '!!II • .. ! !!II l!l !! !!II I!- !II !II .1 E 'I- ~ ~ ~... 'Ii ! iI + , ",

Eng in e Speed Serri ngs~ Special Types i' ~ ~ .' .: i i ;; • 1.] .. 12 Engine Speed Settings, Standard i, ~ ~ ., " ~ .. ' '" ... " " .. 13., ] 4

CH'APTE'R 7 I . ~

, , :: C':" :," ... ~; gm non <; ~ + .' '", ,i • .. '" .. ~ .. ~ ~'.. '" "" + ,,. i. ~ '1 5 to 26-

Spark Plur . , I ~ 16/,·

. _." ._, ." '- e III .. .. ... "" ~ .' ''o! ~.... ~ i ~, i' .. iii .1 .. .. • ... .. ! ~~ ~ Iii' +. 'i !!I~ IIII!!. ,.)' "!!'" " _"_

Breaker Point Ga p ~ .. "' .. ~ .. '. ~ ~ e. ~ '" ,. ~ "~ ,. ii •• ' ~ ~ '" •• , 16

Condense r ..'...'. '" ~ . '" . . ,+ + ~ " • '. ,. m i ,. • • '" • .. • , ~ • ~ ] 6

B lower HousioD I ·6;

. - - - _. ." '"l':l! • I. • !, '!iJ ~ • ~ (. ., I. • .. '!II ;1" ! 'Ii I" !I .. ' .1 1Ii;, Iii _ II.J • !!I ~ .

,Fly wh eel ~. ~ '" .. ~' , ,. . i' • "' ~ .' • • • .. ~ • '.' ~ .. " ~ • "' ~ • .. "' 16'~ 17

1 ~ ,. C bl

',gntuon. a"e, '" ~ .. , ~ -.' ~ ~ ~ '1'8"

____ •...•• l .... l~·-!' .. 'Ii+I3:- .. :

Magneto .. s .. '.' .' . '. '" .. '" .... '" '" .~ '" .. - ", " ., . l' 8:·'·- t~o,)-<

_." .rr. •• ~I •• IIIIII~,"I'I!~'_. '-'

~~,g.netizing EThywhe.eI '& R .. orors .,.~, i •• ~ • • .... • ... 26

..; ~=l .

C~ APT'ER, ., 3-£arbut-eti.>on ...';,.. ~ cO" 'P ,~ '" .. • '" ., • '. I 2 i to. ~10

. ,

. A ir ' rs 2, :' '7- .

"_'i 1il .... ~,1! ~i+o!' illIi' iI!'''' .. Ill .. I!!!!'~ Ii .. f-il .. IIIOII!!I'!I!~

:Ftrel . Supply SYStf',m i ~ • ~ ~ .. ,I .. ~ '. , , ~ '" "' ~ " ; ~ 0; 27-28 'Carbur-etors:t G'raviry' ,Feed ,~ . '. ~ - • ~' 'j- _. -' - -"" '" 2B~'~,O' ,Ca.rburetors, Su.rtion Fe-Ed<-'- ., ~ _.""'"' .. ~ ... · ~.~ ~1:"

, '~ .. ,"_'. , .. , . '.'., ~ • ~ • ,. • "' • , '. ,. ~, •. .. '. • ) '~J''''~; .Jl

A:utomatic Choke, Ad:iustin i? - -" 3'·· ''f

. - ~ - ~ ''-.,r.' ~. I , !!;. .!Ii '.' • • ,. •. ~ "='! ii' ~ • • .1 .. It! ~ . i

'F'u eJ PU,m:.p Diaph~ragm" Re:p] a c~ ,o.g, ~ . " .. ~ . ~ . . . .. ,,'1 ~ 3 2 R,emotc GCt\te.rnar &. Throttle COf1t~o,-l(""' '2·4·"

- - .-1- • • • ,,;I. . _.~ • i •• ., I. -!II ~ ~. ,=, ..

Carhu.tecor &; Governor Controls " .. '.' ~ i '. ~ ... ~ ; ",35 ... 40

'Cli .. A'PTE'R, 4.=-Comp:teSsion .. ,," , ,A1,_A'9'"

.' :' ii fi ~ r. .. ,_ ,., !!I I ,!, !to III • .. • •• oiLj 1 ~

- - . - ,.

Cy' J i nd e F H ea,ds 4;. ~ '11.'-

.. ,.~ f!~ii! !'r.,; !O~'I! II' •• !! .,~,~ • .., Ii 111[. !'E JL

VaJvf Tap-_' p', ,'. et Cl.eara..ncesF-=- Ta b'I.J;;o 6':, _ ,_~; 'm

" ." l,_ . ~="!I!!<Ii.-~III.""I!I!~ 't,~

V',a~ v e Sp' ~r 1 ~~s A I 4,' 4"

~!"I: '_'[.',~!a.l !II!! ~ ~ ill ~ II •••• i. fill., Ii! i •• '.; •••• ~E == ~ ~ [r.' •• ~!I~'J~"t':_:'

-'1 d j: u.s!i ng' '.' \ta lv'e T,2.'D p·,gr C1 ~',ar.J.n ce ' - . 41

'. - 1.:. ': .... , . , - , , ,."' 7 .. • • + • • • ~ '""' ,,~,

'V;S:.iVf' Seal' ,Xlidths-, 'T~ble '? '" ,;( A

• _. - - f.'!Ir.'Ii=.III'l!l'l .... ,!l~·r. •• JIII~.r.!I '~"~

Remo\tiop \?ahlC' Guide~ . ~:;:,')~.',:

o ..,.~ ~ 'Ii. i- ••• [Iii !l1O'!iI'. 1il.1. III ,. Iii ~l •• ~,

V'alve Guide losp·.·,ecr.,[ot.l Tool5~T"- a.·b,-,·~:,;Ei S·'·, 4c

. II ...... '_ ,- '.' ],L _' ~ ·Ii .' I!, '!II II!! + !!II :w J

\],a,rtf€; G'u,ide [ns1)·ect.i'on "Tools~·'Ta.ble 9'. _ .1,5,· ... ··

JiI- __ ", _ ~ • I!I !. 'I! ~ iI'. ~

VaJv,e Guide N'umbc'rs-T'able 10," ',- . _ .£5

' , " , ., , .. ,~ , .. , ... "" ... ,~.,

Ins.raUinrt,. V,a'IvE G;ui.d'e,~s ,4',:' L,.:,,"

-.EJ. 'i~'!-!P.liil-'!.-J"!'''~~.I.I!-'fl'liioillll.1 U

'\111l,;r,t:l, ~.o ... t 46- .'.

.. :. '.1 '1jo ... ' .... ; .... ',it.I!, S ,i '" '" .' ~ ~ i, • " ., , . .' t"'o" ~ 8· .',

- • ~ "Il 'II! 11'1 I. • !l !I! ,~ -ii' ill .. I. Jr' [!II • i' Ill. .'. ~:. ~.-:

r,oo]s fo~ ins.rnHioQ' Valve- Sear Insert' ' , , '~8:·.·'

0, ... ,!!l'~·'''~··~'lii!.l. ~ .. '

_ \t.aJ\~'e.~,:, T'im,ino' . .,'- ,i • ~ "', ., A 'S' ""9";"

,.. 0 - ~ ~ • • .1 II!I '.' '.' ii' .1 !!II • ,I! ii' Ii- .1 • .!> iI ... iIo~.:: - ~ ~_ /; ..

C,H,A"PT'E,R 5'-= Pistun P' j=-c,!i"o.·.·:,;,. P",; :nit;: ('!""n"n'~ 'e' (c' r: .... -:')

. . , " ,.,~ .. ,l,J, ~ J!II.~.J;::- II;.,..,..V", '.", ,'I,t6

Rods ' .. ";0 ~ .. " ~ ~ • '" - - .. . 5.0 to 53

Ch,'eeid Dg.. Rio. ii, >5 ... ~ • • ~ ,', " ., • ~ ~ .. ' .' ~ " • ~ '.' .. ~ '. .' . : '- . C' ~'O-.· .•. "

o !I!I!+iili!J,! .... iii[i.III'I! .. , .. ~.I!I!i~~!.IIl~Ii.I. J

Chect-i n8··'~ Piston 5-·,0<'

. "'. ,.I~~.,.JI··it.ii ... ~ \

. . . . _. -, -' - - !II .. .. .. •• 'Il !Il ii iii rt: :. . ~ ~ ~iiI. ,'I ",

Connecting ROd & Piston. P:inRe"]ecri on . ,

Silf'S~ Table 15 '." ,; ., " . ~ " ... '"' ~ ~ ._ ~ .. '" f •••• '.. 51

01ECkI n~, Piston ,Pin , ~.'" 1

~ 1!~.".I.""~"iA!I!".!'I'lrl'l~"~."J"Ii~./

Chec.k:ing 'Connectina: Rod '5.".1'."

o Iii ., III ill r-. ••• I,~ 'Ii '.1 III I!l -E I. 'i! !II! .1 Iii

AJ,igning R:od & Piston .' 5]

, .Rod Aligning Plug~T;bie' i 6' .,. · · · . · · · . . .. 52

Asse1!lbling Rings to Piston, .. :-: : : : : : ~ : : : : : :: 52

, InstnUing Pisfon & Rod .in 'Cvlindcr'i" , -" 5-,:,3'.",

II . III ~ .• !I d. • I!! !II! I:; .. I!I

'Connecting Rod Cap.· .. Screw' To:.tq. ~ue .. - , . . .5,· ..... "3··,· .. ,

_" .. ~ _ .• ,'-liIl!lI!l~IIi'.~'!lII!'.'!II.j _


. ...

CH,AJ'TEH. {~Cfnn"k$hafl'j Cam Gears. .. ~ . '" ... ,; 54 to ) '/

Cnll1ks.ha ft R ej<·ct ion 3i.z'es~:T a bl (, ];.8. " . n, " • _ -e. •• )(4:

'R em· ' .. O""'~ n tr (" -'_ ..... m" " G""' F.!o ". 11" ~ ~

, .: '. :' .:.'. :~'" .6, ., _,t :,' .' ._., ~ ~~ ,~ • + a, • • • '.' • + -s • .,.' • '.' '. .' • , ., ~. • •• .) I'

Checking Cr,ankshafr &. Cam Gear ~ ..... ' .. 'P_ 'P .' • au S~,

Replacing Cam Gear & Crankshaft ".. .' , u • , '. ~ • ~ "55

Checking, Crankshaft End ,Pla.}' ;0 .. + .' m ' ... ' •••• ; • ~, • _ 56

Correcti ng End PIa y .. . . . rii ~ • '" • • • riO • "' '" • '. " e- + ~ • .' ~ 57

Correcti rig- \(1 arped Magneto P 1 axes . ~ .. .. ~ '. , ., .. .., 57

C'HAPTER 7~yHnders ~ '. '"' ~ . ,. ,~ ~ ,., " , ., ~ .' ~ .. , . ~ ~ ~ . ~ 58 .. 59

Inspect ion ~ ~ .. . . . . . ., .. '.' " .. " . .. .. , + .. ., ~ 4 • ~ • • ,. • '" ,~~ 58.

BO.n:~ Dimensions-> Table 'r 9": 58""

~. ." . __ J, <fI!!I.n.~ •• '!I'~~,!!ofi!l'Ii!l'liI[.

Resiz ing ;;:.' .... , 0,,'.,.

'!II ~, ,II • • .. ;Ao !II + .' ~ ~ • III • ~ II. ,~, iI !II' ~ i! .. ~ ~ +. -iii 11 !II "I' • •• _/- 0

W'eldin,g' . ' ... ~ ....... ' ~ " .' ~ " ... '" .... ~ ~ " ~ ~ .. h" •• ,.' '19 . .r .:

C.HA,PTER, 8-:Bearingsl •• '. ~ '. ' •• ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • '" •• ~ ... 60 to 65

1\f a-l n B e,a t j !l gs ~ . 'Ii "'~ + i • '" .. • • .. • "' '" • ~ ,. , • .. ., • • ~ • ..' 60 ,l\{alu ,Bearing- Size.s~'T a.ble :2'~ ~ . - , .' ~ .... ~ .... ' ... 61

Tools-, for Reaming: . r .' '" •• "' ,. '" ~ • P ~ ••• , • ~ •• ' ~ • , .' _, 60

M& g'fl e EO Sea fin gs ~.," ~ . ~ '" . ,_ ~ . " ~ " - ~ + ; " ~ .' ,., , ~, (-~ 1

'Dcl,ve B!t'a,rings ~ ~ ~ ~, ;, i ~ ~ ~ • ~ ,. ~ • '. ;, ' •• , • ~ '.> . ~ '" , .. ' 62

R ea m . n 'F ~ ") L ,.,

-.: ''b,'_' . ",II! ,; .] • i5.' II!I"!I. [II .;.. !!; ~ ~ Ii- .!!!. II. II' I! .. II r. 3! !! !!! ~ .Ii _ ,.,; -!' ... !II II!! 01. _ i"J ~ "'~"II;~ Y

Bearing ,Oil <Rer;tl"n'er ,_ .. ' .~ . ~ .. ' .... i ~ " " ~ .'. •• 6 S,~6,1

,Ban Bea~'i ngs .., ~ ~ ~ ~. " ~ ,~ " . ~" ~ '. . " + .' .. • ~ • " ., '. • i 64

Ca'OO Gear 'Bc'aJ'ing:_;i, - , .. '" .' , .. " . '" - " .. , . ," '" 6',

"C'-'H-'"i\P' ··T'E' R····· 0 0~1 s'-' .', ..... -.',;.. .. /',< ." ......

'.. _ ..' . _ . .... ~"l: .. ' y, stems.. • ~ . .. ~ _, . .. ,. . ~ , , . ,,:\,~~, 'iFc.. 1 1

• • • w • r • • • I] !Ii ~, '!!r.I ........ ;Iti Iii 1

G ~d T 1-'~ .

.in j_ ." e~" ~ ~I e: 22 ..... ~ '" ... " ~ .' '" _ . . ;,' i i .. • " • ., ,. ,', • • '" 6h'

Rep,~air ,~nstructi ons bv"' h-1odrE"~s 6··~7··· 1'0' .t' ~i

. . I r! '. _. -~. ," "I' Ill,. • • "" I. • !!II gj .. ·it ill .j".. . _ .~. 'r l~

Rem~oving ,Ru.ste-d ,Fly"\vheel . , .. + ~ • ~ ~ .• '., •• " i • ~ • ~ 76

Gear Rrducrion A,sit:~m,b .. · 111'.0;:;- .: ~6·'- '''=0

,- o,J'll,.. ", - . J, 'I;.,,~ • ~ ~ '. , ~ " i .. ~ ., .. " • /.) fO ',0'

End' Pla;u' ,Gear Reduction Drive Sh~l,r-:t:': . '79

J. - .,' lC-'iI.~: ~ ill I. '!I .. IE -;. III '. !!.. ~ 0

~1,odel 'WMG, Generator ,~, ~ ~ . "' ' ...... ' ... ,. ~ .... , ~ .?' 79- o i1 Return Va Ives.

: I

. I

,C,H.A:PTE·R 1 O-----Startf;rs ~ '. . .. , " ~ ~ i " ~ • .' ,. .. _ • ~ • ~ ~ 72 (0 '7.:4 Adjusting &:. Assem:bling: .~ .... ~ " ,. '~ .. ~ ~ ~ ~"~ '. , ~ . 7? ",'74 Re'trie-ivable S:r:arfEf!! ,,~;, '. , ~ '" . "' ~ ~ , ,", ...... , ~"~ •. " ., '" 74

. I

, I

CH A"P;TE,:R ! 1 ~S peei ,aJ In f o.rmat ion, . ,_ ~ '~ ;~ ~ . ~ '" . . )' 5 'lO S.l

:p j '0'11

U §np~ ]. n C1' -'n .. '. . ,", . '. . . ,~ ~ .. ' " , -: 5'

-co ._- ·"'[·!I'-'''·!I.~~~·'I1.' •• I. J ..

Po~~'e.[' LQ.s:t ·w hen Hot .... '" ' .. ~ ... ', ~ . _ , . _, -;: ~

• -- _ • I"l ~ •• '!I~!!!!~'!II'f' •• 11-'

A,s~embli;ng Cap ScrevlS to ,Aluminrl'm' 'Pa..rts., ~ .. '". 7:5

~l arp,ed11 ~l!!'net'o PI·g, t'ip . I··':;

... 0 - - "l~.Q...... .....1 ~ I I! .' ~ '.' !Ill '" !II !Ii I. !iJ + ,~ ii· .' _)

011. ,teaks 't.,-, '5",'

• •••• ~.I.,!I'l i 111[.' lI! fll.~ ~~ r:.. I. ~+. m~ .. ,.

I i

, (,t,:'). ,:

• ",II'! m.11I!! ~ .1I!!'!i'+" •• 'Ii 11'1 ~'P.'i'~IiII.I.I!!! '" l;J"

BreM:hers ]' 9- () Ii') ,

I . - .'-;. ~" :. iii. til 'rill ., \. • .. II! .1 i). ~ I. I. !II II!! .. i • Ii .J • • "Ii .. ~, • • • ;&l If! . -, '.~" 6'(_,~

Chan,ge' O;~il Sys(e~~""{'Af.oo:el WM~W'M'IG-'P'C~/M') 8'0 Change Oil 'Pump (M'odeJ J-IB,P'~,WI-WlvfI) , .. , ." 81

C,H,APTER J:2-Toob 8'2' Sf..

~ or .. ~ '.' ~ '. ~ 'i' " • ~ ~ .' ~ , ~ ~ ,. ,. .' ~ .. :.: ",.: itO' " : rLl

M' T' ~I L' T' . ,

: >a jo.r, OOl - . '[S[-' , ,ab],e 24 ~ . ~ ~ ~ i>. ~ ., ~ ., ••• " ~ ~2 to 85" p' ',.'. B,oard, 0/ "-

o Ii !. ~ • ~ r:. .• • II.. •• III 110 '. liil Ii 'Ii "I~ .J ... ! II!- 'it- III ., ... I... Ot.11

" , ,I-


GE- 'N'E'--R' Al' I:N' 'FO .. ·· -R'M':-A' T··'IO'." N'" A" NO' iR"'E"'C' 0-' MM' IE' -N-D'" :- T' .'. ·N· .

- -:- .'-,., .. -':.,', :,"- ,'-",.' ".' ,'.'-.'-" .. ,,--"':',',', ,- , ,".',-" "-"" - ',.,' ',.,,'.'-"-' ::,: --,A_IO,_"·,,._,S.

IJ~]~:,A$ '& Stratton ('ngi'nes are of rhe same bas:'ic 4 srroke cycle design 'used in automobiles, aircraft, trucks and tractors.

As '[ he name indies res, there are four strokes to one complete puvter ,cycle: -

r: I ...

!''!II ._

~:~.~ f ,':.. ...

ri-:- ~.. - . -'I' ., ~ • I .. ~

I~ !II!. •


i I



a, INTAK,E ST,ROKE: The pisron ,goes down, creating a vacuum in the cylinder which draws g:,J.$ through open intake valve into the :Sllac,e above' piston,

b. COMP.RES-SIO·N STROK,E:, The piston comes up with both 'valves closed, highly compressing '[he g:lS, Into the space left between the tOP or [he pis [all 'and cylinder head,

c. ,POIW,ER STIt'OK,E: ,A'r th is point The m:agneto sends high. tension current to 'the- spark plu g~ firing or explodi ng the

com p" I,;5!-{"~.;:.d g' '"is -D nd drivin o· th ""', pi of::f"on down P< - - - -

, ". "l ..... '.:-0 ......... ";;;;L_ "".:liil:", ,'" .;1;' C;. i.. ,'l.;.' ..... l. .'<1:.:1 G,.".,. . ,.'

d. ,E:XH,A'UST STR,OK.E: Exhaust valve opens and '(he upward stroke of rhe piston forces our :311 of ,the burnt gases, r h us compler ing d" e ,po-w,e r cycle ~

. .



i~. good, clean, fr-esl)~ ,:reg,ular gasoline is recommended, 11 gasoline .of lOO high test may form a vaporlock in the fuel Iine when e.ngine. gets hOL This interrupts the' a,ow 'D! gasoline and causes rhe eng:ine to- stop ..

The 'Use of ,high1y leaded gasoline' also is [0 be avoided as. it causes deposits on valve sears, spark plug 'points 'and in the cy.l j nder head, rhe reby shorte n iug engine li fe,

" ..



;'-. s-

C . -- 'EeT LUBR1'C"A-T1'O" N is' '-IM'- O' -, 'lA'N'T

OR,R;_ '- ....• ~" ,I::' .1' ..... I.: _:-_P"'R,_,',,-

I .~.

_ r

,. ..~~_ .;; I _I" I ..

~ --

\X7'e recommend rhe use of Mobiloil "Arctic" or other high .. grade oil having a low carbon residue and a:~ body' 0'0'[ heavier than S~A~E,., No .. 20 for operating the engine in te.mperatures of ,320 and above, For temperatures below 32 0 ~ 'Use Mobiloil "Arctic Special" or orher high grade oil not heavier than S.A.,E. No, ']0 W~ OU base sh{)~ld be fi~l.ed to the

[O,p' .. ' of 1[ he nller pl ug:__·. af r er each, S h ou rs of If ngin e ,oP' erari OfL - , .-; ~ - - ,

. 0. I .. ~ ,_ i... ":_:-';;' ~ ..

• r='I 1- I. ~ ~JfJ-"':

ou S'H'- 'O'UL:" I'D··.· B·····E- C·.···H·'A·~·N::,·G--··E'· .. D·: A··:"FT'" ;-E,,''1R-' E·-A···'C·:'·H-;: 2'" H: O-_--:UR_S,!·-'··· 'O'-"',F-: E:N~'-IG: ,'·'IN,TE:" O··.···P,ERA'TIO········,N···· In normal -runnina of a:r e~gi[le. small paI~';cl~s of metal fro;" the cyli n~Er walls, pistOns . ~nd - bearings will' . gra,duaUy' wortin~<t~~~ oil Dust particles from, the air also ,gel into 'the oil. If the oil is nor changed regula rlYJ these foreign parrides cause In-

creased friction and ;3, grindin.g action which shorten the life of the engine. Fresh oil also assists in cooling, .for old oiJ . " '

. ~ I 1-

gradually 'becomes thick and loses irs cooling, e-,ff,ecr as well as its lubricating quali ri es, " ~ . ,,-.' ~101; :"~",,,,_l;--.:.._. .r- - ~

}" . . • I .. I ~-1 ........ I ...p~ ,.

Oil in. the air cleaner should be. changed every 25 hours of engine- operation. Ric-fin with clean oil to the oil le"',e,rI!l~r~~_~~~.f.:-:.~-~'~

- , ; , - '.," - d"" i '., - Id b '.1 - 1'" ~':" .

Dirty ope,ra.'tlng: conditions require more [requenr changes. Under extreme conoruons, oil shoul ne changed hp.u.rr·;:~~;~/i:' ~ ._

_ ' ,. _ v- r, • '~ .. -_ '~I ;~ .... _ "~i I r: I

-r • • .-- • .._ I-

I .-\'~", ., .s, -

~ ,

.-:-. ,I 31.,' .._~_I

Ex h a us r gas:es con ra i n c.a rbon men ox i de w-r~jch is odorl ess and a d ead ly poi son. P t op·er C~ re m u s t be taken [0 provide f,fficie'flt ventilation v.,'n("n runn i ng- an engint: indoors.

F ill the crankcase and a,i: r c.lean('u' 'Q",. ir 1 ~ prOr'(;I oi 1 b,tforl' sr ~ rd ng cngj nc, 'see. rhat oi i: Ievel is maintained,

Do nOI n,n the ,gasoline lank ~·hi.h: the ;tngine' i~, running. Ave,id ,spiiEn,g g(L~olin(" on a- hot' engine=-this may cause :30

explosi on and ser i ous in i my .

I ·.IJ I


101 _. ._


_ ..

. _

- -

. ! I I.. _.:_

~., ,:': p..

. ~ .: .. ! ., .. ~

_ . ~:;I':)

" , ' "[

• I. _ . . ... ...... -"

. . .. ~ .

. - ~ ~


- . ~




Each Briggs '& Stratton e'ngin(~ carries ill. basic 1\fodt,~ Letter or Number, such A, B, ZZ~ 5t ] 4) 23., err. This V-T,iU be lou od starn pt~d on rhe metal narncpla rc, Engines hr1ying special f,c'a'turf's are identified by add,j tional letter or numerals ajr~x:td to the basic model letter or number such as ,AP'~ ,AR,·6~ 14f.BJ etc, For example: Model A,R~6 is. a model ,A engine 1V]'Eh a 6~to~] gear reduction, 6H is a. horizonrol Model 6.

U' d ~ d f .. f' 1 b ~ dl h' ial j ,.

se the same ,parts an; rnernoc 0" repair ;a1S ror r If .,,351-( mooes, except wnere speciai mstrucnons or p.lrrs are men-

t ioned, The following lists explain the letter symbuls used:


G-=---Gen era tor H:-High Speed L-Alu.m.inum"

pl~D,irect Crankcase Mounting

R~Reductio.n Gear

.M,~1\4ar~n.e Conversion S~Suction Carburetor

'T -..-.:Marine Transmission


BASIC M··O·D·E· );.1V':'II 'B"ER' " .:.,'. '. L, l, ,,' '. (1'1.:.:·" ~'

B-BaU Bearing

C...._." romatic Choke: ·D"-Pov.:er T:akeoR'

Revolves Clockwise F----- Flange Mount in g

,H ~·H~,or izon tal.

P~Fuel Pump Gear S·-Snction 'Carburetor


B,AS Ie 1 C'Q'RRESP'OH'D ,II "'6
, 1
- - I, . . .
A . AGR-,4, AH, AHL,. AH lP A,HP.,.
I . , .. ,.
AHM,,, AH':M'T, AHR---4, AHR-6, Al .; ALP,
ALR,-"4,, Al:R--6", AP AM', AMT'"
" "
'I I AR_-4, A,R-6
, .
: ,. f
" BH:R-,6, BHLR ...... ,4, BHLR--6, st,
,I BLP" BLR-4, B LR~6, 8M BMG, ~ 1
, ., ,rJ
; , 8P .~R"_4t 'BR 6
1 " _o' ...... - ... ,
I "'FH ,
- _. "
F I ,
, ., .' -
FJ' '. FJ FJ
, r ~, 2
H • I
, . _, " - ,
~ ~ B, 1 BHP I BLP JI BP J L,. ~. tR-.6 ~
, , f ,
I MT .• J: Pt ! R'.-+6, r S t, J PR f .. 6,i J' PR6
, - .. . -.
, K' II K L, K,LP; KL,R ...... 4 KlR-·6,. K,,M',;' .KP"
, l' ,
I K,R--6,
KR' 4
'" " ,.. '," - .- ..
t . .
l A·
, - .
M . ~v1'C - \.
! ' . i.: ... I
1 -- 1 - . .
, - N NP. NR'-:6 t. NPR ,l 61' NP.R6
: -', ' ,'.' ..
. -_.-
1 MS' - .,
I NSPR I 6. NSP'R'6·
- --
,. -, - -
, Q
- -.
, R !
. RC ,
-- - .



BAiIi:!":1 C"

I ,'~~t ':'








U UR--2.1.' UR-6



ZH, ZHL, ZHLP, ZHP, ZHLR~4, ZHlR-6, ZHMt ZHR~4, LHR-6 Z'L " Z L P t Z L. R'- 4 r Z l R ..... 6, ZM ZP t ZR-4., ?R~'6


·6 I 6H" 6HF, 6HFB, 6HS, 6HSF_" 6:;"





98, 9FB, 9FBC, 9FBP, 9P,

I '

.t...~,_, '_ 9.R6 J,_ 9R6 to

114, . I ~I 4,8" [ ,4~·~· . a 4: FB' , :~.t1 F" B' ,C' -14', F' :r~ PC,--,

, ,.,. ~ r i"'- '. I , J., " 'I ' ,:p

14FBP, J-4Pj 14R6., 14R6D

. ' ,

238, 23FB, 23FBPr 23FBPC,

23P, 23PC, 23R6, 23R6D


• . ". • ',!", _. " ",' .•





.I' ..


J 'I




"",rQ r e c ornme no t h at t h,p f 0 I low i rig p t DC ed u r e t.e fo I ,~ owe d in ov e rh au ling' a l ~

h r i ~ j q ~ ! S t r a t 1. nne r ~ [9 i n ~ ~ s .,. ,1.'j 5- P c S s i b 1: e r o .: f COL!' r ~. (_ J' t hat t hie· s· f~ 0 P e' rat ion s be per ......

f ,:. ' -"I': f:: t1 1 n 6 j' f f e r e n ,t s e q i. F f~ n .. t· b u t "~-~H· bel i e v (' t r'i a. tJ r·' r f -0 r rn 1 n 9 the 5 t e p s r nth e s am ,e r r c:~ t'~'- t:' V 'e r,Y t j ni e i n ere iJ. ~ e ,s e f fie len c y ~ p.! if s t e p s may not. ben e c e s s ,8 r'y 0 n eve r y ~~. n 9 I f'~, e ~ 1 h e C 0. n d i t ion 0 f 1. h ~ If' n 9 i: new 'i J l d e t e r m i n {; V'll' hat s h 0 u r d bed 0 n ,e'. ,. H owe~ e· r , :. ri c, s t e- r s I is t ,~ din t h e ,,,T u n e U p t s e e :p age ) 5 h 0 U I d b e per for me d i. n e V ,e rye ,a, s e "

-:- h e G p e: rat ion s ~ i s t 'E'-' dar p l'y tom 0 d~.e J ~ i n d 'i Gat e d b Y a n II x U ,~ . ' ... -r.;·. +



r - - -- ~ ,I MODE L "-'~; ,- ~ : i - ~

11~~r' v~(:rd5, remove and inspect or reassF~mbl@, shouJd"~':~~~~~~~~~'~ __ ~~·_I.~'~~'~-~~~

. be L;nd 0 r s t OOd 'j' n esc st ep un r e s s ario t h,t\ r ope rat i on

I _t:".l~ C h, ~~ ~., c h 'e c k ;r t e st (1 r ad jus tiS ': n d i c. ate d .,.




'"'" i, .oj ~ - l 5 ~ IU S·

" I.' J "" -....", n'.'-·

ZZ • B~' i 5: W']

N 8





I ~ t . Air C I e an e r 'X x x x x x X

I!-------~-- ,---' .. ---..........--~--~---~-~~~~-~-~+----+~~-i----i~~ ......... ~~~~+---i

I 2 ~ t .. ~u f f 't e r ( Remo v e on 1.1 vlh e n nee es sa ry ) 'I X 'X )('! " X x x x

Fuel Pipe x x x x x x


Fuel f1 I~er y~.k_e-bow1-9~:~a~s_k_e_t_~-_·~s~c~r~~e~-e~n~·i~o~n_t~y_'~~~~~X~~X_- ~~x_. ~_x_·~~~+_I __ . ~~,,_x_:~

~_. ~_.5 __ ~·~f_l·-_'a~n_,k_·._o_u_:,t_. _1_'e~t~a_,~.s~s.~e_m_b~l~y~' ~ __ ~~ __ ~~~~~ __ ,_~ __ ~_~_~~~_~ ~ __ ~~x~'~~~~

~ -·6 F -;, Air c I e an 'e r e ii' b 0 'IN 0 r pip €.' ~ X X X X' x

- - 'j



I ...

Carburetor and 1 inkage x x x x




Check- 5pac~ beiween upper and ~ower bodies rheck thrott~e shaft and bushino for wear

~' - ~ . - - - - . - - . _r -

x x


-- -

9. D i s.a s semb l e c a rbu re t 0 r x x

-......::...._-+--~~~~~~=~~---~~~---~-,=-- ..... _~-~~---+--~- ......... -~-Il-~ ........ ~.............jF-~-+-----.;I:

S pin f i ,) IN hE' e ~ tee r~ e eke om r::.! <:~ s 1 <::!_i _~~~~_.....,........,+-=~X--+ __ X'~~X~: ~_X_' ----f~x=. =+_x_: ~~X ..... ' ---I

Sp a r ~ p lug ,~, Ad jus t '9' a P,C lea n r t est )~ K X X x x

t _{ [Gap 1m 025) ~_~------I -~-............jt~---f..-----If.~...".,,;;-f---=-f.~===t=~

j Ca. rb u ret 0 r i.n t,_a_k_e_-~ ., ...... e._r:_b_:o:...._y ....... v ........... ~~ _,,~~_~--+_x_.·.··..........f--=--,-x_ .. ·--I-~:x~·~ ~_.x_ .. -+-.:1 ~~+---~-+~X"---1

! Fuel t ank .. Rernove f r orn tank b r ac k e t l cn l y x x x x x x X

\I~:h en t. an k ~ ~ two lJe ,r~~ _8_,C ~·d ~~.-"~---~--f-----+- __ +----~-....-r.I~_+---~=+-~~+-- .........

: i4.. Rope s t a r t er p I I ~ e:y





I ~

~. i _...,.,

L.~·.L'~ ,I

• ,






,x x x x


x ·x x x x X x

I 16. Ch ec k air S!!1e.J 8 rm at u re to fly ~h fOe I._~~~~~~.~~.:. x _ = ,~,_~, ,-------i _.~~ ~x~ ,._x_/ ---=I'~ ............... ~

f .......... -' _7_ ... --+-___.:.,.V_a~~_v_e __ .· ·-.~C~:' o~v_,· -"e~r~-' _~.~ _"'~. ~~~._~~~~~_ ~~~~~~_~~~x=· r. ........f=-.~x~-+~x_' ----+_x~+--_.x'___Ir----x-.· ~i==-=x~:~,

18 m Bre a t he r f C'OVe r J St. r a i" rH2 r and moss. on l y x X ·X x X' x x

on 9- l4-23-'A-,S-ZZ~

.Ii---~--+-----~~. - - --

Cy ~ i nc e r head and sh i' e I d


x x

", "


i ;,.;.. ~

x x x


X : X

Check tappet clearance

- .. ~~~~-~-=

2' ~ ~ R 0 P e .s t.a r't e r p u I ! e.y


22~ Flyweel x IX [x X X

~--~~~~~----~~~==~~=-~~~----~- ---------~~-'.~- =.~=~~.--~I~~~~--~~~,~-=~----~l --~

23~ po i nt cover x x x x I.x x' x

1"- ~"""~4~~- ....---=~~...::..,_,_",~-~~~~...........____=-~"=.. .--

L .' ., C h e c. k b rea k e, r poi n t gap ,. , G a. p ~ 0 2"0 l' For x x X" 'x x X'

repl~a.cement of points se'e s.tep f.7 _~, 7,3) ~

Chec k po i nt p tJ unge r h o I e~. To r e bu fi.h SE"e

81 ep 63 .. _ ~~ __ . ~.~_ ,_. __ --

2[6~ 8 re ake r box ,x

w---' ~"--....JL-..-~~=--~==----'~- ~.~~~----~.~,__.~- .. ~ , •.•. ~ " ,~--.-= .. -.-~ .,.~', ~.-- .. ~·~~-~_.e ~~t------~..-+ ~~---I--~-==I

2'7 ~ D r a i n 0 i ~ x x x x ~ x X

II·_.~~~ ---.-- _~r-:iI'I. - ~.'" -~,.-- _.. ._.~:JIiI ;;--=f--.~-=+---4=-~~......:.....~r--_..,.........=+-~___,

2B~ Base x x x .'X x :x:1 X

_.~~~_~- .• ~_~~ .~_== p_, __ ~ ~ __ . __ ._._ .• ~,~~, ._. ._ .... L.,~~._ _-I!"'_~~~-+-~--I~~

29 '. ME: chan i c a ~ 9 0 v ern 0 r p a r i s

~~~4!'~-~- ~.. - .. -_., I~" II !J;-~- 1.:1.' ••• .. 1;;;;;;;;;;1 ••

30~ connectj'ng rod and p i s t cn f rorn eriql ne

:~-~~---"'Ii----..-t'II"" _ .. "----~ .-~. a.~~IIII .. ~!,,!~~a;_ .,--_ ._.1-

II ,314' Ch,eck end p~ay.

- . - ., . ...,:..,..~-----,~~--.-.- ~.-- ,-,,~~ -_._....-_- ----

3 2: ~ T B' S t C,O n den s e r ,., (To rEO p I ale Sf: e s t e p (J6

or 72)

1 [, ,

x ' x

x x x

~ ...... ~.....: !!I~.......f ~-_",f,-~-=-=-I


. ~---f=.-- .. -.~, ~~- . .-t-~"""",+~~~-~I


x x


v ' ......

X' , x:

x' 'X

. , .

: v A








, [ I

'---': .~-""'t'-'~_.-, ' --

--~---'-~~ 't' ._. ____:; 1......:.1":' .. L~IIl_ • .. .• ~~.!!!" ._.. i _ .......... __ .. _~J



33., RG~t ,0 r

I=-~--i--- ~~~,.~~ .. -.- ~~.-.-.- ~.,~.-- --',=.~ ,-.~~, .--

3, 4 ~ T & s teo i I; •. ( -J c~ rep I a (.: e S (:.! ~ S t (.~ j; 7!-'~}

~--~ ........... --~~~~~~~-= ... _-'. ---~ ... ,~,_, ~ ,'-~

35·~ Test armaturle,:. ('To repl'ace sen stpp 64}

~~---=-=t-~-~~~----, - - . :~!'I:~.I'W'!!" -~'='" --~_ r..:III-do=.1 •• _"._-

36~· len i: I an d a rm a t u rea sse rr. b l' .Y

JI;.--~,~:,~ .- ~ -.=, ... --,_~~- ~a_

37,~ : B~Ck. p'llat,~

II.-~~""""_~~,." ~..,_,...,,;. .. ~ ,_ ~. -,- ~-- ~ ~, ~~- .. --. - - =-------_~ ,_~ ~ '~~R -----.~.-; -_.-. --,_

38.· ,I Governor b~,a.d'f:," ('10 rep:loc..e SIp(" step 6~)} Y II i-

~~_-'~,"""",,_. __ ;_"'I"=. ~_~~-~~~~=----o~=_.L.-~--!.,,----.~~~ .. ~;__'~-i!-~~':I;.,.' _-:

__ ,_, ! ..;; • r~ , , _----'- ~~


....... iii • • __ ._.... .1._ :.1'. .... 'I

, ~x"

__ ~~ ..... __ .__ ~ I'""'!!-

'-'1'11 ·-- ...... 1.'

X !




X :, X

--_._, '-'~~'f---=--""'-'," ~-.~.~--i=~~ -~.~__::..,·+-I ~~



'J ---- --, .~-;

x x [

~-,.,.~ -----. -~- -----f-' ~




The wo rd s, remove and inspect 0 r reassemb I e, shcu I d be understood in each step un~ess another operation such as check, test or adjust is ;ndicated~







23 I ZZ' B







5 I NS 6 [WI


42~ *Crankshaft x x x ~ x x x x

l'~~_'------:::' ~-----::--. ~----:-~:--~~~~---- _. ~'~:------:--~"""""""'~.--~~~--+-~--+---+-~~~4--~-+-1 -.....__.__~~

43,.. Check c r an k s haf t . (cran:kpin) journa~s,; .I:x x X I X X r x .~

:. _D.ow[e r take-of f.) ~

Magneto, .. Check bearing with plug g:8uge



X' x

x , y.


! [


• . 'I'

Blearing support. Fi rst remove burr at set screw ho~e and keyway on 9-14-23. Check bear!ing 'with p l uq gauge ...



46~ Check~ut~t~._~~~k advance_ .. .~----~-~-x- .. ~-~--~-~-~~-

47. Taope t s 'X x


48 ...

Cy lin d e r.. C· h e c k :b 0 J e 1 b ear I n 9 ,

quides and seats

. ,--~~ :

Cyi'inder from crankcase I x ,; J

.. . ~ .. ~. .~---~~ -- -------------l!------I----= ... -~i"=__~_+_-.........,._~~---.-.--. ~--'

Di sassemb Ie connec t i ng rod and pI st on x X' x x ~ x I x 'X I;

_ • •• • u • ~ • i . ._...!

C h e c k pis ton L .r i' n 9 s r con n ,,. roo diP 'i s ton p 'i n x X' 'X xix' x X' i

i .1

. - .

41~ Crankcase cover

Va~ves and springs


'V ~





53. Hone cyl inder bore to next oversrze x x x x f x i x

... ~-~~_n~~.~ ............ ........;....~ ............. ~~....f-~.......;:...~___;... ...........j!..~...........ij..~--I

........,......~5_4_.---l'r=-1 _·R_e_,;.· p I a ~ e val v e 9 u ide ~ 1 n t a k e~ 0 rex h au s t -_) __ x x x x x X I X

,-.~.~ .a.;;,:;:;a, ...... ~I!; .--.:jf.=-,a;;...~,.'4' .~ .. =--~. ---7--~1 -'~=-=+--""""""'"

55., ~' .n S t a I I val va 9 u i d e "j nt ak e 0- rex au s t ) x ' ' x I '}.f

. '~. . .. ~ - -~=. -- - --+---~=-+--==~ -+--~--F-~-.__:_-____t-~.~

5·6 ,ii Ref' ac:.e· v a r ve and sea. t a i1 d 1 a p iI' { 0 n eon I .y ,. x x ", x x x X'

intake or exhaust ~ double for both]

. . . ..., _. . . .. ~~-.~.~~,~~ ~ ,~~="""-__II_==_=_~~~~_+_-__+_-__+---r:

57. R~place exha.;.u. st valve seat.i.~sert x x x x x

~~--~~~-------.~---~--~~----~~~~-----~-.-. --=.--~~~_4~--1-~~~~~--+-~~~~

,58. ~~nsta.11 'intake va.lve seat inse r t x x x ·X X

~~. ., ... ..-.__. -~--- -~

59.· Re p l ac e cy l l nd e r bu sh l np x r X X

--..........;.~____:_--~,..........:..-~~ ~-~ ~-~-._ ~--. -.---.--.-.--~.-,..., .----~-.- ,-.----+~~

~6~,O~':·:,~ .. + .. R€.p .. ]ac[B o l l se a l x x x X' X

- ~~. __ .~~. ~~ ~~-~,~=~-- ~.'_-------,-,.~- -~--+-- __ ---4--_ ........ ~.---~-""'*'-=-.,.,.......................j..~------h---_____,.q

6~~ Rep.~aGe breather' body ',II x

•• 1 ,I

I 45 ..

"Cam s h a f t and qea r



X I x

x x


.X ,








x x


. I

L :

, .

h ~ _

J [Iii

x r x:~ x

x .f: x


x I' x

.. ilii .... r I

X ~ 'I




[ , ~



, l



52. Clean parts

crt ~ HDER


; I , ~



, I

69 ~ ~ ~ p ~ a c ~: . t h ro t t ~_ e s _~ ~ f .t, ~~.:,~ ~ __ i n ~ ~~~ = __ 70~ Reassemble carburetor


_,_._-- ;_.-- .- ... ,I""'~'=f=..~-F.o



- . ----

71~ I R~~:ac-e- b r eak e r sb a+t

I-~'-~ ~ .. -, - '_'. -.~-=~- .... "-~.-.. ., ~- -- --.-. --- .

.. On mode l S AP~·~.-N'P-BFB remove cam shaft aod push cam gear int 0 cyl i nde r poe ket be ore rencv t ngl C ranksha ft.


X' X


)( X

. ,

X I,











I .!

I i






1 h e wo r d s " r ern 0 ve and 'i n s pee tOr r' e ass em b 1 e , S h 0 u I d 1J;.---..._-=~""""""-_----.r"'_M_:O_0--rE_l_ .. _~_.,..-_......I

t·, t' 'U n ,d c r s t a o din e a" c. h 5.1 e pun 'I e s san 0 1. her ,0 :p '8 rat lo n / :~ 9

I .r.uch a s check", t est Dr adjust is indicated. :N ' ~4 '5 NS

!: .s 23' Z Z B 6 !;. W'I




7D. Replace coil or armature o:r both


'I I




~, - ....

i6~ '/ Rep~! ace automat i c spa rk advance w'e r ght and sp rl ng' ..

. ._-



Reas.,sem,b:le the pa r s and make pr0per adjustment in the fal 10wing sequence.

-- (






x x




77~ Cy1 inder to crankcase

78,~ I' T'appets

79'[. *Ca_~ gear, cam sha'ft and pIug


I 80~ Crankshaft and bearing support

"w'ith b r e ak er p~unger

x x

'X x

y x

or maqn et a



a I ~ 1 C ran kc.ase cove r




82. Adjust end p~ay with gaskets x x' x


x X




Bre ak e r ~ox a,sselmbl:y_._ x ,

. I l

'8·4.. Breaker point gap.. Cf e an and adjust X' 'I x . x x x x x

, 8:;.Pistcn, p is t on pin, c onn , rod .. AI1,gn~, x I >( x xix X Xl

I~· '. ~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~-~~~~'_~~~~--~F-~~~~~~~~

t .s 6 · ~ i rf9' ,5 _ X ['X [x. x [:x x X'


-f 8 7 ~ I l n s t -a ~ I pis. t '0 n _ a, n d con nee t ] n 9 rod i n x x Yo X I x X I X

I 1 c Y.:I' i n d era. n d s ~ r ncr a. n k s h aft

~~eChanical BDvernor parts.

V Al



. ,I

80 . 8[' ~, S" ,e'

_, • r.:;:J. ... '

.x x


90" Base [with 2: mounting screws


i 9~~ Base with 8 mounting screws


! x



92.. Roto r

~3.. Bac k p.1 [ate


i x



94. co'r ~ and armature ass.embr1~'·,..............~_.

95~ ~h~ck rotor timing



96,~ Adjust rotor ti::m.rng


. . . --

Breaker point cover






x 'x! X




,- ~ . ", ' .

Rope starter pul fey

v ......

x x

Adjust ,a,:rmature t.o f~y_whe~1 at r g:ap

Check spark x i x X X

'~oo '. I 0 1 •.



x x



Ad just va I \Ie ta£_Pet c 't eara.nce~ .. _,,_,. . __ ~ __ ~--t-_:x_'.·.---+~'=x=- .. .........f-! ~x~ .. · _..."",.;-~x~. ~_x_:.~~x----'fo,:~:x_"'_"

Va l ves , s p r l n qs , r eta lne r s x x x x

Recheck tap_p~t c l e a r anc e

102 .. I 0 3,~

X:·· I X

[ .




I 04 ~

I nt ak e ·e ~I bow





v n

- .

I 05.. Cy ~, i n d e r head ;r cy lin de r s h 1 e I dIe y 'f i n de r

, head cover




1- _

,~06~ Recheck spark plug gap~ Assemhie plug

with graphite on threads~ Check compression







t---___............._~___....~-~~~=----~--~ -,-~"- ,.rl'~ ____.....-----~~-=-=--~.,~~_=+~_t~-~-'-=--"""'iI_-_+_-_+-~---""""..~:

I; x II x

~07;; Breat he r




Valve cover x x x X X

F----~~f___~--"....------~~"--~,--=------.......-..,..~-. ~'~~--~-~--~'---~~~~Ii"--"-+--=-=--t'~~--+--=-_.",;.f-~<t;-~

Cerbur-et o r arid ~J inka_9_€' x x:1 X X 'X ·X X

[I Pn eumat 'i' c gave rna r , ~he-ck. ,a.nd ,a I i' gn x / 'X'

, I DB"

.. " .. :: ", ..




![II~' t~i,echan;cal g,ovennof- Ch'eck and adj u s t x I x ~I »: !:

--.. - . _-_~~ __ ~-=+-~---'=:-_"""""...."......JI._'_""'~~_~~_'_';""'~~~~

On mode 15 AP:- ~ ~IN P-8·f R the r; rank~h;lft most bf_;

ins. l e,d bef ore cam ~h~ f t iI

. <; ~.' -:;'. I

........ .

~ :
1 TAB'L~E' 2 ' O"V:'ER"HAU"l AN'!D- T"'U"NIE~-UD pnIO'~C'E-'n'UDE'-('C'O('w'l'D"')'

,:,,';.- ,,' -- ' ....• ,", _' .. ' ,_,;,' .,' ·,'r _ 'n:_, =,11}. •. ,111\,',-, "." · n I , .



The words, remove and inspect or reassemb1e, should be understood rn each step unless another operation such a~ check, test ~r adjust is indicated~


, .-


X' ~ x
I -
X x ,8, II owe r hous [ n gi :, x x


Rope starter RU! ~ey x x


Fu,e'~ tank x x x x X il X x

--~-·~~!p.~''' __ :IIO~'''~JI~ ;I,-.;;;;u~.....iI.~\"'---~ -.:.:;'~=9iJ ....;;--~,;;;;....._ ::..~- I' ~+----=I!

Fue I f j' ~ te r p a rts sc reen , gask,e,t", bow I, x X' X X x



v ,..

~~6,. Outlet as s ernb l y ~"I

:~ ~ 7 ~ Fu e I pip e ,, __ ----~ ~~~~___+__~~,f_____-x_____i~--+==_-_,~-__+__~)(~'~-x__;:

I 18. .A ire ~: e an e r e I bow 0 r p l P e x x

x I
'~ , x ,I
, x :X'
x x
x x
. II
X ,
)r 'I .. : • _, ("J- ..

-~: ~"'.- \' "

:: -t._. I. ~ .. ~:' I~:


• "Ij

~ I.


..... , T-h ...... ,'~e ..... a .... T ...... :u ..... m ..... e-·· -U-p-C' ..... o""""'n ...... s ...... j ...... s.t ...... t s ........ · ' ..... o-·'n-;; [-y-'" -o~',1-'" -t-h-e-f-j -'ft-':,e~,€ ....... :n ....... : --s,.....:t-:e~p-s- .. -r-j'-s-l.-ea-.,. -b-.,e-·,~~! o-w~. ~~~,,:,~: 'i~' C=Jl~.1 ~i~n-c-~:-u-d~e=s~n""""';"o'==·"~!=re""""';··.p'-=a.~··· .. ·~ 1~: r~' s- -: ,.--T-h~e~s-e--s-'t-€PS !

,~- I • - 'Ot '1' I . . . . '0' It... ~ '.' ,'_.A'..--.A ~ r. J'

~ :' a pp_1 y I. 10 a:' mode 11.s except St ep #,2 Yml c~ u app.ll I es 'to l:i(-iJu'€; 11'.s N---.B--.-9-' 1,4-=-23 on ~ y ,"'= Step 11-3 to Mode' :Ii S N S-- 1:

f···! .. Y!Jr ..... ~s.-:5~.S only and Step 116 to N--,N,S=-,WI~W.As.-5S--6,~8 only, I

~ i

,j. a~ I nspect condenser and b reake r polnt connectIons. ';

9,., Rea.ssemb 'I: e parts except air c I eaner ~ ,f


lo. '~ F'i r I' c renkcase wi th o I ~

J L. Sta,rt en'g 1 ne ,.

J 2~ Check. spark wi til. teste r No. ,MPJ- n iNh i' j: e

,~.' .



.: It'

~ , ~ '[ I ,~, I nspect air c I eaner.

~I. - vr

~- ,

;" . .. . [' .2 Oi C I e an f u e I pip e ~ f u e' I f i ~ t e r an d tan k


'. ,J' ~. • ,~ .. ,. ,'.".on 9 rav i ty feed system;

~ -. '. , . '..' ·i. ':::', . .', ' "., ; i ~ -, " 'I

~~,~' '. .. .. t" ~ .. 13,. Ctean. fuel p l pe, out I et assemb Iy and


'''. ,-~ . t,anK on suet i on feed sysren ,


i.., :~ .•. ~.~ ..: 4. Rock. f Iywhee I to check ccrnp ressi on.

5 .. Test snark, p-: I ug:·, .•.. c:~ eon and reqap.

.. l~," "... !

6. Check and adjust governor bl ade.

;~i.:·7"'1< Inspect hreaker poi rrt s and adjust to .,02JU.

] 3;, ,14 .. ,15.,

• ~ ill

en'g II' ne ~ s runru ng ~

Adj ust carbu retor.

Set govem~o:r to c-oirrect 'en'g i ne speed' ..

C I e~an" ref i I ~ and reassenb I e air c I eaoer,




'~.' .


IiJ.,[..' •

. ,

:': .;

, '

, ,


I . ,I

, i

I .' I , f , I

r' .. at-m "-~~~ p; .. ;;a7~_-z~~ .• '. __ " ;;s:;;;.. ... ,~~____,,_.~,~~~.-- ..







CHAMP] ON 1 AUT') l - IE '











:; It ( 5 0 i 9 ." t ,) 8 C -0 m'" B 7 ...- ...,...._..__.~it ,...;;._O' O.:;;;_··- .• 7_· 4'.:......;" 0;;....,;0;..,;;::.5_.· -;--:.~~~o :~Oe-9~. 0..;;...> O~· -7..:......·.· --I-=....".,.:.....~ J~' 2;;....",,~· ~t,......._o_' .,,:._3.~/ _4---;·' . ...,._.,,=-------.......;,_! ~t_o~· __;"I ~~ I_'" 4==-1' '.

'A (. D ,. + t) 8-- c. om * -*" -.:, ~ t

,; ,'. ~ 6 :. [i:9'" . "'"' 87'. OO·g ., 007 " 0 t I 'i~ OOg· .,12 to .3/4., f' ._ 0 I ~ .1.-- 4 .. '

" 1- ~ = . - - .. - .- _.. .

i !.~ (TPA Ex Val:ve) 8 com *' B7~' .009 ',.007 !! '0 i 6 .. 0 1:4 1/2 to .3/4 ' t, to I !,/·41

~I ~.·B -( .. 5 .. -~~i'f·):" ~~8·- .• ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_~~~' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

,. 3 com *: 87 ~ .,0.07 .~005 [ ,.009 ' .. '007 ]l2 to 3/4 I to I; ~/2'[

! Il~. - -.-. _~_ •

:, : a ('6 D··i g. ~ ·t· ,. 8 com * B 7 * .. 00'9 .. 00 7 ~ 0 I f ~ 0- 0 9 .1 I 2 t 0 3/4 ~ t '0 ~ t I 2 .

-.. ~ - ~ .. _

~ B (TPA Ex valve) 8 com * 87 *·~~I_._O_O_g~1_,_OO_.7_·~_IO_j_~6_·~+li_O_t_·4_ .. ~,,~1_1_2~t_o~3_/4_:.~~~I~t~o~I~~_I.~2!,

.t :,F:H 8 -com *. 67 ~=--_-+--'; _1_1_'1_6---1-1 1,_J~3_·.2_:: --+-,,_,0_.: _]3 ........ : +' .=-,O~··~J ,_I =-+-~ __ N_o~n_e~~-+==~~I.,---=-t_o~. ~1~I_i_.2--3·

r;J if I 8.,com *- 87' =- .• 007 l.~·OO:? .,007 tOOS None .3/4 to ~,

- - -. .


B," J~H~.~J~-~~-=-------+----88 ... __ : ~cC.~.O~-:-'· *~.- _~~---BB_:.·~77· .•.• """""__:~--4··--· 0 LJ ;. O.9? "~ 0,21 .... ~-q J~. __ : - . ~·~-N~Oo:.·~~ee-.·-·~-----t---,_............_.....,~ t;oO I~ I~ .'; ..•. 44:.

l. • 0 1 I ~ 009 . 02 II I ~ 0 I 9 ~ ,

I ,~~i~~--------~-J~-~~--A-7-r--~------- -~~-~------~-~-----~~

~'; . r-_____,..._~_" ~O~O",,-=9-i; ....... 1i _00 ....... · 7..."..:' ---+-----' ~II 'O_.·, _[ 6~: + ... _O_·. _~ ·4~·· -+-_Il~· 2_·· =t~o_3 ....... ·1 ...... 4~: --I----=---'_~: _t~o~.: .."....._.....l _ll/_4~··1 ,

~ ~ .;»: !

:: ( ~. 8 C om I. 8 7 ~ . 007 i .. 005 l ,. 0 1.5 ~ 0 I 3 LI 2 t 0 31 4 toll, Lot 4-

.~ L B com * B 7 .it· • 0 It. 009, : ,I 02' f .~ 0 1'9 Non e t 0 ~ II 2

f' -

't, i~! B com'" B7 '" .007 !.D05 f.009 i~007 None to I 1/4

'';1 'fr:~I[~M,~·r~D.-'41 ... ·f.,· 8·.·.~-c.-o~~-~,,· _*'" 118"'7." ~ _-1 - I : O·~· .[ J.I .. ", ..... "..1 .. 1 to .. : 3 .. /" 4.·· t I .

i~·: . ('"I. n:1 .• ,007 J".Oq.5, 1,009 .'.'0_7 ~ ,?:.cO I ~/4

, =(: 1 ~ J 8":" A·' '7' F_·~·· : 0 o . g-. i 0', 07 '!. 0 ~.6 0., I i.L ~ / 2 t 0 31 4 t 0 I: .1/-4-

: ~ ,_"-----~ ,",. . . ",. . I iii . ~ , II.. ,

I ~I, - - ~-_li__~-------~~-=----~" ~-_I=_~- ~. -----J=o-----~,..-.......---=-~-------,.._.........~-=--~-~

d' ~rF 8 com * B7 ~ .3/.3·2 'Il ~·6 ; .. ,02 ~ '.019 None 3/4 to [

t Q 8 com *--- -. .87 ;t' ~ 007 i.~ 0'05 : ~ 009 . ~ 0·0'7 I' "N·one' 3/'4 to I

i~R=: ~~--~~--~~-8-r~C~c-m~*~~-~'B-~7~"-'~~' ----4I-.-0~O-7~·.·~~O-:O~·.5~··~j~.~O~O~9~,-O~O~7~· -~-I~·l~>2~···~t~:.O-·-·3~/-~·4-'~!I~~~1~t~~O~:~~I-/~4.

'i ~ _ _..........~ ___,..,._~~ ~.,..._...,._...... ~_ '. .-. ~_~__"",_~ •• ~~+-----..__..-...-_......---.=_.......-=I-~""_"~ __ -=-_"""""'__~

8 com * 87 * .. 007 .. 0"05 ,,009"~007 None ;t to 1/2


to t 1/4

to ~ ~ /·2 1

; ~,

• I



! I

; .

.. .1.

! ~j.

i I: - '4

: .~

t ~





.. cham p ; on N '0.. 5 0 r Aut 0 l' i t e BT II A .(1 re r e. comnen d ed for con t i nu 0 us he a.\'j' use ,



I 1







. ,

- , ' , ,


., ,,'


" .

.... ... .. , .. _, -- -~-.~ _.' .',."""'-


i f t II: e t y P e n u m b € r i' 5 I~' 5 ted i nth i s tab ~ Er <>, - ; ':'

at R P~v1 i n d j' cat e d '9 :I f t y P E_" n urn be r 'i s not I~' s 1. f; d

These· spe·eds allow for a. drop in RPM VoI'hen 1;,hf"

Be'fore s e t t l nq the e:ngi"ne Gpeed" see type number is ~isted, set engine s~eed see Tab~e 5 for standard Speed Setting~

I .. I ! Ii d'

:., r • • ! . 1·~',

l o ad i s app r en ,

TYP'£: III 0. iNPH

.- -- _--



95566 ' L450 : 9558' I ,2225

'g, ' f).5 8'·' 3 :' 2',' 2' 2" 5-

;" .~, •• ' • • ~' , , • . I - "

I[ '951608 " '~900 ::

I 958'34 ,2'500 9,5.8,53, : 29.20 959 10 13.300

95,9 19 ,2:400 959'25 l6,OO 05938 2"50""0'

,~' ", '. ".":,,,'

95939 ! 230,0 95946 250'0 ;

g'~'9',6"~ 5' , 2",,7:'0'':',0'':

~. '-:-' ',' ," ','

95967 ': 3300 '9,5,970 ,33'00 9597 I ' 270,0

95975 3,300 '959,8; I 2'70.0

, i 96,9 ,I: 0 3300

I '969 I I : ,2400- 969 !.4 Ii 2500 969,34 \ 3,3,00

96940 27'00


r . 9694 11 , 2920

9'6~'9"" 4::-5:~ . A3:'O':u-~

':.', " l _). ' __ '

96946 ',,2700

, I '

20 10 J 4" 2200

I! 2010 r7 12200

" 20 10 19 : 2700 '

I . _. .

.2,0 IO,24 ,33'00 20,f02,5 2200

: 20 1027 2100

,I ,20 l036 ,,2200 20 1043 :' 27,,0 '

2·0 L5 ~ 6 180'0

" 210 1520 . ,2DOO

20 1:526 :' 2000

I 2020' ~ 2 '1,2500 • " 2020 L3 '2500

I 20,.20' I 4. ' 2300

II 202'0 ~ 5 ; 2900

·1 2020 [6 i 200.0 202022 2700

II 2'0" 2"'02" 4' 24 ~.,.,

. ,," .... .. '~ . -, i"....,;; U


202025 2000

202029 [2'700

I 2020 34 ' 200,0 202035 2400 202037 ,f900: I'

;1 ,I

202040, . 11800

I; 2'02~4 . 2400 I'

2023 12': 3,000

I 2''', 0': 2·· . ~ I :~, 1':0: 0" 0 '

, - ','"....' iLj L, ....

2025:1'7 " 18Se 202522 .. ,3.2.00 20,2523, : 3200 !

2025.24 :; 260'0

" 202526 II 2600

I .

,202527 1900, 2025,.29' : 3,400 :

202,544, 2000 I 20254-9' 1800, 2025,53, ~,BOO:

- "

,: TY,P'E .0,,.,

. - .-

" TV' E Nl 0., , R'PH'

- :._ ~ - - - - - _-- - ~. -

, 20005 205.0 I '

" ,2.00 1 5· 2 12,5 2'0.0 ~ 8 '; 2700

: 2002,5 195,0

20058 19'.25 20080 20.00 200S: i 2,200 20082'12000 20 J03 2225


20 ! ,3: 2,225

20286 .2225 20350 ,2600 20,3·5 1 1 ,22,25

20'3"16;0 I 19',· 2"5"

. . .P'.;;.t' .". ' . ;".'

,20375 '1'95'0 I

20379 2.225 :'

2038 ~ i 900 ,20387 ' .20'00 204 10 12500

I' 20423,' ;925, 2042:4 . 2000 " ,20425 . 2000

20~ 4,,8,',4 .. , 2"·0"'0·"'0':'

.,', . . ~ .', ., .'

205 ~:5 ; 2,600 20195 .2200 .20797 2000


I 208 JIQ ~850 I:

I ~

.2.08 I J' ,2300 ' "

,; 20'8 J 3' ,2300 208 J4 23,00 2:08 ,I 51 2000 ;' I ,208 rs .2200

<JO""8 19" 2" .coc j!

,L., ""'~ • ' , " L·,

200").0"': ,1' 9' ~O' ..

t:. ~" 1 ...-

20849 19,50 2086:0 2: I 00 2086 i i 2100 20868 3400

I, 2'"0' 8~10··', I 42'0: ......

,', 'L ~ ,.' , ",: U

20865 ,42.00 ,I

2109' to: 2,9" O~"'O" I

, ' " i, I,' ' ,,' '~

209 114. 3·400 20933 i 2150 ' 25·030 ,40.00 25,046 4000 25048 ,2500

2' 'I;. m 7~ 7,' 3,' 0"'0 , r= j

,:'" I . , _ : l.

25226 3,.05.0 2;52.56, 3,200


2'·-'~.,'2"."',8"'2~' ~8"O"O" ,

:.l J.,' '.',

. 251300 3,.8010 ,2'5,305 2640 2!i306 .288-0 2'53 ~ A 2700" 215.38 :1: 200.0

254,2 J 2000 2'5',429 l ,2200 25453 ' 2200. , 25457 I 220'0 I

, I

2'545.8 2200

251459 2:000

! '

2546'0 2200

25,46 I ,2000

254,63, 2200 ,25465 2000 25567 ~ 2'000 2560'4 2200' 25605 2200 .25606" 1.850

25:<6' 0']' 2"0'10'0',

'.~' ' [' . . .' ,_". .. ._ .

25608 22~OO ' 25609 i 2'000 256 12 2300 256 J 3 ' 2000 25614 2000 25622 ' .221010

25623" 2'2,00 2'5627 f ,2200

25629 .2200 25634 ' 2200

256,49 ' 2400

25859 : 2'075 6,0 ~ ~o ' 2200 603 J5' 2700 6032 ~ 2000 605,9'5 : ,3300 6,065,4 I 2'000

6' n 6 1(:;.6 I 9. ..... 5

U:- :;/, .. , , ,,2,,' "

606761 1950

6'0'7 ~ :I' I 2000

60825 3200 60881 200.0

60,00"',6,' , ~9:''''2,:'5"

,,-,,"''',.' r"."

6'0940 1925 60'9751 2200 950 I I I 3600 9506,5 21 i 2'5 95090 I 2000

9 u:;: 158'" ' 3- ~O' i"'

:_) ,: , .... ,v

I '9,5 ~'70 3,000

I,,' 9,5 J 72 1'900

o J1 :?-O':,rA i: 2'·0"" n ()

__ .. __ .~ ........ '!tr"

'9 1= 2'O'~' 8 22'" "')or;::

, :_.J': ': ' " ~, " ,"",:_}

9~i26 f 3000 95285, , 20.00 9529,3; 2000 95,29'4 2000 9,5302' ' ,2600 95303 I 2'22,5 95,305; 2600 953.06 i ,2500 95,31 I! r? 00

'95323: 2600 953,4 .: 0 2600

95403 2225

95430, 2.200 9546 ~ ,,2500' 9,5,4'62 2500

9546,7 2 roo : 954751 23001

95 4 8··~.· '0 ;1 2\,,1,6',0",,0, ,',

~ • - r I. ' , •

95"4' 86' 2'2·"21r.: I

.]_ . .'.I.~r. .. :.:'~ .. ~:;t

95488, 2225 9552,6' 2600

95,F.2,'_:',S·· 2'",6',0,0'·

oJ -'.' "_ '. ':'"

95',,5··£;,:! ? 6''', 0" 0'

. ,.t.. .t...., '.


2.03035 ": ,2060~'! 205,6~7: 2800

203,0,4·0: 24,50' ,205659 2300

, I ~ ~ " 205663 2000

~g~g1~ I 2~gg 'I 205675 i 2300

203,3 14 3000 I 205676 2,300 I;

I 203,51 i S. i! 2000 I: 2'0567 B 2640

203;5.2 j! 2000 205683, , 2'900

2035.2'7 3200 205754 2,500:

203,5128 2000 205:7,55 3,8.00

I, 2035,34 I 3200 I , ,20,577 2 " 2860 I:

20353,5 :' 3200 . ltl ,205776 4600

2035,36 3,400 205777 19.00'

2.03,54 ~ 2600 20577,8' I 4600

2'0401,89 250.0 2.0,5779 46,0.0

, 20'57B2 . 270'0

.205063 3800

205070 3700 20,5786 ,: 2800'

20508,5 3,200 ! '·2057.89, 4600

205,09 I 3700 20,6 10.0 3300

205.099 ,32.0,0 ,20,6 fO ~ , 2700 I:

205 i J 3 .2400 ,2:0'6 f 02 ,270,,0

2 '" ~ I 1 4 ~,': 2' 0,'0" 2~,O.' 6 ,r 0:,·,> '3. 27 O· 0

.0 .... , I' ,~~ -

II, 205 I 28 3,200 206 I '0,4 . 2700

205,14 J ,4500 I l 206 ~O.5 ,I 27,00,

20.5i,4,2 II 3700 206[06 2700

.205 ! 86 ' 3400" 206 ~ ~!8 3500,

~OO"'2~77'O f ~66-,:~IOO····· ' [ ~O'?~lllf40 I ~ .. '~'qo.'~,~ I

~ ~ ~' L . 4 . ,,L . "t '" ' I L" \._:! I ' L .:. : 1j,_J U '

205279 350'0 Ii " 20{:~ 180 :~~·OO

i' 20,5288 ' 3450

,205305 ,2900 205,~ ~ 8, 3200

"~ - J

205,505 ,2800 ,I 205507 ,3050.: 20552 ~ ,i 3200 I .20,5,5,30' 3,800 205534 I 3 JOO ,

?O-':'~5~~· ~7 3- ~ 0,' 'u'" ;,

.t.- ' ... -.J ". # .. I. -~ ,::" ,

20,551,57 : 2400 ,205,562 i 2900 20.5563 I ~250 1 205565 3500' I 20.5.567 I' 3200

I' ,20,5,51 J 2800 205.577 ! 2000 ' 205579 2000 ,I

, 20558 ~ I 2000 I '

205582 26AO 20,558"9 2640:1 20559,1. ' 2300 .20,5,592 2500 I, t, 205593, 2800 '

20" '5' 5' 9:'1() 2~ 8': 0"'0'" ,

•... ,' ,~ii;1' ~ .;:,,; .,' .'.

20,5,600 i 32'0.0 205605 ' 2,000 ,

205608 , .:2600 20,56 J! 0 ' 2640

I 205624 2300 II

I. 20.5,626 I 2900 205627 [I ,2640 ': i ,20563 ~ 3600


20563,4 3700 'I

20,5635:: 2300 . 20,5644 26,,40

206304, i 3800 20632', 13200 206·34-0 13800 ·206,3,4 r 3000.

2:06,3,5 f ~ 330:] 206352 4200 'I


206359 ,: 4200

206360 . 4200 206.,316 I ' :)000 2,06362 I' 3800

2'06363 3000

20' (;3'·' 6':,6 3" ,("'1.0" .

" ......... , .• ' - V 10

206367 ,I 3500

2'O'''16'''~37 ~ 3:'0'0'0"

~ , " , . I' "" , ' ',' "

'2.06~72 f .3~,~,O 206373; 3,600 .

20637,5 2900.

I - - .

20' 6" 3' 7' '6'~ " r" ()' '

, ,'.' .', 2'~vO

206378 2000 206382: 3700 " 206383 3000 ,!

20',6386 : 3000 I; 2'064,64 2,500 207 0 ~ 0 ',3:1200 '

~ _ , [

··207012·3800 2070 15, . 3'000 20,70 16 I 3'·0'0' 0

~ " ,I, .' ,- , ',l'

207022 .3450 ,207023 I 3000' ' 'i

4017024 3'000 ,2'07 ~ 06, I 3000

2'07 I ~-O 2800 20'7 I 19' I 2900 208055 ,2200 2080'5'7 2000 '



, "'1 ( ~ " r' ~ CI: ; I 2' .... j _... ~ r ...

.L -.._.' .~, !,..! , •. ...- '\-I' I "~~, '!.,.? ... ~

2.08059 .22C!f:; 208064 :. 2.200 20'8065, . 2.200

2080Gf 2200 208068 .2 iOO

I 2'08069 2200. 208070 ;, 2.20(J 20.8.07 f ' 2000

, , ~

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i 3,014812 ' 2300 3·04873 24·00 304876 . J95G '

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306~. I I,' 2600 , 3061 12 3000' 30·6 i ,~3 ~ 2900 306 l' 19' 2900, ,3'06 i 2' ~ , .2000 306 f 2.3 .3200

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.306 1:28 ' 3700 ' 306 i3 ~I 2800, 306135 3000 '! 306 i 50; 2,4.00 ,306 ~'52 2080

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306190 2400 3062 10 3-800 30'~,2 J'9 3,200 30623.3· 3200 '[

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306325 2300

~g~~g~ I ~~gg

306330 : ,2300 .


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30652,2 : 2.00.0 306525 : 3600 306525 3800 3·06529 ' 4600

306536 ; .3800

i' 306547 , 2700

306548' 4600. 3065A·9 3000 306·555 3000

306556 .3000· \ 306557 1 3600i 306,56 l . ,3600 ,30656.2 : 3·600 !. 30658:3 3600


I .306.59.3 . 38:00 ~.

30-f,597 3000 306598 3,('00' ,3,06604 3600,

i 306606 360·0-


3,066 .r. '9 3600 .: .

306620 . 3000 . 3066.34 . .2600

3066.35 3-800, 306638 3'000 306645· , 26,00 i

30,66,50 . 2600 . 306054 3850

i! 3066,57" 3850, i,

306(J,5·8 ' .2:~OO ' 3066'6~' 3,950 I,

306663 3,8-00 I ,

1''',306702 4-600', '~306703 4600





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,I », -t 30(17 (1 4. 4 fOO " ... 301'-·7 0" r, ;1\1 s: 0,(' )--

.:.~ .. "-:. e • _., I ..,.,"... : •. _

*' ~~O('7 07 ~ (:00

I[ ~ ~ :],06708 : 4(.00

'" 306709' 4·(\00 30;(-:7 1.3, 4 (·00· , 30E~7~4i4rool 1067 ~ ,5 I 4(100 306 7 ~ 7. 4·600 .3067 l,g , ,4 FOO

3067 ,1,'9 4 fOO 30·6722 4600 307007 2800 3070 .o 2500 3070 I 3 ' ,2~OO

3,08- 10,5 2300 3,08 J 30 . 2400 308 135 2400':

308 ~ 4 5 2800 30B ~ .5,4 2500 308 16 J 24.00 308 180 2500 3082 I.! 2400

~ ·0' ,8- 2· ,I' 7· 'F; 3- . 0- O· '

J. '.' __ ' L ".. . .

3082,27 3000 ';tOB.,_ - '5' 12- • 20·. r,o

..J_ .... I u.. I

30851 I~ 3, ,3000

30-"S-- 5--2'--2.' zooo

. '., .' _. " u ...... '

,3,08:,528 ' 2000

308530 ' 3·200 308523 ' 3000 308,539 2000 308.540 32GO' 30.8·5·48 ' .2400 3,08563, : 2000

3" 08-- 5- '6" II' 2·' A r, 0--

. -_' .'.""+ . ". ,.;.~, .I

30'8576 ,2.600 30.8578 I 2700

308'· li=:g-' - 2'0' "--0'

... ... '.J .~. J .. _. . u'

,308583 3200 3.08'.584 2000 308589 ~ 3200

,30. 8591. l~ 2,2.-0.··0 I 3087.53 ! ,2600 '

30B7 ~!4 ,. 2300

'A. 0 8; ·1 '5- '8' 3' 2'0" o

J ... " '.r '" '_.' L.·I , ••.. L._.

, - I

308759 ! 2000 I

308769 2600 308-77'9 3.200 3087'90 2300 .308904 ,22'00 308906 3200

-0003· '::z..,. 0- -

/ ..... ·::~.,9 .J;;·_'·O

700043 300'0 7000,45 2.3,00

700046 . 2800 '70005,2 . 2'900

701023 ',28:0'0 70 :r 029 ' 2.300

701053 28,00 70 11:058 ' .2400 702037 25o_0 702058 ,275,0 [ 7025 ~'8 3600' 702526 ,3,600

7_· ! 0' "12' c:, 2: B:'; , 2-·-'6- 0'-'0':

.. :...; '_'. ' . '.-

702530 2[60,0: -


·Place lower .end of throttle link in outer hole in governor lever.. PI~~e governor spring in number 6 hole ~n go'V'ernor lever ..

fplate governor spring in number 2 hole In Qavprnor lever.

• I' p.'l a,~ ,e gave rnor s.r ring' ~: n n urTlbc r 6 ho 1 f i (1 9 OVf r no r 1 ev(:1. r .. 0 t r;(' rvd sc· .~i t . .-:.. nj;:=. rd.,

.Sf-r~al fiLHnbcrs 1'7188 ic) 1919'j - .19193 t(J 1'919~ .. 19.200 toO 1.9113 ~ .1.9715 10 192;;7.. set 01. 290G R'PM~

_ ,



The eng l ne speed shou I d be set. to the RPM shown in the ~f.Stand,ard Speed Settingt'

co Iumn 'un l e s s o t he rwlse note d lin Tab l e 4 or reques t ed by the owner. Th,e Standa.:rd Sp,eed

t t ~ ~ ~ f d .. RP·-··J 'h t h ~ d Ii! I IT d

.s e .' I ng :a~. ~'o'w'S·.-or a .. rop ,nil M w'.en'e ~ oa IS app : [I. '9- •

Fo r 'i:.~ ~ ust 'r'a.t i ens of ca rbu reto r' and qov e rrio r hOOtKUPS see the Fig u res r j sted '.







R~ p. ~. NO LOAD I MO.· .lO;~,D· FIG~

... .!~!l1 Poi







I .'


R~P.M ..


SEE rre.

. - - -

2~,200-·3.200 .2400 I 140:0 7.0


, '

, .220,O~3200

AH'R-,6 31_0~530:* 483* 235* i 70



f; f:



220'O~2400 2400 :' 1400: 70

22:·0 .. ··0~3··2'OO

I - "


, ,

500-600· 600* 350* 70

I ,AlR-6. - ,A:R-'6


330-400*' 4,00* 23,5* I, 7,0


23·5*' :

I, 20100-,24'00 , 2400 1,4.0'0 7,0


B- B··'iIl'iI!

, jllJl!lWl; II



f:r 17!50~ 1:'900 2 ~'OO ~400 I 79

-- -

, .,



,,_ i',.

; E 7' or:."""" ""J.:>"" II. .......H.;I!--[-,M\...J

I .' I ...... I""i ..... ;;7


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" ., . , .... -. ~~~

. ..

- ... I"


, ,

[ ~
















1J' 'C'

I n~'

" "


380-2000* 2060· If'OO· 98

366-53~* 550* 29C~ 98



~ BO' o· ..... 4. ~o

~ ',"', ..... L" 11

i l . _. ,_, e '.' 'U.:


, '

" "


235,I;t 72 to 77

, J


.z:Z-ZZl-lZL;P-.zZP ; 220 Q__,. 3,200' 29QO '140'0 I 7 2 to 77

*This indicates the speed a~ D0wer take-off side on gear reduction models~ It is i, 12, 11 4-0 r Il6, 0 f en 9 'r n e s p,~ led as i nd l' G at e d by the n ume r a. I f 0 I I Ow i' n'g the e ntJ I n e--

1-:tIif1"~'.-:::I;, 1 I , ...... t t 0:::., r'"

"I·~, ... '::;I C .~I.

m j · d

(JiI. I r' . ..- 1:tI. _:l Il.....' . . _- , . .-..' ,._ - -.._ I

:.) 'I i, e II '.~ L h .~. ~ ,1me ~s ~." t ,~n d a, r,' ",

s o e e d 1.-",H1


Ih ' 2'

., C; .Icpler:

~ I •


,,;;.., "',~

21 .



I •

. ,


.1. '"'f·';{.P-E ,A. Used on Models l\,~,H~H~:K~ y',··Z .. ZZ.. See Page. ~ 18

2. T"l~PE, F'H,. Used on M,odels Fll···f~~',FJ-,L~]v.r~'PI~-Q~,R .. S-T'-\Xl. See Page 3,., TI'YPE N,. Used on Models I.·,N -NS~ U', .. WI- 'X' 1\1 ~ \Xl1\.1'B~ 5 ~,6-·,8. See Page ,.

.. 4,. M'AGNEMA l-J·C. Used on Models 9 .. 14.~2:3,. See Page, 2.3 .

Cur [en r is P rodu ced b~r a coil, con d-e nse r r brea k er po i n rs and rota 't i n g rna gn ers and is con ducred into to e .fi r j fig cham be r through [he igni r Jon cB;,b]e and .sp~r~k plug. J t is important thar all parts be in: ~aod condi rion, correctly adjusted and properly connected to assure a good spark,

The plugs recommended for Briggs & Stra non e.ngl nes are listed in Table 'No 3 and should be installed unless special engi IlC use requires a plug of a d ~jfe-:ren r heat range.,

'To C,hee,k Spar'Ie' P',/ug'

Clean spark plug and set gap to .,02'5 J'; , Fig. 2. If a sand bl as t f r is u sed 'to clean s park pl ug, be sure to clean the inner side of the electrode 'with a point hone or sand p"a pe r. I f electrodes axe' bur ned a w a. y, or if porce In j 0 is cracked, replace with 'a new plug of' '[he p'!oper heat I,ange,; Before assem bli og: th e spark pl u,g.! place g. 1 irrle graphi re grf',a.s e" on 1. h e c 11 rea d s to p,rev en [ S t.i c ki fl,g. .

. L, . ~'Ii i611o." I

, ~'~~ ~r ,

~, '

~ ~',

~i •.






t_ ,

f(' . Check the spark plug firing hole in the cylinder bead.


~. . :1 f the hole is, Jar ger than ~,'J'~ install a spark p.lllg ni pple.

r: t,~' . Part N'o., 6777' 3,.

~'~:j;.~. ,i _' ,_._ ~

i~::,>··.. 1'0 Check S.park, .En,gl,n'e No,' Run.nln~,

t~ .. ;-",! I"' I .1 - ,- 'i '1'.

~t<. ~ . t IS easy to check the spark when the m: gnero 15

~~~,,~,~.<,,;c, ~.. assembled [0 the engine, Remove spark plug. Hold spark ~::¢F.:~'f~~~ S .tester No. MPJ-~7 on cvlinder h ead wi rh a sing'Je elec ..

!"'·"·;:;;ri'::~·;~~~1·'.Q1-::"" . . I .. '.

~·:;':~~1~~~~'·:-·";.·· '~rode grounded, Fasten ignition cable "to dOLJ'ble: electrode,

, Fig. 3. Spin Bywhee~ v igorously, Spark should jump

the ,.166;;1 gap s:read,i~y~ The spark may' Rho . 'be tested by :bo,~d Ing the end of the igni ti on cable abou t '~"8, ~1! from ~ny metal part of the engine and sp inning the' "fly wh eel, Fig.' 4;, H', this test is not very accurate unless the cable is, held stead i Iy at ys n' f rom the e'Il,S i ale wh i le spj,nning;- flY'V'beel

FIG·-, 2~,CH-:'-E-;{C.·· 'K' IN'J'G,:'': F: '0: "R-; s» A··.·'R:'K' c A,' 'P"

_!!II .~ ,.,.r....' , I., "_" . I,

FIG 3· C"--'H"E"C:' 'K':" inc S'P:'A'" RC :r::;'"

. ,'.' • _.'._'_. '..' ..c" ....;[ "\1 ' .::r,_· . 'Ii....l'\.

I '.

, '

, '

, ,

i I


, i I




'To Chec'k Spark with En,gi',n'e ,R:unning

Au M··...!I IE' , fU',Ou,elS : :x'cept 9 ... 1: 4 .. 23

Wirh r.l~-sp:a-r'k plug nutremoved and the engine running, bold spark rester in the' .one han d an d grasp ,E gn i t i on ca b] e wi th rh e or h t: r han d ,. Do not ron (' h th emetal t errni ,O,a~: on end of cable.., Then quickly Iifr the ignirion cable from 'the' spark p,]ug; ground single electrode of tester to spark ,plug screw and hold cable terminal to the (onnector o.f d nub] eel ecrrodes on" tester", F i 0". 5. Th e spark

I~ , ,

should jump the ~166!t ga_,p without missing and t-he

engine should run steadily.,


~p 1 "








; ,I'



. '.


,1_ G_-.··.·· N liT_ :1._ 'O.,···i·N' (Co ····,t· 'd .) .

.. _ n, ...

~--~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~ housjng on t]Je flleJ tank side SO t~lDt t11~ r~ p.:,asses be-


tween .fin;~ on ,fly\\'hretl. This will Ioc~ the Hyviht'el so that

rhc Ay\v'~ 11 t;(· l' n ut may hl: ,rO()'St;"Ot"J, l:'j,g." G..,



,FJG' )',--IC· 'H" ',I';C-,K."'l~rG··- ,-['P'-'A'" m:

- . . - ~ .. _. - ". ,. JJ.'. ....;1 ',;' . 1:'-.

,Mode~s. 9',·,1' 4-2,3:

The" running spark on these models should. be' tested by usi ng a new spark pl ug V,? i rh a .05(V~' g:ap a r 'the' electrode. 1 f the engine will SUITt and accelerate prop,edy with this ~050N gap;. [he spark llS satisfactory. D'O nor use sp-nrk l ester l\.fPJ -1~7,. A,l SOl do not overspeed rhe engi ne wh ile

.... h " ... ",~,I,., ~'l'" i[i"" rhe s·p,':) rk

L __ \..~J[Kl J,~ ;L" L , ... Q~, .. , •

..... ' ,


The poinr gap on all models is .020N' Poinrs should be C_]~ .. i,n. and line up sq. marely.

,r' 'il



: - Models Ap-:B~H,·,K,rYa,Z,-ZZ7 16 1:0 20 ozs, To adjust

see page , 18.

2,., ,1\1edels 9- I4'-2,3~ no adjustment possible,

... "", 11 ? ;1' bore de. J' del L

), ,n.1 ~ ore. moe els ano Model 8,. '12 'to I u ozs. To

a,d jUS[ see p'age- ~ 21.

CO' N···· -D" E N- ·S~ :E'R'

" ",.. .. ":. ~" . ." . "..' , -.. I j • ."..:.

The cap,a r i ry 0 f all cond ens ers is . '] 6 to ,.2. q: M' F D.

BtOWER ,H:O'US~I,N:·G To Re,mo,ve B,lo'we'_( H,ou',s,ing

Th,€' blower housings on rnosr models art easily removed, but on Models. 9~ 14-23 and rope starter Models A-B,~:K, .. z,~ ZZ~ the ,ro,pe s tarter pu ,] 1 ry must be removed before. the blower housi ng as follows:

Mode:ls ,A ... B,

Place a rod or ,pu nch through the. ,}lall hole in '[he blower

ro LOO:S;,E.IN


, I,



"'=--~----~~-~. --'--.~~-------..."..,-, •• ---------..-.,--~-


M - ..J ' ~ 9' '1~ 4 2" 3:' K' Z' ""t'...,

.'cn:u;~':1 S _ ,- ... -,,. ;, ... ~ '-,L,L

,R emove the two cap screws tha [' hold starter pulley "[0 t he Ilywhccl, BJo\\:;'e,f' h ousing can then be removed.


The Hy"ii\Ilu:<:i Din most models is, located on the crankshaft wi r:h: a soft metal key. It is. he]d in place by mea ns of a raper fit ~d a. nut on rope starter eng] nes, and a pinion

g' e~ ~ r t.' \ '~1i [nlO' S r. ~r'i:J' 'n k It ~' .... r [£":f :J '~I (~' '1P. iF\ ~5 T" ~\"":G a \,F n u l~ eel k' .al~ n"]'ll c t"

,~~,,: 0~,i",II,.:I',·~, 'b :A ,I,"" , ~I,.""", ~i It'j~b'Ur;,,.', •. U ... U.,1'ifiF~n .. s, ,,,'~j ""~:!.

be in good (0 n d i t 1.0 n to ass 1:.1 re proper ] Gear i on of [he ,fl}.;,,\~heel for ign l d on ,purposes. ,D:O N!OT use a STEll key under any conditions. Use only 'the soft metal key as origi nally suppiied, The keyway in both flywheel '~,nd crankshaft should be ]]1- good condition.

To Re'm,ov,e The ,Flywf1ee,'

First, remove the lockin,g plate, if ,any~ then loosen rhe fl.y wheel nut or pini on by using 'a block of wood to keep the flywheel from tDf,ntng us shown in Fi£+ 7,. Rernove n u t, lo ckwa sh er . or n u t lock ~ a ad st arrer pull ey. ,R, eassem ble nu t until .it is fiush with the end of crankshaft, then srrike lend of crankshaft 'a, sharp blow with 'a babbitt or rawhide ham m er to jar By~,· heel loose.

I 'b. "ff) ~ '.

-'}l:' :'~' [I',

"''Ii' 'j !) , '\ r ... ·

: {' ~e' ""'U\

FiG" '7 R·:·-·E·~,AOTjlN"G· F~'L ~".,.-- ,

, • ·.l", ." ~ '.' 'brt .'.,' r , ',', .""1' ·U! H,EEt

$ pee ial ins truer ~: ons :

M,ode:is A-B

Use flywheel puller No. 29157 '(:0 remove flywheel. Fig. 8.

F:JG~ B' "'='- ,RE'MIOJ11N';G FL'YU7H,E'E~L Mode'b; I-N: .. NS-'U;~WI-W'M·.WM,B,","'WM[ ... 5'mo,6,-'8

The: nut on rnos [ of 'these en gi nes has a. left band. thread. '·U, "S,A, flvwheel holder ..... ]0···· (i ·7····,~ I" -T''Q; 9 ... · w" ::'h"'~:<A loose runs nur

. ~ . J ~ 'P , ''-''_. j ,~ ;~'". _ -. _,~, I ~ . .• raJ 1. il:i , " .1. " , i ~ l'lj.. 1 .' __: J ',., _- _ 10 ' _ ,~

Fig. 9,.

IG' NITI'O" 'N ('C . tid)

,_.'_".-., '.··:'·····,<.'···.,on,'·'.'ij,:


.,,' I

'..__, 'ib'0 llr""""'" ~-,ry: ,~11.L ii ... 'T''Ii iI)

~ - - i,~ ;lfftL.SlL1r.-L ~ .... t .:1 '~~~r

M d' I ,oe~s

FJ(t~, 9'~ REMO"J71i\TG FLl~'n:fHEEL K: .. l~ZZ

Place ':1 rod or punch into the hole drilled into rim of fl}~ wheel so prf'\,'ent ,its turni ng ~'hi le Jooseni nE nut or pinion, Usc By'~,!,hetl puHcl No- .29010"

Mode:!s 9,-'m4 ... 23:

Remove flywheel nu t, :B,('" careful not to damage the ~a arter pi n on the flru"'hecl Use ,flyu"-he~l puller No" 291:S 47 to Ioosen flrvJu::eL Fig. 8. It is ,~91' necessary to remove flJ'~' wheel to 'ad just o.r replace breaker points OJ condenser,

Mode~s H-Y

The ,fl r u 'llee J ,j S m au nted t 0 t:h~ era nksh aJ [, wi rh ~ bo I ~ and nut, 'Remove the sra,rtE'f~~,l~;~ti~{/pedaJ, or puller, and the' blower housio e. Loosen fl~~~;:li'iti' nut ,and holt so that

'L,!' .. ' ..

rou can remove starter clutch ~·a.~,s'ern bly, 1\.1 ark fly",'hec-]

-- d .' rank t-., f' " . l.. bol 'h"'" _.Ji id T" 'h' D, '~t\ he ,]! '\"'" - b

an,· Cf:an_·.s,ua· t an tu,e . OJlJ,[ . ,~,ai;J· ;S,J ," e ",'e Ul ',~,' i _ e u u~ ,

. '

has i'\V'O, shoulders, rhe one, on' tbe, 'bolr head side is higher

than the other, Remove nut ,a,'n.? 'liol(,. Use flr~,·-:tlfel puller

No, 2'9593., fig. 10, ' ~,,-~.



I .,



~. - ~~'~ .~


~:. ..

~n .,;=?~ . ..


., I

~f... _ . ,



... ,


2'~fS']· . 7/'·;::r.~

" ~

, -

~~ ",

,U. ' .. ......


, -_

~ .. ~ ...;- "

F J G< 1 t, ~ t: E,'~':'1 o 1 ~j \~ Co ~ H. '\, ~ \1' ~H":'._' [:/'"1..

~. ,.) n i. _ ,', , r , J t . " . ~ ... ~


scooters, pla-CT 3, liult 1;f,eas,(; on the inner sid(· of t.nt iclil1tch hons,ing to pre\,p'fnt shcari n~, the tang,s on the hou $ ~ ing Iock. F,ig. ] 1.

, '

. !


:~i!.~ .. ""'f:'~'-'~ ~ ~ ~.l ~ \.I . .LIt} £ ¥.n.

'IU"9'I!"'Iil i"Pr

If r\.It.P L-l:



:'VO'!f''T.'j,''HIII:''''~.r''''C ~ .. J...LJ.J..~ ~!~~

. -~'...:~::;'

FlG. 11 ~ REA-fOP'll<~G' ,F,Ll~ iF'.I-1 EEL

Mo,dels 9, .. 1'-4, .. ,23

Assemble Hywheel with starter pin in 1. 0:' 30 o'clock position as shewn in Fig. I 2" This will bring starter- rran! in bot t om pos ition for easy 05'[ an: ing This se U j £1,,£' p?~ Y bt,

('1~~ Pf"'i eed ,:1 .,.[~~.It. '0' wner desires a d" ;ff'" 'erenr starti n, {If P"'-}t!' ~ f ~a n·'

" h~,~"jI6'l,;· j,j:~: ,d .. IL;. ' .......... .ll . ''''-''~'' "'_,~ . ~ ...... 'i.... ' ~~, .. "iO,l"j,;.~,_~(~l.".'''-l'l,:


, -WOOD Bto('~~

El:G',' '7 ")

~.- '. r ~~,

ASS E,Al' BL,l ,j\;' c; F L)'~ 11"· H ,EEL

Mod.el:s H',- Y

R,e,,~er$t remove I 0rr-ia. t i' ons bu ~ hc.· SUT"(- rhe head ,()f b(~~~' gO{~s on the sidt· uf ,fly\\·he('] wirh the hi,gh shoulder.

7',0 Rep"oir f/'y"wheel ,Mo,unting Hole 0.11' M,odels H .. Y

1 f dlC cranks! jaf~ ex tension is rnor (: rhan .. on] II 'U nder~,:~~ if z;

", ..;0'''', _ .... . . ~ _ . "!j .. 'Io'~ _. _ '.' _ . "

less ~han lh'l' lO'A' -lim ~ t uf ,;9 jl(;,' on 7 5 '~ .. ; of j ts st:,~ ;.;;,(.! j

_. , . . .

1'h(, eLa nksha f r rn ust he rcp~,~lced wi tl ~ ,i new oru , A klt(y.'

flywheel fj I: on a new c,runks]l,i f I, al.~(J' ind icates ,tl r!.\"hrt : replacement is nece,S:SlU)',.

To 'Check bah hole, ,fil(-· TPll,gh ne5S, f torn hru h edrt:5; ,uf bolt ho1 e j n crank shs 'f ~ . 1. n $(' r t D(' ~'.' fl rvrhe[] bo1 l i.n r!,~,tlJ -

~I - I. I

shaft bolt hole before the :Ayv/lu::(·l is mourned. ]J ~bf bolr.

enters bolt hole '~;ir.h either a press or slip ,fit (.:iI'houj· li de pl a r ) ; t is n ot n eressa rr to ream ~:)1 r '''h ole ~ H,o~ 'c've' f '.

iI I,

'I 1

, I,

: '




• I

r , !

, I. i I!

,: I:



'-'~!I'Il1II""!' 11.,.1

d fh(' fIY'\',ht'l,l buh ho]t, i: u t hie- rrn nk~~1 ~;~J t j ~ l\·(~rn (",gr ~ ~.h,.I,p~ ".", I~'H ~l h(ll:1; ,fil,~ lOO~l.·-JYi 'dlt" iu b~,~ti,1 flyvdu·{,]

• i i 'I,. J1 .,"'~ '11 ~, ~ 1 'I, '1: ;( I' rn II 1'1· f I' .... ('. f'(··· ~ n'1,(··(·· JI~ .... \.II'" r 'Il:' ~ ~, j J ~ ) 'r' J' '. ~ '," r It ~ ~~ (' ~ ~~ j '~ I

!I f. ~"" \. I "~.' rio ~~ ~oI!l:~-l ,d,~'~-~,",~Il .f, .. ,. . .. ~II:I ]". J ~,' ~., ..J,~rt ~ J '\i,"'~ \. ,~~LI~-,. ~~, j _'

Nc"t I[) ,I (t~]i. T ~ j, dD dl~~~ a~\t"njl)lt, H.·C:~ i.£H J {, j] r ;lod n}'v.l~('"( ~ t {), -{. 1" ~,!:i.} l;,t f~ and .r{:'a m ~II J ,h{l,l,t'~, in -iI n H,,: ('lor't,·r:H'( ion a '\ .~ h( j'\~ 'n in r ;~. ] 3. '] "'h(" ~~! t t '~:[ ryp'(' o,{tj'~i,I.{· flywheel bol ~ N o. '~jli].( ~~n: ha ~ an ()I. S. st arnped on ,J t ~ h('~l d. The l'iU l~" Tyr,l' t~ln he i:dt'!Hi(~td by the painted tt-d head. If :~n 0'\" {: 1,~ ~ ,I' ~~ ho h L, loos« ~ \\ 'C)'Tn »a rt s rnusr ~h{' rep. hu::(".cL,1o

J ,~_".,





~ • I •

~~ I

:~~ . .The cable on these models is a parr of the coil snd cannot

:; f~·~··- I"~'

if he- removed. Should t'he fermi nal brt'ak ofl' ~ the cable i~


~J ] on "'; e nOD ;r.. h roo repl a ce VI;" i th a new U:' rrn i n .. d

' .. '.'c. . , .. :.,.,t;J,'" "'''.' '" Ir;._ """,.. " .' .' ""''''_'' ., "",.

~""!iiI'''' i'a1i' ~'.J.~~ __

The ,i,gn i ri on cable m USt nor be oil soaked, dereri orated or br o 1: e n. Th ese (on d i r i ons ~. j U ,groun d t hie' spar k. Th e en d of rhe cable rnusr bf. securely bent aroun d tbe high tension terminal of 'The coil, but 'should Tied be soldered Hl

:ol-.,;,. ." ~ . ' •. ""' ~

t J, ,f te: rru nar,

M· ·d· [. n 1'·AI "'1'"') 10,: 19-: S "7' - _ 'iIot'~L ~

M' A··,·'·,G,·.,'N,<'j'ET··O-····:S····: U:'S::··'E·-D·· 'O.···.·'N',·:···:",;' M·""':ODE:L: .5,

' _ I ',' '. • _ . .'. . • . . • I ~. I _. •

A '8 H K' 'y ... '1 Z'·'Z·

... .~:-..: rill- .',~: _ \, I "'1, ..... [~," .• __ ':J I

. . '_". '. I ,'_ •.. ,'

To A,dju'st, ,Bre,aleer Point»

BcIorc adjusting the point gap~ the poims should bf Iined up sq ~J,a,te]'y ,~,.'.; th '[he p:fOptr tension. loosen 'the sprln,~L' b:~ l']! and move poi nr sp-r j n,[: unt i I P oi n rs are ali ~~nt'·d_ Thcr j,

'. I" it,· ~r

ret i ~h It:.: n SPJ inb bolt. To ad j usr point tension, 'turn crank.

Sh;Jl UIU i'J 'poinlS open to widest g~tp,. Loosen bloc-k SCJtV;~ and rn( n~·{~ nh.h.·l unr i] a ]!./:1 (~tl- g.ap is Obtained between

. '[ b t~ br t~ ~-d: er spri tjl~ and t he ro ~U1 d eO' end of rl )1(:':' bl ock, Fi t.~ . 1 ,j. ,H t),l~ ~ ] n this position whi h:.' rer jgh'l.tnint, block screws. "rhi~: shou ld ;l" i ~,,,~ :~ p.:)j'n ~ tension C'£' l(~ to. 20 02S.

Loose n £. h c h K. k n u r r o ad j, us l th t br-e'rrk er gar. Turn srrew p~~itH Unit 1] .O:?O~!" ,g,~;:r is obtained, rhen f'tl,igJuen lock nUL Fj~. ]- s.

1'0' Re,pJolce Break,er P,oints

1 f I~ j the 1 po.i n'r is btl rncd o.r ,p,j t. 'I ed t h r:'.)J. s bou.J d be rt plar-ed as ,a set. AJrcr parts, ,a,rt' as-5e-m:bleo ther ,shouJd b{.,' ad~

. j-Ust ['d 0;' Sh(lV."J] j n."' 15.

J/16~ &AF 11Tw££h .. ICO~'l;'I '] 610Ct iJ!l ~ CO~i iC 1 SJi ~ U((~


. rl ~~IIl' sr ,R

I ,1,3,5 E N8 u ,It: 'V.E t.l ('0 ( D S£ 'IH~""'r\ .l.S ~:HCW~

e '0'I'1'~, C if' ',0 ,I "1 S

.02011 E";· ........,;;~-=--......


r I


n G" 1 ( AD" }'UTST' tnc B'REA'K"E'R'--'" p' ... 0"{};.:O'T-f'

-.';.~" . .I" '., ,,>,_.: .... ' .• ,i",", a ... ,,'- .... - . ',. ......',,.:'\ ... .:_-,.

To, Che'ck Breaker' Plunget

Replace breaker plunger if a: .0201'1" point ,gap' cannot b~ obtained.

'To, ,Replace C'onaen'ser

Th s c 0' n,~ ;L n- ser '\"'Ii. ,j f"';;:" '3 n ri ~ r 'm" ':J'~ II , II"'"f':J' \1, ·1" re ~O:·' Ifti ol ('~ er rn ad (" J

,l ~ .... ', ..... ,~ ~'l • .J!llw., 'Jj'l! . .l:J.l Il."~ '='.;'~ '~" '_ _ ~ "". l...Il.a. ~ . I ',!J... ," .i;.l V._ ~... _',' .~_

engines were soldered 'tv thebrea,k,e-r spring" On later mode Is. the:: wires arc Jasre ned 'by means .of a clip assern bk~,;_l ]",.. b 'I' F' l 6'

to tne oo.i, .lg. _ ...


'To Re,p,/oce Armof,u,re

R,t",m;o,\,"If;" ar,m,aUJ.f!t: ~,. ire- from b,ft.,ake-r spring~ and ,i~n.i don I( a bl t fr on 1 S,'t( on d~J]' tc r,m 'i I1.a ] 1 n co.i ~., 'V'os,(' rcv-,' the t \\' ( ~ arm a '[' U ,re- m,ou. n ti f.I g, s;cre \VS a nO' .p.ry a rm a C'U f.i: ioost- ~~ i th a, .5(r(,:,'\~! d:ri\·t~r. MOll nt fie',"· 2"rmar ure in Sn.n1f2.' posnlon -as til;: o]d one and t: ~ght'(;"Ji1. j n r~LICl '~. i 111 t~"n mount ltlg


. " . ,

. ,

screws. Fasten armature wire 10 brc.iker poinL Push end of is,]] i rion cable r h n~ubh rerrni n~:d on (-01] a nel bend w i rc firmly with needle- pl iers. rig. '17.

~TJJlU.:~ HDlJJr'fl,:;;; l$~

" .. ,-

" ",

, '



,FIG. 17~, ,R'EPLA'CJNG ARJH.A,TURE 'To Ch:,eck Breaker P,I'unger Hole

The breaker poinrs and plunger must be removed in order to check the plunger hole; If 'the tfa·t end of plug saug,~ No" 69,821. -T.3,~32 'win enter, [he hole is, ~~orn and a ' in,g No. 63709 should be installed.'. ~ig, ] S.

To lnstol! BreO'K,er P/ung:et Bus'hing

Remove oil valve from m,a,gne-rn plate, Remove COflC:a,CE: block assembly, then loosen armature screws and pull armature a"Vtay from the magneto plate, Ream plunger 'hole wirh reamer No, (}9S21 .. 1'~-?" Reaming can he done b1· 'hand or in: a, drill P 1(',S5.+ ]: r is imp -orranr that the reamer

. , ,

follows the old hole, fig. 1. 8.

< •


l ~~n,[R .... - ..

I 6,982.1. ,-,1'3-,,1 ,2.

"!!-.: .


i ~I




@), ... " ........___....~@

. '

e ,

~-, .


,_ - .

" ... ~ -~. -'

........ , .

Ii I:

I I'. L ....

-I • - ,~I, _ I

U .. L~ I JU. ,'2

PO'IN' T' B"U'-'S"HIN' 'G'-'

, ' .. ' ::_ ,':.... c' _' - ~'. ," '.:', , '.' '_ . ': " . , '. j

'u.; .

IG'NITION (Cont"j'd~)

{he phj.ngt~r hole. (In (:,ady rl1nJt Is, bush j; nJ-': T'Io. ('~~~ 70t) ","".j ll extend 'I ~'~~' :tl hO~·t the b05~, ; n 11~e n1~1 g,ner o plate, btl [

on the later mo. .. ~(·,is ~ r 'u~i U bt eye n w i [h du.' tOp of boss On early models the boss ,I s ~ 'H'~ :~l,i~c)'~. On laf. e models rlu hossis. t /1 t .. h i;;h. r jg. 19.

BUS H; ~ ~ (j,

F 'UJ1S- H, W r! :H' ~

BOlSS '~~

_ ., .•• • - , ,., . J _. -- -. _. . . . -. , T -,- . ]. --:' ,- 'i" -r-

F'IG', l.9-.fl\[S~T,ALLll\JG B'REAKER' PO/1\"T ,BL,SH!:\(1

On, engines with vacuum breathers, a by-pass hole ]S 'pJO-'

, ;" I IF ,I. ,

vi d ed w b: i ch sl a nrs u p~; from t11. e 0 il gro ave- j: u s (. .i ri ~

S,! de the oil rerai ncr to the contact plu nger hole, F jg. 2G_ Afrer a new bushing has been. installed, this hole musr bt;, drilled out 1;V i rh a .5/32 N drill before bushing is reamed

- t bushi 'N 6 ~70{)" ,. I" b ·

11 ~ tel' bushing ,,0. 'j; ""i 1.$, in p. ace, 11' m,us'(e rearnec

wi rh a. reamer ~ No, 698 32,~ T 3 ~,2 2 ~ to assure a free fit i 0 ~ the co-n ract pl un gel ~ Before reas sern b 1 i nB' m,ag n eto pls t ~ to engine, be sure the oil return hole a.nd bearing: is c]ea~ and the oil valve is in working order. A ssernble point pi unger with the bevelled edge at the recess down. f i,; .. 20_ Discard old style plunger a nd r~pla(e' it with t",: 0- 65414 new style- plunger,

i.l<rr~ ~T""'l'~ n,:!;,_1'Ii _,0;;\1 :~ ~,


1 ,!


~~I;'~. ~~ __ ~~~~~~_=~~~ __ ~ ~~~I

FIG' 2,lllJi.·lSY·-:: -',if L: 'Ill' . N'"' G" - B' " I.) E..' ::/1; l';T r:-'R'J' PO·" ll':"'l"r 't:) '1 15···· I.J J' ;0.,,: l

I : , ... ' I! "U~·' J'\j . ,: .lA' - I· ... '.'.' , ... ~. f\". ."",, ,C\. l; :. ;'. _ ," ,r~'\ J] U' U ." ~- J II: ,; \ '\; JI

'To ,Re',m'ov',€ Breaker P,I'unger ,Bushi'.ng

I f the magneto ,plate has been repaired and a plunger bushing ,j nsralled, or if originally ,eq nipped wi rh bushi n¥ it will be' ne',cessnr:y 1tO turn driver No. 69821.~'TS~ 1::: a: shown in Fi,£,~, 2.1 ~ 'The' driv'fr may then be- used' either 't'l remove the old bushing: or insert [he new one. However j n this case, care must be raken not to d.ri vc the nev bushi ng in tOO far.




tiG' . 21' C' -0'" N"l'! E· R' ,'Tl'1\' 1 G' - 1)' JfJ]"V'E'j\"

,c' .., - --j " ,_. ,~~ :-:, I, ::,'1('" -: ';'

- .. " , . '.. ' ". ' " , .. :J '""'" .

T,o Re';place ,"g:nit;'a',n Cable

Assemble No. 66128 rubber washer to ignition cable $f'"~, it will be ,against rhe ma.,gnet'O plate on '[he outside. Fig 2,2l 1 J t 3·. _ Th i.s is to prevent water from en terinc the



-I r.


~' ,

L 1 '

~ I



;IG····· N·"·:IT'~IO····'N"··' {:,e,c···· - --,' 'd··" )'"

,I,· ,,' [" _. "', , '. , .• ·onl ' .. '" ,I

nl~~nel o. ,PllSh ,:i(;,ll D ~ ion fa h)e 1 hrough :r he hole in rna}; ~ r ~(·'xo f~lall.". m J)~)P tll( ~ of cabl« t]lrougll h('):Ir. in rerrninal ~ ~ il: « ~ 'i: L ~ h en be nd' 'VI" i' re \v:i d)' ,rd :i ,(T s u n d 1 :~ r is sec U r c J Y

t: 'I

'J' J:-1,rt,~le~J to, t he n-rrninu l. fJO! N01:~ SOLIJEf{. Fj,g. 22 ~

'11:1 'J

j l ... -!Il

N:OTE,~ (}~1 igru non cables ~yid:l shieldi ng.. rh« ruhlxr washer No. (l:d 2 His .l1:-5$Cn) bled to. cable II t i nsi de end, rig., ,~) ~ 11 L 1. ] £ igni (ion (Jolts arc: made from spool stock. the eud auached to roil shc)u]d bt tinned before

- ,.. _,

assem bly so that i t '\~,·,i]] be S{ if I c Dough to hold ,fiF;~ Iy VJ .. errnina ~

i.'L' r: '~I~I, i..tJ..:

I '.IJ'B,B rR W l S~fR us ED

I 'w rTtf SWI, £'U)( D CASL

:~ (J,I( III O*'[ t,A BUE l

,RUB8['R .

I ' .. ..'

. '" WJ.,s,H!ERl .. '

, .

. . . .

<, SlECOMDi&,RY:'" - - •

l'[RW m M,Al

Fl"'G,' 'J '''~PE,:''l':JL, .A, C' ,'I 'f\,'1G····., I"G·· inrr l' O···i'l\,! C' " .. i1i BLE

" •...• <!'-- &...;; fi. , ., _ Jl . _. ' . ~. . ,,I.IL. -- - -

'To Time' Mo'gn!eJo

The n'la,gne[() is always correctly 'rimed when the fly~.'bt(J is. properly asse mbled, Do not artemp't to change urn ~ ng bv re-Iocatina any P arts or fi.ling the' crankshaft Ha,'£.

. -) . ~

To, Ad/'usf Arm:atute Ait Gop

Ch .. 1Jk edge.s uf arrna E ure Iarni nations and mou nt ,fI~{l;\" bet] , in P ··' .... f, tf..' Turn L!'1"'L"tI.~"\Q,~J several revolutions by ~'l',"7IJn" ~ Re-

r ,_..,l;'L'" '~"r. , 'b-t ~ '_" l.i"t ¥"fJ ... J""'~,~ ~, 'I '-- ~, _' "- . ". . r- J!.Ii. _.:l i.~ '_ u,~ .. ,~.

,.~, .

move a,nd exam 1 ne €'ciges of., armature laminar ions, The

high, spars wil] have chalk marks rubbed off. Loosen '[he moun t i r,g screws 'very sl iglH,Iy~ rap, the high sid,e lighrly ro

-;!"~~"i (. ~,!t"- the arm ..... ' rur ·e· then ['tJI ri g"h' ten rhe m Q' U nring sc rt,y't'

l.'L'll,II,;;;J .,_,j'"'' ·',~l,~;;;~"','·:,, •. ,_,_,10;.1 ,.'L,-,'.'.,,"' .... , '_'_'",''''' .,1, ":,,u""""'\ J, ,.:_' ~,;


: I

1 ' ! "'.

: "",



.. -


AR t.j.,1!! 'HIP. £:

LA H f itA T ~ ON S ..-...._...:::::~ I



J.~,~ IU!R[ MOUtH I,~G S'CRE1Mr

r j

",AJU~AlUR[ tJj.:M II: KAT It 'OK S

F-1G'>- 2··)-A: D·:}·'U· isrtnc A'R-' iLfA"T'U: }')1"~ AI'rl'-ifl:)

'. . ',' ,:I'". ,':" " .... ' .. '. J, , ,r\i , ..'. HT. _" .•... : \ . ,,;. ., ,t\_ (" .t"'J, t .



To ,Adjust Breoker Poi'nls

Turn cr.ln:k~hah unril .poinrs or,en [0 wirlest gap. Loosen CTHl rucr bracket screw, then move (O~J L.lC(: bracktr 1"0 or from breaker arm PO'l ru urn i 1 a roinr gar of .02 On j s

obr xi ntJ., Fig. 24"



. ". CO'iN'lA C'T 'SRACKET a scsrv





Fi"G," 2";: A'''D' J"V' ~ st: \ ... !G':' B····'R')E~'AK' ·E·;R· rontr s

,_ .. ", ,q-, ". ,.) ~.' .. : " . _ .. :' ._" ..I) . . .

'1'0 ,Rep· .. · lace ,C,oncl'en,$,e.r


Remove old condenser by unsoldering condenser ~r ire If

pri m a.ry »: i re is loosen ed, i r sh au 1 d be resol de .n:'d w i t 11 n e ",. condenser v .. ' ire, Fig. 2 5,~

FIG' ?j R' 'E' P-LAC'j ~ 'G" ' CO·' )"1'D' "'E' :''''"' "!S' E'R l' ...... '!· .. RE·

. .s , ,oIbr.., ... '- ..... _~ :" .,':, I'.!_' __ 1,,' :'j ':.",,: · .. j·"\ .. ,.···.··l·'I ..... ,'t'. ~f;r r. - .... _~

To Replace Arm'oture

Remove arma rure .1ead wi re f rom contact bracket. Remove the ig,n,~ t i on cable from, tnt terminal on the coil. Unscrew four a rrna l' ure mounting screws, .Hold magnero plate' :01 nJ pf'y" a rrn ature loose with a screw driver. 1·0 test coi J be sure ro f ~1,5~,t· n both secondary ,gro'U nd wi re loops t A, and B )

to the core Fig, 2(1_ The secondary of this coil is split n,nA '. 1 he grG~ no wi re,s are DOt connected .1 nsid e oJ rhc coi L F a"i]:-ure YO :f astcn either or bOT h of these grou nd \\,' ires '\\' i n rc$.1.111' i 11 ii weuk or dttid coil, 1\·f ou rn armature on the t \'~'U locati ng pins as. shown in: Fig- 2f;'~ Fasten armature 10 plate wir h fou r rnuu n [i ng, screws-s-w i: rh rwo screws nex r

to coil tnd j n serted i, n loop A a rh .. i B. Fasten j gn iI ion cahle"

ro rcrrni n,! [ of coi I. 'Dj rt U nder the SlOp bu non spring in blower housi ng,~ ()T tyn a ir ,guide in some models will cause

a. short. Check and clean.



IG··:'N1·-T.'IO···· "N (:C- -. tid )"

: ~. " .' i I _ II . _ :, _ '. '. _ on _. ", .t:1

" I

A-· tMl· l\1It. r s 1tO£. ,

. -''-, , :.', "·1 ,":

I ... _", . _' . ['_ . I ,',.







;, ~""

".'. I . . ,

.~ .. ~



I~ I'

~ ~


A ..

ILL. 2:

U •. L, I

FiG. 26~,REPL.~Cl.N·G AR~t\f?lT·OR.E

E.ARL)~ l\fODEL F.H engines; were not equipped with S (eel loc kin g pl a res u nder moun t i ng SOC rew san d .1 ock washers of ,ul:t"sneto plates, This caused screws and lockwasher ~ eo b ecom .-"- loo :(":~ ·5 t-.·d d"'9:'rna O".o,J! the rn -"~g' o.n·,f;'_~ O' '.' '1

-..') ~~ _ ·~fkV·~ \r- ~ .. ," .,~!j... IjgJ.~ Jl.-.. "~IJ,~,l. bL U . 1 ~ ",' ~I!l. ,,'-;''Ir t,v.., .. ~

mag n er 0" pla ... es VI.' '1· th re ~l- n: forci .n'g_ 'II'" ib ... co c 'I;.", OVd] .~ h Fi '" 2···· r;

,,!!,!I,~~,,_.~~-.'- ~-],;i;li,I!."'" .... ~ .. ""' ....,·. ,,!I .• t: ";:3;.",. ~~l.· ,,_, Jl.~~. ,.!L'"b·. Il)~

IlL 1 ~ U5:<:- lock log plate assembly N CL 69711 r IOn plates without en forci ng rilb.) use as.senlbJy No, 697l2, See Fig, 26~ In. 2"

1,0 Rep/iaee Ign1";on C,able

Push ignition cable through hole in magneto plate .. Loop en d. of cable through hole in term j na 1 on. co i] ~ then ben d wire with needle .. n ose pi i ers nut 11 it is, fi rmly fasten ed to the- terminal, DO NO'T SOLD·E·R.

'T-o 'Time MO'.gneto;

With_ contact points, at .,020"1 gap, insert fljrwbee.I key ~ n .,' shaft and securely mount gauge No, M:PJ"T·4 on crank: .s.b:af r. Place- -003" feeler be rwee n contact poi n [5 a. nd mov c. crankshaft clockwise until point closes then open to 003fl'

• _.' - 'f-' :-. ~-,', , •... ., -',~' .' -, _.' ...• , .,'~ .. " -,+ .. .::, - .~ ',. ~

_ .' . gap. If [he poinrer of ,gauge lines up w irh the end. of the

·~·~<'-~.i~ "~~.~ .. -~ t~>! a.rm,2JUre shoe, as shown in Fig . .27 J 1.11. '] ,~, timing is correct. ~1i~~f.]Wl¥)~:;.~. ~{l>:: I f the- poi n rer is past the at mature. shoe as .S nown in .I] L

' .. ~ -,:.' . , " . . - -- .

. : . - -- -2~ the' timing is In re. ToO correct, .ins-ra.U a new fibre tip, No-

, 65- 0'14~ on breaker arm and rec heck , ~ f poi nt er is ah ead of ·d1C end o£ th e ar rna ture as sh own in 111 .3, 6.1 E' bevel 0 f fiber tip until the P01,f] ref lines up wi rh end of' shoe.



'~ LL ... 2






~ lL.3


" ,


'I 1 :-_ I

:~~III~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ __ ~'I~'i~. ~ __ ~~~ __ ........... ~; .... ,' .... -:;.=- ¥J'M:'-1:·:'N",G·-: ~l~'A"'-G, - N: ."~'IO--'I ~ ,.. , _ .' ',- llt'l '_T. '. _ .C1. .. ,

'1';0 Adju,s.' A,r,mc,.fu"e· Air Gap

Ch.aJk edges o'l' armature laminations and mourn. fly~!ht'cl in place. Turn fly,vh;ee1 several revel urions by hand. R('move ·ft r \vh eel and ex a m j n e e dges of fl y w h eel .larn inari on s .. The high sr·ors ,\," ill have cha lk rubbed ~)fl", File these .hi,gl:1 SpOtS carefully until .rub ]5 clirni anted.

MAGNETOS· U'SE·D· ON M,OD,E,l.5 I N,··I, N"S--'" 'U'I' W":I W""-M' " W,,··-·,·M-·,·-B, W"',"M"·, 15·'·-'6···· '8,

lB' III!!' ····.1 .. :.>_ ... I_.Ii!!!I!·'.: . f!!!ii ,';',' r- '· .. ····.'_ .. 1·· _ . I ,',r.!I';. ". I ._ .. ~ .. _1; .... 1 .. :.

1'0 Adjust Breah'er- Po;,n"s

T urn crankshaft until points open to widest .g.ap+ Loosen adjusting lock S:C['E"!fIi.·'· and move contact point bracket up or down to obtain .. 020"1" ,gap,. Tighten adjusnng lock screw. F ig, :2 8. T urn. eta nkshaft so rhat con ract poin [,5 are closed, Twelve 1:0 sixteen ounce tension should opfn - h - oi - 'if cp ... 0 g:r iI'~nit' ion .~..:- too weak b Pfid contact

1: : [: .Puu·.s.~ _L. ,,,:10.' r.~ : _ . Il:'i,;.. ~ ,.;'1 _ '. u ] s ,~,v... \.:.;;p,. ,. .' ~ > '-' "-' - ; .

.. !"

sprlng 'la.n.g to ger p..rO,pe.r tension.

FIG .. 28~AD'J,(JSTING 'C'QINT:ACT P,OlN'TS T,o R.ep/o'ce· Be',eaker .Po.i.rff·s

Loosen condenser and armature wires from, breaker poinr tang, Loosen adjusting' lock screw and remo- ... e breaker point assembly, 1.-:0 assemble, place the' varnished ins ula for" used wi r h t he new sryl e- poi nts benea rh t h e po i n r bra.cker.

The' small boss on magneto plate Sh01UJ.d pro'ltude through l he small hole in: i nsulator and enter [he hole in the rC~~.rH bracket. Fig. 29- If a small insulator is fastened tr. rl H':'

~'.. I '-b ~. ] .

Cl.I.P, tne carnbnc I f]SU: . aror ]5 unnecessa.ry.

Fasten the condenser and armature wires 1:.0 the breaker poi n ts wi th [h eel i p a n d screw. Th e eli p rnus t n 0(: '~I.' t {'l~ rh the condenser, Of the ends of. the wires touch the' b·r~~.keL as t ] l~~~W'i] 1. 51} orr th e c1 rru i r a,

- -.~

'261' 7- soo

a:z::::- - .


Fl' G·-:· 2' 9- R' E-' '-p' 'LA Cl "'" r: B' p 1. 'A' K-' .' r: J ~ P 0-' '1 >-. ·1~ it

" , .. »r=: t' '-:._' ' .,' .~ ,,;'U . i\.: i':::\- ...•. :J":. ;.)


I'G,".',.',N·'···'IIT!'IO,:N,·:i '(C' .ont/d ')"

. - '. " ",' ,",',' _. iii

To Chec,K Br'eaker P,I,ufJge,r

,l' f rl ~t . brtJler p1unht"f is so short that a .02011' point gap c.truun ht: ()htai, the plunger should be replaced with


,::1 new one.

On ol:der rru 1dl·ls I he condenser 'VI re is soldered 10 du: 0.:-,.1 ~,~, t ,J n g on 1 he r){)i ru bLI,cker. ,O'I] Jan: r models the con-

._, ~'

denser wire ;~ Iastened '1:.0 I' he pO:EfH. bracker by means of

, .

~-., ('~ ; P- ",. r"" d sc r ..... w F' ]~ g'~' ::l 0"

ILl I. :. ~iI:, ~ . '- , ,'I:i.. '.. '. ... :). I'

j c OP<!!:'i, ~SrE, r.r

T,o,oce Armature

Remove armature Jea.d wires, ignition cable, four armature mounting screws, lcckwashers, and plain washers, To replace, reverse opera (ion. Fig. 31. Be sure '[0 ad [usr air ,gap after fl ywheel is assembled.

, "

n.;-,.O'III ~~

SH:·D.j -,~ _"1'::..-0;0

~z ...... """




'To IC'he'ck Breaker Plunger Hole

The bleaker poin{$. and plu·nt;cr must be removed in order ro check the plunger ,ho.]c. 1 f the Hat lend of plllg &.'a.IJgc"' No. 2967 3,~ T] 0 v: ~ II ent er, tilt.' holt ,]S . wor n ·a nd a new bushing No. 2.?;:5 1 ~i' sh ould be installed. F'j,g. 32.

'To lnstot! Bre'Cf'k'er Plung,er Bushing

To rebush the pl u ngcI hole, i [ is necessary rha r the n1aJ~,~ nero be removed and t' iat l'~K· armature, breaker points and 'Oil return valve (if there is one) be removed Irorn rhe magneto. plat t·"

Place reamer, No. 2967,),· T'] 0- 2 in a a-m press chuck, ,Li fr magneto plate un [i] the pilot on the end of rbe reamer enters the p] un~;cr h ) ,h.,· 'fO he s u :F~ that ~ he rcan icr is prop-

t'fl}' ali:gn~x) wit the old hule. Holding the: magneto plate in this position, hrin,g the driH ,press down until botrom of magneto ,pliu{' tOU chcs the drill press table, To check Ior vf'r'dca~ aJ,igrl.m~nti st:t.~ that 'the armature mounting bosses nrc equal d istances f rom (he reamer. Stan dr,! U press a. nfJ rea III hole, Use. lOO.] N· o, 2 967 31 = T 1 0- 1..2 to d r ii vc the 'bush; ng (parr No" ? 3 5,] 3) into the hole umilrhc fOp of bushinp. is flush with rop of hole. Fig, 32. Use reamer No. 29G7l~TIO·22 to nnlsh·,ream, the bushing to size for plunger, The :finish reaming should be do.~c by hand.







IDR~'iiIR . 29513 -1 H} L I'Z


, ! .

! F Ii.USH WTf",;

I &O;5.S

i J (!




I BUSHf:Hl~ 235,f.j>







Fl: G<·. 4 ,-/1\,JS-"'T-'A-" L' una B-'R"'E'AKE'R: PLUl\iGER

, . .',!II J~ __ J. ~ ,. .. - j _ . I _. ,- • I,' . ' __ . -. '.. ..,


'1'0 Remove Brea,k'er' Plu'nger Bu,shing

I f the magneto plate has been repaired and a plunger bushi n:g installed, or if origina IJy equipped i;\.'J rh bush ing, it will be necessary to. turn driver .No. 2967'3 .. ,Tl0-12 as shown in Fig, ,33 .. The driver m,ll) then he used either ro remove the old bushing or insert the new one .. However, in this case, care must be 'taken not 'to drive [he new bushing in too far.

:2967 3.,. T I 0..., J 2

n f=!:·I""'- roo "4U· . .: .. , .. -

FIG. 33 ~ COl\' VEl?]' ING Dl~'JTl,ER To Rep/a,c'€?} ,I,9ni,;'on' eo'ble'

Loop end of cable through hole in terminal on cod and bend w ire 'Vol j th pliers until it is securely Iastcned to rhe rer minal D'- 0, -', N,'-"O-- ""T' ;_S'O···'l.,D: ·····E·;, Rr':

., ~ ... , ,~l, 1« J 'I _ _ ". .' . . '. _ ....

To Re'plac,e G'roun,d W'ire

The J~round wire is fasrcned to the breaker points [o,bt',ther wi [h lhe condenser wire. A flat clip is usu~Uy us,td on the back side of {he magne~:o plau' to keep rhe ground 'wire from jJull i nl-~ au t ,I f r!'l j s c.H r~ is not avai lable, a .k not en n he ~ j:ed in rhc I~TOU nd w j re i U:-d j ns ~d(' rhe nl3,gnt.t [) plate,.



, -

.~ -

'.1 "


I - h"

IG' "N'ITI'ON (:'C "d)

-.' ", ,,- '~:,,-,o n'" ,.~ .. ,

Tal 'Ti'.m·e M,ag',neto The ma£,ne[o is always rorrectly rimed v..'heo the ,(lY'\\I],ct',,1 is p rope JTJy ~ ~ssenl b led, Do no r ~H t em P [ to ~h tirni n,g by I'eJocllring rt,!ly parts or .fiJ int; crankshaft f1:a r,

To . Ad'iu'st A,r,malur,e A,ir Ga,p

'The air g~r' bet'wernfly~,·ht:cJ and armature should be, frorn .,002N H) ,.Ol2~'i'. A bad]y worn m~ngnero b~~aring ulay cause this gap 'to decrease when the €T.igine is runrii ng..

Turn flrv/.b~ec.l un [,il magnets are d irecrly belovl the- armature Iaminarions. Raise armature and Insert a, strip of . OO'S I~' brass s hi m S [ ock, or I nsrr u ct i on T a,g No. M s;~' 134.2 (~1.1ppJ:1ed wirh nt\\· armatures ) between the end of '[he

armature Iaminari ons and '[he t1y'~·heel magnets, P.r~S$ armature down and t igh ten mounting screws, Pull shi m OU.L Fig, 3] '.

N'O'TE~' If a detached magneto assernbly has been repaired, tag No. 1'v!S-·134.2 should he sent to customer wirh rhe magneto" This will instruct the customer on how to adjust rhe armature air gap on his own engine,


MOC- - 'ELS 9'-" 14 2' 3-

, : - _1:.' " ,," '- '_' , ' ~ ,; -_:

Thi s ign ttron sys C ern co rnbi nes the bes It Iea tures of bot h ~ he flY'iAthet'] magneto and the external 'magneto igni r i on

.• -_~!I" ;1;;_1 _

~ ... g;;,~.-, ,_ -~'~'. I' ---=------.---- - '------..--' ............. _g;;;;jg "".i





; "

SjtS tern . S,

The magn,etlc rotor, the- armature and (he coil are mounted between (he ,~'}7~·be!t'J and rh e crankcase, TIle magnetic rotor- uses: Alnico magnets and therefore does not require periodic recharging. The coil is impregnated with and mol ded in a pl asri c j .. acket wh ic 11. rn ak es it per rna ne 0 r l:r waterproof. The high tension lead is molded into ellis Jackel' 10 prevent leakage where it connects to the coil, and. is of s u:ffi, c i enr J eng! h to pe.rm, it tepr a cerne n r 0 f spark pl u g terminal,

The' Breaker ,POin.1:5~ which require periodic inspection or

'''!Id~- J'~nS1"m' ".<J:Jn (' ~ re n--10--· ,u n r- ed ~n~: sm ~ ~1 bo ...... O'I'n, the oursi 1I'D ,.i'"1o."(

n : U _ ,L,' ,iL, ,', fIl. ....,_., ,',_ U \,., !",~, ~'lJ ,', ,1t'L,] __ '1..)',;1"\, "J l ri..l, ,'I". ,_ U ~',),IU"!;.. l,1,.

the crankcase, This box also con rains the condenser, The 8:

breaker points :3.J€' actuated by a cam on '[he main camsh aft b~Rr in th e crank case 'an dar e ad j us ted by 'a earn an d screw Jock. Breaker box 3.1$.0 contains the' con need on used when a ground wire for remote Srop,~S~V1 ,'(''11 is re-


The spark j.s automatically retarded while starring, bur as the engine speed increases, i:[ is advanced by ac ri on of the tam Vile] gh t 'On rh e carnsh aft ge ar. Th i s d csign provides proper spark advance at operating speeds

"'Ii! ,;' ,t, 'h, 0" , '11 '~' !t':r 'JI rt ,; n·- 'g" i'~~ .. ic k: kbac k.r _" '\"

V'Yt ~ t. , ll" !iJ! IL ~l t JL '. ~K,~, j. ,.,IU:, _ , __ 'Ii

" I,' • - - •.

Th c ~1 agnem a d c Igni ri on sy 5 re muses ,. norm aJ J r cl osed '.

,bre'i:3J.krr points rather than rhe conventional "normally () rH:~'D '.i" points and th e rcby a ch i eves be rte r m a rch j [l,g 0 f . ,magn,C'to ou:tput to engine requirements .. 1\, good spark is oh ta ined a t 'V'Er:~v 1 {},w speed s for s ta r'r in.g bur :n:h e 'V'o] tage

at ". d ., e .,

" , :" opera t: J n ,I) spee· S l5 .00,( ex c-. :$S,I v-r.

!"'.<~~ .... < 0' _

};~~:~~- .. ' ,1\, ,fun,her adva,nt~ pe of the A1a.g~nem,a.['jc 19:n,j tion SVstem

L ,1,...... , 0 I " ,~ l'

'~i ~ .", .. 4,~'~ ,'- IJ I IJ. .

'~~);~::';.\~.,:' :--~' - ··~l.j~~s. th~H Jr- produces one spar.k ,for each t'~!O revolutions of

~ ~;~s.~~.:~J": .' '''.''. '(he ('r;H1kshaf(~ a.gain sup- plvinp the engine\s req'uirernen['s

~ I: .... iII~J,~,J~-_ .:,.. :~~-:: i. '_ ;j D ,_ '

~~~~~:~~"'~~:~:IJ"~ but nu ex-cess to shorU:'rl,k p1ug- life',

~¥:i~~~ ~-~1! -.J!...... .j:": : ~ ;. ,

~~_~--(.!':V:. :;d-~~!o-'-·I- ,. .

'f_;}f ~,~;. :f~';:4J."·:,·:r '" .

~ ~p :r...:;....-i~ ~~-~-~'-i:~r:::.II('I. I'" j

~~. ''''~~.:.t;. "~".:..~:.-..:.: .,'

~~Y:--~ 'I-~:~ -~-:..·~~w ~ .~ .. ~J. •. ~~~ .._ --,,:.;_n'''',._ "_.t _ .-

-..,:' ~t ... ~~~:~~· -§\.!. ,. -n . - .. _

' ~ ~1~_~",,~~1-1-~_~~"{~.H .... 'i!~"~'" ~r· "

,." ?;; ["i .;.J.~~",,':I:"'4·:':'-'" L ,: :"" •• :

I -~ . ~ ",--,--""-_' I'!. l"- •

• :,.w..ttt i~R... V~"i I

I • .. .. I '-<":q:.j 'f ~ J. _..r_, -






. '~'



" - "!j

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l~( t,r~f; , PO I 1iTS

..... -

, r

Li2~~~~'~O~~ __ ~~~~ ~~~ ~ ~==~ __ ~J

THE BRJGG:S & .. ,STRATTOl"T ftlA(;l\F,El~J-,4T1C tG'NIT10l\7 S)~STE1~1

,Mag'ne,rn,atic Igni'ti,on _, ,Models '9 .. , 14~,23!

I t is nor ne\,ary to remove blower housi og of fll·~"ht tJ ro adjust or replace breaker points or condenser.

To ,A .. dj'ust Bre'oke'r Po,in"5

The breaker poin rs are inca t ed in th e b re ake r box' at the front of engine. Fig,. 34,. Remove cover by loosen ing rwo

,~ Iii

S crews at 0pp05 i re corners" Be su re that none 01 r he' wires

~ t rae l;ed t~- t be breaker pi ate are grOll nded agai nsr rh t box or (over, AdjuSl' breaker points as follows: F .. otare era nks h a. f t un r il poi n rs .open to w i d est g.ap, Loosen b:n:~ak e: r pIa re screw sl l,g h d.y . Rota re eccen eric to secu re ,.0- 7: 0 ~ -' .. &,2, P and t igh ten b reak e r po.i nr sere w Fig, 3 -s "

B:R E ii:::E: it 8iO l( MmHf:! r IfG ,SC:R :EI'S


t":1;rli!:_r.,_ -~IIi!;'-~

Fi·G·,',: 3:',4:"~B;R'E'AKER 130);'

. - .: ! .". - ,.. , ._, "_ - - '_ . . -,



I ~:

;~ . !


: 1

~ !l







I 'I

~ .

.. '




, ~ ~ -



, il"



I I, I




~ I

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To, Replace ,8re'(J'ke'r Points

i\ ot au: [r.J n].~!'>.l i a f[. until poin rs art" .i n ,,~-idel. opt'n pos.i t jon a n~ l J(o;.l vt. t"r~u iksha fr j n rh is pos it; on '~'.~ l i h~· chant;.i.n~~~ po~.t ~ t ~'- R em. H';'t" rtf rn i nal SCIX"~~_, J :,i,~" 3.(l,

R,(.'nJ:o\'t_ ~J"'Jring screw. Loosen nut uru i] H.~p of nut i'~

~'11 usl: ,:~",i di cud of rhrea d{·d .sh~l.f t. l"aJ1" n ur w j rl: 1 is'b l h a rn rne r 1 0- f [,C'il' breaker J)O i n {' {r 0.1'11 (a fl't r 0 f ::.;.'1) a f r _ J{ (,' mov (_" nut an d brea k er PO! n L R{·f)'10\."C breaker plate 5C:Ji'(~\V' and breakc r plat t"

lJr\'.-' Our rhe bre ake ·,r. sha i'li" (' ]'J' "'r. I . t~ l ',';, , 'L

.' .... _~hL ..:)[,a.[" )' ;1i16·.L wirn a nun JCf P1Ct:,

J::Jrt$S ,1 n J new se,~',]]1 wi rh t he nl~rttl side our, ;. Rur .- new

breaker pla u: on rop of insu Iari n p' p,A a re raki n {I care th.~l ['

D ,. 0

I he dowel in breaker ,p,JaJE' '{" Db.ages hole in .in5u]~ rl:!lg p!;'l[ e.

F ~s~ en breaker .plate screw only en ough 10' pu [ a 'li,gl H tension on the plate. .A,djusr erceruric so thor lefr edge of i ns., Lu i ng plate is parallel to ed,ge of box and righn"Jl screw, This .10[~He$ the breaker plate so that p.roptr gap nd jusrrnenrs may be made. Fig". .? 7 Turn breaker ,s:haf[ ] n clockwise direction as far .as possible,

Plate new breaker point ()[1 shaf 'r,~ the n !' 1 .. ~ lock ash l

. rne ~,~,'\'i·~:;;.,{ r

and ritjhren nut down on Iockwasher. Roe,place sprilfl,g sere w J. nd rer min a i scrE"\V,. A dj us [ po i nts by ] ooseni ng breaker plate .screw slightly and rotating eccentric to ,:.eCUTf' .0 ') ali gap between points. Tig:hten breakE"f plate screw,

- - -

J~JiG', 36~I'R'EL~tJK.ER EO}{ f1S5El),1B'L)-"

sha{~ nur until it is !lush with end of shaft Tap nut with a Iighr hammer '['0 .f tee bearing. sha fr {rom breaker point. Remove nut and Iockwasher. The shaft must be r~rned a half revolu don in ord er to remove ir from the breaker box ..

] nsert '(he new shaft .an d ru in un ril The arm 1S downward.

i" Assern bl e hr:t,ake. r box ro th e' ty] I nd f L Loosen rh f' breaker ,plare screw and rurn ad jusri lng-eccentric until the lefr edg!E' nf. the i nsular j n,g p~au:' is parallel ro the edge of ·rne breaker box. Fig. 3,7., Turn breaker shaft cl'[}[kv."is.e as {ar as. pos .. s ible ~ then assemble lockwasher and nu r. 'Tighten, nu r sect tre J y" I,

Rotate eccen rric until breaker point ,gap, of .0.2 ON ,1S ob., rained, 'then ltigh'ten plate screw'. Replace breaker box cover,

,NOTE: J.f lever on end of breaker shaft has broken off and points: will not ope',!1; remove breaker box, turn crankshafr UIitij the breaker CSLm srop pin on cam gear lines up with the borrorn ot breaker box hole in cyIinder. The breaker s'h.afr should be rep~a(Ed and points adjusted.


i8!R:{jH,fIl P'(:)Ull


F J!~E:r;t r,t$IHI{'Il:"" srtn Jr.lS,~tf~ .•...


. _:":

1'lIl''' ('f Ii: piLJ lE H ~: [lr


'BR EAtER ,P"l J;. T [ ..--f-""'Ii'4f-"=-I-=-f'""t:;;,_.


F/G"'-' 3'5·' A' D"Jl' 'IT"'" -'1' li.7G·· :e'R- ~:;".A _"l~~' .' ,_ a, ., , ,I"~, ~'..' »: ~J' .,1~.," .a _,~ ,c,,,tJ 1< t: t~ PO l.~ T;\

F1G, 37-.J!\rS.tlLATJ.A~'G PLATE POSITJ.O,!\~ To ,R.:epJa,ce Rotor.

I .

Remove the ..locking screw and the set screw, then slide rotor from the crankshaf t If crankshaft or bearin P Stip': :.,


ptlr{ is [0 be disassembled, the rotor key sJ1Quldbe re-

moved and any burr 011 rhc crankshafr at the keyway, or 05(,,[ screw hole, should be ca rt'fu] r y removed ~.' ir.h a ,n.IE_ CAUT]O',N, Krep watches av.ray from rotor [0 prevent

'T' 'I-I,'~' i [. bei rirr 1)'":1 ':1i b,li' n· F~ t ;' ":loT ... - :]!

Il 111... _ 'L .!I, ... ,~,~ ......... ~,~., ._ !ib,iI,L~ ~tr

'_' ._<

To reassemble, p'lace key ,i n keywaYil rhen slide rotor orne, era nk.s.h~l fc un til 'f he S(i 1. sere Vi.i h01 e j n ren or an d cr.a.n .ks ha:ft ~.r(: ali g:neJ:, Be sure t h:.u ,key remaj ns in place. 'T'ight'cn rh(" Sf" r S[ fe Vi,[ securt'·] )" ~ then t i,g h tc n r h e lock screw to p,rc've n I' .s.c"r ,SCJ1~\~;' from Jooseni ng.. TJ1:C ~oc:k, s(rt'll.,f is 3(:Jrt:llrfadj n,g :~ nd ~,he .huh· doc:~; nn~ 1't(] uire tappi ng. Fig,. 38.

1'0 Replace COlndenser

Fasten the condenser lead wj re and primary ~ tad '\\" ire to breaker plate' as shown in Fjg" 34" The condenser mount.i og bracket also ho.kls the ,ptimary lead ~j ire ,j n place,

To, Re,p/,(lce' Breaker B,ox' Ass'embly

Remove breaker box cover, R otare crank sha! r u nti] r~oi,n~.~ open (0 the '9:,idt5t gap" Remove terminal screw. ,Fig. 34"

Remove rwo breaker box rn.oundng screws. .

TO' reassemble, reverse above operation, hut :ad ju St poi IllS

befO,ft 3.ssC'm.bIin,g CO"'('r :as explained p.reyjoosJy. I

To Replace B,re,aka!, ,Shu",

Turn cr3nks:hafl unl,iJ points 'Open 'to .O2:0'/~ [heD rCnlOV(~ breaktr bOi{ asstmbly a.s e~ plain'ed aho':I'e. I .. oosfn the

- _._ •• I - -


IGN]TIO'N (Conl'd.)

. ,.,

NO'TE:' On some earlier Model 14 engines rhe set screw ~~aS' .1ockcd i oro place with a, cotter pi fl. J f. WS im porran (

- - .: >-.---.<,;;<.~ thJ.t the set screw be verv tight. If adiusrrncnt is neces-

I • .. .. 1" ...... , - .. ~ r J.. J

-. _~".~~ '- ~ " s: ~ s,ary' in order '['0 j nserr rhe cotrer pi n the set screw shou ~d

-.-.' .. ~j;' "- •. ~ .,-~, . .:+ ':::'; .' . ~ .' '" ' .. '. .: ". ", ' ,,,' ",'"..,. -" ... ...

_';---'- ':...:: .'. be u.~ :',:,htencd) not loosen ed,

.. ._ :r-· .. ' 0

I :.~~ 'II ~.- -".;

.. - '\I ••

~ .... '" I' _ -

To ,Adj'us,t Rt,Jor 'Timing

The rotor and ar m at u re are cor reed y ri m ed a, t rh e factory and ,req_u,]rc d,m,ing only if the a rrnaru re has been rem,,?ved from the engi ne, or if the earn ,gear or era n ksha { ( ha ve been rep] aced '. I l necessary to ad Jus r ~ proceed So S ,f ollows :

Set point' gap at ,.020tl and, with rntor properly Iocared OJ] '[he cranksha h by means of thepointed set screw, turn {h e (I a nksh J ft in normal d]' recr l on of ro [3. C i 011 II n ti 1 breaker po i nts jus r sra rt to. ope n, If. necess a,ry, use: a d ming ] i gh r or' i nserr a p,i eCf. of '1: i S$U e' pa per berwee n the break e r pain t:s to determine when points begin co op:en. Loosen the three aJJD 3[ ure mou fit i ng screws sl igh r.J.y and rotate ar ill a ru re until the arrow on armature Jines up wirh rhe arrow on rotor as sh own in fig:" 3 8. ,A lign wi th co rrespondi ng num .. ber of f ngi Be mod elan model 9l ;aJ ign with 9 ~ etc. R erigh re n arm aru re mou n t j ng screws.

_ ~~ : .. _--_: . .-

-~... I I r.. j I _"I "I I

~JI ", 'I' .. '~'_-""~' - .... -.

~1'1 .:. . . '-

~ I I' ..


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FI-:G;·.,. 3',O~R.:·.·E,""P-:L'A,C·-JN~'G·' , RO'T',O' .. ,R·.··

; ..... J.] ,"0 """l "" ' __ ", _ '"" J ""~"' "," ,'"


.-.. .

"~"I:"~-·I ~.I'''_- I ;., _ - - .

..... "1'1 _ -_.- _~ 'I .. _


'To ,Re',pla',re' Coil

With fl:Y'\vheel removed" loosen "the prima ty lead wire, pc i m a,ry iii n d secon d a ry grou nd Vt~ res from back. P late, Pry OUF clips at Each end o,f coil core. Hold hand. over clips while rem ovi ng. Put] ignj,rion Eabie t.hrougJ~, back plate bur 'be careful not to. pull terminal from ignicicn cable, CoH can now be pushed off or onto the' (ore, if ir is to be rep,! aced, F j g. 39'.

Reassemble coil by revers i ng the above opera! ion) bur 'be SUf,E:' that the primary wire from coil is assembled between ignition cable and back plate, Inspect this wire and the armored p ri mary wire Ieading from term i na 1. on, back plate: to, rhe breaker box fOf frayed ends 0'1 broken insula,~ rion whi ch ,ma.y ca use sh orr c.i rcui ring,

The, co~m retainer Is assern bled between til e coil. and arma-ture with "rounded side toward the coil,

19,n,it;'o,n C'abl'e

The cable is permanently fastened to the' coil and a.ny -rE'. temp'f '[ 0 remove it wil I. result in damage to 'the coi 1.

Exarni ne cable at the spark plug end and 'be sure that the' wire strands are nor broken lOOSE' fro.m the rerminal.Tns u lat ion mu st n or be broke-n or soak ed w i th water or oi I, or grounded in any way that will pre've,nr 'pJ,r0,P·er ignition.

The armature is fastened ro the crankcase 'Vi.' i rh three screws which also hold the back plare in. place, Alter armat tire is reassembled, the rotor tl m in,g rnus t' 'be' a.d:~ usred 11) explained previously,

To Ch'eck' ,A,utomatic S',park A,d'v"ance

Place' cam; gea r in nor mal opera ti ng posi 1: ion 't\"'] to. the movable weight down. Press the down 'to srretch spring, Release, and the spring should then Iifr the weight, If nor, the spring is stretched or the weight is, lOO- right,


Fig., ,40.


:, ,

01' , ...


ADV" dN"'CE'

. ' I : of 1_', ,~:


, ,

1 j







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. '

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IG' ·N·'TIO· N' (COO 'd)

..... ! ..... , I' _ ':" .'_:', .• ···.·'o:n·".·. ~ '.

~ It,, ~'

'T; h~ r '::'rl'~ S" r.; 1'",," 0" f" pole p.- ". 'j' ec es ~n' ,d···· t it'll ro P 1 ~ t ,;C;:;o: on 't\r 1;.... ,; C··1-,. r o ..... m ou n-' r

,:_:, " '--"1 tI.. . i~ ~,~ . '_ , :' .. l"- I"'·.,.__ _ L U. _" . . (, 'i') ,:' X tl ,L ~ '.- lL' "r ~ J!. .J J ' ",. " '.",.

them, should be made to the dimensions shown in IlL 1" Fig, 41,- The steel used for tile pole pieces, sh ould be made of a soft steel such as AISle 1019., Dowels or screws can be use d ro hold pole p ieces in pl ace, A clom,.pas$ should be used to locate the poles on '[be charger.

'1'0 Ma:,g,n"eti:z-e' Flyw,heels

M'o,del:s 8 and All 2t,; B'D,re

IT se Po.]t pieces ,. A,,!' Held fly\1/het"~ with pole pieces toward you and fins downward (In. .2 i Fig, 4' 1 )-. 'The pole pi fee TO [h e ri g,h r sh 0 u J: d g.o on the po] e of t11 e ch a. r.g er that attracts the NOR,T,H sttkin,g end 01 the compass

---'-'-",""", ~~

ILL .. ~ "

ru., 2

ru. 3








. .



Ill .. , ~

I' 'I

1 I:

ILL f;

F'lG·.% -AfAGN' rr-- l' 21- ia F-L·\..,!I"'f~·;H' B'B"LS' &. R' '0- TO'RS

.'/ ... ~J.~JI< .. ,_', ~ '.-, : 1\., . . '_' J I~~"" ..... , -.',"".. ". .'" ,: ....•. "-",'


R'O'" ······T; '0': '. R'" 'S···

, ... , .... . ... _.,

I '.. ,. -e ~'. ."

'~-- -'; -e --. - ;:---.,,':::""'" ._._-- '"----: - :::':- '" .• -~

needl tf; .( I J l. 3, ~ Fi g. 4]). ,A p pl y curren r rwi ce for 3 se c'·'

- ~.

onds each with '1 second intervals,


A .. B .. ,FH .. Fl .. F,J-M .. K~L-;M·P·B~'Q'''''R:-S-' ~,W .. Y.Z·.II

Use pole pieces "B." 'The pole: of fiywJleel marked "N'' should be placed on the pole' of the charger which atrracrs th e NaiR TH: seeki,ng end of the compass need le e In, ,4!! F(g., ,4.1 ).., A,pply current twice for .3 seconds. each ~'i rh .] second intervals (:II1.. S~, Fig, ,4: 1 ) .

M,ode-ls 9.., 14 .. 23

Use pole pieces "C." 'The pole of the rotor marked "N" should be- placed on the' pole of the charger wh ich ~H ~ r fa crs The:' SQIJTH seek i ng en d of r he compass need'] t (I] ,I. 6;1 F i.g, 41 ) '" ,A pply curren t, i"~~l i ce for j seconds ea ch '~I it 11 1 second in terval,

- - ~-· .... r·":" "T":-'" - E"~' L _ ...... 4-- __ •• .::. .. ........: •• _, •• _- ••••• 7: ".;. .... -:::.---::- •. -~~ ~"""!"!I",;,!"I ~...i. ... "...;....u.._"_ .. ...,. _ . .;:: .


[ .

• ,-




·f I

.- '


r ~ .

. ,

- ,



An air cleaner properly scrvked pmreos the iml::rnal parts of the Eogine from dust particles in [he air, If the a ir cleaner instructions are not carefully followed, the dirt and dust which should be collected in the cleaner will be drawn into the engine and become a parr of oil film. This results in an abrasive rnixrure which wears the moving parts instead of proteCting them, No engine can sra nd up under [he grindi og action which takes place when this occurs. The air cleaner on every engine brought in for rune-up or repair should therefore be examined [0 see if it is clean, free from din and gl.1m. If the cleaner shows unmistakable evidence of neglecr or misuse, it may be well to show it to the customer before cleani ng and instruct them on the proper care to assure good engine performane,e,

Three rypes of air cleaners are used on Briggs s: Stratton engines- (1) Oil Bath Type. (2) Felt Type 1'l.nd (3) M0S~


Remove cover an d. 6] ter and pou r ou t oi] ~ Fi g,. 42'. W ash rhe filter element thoroughly and be sure it is. completely drained before it is reassembled Clean bowl and (OV'e'F

".' .'.d·' .' ,,"' .... -J,,' R.··,,] - ".,.-. ,'.' .' c' F~'11 '. ], .. " ... -.: ,"., .. .... '. ~I 1;.. i 1·

an ~'lp.e u.ry. _' ,E,P ace parts." l, rieaner up (0 01... if\ It

m,aik on bowl with oil ,of the same viscosirv as used. in the


crankc ase, If the deca l contai ni ng 0 i 1. i IJS tr uct ions on cl ean - er is worn or d irry j; ,repiace with a new decal, Part N 0- 274.,4'3., These are available free from factory or yO'll!" source

Of suppl '.

f ,,Ji:~ ; I ,; . 'Y"





'2730' ,., 1'9

F·I· ,G< 4·2~ _- 0.·" tt B'··J:_' A" T:··H· A'· l R,~ C.··· L"Jr.:' A' N· T E-'- R~·

. . .• _' ',". "'J ..... ,_,". _. . ,~"'." '," L" _., '\.

F',eli l""'l'pe

See rig. 4". Rinse in, gasoli ne. Blow all di rt out of :fi I re r

element. If filter element is, g,umn'lY or greasy so it cannot. he cleaned, ] t should be fepIacf,d. \

Moss 1:'1: P .... ~

_ •• _. - ,I • ~

See Fig" :4 3. R inse in ,gas.o] j ne [0 remove dirt. FiH \N i rh

oi] t hro'ugh holes. Lcr excess oil drai n our, 1. f moss 15 gummy and ga5.01i He w ill nor remove d ir t ,and gu rn, air

cleaner .should. be- replaced,


Two fuel supply SystfLms are "used. 0]] Briggs &, Srrnt ton engines: ('I) Gravity Feed and (2) Suction Feed, Fi~,., 44., Thegraviry feedsystem has the fuel tank above the car-

i II

FiG. 43~F,E,LT AND A1.0SS T'~l'P,E OlL. ,C,LEAI~'tr:R bureror ].evtl and. rhc flow of f ue 1 :i s ,eofHfol.led. by the !:c:;:,~ and inlet val vie in. the carburetor. The suo: inn feed hJ~' t h~

f'lllJ;~ t .... .nk below 'l'"l!...,op r o rbureto :t· and 1',11"'1, rn 0: ist insta nces T~''':.="'

: , .... "l ,a" ,~. . .... ',.Il _. ~...,,-,~ 1.... """''''. 1l4,"", '," ,c.Ll,,~ , ,[' . .. .iJ', ~ , ~ - .... ~., ~ ,M_

fiow of fuet is controUed. by a rank outlet (foot Y~-d~.'~<J ir.

the 'f t:~,e.] rank. I t is important that a U parts be clean :uld free :f rom di rt, gunl: or varnish j n order ro operate propr'rl y USf" acetone 0[' alcohol to remove aum or varnish.

. ~

:'U:, t tH. E, VAl, ¥ i


"'~"""'" I

I ~


F1G····' 4'J:' C'A···:·R··· '~U·R'· ~rJ·'·R'S'

._ ._.1, ~l " .q.=- ..... _:.,'" .... : I) ..... "', ,L~ ~.;/L_':."···.

· ,


, '

.:; "



· ,

,.1 , . ~.


~. ~

- -:.

I ...

. , .~ i'l

::i ~


' .....

Fuel Pi.p'e


n{'Ct i ons 'rN,r··~,' ,. ''I' :t" (~~1"1,t 'U .~ . en iIr r» pl,.." (. ,r;'g

"- 10. e~ ,L '!,,,, nlJ;... ;&i'i.,,,,Lu' l,~"".'.'

Fuel ,F'i'lte'r

J\i O~'~ 'E"ngilu;' models w i i h gr,~l \" i ry f(':ttl t ~~pl" carburet ors

ha vc- .f uc] fd rers. ""0 (1(_~;1 11, fi rsr close rh(· shu [, ~off val V(~\ :[ hen ,~,(lO;~C11 th urnb screw '~{ borrorn to' remove ghtss bow ,1 , gas ker 3 nd screen- Open sh u r-off .,v,l1lve to see if fuel flows fr{·c'l.y from the tank, If air bubbles ,a,ppear aftefiw.{.ea,ssembl ;,ng" loosen thurnh nut until fuel overflows [he filter bowl.

Tank Outlet

T·'k. d w..( d] F- H' 'L ·Nt C S 1" J' ''1''\.~'lli 1.Y,- 'l:;f \'.V/)" I B

£i(r'LS(~ art' use on J"'-10t~ 50 ':'~' _', _~ •. 0=;~··', . _, ~- ;I:.'.'\~ Jl~",l- '\'\ J_'I;"L ."~

\X:rhl]; ,_ Y. Fig. 4.:. _ Rerrx ive from ,[ ank ~ Brush ~r~TI1 y dirt ~ but do not remove or damage screen, Blow through from screen end '[;0 sec ,if check ball is fret, Blow through 0'1'.'

. d' d . '·f h k II '[ l.

POSHt en', to. I .eterrnine 1. c ec<", valve C oses passage. If

(log,gtd~, clean with alcohol or acetone. Be sure to replace ,gasktf. when replacing cutler in tank"



F'Ll~T Ta,nik Cap

The ve-nt hole in the rank cap on, all mode ls must be kepr

0pe.,n, except on Model 'U 'r-::ngj nes, Th is tank (2 P should

bt ~~.l:[-i.ight"

fu,e1 Torik

Flush tank w irh clean gaso]i ne ro remove dirt and water.

U Sf" alcohol or acetone to eli ssol ViC gum, The hole- in the' 'air line connection in rhe fuel ra nk on Model U must be open from .. 0.2')" to .02 an ~ Fig. 94"

G· 'R'A.~.V,I'fT:"y:' :FE·-,'E-·:D···'· C'- A'~'R ... ··.,B',U· .. ·R···. E-· .. -Y'O··· .. '·'·,R'S:'

... .' __ '_ . . ...• . , .. ' ~. . __ I . . I.

.I rnproper carbu redan rna y be caused by a n}· of the Iol-

, } 0\\" j H,g. f actors: Leak iog m ay be caused by ,~l worn or dirty float: valve, ,Boa[ our of 'adjusrm,ent~ plugged air vents, or VoI ~ t ptd u PI~t"J bod Y" ~ Ex ce 5,S J v e ~,~ ear ,1 n [he t h rot rle shalt ran cause eng:; nc U) Tun erratically .. A shoulder an the point: of rbe needle valve or idle valve can prevent propcT

adjustment. 'Pic" 46.,

.. ~.

To Rem'ove Co'rb,ur'e'f'or

Close shut-off li3.1v€ in fuel fl,} ter 'Or tank. Disron fleet fuel li ne at carburetor. R emove a,j r cleaner and elbow. Hold carburetor to :preverH dropp: ng ~nd remove two cn,p screws and lockvlasht'rs from rhe intak(' elbow, Remove throttle ,link and ,governor spring, Thf" ca:d)urt~ tor is then Free

from all (onnr'C"[,ions.,

To rf·~1~5trnblc. reverse the u11trn.'I,ions as pcrfl"Fn.1fJ ~b{)\'r.

G l,S'OL I M] E h!t:+-:L.r~~ I~LET ~'R~ F'UEL 1",III,t:;'



! ..,.:r~ ~~~' "~~~,,,~


FJ,G. 4,6~,G-RAV'1T}r FE,ED' S'}'~'ST,Eil,f

Te Ch',eck' ,Upp,;er Co'rbu.ref'Of S,od',y [or Warpage

If a .002N feeler gauge can be inserted between upper and

lower bod ies a 1: the air vent. boss jUS'[ below rhe idle valve, rhe upper body is warped and shou ~ d. be replaced, Fig, ,if].



.. ~ ~ 'Z5;7i~----

FIG·" 47=-----CJ~ECKJN',G ,CA,RB[lR,EJ-OR B'()D}~ 10 ,Check Throt'tie .sh,oft· ao,d

"B.u,5' for We,ar

Place a, short piece 0,£ iron 'bar an the upper carburetor

body just below the throttle shaft as shown .i n Fig" ,4.8. Hold th rot de shaf r dO~J n firm ~ y and measure the d isrance between shaf {' and iron bar wi th a fee lcr gau,gc - Pu II shaf t upwards and ag~1 in measure the d israncc between rhe shaft and bar", If the d iff erence exceeds .0'1 O~/'~ ir means thin

ei ther the 'Upper body should 'be rebushed or the throttle shaft should be replaced, or both. After rhrortle shaft has been removed, ] r can easi Iy be dererm incd if the' wear is on rhe rhrorrle Sh3 f t by compari ng the worn and unworn

portions of the sha It.

Fe ,Disossem,b,':e' Ca,rburetor

IJ se a ~" /]," ''1;\'' r e nth an J. 1 (Jasen need J c p:lck j' fl,g!; n u r, Scr cw 01.1T '(he- :parki"ng nut and needle valve to~:t:r'htL Use a thin, bh.Hl[ screw driv(",[ to remove nozzle. The .nr~zz]e projects into a recess in the upper body, It must be removed before body is s~parj]red from lower body. FiB~ ,49~ Remove the four S(J.(' w 5 :h 012 i, D,g 'Up pc r a n d I O~· er body. T ak e' ou t

;.{Hc valve.


J' •


- .

,,}.tJ'" .... ",' nft'

-"L/'!IIj, la,!lil-L., ~',-,!




'. .


f 2:SI!'..~· 1,00

. .

FJ.G 48~C···"HE, <C··;····K·:· r~·IG··:· F··· ·0···· R'" T·_'H", 'R" 0', IT'· -. L·· E~· 'U"/;E:~"A" ·R···'··

_ _. I!! ,__ _ ,. • 0: 'l~""" 00' , 0 _~, '.,' .' • _ J' ~ I", [, .' . _ .. : : _. i_ - __ • • .", I, : -'_'. ,

FIG st: ·R·,:EA-fO·l/lNG····,·· T' .. H··-·.·R,·-·O· .... ····:IT· '. ·L··E.· S··>T,O·."p, A,,~'1i;.TD'··

. ,!III l~- _'--' "-:_ o' o_ ,.,0. ' __ , ..... ,," ".,' , .. ,,1°~,_,


r,o Replace T'hrott/e S'h'art ,B.usning,$

Place a ~_~u x 20· t.81.p or 'an E-Z: out in 11 vise, Then. turn. carburetor body so as to, thread. rap or E~·.Z our into bushings enough to pun bushings our. See P'i,g. j.l~ Press new bushings into carburetor 'bod}· with "' ",; ,,",;;:~. J"iI'"'i'C,Ro~, r rhr ,~\rT f.;;;,

l .~. - '0. • -, I . 0 ,0 • ~I.: ''Iilj J:j, :JI ~~ 'lIP. ,.:J~!11 . "iIiIld~1 ~.I.,t ,,"'I,~ I;,l~

shaft to be sure it' is .free in the bush i ng.s., 1 f n ot, ru ~ .. , f~

. 7 j!3- 2' n d . ~'] - - b' b

SIze . / .. ' .·f1.i.; through. both bushings to act :(',.s :a ]ino:··


·1' .('Ii'l':"i':t ... , ,~.L&

To .Reas:sem·ble 'Carb'urefot

r - • - -

...... '.,·0· 8'" ~ 4-9' ..

, ~., '.'._:,' _"

Use new JlTasket(! ~ nd n ,n'n_: 'pa.·i!"[··.~: ·nlt.-; ere nccessa rv C ~-? rb .~! rc: s:>

o _ - !Ir P __ _ , __ ...... ,~ . _.1, r.J on ,Ii ~, ~ _ ,_I;.-. '- ~ . .c~, ~;s; '. ~ Ii H~, '.~ I "'" I, •

. ', '.' .. _.

r epa if kits. are a val lable, Sc rew i 0 let s ea t tv i t:h ~~'.a;s:ke r ~~ ..


curely into place. Drop inlet needle in to seat, place b(;)d:;"

gasket on upp1er body, then assemble ·float..

Invert 'Upper body to- check rhe ·floa.t level. Tile :fl.or; r .511(;U~:~ be parallel [0 the body mounting surface. If 110'[, htnd tang, on :float until the}" are parallel, See F.ig .. 52. A.sserribh. venturi and gasket ('0 lower body. Be 5U.I"·e the holes 1 n· gasket and. body are aligned. All models do not h:1 ve ~ removable venru ri.

.A P 1 n holds the Boa'[ in .pI a ce . Remove to take on ( flea r and. inlet needle, Check: the Bo·a.-[ for- Ieaksge. If it' conrains gasoline, it should be discarded, A wide heavy screw driver should be used to remove the' in] et seat. Fig. 50.. Pull venturi out .of Iower body"


ILt- 2,

IllL,," 3



~ '~9




.1 2'.'~i~ ,~o'


1i.,L .;.

- _. I.·


.. Fl,G~ 50-.REA101'll\:G INLET VALVE' SE,AT

F' }"G" ":;;2' C"'HE':Cl"l~'lG' FL"" ,," , " ' :. :

.',i • ..)'~.'.'~' fi.'i~·.'>:_OAT .P,OSlTION

Remove throttle valve. Use a thin punch 'to drive' out the

. . ..

pin .. wh 1 ch holds rb e rh rot rl C' s rop ro .s'h aJr ~ then P u I r our

shaft, Fig, 51. If shaft and bushings are worn, they should be . re placed ~ Old c r model carburetor s hav c II 0 bushi n gs, a~d throttle body must be replaced if holes 3Ie 'worn .. Soak r.i. . 8;nd dean an parts thoroughly,

:F~;iSH.'n upper and loweli bod ies rogerher w ith fnu r mountin,g screws. Screw in nozzle wit h narrow, blunt screw dr iver '" he.~,in,g caf:t.f uJ. that [he nozzle tip enters the reces-. i n ihe u p~Ptf body. Ti g] 1 ten nozzle S ec U]I el y .. Sc re \\' in.n eedl {"' va.l ve un r i 1. i '[ j us t touch es th e seat, til en turn ir hack abou ~ '1!1 turns. Do not tighten nut.

r + •

! ~ I


i , ~


.)', ,II!

Scn .\\ in ,j d 1(·' 'va J vc un t a i [ just touches rhe seat ~ then .( l! rn i ~ k ahou r -; "~I of a "{urn',

l"h{." ~d.·hl\'·l·' needle and idle v.ilvc set [in~ ~.n;: appro}: irnnr ely t"i:H ft.-C'L Fi n.r] ~ld j: UM men (_ should l,lL" made c~. hen t· h e en-

• '. ~ '. 'J""' [" '~

"l'-'H 11;,.: J! s ru ~ 1: ,J I.H ,r_. ~

L" ~

To Adjust Co'r,b,u,r'eto.r

Ti l r I'" n "'f·d·'·· i (", "i.-' "I' i t •. ~ i n I] n t il (." 1''' fll i n/'" rn iss (~(: r h en t urn [) ecd ] e

II.. " !I \... '" ',' .' I:;.;. 1I3;1l ~ I 'jI 1.., __ J PL., , , ", ~ J'l:;; ~ .. l,·~. ~ ~1 _ • .]l Ii . ,.. • _ _ . . •

, '., ~ "I •

' '. -. 'II.. .', - ":1"" ~ . . -. I : .. j • - ", - • ~ -}.' ' • ",' .' j '.' -_ - . - ,," ,. • . [ _,' I "

\ ,~-d:\ t, out P .. rsr smoorh Opt rtilun,g_ ,rOi.n~ unn engUl.e runs

UfH"l'(_'n'lr, Then nun needle V'a,lvc\. .in .. j u S'~ far enough so [h~H eng,j D!(;' ru ns smooth Iy, Tighten packing mit, ,", .'~"\"

$t'1 ~ LH(: ad iu st in o screw u nril engine' idles 3.[ the P_TOP,Cf

JI !O . I

. d J ""b ' '''r ''l H' .. ' 1 _.11 1L I· s . H

.I Jt.' speed, TJ. le N o. 5, ,iJge 1=,., -.0 u. rhrott re 111 .f ore

po .. it ~ on Tu t .... ]"d· IF' '\""":1,]' \,.t::i j U or .au r UfH i J. en ~tin![' P icks un

. !II"'lol ~,V,II, :.,1 .... ,~JJ ...... ~ .. ~~(J' '-,_ ",.,' .;.:_ .. _' ,1". ,,'J ':_ "l:!:}.' _ " .-.-'". ,," 'I

. .

s.p·u-.:,.3 and runs smoothly. Then _a, reset idJt adjustinj;

screw to bring engine to pr, ~'Per idle speed. Release throt.

rle. 1': n ('I'~ '0' Ji:l, sb o . '.ll-d: a ce lers ft·· wi rhou t hesiration or .sp, 1.'1t.

•. !L".. ,.!b: .. , a .;I, ~ ...... .;:J, ,,,,"", ~ .".. . .

terinc. If it does not accelerate properly, rhe needle valve

..... , . . ~ ,

sh ou I d be r eadjus red, usuall y to a. J icher m i xrure, See ,F 1 g, jj".(

" l'~.


The suction feed carburetors are of much simpler design than the gna\tIty f.eed ry'pe~ In- some Instances there are no rt~r2:,i rs other than replacing needle valves, connectors, etc Fig, ,53 ..

';P~ II ~ ,0- W .... ~ [:":1)

,~ ~ , "II •. t ._ I: ~

l' :!. .. ; ~ I'J rl.1f' - i'i'l} 'tr ~ r~ ;'~t! r. L. [I IJ ;f!J



GAS Ol U~ E I.' l.E. l' F- R OM F U E l T Po ~ r.

FIG', j3~SLlCTJO,l\r FE'l~"D CA,R.B~UR:'ET,O'RS

1'.'·0.:',' Rap'.' I:·n·l'"e·· C:': Q. ",'b'· ure ':0':""

,'~ -,- u:~ '~'.' ,- ..... _ .... ',". ~": ,I _:_ .• -,


Rem ove air cleaner and fuel pipe, Loo.s.en th c carburetor m ou n tin 8 sc.r.e~1rSI., HeJ d f~ le ca rb u retor to kee p ,i'f from,

,- I . d ii" l.

dtop'p,j'n.g,. Unhoo,k thror:r e ,~prjng' :an" governo.r i.1niL

Reasst'mble -carbuI'eror [0 e,nginr' by re:v1er-slng. aho\'f€· opera~ r! ons. 'Thle- governor link.age ci:~,iust operate freely"

li 0, Di's,asse'mb,Ie and' Ass,e'mble ICarbu'tefo,rs on: Mo,dels' W',I~WM;-W'M,B~WMI

T,he' throttle s,.h,af[ is held in place w'l lh" a COt tet pin at the: ~'nd on. the- late.r m:odels ;:j,nd by ,::t. throttle valve ·set :SCif'~l 0.0 old (;:'f mod e Is,,, ,F ig.. 15 -t, R enu):\~e CO! t tr pin Of SE t scre",v

and throttle shaf t, ca n be pulled O~J 1. ,Rt'j.)l;lC(' all 'V'OU) parts. Repl act choke valve and i nserr ~: hrorr Jt' as far as possible. .I as-crt cor rer ~)II n, On older models Us;(· a poi n~·t'{1 rool to' .J j",flt.' up ,toe1 d ,ng: bo](' for St'F scr {"'V;"., 11c sure th ron lc s [UP I'S between f.o-rktd po,irH~ of rhrotde lever. Insert rbrnuJ.le· and

'choke valve set screw. S( uue Elll),u.e-is. ha ve .EL small ct loca ('. ing hole and set SCrl"V{ ,N'~~. 638,54 bas '3J smaller ri P For other models ~,O"i rh a Iar g{."f loca t ing hole, use SCf'CVc" No. 9'021] .

Complete 1)" (Jose needle valve bl tur ning to right or. clockwise as' far as possible, Do nor screw up' [00 far 01 use force wlen dosing needle valve, The seat or taper of needle \",;1,1\:'(; ,may bt dan1n1;'cci. From, closed position, open needle valve f rom ~-~1' to 1~, tu rns, Final ad jusrrneru is made wh ile len,g.i ne is runni og.. See f ol low ing instructions,

! "~~Ot IH~'

~"r---...,._' ' 41.,0 JllST S ~~t~

~'@: •. ~ "-."~' ~

T,j"WlJ T 'n t

i ,.


,FIG., 54~,l'dODELS IP'J .. U? A;f· U'/,A·1B'~,'lf7 ~jl ,MIQ,de[s 5S,~6Sw·6H:S

The fuel rank IS supported by rhe carburetor, held in place

''{""]'~,; r' h Tn· 0·' Srr' . ~""!' "r" F:: - '1: Jl ;;. 5'

n .iI.'"_"_, ILn ." ."l..,.. fir.- ,,~.a.. ,. o!o .; .•

The carburetor throttle Can he removed by loosening- the

- ..

idle speed adjusting screw. This permits the rhrotrle to

be ttl r ned far enough to clear rhe re ra inin g .1 u,g: on rh e carb U,t eror bod y" Fig. 5.5 ~

\"rTh en reassem b 1 in g r he c arb u retor be 5 ore to repl ace th e gasket between the fuel tank and carburetor. Screw needle

valve in until if JUSt louche'S. d)IE sear, then turn it back 1 M

turns" Final adjustments should be made' when the engine

i ,~

1$ .ru[]n_[n,g~

, .

c,~Qn: l.E'Y[R ~- ~""...r' .. ~~~~

(-C l.Q.S flD POJ,5, n H),I!; ~ . . ', ~.oiZ7.t"'~~~

. ifil'l¥ [IQ,IIiOF:!' 11,J. I) [

Fl(t-". j5~A'1anl~~L 5S-6S~fiHS To AdiU,S;f Sv'c:fi',o'." Feed C,01buref'ors

'The ,carbureror should be 'adjusted Vi,~i['h the fuel tank ap., proxima,rely i;(flj fllll. \1(l,ith ('he engine running at norma] o'pe-r8:ting speed (appro1{,irnareJy 2700 R_'PJ\.t~ no load)" nJ.rn the flt'cdle 'valve in unti 1 eng:in~" 5 ~ arts: to lost speed'"




, ' '

, ~~~.. I CA'R'BU:R,ET'ION: (:,'Co,nt'd~).'."

- .' J I -

:) .,' " w'h.' , . .feh·" indi cares a lean mi xr ure, Then O,'P,' en, needle va lv e gask e r, Keep mou n tin g f ace of furl pum p parallel to

:" :;_.l;:-l ~- {}".',. L D

';<',~;)~~3~:~'i' <fum counter-clockwise) ,very slowly until engine begins mourning face of cylinder while inserting lever of fuel

c • _ :' :;'-2:~ft;~1i.~,-{S·r.-·itorun unevenly, This mixture should he rich enough 101' pump. The lever rnusr ride in the narrow groove which

{-.. "_,~ ","-..",<,,,,!:,,,,,r. !'.:,'. • _ ' '

~ _,',_.~,3~~~ - ,,:;~~:.''-:good performance under Iull load. is located on the crankshait between the ,genraod the COUll-

&.-f!" : ~."r.}:r,;< , ... ' I" ,,. -~ ,":,;', ,"'.,<- , , .' d f I I d '(' .'J( f b f ]

'~," .:.:;:~~ ;v.;~J _ $',;,;":1 ' Then test {he engIne un ier ·,'U] Ioa ", ]:. n oocs nor carry terweighr. Revolve cranksha ,~t to ',·'C sure rhar Iuel pump

_ ~:.,~~~~,:-:lf' the load5atisfllc~orilr. it usuaU~ i~dic~testhat the, roix;ure is correctly installed.

q!'~~ir ,~~~:' is sri,J1 too lean and it mav be necessarv to open rhe needle Assemble fuel pipe from ourlet of fuel 'pump to inlet

~~L~, . -: . ,J J_

f:~~ :.f,.~,,-,;~,,;~,: valve more in order to further enrich the mixture. This of carburetor. Fuel supply pipe should be connected to the

f~.' ., ", richer mixture will cause a slight unevenness In idling, .inlet of the, fuel pump,.,

~,~ PJa'~ throttle io id]ing~" posi(ion~ Engine ~hou]d idJe no ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

t.~" ' , ,

~ slower than 1 _750 R.P.M. I,E en-gine .idles slo~'er :han 175,0

~t R,P.,M.j, turn idle spe,ed adjusting screw until this speed rs

I;, reached.


~~ 10 A,d,jusf' ,Aufom,af,i'c 'C,h,oke


~J.:~ Loosen set screw on lever of Thermostat Assembly. Slide

lever to righ'[ or left on shaf r TO insure free movement of choke link in any position, Rorare thermostat shaft clockwise unril stop screw strikes. tube', Pig, 56 .. ,Hold in '(his. POS,! 'don and set lever on. th e rhermost at sh af t so tha t choke' valve w.iU be held open about Vs;li [rom closed position 'Use a '}r"SlJ' rod or drill to measure, space between the air ,hOI n an d. edge of ch 0 k e v 301 ve. Then ti gh ten set SC1'eVl i 0 lever. R, orat e t h ermosta t 5 h aft counter -cl ockw ise un t 11 'S tOP' sere Vl' s nd kes the' ,op pus i te- s ide o t' tube, F,] g,. 5' I, The n 0 pe'n choke valve- man ually unril it stops, :against. the top of the choke link opening+ 'The choke valve should now be open ap'· proximately ~'8,F' as before, 'Check ,POSit10.n of counterweight lever, With the choke valve in wide ope$! position (horizomal ) ~ the counterwei ghr [ever shoul d. also be in a horizontal position with free ,end toward the' right. Operate the "hoke manually to. be sure that all pa.rts. ate free to move without binding: or rubbing at an}' position,

" "n' mt.OO ,_'


I'o Replace Fu'el :P,u,mp Di'aphragm

Remove pump from cylinder and then remove four screws to separate pump head from pum.p body,

'Wi!(h 'at narrow punch; drive lever pin aut until pur::l:F lever is loose. Pin may then be driven in either direction; bur need. not be' removed entirely. Remove old dil,phragr~,. but leave diaphragm spring in pUfnp body,

Place new diaphragm into ,pum,p body with 'the: slot in shaft at ri,ghr angles 'to rhe pu,mp Iever. 'Diaphragm should fit into the cup under the diaphragm, W ithour rhc lever spring, insert the plump me've" into body holdIng the diaphragm down, Fir. the hook ar the end of lever inr» r he s10'[ in d i ap hragm sh aft, Fig., 5 9'~ 1]], 1 ~,

I LUJS,~ ,1


PlH.W j'

,,' f

u ¥ (,;' i


, ,


,~,....,. ,


oio I I .-

~,1:tIl'1:t "'lo't., "t "

'fl;.~ !if''E.Jil' I ;: ~ls,r.,:' fnl

II ~~~ __ ~~ __ ~~~~I,~ __ ~~t~"~=,[~r_~'~~~~'LY~~'~"~~~~.~~~~~


I :II!:,e~,('l! -1:i


1'8'27 - J. I


Align. holes in lever and bod}", then drive lever pin into ,pI-aot., Pi ace lever spri n g, into body W,! rh inner end. of s pring OVE.t the projec don in pu.m p' body, tb en. use' a. .sC'f.t'~·"


, .

I·· ,



dI iver to forct- outer end of spTJug into boJy until It sJip:~ ~ i'\"j·lf· d l(' r·;r· ojcc :1' ~'(' ~,n on lr ,,'Jjj';fJ'[ F:CJ~g" '," o· Jl' J 2' Ph c ~. P urn ]:"

- ~ ~ ., _' ,~- I ~ ... III I ~J. ,I ," ~,d! ,,"!ill 'l.." • . . I' .:J. J/. •• . _.. ,II _ •• •. \.. I. . •

II -. _ • [_ "

ht,~H r on hody and pan in By insert the fou r scre"-\';s,, Press-

purn.r~ lever d~,i''VFn as f~lt 1:-18 POs.sil:l](" anJ l igh[e-rl ('he .fonr,'\V$ .S{"C nt(·,~}"" FJ~. 59" H l. ,~.

1" I'h '~ .. ,:~ 'F'i Col P" p'C os '~F;, f r 'J,'} r. eo v er no r :~ ro m J into']; 'J" n-, '\\" i' t J1 i 'r;1i ce r ~

1 "'" ,r' '"~ ,.:'l.J< ..... v 11" '- .0 . _. . ·v· ~;::\ t~ ... , ,'" '_"U ~." ... ,' ., .,;I!,~, ...

t ,1 in lim i ts~a des! red enI;iqe spc1ed even though .. the' luad

'. . .~

,m~y vaTy. ThE" governor spring pulls throttle open~ '''!1M h ile

,go\"t-r nor action closes rhrortle The speed ar w hich these ,( \.~,·O ~ Iorces are balanced ,IS the goyerned speed; The term erigi nc speed as used herei n, i ndica res the R."J[.,1\1',. when npernring under control of the governor and does not in(J ude idl i ng speeds.

1\1,' 0 d iffe r en r 11')-" p,es. 0 f gove r no r s are u sed ~

1. l\fEC'HA,NJCAl G·O\l.ERN'OR. This is a ctnt.ri{ uga] rypr operated by the earn gear and is linked to the. carbu reror throttle, Fjg~ 60.


'l'~\R 0""'1 If ~ cu):~ai:6

TijROTllE op~~ CO~~TE~WE~G~TS (liP[.IlII'~G

C Ol}!ltl [i!t~I j' G RT§; '=..'I)5fD


2. PN:EUMA,Tl,C, !GO',\lER,NO.R. 'This operates by air pressure from the fJ~twbeel against an air vane which in rurn is Ilnk,ed to the carburetor throttle,

".' ~" .

'T~'~~~TT:~r 'CU'i-S i~$

flol:C ~ ~[_ ,1'tH;

F:lG~ 6J-p}\rE,UhlAT'lC :GO)iTERNO~R

TID S,e' Gove'r,n'OI' "o,r Corriect E'ng,ine' Sp,eed' First chcc'k [able<No", -4 or 5 to de.ttrmine the co.rrec[ engine sp'ecd. ~rhfn~~ u'irh toe engi'fl(" funn.ingl increase ,Or dc~ C',rC'as,e th e' te nsi on 0 n 'the gave r nor SP! in g (or thrOt rh~ spring) un6~ du: d(lsired spe!ed is obtained. A 'tachoro,err! shou1d :bc used for checkin~ the. en.gin('· s,pe-ed.

~. - .. _ --~~~-.---

'f A-J'"' - M h · I G-'

o "D'/U5t ,,'econlca' .·.'ov,e',rnor

M-' ...1' tAB F'J K' l M' R' 'S J' 'W -Z ZI

otl:e'~.5, ... '"'' I "",-' "',_'_ ~, " ... ,' .. ,"",' .... ~,

If the governor lever has become loosened or removed from the governor shu fr, reset as fo.}Jow·s ,:

Loosen screw hold i 1l.R, Iever on '( he' gO"Ff'ronr crnn k. TI1 is should be donie ~l'j rh the carbu retor at t,acheJ to the eng,i.rH':' and hooked up to '{he govc.rnor lever wirh throttle link; Push the' ,governor lever cou rncr- clock wi Sf;, n,s far as ir t\T ill go" Hold in this position and turn l he' ,governor crank clockwise "i:'cI'~';ijh P'-'] iers "lI~. 'f·'~~'" as it w ~:~] g' '0' :. T' '~b·t ... ten screw

_1. 1\." ~,~"L .. ~',J!!l,~~ ~,'fa: .. 21' .rt~ ,~~,~ _" ~ _ ~.1. .'1"III _ !I,,-,l'~I",L, .. "_,_ ~._

l, . ,"

t hJ {' hold\- go'vernor lever to the crank urn H :i r is snug, btl r

not t1gh t Pu sh governor ,l ever clock wise as [ar as it will go and r.i,ghren screw securely,

M,OD'els 9',· '1' 4-23'

Loosen screw holding gove,rnOI lever to governor crank. Push rhe Iever (Jock w 1St ;HS l'a.f as it w j H ,g~).. Hold it' in this posi don and turn, rhe governor crank coun rer-clockw j se as far as 1-( will grJ. This can. be done with a, SCC'fVl driver, Tighten the screw rhar holds the governor lever to cran k un ri J ir is. s n u ,g,,, btu nor ti gh, r, N ow pu.s:h gOYernor lever counter .. clock wise as far as it Viti U go:; rhen tighten screw securely, These instructions are 'the same: as 110 de 1.5 A 'n B ~ e rc, it b O'V e ~ ex ct'p r that th e mcvem en rs '0 f JeVfJ and crank are exactly 'the opposite.

,Mo,deht I~'N

There '~'- no" 'a A)· usrrn ent between :DOTJ{:""rn: I 'or Iever and g·····o., ,\.',._

~ .. 'L " 'i... ~ ~ IL.:' iii] '-.Ii. u~"}.. I~~ [~J ~ " 'i;, . '&. ~l ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ''i! , _ .,' ,x ~ ~ -illL .Il,~ !- . .... .~

ernor crank on these models. However, ,govf'r1Jlor action can be changed by inserting governor link or spring in d iff ere n t hol es 'OJ govern or B nd rh rot rle levers. F i S.. 62 .. In ge.n.eraJ ~ rh e closer to the pivor end o f rh e- leve r , the smaller the difference between load and no load engine speed, 'The farrber from the pivor end, the steadier 'the governing will be' while engine is running under load and rh e' leas j e r ro elirn i na re rhrot rle h 1J n ri n.8. The stan d.a,:rd set-

. ~ h "F-· 6?

ring IS- S. own In "lg.;,~.

F J G 6·' 2':'~,G·'·'·O···:·i ~·J=E···'R·' N·· ' 0'·" IJ A 1')'.']" U" ,~"""ir'" }oIAB" ~ 7T--

, , " ~ , , .- ". '.' '.' iY ' '.' . 'I\. ,~l , .. - ." .. l<.J 1 U': ~ " , '

C'AR,BURE'lION (Co.n'tJ'drl)

fH (lrn sha f r so [11.;] rgf'ar may revolve fr~c,~y but. does. nor wob ').h_,. lie sure air relief holt, is. open, Fig. 67,

" f" - - ~, ,..--------




I ' .


~ I 1

I I I r.-i • I ,

~ ~



rll ~ 1

erH c~' '~r3f. fDHns

.f: D~ !!([l~



~ or"


1 J

\' .. /


I J !I... __ , •••

I ,


. \ ' ~ ...


i I i





~ ...... f" ~ ']}

. -, ..... -- ~,~. _. ,~ __ o=--~ ~~,=-.,_~,

FIG. 67-G'OVERl\70R [GEAR T,o Replace G'Dvern'or Gear SheJ,

ThE shaft on most models can he pressed. into place from

h "d t, ~ d " .. h Id h f :ft

r e ou rsu ~,e at the same nrn e trrv 109 out t" e xno sna: r, .

Exceptions. are as follows:

Models 9 ... 14OM.23

The old governo.r shaft should be driven inwards with 11 sn1[3J.J punch .. ' The new shaft must be Installed from inside the crankcase, The outer end of rhe shaft should be Hush "Do'] th the cylinder, 'The same sh aft: parr No. 291177:, is used on Mode-ls 9'··]4,-23.

.Mod·els, L,'~,M-R ... S ... T

The governor shaft, is, held .in place with rwo screws,



.',. ,". :,'./ r':_'

The various remote controls for each model are shown in Fig. 70 to' 108 and should be assembled as shown, In ge'neraJ. there are t~'o 'types of remote controls" (]) Gov .. ernor Control and (') Thrortle ,Con. trot

R'emo",e Go[vernor Confro]

This control regl!latfs the engine speed by chsnging the g~)\'eJ'.nor sprin ~ tension. rh us aUoTJ:vl n,g the vecvernor H~

,(" . .t.". " .... , If:j

OJJl [I 01 the carburetor rhroulc ,~H all rimes. and' mal nrain

any desi red speed. Fig. 68.



- i


. ,

- ..

;, i

• ! ·1

• !



~'I )1"


. ' I'

To Adj'ust Remote Governor 'Control

SLH { eng ine ~ loosen sere-v- j n 5 wi 'vel on control Iever. l\,10\-e' control lever to high speed position. Fig, 68, Pu.u control wire through control casing and swivel on conrrnl lever until rhe maximum speed is obtained, RCLEg'hl'(:U control 'f,;,·i.n~~ screw, bend .rOOS't end of' wire around $,v]-\:,("l and CU'[ off' e.X'Ce"·$S wire.

'i):~ _ ..... "'- '


- -




Re·m,of.e· Throttle Control

'This is: connected 'to [he governor lever and operates the' carburetor throttle u ntil the full governed speed is ob"fa-toed and ail which PO,l[U the gCfvernoc' takes over' con fro]. o.f [he throttle .. Ar any point below the governed speed, (be rhrotrle will be held in ,fix-ed position and the ,engine speed ~~in 'vary ".'ith rhe. load. fi,g. 69.

rH'~Ol I U ; C :L, C,S ([I.


, ..

10 Adjust Remote Throttle COIl:flO"

Move the control lever to 'the JOV,;f speed posi rion, ,F ig_ 69_ Loosen the control wire screw and pun wire fhrough rhe ca~ing and swivel until the carburetor throttle is. closed', Rerighren control wire SClif'V.~T Check by mo\·jng control lever 10' ]l !pJ~ SPCc!,J posiucn, The carburetor rhro zle should now be f.r'c'(" (0 open. or close completely.

f j:



, , , ; ,

~ •

, .

. -


, 1,

To Adj,us:I' Pneumatic Gove,rn,Q',f'

i- The bracket which carries the be-Jrings fits the armature wit.h no more rhan ]/161'1 space between the free side and the mounting Fig. 6", .. Ill. ] ,. This shcu ~ d be para llcl wi r h the mounring surface, 1 £ the posi rion of The brackcr is not 50, it shoul d be ben r back into pos i 1. ion ..

The governor shaft bearings ,mUSI. be in alignment and '3. tree fir Dn :dle shaft Fig,. 63~ ,Il.L 2" If they ha ve been forced out of line, the hracket must' be straightened Of the bear i n,g enl ar ged to res rore free m ovem en t, Th e ,governor vane shou i d. 'be checked for clearance of both edges SQ that i.r does nor TOUCh. either "[he bracket or the blower hous .. ] n.g+ 'T 0- res eore clearance throughout r h e 'van e travel, it rna y he n ecessa ry to strai ghren [11 e bracket and sha f r,

'The vane should stop at .fro.m, ~4n to ~~,n from the ma,gnero coil 'V!r~ he n a ssern bled 'an d 1 j nked to th e T h ford f s h a. ft. Fig'. 63- Ill, 3~ 'This m,a;y be adjusted by springing the vane carefully in the direction indicated while holding the shafr, If the soldered joints have been broken Ioose, thE)'" may be r esol dered to produce the above men d oned pes i ri on w j rh (los ed thrortl e ~

As vi ewed from the bl O'~,' er si d e~ The ~,' ,j re Ii nk con necri n g the governor arm, to the carburetor throttle lever should stand in a practically vertical position when the throttle is wide open. Fig, 63. Ill. 4,. Use either hole in govern-of arm to obtain '[his vertical ,position,. ]f the above adjustrnenrs have been made and the upper end of. link binds on the throttle lever, it may be' relieve-d by prying '[he Iower end of rh e 1.1 nk all rwardly un til th e link bends sl ighdy and

hi d . '. 'I' • i d F-· t:_ 3 11] 5-'

In-_- :tng IS euminarea. ! :,l,g. 'O' .. ~ .- ". -_---~

U,IJ_" I

1~"I'l'tu: _\I'mJ om

M,ech ani e,g,1 G,o!'Vle,r"ntHi' Pc:tt',s:

Inspect governor parfs. for wear. Worn parts can cause throttle hunting or even. complete fai1 ure of the gove.rn,Qr 'to function.

1 f a ho leis worn ,i n the :a fa r :f ace n f r h c' gO\? ('J n o.r ,cn~' n k '. ,ir should be discarded as. this '\\.j U 0( (It.tL..t j:lPj k y ~ Lln("'VE,ll t}r··· tjon n.nd re'~uh ~n rlu'o,ule hunting. ,Fjp. 6~1. "·he ,".:overn~H

~ ~ c

plunger wear.s 'a.r both ,ends. The erlds should be. roti nd' and



,j - i:
! r u,
r. ., f
~: , ,
~ ,I
J I: i r--~~~~~-~--~--~--~- ~-~ •• -,--~,--







r L


CH-[ c.t:' F OR WE if!; f til' SP'OlS ..




-~_~, LOO~ fUR S'CO'R ~ 'G 7 \..' 0:. ,"

"'"------.-=~ •. -=~~ ~- ~- ~- .=- _._--_. -~~- --_ ... , ~~- '~. --- _- .. ~'= ~ --~.

FI'--G---, -6"4"~G--- -0····· IJE'-CR·:- N---:-- -0-- -'R: ,C····R,-: A·· n« A·· 1\.1D- P'-L"U' ···i\'!G---'E'J-:

, ' .. " .. '. - to"~, .. ' " '.', , iI;" _ .. J',. _ .. _-_'.1"-,;"(

Check the tangs on the, governo! weights, They S}lO u]d be square and smooth, If a. tan,g is broken, the gO\'ETOOt ~'in not ope.rare", If weights bind (],T scick, 'the ,gt'·ar should be replaced, Fi,8'~ 65., The shaft hole ]0 the govf',rJJor ,gear rnay

b --- ch '~k~' ·d: '--:r,':--'~, - --:':," :'h-: f:--·

.. ' e ...... '1;:'- , e:. V. ,~tJtJ, .a ne~, .s. __ 3._ t~

The ,povetnor crank should fit the bushing freelv. bu '!'" 'n0"!'"

:0 . . ._., '.. ,f .. , ... ~ . " , '_ ._ - _' \ "'",' J' I .~... ~,~ I' ~

1 l U k L hi d rebush Ji

.JJOOSf'l.¥, '_ se a neVi.;r cran - to test U:US; J ng ano re USf.! l~:

n fees sary. 1 t: ''fJ;.~ in ben ec',essrtry to ream the bu sh in g a f ~ e r

.. .' U " d·

press 1 ng .1 t ] n . i. 'se ~n 'E; nsion re amer an _ ream ju s t

enough so that (tank moves freely,

C-'L- k ': -h- -- hol ,.,,- .l.... ,. - ~ - .... 1 ~ . k- . - h .- .~ - '. h- - - - --

... .necx me sores in me governor nn c, too· it p'IUS. on t _e gov-

~'r' n---O'-r-- lever and 0··· iI"li the -c' --'bl , ',-'- --: .' rhrctrle Ie - -- M···· .. t, .. t

... _ .• -- ... .,""" '!""-", ~u· ..... -'1.,1, 1;,.,. "- ar, llre[Or L.U:' 0 ~I ,1.· . ,ever. ,& .ucn (.~~

th e go:ve en Q,!" action ca n he los t tak i n,g up rh e s lack d u {to wear at these points, Fig+ 66, CA.UTI0N: Be sure to

k 'b'"l n' • ,-

use crankcase :suppOfr v.~~ ure replacing either go\"ern:cr

Sh,3.£'[ Of bus hi ng~ F a"i I u r e to do so may result i n erne ked or br6ken crankcases.



.. ',;!. ' .... ,{' 'u - ...:;, ,I

--~,~~.-~,~ ~- ..

,Modiel A, +

T'he ,go,·t,'rnnr bush in2, .is Fhre,aded and rn.u's£ b~~ remOV'tt befo.r(" ge,(ll c;.t~, bc rcmcn."cd :f ron) S:i-Hlit" 'The gear Sth""1'U ld




, ,,,,,;.

; I


, ,









' ....



CO·:N·' .. ··' TR"O" .•.. 'L' S····

_ .,:. I . I " .. '. ".' I ,_ .

Fig,. 70 l( l 108 show ,gnv,crnor li nkagr. nnd remote ((lOf,To.1 hook -,up for the various 'f'ngj ne models,

l'(t l.:t .... tR.I;..~~~

'~1U ~~Il'IG, ,S:1RD'


!' 1!---~..,....,.L:-- ~u YA.l.H

-:------- ~ hrJO ~- ....... ___jm;;:-'~........",,-~ }_,Uf'!;

~~~~. DOV1:F;_~ [l!!'" IraF





'!;I,~IIft::L~-____',....,..Jf""""""'~' OOVIF-J·(;:ip. ,ADJmT'~' '7f.Ji"

~- OOVERti OR lZVmi

ZJr7 ., -49'


. ,

'. '

II CPl,AiE·E ,s:PttD '",

F'·· '-73' ')\.1, j'./ '!:;i z· "Z'''' R ...... -. ,ii, C··.. ., c· .... -, 1 f g'; ." -=/nOa,c., J D no. ,\. emot C _ 0 r. '. ,0 nt J (II.'




Fig. 74~'A'fod.el! ,B-ZZ Remote GoP; 'C~'~ltroi




s:~ ,f:~

Pig. 77----iHoc/t·J PHI'



- !


. ~ ;

. ,

' •• 1


I' .,'1

,~, . ,~ :

" '




, I

.l '

" "




I -

.. 1



I ~

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.~ }'.



: ~ -



._. -

t: - 78 '?,,f d- j' FH:f ' Fie '. ~l~·.JiO,l:·;:,·'

, '6~

.. ' ,. V!:RIM ,~ .'.

, ' -r

I. I

J "
- !
i i i
I: ,
I ,
" I "

' ..... ... ,

.D1~t, ~~~"""-- SJUIJ'


- I


F'" -- 8·0 ~,J d; -,J' H"-"

J,£;." . _' '~'j 1'1 0'. -i,l, .' .'

.O',JlI;I',:rr III' ,5oC ~ ~rw


'~~ [~~, ,il'D J'lf.n ! N!~, SfH'I!' ~-~,.~

r ,

I' _

it..' - ('10:' .;i\_j d ,- .f IB- P "D-' '"

,I.-I g. (] ,I "--=--- 1""1 oacis i ,_ r _,:: )f _' I {; I}

,~, -~,. ~. - --~- .,,~ ~---~=--..

il'E[~ ~~JUSll.; IlllT

S·f.E"[I;! I~ J1U':S,' j 'I( G, KUT


,.' __ I

L-L-_.....L. __ ....... - ........ __ ........ __ ~~_ ...... ........_~~ ......... '2""'- -c__ .... : O_' "_'-_""";,'9".,.,,

Fig; 83~j}!odcIJ }.-l\~ R emote G av. Control

,Fi,g~ 84~M(jdell

,Fig,. 8_)-~?ldD,delJ Ar,T



CA,":R·'8,U' -'R-':, 'E,,-'T: 'IO.-',-':"N·-" (Cont'd ')'"

.. _ I,' - '_ ," ". J _ I . . " ..",' .', ..... .' , ~~' ' •. I... ,~

~,PE'EO 1.~.lIUS l' ute; .... ............,.___.,.nn

Sf-frO ,~ D JUS T nill_J'


,- ,.,. ;!'IoU;~ D'rU ~;~ 1:J'!l, I 'p"r~'T I '1.11 ,r'!' (i<iI""tb'E, ._,'

'IJ IIJI 't. ,~r'li;I(;'II Ulil ' __ ViI). 1:J;iJ ~ .. f.'II 1] ~-uln '1;


Tm:tOTTU nn::t TO O:'PD (F, ellS,!:

"-~'" :~

~u -C~



I....-..~,..--~_L. _.' - - - -- --

Fi.'g~ gk~M()d'eh' r~,Nr.5- 6..,8 Remote Tbrottlc C()11/1"ni


'i ~


, ,

,- 1

Fig. 90-lHodel PE

~ 1




, 'i

I' I

" ,



, -

,I,n 'n':!!:,. I .... ,'~~""'~]""

eo~' .J.l ~..J\L'IIIII!!!


, ,",orJoo::: - A ' 'i, .. ··~ _.






'1f"'III.;o\![),1P.I;,~!-' S'~ .J.,"'Jlr_~. :r'~


F - 9 ""i fif d! R r j'

~ n ,',_ j~ ,-, ' ..... , f_'"r.' _ t L·

fi {"-Ill '. ," L.;. . ~~. ,t; ...11 'i,








j' 1






,,~ !





~: I



~ ...


CA' R~': B· ,,: U·' . 'R:' E· T' ~-:I 0" N" .. (""C'" ,'" t'd· I ')

":i.:~':::" '". : '. ·".'·.oni't'

.~ (


"';'"_IF' •• , _

.,,' . '- .. -.'

'_ !II '--.. ... jI __

'2 to'O

- '""--~~~.~ -

Pig. 93,-Afoat:l S

1'1' 1;. StH f. Fl!'f t, iD~ T L rr 8

f j;,;;.

'l l


I C!L:S.if~~

I ~



j ,

i '~

, i




Fig. 94-fi.fodel II

r '.;



~ ,


f '

Ji: :



~ , I

I ~

I I i

P.- "'. 9~ f._,_ .. !\ if : d .. "/' , "wJ'B····',G.·····,. ~l";' }!,f" G,.··.···-· 'lr"M' :~ l~: !YI'I'~ 1·,!· , Ji,,,Ij '-' ll·· .. M' 1 I ~ ~ ~~) H ,J, n ,f."~ 11 ,._ ,1 i1 n ." ~ _ J. n ...i U J '

. .. -






.~ }



" ,

Ftg, 97 =J~·1o.dcl$ U7 B,G~- uy J\i'G ~ n·? "·18'· 'ip!l-, U~I A'I· '1'F'i\] I ,Ren'l ote C ontrol

I i I




. ~



- .. 90 ;,. ~ d /' ~V:!l' );.IS·" FIg .. ' .-O--l~J o_~ r:!j:!~:, '·1,,-·,

, ,


,'''JllJ1E.T~--.: .~"----'~'

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'\., ~""'! l!(trr

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'-' r
_)' I I'· ., - 9"' 9( ll.A d" J '( r

,;11{. •.. ··~ .. aJ!.() .',,~,'j ,J

CA' -- 'BU'RET"ION- ('C' idi ')

H'.R,,', ,,'_-: 'i'" ;,' ,_o'nt'-:'I,.



, iH)V E~ :1'l0li:, L!E'YI,« '!Ullf"T ::::;:;:.-;._-~~"SOY E R II 'O<R l E:Y [:l SIC'I Ff IUl


del 4" - 1-

Fig .. JOJ~)\1 o eis 9-1,'-23 Re.I-111,ale CD~;tr'O·

H~U: j,IUUs:1l£l'lli :s,t?,~ "._

~ i

'C;~MO~E, Lrrt£:-f: =---jI~:"""F~~~ , ~tM',;r"",

(c lO~t Ii!' pos u UJi!f.) ~...::r, ~~--..IL.L---l?..-t+~--"'D~;~~r~



- ,"_ "." .

, ~

Fig: 102-Modrls jS~,6S ,.

.' .1 , " ._. _ . _

, _, ! i ~ . ,


1~ICItEUI $.PE'.£D

,C,Oln-Ij:IU L£¥[:R'-~~ tS~,EMl!a .. r

" ,




- • " ' i' 'li- £1' Dl' 6'1_.1 \"

Ftg~ lO.q-i'r:i.u... ,',;.:7".,

"TO ...... ' lNCREASE ,SPEEO'

, '

, ,I :'

C~l~TROL l.[\i'':[R.

AS~r)1Ht'\i'~' -

~. ~-'''''II' 1 or-!;' _ Ill\. 1"1, I "" J t;


F'ig" 105~kfo,d'eJ 611,.5' Remote Control

·. j

:~= ;r.i'-D[·ii.J!

: . ;.).~Ir.i '"

IftrR orru AtJ'JtfS T j H ~ .s t"FU:W .~---


L " I

i , !

, , .

G{JiVf,R fIt,OR" - 'C'OtHFWl tf:Y£R

........ _.....,_....,.._........,....



~ I

~ ''-1 . f .' ~

j : ' I.

I I I'} ~



106~Af(jdcl! 6'}i'~8H

I I,


1-:- _

I' -

I 2804~'Jo.o

'~' I I




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1 J




4· 1

CO· r -····M······P····:R' ··E··_IS······S···I····O·,'N

. __ '............ . ' .:'" .. .' i .'_" .:-: .... ., '.:, I" - .. . ' . ".'


10 Replace Cyl,in,d,er Head

'Wheiil removing the cylinder head screws, be sure to note the di flerenr lengths of :,,'Il •• p screws and the P '0" sirion from

,I _ ., " •. _ j •• I ~ . " . -.Ii. ;:I! v '!l.,J. ~,~ .' '. ..' . _,. _ ., ... ' '. . .. ~ .

I. . ,

hi h 'h d If h '~ d ] ''Il.",

'~r icr t ney are removed. ." tney are Dot rep,[lace.., in rne

same posi t ion they ill ,a y ei th er bottom in to e hol e or h a \1 C

]~.] ] d' -

too . J. r t, e 't .lrea. , engagernen ~ ..

A lwavs use a f"i!;f!I'nr. g··.·'Ji.f'~'~'I""'t' J.: c ava iilable b oefore repla c: ]·· ~ fl"

.. , , . !II ')' ~ I. '. ~ . .'.l~ =r!jJ ~~" p~t\..... . .:r .". . " iJL .. '_' I'" . = . .'._. L _ ....... ,", a~ ~ '~'~

..... o,Tj,", .d ,'- 'II!".., d

c)'no. .C1 ,H,ea' ..

-R' 'I' 'J ··_jl d d' b h _] f

e P ,n ce c}r, un a e r h e a, a n I ru rn_ ear h screw l:-y ran u. as: far

as it will DO. U'Sf:3 socket wrench with 'a handle nor over


6tt! long and 'tJgh (en all screws - evenly wi rh a. ~ turn in

, " ,',,' " .... 1 ,", 6'" .. ·h····· T'-' ~ . F" ,',. ,-., '10'9'-' ·D'r·.,,,.. . .... , ~,. '1· .... ' - '-.

roranon .' [0 . as s "O~ II in ',lg:. I,". ·0 not ng )ren one

screw down completely before the others as this may cause the cvlin d,;o~· head to- wa r"p-' or darn ag" It'- the .. g ... asker R·:· un rhe

',"', ,It:_~·:_· !i.,1[ 1. '" :..: _ .'~ ' , .. "(I!.I!. w_ .~, ~ii'" ," . .tl~ . ~'Il ,,~, .. I, 'ir. '-'-

~ . . . . . .

engi ne _, to '5 rn i n U res, The n t.~ gb t len a 1'] sere w s so u gJ)"

(which will normally be. about 1.14 turn) in the same ro-

I ,














FIG'" 1: 0:;9' C-'}'i'Ll'N····TD' E"'R"" Hi E-'AD-"S'

i. • ", ... ~". ".,' ,' •••..• '. ~ _.,,' .. ."~ .:'~ ", ,",

"._.!I! ,". _. . ._',. - ':...1 __ ,," _ . t' -a " ' ..... _




1'0 C,hee'k Tlo,pp,et CJear!Q'rl'ce

Turn fJy~vheeJ until valve ,opens to the highest point, Then rurn fl-yw,hieeJ one corn pl ere rev-of urion, Thi s win tur n

_ the cam ge ar ,3, hal f' rev 0.1 U tion an d w ill pl a .. ce lobes in a 1,8,0 f) posi t] on from the cam fol ~ ewers. Repea t lor each valve, The valve clearance should be as shown in. Table No, 6., On taler models, the valve clearance is stamped 0.0. the n arne pla res on dl e eng ines, A] U' ay s ch eck clearances when engine is cold.





'MAX:~ H~' I.... 'H,AX,~ '14' II.,

~ 00,9 .. lO 00,7

.. 005

y ~ 0 11, I ,Ii 009 I ,~O 21· • 01'9


~ C 0'9 •. 0 0"1 ~, '016 • D 1. ~ I'


,ZZ With TrA Ex~ Valves

,-.'009 II! ,~·O'01 'OJ ~1'6 '~ojr: ~.

~9- ;1 'll - ,~6:09 i- ~ :001 i, 016 ~ o.lU~~



" ,

To Re'mO'V'9 and Re',p,Io'ce 'Vo,"ve a'n',d Vo,tve S'prings

The' valve springs and retainers are held - in place an rhe ] ar gef e ng.i: nes w j rh tapered 'coJ lars and, 0.:0 small e r engi ne S v;' £ rh a pi n through the valve stem ,.

Model 8 and 2,jil B,ore Englne::s

Use a. screw driver" and open enid wrench to P 1'"'\,1 Up:': 'Ii 'I al \,'.I!=>;

. . ,. , . - -' ., - ,. '- ,i ,~ . ..... iii ,~. , , :" l, l '. ,',P.;- .....

~ d .J'1' ] u d' . ,

spn,ng an 3. neec ie-nose P iers TO remove ann Insert the

pin when r-eplacing the 'valve and springs, Fig. 11 O~ UL

. ,

1 to 6~

, .



. "



CO· : M" [P'~R"E';SS'IO' N' (:C·,'· . t·ld )

.:.,' .... ·,1,: .. ·.",.[,···: ... '.: [:', .: .D,n~·'II.:,

.. -



,I i.J.US .. 2.

f llU$." II.


I' L. U.I S ., s

I LU1S". 6· .!.!:-

FJ.G·· }'. l'O'~R···E··lI·A·O·· V·' '1:~lG'> s R~" E··P· ·:L·.d·C· I-·N··· G:· J'AIL:· lJ'E··~"

.. ..~ . . l{." f"JI.. . . J' . l , .. ..t'l . '... . .~)!



. ..: .


-. ..,.. . -_ --

~ I I

I' I


~ .. ~

-, .... ~ ..

• L,



; c


~ -'




- ------r - ~,

COMPR,ES,SI:O'N, (Con,'t"d.)





Mod,els, A .. ,FJ,~H'·K,,,,L-M ... Q, ... ,R-S~ T ~W, ... :y -Z, ... %Z Clnd

lntake Val~'ye Onl'V" en Models BF,'14 Clnd 23

7',0 Rem,o've

Place valve spring, compressor on. tOp and outside of valve chamber and under valve spring retainer as shown in FiS"

I 1.1;, Ill, 1 ~ Compress valve spring compressor as 'much as possible and until compressor automatically locks, T2p top of valve 'to mOOSe" valve spring collars and ,pry them out with, a screw driver if necessary. Compress -spring enough to release' lock on spring compressor and pull OUt compressor, Remove valve collars from valve cbamber.

To remove spring retainers, s,pri:nB,~ and spring cup, rry them ou t wi rh a SCf'fW dr iV'f'f as shown in F i,g. 111 ~ Ill, 2.,

,Mod:e;1 '9 and Exhaus't V'g,lY,e; Only on 8-14 ,and 23' Place valve spring compressor as, shown in Fig, 1.1 '1, In, 3 'with a steel or hardwood block at the bottom of chamber, PI}t up valve spring with end of compressor, Proceed "Vl'ith~~

_ balance of operati ons same 'as above,

101 AS$lemble Va,Ive S'p,rings

M.,o del' 5 A~ 8-:F J .. ,H,· K, ... ,lr-M .. Q,· R, .. ,S .. ,T ;r-'W ~:Z-,ZZ.,9 .... l4~2,3~ Place valve spring, retainer, lind cup into compressor as I s hown in Fig. 11]" Ill, 4~ (Note: Models, Fl~:H .. ,l~ M ~S-,T,~,Y

do. nat use valve spring cup) ~ Compress spring as much as possible and until com.pre'ssol' automatically locks. Then plaice spr ing ,[ n to valve ch am her as shown in, ,Fig.. 111 ~ 'IIi.

5' an d i nsert val ve,

To assemble collar ~ put a small amount. of gr.easE on '~'nJ of screw drivel' a nd inside of each ha U of collar as show n ~

. . . . . - .. ' J

in .Fig. 111:; IlL 5, and i nsert in. to valve stern. Con) press ~,

s,p,r i fig enough to release lock on spring compressor an d. pull ou t com pressor ~ See th at V';3Jve spring collar fi:t$. in. t~, retainer,



I Ll US'TIt ilef i 0' 1

I I'


S T'E (,lOR .-0-00 ! fjtiOC~

'S/I" ·$,Q!Jl~!E

2l1il t,allflG




Mod1e1 FH:

To remove the intake valve, .. file at g,riod off peened hlen,d

of the s "'l, ~ ",:r""" C"t"Ifi'ffi·:, _

'IL '_ ~ "Hil. '," \.r. ,~~,~ ___

'T'o remove exhaust valve, part (A,) of Toot No-, r 65292 - 2,~ T ill under the 'V3~Vle head as shown in Fig. I 12 ~ ,

It 1. 1. B· I ·.:0 sure it'. h "lI'" rh ,~~ ~O', iu -,d·. to (10.1 stay eo! un der ,t;-'1".,;t:!i '!j,,~, ]''11:''"_

.1_:Ii _ '.' _. ~I ~·~J.I~ ~,.a..~ tL_ ,J.i.~ J&:.I .. ~~,.II,. tl. V .~a ii,J ._, __ .'I!.. _ ,,~lb if ,~., ~ "-

head. Place sloned hole ill £001 (C) over the retainer as! S.hO~I'O in, In ~ ill ~ P Tess down '[OO~, (C") and release the ool = lars that . hold the' retainer in place" Remove retainer and

.5 pring to- take ou t valve,

To assemble intake val ve j} insert tool ( A ,) under valve

h e:ad,. Replace the' spri n ,~g and press the retainer on pa:r r way with tool (B) as shown in Fig, 112, Ill, 1, Insert tool ~i (C) between the end of valve stern, guide and retainer i above rh E' sp, 'r i ng,> _ Ill. 2. Th i s allows for [he cortc.c[ v alve i

.' ., .

. clea ran ce, Th e rh I,ck ness. (){ tool ( C' ) is. abo u t .0.36;1. "',. hich


regulates proper valve Press retainer down as Iar

as puss j ble and ,pee',n over th e end of valve caref ull }I' If) hold the- retainer lil place,

To assemble exhaust valve ~ insert valve and place 'r.oo~ (A) u nder val ve ~ head ~ ,A ssem bJ c s pr ~ ng and rera ine r. Compress ,spring 'with toot ,( ,C) and i nsert collars,


~ !I

- .",,-

.~ .... . '


Fl·~G··· ,.' 1·']'·' J' '....--R,..··'E·~~1'O··, 1r "'IN':~··:···G··, V· ··::'A:' L·" V~I·::t;"r·

•.... ;1 ... '. i'I-~", Ir' I [ "~ '". '.' _"_". I~l

r ....... "'Ii .,.::... ~'.



~ i

C'OMPR,E5,srON (C::ont",d,l]


Model FH

The inta ke -",'al~~{c is, ntu ornarir. The exhaust valve clear ancc is S['C u red by !O( isc n [n,g rh e rocke f' a rrn set sc rew ,:1 n d t ] 'Jl C n raising or lowering the rocker arm, fork nnril dtsiried clear.anet' is ol,')taintd. It should then be locked into pbi.ce with rhe ,. set screw ~ I f rocker arm f ark ,is removed. make sure that slug (No, 65132} is p]~c("d ahead '0,( "S,C[ screw when rea ssernbl i,~ g.. F ~,S~ 1 'l ,(1.

4A ~


Ill. r.



FIG., I J 4~,R'I~/\iO'lll]\JG' & A'S5E,\fB,Lll\rG If ALl/I:5Jj\'fODEL FH

Mode'l F~l

To remove and assemble intake or exha usr valve, follow instructions for Model Fli exhaust val ve,

M,od,el: P'B

Loosen compression release set screw and carburetor elbow clamp, Remove intake valve, If valve is right use keroSf'FlJ e or 'pen,,; rra d n g oil to .loosen.

,To remove exhaust valve, ti.ft valve spring and retainer '~:~"irh the end, of .3, screw driver and with a long nose . pl j ers, rem ave the pi n f rom th f 'v alv e stem. Pry' spri D g

~ , .

OUt ~,p j,rh screw driver To re place ''I!~''''ilI'\~A'~ rever 'C""'" 0·· p···~I·'li rion.

_ . . .II . . ,., III . Jii. _ .pI;. . ... '~I ._ ~ rZi.1. ,. ~ -" ~: _ ' ~I~ '.. ~ '1:11 IL..JI, . ~'I'" e

I I I .r. ,

T« Re:se',o'f V,a Iv'as'

The' valves sh au ld he re f aced wi rh 9J, valve r e fa eel 'and th e seats reground with ,8 good-sear to an angle of 450• 'Then, lap valve to seat 'with grin.ding. compound [usr eno IJ gh [0 remove grindirtg mar ks and to show iJ a. good sear is .obrained. If tbe 'sear is, wider than shown in Table

. No, 7 j) a narrowing stone should be, used. I f ei :r'h e r [he seat or valve is: roo. badly burned, it: should be replaced,


. .-



ALL MO'DlELS! 5/64 ~'~ .,047' u t:J1 .; 062 T'

To Ad;usl' Valve T,o,p,pet ,Clearance

Th e clearance is ad ins red, 011 In 05 t m odels by gri riding the required amount from the end of valve seem, Fig. 11,3~ Be s ure the ca m g\eaJ" ; s tu rn ed in, the ,proper posi t i on as. e'J~~pIa.i.ned in paragraph "To Check Tapper Clearance" and that the epd of stern is grou n d ar r igh [ angle'S. S;I)C( i a] i n-

strucri ons are as follow 50 :'



'f'IL'Y:E ----."...---. '.:= S P R, I II & !ttJP'

, .'lY£ Cl[lRIICE!

" -

.... ~'Irr'l~[

.. '. :E'UillU,SI


.. "

lfAl,¥l SPR UIG It! r i,) 1[1,

~JG~ .113~CJ~iECK'1,NG & AD}l}'STJ.N(~~ ,J'/f,[ll'ES







OIl. ~

~Q.CKE' ; . lRI!J:,'~" fO~,\

,FIG. 1 J4,~A'DJ'''U)T' '·l··'kiG:··:~' V'····A····L··1IE· .. e

• " I . ( .• ' . I!I. ,.', ,J , .. .-:!- ,:_,~", _. 1;.,).

Mod,!: I 'FI,

Valve clearances for hath intake and exhaust valves are ~ secu red by foH O'~"inB, ins rru cr ions for Model F,H, ex ha ust valve, F,i~ 114~

MQd,el:s K, .. ,Q-R-W'-I, .... ZZ

Val ve clears nee is a,a.i usred by looseni ng cam f 01] ower locknut and tll,rning cam follower screw '[.0 desired position, Securely tighten the cam, foBotve,r locknut after a,d .. jesting valve clearance ~ Fig. "I 15,.

I .,;



'1,1 P'f' (: T s~c:,~ £ 'W:'

fLilT OK~· ~ llP"PEl


¥'iliE SP~ UiG CUP

! j

I I I' f




II /



S,Pl. tl tOllAR~,,~ l_jl~

'V'l VI

:SPR, uu3 liE 1'1. ~ Iic[i


nr: 1 J '~--=Al)J·.'UST··ING·:'··· V·...:··A·,, L-'V"·,:·E;~ C·" 'L· ~ AR· A· uc ·'E,i

, .. 'r. .; . ./ . I .'.:" "._,' '.,' , • " '. ,,' _"',," : •• "'. • . ".,r.;iifl .:. J-' ". :'_ OJ

Model p.s

The .inrake 'vaJv,e is automatic. Exhaust valve clearance is adjusted by ] oosening caml follower locknut and turning cam !{It]loVi.·tl screw 1'.0 dcsir:ed posi tion, Securely tighten cam i'oHo"-et locknut afu:.r ad jus,ting valve cleara nee.

- ,~

- '_

_ ._ 'II

',""1: , !I'll

LI~ 41 ....... --"';-001!!.~

r;;.. ,-..:. __ ~


COMPR'E- S' S····IO·_··N·;· (:C·· "d )-.

, :::".-'., ',',', :.......: " ·ont~".

'To -th~,c'k -··Valve Gu;'·des

IJ¢;{"' phlg ~J_l1~e' 'In c.heck valve ,gu ide holes for wear. Sec 1. 'abll" No, B [or correct g.aug(~ (0 USt" 0.0 the va rions modcls. Try ga UR'(: i. n sever a] posi '[ i ons as h ole rna y bie ou r of round, If enrers hule ,frele.i.y·,. n· ncv .. i valve,c· must

L.' 'It d

u'(" msraueo,




Ii A·- e.- fJ~'H-K--l-M~Q-R."" 5-T-':



2 9'- ,1'.' .3~,. S" - '-·T,£'

_ '. :; :': 0

To Remove, Valve· GluJ.des

The valve guides in. most models are pressed into place and can be removed when worn, In other models, the valve guide's are not removable. 'They are drilled and reamed directly through the cylinder casting, and the cylinder must be counter-bored to receive the; replacement valve gu i de"" Fun instructions are as £·o110v.~s·:





- t

I ,

1 •









I· . : "l:'~.~ i .... til ] • __ . _



'Engine:s W,i,th Rem'Dv'oble V,dve Gu"des

Press guid(" halfway into valve chamber with a 5/16'1' rod Of punch, Fig- 11 G e- Break off lower hnls -( F~g. 117) and drive out remainder.

NOTE; If the Buidc- 15; extremely ttghl on l\·f,ndtls. K~R~ \'Xl. ,Z~zz~ remove c)'linder fro.m crankcase and push valve

'd' . 1-

~u,l·e out. In an a roor press,

T'o C:OtJ'.n"er,bore Ho,Ie lor Valve Guide Engin:es W;·tho-ut· Rem'Qvabl..e Valve G'uides Counrerboring should be done ona driU press so ihat pant on counrerho;e can follow the guide and [he hole' v:iU be sq uare ~rith th e cyl inder _ F j g. 1] 8.. Count e rbore shoul d

d f', '-"2' <. 2"7'-"5 R:'" PM"1 ' ". 'b'-' ik :h .'. ,.,} ....

turn at a spee .0. 2 .' _) 'to .• ' s . ;" ~ . '. '.f:. may :.rea.:. t::roug J

[he sidewall, but sufficient stock ·,viil rem~in. ro hold {he new guide securely" If counterbore curs undersize so thar the hole is too small for valve guide, ream the hole with counrerbore reamer at not over 250 R.P .. M,~,ie',rably\b}hand .. Table 9~ Proceed to inseall new valve guides ~!:in ~Io.~

i I

rhe following instructions:


Set:' TabJe 10 Ior valve guide number, ~ .;

NOTE~ The r-ecom_m,ended speeds for operating- d.rills' and reamers produce best results. Lower speeds 'ate p~tm.iss..~lc~ , but higher speeds ma:y result in breakage or {lRQJ~-~'~_o ro tools, A, reamer Iubricared with oil w·ill cut slightly' sm;~ll~~-r

~ than when used dry, .... _" ,

TABLE HO. 9 -VALVE ,GUtDE ICO'U~TE·Ra.OR.E ~tb:Q'_~~'?


I 2 1. 309- Tit I 6 I 3·48,,,- T t .... 9 3 ;

T.ABLE NrO, 10



I'HT ~ EXH.. _~ i


2 J 0 t03 _.;



' ,

-2,100,66 ;.



2 'I,D ~:O'2

2_· I O' ~ 0' i<""!J f .' ·.w '0 L f,

! _H!-'Y


: ~ -1. B·P

..... ,' • 0'" I O' .,. 't ,L, ~. . . J.. I _ .1'

.21 0 ~: 0,6

I " w-

I !I\~"

L.-M 2 [0 10·2

2 10 ·12-;·iFi ~

, .._ ..,I,

~ -_- I"!'

.~- - - -_ .

iII;.~ , I .2 t '0 I 05 2 'I 84.6 i-

I~'n:....__==----~ ~......_ --f--._~_~~_"_'_" __ -""""'__~:

W ~(with no.n-removable

'·a.·u i des ) . . .2 10 1.2,3

W'I-\fN-'M,fB'-'WM,1 210 '016

l'-'Z2' 2 [0· '105

2 '10 107 :

6 2tO~24

2 ~:O: 12' r;

It·- "J

8 210]24

'21 0 12~

. . -

9 210jOO

2 ~006f~

- - -'. - .

J~ 210tOt

23 21010~

r. 21 00,6i

. ,I


'COMP~.ESSI ON (Cont'd .... )

burned or canno1. bl~ narrowed 'It) dimension shown in Tnble '7,. they shou ld be replaced, Proceed as follows:

To . R·em,o·v·e Exh'ausf V'olve .Seat lnser«

Select correct {DO! (Table 12) and insert sear 'puIitr nut as show n in F]g. ] 2'0.. \\t:thh puller nu r under valve i nsert,

place bod}1' under washer, 'Tighten 5/1 6#'1 ca.p screw' with a wrench until valve sea r insert ('on1(~S O'tH of cylinder, Fig


lit-. '""






I t




F.lG., 118'-" CO,UN·TE·.RBORIN,G FOR JlALl'E GUIDE 'To In,staJI Vc·.lv·e ,Guid',e,$

The valve guides (see Table 1 -0 for correct Part No, ') are driUed and reamed to {he finish size and need only he pressed Inro place, 'USE ,A BRASS ROD TO· PR~.·VENT PEEN1N'G THE E'ND OF THE GUIDE. The distance from the [IO.P of the guide (0 [he top of the cylinder should be as in Table 1.1. Fig, I 19.




: I ••• I NT,I\'I(,['

;Ii R

_. . __ -

I S .. ,K ..... ,Z .. ZZ-I' 3/4111' ~,-1/411


f'JI-·l-'M-'S· T ~ 1211 .3./ 4:r.m

1- Ii :B,P-WM,-WM,B,-W I, -'WM 'I -- 5 I. / ,2 n 7 /8 U'


R""W !, 3/4u




Fl'G< } 1.' 9c -C,,_',uEf:'IC': K',' I).}G·· V:'A",L' 1.7/=' G,·U.'J',D',·l·~ H·" uc H' ~'1,"

[ .".J ~ '.' . ,,. J' ...• . [1' . II" iIIIl . • , _. wi. '. ,I.~, ".'

VAl'VE SEA 1'5,

, ~,

'The valve sears in the cylinder usually are worn or pined so. Iirtle that refacing Iightly with a. valve seat grindt'T is, aU. that is, necessary ~ However, if they are too badly



, , -


A-9 _, 9 ~ 992-T'Q 6 '19'9,2'-T,6-2 .

B-ZZ- Q-2,3: 6199·2'---T6· I 6 19192-'T~22 :

I-H'-'W~~5,-6""S 6 '1 992-'T6 6 ~992"",'T~ 12'


(Fo~ above tools see Assy~ HOi 29091q Page Sq)

rrHl1~'S T 'V.Al ¥E I 'I S Ut 1" .....___-.---


, . ')---" ',,', ",-;1

.:. I

': . . II

.: •• ~, ,'. -'"I

. . .

. ,

'. .' .~

. "




Iii ' , -- ~,
I. I r~'
I .". ~
.. I -
A,-F -H'-'l-M,-:S-'T-Y"-9 6 1:34.8~'T 1-2·3 (~ ~: 348-T JI 7 3
• . ,', I, I ........
, ,_ II
- -
B.'" ,K, - R'wW-' Z ~ Z.Z- t Q-'23 6 t348- T ~;-.23 f) J 34,s.-,T ~ 67:
- - -
, I-N .... U ... W I-WM"WMB-'
~WM·I I 6 ~ 348-T 1- 3 6 ~ 348-T
- , 1-83
,'_ I ,
I,' , ' , ,_ :':,
, I
! -_. I
, I
8 6 :f ,34 8 T 1- ~ 3 I 6 I 348oc.'T· 1'-73
I ,- j
, ,
- I ,. ~

.. ,I

CO· . MPR"ES' 'S"'IO'N'" ('C"d)

; "", ::-:. ','-, , _'_ : 'olnt';,~

To! Co,un:"erb11or,e [or Intake Valv'e' ,S'eIQ,' Insert

Insert pilot in valve guide (Table 1,3). US(' T', e- handle (tj'J 34g-TI ... 'l22) in pilot as shown in ,F,ig. ],22"

:2:~~4'--4,' " @ .,.-

F:--l"'G". 1;2~" ',-1 .. N:··:···· .. S·· E·-'R:-,·-· T-IN·:,'G,· :' Pl L· 0: ·:·'T- r-

'_ _ •• ~l • _ ~ . " I',' ", ',' _ ~ . ",".} . , .... _'

.. L

Se1 ect correct (QUO: rerbore CI] rrer ( Table ]:3) an d place on cu rre r.- sh an k (61 3,4.8 - T] --43 ) eo Insert 'T'-.h andle (61314 8 ~ Tl ~ 53) in cutter shank, Fig, 12.3,,'

.. ~ .



. '\

FI'G: . 12:'~ IN- S···E:'R'-····T··· J'N"G"-' C·-··'urr:-'·· .': BR" S·--·H".6N·:·- ·'K .. ··'·

- ' ,," :~J~ ," ~,' , _ .Il· I"'. :. ' -. _,' :': " .. :.,' ,".: .. , '1'1"1.,. "-"':"

Con nterbore the hole by hand until stop on cutter touches

the r "-,. " ··f,' rh ,ru~;,d·· .,,' F':"~" 12"'~ 00' .... ", N--' :'O"-!,'-- 'E", , -- .. ' . h -

.!lIe I"OP 0 ("e ..... }dD-_ff.. ,18.. ".' . .to.,.,. " ., ..... ~ cree 1: ~e

-d '. ~"~J' ~, R

curter to one S1. re Of ~ t. Wl~-, cut OVtrSl,ZC" ,:.' emove cutter

shank and cutte r a n db] ovi our all ch ips. Use Knoc k-OutPin (613,48- Tl- 102)- to remove cutter' from, shank, fig .. 125,.

" .

---, ........ _-

. I .



, I

P! G", .' 1'-24, - C"",O"·'U, -·.-N····T·,·.E'~<'R:B--··O-.'·R:·'l·N··,·"'G .. V:"A·:L'-V'····E ... S··,-:E'·_"A-··'·

~ . ····iIi· " I "~' ••.• '.,. I, : :',- .. _ . .l .. : .~',':. '~:.' I" .-," .. ' " ','" ,,",,~.,,,,,_

li:OC I: .. O'UT , II" I, ~ 3'" 81" ~'~ nl2


cunlEA, J,ItAIIlI

Fl''-'G' 12·(~R·-···E···"M·'_'·-··'O·-···-:'V:·1·'N"_' 'G:", ,C·· .. ·U-'·'·TT~; ""'E'--R': f- ·'R·"'O'-·'··-M·,·-' S····'H-';;·

I ,__..!,'''; ,I··.·~·.: (I ,-'. > I:' :,' _ . .' .' ~ ", __ ,:) . 1....... . .. : _'. ._",: _j' • I ._: .

- -~ ~, ~~----~-~---------~----------------~,

W iIi« 'iE. tI!'E ;Ii'~' "'I'UL,'I .:1', _ ill! ~




, ..... _ • ...:: !!IIO_K_. _. ..L •• _

, i I • I


! ~

d .j





_ . ..-J


. ,~

I ! !


., ,

, ,


! ~

. ! II : I




I •

. ; i

I ' •




,. I:,

To "n' 5'1' 0 II 'Vo'lve Se,at Insert

Use .pilot ~nd driver as shown in Table IlL Select correct va lve sea r i nsert. Place. i r in cy Ii nder recess, Insert pilot in valve guide, Drive insert in with driver No. 61348 .. Tl ...

1· 'n',) F" "6 A'C' • ~ ~ ~

[ J... ..:J,&. ] 2:). .' rrer insert is in place." U;SIf' V~UVf" sear

grinder ligh'dy 1"0 be sure that valve sear and the valve guide are concentric. Then lap varve to valve sear wirh com pou nd just' enough to .. remove 'any grindin,g marks,

'r 0 Redace St,e,·'e Va'v,e·s:

Use ~ h(" same valve refaci ng mach ine as used on stand :!fid


',LL·, -. _-~Iol


To Grind' Stet.lite ·Va·lv·e' Sea"s

'\Xl e highl y recommend the use of the valve sear recondi{ioning .B·riggs; & Sirnrron engine kit supp}j·ed by Black & Decker .1\1fg. Co.










PI tot o





6_·.l34.~~T_ I~23

2 1880 ,!

:8- K-R-W'-Z-ZZ-I q.- 23.

,.. 188'''''0

L ..•... -:'.1.

6 I 3,4 8~ T I..." I .3




i t~S A fi e r se r f 2'1' No·.· 5·3.04098 61348 ..... T J ....... ]13 ~ 6 J 3,48""'T I ,_. f ],2' 6.38.38 2' f 8·65' .!

rlAfter Seri~lNol 538680 6 134S-T 1-13 61348-TI-112' 63838 21865

To Time' Va,Ive'$

'T'() properly rime the valves, assemble the' crankshaft so rhar rhe timing mark on rhe collar of the crankshaft is in line v..~i Th th at on the cam gear. Figs. 127 and 128;.



! I









. i . I


FJG',. 128~JlALVE TIA'fll\fG


If 'the' tim.i,ng mark on any of the gears is on the ~rrong

side, mark (he top or opposite end of of (he timing tooth with chalk, Exceptions as follows:

F}G'~ .12].-VA:LVE TIMI.NG

'C·····O.··· ·.·M··' _",P"-'R,,':E,SS-I"Q,":N (··C:ont/d .. ,).·

'. '._ , -" , '. '-"'"" _". ..,', " :.'

" "~
, I,
• , _' ... "
I ' ...... J
~n" ~H::R l Tel-!' ~J. ~~, Ofil J,JI ~tJ1H:tE

.' . ' tOtttnllCUfD ~'~G,

" .' MAI',r O~ ,Fl."'lH~n

, I

[ .' ----



""Jo~'-::t ,~- ~ ~

M" d r PiS"

, ,Q"::'e,· .

~l irh the cam loose on the cam gear sh :aft and the cyH nder in place rernpcrarily, tum the crankshaft S0' thar the piston is at its highest poinr, Fig., 130~ This can ea.sily be found by placing a rod in the spark plug hole on top of the piston. _ It will rise as the piston rises and the highest point can then be' noted. Scratch. a mark on the fl~'vlhee.l and a cor-

responding one on the air guide, .

R ernove the cylinder, Turn cam ( still loose on the gear sh aft) u 11 6 ~ tbe ~ abe ( wh ich 'an O~ ··s rhe : set screw to be [igh rened through. the piston hole ) just strikes the cam f{ JnO~,·er on the leJt or forward side'. Then rurn earn slightIy to [he righr to take IIp the play between the valve stem and valve tappet, See rhar [he mark on the Bywheel IS on the air guide, then tum the fly\l,thee-l to the right ?1J" ;Hld dghlto- rhe SIC! screw on rhe Cam. The engine is then l irned correct ~r~

~[ _t-"" ~"""""~=-----=~-------"""I~"""""""_ ·'1 ....;;;,;;-~ _ _ _ _ • I _ .. ~~ __ . .., '=r • ......;..~-_.1 ,-.I,. , ':"

• ~ _ .• -'_~"~-...;r-" ~---_ _ • _ ••• _ •••

I' '!L;;

,~OL E 'r:ll! CfUil!ll[ .. I ¢J.S£ FOR



'.+-'Q-. " L';;. __


~ .

. ,


'!FI1~ G·.... }' 3 0 V""A=:r'V'E' T'"}' ~ ,ofl A v G'

:r: ._"., "":I~"""_ .' .!.d_ '._ .. :tt'J: 1\ ....

• .- I



_ .. ~ _.


To p:,rop,;erlv' time the valves on these models, assemble

. , ,~

cam, f6Uow,ers in place, insert the' exhaust' valve push rod through the small hole in tOP of' the- crankcase so thar t'l:ic fiat end of rod rests on the upper OIm follower. Fig. 129. Th en ,p~ ace the earn gear on, its sr ud so that the cam Iobe is reward the crankcase waU between toe rwo ca~ 101-


lowers. _, ' , '!-_

Place finger on top of push rud arid press 1ighdf.B~care. I'll,! not to bend roo and bind against the' side of_~~:maU


hole in crankcase. 'then rotate the C<'lre gear to rhe ~tgh[ or

clockw'ise- several, 'rimes until you become familiar wirh

;i .. 1 .!JIM I.

the point where push rod begins to rise. With t~am

gear set in -this position, inser~ crankshaft,. gear e-~ntsr and with crankpin Ion to the fight of center line -~~ al- 1

~I I

most in line with top magneto Screw hole.Eogj~~wij]

rh en be- in cor reel tim e.

, ,


• oJ

, 1




~ I





: ~


r J







" 1

I' l
.' ~,:
re j
is ~ I
~ .. ' r.' i
~,. I
~". " 1..-

_ ~ ,J











P-·'·IS·,··'~T',O·'··',· N'·· "5' 'p'-'" 'I:S···,T'·O"·"",,:N·' P-··INJC 'C'" Q' ""N:'" N,···· 'E'· 'C···"TIN·\.'G,'·,·'·· R-',····O, "" D'S~-

, : :,' _ .", " " 1,_ I" t: :, ,_. '. J-, ", ,I ,,_'::- , ,_,~,',_ 1_'<' _-'.,',-.,

1~~H'; S i z:t:·s, of b("a.rh~t; sur faces of these' .r~Lr~s are irnportarn ~1 nd may be corn pared wi th SIzes shown j n Table 15-~ How y e-ver, .r~.r rs ~ ppa renrly in good condiri on may requ i rc che.~ck; ~'] R :for size Of rou ndness. A rod bear j'ng .0007""; CH.n of round sl: ~}uld be re jeered.

'\.. Always keep in mind the condition .. of related parls~ If, (or example, 'the cylinder is 'to be' rebored, new d,ng_s and pistons are rtq uired and there is no need to check the old om ~,


Scrape carbon from u pp,er ell d of crti nder- bore. 1 '0 reITHJ\':(1 piston an d rod assembly, remove cap from b~ irrorn .. dl{~"~~ p,ush rnd and piston up' and OlH'. Remove ,f]ngs by sl [pring them up oyer the ring lands, never down over the piSt(ln sk irr, Fig. 1.31. Remove pin l(}cks wirl: thin nose pl i ers, Hold thumb on ptn locks v~: hen rernov ~ I 19 ,.,H) P re 'I.' (:.1 0';0' losi J"'L g rh ern Push out P'; ston oi n- lI.1()'t;r p: ins are

.,..:", L .. t, 1· i.···,·: ,iii'", [_ I L", :... ~ ",,~ " ",- ·~UI!b ... ~: .. ,~,~,' liJ. r'"(' ,( ~lll l\' ,", ~ '_ : "" .. I!~ .:;_ .....

a .s.J!i'p fir and can 'ta$':~ly be pushed our. However, (),fli some n'lder models rhe pin is locked in. place in ~n'e pill hole in [he pisrcn, .I n th i s C3SC" the piston sh ould be hc.u ed i ,n boiling v v. arer for the removal or assemblv of rhe pin,.



: ~I



, j i! Ii

, i

, !


_I ,




,I 'j


I: ~J

F! G' .,:,,, ]-::(! j~ -_ l:,\'~ I" ,: }I,A O r 1 'l 'l'.,lG·,," : R':': 1· ~:'(.·.""~S F';·R· ~ .. () .;1!ji f.'l~ '~·l-·"(-·-).I ~'!i;,'~

'_ r !l I ,. '._ - ~ ~ 1 l..rJ + _.X'. ,"', "", J . .~' ~ .__:_ ~ .. II '. ''I r •• ,.~ \

'To CheC,K,

Clear: ca rhc~,::J f f ~ irn if-n ll:::-;, Or gnp of r l i\~,~ and i n..;(rt' tl I(-n~: one nr a, t irne i~HO rhc cv linder bore. PU5~J, them down :ii

1 M ['[ h: ~: j 1 h l~h (- r~ ji ~~:[ U n ~ u be s u ret h t y a r {: Slq U ,,H t. < \ ~." h, h ' f L ('.


Check ,12::q"\ :H (:n~3~ wirh fl:'f-ler g:1LI~(~. If !la- g~:~r ~~ .O,':!{1'P' 'I'll more, when cvl ~nder 1 So '\;\,r ~ T h ~ n s t ar H1a rd bL ),r'C '~::-- :"ho,:\" n ; 11 Tsbl c ] 9 ~ 1 he d n,g; should be re 1 erred. 1'he gJ I' of 1: If. w rings should he .007 e r to ,,0 ] / f.~ or]: aU mod,· Js. F(~. 13.J,










Ii- ~ 1:'_ l:' --', l. I "'~~ J 1, .. r .• :-, ," :',' ~ "', __ • "::

f'!-O·· 1liI!U C CO. 1 ~I iU- (_to ·R r!I D- .

li. '.', : 11!1 n .. Lo . ,~, : I ~ ri!U I - "1 Vi .'





P':i S' 'Ti'UJ ~I t: V'~


I-E-- -N: G:' I U Ie" uo D' ["' 'l

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,A_.'-H" .... L ..... !.~,- S.,: -T- _V 87-' s: II I ~h'3·. r5·~··. tr ~ ~6, l' II

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.B I .j; 00 i rI i 67 35Jf .' ~ 67 I Zt !!'j"

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_~___ "I!'"""!!!!!!"'" !' • _ '_~.",_ .------- 1__ -. ~~------=-~I

2 .. '.' ',·"-oJ 1 'I, .f"1. 0 P I 'j 3" 6.: ' no "J "2.. '1~ ~~- m .

w ~',", ,_, 0 ..... I 'I! ~ .. .- " ~ ."J _. ~ ,

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.... : ...

r 0 C,heck Pisto» [or VI eo"

T f tl ~ (" r:i~h in shows no vi sibl t, si Q]1.s. of wear ~ .~{ ori n g or

~ ~

s('u(fl1]~:;, ~~nd the cylinder is nor to be rebored, rhe piston

should he checked. To do so, clean carbon from: the tOp ring grocn'c... Place a new' rin~: in rhe 1l'Op ring groove. Ch cck tht- rcrnai 11 in £ sp;:ll,ce ~ n rhc £roc)v(''' w i t 11, a :f ecler ,g:~t ul;r;- ..

J f ~.l .ODS" fech.orcan be insert cd on 21t bon~_' and l\fode-1 8- tn~:ints ai'1\.l J1U;'" {telt]' o.n 1\1o(h,-I~ A,,-·B,-FJ,·rl~·]~~,~1-S~'T-

'I r ::I

Z,I.- ~J- 14 - 2 .~. t he- p:~ sron is worn :a.nd sh on I d he replaced.

F i I~" 15 ~ - $uJ'J.1.e ,J},i S tons ]J a VC f our ~ro~),\, e _~.", The 't op ,gI'UO\,I(;, in t h is [:1S~' i:;, nor used. ] t i s called a Hca t I nsulat in,g G roovc or }~l c'rn I); .. L m.

P 'i ~1 OJ;:

To Ch,e'e,K Pin Holies In Pis·to·n

The: p~n holes can be measured jf so desired with an sid t lT11 icromerer or pair of cal i pels. Table 1'5. H()1Ve

. .

lrn,porranrl I

since resting rin~, gr{)o\,'C" wear is mos r seldom necessary 'to check the pin holes.

'Tlo C'n;ec,k Pis'io,n Pin

'1' 'J ,. t " n d rak c rend i n.g'.'".'.":S at SC: v -

\,J,se an accura tc m rcrornerer ann

poi n rs !'O find poi nt of' ,greatest wear. Tabl,t 15,.. /1_ ~OOOj·N OtJ[ of round should he rejected,

1'0 Che'cK C1onn'eC't'ing Rod

J f the crankpi n bearing Is scored the: rod must be d isca: " SC0]" i ng is usually caused by d; rry or ins uffic.i(~nt or L des ired clearance between rod bearing and crankpi ,.00 15t!~ This .is. to allow for oil but should in no cas

h 0·" O·~'~'l

more r .an -,."'.4]:.) "

].£ the piston pin -hole in rod or piston are worn, a J ' oversize pi sron pin rna f be used, If paF'ts do not (' .. ' up a t .,OO.5fi '0 versi ze, they shou ld 'be dIscarded. Steel , nect j [1 g, rod s h 2'\" e' a re mov a ble b ushi n g for rh e pi s ton ,~ , This can be removed and a new one pressed in and rea :-


["0 srze.

Do no r. a tre m'p t '['0 repai r the c ra nkp i' n beari n g in a .: n,['c t] ng rod, l f it is worn or scored the rod, shoul !eplactd~.

There are several things [0 keep in mind while assernl the rod, piston ~ piston pin and r j ngs 'to each other ~" \~""~.1Ue ins-raIling them in the engine, These operation. qui tc simple but may cause d~m'(lg,e .if not 'done prOf' '!

1. ,Atta ngernen t of rings on piston. 2", Posirion of piston In cylinder,

3" P osir i on of r ad in cran ken sc.

q" Alignment 0.£ rod ::a.nd piston,

5. Proper i nsra llat Ion into engine.

The posirjon of the ,piston j [1 the cyl j nder is de{er~-'by an "I':X;I" mark inside d1C piston on the pin boss. Fig ]

The 4 'X" side should go toward the magneto side c leng ine, If rh e ,p,is'[on has: no ""X" mar k it rnay be J ns: - eithc r ~vay. The poshion of the rod in the crankcr I Ide[,c:frniucd by the clearance fl~Hlj the oil hole, or tl -: sembly marks, Ir is important that 'the rod be pr['-~ insta lled in. order '[0 insure cleara nre and '; ~ [al';'~ 'j~L Refer U~J Fig. 1 35 for ,proper inst rJ Ih~ t inn of "'~1 ~ ;

, , ' .. :1 (I, if'r: ~T·I:N··I 'G'"" .

.-~ ~'::I"_ .~ I I ".

~~l";;;....=........ I :'. ' .. ".

rods. The 51 de of the rod w b ich is show n is the ma,gnft (;, ;s'tdc". T1u:'jtou and 'the piston must bel assernbledwi rh the me ~~, i! ero sides in Iine.

N()"I.'E:, Use a thin Dose pliers toassen1ble pin lock rings-

J3e ,~u n~ the locks ar,e se[ firmly in the grooves.,

............. _~~I;=o------,

,4 t~ RIt. S H~E • C.~tR:B,. s ~ CJ[ : .. CIiJi: 6·+, :~H bE I. ClRFL ~a~f

L oc t PtA TE


li:ILL. l

.. ~ it., JJ

I ....A. i U '1']'-" -,~~, "'~'r=""ji, : ~" ,~~;,,:1.~: ,. ~ I! ih :

I' r

I ~

, I


U •. t , 2.

l.OCK PlA i1'E.

I' r-

' ... ~ •..... : ~ .. / cf.\

pt~~~1 L~

zen _ _ . ' ,,1-" __ ~~~ iL,.,.."....,,--~~~

,.L l ~ :s lll- 6 ~ t L., 7 . - - ~ L'L '. g

FiG~ 13)'-CO'Nl'JEC'Tl~1\i;G RO,D Jj~TST ALLATJ'(}~~S'

Fe A,Iign Rod o'nd Piston

In order for t h€ p .. isron and r j ngs 1'0 fun c cion properly .. .rhe.


must be in alignment with rhe cylinder bore and' ~',qbat~

wi [h '[he crankshaft. 'U se P isron Al ignmen{ and Sq uarenes ~ G ,~1 uge~ ,parr 'N o, 66629L'TS ro rest for sq uareness a nd "~"i s ~

To Te·sf for SquiD're,nes:s

Select' proper alignmem :p[ t]~ (Table ] 6)0 and assemble crankpin end of rod to, F]~!" 1 ,6. Tighten cap screwso .r~od v,liBf]t securely on plug, Move piston and rod until piston 1S .in renter of a] igaing plare and note how pisror. ~d,drt touches plate"Reve:rse rod on .alignment plu,g re· check opposite side of P"_ !SN."Hl skirt ag;a,i[l$t' plate, If rod and

;:'-~,... . '-

pLST'~'.~ ~re sq u are the ,p,lston sk ir r, from ben f01TI of ski r:

'to bottom of oil rin-g groove, ''Q;,dU touch the alignmerr

plate evenly on each side.

NOTE:: On some pistons the skirr is. ground tapered, Ir.

. u b t : h "11' d t

such cases there 'V;_' ~ H. e a $U g. 'l spa~e 'at O~ ~ :nng en 0',

sk irt, Th is space' m US! be equal on both sides in order H J have the pis(o.n s.nd rod i,n perfect alignment. _If skir ~ does not. touch plate evenly, bend rod by tapping wirl ,pa.lm, of hand as shown in Fig, 13,6~ lIL A or B whichever is iridicared,







6r c, 2n~T- ~- .... :

i.. ~ ".... _. ~ ~~ '.J __

I 5·- 6"- g ..

", ._1.

4 666L9-T,5-,4

,4 66629-,T5-4

,~~,,--- ......... ~ ............ -----;j

2 66629·-T5-' ~~

--tr-............ 3 I

I I ~ ,c) 6'" :6·~:,2.Q~ T!~·~ "2, I

\_.·'ioto.- _., ,O;OI!' _,..

E_ -~'_---_-~"-_ .== __ - ~' ~~.~~~.~-_.-=, _-~'-=~-----=:~-=",,",,;~-- ... _! =8_;2_·-~5J_;-,_.T_5 .; •• - ...... -- _I

"~ .. J

G6629- T 5~ 3



ILL. l





u.i, , C

FI"G '3'6" AL·IG··).,._~/J\'rG R'(JD' . A~N"'D' PIIT" ON3'

'. T. 1 _:,)~,l. ".' i"~. } '\' .: ::,.J' .: ..• ,'r .: .. '.'. I t» ~ '.

To res,' 'fo"r Twist

Place piston in position shown in Pig. 1:317 t IJL A and see if piston ranches. alignment plate evenly,

Place piston in position shown in Ill. B 'Bnd see if piston skirt touches aHgnj n.g plate evenly. I f skirt does not' 'fou~h evenJy~ swing piston away from; plate and rv.', rod wiih ad jusrable wrench as shown in Fig. 1 ~ 7, IlL B.

R e p.J: ace rod agains r pl a re to' rech ec k . 1 f rod is Pi.! 0 pe r I y alignf:'.d:~ the' piston skirr ~Jill touch evenly in :aH directions as shown in F;ig_ 13 7~, ILL C .. Remember that tapered pis -e tons w in have a sn1a]] sp.are at the .ring end of ski rt in a] r positions. The Piston and Square-ness Gauge should b~e' so: placed that if will b(: between The operator and a window or light, This will. make ,ga ugi n~ the s pace between alIgning plate and. piston skirt muci .• simpler,



n .. i.. c-

I ~~-.' '"

.. , • l!I' I

rl··· r. J'. 3' 'i·~S.' Q' .' U: 'A R' "1 Jo. 7.G· p., 1("-""1:'·0····· .hI .&- R"': 0; :"D'-.'·

.. l,J'.... ,_,: I" '.' .. n . :.J....._: .. J J .. ' 1 '" .' .,.' _.

'To'.' As' se m ble Rin g5 to Pis ion

L - "'~ .! I J 1 , 'l~ IW . - ~ ,. , .'::' ": ill' "_', . '~ I

There are usuall y three d iffe'Cel'H, r i.ngs to a pist on: .(]"~ rup ring, '~j) cen rer compression Of' scra.per r j .rlig a nd (,;;; oil rinrf;.

In fig, 1.:,8 are shown the various rings and the proper position r f each, Note especially the' center compression .ring. The scraper g'ioove should al V{3 ys he down towar d the pi sror skirt.

B,C' sure t'; e oil return holes, are clean and carbon 1 s removed frc m all groove.s~ then assemble rings. -_ o~l ring. firs r.

N·OT.E: B:: sure to use rings called for in Parts 1\13.11 ual for 5 dCgi,5' ry ~""1t, number Model A engines, T'he r iog gJooves in (d'd su Ie P .istons are. nor decou, e.f1oug .. ,h and require ~~l

• ,C !'. •

[h inner .r,] ~'C.. See 'ParES .hf·anlJ~ L However. if 'thc' old srvle

~ ... J

pi)tun ha: been replaced by a new style piston, the new

sty lc r ing should bf used, Be sure to use 'the ,proper r ing:s on Model: 1.4.~,23-n .. ZZ~ 'as both !/8" and 3/32N [ings are used,

, /


I ~ I


'I /'


:1 ....

I .. r


TOP CLInt R , 'on.



Fl'G .. 138~POSrTI0.N OF ,R'l'N'GS


RO'D'S (Con:f'd·.,)

Compress rings with ring compressor and push piston d(r~pn info cylinder~ F.iS. ] ,3,9,. If piston does no! ,go down easily, raise it up and find' the reason, Never attempt to force piston down, as broken r1 nb's~ seated cylinder or nicked bearings may result,

}~ f ter piston is entirely in. the cy 1.1 nder, invert engine or ]ay it on its side, PuB rod down and fit rod, to cr ankpi n.. Ass em ble cap to rod tak iog- car e that assembl y marks come together, Tighten cap screws securely to the' torque shown in Table 17',,, Revolve crankshaft at least two rev oJ uti ons, J f: rod s rr ikes c am; assern blj' ins rru cti ons h~l ve not belen followed or the engi ne is out of rime, J f cr ankshafr operates f reely, bend locki DB plate against screw heads as shown in Fig. 135. See F Jg . .'140 for ,gene'ra:1

view of rod assembly with oil dipper" - -



.. '

H :i·X,:

- ~ .'

HII"ii'D[l . v,_ ['"







.It 11 2" bote


I 10.





. .' . .



To Instal! Pi'sf'on a~,d Rod in IC'yl·.i'',. Remove rod cap from rod and make sure all bearing: surfaces are perfectly clean. D'iJ the rings, piston skirt, piston pin and rod bearings. Stagger the ring gaps around piston and insert rod and piston into cylinder with oil hole, clearance flat and assembly marks in 'the, proper posicion. Fig, 13,54


o '

..•. [.

IJ~':;_ :. : i ... :_1:

II. Ill.

e ~r. • ... 101.

-. ~"."! .~,


I l (9 ·~.I

' ....... ...._._ _ _,_._ .,__...,-=-==-=--'~_,..,...........~_~~~. ~~<":frJ.~ .. ~ r

R II r r. O~ p, .,.. r s S j'\rl"l

U .. 1. t'i _.' J ltr..,


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i-, --=---'"-'_.......r-=-j



I ........ '~~"""""

, ~

C.OiCIIIE:cr 'I 1:0, ROO

FIG. 1'39-- l!<'SERTING PISTON AND tunes

FfG~ 140-- GENE'RAL 'l/lEU'~" OF' .ROD ASSEi\iBL'r'



... ;.;; 1 •

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I~Y:r- ......


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'1 .... iJ p..if!'I; Ili.:fl



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. I


. I


f ~


- . ._~

Tl«: crankshaf r a,nd cam F~e;tr ~hou[d a,hv:lys be removed f rr J'fY) '1' i H:," cran w i Ih u ~ nl<tl~.,.i care to pre-vent dan1agl' [0-' P(" - r= ... .n. _.J L .:";"~ r';0'8' (""'L1 r[~ -"'i r 's.

o ••••• ',j~,' .;~,J: -ii-t,~"lIl~ ~J!~."~ijl.:L : : ~l. ijj, ~;!j._ t·~ ..

To R'-e,mov':e Cr:onksl1cft Mo d e ls 8, ... K-,Z-Z:Z-9' .. 1 4~'2 3

A II Othe r Mod el s Witth Bol r Be(lri n9 s ion

:D,t~ve ,Side

Remove mngn.eH.L Drive Out Lam t~:t~r shaft. Fig. 143,. Push ram g-c·n.r f'or,\.'~, rd 'i n to recess ar fran r of e ngine, Fi g" ] .4 2. Then dr::l'vr era n ksha fr f rom rnagncro $,] de, Double rhrus ~ t'ng i n cs h,HV(,' cap screws rns.idt the crankcase holding the 'hCar]fl~ in pJ~lrc,. TheS1E must be removed before crank-

e.'5.1- ,.=1 f~' C].],o, be w-'" ••. 'F 1~ "J r ~ n ~ n

.;;-1 """, II. -"'_~' _,,,, " I!.. 1 110._1, un!,~,"

PJI ModeLs, 'Wifh B'ush-'ings on D-rive Slde

R ernove rr~,~,:,goe't-, ~ and 'v..- i tb,dra ijI"." crnn k shaft :f rom mlgnct'D S i'dc,



~4 .

..,J - - '

Ch,cpt'er 6

eRA' N' K"'-"S'·"H-A· IF-" T'"'S-' C-- A"~ Me, 'G'--' E:A' 'R-·'·S··

" , '_,"::, ,~" : ",~,' ~ ••.• " :, _', II' :.'._ .',~::,_ ' ,~.,'


Remove era n k rast' cover. R t-'\"o] vc era nkshafr u nri 1 era nk-

pin is ,poin ~ ! ng u p\v,ard toward I he brcarher iiLt."'1ne rea r ()f fht ('ng,~n-c at approximately a 45- U angle, Then pun cranksh.:d r ~) u f Jrorn dr i ve ,$] at' rw j s tinJ~ j l sEgh'dr if necessary.

F . '-] (' 11 0 iii. f d"~ 9 - Ii' '") '" "I b ]11'h ~ bo.l

- IJ~ i:H 1" I-n ~,~f,i()f~C'ES »> -1-4 .. L,:"1' 1;j .. rU:l~,all, bearings, bor l:

cr~,r .kcase cover 2nd bear ing SLl J""p-orr shou1d be removed ..


! \\

~ j

~ \

! t

\ \.





r '

. '

} I







t ~ 8-.7

I: I 'I ,r

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I· !

t I: '!







:- ~ I i



,E: N GIN E M -on lE l


-I.· CAli, G£AR·· I




J I, J 8',/

m I

C'R'AN' '·K"S·H"A··F'T·~·S· C'A'M G·· .. -I\·

.,-.' .'. 1-': . .., '. _,' .. ,',,:- t~ M t·

;' -- .. t'd·' )"

.' ~!1" •... _

; ~ - !I.


To· .. · R·e·mo·ve C·.' '0",· imi, G:·····e·. 'I"t'r'

,",I." _. ..". ' •• ~.

Usc a long th in punch to dr'tV'c QtH the cam shaft. Do not hurr or rivet end 0'£ .sh:nJr while doiryp; S,O. Hold earn gear while w i ~ hdra \\" ins, .punch so gc:{r dOES not faB and nick. AI ways drive camshaft OD r .f rom drive sidE toward fI)agniE:uJ

side, Fjg_ 14" ..

Mft,d" 'e' I :p' 'B'"

. w .... ,".

Loosen sec screw on valve earn inside the crankcase. Remove gear coyer. Pull au t cam, gear and shaf t. A, burr sometimes forms on. the shaft from set screw. If SO~, set crankcase' on side and with two screw drivers gently pry cam gea r u p'W ard unr iIi t' is loose.

• •





~.~ ..

O''£)!J t~UJ ~ ~~~--W-'~S.H-'~ff~I~~

[lPUtS Hl'~~ P'L U,G

. FIG' 1.'4·:3\-R·'·E·:·~M···IO····;V··E· C·' A'M·,· .. S·····H·A··py:·':

, ",.. • . ': .," . _ '.':' : _ _. ',[' _. . .'. . ".' L'"Ji ,. . 'J I, . _. _. _ . , 'd "

Slide cam gear off cam sh aft from in sid e crankcase. DO NOT drive ou r cam shaf r.

To 'Che,c'k Crarlks,haf,' and Cam Geo't

Table No. 18 shows the rejection sizes of the various" po;:n rs wh ere we a race U r s on. th e era nksh aft a. nd earn ge'ar .. Discard parts if worn smaller than the size shown, C],lECk the gc~tr reerh very carefully.

Keyw.iys sl,~O'LJJd be ell eckccl with new keys 1'0 be sure th ey are n.ol worn and spread. Rem ove burrs from key' .. ,:\,·'tl.'y cd _ges to prevent sera tchi ng the bea ri ngs. Figs" 144 ~n:d .] -4 5 show the var ious points H) be checked on thecrankshaft and cam ,g.ear"

IJltO!UlR: llii:J. iL ~!O'UR '~J. t ... -- .. ,JO LIFt 'K,A L ';; ;[a 'r s e ,~,R it:", C,R",Uf oc ~

~,ft II{ E ,t]m, 'U: A tr~ .. t.' .... I_~ '\, UA.G h IE TO f' I'll ~ :S H At 1 H' P Uj:K G t R:

, Fl.A'T OR rE'rwl Y

.i.rR r (j.,A tti, BlED .


: 'SiE,l~ TEE TH, S ~'O~!l D ,M: en !!IE ,~,~

T ffR E' ADS s; H:Ot.~':L:D/ NOT a E [hl'~~Gf D


Fl G J;; I. ....... n'A· N' t!' (" UA "'T C' ·c u .. ',.' .... , . . ,. J .,' if4~l",J\", l\. .In' > f" . .,I'-iECl< ,P,OlNTS

Model F,;:

The ,[i rsr .. f (~ iron. T"] t ! "_'

d r,~t]- t: .. ~ <

. JJ,i _,._. II I

,~ FH ,e,ngines. h'ad a cam g,enr made of C1.51' fr'j.] r be j-clent.i6ed bj' three d :~a.g:onnl holts c lobe. \X/ben yOll receive an engine with .', 'l.-·'S replace it with a heat treated gear l

P· o"i 'r Ii' '~' .. ,..1 O. .

,a, Ill, "!I; . " -,

:"11' ~, II!::

'~ ,


I, I

; J i




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";."'~ !

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-~CAA·f ,GEA'R 'C,HECK POl]\JTS ('~am Ge,o.r and C'ronk,sha:'t

"f .:

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B· ).,.0, 1[' .' 1.:' l: f_-,e· "!,' .... e, 1 ,~ ,". f".ii r:a' m-' ,{-'01 ~ 0'- 'w· er S·· •• n the C· 'f' 'a n k t!":o. ~~~ 'b& ~ r £,

_ !j.._. ;J ~ ! top ..... .._, ~'['.' :_, ,. .: ' .~ :.'., L .. ,·, I .. '" ,I~ '. - . ,': '. ,1~U~I~ -. '~l'L':~l ,'-.

;;... ~

replacing ca - ~'r~·'J,r., Slide camshaft through hole in cr,~~rf1~case on . 1~ ~ "'n .s,ide· and throuzh ge:aJ' until it touches

=- ' ....

cran l~('~: .' : \,~'~' side, (' ~'.f· sh 9 'f""~ ,d.~.· oes not g·"o, ;.~ e '2' ~,~ ~ 1;'

.. . _J. JI . • L I _ 'b. .,~ ,~ ., ,J. ~,_ t.L ~ . _' '- - - . _. "i'" J .Ii J . ~'::I.I J~, 1]

OJ' nicks ) Then p.ress camshaft in uoril - :~:: de of crankcase on dtiv:E side. Install ex-

-"~/ ~ rh shellac or gasket seal. Fig, 143.

~-: 2'rne Models AP'-N'P-IP-8B with ball bear~

, .'

£]1 'l •

nusn WI


pa..os~,on '

'NO'T'" 'E"

,:t, .::: .in

ins on { . an 1

C'~'m.;::11·"" ,cll_', ' i, . U . o!~.

:, 'I :'t Ir, the crankshaft must be installed beJ.or(~


. ,: \' e n i n. P la ce CaJJl ,gear i n teres s, i risen

.: '~1 pull tam g.ear back until gear teeth en. .in :') marks match Then install c~msh~:fE.

._? ~,. 1 '-. ,. •• • _" " !Il., ~ I' -,' ,10, '-ii. "'I~_'r

{ .' lI..J' L.. ,"' , j

l (. 15 1 ns ta ued ,t we sa D1 e as 1 r ,",,' as ~n::'m ovec -

h . ~ .., k 1 .

:~:I,ge t ,f;: gtars. with tlffilng marxs rnatcrung

", piece o ... 'f, ~l"i; irn stock :""i,'(" ,,,,,M,.,..,\"':I r'i!"i~ : '0' F 1·' 'r;"';'" Af~

~ I ,.I,j ~ ~ t;. ~. I JI Jl.l J.[ ~1 '\t. , ~.;]I ':"l.jj ~[I;.. jI ~... JJ, Jj :i - -,. 0. .... , .~ 9,

I ' • .;.r

g'age ar: 'Th.e era

Be sure 0' ( Fig> 14' t

. }.


~.~ i L' 'u. ~.'h ,

lEI'f'l'~l '

!n:'f_ .~~,



•• iI ~ __ I11~-..,;;al~--'-""'_I'::.l~


.... ~ <, ,;"",~

. .

....... 'I

-, I


f - ~"

:, I __ I ~

II I~.. II

\, ~

',\ J '.

~ ,

~ I "

.. _ -". 1

l i 'I \ ~ ';. ,

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( I



-: ;:,~';, 146-,PROT, EeT' /\1(.·.·':,· 0·;:· .. ··J'.'1""' S··E'4A:· I::'

! .• ,. ,." ", it! r. _' ~ _," - ,"

i :


, I


~'R' '" f. ..

'-. ' .. r-·.

[n I~H .. -vcru tLlm.,Jg{'; '( 0 oil seal or :" C' p;~,~ ()If S{:~'l.l .. "'·i F~)r full insrrurt ions 001'1 .irn If::

- . - ~

There shnuh~ always be a small ._ 10l11L

t\\' (:en can') gear an d cranksh a f {' !~.' ~ r,

M'-d I p,t], O_'€I: re

A sse rnble earn, earn gear arid cr.: .. ksl., ,

sen "l; b -e. J (;:, rhc 'r t - .. ("·It ~]. t ,]- "I, "''''f b' ;C;:I,' W ~ - .. F'· ... i ""

.',,- c_ ,~ -. 'c ' ,I'i.. dlru.j,,~ ' ...... ,:as h., , __ ' L, r . ~.'r .. ,.,., \_.iL'~,.l J

;..,.., I






FI'G" 1 -) . \>"-'1_' /Ii fB'LE-' CA' tI

" .'.'. _' ,4 -/1 j.j,C} 1'1' .,' .•... ' .i~, r.

-:; "ii" .. Qo -4 '11:,

i: .J..~ -:J.i - .).


. '. . n.t";"Ii1ii r..r,

Pl.l Y "w',,," '- .. YV"

FIG-" j Ag a I:E' C'K J uc C>"R~A: '

. ::. - + . 4.,:·~ ~.". :,.I,·~ ._: _ .':'. ,_', ",- '.:. :. .' ... ~,. ,." I

T,o Che'rJf. Cran'l<shaff' Enc

E d 'I '11 d r- " 00/'/

n J play on ar moe e 5 IS. ~:)~ ~ :.

crariksha f (, ,js, .i usralled u To chccl \V,~ rh magneto assembled but b,-, shaft toward drive side and .1n,I:",:.

:r'L.. f"l'].'S"~ f:' -",(b A f m" '1C.O'fi'I;i!J,,,,.,', i"JF1l"i ri' ,f~"~'" 'Ii' 1_.;,:.: ': ..

~ ~: ~ ~ -' - . IL 1IfII~,,, f _ _ .~ ,.:;:. .I! .~, ~ .. !i._.J. .:~ J; 1. U ~. J! ~iL • .L.l h..,. I ~ _

~ I

.- -



. - .... ~'. -


1 /)



_r"~ ,-


'," .....

-J' ·,iI.

i1 " ,

- I~'~ I

, ..

.. ,

... J


,. ~

" \':

....... I

,. ~

-= ~.

Iii ~,

, a ~r() Prot r:cr Chapter 4.

k ] 'b

'''r. r '_ , ", '" ",

s. .. 1[, las, ~ ,. {'-

~\ U Fe TO as- 1! ..

::':r;~ n J'\.,ca.sC' on

~qd crankpjn ,""1,5 shown to.

'fjA 3,3,~Tl • ... l\ piece of

r-e, ; ('" bere ~iA,m n

~/~~J .. '~~ n ~-~,~


.. ~ 5 t i;d

~ I'.. d

- ,/·l.lHJV;r tn ..•.

:'" b screw,

... rr hexagon

can"] shaft,

Place Ti.m,Eng ,Gau,gt' No. Air] b(' ,."ccr1, as show n in F jg" ] 4 7., Usc a ,~J'ed;<:: I (} ". hold crankshaf [ in place. U Sf SOC -: cr '\'~.

'and '1 3,A 33 ,., 1'~2: '* to ti,gh ren (he S«:"[ , rev: , ~/e!'~ round cold rolled sreel is. use, "is ~I ;


rh e two ends of '[he wrench es, and l '" .. e se t

, l r. : 1" 0 J d 1] d - l 'r •

urmt '['Cl1S ,,"S- . co.', .to __ e. Steel J S He,~L: ~

· play of abou t .005/· ... OD cam before . tgJ~ ~:' '. No Ion acr av ailable. ] f not i.n ~ :.)1 l: ,; :

...... -

socket and T handle.

] 1 I



.u. P"B:'

I ... ~I::;" _. ,: .-


... J ~.~_~ ... ~~~

,"' .~~




1'1,' .

. ~_ - I· ' ..

, ;"\ p' ·L; /1'- '\ •

. ! ,_,- "_ :,i J

-, -, i (' e: 1',., ':1 f·' t';£' t' .... ' . , .... .r, rE __ ~'!,."


. ,': n C'llgg 11(:'

. l"p; ·c· 'irl'''n t.

~,;'Iril '. JJ~" iK,'-

The end plrur ,m,ay also be dc'rermincd with the' use of a, d.fa1 j ndicaror as shown in Fig+ 149., In rhis case ~ the engine should be firmly anchored so amount shown on dial is the true ..... 'n d·· nlav ,~, r .. d d' .oes nor ~ nclu de movement l'";,{ the

.: ._ ~ ,,--.Jl, ~ . .. 1""'~ ~ J .o.t ,~ .I!", .- ., ~.:li '. . __ 'Ii.. .&ll .' ., ," ._"'." Ii.r.- .... , '-.~ _ _. _ _

] .

." ," . ~ i . " - ';1 ..•. -, .. .

cornp en:

- ooilt .',_ ,ifji,i!"[I,.o iii! E' 'IiII", bt·rIi v .

• !!t. i. 'Y'!l,iliC '_ ~jU' ill"" ~~ ~


. .. ~

FlG', 149~'CH',ECKl~~rG E,ND P,LAl'

A third method of checking end play isas follow's::

Push crankshaft toward drive side' ?os far as it will go. Place End Pl~y 'Gauge No, MPJ-Tl I Dr 95301-,Tl with the SHORT legs of cross bar against machined surface of crankcase, r( See Too] Lise Chapter 12 for correct ,ga,nge lor each rnodel.) Push pin ngainsr rhru st face of crankshaft and tighren ser screw. Fig." 150. B~ sure crankshaft is cenrered and held firmly against drivel side'.

T<li;liQlil!' "Ii' -F;t J'I':r' ,"

'f~ll"'!,UI,.." lii 1"'1...~



'M" c H IlfE'.D S W;, F' J. ct or (~:"." KCi.$£

FIG' "5()' ("E--T- E},,'lD" PL-'A-Y G'A""IG:L

-' r, I _';,,'-,-) ~', __ 'jI\,:' , 't . ;' _:.' L J'!;

, 1 J:'

Fi(r" . .1'51--=-·( H EC'K /l\T,G "F;N D PLA'}r.

'L~l' y m r,\lJ.:rt(~to wi rh thrust face uP+ PlU a standard ~O I S/l

In ~gI1 ero gas.keT' in ,place_ PJ:~~ C(; end .p! a y gauge on m'a[i~ ncto wi d"l ,long lc gs of crossbar agai nsr ga.)"lkt~ ("H"1 machi ned mounting face of ,ma,gneto., fig. 15, I. If end play is correct, 11 t(' gaut!c· will touch all three points. 1£ theft is nor enough play, the P"~ fl '9.",1 J I '[ouch th rUST face and. rhere '''Ill ill be (Jt·ar;t rH ,~. ar rn{: J(",g of crossbar, ] [ end pL1 r is too gr.t.a t,

,~I,~!; ,(!f .... if" .. ' ..... ~,,.-. wil: ~,i"'" -~ "L; ..... 1I"'I]';n

~ ~ J1',,"- _ l~, •• J jI... Lli .1 \. Ii... 11 ~ _'.I. tJ ~ ~.L ~ _. J' ~!a.,.. ~,I. <!- ~ ~


I i :.-, ,",., . 'j -0 •••• . ,:,' , _ -. '.,"

,- ," " .... ! .... " ," .. l','· I '", ""

'I I

iH:R U'Sl' 'f .tC'E ' ;' or CR A 1"::5 ~," f T '

~lC~lIEO SU~FAC[ Of eRA 'o:'c"~:s'£

F.lG. ].50~SET £1\',D PLA),T G'AUG'E' Te Correct f'nd P'ley

The ,magneto mounting or bearing .support gaskets. arc

]' d' t, 1 • k 00: 5'I'r 0"09" ,-1 o",~ r:;"fot Tb

$lJ:pp .. ,i,t : J.n. three h)lC .nesses~}':,' ~ ._.' ' an.a i ~ ,,) '. " ,:,e

proper end play can be' 0 bta ined by using one or m ore of these gaskets. 1£ a . Iathe is available, the end ,play can be

. corrected by sletting- the end play gauge a.s explained, then mount the ma,gnero plate in the- lathe as shown in Fig, ] 52.. See Chapter 12 and 'Tool List for 'arbor number. Jf end play is' too small, set cutting tool at 'thrust face, point A,. ,I f e n d play ,j s tOO gren. t j, set eu rting 'tool at m ou nt i ng face, point B,~

Check frequently wirh end p,~aJ~ ,gauge; holding g.a,sket. in place, When , touches. evenly at pin and both. legs of crossbar, the end ,pla.y is correct, Fig .. 15,0 and ,] 51.



CA'M" G'" EA' ij"",,""'" lC"'o"'n'f""":

. . '. " .. ',", ' , I", - ~ _,' ".',' ":'.. _~'·.r I',' -' I ' _

_ _ \ -. . '_ I J


,J '.._

I~ I -

'j' ..... __ /'


,,' ~ .. _" _

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I, ," ,- ,. r 5' ': l C- ,:u ~ ~ .I .;J..,_'~ G' " E' : -:;.. 1'D' :' P L' A:" )"

, ~~! ( ~ II! j _:" _~ -" - ..... .11:( L· ,::~,., \~ '... , .. ~.,~ ~' .',', , ..... _ .. ' .

1'0' Correct Warpe- ~;'agn'eto, Plates

'The magi'lcro plate' son. .cs becomes warped and allows

oil 'to leak :.""::t the mou. face. Mou .. nt the magneto in,

Iarhe as shown in FlJ.:. I I and turn. the mounting face

A at BE FC) I ~r cor recri n g ~ ~ .~ end pla y. Th is Soh 0 uld be don e

h '"bl

v;"r . eneve r po~,.,:,J.' .e,

1<;1' _

~r..~:,;;;;,._ "',1f%&~

,~~. _



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I~ .. ~ ~~

, " . f

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I : ~ ~

1-'.( I


1 I

" 1

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- "

• 1


. ~ 1

I ~.

1,,1 I

r I

~'., ,





,~Ii i




Cy,lin'd,er ,'ns'p,ec,tio'n

Ah~'~Ys inspect ;rhe cYlinder ?Jler [he engine' has been dis~ assembled. ViSU3r inspection ~·iH show if there arc an}' crucks, stripped holt' hole-s, broken fins, or .H the cylinder \\. ,L] j j s scored. lisle. ·an accurate micrometer or dia] i ndi ~ caror u). determine the size of" the Cj Iinder bore. Measure

• b a b f - - .~"""

~H flgJH an .. gres at a r our "the center 0" the rin,g t-ravel. Pi'g.

J ~! 3. Table ] 9' Iisrs the S{ :d;ndard .cylinder bore si zes,

II: T'HE CYI, I'ND'E'~R", B'O"'-,"R'~ IS,'; M,:"O-R:E T""H'~' AN" 'l')0i,,11

.. ~ .,. • _',11" .I. _ _ . . .... : . J..~ l. [' I .. '. . _ ., j 1,,1 .• ' _ II' [~"~.;'

(}\-'ERSIZE Q,R", O"',IO'~S:U O"'R":' 'lKO:'R:'E''': our or R:Q"'lJN""D

.' -, .. , [ '. "_', I. 1:' • 1. . . .:.~ .:. J"'1 .. ·, . 1 '. ."', ',.J . '.:' "J '., . l'

'OI{ fiOTH; IT l\·~'UST I1E ,R ESIZE,D.


S1-'A':~D-'A·R'~ ICY··l· ·N':D,'E~'iR:: B·:O':R'E= D~'jE[:'NS~:~O~uS'

• 1 i'1 l -- ,', u _" _ I . L . l -,' -: - I l' ,[II 1"1 .:. [ , . , l ,." n '.~.




i:MOOEL" MAX. MI N:~ "MODEL I MA.X. ': ~ ~I I N t


[. I' , ,

! -; :~.

I F J . 2. 2505 2.2:X.)() , W).1 2.000 1.999J

.. 1


. "

. ~:,' Ii

- 1

,I .

!." I

, H 2 t 2500 ' 2~' .2490 .' W,~ B '2, 00,0 1 • 9990

j -- ' -- - -

I?,. !"I{":,' : .... '.J I .. 9-, (,~".,','O·, : " Wfr,1 J' 2 rvvv I' (Y'"'I~l;/)

.,;I;", v.... :::;;r,~ ! .• Vi.JV' I • ":t''':;'l''=f.U

2 • 000 ~ ' .. 999C) ~ I 2 .. 25(){) 2 _ 2490

, j


~ :1 B P

3 000,,'

I '. '

I!!I .... :. - •


2.2500 2~2490' ZZ

i 2.' 99',""'_-'9'5"

J -'. - ,' ••

2~25VJ : 2~2490," 5

, ~-

1 9·'O~I"""!,

....... ::7;:;1L'

2 ~, 000 ~ . 99g;J .' 6

2 fY'"10


~. 99';':00"'"

-', • ,I

! .... '.~'



2,. 25C(JI 2~2~90 ;" 23 ,3.000 I 2~9995,

- - - -' , .



,. ~ "I_.lIS" ~ ............



"'~ --~~

,_,- -_-


1:'JG: 15·... CH'J"'CK1'N'G C"'L1N"DE- 'R no'

I'" ::_,'. " ,~~,-.;::' '~,:' ", c'··, ,.,~ ',t Y]. ,.' . r : >.~ .. ,_"I '. R E

Cyl,;'nd'·er Resizin,g

AI.\XrA YS R,ESIZE, TO' E,X'ACTl.Y ,,01 OUt ",020ti~ OR .030'; O\7E'R STANDAR'D SIZE. If this is done accurately, the stock oversize rings and pi srons \~' in Ii l P{-:.r f ted y and proper clearances wHJ be maintained.

The cylinder can be' resized by reboring or i~ can be qu j ckJ y 'and accu rarel r honed by using. a good hone such as the Svnnen Cylinder Grinder. "X'hen these hones, ir is important TO starr honing: ar the borrom and gr~ldu':1] '] Y wor k up. The bot rom of {he bore' ,j s usually round and {IUe and V_' ill act as a t!U ide for the hon]ng stones, Use a, discarded ryli nder to pracl ice- on a t unr il '~fOU 'are farn ~ Ji ar \V it h the acri O~ of rhe hone ~ the :amOLJ n r of ten ~ sion required" f,'[C.

S01JJ J sera rches in [he cylinder bore rna y sometimes be removed wirh the hone without enlarging the bore mort than _OO~~u above standard.

Resi zj ng w i rh a hone can be done w i th a portable electric drill. However, since it is important to keep the cylinder pore j n perfect alignm,e'J1 r w j rh the crankshaft cross. bore t j f j s 'best to do rh is on a drill. press .

To Set Up for ,Honing'

Clean cylinder at top and bonum, co remove burrs and pieces of base and hea.d ,ga~ker:5~ Fasten cylinder '(0 ,;3; heavy iron plate. Oil surface 'Of driH press table liberally. Set plate and cylinder on dri1~ pres.s table, (Do nor anchor to driB priess.) If usi ng portable drill, ser plate and cylin &,r on floor. Pl.;l.['f hone drive shaft in chuck of driH P',Fe-55 or ,port able drill.

Slip hone into cylinder, connect drive shaft to hone and ser srop on drill press so' hone can only extend ~41! to 1 rr from rop or bottom of cylin der. 1f using a parr-able dr'iU ~ cur a 1:"fODd block to place inside ,0.[ cylinder 3S a StO,P for hone: Disconnect drive- shaft from, hone and raise it, out 0,( '(he \\"'~y"

T[D Hone Cyl'in,d'er

Place hone in 111liddJ,c of. cylinder bore, 'Tighten adjusting knob with finger' Of small screw driver l .. Hltil stones fir snugly a,gainst cylinder wall, DOl ,N'OT F'ORCE. Hont should operate at ",00 to 700 R.PJ\t

Connect drive shaft TO hone, Be SUH:: that cylinder and hone are centered and aligned wirh drive shaft and drill spindle Starr drill and as hone spins, move" l[ up and down at lOv.,.'CT end of cylinder. The cylinder is DOL 'worn ~H '(he' bottom bur is round so it will guide' the hone TO straighten cylinder bore, G'f,aduaUy increase strokes until hone 'era vels fun length of bon:" but do nor extend hone more' than %'" to r-l ar either end of' cylinder- bore,

A,s cutting tension decreases, stop hone and tighten adj lIS [~,ng knob. (Sam c' hones. J j ke '(he Sunnen are 'used dry. Others such as the Aurornorive Maintenance Mach~ Co., should be ~'t~l with 3 mixture of 3 parts: 'kerosene to one

Pa rr 0"', f.'- oil )'"

_ II .. _ ,_ • J: II :

{,~, F r,r. • pi } ;:rec:' ,D!!i.!OW'lng. O'£tt'·


1 -;~~'"


,l, •





Check cylinder bore freqlI.lCndy wirh an accurate rnicrornercr. Hone abour . .oOOSt! In.rBC' to allow for shrinkage when cyl inder 'cools;

Change from, rough Slone to finishing srone when within .,OOJ 5,ir of desired size, then use finishing stones. Alt\"ays hone O",} 0, j!~. 0.') rvr 0 ..... r 0:" 1,0,1'" above s ~i"~ 'f'i .. d ~r',d: d' irn . en sions

_' VoI:'!L., ." .. " .. _ V + ....... 1, A . \;1 ~ .iL~j.':'J;"" ,£"1 ." ".lL·. 6 ~_, .Il.~,,:il

given jn Table] 9.

'Cylinde'f' We'd,ing'

Ah~la ys remember that welding creates extreme localized

'Il.. t \" b. d' . "1"

nea wmcn may cause vnlrfHng., rsrorn on} rnrsar [,gn.m'enr~

crac kin g or b reaki n,g.

1 '



'E :,;,u:!tIl;4[ ~


Ti:.h"U. .flE:~,

F ~ III ~ $,11 I:~'~

I ...... ,6.~~ =e=e= ~~

,I, 'J'~.' .

FIG'- 5,'£ '-fO'N" :'I'hTG W' , 'ITH D'R'ILL" PR'ES'S'

."'.'. I'.,., --",..t'1:.', .~"", :,,: L]: ," r. ":_ .

t ~



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, , ~


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1 _;

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, .


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, I

- I "


- 1 ,

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,I, I

, '

, .



r~' I~,


... ,~





. _' . . ,,', .".,',

J " ,: ' -." _' I ', .. ' , .' ,-_ ..•.. ',

" I. ' . .0"

I. _ ,. . .'. .',._ •

The rna in hearings consrst of [he m:ag.nero bra r J' og a.nd rhe d rive bc"ar ing,. The rnagn eTO bear! n g . is ,J bu pressed into the n l;Agnc'hJ 'p1'n tl' 'and ream,~"d In S i zc. The drive bearing ma)r be e irher 'a bushing or 3. b,aJ.l beari n.,g and rnav be mourned .eirher in the' crankcase or on a re-

,~ \

movable plate called t}'I(~ . crankcase- CO\!Cf', The bushing

!}-'!,pe of bearing is very but e~xt~re~1t care must" be

'TA,BlE NO~ 20" TOrOL.S

taken to rna in ta in 1.'11(' hn )p"('r l'lt'ara:rlce bet weei 1 t he crank-

,r- ,I

sha f r j'.Ol'~rn al and '[he bca ri ng su rface. Too- Ii rtle clearance

\\.~iH cur off the" oil supp'ly 'ana tOO much. will cause excessivc vibration and 'VC:l],., If both main be:a6ngs; and era n ksha [r journa Is are '\V j rh j n. the proper Iimits, thi~

,- "[] b . . d'

rl if'", ~''-L r .. , ~ s: t '" 'n. ~ 1 I ,',&~ m r"'!I ,[ if"'I 'r ~I 1: n liT~, I

... ' ,'v Ii-.', n~, n,. "- 'f'r " , '.... ~"~ l [1 ,,~, r 'L" ,.,

Mil'S' 'to

otn " ",eo·r,lng'S


R E'AM,ER TO rrr M,AGNEI0 &1


'B.("A R' :[ N, G


I l





i !



" -


G,A,UGE ' OR. I, ll'ER TO flU ~;D E ,REAMER GAUGE DR ~ V' ER ro au IDE


, E MG if MAGH [TO M;A,GN'ETO 1'10 FIT DR '! V E I M,AB' ~.E1 0 DR rv E DR ! V,E F rr MABtfETO FIT D,R I VE


i' 'I., I


i A. 69621~T.3 69H7'{)'~Tl Ii 60"225-Tl-i~· 60225-Tl-2.l:j 65.1.16~l3' 2'9076~r,3 I 60"2,2'5-T 1-1~ 6-0,225,-11~64'

~ A, P 0'98,21-"T3 6'9"B710-T1' 60,2'25-'l1l-94, 60225-:1":1.-211 __ B~'B~~4-=-_~B~8~=---.""11o----"_~_'EH_3· _~----+--~~~B_B~' ~--It-~~......._._=---.II

I' B 1,698 21.-T$ 1- -69=-S,,',_76-" "r 1, 60225-'ll--,li" ~" 6-0'225-Tl-2J4 66U39-'TS -69:876-1'1. 60 22§...-rl~14 60,225-11-3q

'!'B P '69821-T, ! 69i~6-Tl ,-6~O~2=2~~=T='l~~--"5~'~-"~, -6-U-22-5-~--T-'!-,--2-U~~~B-'B-' -~~"~- 5B 88 BS !

IFH :: ~'fPJ'-T9 6909.3~'T_l j ~ -69-:'0-,"9-3-""--'1-:4-; --+--6-9-0-'Si-3~--l-i-l----,1-~ -~---~_O-------------+--6-'9-0~9~'ij~""'=T~~i~, i

~,£j__ ,MPJ~19 69ri93~T 1. I 69093~r~, 69093-7 1 ~ , 6909,4-T~

, ! --~I-----~r---~~~~~~=~~~~~--~~~·---~-------~· ~

'I r J 1 ~'PJ~T9 ?909J .... r 1 i ,~-+~6_9_0_:9.;;..'3_'-,_T~~~_,c~.··· '9=O~9~3~: =T~1==41~~~~~~~~_~ __ .L ~6_9_0'_9U_! _T_,4~,' =-1

ii, H" 69821 ... 13 j' 69~76""T 1 ~ 60225-l1-'7l+ 1 60,22,~=Tl~2:~: 6S1!.6~-T3 .29076;;r,-lJ L' 60,225-1.1-'1)f I 6G225-~rl~s.~,

- ,-~.~" =~~~~- -t'-~---.'~-=-~~~~-~~-=I:-=~~~~ .-.,I-~~ ~~-~~---~

'i-,62552' ..... ll!'29}4,6~T~ J 607;32-T2'--4-4 607)rT2-"-"2,~ , 62552.,_Tl 29'1lJ6....,'T3 J 607;r2""'T2~1~, 607'3,2:'~T2~2ij t,

~j~;...~R ~p~-1~6-.·· .2~:"·5~" 5-,'2:-; -~T~1=~1~2='9~7='4=,6=";T3 i' 6C732:"""T,2-.ij4 607,32~ T 2'~.2~ =~~.~- B~': ~~F==-~_~i8~B~~]L....: ~~...-~B_B __ ------i!~ __ B_·B __ ----+ ~

- K "1 6'~ 8 2-<jj~! ~'-T-: .3~.:'- --+r-6-9~B16-T 1 "'I 6 (jI2 2 5--1 1-~ i ,60. 2,2,5~ T l-.2lf, ,~" 664;'9,'"""13 6 9 S 7 6¥- 11 "j 60 1.15, .... T 1--1~, ,I ,60,22' 5!- t 1~ 31+

1~-L "f ,MPJ-T9" I,': 6SH)93~T 1. 1 690'9.3i~T4 "I 29?lt6-~T,3 6909~_.TU

I ~--~~PJ-TQ i 69093-12 r 69D9~T4 ,29}g6-"~=!~'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~6-9-0-9Q-~--T-U~

, ' , 6:2 5. 5 2~T ,i - l 2' 97 !J 6- T :3 607 J 2-=T.2~ liJ, 60'732- T 2-,24, 62552: ..... '1"1 i 297-46- r.3 "! 607' " 2·~T .2-.1 14, 6 o 7,' 2-1'2.- 2: 4 ,

I t~.p : 62.55·,2~Tl .29]1;6-1'3 6.Q7;32-T.2 .... ,ip-i. 60 1,).2-T2'-2ij, SB BB Ba BB

N_S_',' ~: ~6~" ,2 ..... 5~'5~2_'="_1_1._!!-_2_,-9~7~I,HS-T3 60'73.2~r2'-.1~1 ' ... ~O?,3,?_-:-_~2i_~_~," 62'5~_5 2~T 1

! P 8: MPJ ..... T9 69u93~T ,1 6'92'6-5~T,2 29076 ..... ,1'3 _I 69,265~'T 1.

'1'='< ~"~" -----+~~~~-"""-~~~ -~, ,_, .. '.m~" ~~=~~~--t-~=~~~~~~~-~+-.~~--~~=+-~~~=----=-I:

~,_Q_ M;PJ-19 69093'~Tl f 66.~'"3~T3 ,29,3:47'-1'1. ~ ~ 69054--T2

,I R',·: ~r=---~~--!--'~===F-~~~------t----~ " ""l '

.. MFJ~'119 6909J'-"'-T 1 J 66,~;9-T; 2934 7--.'T 1 .!' : 69054~ 12'

I-~-----t--~~~~.J..-..-.=~~~--.......;.i~, ~~~~- ---t;....~,-~-.-~,.,...f" ~-~ "'~.."..~~" -~~~,."..~---~~~+-' _" _' -~~ <,

S MP'J""'"' 19 69093'- T 1 o·g.p 9;3-T,ij 29 7,46-T.3 6909l.i'~Tij ~ ~

r--=~~-~--____",..,j~-~------+-----~+=---~~."-~,- ........... ~ m

rT~' ~----+~M_P_J~-~1~·'9~~-i--6~,a_~"C~-'9~··,3,~T.1 ~6_9_0_9,,--3:-_r_"~_I' ----,.y-1_-2=9~'7~4~6--,-T.3-',,'.~~~~~~~~~---~-I---=-6-9-G-94~i ..... ~[-'"~---=!l ~

I U :; 6 2552- r .1 29-7' 4,16'~ T .3 '607 3 c- r 2-1 u , 6: 0732 ..... T 2"'" 2 ,~, 6 2 S 5 2- T ,1 29 7116 -'1'3 60 i .3 2-T 2~ jJ~,

r--~~~~~~-+~~~~=~+ -.~----+-~~~~=-+-~~=~~~.-~=~=" ,-'

Vi , H.PJ- 1'9 '6 909 3,~ T j 6 6 ,ij,3 g....-T .3 29 J~ 7- T 1

"- -- .=== ~~~---~~~----~~--------~~~--~~~~----~~~I

I._W_": ~I ~_+--6~2~5,~5 2_,_·-_r~" l_i ----+;_2_'9'_,..~J+6~~T~ 60?2~-T2'~1·ij 6,0732'~ T5~,2~_J" 6 ?5~2--T 1, "~ 29_7~:~!?~1 __ ~~G7 3,rT.2'-lij,_ _ 6C73 2~T i.~2ij i"

. W M : 62552-11 I 297 J.l6- n 6073 k T2--'!l 60?~2- T 2-211 ' {, 2~S2- n ~. 297 46-13 ..• 60732- T 2-1lilu £073 2-T 2-211 .'.

~t t,1 B 6255:.t-Tl i 2'97ij,6-T.3, 607J2~'r,c-.-.1~, 601.)"rT2'>3"2"'~1 6,2552-1 1 .2,97~6-~T3 607;,rT2~'.14 6·3732-:T'2-2~


, ~J M ~ 62552-'1'1, j 2'97~6~T}' 607;,2--T2-.1.,ij' 60'13,2~T2'-2& 6,255,2'-1("1,,1 297~6~l'S 6073,2-T2-1~, I 607j2L.-l,2'~2,ij

'It- '-zy~,'-" ~~~:i ~6-, 9~"-.a_-~.2_"-1_'~'-_'~T_',~~~~+-,~;~~"~6_'-9~_5"""""·-' 7~:-6_--_" _'-1=1 :1_ 6e2'25~ Tl~ 7ll ~ 6.0 22 5~~~ ~2q 651 0,1"" ~,~ - T._",_,'" " _" 1._2.:n_, ~,6B-:! } _ j,._ 60"<;: 258'_.'."'1:, Tl-lIJ .. _ 6 C 22,58 ..•• ,,:11-81; II

6'9 8 :2 1-=1.3 ~ 6 9 B 7 6 ~ T .11 6 0 2 2' 5- T 1,- 6 'l+ 1 60 225- r 1.- 211 LH~"_ " _ ~ . . l,). . .. ~

i '2'1. 69S21~T.3 D,9B]6'~ll 602"25'-ll-,61J 6022.5~Tl-2ij BE BB· BB B'B

r-------.ft-~~~~-+---- " .---'----~-~~~-+-

5 625 5 2~T.l 297 4~;~T3 6 c 1,3 2'-'T 2:-1 ~ 607';,,2- T 2- 21,~ ; 62' 5,5,2-- T 1. 2'97-4 6-T3 607.3 2- T 2~ 1.~, 6073.2"- 1 Z-,2 ~ ,,:'


I 6 6,255,2,--11 .297'Jf6~T3; 60'7 32-T2-.1~ 607'_)·2'-T2-.2J4.625E;2'-T 1 29?"lHS-T3' 607_32-T2~1J.t, I 6,0732-1.2-,24 ~

....... 8......,.._~-+--,6~, .2~5 5_" 2_,'''-_.'T_' 1_-+~~29"""""' 7_,4_6- U 1~6~O~7~3~r=T~· 2-"'~--1~: r r ~6~, O~7 ,-,' 2~-T~2~- -'~,2 ~Lt -+--~6-. 2-.5-~5~2~- T~' ~1 =-I!"~2~9-7-U-6-'--T-?--+---6~" O~, 7~3~; 2~ ..... ,~r=2 ~-1~" -4~:" =t-'--6-0-7 -3-2-~T=.2~,' ~-, .2~,~...." ~: ~~~---------il

0" ::t' J!I

::J 29 .1227~' I B

6 r-; '7 o 'J\ T ''1" 1· H n V " ;..) sr: ~ L- ~

60 73 ,~r 2= 2'l!

6 0 7 .3 2~ T l~ .21l

, ~..!

,C, .r. n 5"::t "f 2' "

1,J:;:\"'i,J' .i!-! ~ I

. - ._ ...

, I 4f~' :t"' 29 ~ Z ? 7 ~ T B 'I'

:: ,2 3:~ ,; 29~'~':;"r-T6~"

.' On M oj e 1 rI!I J ~ wit h b all be n r i n 9 d r i ve u se ,~,am (~ too 1 son d s P t c ~ fie at i 0 r. a S Mod t'l "" J B P ~ ~

it:.' on Modell s 9" 1~ and 2j ~~hf,~n worn b.ey-ond M3!.'X. rep] ace ent i r'e bear i ng support Q,s,se-rrbi'y or crankCb~e CQver~

wIth all 60,2,2,5 reancrs use 602:2'5r-l1-:q~ piIot , ,{i t ,t I a 1 11 60 7- .3 .2 ('8 am is t sus e 6- 0- 7 .3 2'~ T 2 = 3 ~ p; '1 0' 1 'I'



For ill UJ s t re t ~ 01[} 0 r i n.f' 0 rma t j. 0 n on an y t 00 1 s r'c Cn apt e r ,1 ,:l: ~,

. ,

B E··'· A·'::·, R" I:N'G" r (:·C·· ..... , .. ""d' J

- ' .'.~! ','"'.)'. 0 in t . ~" I

There art' 1 hree m ~ jor st eps requi t,ed j n tepalrin,g tnt m ;1,; n b~arings: ,(].> Check, ('.2) R ernove and 'I nsrall, and (' 3, ) Ream,

To ,'nsp,ect ,Beo,(;'.,ng

II bear i l1p: is scored or b~bbi~ t. has. sh i fred, the beari flg should be removed and a new one instal i ed"

'1'0' C···)h·-"e··c'l'- B··e······ .. , .. ':~"'-g"

"' ._ _ .,K .'., or,n,.'

Refer to Table 20 'to dererm ine the proper pJug gauge for each he,aring; If 'the ~·C~' or flattened end of plug g.8!,uge can be inserted Into the bearing at tiny point, the:"

b '" . f- d _,]' t '·d b 1 d

e-a,nng is worn Or out 0:: rounc anc :Sl10Ul~ "€ 'rep: ace ,.

F"-·'· ~ );:"

I ,. I' .. ~!

l,g. , ........

Th ~"A"·' d "B ',.. · .f h I" d

.. e ... , ..... " an, ...... ' secnon or the ,P u g ,gauge' a rf 'usc; to

'lL L h 'l_ '. f' '. h b .' ~~ d d d'

en eck t:. e b eo ar 1 n g a. rer u na s een 1 nstau ec an re arnec .

S .' ';'A-" \ ld h' b . 'b S - ~-'E: '1'

" ,eet HJn', " snouio e,n-t,e r t':: 'e " e,a.[l"o.g ... 1] t Seen on ":1

sh A'U" .', 1: d-, 'i;"!. 0''''

"v ,. ,.I:..I_ l.



......__,.,.." ,---L

GO ' ""

F1G. 155-BEARIN'G' P,L[JG ,G,Al)Gl:

I f no ,plLJg ga D,ge is available, measure the bearing diarn erer and corn p'ar.e with the respective size- shown in Tabl c 21" If the bearing h as a diameter equal to. Of.' ,g,n:;],rer chan the g~ ven ngure,~ t11 e bearing should be re jeered. If bearing

rr f' d· h" '~d b " ~J"U r

is ~OO C .I ou r. 0.' rounc 'j j t S -, outd be re J ec [of: u." se p 1. u ft

ga uge '90/ h er ever poss i bl e.

To .Rem,ove 'ana lnstai! ,Pla,i,n ,Beo"rin"gs, ,NOTE: If the bushin ss are worn on Model .9 .. 14 and 2' 3.


the crankcase cover or the bearing suppo.rt must bc' ,T{:,'~

placed w i t h a new one. The bushings 'are nor: replaceable. 'i!' Use one bearing as a, guide \\~hi1!e reamiD£; rhe orh,cr. It is a:bs6lut~ly tleCesS:arr to com,p,lftely fepal,j one bearing 'be,fore sr:a.rt~,n,g on the other"



11!fI!ii'-~ i :

, '

3 'I ;



M f B·' ~

a··llg·~:"n:e·· o· :, e-··a·~ r'~J'n-"'I'n'~

, . _ '. .'.' .." _ . :::,.;;1,0

Seh~ct the p.roper driV'f,r to remove and. i ns,t at i the be'ar in,g" Table 2 o. Proceed as :follow's ,:, :R e ronv e oi.1 sea 1 J r ta j nel . P'ress Oll t 00] d bear i n.,gs in arbor pi ess 'U sing proper d d ver .. ·Fig:. 15,6..


NOTE:, Some maaneto b~~J rin;e:s are- held if] place v.'id,~ a

~ ~ ,

pin through the plate 11 11 ,h ~ nto the' bearing, Others arc

secured bv srakina A sta ked bearing' may he' idenf]'n,t' .. l'

. . .. ..,". '. ..l" ':. '" " l::'i···· •• ,., " - , e- ....1 .:'. ' .... '~;.' ,. ", . . . J.' . l

by· 'i!'! n I o· -" rch 0'::' r' n' 0"'it r- 1f; es ,i n 1 ~ : {" (':. U'i";Q r D-1j"'L d· 0.': f" the 'be " ... ~ r ,';:~ 0' i,. s I

.' 1!Zl, ,_ _ " ~, _" •• " _. '\ '\-,] £ _ ~ ~. - I II - •. ~11l ~. . ~, ;1:,,' . ... ! J.._, ._ .. l,. fI::t ,~.Ii, ~ c; ~ ~ Y ... ~,

inside the oil retainer. These notches are made by driving a portion .of {he bearing ;l:!O a short ,gfOO\te In rbe hub.


FR··ES· 'S' P·:'Ri:.Q:"M"I j'N····'S:J'D:':·E·· '1'-'(' R'E' 'P·'·LA',·C:·"·E F::·'· ';:5·',6':'"

".' .', ".' . : ....., ,.',' '.. ..... .' .. ..J ':. '.' ':,' ,' .... ," . .lg,;, .J: . '.,.

P . beari "E" b k 1·

····c·· ,',' "P' I'· '_'. _J • ,-I r"' r-~liI'~ '.' ,.~., .••• , "., . ;ioIi,; .,.. " .- ..

ress In new ·ear.J.I1.,g+ .cx r: '",'~ ne care must . ,if: ta . en. I.O 'a, 19n

the oil holes in the bear]' n.O" vt' i th those in the mag-,n'eto

~ .'

pla,h:' hub- Do n 0'[ pre~ s b ea r in g i n 'too .f ar, Th e ,1 n n I.: r

end of the' bear ing should be 1.1 1. 6ti from the inner end of thrust face' of tbe h ub, ( Except on flange type bearing.) Figr ] 57.

NO" :T-E~·· W·"~'::h '.'~' . 'FL' A' N:!l'G:""'E-"-:: 'b", .: ' .. h -"" b . . . 1 ·d

.. " , ... :" , ,enev.te-r a. . '," :. ',,~, "'"J' .' .~a.s ,[fen. rep,' ace,. ~

the end .. ' pl .... ,'l~ ii""t th e» crankshaft must b-' .. ·.x:. checked. S·.··:,F-'-,G-_ C'·'I--. .... r.

_, . "-!l,~. 1~)1 UI[. ...., ,~".K~ ,.,il .. , , "" ~, L,~,~ ..... L ._ .. !;-.~ ... ~~~~,jr ..

i'" 6':' f·· 'f'"'c,]~ inf ·_··";·ii" :' .. O',' ··d ." .. J,.,."

ter .. or : u ,[ "].0. ormatron o.~ 1 enc P ,a.y,"

F1G "'5''''''' A LIG""f, Jli\.'-G·· B-" E" .et» --,

.r , 1. » ,l- .. ' , .. ' ,'..1,'\'1'.;.:::'1 . '.' ;~·.·A.l\ }\l (0;



:, M,A.BNET'O· B [AR~ 'HG nlR ~ V E BlEAR~: ~'G .~






TA' 'BILE 21

"'1 .",; : 1 •

.. -, ; .. ',., .: ... _.


0,0< L ~ tYr", ~ L:_

,r "::1'';10 !II' ~?''''''r-i


A-H-Y 1~097 1~095-1~0955' .997


AH.p-.'~N1T-A!P' 1 tQ9'i' 1,~096'-,1~0955 B6 B:B - I

I------.;______",~~--..........j:.~~ ". ~,: "!

B .1. j 09'7 '1 ~ 096-' 1 j; 0955 1.,.127 1" ,1·2:6- ~~~:~'?5 ~

F'LI,-F'-' I ~F·' :I-L·"~

. ,lit I. ...... j


__ ·97?, n7~1'- 0'7":5 -B~.'7"7·

_ ~'L ,.7 .,- !II·~I··V·. _

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~ 1- '2' ,~,_ ,( _ 1. ' .... 1;:' ~ I,

, ... ~ ,.U .!..,I:, LioJ"" "

~.j\;I!' I 1'I!1,"'!:

• 878 : • :877 ..... ~,97 6li ~·8 7 B

S- p

' .....

_. - • J

.1. 097.1., 096~1 .. 0955 • 1.!, 127

KM- ,z,-Z Z


I ". -


.1Ii~, ... _ ... ,

.87S ;: ,,81'7+=

",98,75! ~

1 ij,lII,

.'9 o:ll 'I

L.:;;' .

c .." 1'.!~ i ,i, [:' dJ""'i i

, .• H18 I


Ou t of RounG A 1'1 Dwanc,e ~,00.07 ~ ,J

'.' On Mode'1 s 9-1 Lt--2,; when, wo rn beyond .ma,x.~, re p 1 a[ if I: ,ent i're' be,a r in', S,U[·~·.ort. aS$emb'l" i




I or J

, . , ,

~ ~

Fl G" : .' 1 i( '9' -. p':~ ./. N'.· ")..]"} J\.1' G-···· VL· A 1\ 1 r=r: B' - ·::l~· 1- R-' l' \- ~ G" - •

_ .. _ .r, . ";". '.~' ~" J" ,j "'t._1 r: ··_··l ..... ~"L.':' ".L·t ,', ~l~.:r


I ~ ,L,

BE,:A-,"-R-":[--N~'G' -·S··:' (·C - .. ~. ·tid- )~'

_ , __ .":.' _ .. :.o,':.:_. ', .. on, ·"-:'iI .. _:

FIG'., 16l~'.R.,El\;fO'I'1~~·G DRl']'E ,BEARIl\i·G:· Reaming

Two q.·pcs of reamers are used for mai n be-ar ings as you

Vo"iJl nOH:' in Table 20~

l. The she-.B r(:ame'r~u:sed ,.v j rh a, p ilor and bu shing.

2. The line reamer- ~a solid reamer with two sets of cur-£. edges called f UH:-S.. One ser of .1'1 ures acts as a. gu ide \;\'h lie' rhc other set is ('UH ing.. Never try [0 ream both bearings at the same rime .. N'Ot'E:: R earner lubricated wi th oil w i.! 1 tend to cut "a, :sm.aller hole rhan

,¥\,- hen 'used dry ~

To, 'Use $,helf R:eam·e'T.

After be,lring has be,en in..sraBc:'d, assemble magneto to

cyl:indcr or c.rankcas{:. Refer to T'abh:,' 20 and select proper tools. 1 f .. B,B,"~ is shown instead of a tonl. it ind ica tes thar a ball bearing is used on [he drive side. The guide bushing ,I! isted \\1 i] r n t i, n rhe reces s in the C fa n kcase a In se r t gu id e bushing in bearing opposite to the on'e to be reamed from the ·i nside of "the crankcase. 'Place s,'heU rea mer on. p.il91 and (1'1 rust rt l n t 0 beari ng: to be reamed. The tip of pilot

.1~o p~:n beari ng in place, drill 3 hole through rhe hub and bearing with a. No. 31 drUt On [he rype of magntlo shown in .Fig. 15 ft the hole is drilled in [he au tel end of: hub, On the type of ma.~,n.ero shown in Fig. reo, the hole is d ri H ed ,i n th e .i n n er en d 0 f h ub, On fla f) g-e ry pc; bea .. rings . . as shown in Fi g., '], 59, dr i ] J: t h e 1101e an yw'h ere in th e t,h r u st face except over [he oil hole. Insert brass pin (furni shed wi t h b.r;;aring_) in to' the hole, Drive it in unt il the tip just enters rhe steel shell of the bearing but does not g,o through the 'babbitt .. Peen outer end of hole, On. flange type beari n,g [he pin is driven in ,Hush wirh thrust face,

,. E J. II: UtlS 'KtI,L D UI,G ~ U! I -0

• J "


,/ - - -

! • ~ ~ "



, .


P· -IC- 1)-'8 P'l'J\' 7·[\71·}I;. IG !B" E'A R'l N' G

_,,','. " .'.:r._~ ~ r-: _'_"'" . ": :. ~,',., 't .'.' '~._'.:.' : .. - • , -.:

._. ' ,. !. - . .. ,_ ... ._. I ~ _ _ '~ " -,~ "

To stake bEaJ~n,g inro place, use a dun chisel or screw driver to drive a sm.a:n portion of the bearing, into the

groov'es in the: m:agnet.o plare. Fi,g~ 160.,

Drive B·earing

The drive bear ing rnay 'be removed and re'pl~(ed rhe same 'as the magneto be'aring" but' be su re to use a crankcase

~ • _ _ I " .:." 1 ' ." , l~;. _ ~ =- - .. . - .' - . - __ , ... ." - II.. l'_ ,", ' " , • ..-

support when pressing bearing in Of' out. Fig. ] (~[" Drive beari.ngs are p~ nned in place: ,only on Models FH:, and FL

o fl' :[ he' S e-. m- - ..... d: ~ ~ c- [11; b fl···· . a' fl':n r- b ·e "Jf' '1" n g-: l~ ii.": p':' l~ n n e-:_ d ()i1'"'!; '.: 1 ... ,.0, ; in .,

' .. _, . . . ..... "I'ILI' ..... JL.,;i!' _ ..... . __ , a..... . _.fL. U .. , .. ,;::; ' .. 1I.,l!-U - - .... - Ji,i iI,.~.J,'iu 'i.,1

._ . . . .

side face 'as no. the m·agntto flange bearing. 'The str:aigh [

be , .. -t .', " .. - .. - .. ' ' .• " ~·d . ,., ·h· .'. -'.. - h 'b-.. f' .. t... - .,' - 'k~'--': .-i

, .... anng J$ pUlne. at me outer . _u.,! -0 cue cran case,

H'·o,ri'.zo,nto:1 f.ngi,n'es

The cylinder bushing on horizontal engines sliolJld be fI ush wi rh the ou ter end -of the bushi ng' hole, If bushing protrudes too fir, jl will rouch rhe oil seal and dose ·off

the oil retaining groov~ and cause oil to leak,

',3"t ~R, H.t

. 3j8,1i D'H~P





at U't-n ('~ ~ S'E l QiR ~t~·f" 'f:'R'~ 'i'£ ~

o B E"'~ f. G· .~..____,- 10




'C ._'\

. ~.

. . r I .. ..... l

F.lG, r6.·O·,·-'-,ST, -A-;K::'- ~N:·IG·-···· B··.·FA>~- R me

L:T... . _~'. ~,~\._~-'" J

1 II



oJ ...


.. ,

·'i •

... ,

:.: ~

. ,,: I


,---------------------------- -



" P I L 01 IUS H I MG,~


-- ,~ - - .


FJ':G:" - 1- 6, 2' S~' H'E' 'LL R' 'E'A' M:: "[,, ).,.7G"

. -,.,.' II! . " ,-",_~ !."' .,r r. ,I,:' ,.1,', l~ ',.


10 Use tine, Reamer

Mount: magneto to crankcase, Select proper reamer, 'Table 20" Insert reamer through larger blearing regardless of wh ich is to be reamed" The smaller ser of flutes enters smaller bearing: on opposi re sid e of crankcase.. Fig, 16.3. Then turn reamer clockwise with a steady, even pressurE un til bearing is. completely reamed. Continue ['9 [urn reamer clockwise while removing- it from bearings,


ASS![NBl£D lO -C:R'A I'[t:: e l s E



FI' G", I 6" '"3' , L,' IN: ''iE'" RE'A:' AX/. ,),. t G ~

, ',' . ',I! _ " .,--=. '. ... " " :'. l. .• _.. ~~ I j..... _ .'

To Check: ,8eor;'ng for Size After Ream,;'n',g Use rhe same plug ga,ug~ as in inspection, but use uA"; and

';"B""" ., F· 15 Th· n 'f' • . '

," secuons, 1,g. ,>5,. 'I ne ',A secnon should enter the

bearing, bur U,B'~ section should not. If "'B,"'~ enters, the bearing is. roo J aIb.:t:. For bearing' sizes see Table 21 ~ A:fter reaming is completed, remove, and (lean oil sucker valve and be sure all return passages are clean and free from (hips+ Replace oil valves,

Install new oil retainer r~~ngs 'which are included wirh respective. bearings


Tb e bea ring o 1] re ra i ne r rings consist of f 0 u r ty pes :' (1.) The Flange Type, (2) The Cup Type, (3) The '>?asher T}'p1e: and (4) The Oil Seal. Fig. 16·tt Extreme care must be raken to' prevent damage to the oil seal when assembling the crankshaft. F',~,g~ .146" and 165

IBEARI,NGS (/ Con,tld~,),'


shoulden~crguidebusl1ingatopp~itesj~e. Fig~162~~rn r' .-'.--"-"'~~~~~~~----~~--~~~~~~~

re am er clockw ise with a s rea d y, even pI ess u re un l i 1. ream '.

er is completely through bearing, Then remove ma.,g:nero

pla t,~ and remove ream e v.~,ro th au [ hac king i (, rh rou gh [he bearing.

[F .~. jj cUP



F;' !

To R'epl,ace' 0;,1 Retainer Ring,: o:r~, ojJ S'ea,f

To remove, pry out the old retainer ring with - a sci e \\. driver,

The cup type is assembled with the edges up. Th~ ·a~,i,C~d 'type can, be assembled only with the fia,n,ge' up~,;:~"~"e' washer type can be assembled with either side Up ... ~.~ The oil seal is: assembled '~';with the : sharp ,e.dg~:! _~.~

lear 11 er or rubber down towar d rhe inside of the engin e. Rub leather oil seal with "Lubriplate' or equivalent b·e.~ assembling Place the retainer. ring in the cou~,'t,~r(' and either press or d ri v e it, -ititO place, Tool No. 69lt~T 1 can be used where the retain er r ing is d r ~ vea ~ f1 tls,h :'}j:.g_ 164~ There should be an a ir gap. of .0] 0 ~,' between the cu p ryP'e' and the flange type and the crankshaft journal, If nor, ,6: le the re rai n er r i ng; DO' nor ~le c:,be' wash er 'type.,

To Proflec:t Oi,IS'e'al· Wh,ile ,Assemb"in'9 '

to En'g;'ne

W'ra.p a piece .of cardboard around the. power takeoff por~ tion of the crankshaft, The' cardboard should be qJ.i~[O size so that the ends butt and do not' overlap, t ap6~1:8filr

II- ~1Ii'" r!!I.dIilf .... , •

W,l t~ scotch tape'. W ra,p successive layers: around each -~'er

• ,...oi".

until a sleeve is' built up'_ that is just a few thbusnfids

. ~~

larger than [he bearing jiournaJ. Wrap the last I:ayet·"l'

scotch tape, Fig;, l65j ]],L I.,

'SLTG~TtT L_lGER T~A~ ., 8.,£ iU uu~~ ,JOU~ HAL

.J I,""·

'~",.1 I '~P;fJ1W!P. lllE'-IIlFF £:"['1 ,~:' >1-:1::'· ' c F C~,',N:r!H l f r


• !


~ I


~ !!

: I SL, m,E COy[11: 'I '-':)If!)o ou. 5U,t,'







- I' 13 r II p" illIG JOUR~',U

:POVt,~ ll,l~E-Of F

,/ ,:', ' :,UD[ CD'fI ~ -I

'----- . ..:~Iotr;'l fH,~ Sf.lil '


~l_tU!. _3_


BE-~A" 'R-""'I'IN' 'G'-" S-' (.':c", t"d" )

-: ',' '.'1 '_,', -_:-Olh" ,~'_ I,.:


T{ ~ ; . issemble the oil seal ~nd c rankcase cover j. {H j I] 1('; sIt{i\,{"

and plac C ,i r. in the oil seal f rom d1C outside of {he 011 seal, Fi g" '] 65 .. III.. 2. GUJ de the ,po",~cr t.:lk!':ofl r~orTiQn of era uk - sho f ~ in [0 the sleeve and push the crankcase (O'l«::E' UH 0 place. The, sleeve W',iB SlOp w hen ir conaac rs the be,aJ'.~ US journal and will allow the oil seal to sl ip ,onto ,[ he journal without damage :[0 the, seal. Fig. 165:~ IH~ ~"

Model ,8 and, 2":" So,re Engl'ne:s On engines with plain main bearing on the po wer rakeoff side ~ the oil seal should protrude 1/ .l,b'" from the cy~inder boss, Fig,. 185 'i'

On engines with ball 'type main bearing, 'the- oil seal should be pressed j n 3,/ '1. Q'ifl from rhe face- of cylinder boss. F~g. :1 66

FI-G. J67~RE1HOI/IN;G & ,R'EPLACll\.1(J" O'lL SEAL

,- ID B: , IO'~ ,~. 1\


Sll:GHl l~GL[


i l.UJS. 2

~ !


:H:i:I(',~~ 11Ii.ili'" !p',!iJ.~lL ;n;;~J


F-G 66- _

" _ .'.- .• ' '.'.' . . _. . 1'1' ~

"_. :,··[I.· .. ~:.:·.' ..... ,.·,1.::.::.:.· "--, .... ·.'_:.:.1'

I_ ' . .1_ OlL SEA,L ,LOCAT10N

Mod,els, ,A·:B-K' .. Z· .. :ZZ

'!_ I

'X1h En. rep] ac in ,8' rh e 0 i 1. sea J on maga e ro pla res V,l i rh a raised boss on. the ourer end of [he' bearing boss (F,ig, ] 67 ~ ill. .2)- :~' ir is irn porta n t th a.'t the a. il seal be prop e rl YS1e.a red

t 0 preven t leak i.n,g or t: urn i ng loose. ,.

Fi rst g, i nd a ch,i sel or 'Old. screw dr iver as - sho wn in ,F i g., 167" 111. 1., Then inspect the raised 'boss as shown in HI. 2~

Th ere' 'Vl Ill be two or ~h ret places wh ere c he boss h as bee n peened or staked in. 'W'ito the sharp , of the chisel against '[be oil seal, drive 'these back as shown. Then with 3 sh a.rp poi n [led sera pe r, sc ra,pe all burrs, a w a y un [,; ] rh e counterbore is round .and smooth. Fig, 1,67,!, Ill. 3:., This is 'to permit rhe new oil sea] to be inserted v.d thour distort ion. Remove the old oil seal with a screw driver,

Dri ve in rhe new oil seal until it stOps againsr rhe shoulder in the counrerbore. ,A piece of pipe' or rod, sIi; smaller in diameter than rhe oil seal, should be used as a driver. The n use rhe chi Sf' 1. to sta ke or p,ee n a port i on of th e bos~~ in three evenly spaced places, Fig, 167 ~ Ill, 4,. Th is, 1.S to pre-vent the 0[,1! seal from working out .. '0:0 not stake so dee p ~:h ar 0 j 1 sea] is d is ror red,

:N'OTE ,; If (he rnagnc (,0 plate is. so worn that the 0'1] sea ,I is loose in the' counrerbore, a new magnet.o plate must be: lIsed.

'BA-- Ll' B'EA- R- "'IN'G'" "S'

c''':.. ,_:: _ '. ',_, ' 'II ' I >. ' : ..

Discard old beari ng if' it is rough or worn" To remove ~

. '

pla c e era nJ(Sh;1, f t :i n arbor ,pre ss as sh ow n in F i,g. 16 B~

To 1 nsrall, heat 'bear in,g in boi I ing oil or water. Be careful that bearing does nor rest on bottom, of the p,an in which i'[, is heated. 'Place: cran ks,h af ru i n vise w i rh dr,; ve side up. When bearing is quire IIOt ir will become a slip fit (~n rhc hearing, journal, Grasp hearing, with '[he oil seal down and, thrust i~ down on the cranksha fr., Fig. 169 The b{"a.r~ ng will tighten on shaf [ wh~,t,e cooling, Do nor quench. O'il immediately ,1 f bead ng had been heated .i n w~:~{"r-·



. ',



, ,

" 'To' ream use fixture No, 1. 3A 18~ T~),O~ This fixture is. necessary in order to mai n ta i n 'f he I( e n r er ~ ro- cen re r di S fa n ce of the earn and crankshaft gtars so they will mesh properly, Pur ,jJ,x_t'.ur,e in place (Fig" 171) ~'j th 51 ron leg inside crankcase. Line it up with the plug' through the main bearing, Insert R earner NOr 6 7 02~L1"1 from dr-,ive side and

rea rn -I 'i·' 'iii iii' ~ 1 1'£1';"11 m- - e 'F' Ii:: 'r if" J. ke (" t'~;OI, me', j."j'g' n ;IO't'Q, " pl ~ r',f'!' 'T- :-~"'iJ'P n rem:, -; o~ "V,C~

. -a,l· " Ul-~I,lii· ,L~l·w_~'~' I~'~' .,.~."') .·~I:"_ ":-_I"' .... _.I __ '"-'!L._, .. .',·,(il. ~, •. ~~~'~~" .' ~

fixture and ,m:a.gne-to pla te and :finish reaming;

NO' "'TI--·E·' 'T'-'- -'~ N' ]- ::lA- '18: '-T3"O'" N'" '6":'70'~9"" T'2'" N""", '692i 1:' 5'

_ "",' ,_ " ',OOk.s.,,' 01." =,,: r ,_ , '_ ,.':! ':'"O"','.L,!',,, ,_ 0+_':-= 0'-

T'] are no longer available. If you do nor have these tools in. your .kit, the crankcase must be sent' in to the factory for reaming of c-am, bearing-s.

eA UTION:: Al~;:a",S' turn reamer clockwise even "\,·11 He re-


rnov in g it from the bear ing, Keep a sre a d}r. . p,ressu re" on the reamer to eliminate cha tter, . Handle '. ream e,r with utmost care. The s,Hg'" rhresr . nick on a reamer will rui n any

" , ~

bearing on which ,it is used, .. "!"'~.


Mod el P''E?~

0( See Cha p ter G on rernov 301 of cam gea:r .. ) The rna i n bearings on Model PB are' replaced as in the preceding instructions, but rhis model has cam gear bearings which

may also he' repaired. "

'Use a Plug Ga U se N o. 6702~- T2 for cam bearing on mag-

0- ..._,.

nero side, iuser tJ h,g ir 'from drive side as shown in Fig,

170. Use Plug Gauge No .. 69265~T2 for both cam, and main bearing on d.rlve side, Install new bearing same' as main bearing,

- ,r/J


,670,29, ... 12- IP L U£· fiJi, '!lIE


...... ,1-

•. ~' . r. .•••

.. ~


'"~ -.";;-:.;

• ".:i;".

I .. ,;.

-:. ,

-~II •

.... ~. i

~ .

_,~ I ~

In .-,_.,...;;.r.' .~

_ ",I~~ ,-




_ !


_ ,


' . .

- -----

FIG. 170=GA,U,Gll'\7G AJOD'EL ,PB" ,CA,J\i BEARl,NG - ,FIG. 111~:REA]\,11l\iG A~'ODEL FiB C:A,M' B,E;fRl~':_

- ,,!!r.~. I.II!,II~,.


.: <~~::. .

. i •

... ..


1 J


r ,

r I





J~r~ggs, &. Stratton engines are ]uh:r!~r;1fed hy one of three mvt hods:

J.~ Spl ash System

2~ Constant Level Splash System 3. Ejection Pump System .. '

Bot h spl ash :Sys.tenl:S use r he movern e n { of the con nee ( i n g rod, to .spray oil to aH the surfaces requiring 1 ubriear1on-. A dipper which is either a projection on the borrom of "[ he rod cop, or an extension on one of the' cap screws, d:j ps in[ o the oil on each revolution of the engine, splashing :[' he 011 to a ll the internal parts of t he or:. ng ine ~

In rhe Splash System [he dipper dips into rhe oil reservoir in base of engine, It 'has: no pumps or .moving' parts, ,Fi,g~ 1 !.1.






~ ~

• i'



, f:"'S'


r .. ~~-.-., -.~ .-,.-~



L1-..... ~, L 'ott ~'

............... -

--- -,~~

,t--4-- ~.F-=-""..--· ...... --"'-


PI:' G' '.' 1·' '7" )_,S····p· :L;, A:S'/..:l ·S· ·"y:···-sr· '.' ··E··~'M~',;'

, ,. -. ~ 1...... . '", . ..... ."~,, _" " ; _" ,

Th e Cons ta n r Level Splash Sys te m co nsi SlS 'of 3" rrou gh into whichthe rod cap dipper plunges. The trough is fiUed 1?y a pump actuared by an ecce nrric on the ca m gear and th us a constant oil level is rna-in tali ned. in the trough, even rh ough the oi 1 Ieve 1 in. bese may va ry. Fig'. 173,.





The Ejecrion Pump System utilizes a pump from which oil is squirted 'upw' ard into i a rernal en gi n t' part~. Th e ,pu,m,p' is, acrua red by a" eccen rri c on the ca m gea.r ~ The movement of the rod and. crankshaft also helps throw nil (0 a11 internal p,a.rt'$' of the engine, Pi,g. 174.,

II 5 ,!"~
** -
5 "
.*" .. n _ -._ •

. . , .



~ TYP If S, EE i Of 0 IIJ~IT) Cif :

5 "5" ." TI tn.iIl! N 0' . ;

. " - . .' u-JI' .. _' .. iii i

.- .

': e, - Aft.e r Sa r ,j a 1 M,o~ 185, I.SE,




~ ~,




FJ 2


~ - After Serial Ho~ 303000


- . _

: **'




I 1 ~ - ,


N ~ Type Ho~ 205500 To 205999 3 'i 1

._ "" "


H~NS ~ After Serial Mo~ 305090

, PB








D ,1'\





.. -

I •• _,~,







:W):f'B: ~ '~ , .



,5'- e- s, I II :i:"~'



1 ~ Spla,:;h

'2 3

Constant Leve~ Sp~a5h Ej e c t ton Purnp

Splash system {See Fig~

~ 10 r 'j '9 'j In a 1 ~i Y, u s ed Ty pE' .2", Ch anqe to Type ~, when

r e pa l r ed ,

AU pumps-s-eirher ejection type or constant level splash ,[y,pt~shouJ d always. be- reseed while engine' is be'] ng repaired.

This: can be done by immersing the pump inlet in oil and working '[he plunger up and down, 'The ejection. typf: plLJmp should ShOOf a jet of' oil from rhe outlet hole. Fig, 174. Th e co n s ra n,~ level splash -ry pc shou 1 d f Il th e oil trough



~ \~








' . . , "J,


O[L SY'S'TEM,S (Co'n,t"'~.)

with oil, 'If this ,dnes nor occur, the entire pump should be rhoroughly cleaned, and retested, I { ir :S~ HJ docs not work,

· h Idl'b 1 d .. 'L. - 'S' 'T'" bl '22 f':'-

] r S ."!,OU_. ne rep aceo wun a new one" I ee .. arne :or

roc' ry'.· pc of oil system used. on each enaine model,

. . - ~

FIG" 17 5-A10D'ELS ,A'~BI PU1\1'P

J-.-··o·'_·· R'e··m-o:lv:~,e., P-':"'u"',m"p"

.' . '_" ',.' '_". 'I·


La y e n gi ne on it 5 ba ck ,. R e move the t'\\" 0 c ap screw S ~i h Ich

hold the' pump to bosses on bottom of crankcase, Take Carr s: : not UJ lose plunger or spring .. Test and clean pump as, ex ~ · .: pla in cd at rh If: be gi nn iflg of 'this chap rer, ] f ~ it does not ';:~,~~f. .. :·ej,ect oil at ou rler hole it must be replaced.

.:oJ" "

" ; "'~I ~

~"",' ~<':;:". to, A,sse'm,ble plump

, ,~:'~~ ,I. Place spring in pU01.p bod,]',; Pi-are plunger i;n pnmp with

...,p;." b _j'

~ .. ' ,~ '~. ',?iJI outlet hole opposite to boss on top of pump !oay.,

; -.


,,". . e-

. .

. ,

. - - .

. ___

P,l,1( lOt .0 I L.

FIG. li'4~'EJECT.lON 'p'U,MP

'The pump rod, is also the plunger on this type of oil pump~

, .

F'i,g,. 175~

.' 0'''t ( .'

~ ..


, I

! 0 B., OtH1E:T -', .' ... '

--. ..... .'_ -:r



To A,sse,mb,/e Pump "0 Eng"ine

Push p~,uoser down into pump compressing spring. Grasp pump with one' hand, ,tl~J:'. forefinger at oi.£ cutlet, hoi"dingpl un ge.r i n, Place pum,p in cran kcase wi rh rh e oi J ou de I toward the crankshaft, Tighten cap, screws, Cheek to set th a { the' end 0 f pl un g'er is: B ga inst the cam,,. Be sure governor crank is, between the gove~nor Bell!' and ehe boss on endof body .. For old style pump see Fig" ]76..

" I





:rUj~, '8:00''" rv.,f.IItJ~r ,. I


'1 I


~ 'I




- - ----

- - - - ---

FIG·C-,' 1"'7: 6-------,;:0·,. ···L-··D' ", SY·,·-·····y,"·,':L-: E··~.I0- rmis A:'~B' P,UMP

l ", ',"!II .. _. .- ..... ',_,' ," .:. :_, ... tfl .," _ . ,LV I " ," ,

AR'frCLE 2 - M,odel FH' .. ,~_ ..

'. .~~~


This pump is permanently attached to 'the oil pan ~~h'

is a.s.s~'mbled between the crankcase and the b~se" The base

-'- +. • . .'~~

on ibis' mode] is the ,gas tank, F,lg, 177 ~ '.

-~ -


,FIG~, 17'7~MODE,L PH P,UMP 1'0' Che'c'k' Pump

. ,

F'l"r L. ''':1 •. h . j '. 'il... 1.4 II' f 'iii.-. 't'V· k - ] - tne on pan W It I' ou to wutun ;,:2'" -0 tile 'tOp. w or,

the plunger up· and down- If '[the o~i trough fills' with oil the pll~pis \Vorkingsati~£~ct~ri~y.1f not, de~nand reo ch eck, ,I fit still does not work ~ it sh ou ld be replaced wi '[}1 ~1J new on e ~

1 .1

. • ~, , ~

, '


, ,


- I



d: .

I, :


I· ' i~

~. !II ,,'

~I ~I'




! '

J;,. 8 ....


, •• i.

'10 Reossem'b,'e


"" 'i L: If" y".' 'S" po M' ,,~, I C' -: t',J II ... V ,I, " ;II ': I: I:,'.,:.':t t~on, -'0.)1

To Assemb!le Bose :'0 Crankcase

Sr~:l_'U re rwo wooden pegs which fi~"· snug,l,,: in the base mo un t ing hol es bu tare sm a Il c n.(}1:.J g h ro p.1 ss throu gh th osc 0 f rh e . 0 j] p:a 11 and, cr an kcase. In v "']I (, cy 1 j nd e r ~ Place purn p' rod into hole in earn follower. l~'[.g,- 1. 7'8'., Assernb le g:2tsk et s [.0 0 jl pan and. base an d ,P ~ a Cit 01 ,[ ~')',a n on era nk c with p,um'p' rod run the 5,ma11 hole in pum,p lever, '\('ltl1 wooden ,pegs. in engin e- base, turn era n ken se to u prigh 't po ~ si t iori, holding the oil. ,pan in place, Lower the crankcase assembly on the base wirh the pegs guiding Ir into pl~Lce., Remove pegs and' assemble screws, Fig'. 179..

"<, I "~,"" '


F'1G',~ ,178~RE'ASSEAi,BLll\rG A10D',EL,P,H P'U)\fP

FlG., 17,9-MOUNTlf\.I:{'; CRANKCASE MO,DEL P'H A,RTIC,LE' 3 ~,M!odel F'il

The body and oil trough, is a unit assembly, mounted on rwo bosses ,in [he engine base, Fig" .1 So..

To ChelcK ~.Pum'p

Fill base with oil so In.take is about '~,,~J'; bel.o~?' surface. Insert pump spring, plunger, and rod, Work rod 'up and down, If trough bUs with oil, pump is 'w'or.king., .If nat, dis assemble, clean and reassemble, If t rough still does not fill, rh,e pump, assembly must be Ie'placed~

I I'

l",~.!I;, ~~'_";:=--'-=--"",....=o-=. ,t_ .'. ~ '."..",__"......,,__~~ Iii[ n, ! It III :srJi II."

.- ... .:: ~ II' .

1.1 .. '

.. 't'! • ,-,.- ~,,'.,.. '.=Th.,

'Lay- en!ji ne on :i rs s;de'~ breather side up~ 'The crankcase ',:, ........ =-~

- I - : I.IJ..

should overhang the edge of the bench, Insert the uppet _ ::·~:'~¥.2~'C~' ~

II I' .•. ~I d _ . L 1 -. I ..:~.

base screws in the crankcase mountirig holes am , hang the, ... : .. _'_;,~.-:.,,*:~ .. ~

_b ase ,gas ker on r h es c scre-w S., 1 n sc T'I t :~1 c pu 111 P rod in the holt" of rhe inrakc valve cam fo~lo\vcr., Place '[he plunger on the end -of rhe pu,mp' rod. Place the' base ,~gJinsr crankcase SO that plunger enrers hole ,in purn,p bodf~ T,HE PLUNGER, hfUST EN'T,ER INTO HOLE: .. IN PU',M,P B'O'DY. Start upper base screws into bast" Hold base' nr,[l1!), :agai nst crankcase and set enti re assembly upright . on rhe base. Tigh ren ail mou nri ng screws,

Testing and cleaning: j nsrructions are the' same as for .previous trough ryp,e' pump,s'"

To, R.e1c$s:em'b,Ie

Inse rt srra i gh t en d of P'll rn prod 1 nto hol e j 0 era nkcase un ti I' fiar tongue rests 'against cam gear- .. Place pump spring and

t ., t, d'l b f bli b k

,p,lunger in po.m,p D'O-:Y before assernb ]ng base to cran c-

c sse P,i g., l 80~ An other ins t r uctions are the sam e as for

. ..JI '1' 'F'I'



I ~


- I




. ~


Fl! G" j8:'_":1'~R<'E#S"',',S,',E:MBLJN\ G O':lL ,p';fJ·.l,fpi

, . _. !I '. [ _ ~ . _ .. ~ .. _., ., '_"._._ .. U ,{'It .

P' b d b :t: :Fl" 'r b h' ~ _ 'I.t' II'

,um,p can oe teste," Y m Ing base so tnae ol,i is '~'<2 over

in 1 et. Push plunger up' and down. Oil should. S"q uirr from out 1""",,. hole 'R· ernove from' bas 9 bv loosening .. r-he screws,

\. ... J="_'~l " .I"I.,~ " · ... 1 I . . [ . "," .... _.,. ~ 'J " _ ..... ~,iIl,tJ/J,IIi~ -: ' .. _ i.Jl~ _ , .. .1 ..

T,D Reassem'bJe

Place ,pu,mp on rwo bosses which protrude upward from base, Tigh ten dow n 'W i th sc rew s, Fi g., 1. 82;0 1 f a 'baffi C' pi a te is, used> the screws a fie 1 on get and th e spacers go' between the- pump and the baffi,e- plate. Fig, 182.. Place plunger and spring in place,

Assem ble ba Sf' to crankcase, Two types' of bases are used with these pumps--- (,A) The dowel pin base and (1:1,) the _

B· h of E' moun r base, Assc,h1b Ie as f ollows : &z.~'.

, he d ;.i, 11'1 • I -. he bas ~ ;r~'~"~~~""k '

A". Insert the dowel pins ,H} the base, Place the base gas : ~t

, , ~ 1!

on base. S et to e C rankcase d own :i n r 0 base ~~ i t n dowel.,

' ~

pins as guides, Ti gh ten securely,

Jt Lay crankcase on Its side" Lift: base and PUt two mount- ':, .

lng screws, wi rh lock-washers through '(he mounting ,;~,'~~,_,~"

" ~"', .~."

,"/i·~~0-~:;; ,

_- .. ~ ...

.,' - :;~~:~',. 1 -

I ~ I


.: I


;) r

_ .: .I_~~ I ., I


holes. Hang base' ga.sket from these screws, Place base , . against crankcase and tur.n ,screws in a. few turns .. Start'

t,. .i,' h " b ., .. "

me rest os t.! ie :mounnng screv,:'sJ'eu1g sure to align

1L.![_ k T·· -h 1 ..

me base ,gas.:EL _~. l~~r I ten secureiy. Fig, 18 .J ..

• • 'iJ;.

OI'L S'Y"S"T'JE'M' S-' C'- Id":)

...... . : '.' :.":' '~C,onl" ,'\p.

6'9',., ..



o III u r TUIU






I, ,




.', ,

•... >,_~ ,~' .. ( __ •• r

. , m_,_' L." ""!I.

." .: .......

. . . .



1 1


'1' ,

: , SPR tHO,

, I


nc 1-,8:'2:·- -nJT S·"Y·· ST"·,'-E::·"'f

", ',_.-_, •. : .. ' .~ .. ,~" ' ," , _,flr~.



S.!SE 'W'I'Hi OOliEU


- .... ~


I' ",


FIG ~ 1·S··:',,4:··:"'_'__"O·_-'·:·· .1' .. L· .. S··· 'y r ··ST· ... ' -- . E-. J\·f·

.__ _.. ._ l _ . _. I 1·t""

,_"'lll ..... !

BASE "HTIi i ... SCFt:E*'S,

ARTICLE 7:........Mo,de,1 N (T'ype '2055,00 to' '2105999) .cnd

Hcrlzontu] TY'pe, Eng,ines

To Tes',' ,P'um·.p

FiB base 'with oil so [hat oil intake is. ;1 n- under surface .. S pin gear ra pi dly wi rh fin.ger ~ Oil s.bou~~ squirt from our. ~ Ier nozzle, Fig, 185., III 2.., If not, remove from baseand cj·e-,an thoroughly, Prime pump by squirting several '~t$ oJ oil in t 0 intake hole 'W irh - an' oil can" F ig, 185·, In?~ "" Revolve gea'[' until oil ejects from outlet nozzle .. R,easse.rlible pump to base and retest, spinning gear I'apldly., :i:f oil.~lJ does not sq ui rr from ourl er nozzl E', replace pu m p.

. ,

, ,

F'l:G:"'" l"8.'3c, ~ B~AS··E·:S···

1·'I"'!Il[!L,","""_.~':I.,_." •. _· ..

AR'Y'I'C'lE 6' M" d [ K' fR' 'W"" Z ZZ"

" ,,_' ~" _.~:,', .: ' ........... ~' .. o~:e ,S .:~:,',~", .. " -. .'

1 ·1


Remove pu.m.,p by removing '(1;ViO cap screws and pull tube

gen el y from ret ainer i, Do not .f orce. Twist p' .sligh d Y' so tube 'w.HI nor bend.

Jo 'Test

Place inlet in oil and move plunger up· and dOWD+ Oil' . should squirt from curler ar top of tube, If not) fellow instr uctio ns for (1 e an i Qg.


1'0 R·eass·elm,ble·

Place double end of push rod into tWO holes, in. crankcase with fla,{ tongue a,.g.:ainst earn gear.. Insert spring and plunger into pl1ro.p body, 'holding plunger in. place with forefin get'.. Pl ace pump in to cta.nkcas.e so th a t en d. of on tlet tu be slides th Tau gh hole in retainer at 'top of Clan k case,

.... ,.. Then allow end of push rod to enter P ··lunIPcr .. Doc not force.

• .1 I I !Ill C,I

="'-"'~"'''., Twist, and wiggle p, until .it slides in to place w itilQU':

.' .',.~',:. bending tube, Fasten into place with cap screws ... Fig, 1.84" .,., The. ou det tube should be pointed. so as to direct oi 1.

,. ag,a.inst the ro.p of th e pi ston,

• r ::. I

~I ...


_", .. r#i1' ~~~ .

...: -.-

. ~:
.;- !



~LL. t

· ~lG'" J·_'8···:'-G··"E·'AR~'·'·:·'··~···':·' '{ ~,.,~. ':

J.::."~ .).'"" TY.PE OIL SYSTEM



. J


. I

'Dlt!U:1i " )!j'o;rZl;[


[, ,

To Reas'semb.fe Pump

p] ".. b II [ .. hl ld i ff' 1 l.-.

~,' ~l C e S t rain er sn , ' ase on Jl U g.s w n rcn iorc J'[' -0 :,., uie oortorn.

A blc snri d~~ '1, bc i 11-..]

sscrrin. e sprIng, to pUDlp: an, msert inret tube Into no C

:i n stra iner and ]on'g End of spri ng in to dent :1 n strainer. F[J.s £ en ,pump to bosses 'W i th c::tp screws.

On h orizon ra I e'n,g in es the' oil '£:u be- ex r ends ,j nro the oi 1. su m p. Be s ure fh at s creen is c] ea n, :F j g., 186,

Assemble base and crankcase as in Article' 5. Be sure the o i [ purn.,p ,ge at enga.ges cam gea!'..

- ~- - --

-- - --- - - - --

ILt.. ru

!,t •. t", ~


P" IG"~ 1'8:6" H"O"':'R""I'Z~'O'''''N:'T'-"A'L' E'N:·","G'."', IXTE·.' " O",I'L" P'UMP'

_,···li .1 ·~: ,I,: '., -: ' "I,', .,,", r , l'-l ' ~'. 1:."', [

A,'RTIC,LE 8· ,_ Model PB

TI1 is ,typf' is. si mil 3J' to the trou gh rype excep r ths t an. '0 il piln IS used instead of [be trough. The oil ,pum,p forces rhe oi,l from the base up in to the oil pan where it is s,pl a sh ed 'by th e '(on n eel: nn.g rod ,",F ig, 18 7

, '



~ -




To Te'sf P,ump·

Fill b:ISIf:' with oil until inlet hole is :~/.2'" under the surface. Move' plu.n.ger up and down. Oil ,pan should :hH with o-il.

-- iI

I f no r, soa ,k ~ c.~ en nan d re {(':S ~ t he pu::m I': R epl ace 1 f fJ ece s ~


T,o' A,ssembl'e

Lay crankcase on side, Place PUID"p rod in hole in boss

",," d '",1 ",' , . t , 'I ' ,', '~, ""'", id of .n "d' I p", , "",,'] ." ,'~ 'd'" .' "

an Pi, ace p,l.unge,r on en 0: roc, i-ur OJ. ,pu,m,p uoy In

base and pia ce gasket, oil p'3 nand second base ,gasket on

b" " PI" ,,""1 , "',,' base -,' ,'f' "'I' base ,,', 'h '~d" 'h("':' ,-:_'r',

,,41St; , U,:S~1 tWO - "a:::.e S(rev.. ,$ into rase t.o " O~ 'C, t .ese pa.:rts.

j n p l ac e. As sernbl if: base an d pa,n ['0 cran kcas f' ta kin g ca r e'

, " : "-'", ,1 ' ',' ',' '" ,-, ,.,~ "," ',!!):"', ,. -', ~ ", ," ;,', lp bodi T: j" .: reo, .. ",. base

ro se,e r]1:~U:: pum,p Pi uf'i,oer ,en .. , .... ·,fS ptUl_, . , uuy,. _ u "u. In _~ "

sc r ews UJ 'n old j n pl ac e. As Sf mb If" rem a i. nde r o.f ba Sf' screws

. . ~.

and tighten securely,

ARTICLE' 9' ,_ Mod[ t-S- T

These models: were . originally equipped with a constant level splash ~yste.m,. In order to bring these engines up to Iaresr design .ernbodied in our newest models, we have eliminated the' oi 1 pum,p ,and trough and added a dipper on the connecting rod, To convert these engines to simple' s pl ash sySt ern see followi ng insrr u C~: i ons ';,

'ld"OD' 'EL S-U' . 0'11'R '~l K' · 'NT 2"9"'09'""22

tVl"JI-."' ~"-'.se- "ll:e..P,: acernenr ,', J[ ""~"O~>'"_j.

MOD·ELS L .. T ~Use Oil Pan Replacement Kir No, 290924 ..

Proceed as fOUO~lS to assemble:

Disassemble cylinder head and remove piston land connecting rod assembly from eng; ne, 'Discard old connecting, rod, replace' with new rod No. 65,756' and reassemble rod a nd piston to engin e., Fig, 188,. Discard old on pan, trough 'assembly and all pump parts. Replace with new oil ,pan which is minus oil ,pum,p~, and assemble '('0 engine, R eass ernbl e cyl i nde r head.

~ w

, 'F tl. T iOW .. dtD,S :C1M GEAR


F1G'~ J'88-P'OSllJOlv O,P ou. D1PP,ER'


'OIL S,Y,~T';E,MS (C.ont'd'.)

~~~~~~-~- ~~~~~~~ 'ARTICLE 10~~.odels ~~:PC~M~M,G




M- _ 0····· ~DE- " S "V/'l A p'e \v 7' l.'l, U N (19 ;;: ? 'D + it' ~

, t u '_'~ J. ... i." "'J"~::l-' :,_; "~i"1I_i ·"5t":O,. ,~ __ 'i..f_ ,'JPp·t:"r LX rew

and, N·u. 62904 Base PJa'u',

,MOD,E1S W,1\,1(;~llsei No .. 91942 Dipper Screw snd ',Nt);,

-62947 ' ,B:n;c ,Pj~u,e,~ . I

TID Asse,m,ble

Remove the ii]~i:stlf'r head screw nearest the carburetor side


of the e,tlSi n e ,f rom t he' conn ecring rod, In its place ,j n ~

stan Dipper Screw No, 919'42. Pig, 189~ T'ightcn screw and ben d locking pl ate agai ns t bexa genal hea d ,.

Discard old plate, oil 'trough and pump' p;J.rt~r and assemble new base without oil parrs,

.. ._' .

On ,~,~'od:fi \'('11 G· sec Ch a p tier 11 for i n struct i oris on al ~:,g n ~.

ing glener:ator before -r.rgh"h~~nins base bolts ..

N GTE ~ 1:£ connecting rod in e ngi,n~' is to Of'; d i scarded in r an)" reason, replace it with connecting rod No, .2.973:3~ Use [he prope.f base plate as Iisred above but' dipper 5 cr ew No 9] 9~4'2. will not be needed as this rod assembly includes a dipper,

; 1;..

~, ~ - e '!

', .

, ,


_ - 'i;" IfI •


~ :;;'11

I ~" ••

• to _

... _, ~'

11'11 -

- ~'I ...

. ,




, "

.. '

• •• • ~' I • - .. : I.".

~ i


. . I

. ,

.' ,



1'10 AdjusI' and A·s.semb·/e St"rtet·s M~ode"'$ A·8· .... 1 ... M-S-T

(IN .A 1..1. LI: V.ER. ,l\t':OL)tLS rhe starter ret ur n ,s.pring must n ~'\~:>~l r~ hsvv S.U·{rll,~·c:'n:r tension t o ret ur n lever ~g,a~n~:~ i t ~ s·top. To. ,r ncreasv tension of .spr in!t~ m 0\'(" small 11o, ~J:: ~ f (~.nd· of S.p'!'ing back to next ptg. F'm,g~ 'm 90. '

ON H ANI) CRANK M'O·D:tl.S tis:hu:n pinion g(~~~.r on crankshaft securely. Oil crankgcar shaf [ throllgJl du,;· ui.l (UJ1" an d grease 'the pi n.ion and crank l!cat {Elf_ .. th [0 reduce

'n..1' lio' ~ ,"] . .r

1i!~ ~ !I!'~ •


M.ede's FH·FI

On [he early l\1~del FH engines (before Serial N'D-. 5·7.100. J ~ a clock spring type return spring was used. Correct 3$· sembly ,oJ spring £0 case is; shown .in left v j ew in fig.: 1.9] ,'To increase tension on the spring, loosen set screw on starter sh.'afl. and rum .shafr '[0 the left with a. screw driver ar the slot, then Iock shaft in place, The Iatcr rype .sprin~ used on ',~,f'od el F,H (:a f rel,S(~r" No, 57100) is shown in the' r igh t view of Fig. '1 9 ] ~ One: end is hooked rh f'()u£h hol t In sprocket and the- 0'[ her end in the spr j ng loc k .. T o change tension on rb i ~ spring, loosen set screw and' move starre r assembly OUt .fa.r enough to permit turninj; of :S,prins lock. the n tur n ~ ock for war d to, ] ncrea se tens ion an d b 3 C kw ard s to decrease tension, Slide starter assem b1r j n p.]nct vd f h spiring lock up 3if!ainSl blower case a,nd lock sha fE in place. Chai n must align properly \J..'. ith 5. p-ro(,kc·t on larer mode h

and "9.··1~ th sp ,",C')C' !. e'l ~ nd she '"I ve 0-' n earl ier m '0"- del t: ~ f O>"L I' t

~~ , " ' ~ ~ t • _ ,r-:, _ _ Co q _.] ..I ~ I'; _' '-, ~,.1I_' t ~ . " . " __ 11.;;;- l~"'" 1 ..' I

of .~ Ii gnmcn T usc. pip( 1Ii(\"f'tJU h tL J sr rai gh {(pa lever

S'P:L>~ ~,'P'~





LA:- n' 'nrr--'

, .:'

( ' ..





; • I.. I I, • -_

. ,... ~~'~';"'!-a

. ,

' ..


The ,gc:·nr ,~t~rt:~)r ,(:~n tht, starter {If:".d::\~ of this I)i]")(," of engine

- 51 H H! ]!d a,hg n sq U3t{'] j' ~N i Lh [1'1'('"' ,r·.i n ion on. rhe cranksha fL U'S(· w ashe r~ on pednl f t to. ad i usr B.ear sector in, tlu.~' middle of the pinion ,At'aL Be- sure the sector d'Q~5 not bind at a ny place. To replace rhi s ·stctor,~ j t is nece:ssa~)" [10 re .. rru ive on,!,. "['V.:'O rivers 3' nd rivet a new one into place.

Th l"" clu rrh p~ ni( U1 (N o. 633 16) on [he first ~t ode] ,H and Y engines had oj un gea.r I'tJC't h ,. This starrer pinion U' as u sed ,~" j th S ecr 0" ··r· ,~ ssem b. J: I', cs N···} o r 2·· q 1 ~o·· an" -d 2·' '9'·, 1" 8· . '~,

- ~ . _ - . . ilIl ~_'W \e-, '..' , . .:Ji . .i;"'I. , . ~~ 0 t-.. '." J,

?"'h,j ch are 'equipped ""iil fJi a spri ngi roorh assem bl r ,a.s shown in Fig. 19'~. Do not' usc 'this pinion wirh Sf:CTOr assemblies NO.t;, 295 ~9 and 29'540. The new starter clutch pinion

(N·l '(.:'3'(""';1) has "'d'i ..'J T';]'"- -. "" .' be

, , 0.. v '. ],.",. ,j,.' [, as pOl n rec gej] r reer 1. ,115' prruon can .(

used 't\'·jth aU· of [he sector assem:bllf's shov,.'n. in F'ig. 1.92.

"'::. '"'l

,.:~ ..

i ,.. . "~<":::-( :

~ .~~"':..:.'" '.

, - ',~~'''"'.~. i

',.'>~;"""'~: .. _I


... ~ 0·'

I 6~1


F- I'G 19'·" ("'T-"'A"R';'TE:':R:' stet '0" IR"C'"

' .. ' .. · ... ,i.-.~l .. < ....•.. \ .:.': '. :'.",,..:1

Model:'s K-Z ... ZZ

1-0 assemble st arrer ~ place [\\"0 eccenrr ic bushings on $1 uds, and two plai n washers on lower studs. 'Then place starter bracke-t .gear and' shaft assembly and four plain washers, and nuts. on studs, Press starter gf"ar reward en .. · g~n'e urn il teeth mesh with pinion. Hold it in 'chis position. Turn t'\,t;"} eccentric bush in"C;s -( F it:., 1'9 3 ~ urn m ,I SJ arrer ,gear run be moved back ~nd forth approximarcly 1_/:; 2"" without rnoviru; pinion or crankshaft. Tighten nuts securelv. Oil

'I. .. ' I ~. J

rhe era nkgear' shaff through tht· oi~ cur 'and Breas,t the

ri n i on ~C'a'r If't-t.h occasionally to red UCl·· wear.

Model'S 'Q, .. R .. W'

The ea r lr Model Q eng ines were equi rpe-d wi t b ;J, SI art er a,~ shew n in righ \ h and view of Fij!.:. 'J Y4, If gea.t·s. of I his ();,PC .sf:i rlc:r bi nd I. rl:s(~e soh i .. ms. '~ndt:~r starter' br.a:ckc:("

1-he 1a ~ (:f" ,M nJt:] :Q and ,al 1 M'oat~~ R 'il nd' '\\' h and ('ran k t·ngin.t~ ~'!t.r{' cq:ui.rr'l·cd '\\!ith a S,lr:artet as -sh,o~.·n. in l'cil h.i~nd ,tie,,' .F,lg, 19"1 If ,g,e=tfS of rhi:~ type Sl,arler bind. ptace sl il:im,s bet"ij{tr(~n ~taf'tt:'r brac.kt>, an~ J cra:n:k cast.




- ..

. .


~" __ ~_ ~ __ ~_~~~~~~~~~S~IT·~~~~~E~S,·(~~:nt/~.) 73

-, If st:a .. rte r ped a 1 ret u rn s p.r j n 11.. it nd cu p have b een removed

and washed, g.('1casc before reassembling ..

FIG',. 193-·ST~1RTE.R· ASSEMB,L}"

FIG ... 194-STARTER ASSEJl.fBL1)' .. Mod'e:ls WI ... WM· .. WMB .. WMI

The starter pedal is made in two p:arts,_ ( 1.> pedal proper and (.2) pedal stop, Th est! are hel d together 'W j rh an adjus ting bol r. Toad j ust, loosen the holt an d set peda 1 to d esired pas i d on. Ad ji us t th e pedal to gel the ] ongesr pas .. sible stroke w irhou [ S[lik ing any' part of rhe machine, .. The first rcorh on [he starter sector must cle-ar the teeth of the starter piruon,

" Should the srarte r ped al ret u rn spr in g: loosen. or lose its tension, loosen the bolt which holds' the return spring cup. Tur n the cup' to rh e lei t un t it rh ere is: enou gh tens i on to return 'the s ra r rer pedal back to Dorm al posh ion after d e~·

, pressing it, then tighten, the bolt, Too much tension may _ cause spring to break, Be' sure.' the spring is in the prope'i' .po$i~t ion with the 10 n g en d bel ow' th e .pedal ·ad justin.g bolt

" r;: 'and the hooked end. in [he slot of the cup.. .F.ig~ 1195.

'. -- " .1 BO:S S " - - ? "-- "

SlARTE~ ~ "

p UU ~)N

FIG:-· 1"9""'"5 sr l!1R"' T"-'E"R- A"S'-' ."

,. ,"',. _':~,,;' .. [~:~.o;,_:."". SEMBLY"

. ~,.


To· Repair S'lo·,,·!·er.s M.o·d€ds A .. 'L-·M-·S ... ·T-

Broken chains en n easily be repaired w ir h standard repair 1 ink assembly .N o, 6992,s. F'l g-~ ] 9,6.,






Mod'e'ls H.- y' ;.~.~

II starter senor slips over pinion teeth or -sector and piien teeth have tOO much clearance", ir is usually caused hI, a

worn sr ar rer sh af t hol e. ~! y

"~,).r.o,,. -

To repair, use reaming fixture No. 60079- T',3 .. Remi\;e

_. ""11-

'Starter pedal, blower case and clutch, Slip frame, .. o«~j

over end of cra.n'kshafr and into Iefr starter lug- hal E~ ' ... 197.. Ream wi rh the' smaller {'13/16" ) di a" shell .rea~e-r. U Sf nut .( B) on end of 'arb OE' to dr a W reamer i ri un i formly, If nut (B) turns) Jock it with 'a suitable pin at slor, Run ream er in fa.r enough to cham f er end of hole' ro take bushing' .. easier ..

I." _

N·OTE.:' If 13/1611 diameter of reamer does not clean up

worn hole, run. the %." diameter through. In most cases the smaller diameter is sufficient, Afrer rearrring, p.r~.rr rhe right s.ize bushing. The 13/16" dia.mererbnshirtt is Pan No. 6~)67 3·.. Th e '1/8.0 d iamete r bushing is P:arr"'~{)::

~. . .,', 'T. .• ,- • .' .' '. '.ii:,

03706. With bushJng in place, burnish hole b}~ :p'U~r:.,:,'g

steel ball (,C) through rwice with plunger (D) ~ 'TI}l starter' shaft in hole, ]f. shaft is tight in hole, P',- ush ";Me, ~.~ f;r

....... ~r

ball through third rime, Shaft should have good sl.iditJi"r

.'," h .. le " ¥.-

In c'. 0 e~ ~~'







'r, -,.J

FJ.G~ 1,97-·-R.E.PA1RIN;G 'W10'llN IT'ARTER SHAF1·



" ..



, ~

: I

, I


, !


Te R:eplJ[l'ce; Spr~ng and' R;o·p·e, on Refrie·vab·/e S"art,e'r 1. ~ Remove blower housing wi th starter case arrached, .2~ Take off 5 nuts, screws and. washers holding case to blower housin~ .. · .

N'OTE: If. replacing rope' only) omit instructions in seeps 4 to 12 inclusive :.~~;.:.'",~ 1~1J!I'!,i! and follow instructions in sreps. 13· to 1 '8, . . 3+ Unwind rope. \X/edge screw be tween pulley and case to prevent spring un'w,r inding. In. 'S. Unrie knot and remove rope, '

4. 'Bend 'up two tangs holding pulley to. Lase" 5<0 Lilr out pulley. NOTE: If starter assembly includes 2: segment shaped drag .. plares, discard these. Remove spa.cer and broken spring. 6. .Fasren starter case with NlO fairly large nails r'o' a- solid surface+ 7+ Hook new spring around nail ;2LS shown in ll~_ 1" Smear some grease in a . cloth and run cloth along the. length of spring ..

8.. Hook end: of' spring wirh straight hook in slot of 'pLi U ey.. Be sure' spri ng end is righr against slot end, (Ill. 2.~ Fig. A.,)

9. Insert spa.eer collar as shown to hold sp'Ilng in place, (SJOt in collar opposite spring end .. ) (Ill. 2,. Fig. B;.) '10. Place pulley_ and spring in case with ed.,ge of sprin.g in. slot. (Jll. 3 i ) 11 ~ Bend down 2 tangs opposite' one another [,0 within ~.~,"I".of pulley surface, 'Do not use.4 tangs, (Ilt 4.,)

12 i Use a %'" square stick 'about 6" long, 1£ark pulley and. wind up 13; '~/:4 tUf'DS counter clockwise 'with a wrench, Push end of spiring until it snaps. into L If· 1..111 h 1"1 ,. I.· d . ~ d d ~ ! ~ 6··· If

no If 0 case, Hold rr e pu "f:y' in rrus wounc \l.p positron and wee ge a ~I'/ :m. ...

screw or other suitable object bc:t~feen. pulley and case, (Ill. 5.')

US·:·E· ·R'O'·,'P,·'E NT'·. 66··,'3- 3'·,,~ WITH" S'··:H'-·'·E,'·A··,V·,"E· H·,·A·"'\l'''I'N-···lG··· "'/,16:" \';tIDE-"

.. .... Om .. ', ""i_~. ..,"~" ' ,'" v . I. " " .


'\';'hen replacing rop'e in. handle tie :3 ii.gure eighr knot around pin with about a %,"" end exposed" Pull pin into slot' of handle. ,( lIL 6.) Wind a thin

piece of wire around other end of rope~ pass through eyelet of case :and. berw f,e:' n Ran ge.s of pu Bey. SeI eel" th e nearest hoi f. 11:11 at com es withi n a 1"( indicated by arrows .in 111.. 7:~ Fig. A+ Slip the wire and rope' through rhis hole, I tis; permissible (0 back pulley off nor more rhan ~:":i turn '(0 bring hole

in mo st favorable pas-it ion, Remove wire and d.e a single knot at end of rope. (I It 7~ Fig. B .. ) PuB rope rigbr, Use a 'block of wood and compress knot until it extends not more 'than I 3/.32° above face of pulley ~ (II l, 8+) 'W\··:hl··~ ho ·l .: din g' c rope tight rem ove W"·" red,. 'g. '""" and relea s e P ullev slow ,J,}'.

. I' ,iI".., ' __ j ••. .1'_ ',:_, :' ... ~ ,",~ ~ .. '!.I . -._tt.; .. - ..... :_.!b. fA. _.' .!I.J~,I\..a., .. " ,.I\...I·~ ,"_ ... '._,.

If s.quare shaft of' clutch 'has one side marked "top," this must be on top and as nearly level as possible when starter and blower housing ere reassembled toengine. Fasten starter '(-0 blower housing with screws, nuts and washers,

Moun r b lowe r h uu sing and star te r ro eng i n e . '"

PuB ey clearan ce aro u n d case sh 0 ul d be equal, Spri ng \\' ill not ViJ ind up :[,0 pc: if pu 11 fy is not cen tr at Bend J e gs of case to cen r r alize p:u ll ey' in cas e .

. I ~

_'.'fo. ,.


. ,

J ,I'











r r

13 ..




17~ 18.


- ,- ~

15~ 16.

.. "'\


·F I GiltA'[ , gOT ;U:CUM!' ~ UI

_ .___ _ __ - • •• __ • _. __ • __ • D

I , JI'
. ,'"
, .~
- . -,

. I

.. ~ ,,:1 :

. -


This chapter consists of special information on miscellaneous topics which .are not otherwise covered, These scattered subjects are, of course, hard [0 catalog and so are not in particular arrangement, As changes occur and new information is needed it. wH~ be forwarded to. Y'ou to be added herein,

P'UMPI'N'G'" 0" "Il'

• .... .' ~. .' ~.~.. ,r :' '.: - : '. . . 1 : _ I' I ;

Model's f'I .. FJI

I.f you recei ve engines of either (),:f these rwo models wh ich are pum pi ng oil, the trouble tan usually be' corrected by

_ .mstalling an L type breather Part Nor. 692:5 9,~. and ,ex te n_ sion piece; Part No" 6'l3S5~ in place of the standard; breath-


,'. er. W'h_en making (his change, be sure co shellac ull joints.

\ Mod els,

'0:i1 pumping CB."n be' caused by [he center compression ring be,ing installed upside down if it is (be scraper rY'pe~ Be , ~ sure the scraper or recessed edge is Installed down toward

"I + ~ •

~1l.L:_"'," ~,le ou rmg,

.Ii !I



.: ' -;#'

.: M:odel FI'

. Some of these models were eq uipped with a [,3 rge spark J!i>."'if7'><o::r plug hole in the cylinder head. The plug becomes overheated and causes pre-ignition, T'O' correct, remove spark ~ ',i~~g. Install plug nipple, Pare No, 67773;, wirh gasket

10, 27090 and then install 'spark plug in nipple ..

~.~,~-A:II M,ode:fs,

,F; • • • 1 . i" ,~,. , T .,

~w;jje'J sure- at cooling nns 'and. spaces are clean so ali C~l n

, ' .. ch all ,parts tor cooling.





. ' !,ynys, ~Llp ply graph i re gre~,se to ca.p 5CH~ VV$ w hen as-

, ! . bling them, to aluminum parts"

WA'" Rp: ,E-"O"'" M···.-, A"'IG'-"'N' 'e'-'T--',O"· 'P'l- A"'TE'

.', ,., , - J .'. • 1 • _:' " - L • • _. I Ii,. _ 1:' ',' r

... -<£0.:..0.. •. , ' f'tO plates ,somet irnes warp. "When this occurs ic

;,,~ .. ;" ~rm i ts oil l.e'~ks; between the ,m.agnero plate- nod CTlJ1 k-

:' .~ 'To correct' rhis, mount magneto plate in a lathe and urn down mounting surface until it is level. After rhis . - peration always check crankshaft end play arid make ecessary ad j usrments as au tlined in Chapter 6.

":.,1,:, :


W-·,. ~'O' -' R" N' - T' H"R"-UST FA" C,·_· E 0' ."'N!

" ,',' , ...... ' j :" L •• ' • ': • ". ," ••• ' _ ".-:, •• :"'. • __ • • ~,:-_: ."1 ", .


B .. K

LIce on rile crankcase (over becomes worn , c: may ,be repni red by usi ng bronze rh rust washer 1 Part ~., 62.S.8·;~ Pi g., '( 99. Proceed ~5 fOU~)li.VS;

,- • ! ' "',' . •


" ce crankcase cover ~i n a larhe and cut down thrust face

- c~il disrance between thrust 'f~lce nnd rnouuring is: _~ .. s.l"',.

. I ''-~-'1991~ HI. 1. Dril ~ rwn No. ,) 1 holes t n the thrust f~ce



using thrust washer N'o. 6288,3 as a jig,. Holes. sh?tdd be'-on

h· ,. 1 I' ,. f b ,i B

a ornzonta , ine with the center or »earm g~, . ~ e sure

d P" . _ . IU 2'

washer is cenrere .. .'~ 'n8'~ 199,' U." "'r •

Press into each. dx iiled hole a brass P in, Par t No, 6702 '; 'II so rhar they are Hush, 0.[ 1/64" less than. fl.ush~ wieh the face of rhe w asher, Assemble washer so that oil groove is reward crankshafr, Check and correct end ola ~r. ~

. IF I

ut , 1.


l:'Jl HOl£S ;~ ,OR 6, 702,3

;EUU, S S ?-'!! ,M S

l Ll,« 2 '



. '


. ..::




Oil leaks at the' - exh ausr val ve push rod hole 0 n these models rn nnv b :A c ause ,d~ b: y. ehe fac ,[,0:, Ii"'S, list ed b, elow ""0, g. tether

_ .~, JI ~ I .. k-I, '~.'IL ~ .. ' .' ~I .', .• u.:. _ ,. . ,h)<'- .' '.'-' . ' .. -, ~.. YIP ''-., '. ,!Ig ~ ,,-- ,L

with the remedy for correcting the trouble:

r ~ Dirt or paint of the' push r,od or in the' push rod hole of rhe crankcase, To correct, remove push rod. Cle-an rod and hole thoroughly. 'Be sure to remove a11 paint from 'the rod 'where l( enters the hole,

2,. Push rod is bene and nor free. to turn in the push rod hole of crankcase, If this is eviden t~ straighten push rod and bel sure it turns freely when [he exhaust valve'i s closed .

,.),. 'The push rod and hole ate worn, Fig. -200.

Drill push rod hole 7/ [6" dee,p in crankcase with a 2J./64!'; dia, x 81,;"1" long drill, Then ream hole wirh j,~t·,t dirt.

.~ "I"!II'" I' . iT' r. Ii) -

reamer. Pre-ss in, bush ing No, 6343 t and ream hole in

bushing' with a No, to drill or .] 93i'1' dram extension drill. The extension on the No. to drill must be' long enough so rhar the driH chuck- win clear th,e cylinder- .fins. Install n ew push rod, P:~ rt N'(). 2.: 3 :5 66~

,NOTE:' \~hen i nspc:c{ ing any of chese engines thar (an ~ not be run when recei ved,. check the' push rod hole wirh :\ No, 9 drill, If [he, No .. 9' drill enters the push -rud hole, a No, 63,4" n bushing muse be installed .



J ,

j , ,

I. '

I ~

! i

R· emo '!Il,~ blower hcusine rope starter pulley crank s tar rer

,- ..... :, ; ,,''!i! ;..,; ,1.:·' ...... ' n'.: :.:ii ~B'~ :'_ :.~, ~1:a·":' .. Jl. r " .U,'I."." " 'Ii.,;, "" . . ' ", . 11. .... '1,

pinion" or ,fl}"\\:rheel nut. Assemble flywrheel puller No. 29'1. 57 to flywheel and ~igh'['len cap screws, l\',ppJy ·~t the' curer rim of flywheel with one hand to take- up

crankshaft end play, While applying 'this pressure, strike' fl,"w',belel puller several sharp blows wi rh a, one pound hammer until :flywheel come's: off.

In rare cases" rhe flywheel hub is rusted to' the crankshaf t and a bov e proced u re w i 11 nor remove it. Ins uch c ases proceed 'as follows':

Place engine on Q,riUpress table and bJ ock it so tha t 11'y'vlheel is uppermost and in a horizontal plane'~ Fig. 201. Drill a series of ~~n holes that overlap around the steel hub on the line :at which sreel hub and die cast mend meet. Drill holes at a point between base and crankshaft until hu.h ,se,parares from: outer portion of flyv..~heeL Rotate fivwh ;Gi!;!; 1 :to':Ir' each success] ... 'F;;, t ...... .,,1~ T" '11: S' ":"'·1'·~] oS! VO-· J. d d arna .D,~ ng'

Jl)"w!,\ .... '.;:. I:_),~ ~u. 1, ,··U.I,:.~I··:~'¥'~ ~~IVi~'-r.+. ~ ~,'I w Ji. ~._.: 1.,.,.' [iA., "·'6,.Il,~~r.

CO a an d contact poi n rs,


, '


~ 'US,"' II: 00

. - -

- -



To: Ream R'edu,cf-io,n' G'ea'r Cover ,Bu'shing Mo,del:s IR·,NR

(, W'e' recommend the usc of expansion reamer Type A.L~'P,.

7 30"" '"l'80'" f' d b L P du c

;, :,'. 'to .1'"(,, manu acrureo '~y " empco''['o, "'L$ <_,O~ ..

Bedford, 'Ohio" 'This reamer tapered guid'e bushing,,, )

: I

• MP:.O'RT .tM,]

DO DR~lL'I~G OM li~S , ,S UtE at 'nUll ME OIt'~

, '


I ~


Set th .... enaine '0'" .ei bench - r d t' -": ,-- - ~'-. _ nksl , fit, ',' ,-':J kev-

. Ij, !l;.c· '.... '0'] .. a '"- '. n ;G, lJi_"PI;__ , an. urn "bra", Slla~, 11., unn ,e)

'vlay' in, hub is in the uppermost position, Place' a block u nder hub and split hub at the keyway wi rh :3, sharp cold chisel, Fig,. 2:02.


':': _"', I' I ,:" '_' ,'< i : 'I,' ',' I ~i "',",,1 ,",

G!Alt C'OV!:R l8USf[ rIC _,Q,"'l ~ n l'

.. ' .. - .. ~ ~c..~;r+..



" ,

,I j


.1., Remove old bushin,g from ,gear COllier .

2,. Press in new bushi fig} Parr No, 23911- Be sure oil h ~,)J e inc ove r and bu shi n.g, 'a r e at igned '"

Bushing is slightly' shorter rhan [he th ickness of covet and 'eg l tal spa c e shou ld be al J OVl ed a t each. en d.

3., Assemble ,CQVt''l' to cylinder without gears and clamp cylinder in vise with cover up",

4. Insert guid:e bu's,hing inro drive bushinj; from, inside the cylinder. Use end of guide bushing dUH fits best,

S'~ Insert reamer as ShD'\Vn in Fig, 203,. Ream ![O ~7S0'1,~7S '15//. Continue '[0 turn reamer [0 .right' while rernev ,j ng j [ frotn bush jog,.





~ 'r. ''i''T';F 1;1" 'i'f:: I!I" TIl,.,., '!.!J"W ~+-._, p~ ;l;,flI\,,:r

- -_,",_ . --


",I ,I



sP' ·E'C····I A' L I' N'FO' RMAT"IO-" IN" • ('C' 'd ).

.. ,' .1-'" .', -.: -.: ',,' "", '( ,.' '.'_:' ;:·~.·.on·t··: .•.. ::



220'78· ....

Ill. I

, .......... _

.. ~


.• I

, I ,

I.LL~ 3

:1 ., ..... -~~-r----_...._---.-- __ --""'lI--o


I'LL. 50

'0: 0.-01'1

iii '. '0

ILL" 6

, ' G~:204-R·E.D·UCTJOl\l G'EAR$



• , .;;.. !! rr.-

To'em'bl'e Gear Case Cover MOld,e·ls IRI-WR:-N.R·-UR·

M" .nd·Q.I:s I·D., .. W':· R:

. ...,. ,l;ii._ II[F\ . _..:.



1. 'PhlCC thrust washer 22:078 in .ge'ar case cover ~ oil. groove u.p.,. on thrust fact at inrermediare gear shaft, Locate it with dowel pin.' Use a Iirrie gr-e.ase ro ]1old it In place. Fig, 204J IlL 1.,

2.. If 'intermediate gear has too much end play and drive s.,L~it end play is. correct, remove gear case cover and place steel" shim Part No, 22B72 under rhrusr washer No. 220JS~ 'Use a. little grease [0 hold them in ·place'. lIt].

. ,


~ '1 •

~~I, il

:1-' ,

., ~ "i ::,!

1 , L



oniII_ I ~ (

: I :' ..

M,odefs. NR .... IUR

I. Proceed as above but place thrust washer 222.52 at drive shaft hole, Ill. 1 ..

2. Place intermediate gea;r in recess of crankcase. See Ill. 2. _I

d ft rhrousl b . ~ L ., 'I~ll "2.

3. Put lrive S:,cear sha t through bearing in gear case' cover as snown In ~. - .*.

. ~ ,- ,

Be careful nor ro damage oil seal. -,.

.1 . .r--I:'";l

.. -'.. -

·4, ._ Assemble gas ket No. 68537 (.,0- 1 ) ti th ick) to gear (2 Sf: dow el .F i ns, 1 U .. .2 ,.

., ";III

. .....::..

~ -_.<Y:-tF'

.5.. Mount ,gear case cover by inserting the interrnediare gear shaft into gear-~,

Then ,'turn .. dr.,lve gear ba~ and I forth ~ntU .gears mesh and push co .. '~r .it

place .. Tap it hghtly to ge't In on dowel plns~ .111. 4.. <~ .. ,.

I"'-~- I

"I.\."~ -


6. Fasten cover 'wi rh three' bolts at boles marked 'I'Xi" i~. IlL 1., ... ': ..

. . I

7.. Check end play of intermediate gear by inserting feeler ;gaug-e· as shown in

. " .~

lit 5" End play should be r.OO~·u 'to .. 008"';. Note 'amount of end play,

, I

8. Check end play of drive shaft with "indica,r:or 'a~ shown in. Ill. 6. End play

ho Jd 0:, '0'2'" . 0·-' 'O'S"

.s. "U' ~ ..... '~. 1[0 .'_ .. ' . .•

. ;, . .~-

9.. Compare end p~lay of _ drive sha~'t and in·ce~med .. i~~?:-~ear:: ~f both have '. ~~* _. much end _ play rt can. be reduced by removmg gasKet ,685'3,7 and,:

e~(her gasket 27110 or 2711 L If they do nor have enough end play, ll~a

either gasker 27110 or 27 111 or both to gasket 685.3 7 ~ , ~~:i: ,.

. ~ . '" ~ _.1, ;;j;!"I~Il!l'

I' I

i I j

• ! ;.:. s: .. ~~I,;

If the drive shaft has too much end play and intermediate ge'ar end .pla]~. correct, remove gear case covet and place steel shim Part No. 22875 unaJjf'· thrust washer No. 22252. Use a little grease to hold them in place. Ill. 1: i

11. Assemble remaining. gear cover mounting screws. DO NOT put grease into: the gear case, Th.€: gears are lubricated by oil from the crank case,








E'·' p'. LAY' GE'AR R'ED""UCT'~O ' O'R'I' . 'S··HA·F-'S·

,ND "-.' 'C' r : : .'~. ,.'-11 .IN ,i.IVE ,,;, co.'

- , _ " - -- --
." ... -
I I R-MR-UR-W.R 'OO2ri to ,008 n SEE AB'OVE .1
" 'il I
-- : i !
-- , - !







. -

, I

F lA~'G[ .

Fl.~,M G[ OM' EfI4.R,

[HUVE n.--~--==-;' StUJ' T






i '~'H JH stecx

f OiL S[);.l

Il'l~ J

fUt,l['f o.R S'PRQ.C.[ rr

[MOo P:L.AY ~ I THOUi S,,t1 I t1S


"I, ~I




~I" : ,






I,LL. 6

Fl' G' '0' 5~- n'E'D'L', icr tor. J ". 'I:A:; us

. '., ~ ..... -A' ". '," L..., Jr, '.:' ," l...T .y, ... I,_


I I '-:, ~ " ...... _- v , : ; I I .'~-~'.IJ.~, ... ':"-'~;.;I~ I -

To As,semb.le Gear Reduction .Assemb,'ies Mod·eh; AR .. :BR·;KR .. IIR-ZZR,

_ ..... ~f,~·'"~·::;-

, • L ~~ t~ ... ~,:-i ~~M

~ -1 ~ . - .. ~~-J~~~

. .

II ..,

Th . '[,~ J iil 00" ') J.',' 0'" O· S tJ l J ~ beari I

nesc p:1 r rs a re asserurueu wu I a . .'.:_" to r.: .1 ... "" prt" oau on rne -c:ar.lng,s.. ,n

ot her words, inSH,,-"ad of 111 e dri ve shaft hav ing end 'pIa y., it w in be ;002" ro . .o05'~ d·~,ht. See T'~t~1("' 2 3~ ..

These 1 nsrrnrrions cover rh c fo~1{)~~ ing par[ numbers.

29(5).2-" -Shaft 8:. Co\'(;·r 290553-Shnf(. '& Cover

2 90S 'S 9·~Ge~lr Case Ass,]". 290660=-C:o\',er Assy, 2905().1-Gear Case Assy. 290S,(i4·=-=-Coyrer Assy. 190567~D,ri"e S.h~lf( Ass,".

- ~1

29057 l-e-Sha fr &. Gear Ca se

2905 7 ,3~C;tar Casl' A s-S}'. 2905 74-Ge::tr Cover A.ssy. 290577'-D.r,ive Shaft Assy . 29063,]'--ShrJ'r' .& Cover 290638-Dri\~e·. Shaft Assy. 290650-Shafr &. Cover 29065 1 ,~D"f ive Shaft Assy, 29083'5,-Sl13fr &: 'Gear Case

L Assemble gear case to crankcase of engine with cap screws and lock .. ,"",,'f."=1l shers fl ~g 2·"0: }i:;1 ~1]' 1

n ,~~.1~ _~. ~ 1. IlL,: .:,. _ . _. j.;I.i _" . ~

N O:TE: '}\1" ad e]. D,·R.. Be sure that th e br ()I] ze th r u s t lV as he r does not fall o.ff rhe two dowel pins. If it does, the _,c.ranksh·aft end play will be 10s[, Oil grooves inwasher should' be toward the crankshaft.

2. if new drive sh:~J~ is nor equipped with bearing cones, remove bearing cones from old drive shaf r, Hear bearing cones .in oil so they will expand and slip onto new shaf [,. Be su re cone is aga inst flange. Ill. 2., ~

3. Assemble .. drive shaft and gear wieh bearing cones. by placing a piece of shim stock or card in oil seal to serve as, a guide and protect oil sea t In. 3. Next place roller bear] ng cu P i: nro recess of gea r case cover. 'Then insert d.t: ve shaf t through .oil seal.

4... PlaCE g.ea.r case- cover sa sker over dowel pins in gear case. See I U. I.

5~ Assemble drive shaft and ,g:e..a..r and g. ear case cover to g;:ea,r case with cap SCI:evv'S~

."".. . .

6., Place' an indicaror at end of drive shaft (See Ill. 5·) and pull get!f in and ou-t

"to check. end p1ay, while rotating the shaft: slowly, 1\ fter determining end play, remove gear case cover and drive shaft from gear case, 'Then place as m.1ny .on?>;f;· and .0] 0'" shims as required back 'Of gear case cover roller bearing C'll,P' (Sec- IH. (1 and note below.) The bearings are assembled with 3 ,.'002'<' ro .005° pre-load. That .1·S rhe roral thickness of the shims must be .002fii' 'to .005u more tho n. t.h e' t nd 'pl~y without shims, 'Then reassemble parts, If y01.l. do nor have an iridi caror. assemble a sprock e[ or pu He-y ro drive shaft 'and check end r.l a r w i ttl 3.. teel er ,g~~ uge, 'In. 4,.

t\lOTE: To assemble p;1n numbers 29057 .?,~ 2.905,59 and 2905(1.~ ge'ar case assembly fnHo\Y instructions above except place the shims back of roller brta:m:-ing: cu pin ~{,~lr case. 11 l. L

TABLE NO~ 23 '





I 11


,: AR·.-,B·· R: .... KR-,IR-·:ZZR·

I: - .. .. , " I.



~ M. [ NU S ,,002 u to [ 'S' ""E' A'; BO,\t.E·-

,- !:, " " .'. I

; ~~INUS .. 005H



Q,02n t 0 032 u NO ADJ
'" , ~
004. n 't .0 026u NO ADJ
.. .. '"
, -
0[0 I n t 0 1: 4 II' NO A,DJ
. ~ 0 .. •• : .' .~.J • I HPRJ • 6-NSPR 1.6-1\'1 PRI. 6 i

, .


Model UWMGt.I Gener1ator



the base pla te' . as follows:

'~t Drai n 011 f tum, eru; ine, Turn complete unit upside down and SU,ppOlt ,gen~ra tor end w irh block, as shown in Fj~,.,

, ~) r: q I" ']-

..... ~ t){'i ,I J:.. Ii

Loosen ,cap screws 1 U) j 1 ~ Tighten No. 6 (shoulder screw) ~US'[ enough (0 hold the base in the adjustment you are abour to make. Shif;[ base till armature is centered in the field coil ~'i thou r touching at 'any' point. 'Use a. feeler ,gauge' 'to gtr uniform clearance at pole shoes. Now tighten carefully, first, all No. 6~ then at No.1]! (dowel pin nut) '.

Recheck ro be sure you ha ve arma ture and field coil se_p&, arared b} 'uniform clearance, If clearance is O.K,., tighten an bohs from: I ro 11.. Refil 1. w irh oil and test,

F tEll: L r ~ G"MJG£ f' H:U) CO· I L

\ ~h-' '£ i?UI'\":'

, rut oJ.-!;lIoJ·c,


IllUS. I


j! U_,rJ S ., ,2





\ \

9 J' 2-08



, I

, !

I ,


, G-· '0/ L A L 1(- '.]i._-" !" r, . r: ~ if O D- : El ~ 'If/' ,'1' G" '" G EN E R /1 TO f?

'. Ii. ~ ••. :~) ....... ~/] • _ . f : -'" .• 1 I I r .!!,,~ ... :.' I~ ~ ..Ii • _ a·... '


'lo· and Dow'el

'P."':EN'GI'N'E 15 AN EA'RLY 11-0'DEL (, WIT,HOU'T ~;;,;t.~-'·WEr. PIN i place the unit as explained in preceding ~, ]


- . sen (~'~P screws '] ,,) j 0 and remove screws 1, 6~ and :1 O. , pi ace- No. 6 cap ~ ,r rew with new shou lder screw (N'o. '18) rhe'n instaH $l(-'\\' -do\vei pin (No. 6,9'19) at No. ~"I<-~:~f[ef doin~ the (if ,H()~"ln,S:

:,' ': d·a divider ro ]: 3 "'16"', Fig. 206 .. \X/ith divider point «=:.,' .. "'--~, i'h;~:~':lrther side :6 t M of No, ] hole, then No, 1. 0 hole,

" J 1,",'0 arcs '[0 .i IH(,!fSfCt as shown in Fig, 205, IlL 2

"'~""'-H""""'" .' :':il~" Piirk punch ~f intersection -of arcs and drill

, t'32:~'1 .hole '0;0.1 p.J-: the base for No. 11 hole.


Now' insert ld;ow~] pin (No, 6,3919) into cylinder casting hole "with th~ea.ded end of pin through. bottom of 'base, and righren li,gh,tly' with lockwasher (No. 90366) ;1od nut (, No~~ '912.08),

Proceed with aligning as explained in preceding p,a.r~(graph.


. -

An oil leak at. the main bearing can usually be corrected

by cleaning or replacing oil return valve, The oil return valve, is under the bearing in" the cylinder and magneto plate, On late ·model engines me valve is 'threaded and screwed in place, Earlier models were equipped with cast-

in ry:p, I,E 'Valves as shown in Fig, 201:" .lIt_I" 'and should be replaced ~itb. new type (Part No~ 6.9992)' shown in Ill. 2~ To remove old style on return valve, place magneto plate' with armature down OIl a box to support 'due outer ledges. , Place. end mill too] (Part' No, 69054~T4)- in drill press and~.-._.,

11 I b1" '"I -

remove entire old on return VatVe,i. n assembling 01, re- =

turn valve (Part No. 69992) be sure the slot' of '[he' disc .?~~~- " is placed toward che bonorn ·of·engine.

_ , TOOt .U)~

r.----.--..,.-- __ JJ, 'I: i ' G905~-1~,



....:. ...



I.I...!, •

FIG" 207~R,EPLACIl\rG OIIL R'ETljRN VALVE .' _~,~_-.~

, )! ..•• "i'ij:"

, ~.;(f,.~

, BREAT,HE:RS . -, .', . ,"- 'S'

.... .. .. '.. .' ,.,

Th e pu rpose of the brea rh e r is. to reli eve cran kcase pres ~-:~~r,-,:>

'sure and it is important that they be clean, La- assure' proper operation. Some breathers are. located inside the valvf"~' chamber. Fig. 209. Others are either pressed or sc[ewed~

into the crankcase. Fig. 208. .t:

r C- I' ,- -- 8"re "tLe- r -

- 0 , .. , ·ean - "-a,'n_,, -',:;ti="

. "" - :tli~:

Outs f' d e' T-y. p'e ,._,,_

Remove the breather cover with a punch and hammer

. as, shown in F'ig., .2 I 0 Remove screen and moss,

Clean ali pa-rrs dlO.rolJghly except moss, Discard old moss, FO'T breather with ,11"8"" dia, body, replace moss with Kera-

" F"b p' N 1'71 ~l 5-' 'F b h - .' -~ 21 /' N jj •.

nn "~ ore, arc r i 0.. ,,L ~'" or orearr ers wrtn '/',8 Q.m ..

body, replace moss with Keratin Fibre, Part No-. 27116., Pull F ibre apart enough 'to remove 1 urn ps and prevent i ( from packing too rjghtly., Reassemble fibre and retainers as, shown in FiB,. 2'08.

0' . 2',]'_,'",,f,-"',~_--,-·" use :3- l'I~_,~_,'-',iI or ,] ~_-t...'-'f!' pipe

. l·n c:ov'ers rneasuring I' u. , ~':t ; L J ~


On covers measuring ] 1'811 use' a 1 Y4 ,n pipe about 7U long. Tap end of pipe or coupling until cover is properly seared on breather body, Do nor drive envier with a hammer or ::.:

~ • ill

other flat' sur-face too] as this is nabIe to denr cover and

prevent proper fit.

• ·1'


. ,


. t

e ~




. ~:'k~ _

SP'EC'IIIAl IN:fO'R,M,A,'T,ION, (Cont'd",.) -J ~ / .;~ ,.~"

N()T,E:, 1:;1 rc models A -Ii, ZZ-9~ t ,oj :anSl 2: .?, engines have Remove fuel 'utn'k and bracket and use a punch or rod .to ~~ ., .~

, - • . ~~(~/ ~-.;-'l!L .. -

,J breather wi d) - a sucker valve in rhe hreather body'+ The dr i VE' d]~· breather 11 P and ou r of C)r 11 rider. Fig, 2] O. ' J f.,:';'· '''- ' "~',.

, , - - -. ; '-" - ~~, .:~!§!!

fibrin (:'\'iir~~ ~ ld 'be C ]:F,J,'! f"'!l ed ''''1 co ,,,,'It i'~"nJ' ,- "'1 '.' "'1" t., 'eath p,'. a. l'I·~~., breather hod V .. ' breaks a,\va_.'lIJ,' .. · r ~ from the brea (he'! sleeve, U.s c.: . ::_,' ,\

, .. ,"" ~'lhu'ld", , , .',', "",f.~~.1 " ""~'..J!' .. "n''i..,j 'r" ,n UlIJ, lh1( r IPf "i".d Ii. , .... rs. ,,1].£ J' l '.

n p ipe wrench to remove sleeve. 'Tigh {en wrench securely . on sleeve and . turn and liJt at the same rime.

] ] be renai 1 ~ "f· d

'.I'I~ .. f -~ . ,".': li····-·fl~~"' r ~,' ..... - ,·,·_.Ii "-:,,!!"-.-. -"l: '.-.' ,I,. r' :J, _ .. ' .. , .. ' .. -.

\ 11, \' c ,,']0\\ e, er i' C~lnn ot oe r,cpal reo an. I, J ,E '_ oes not ()P~'

ernre p,rop,er1y the brearhcr should be rephlced, Refer "to P'arLS Manual for correct breath er p::l:rl. number.


, .

. . : . .~ .

. I


~ I

, ,

I B:'e~Y

" ,

FIG····· "0° 0- V"'I!'T'S"l'D"E B"R"':'E"A'TH'E' 'R:S'

" . ..:::, ,()-, -".1 :,i.':'__"~\. _:, .', "','";,,,

To Re,pl:ace Brea'th'er andl ,S,pray Sh,iel'd lnslde Typ,e

Remove and reassemble the par[s; in the sequence shown in ,Fig. 209. ] f the body has two grooves on rh e under' side l the groove shou ld be paralle 1 (0 the face of the: valve

("'"11,"" m ber I f,- on ,,;:;. O"iI""O"'O' 'f,.~; the gro:"o""'fe sh ou ~d'- P 0'; nt toward

.1 Ila. "I "~!\.;.,JI.,.. r V. j!j.._ [6~[" .. ~:~~~:~. I"I:~' ',. '.-1 .. ,'._ ;;i, ." I:, ... ::~ .. _ .. .IJ ..... 11.., _. · .... lInl,I ...

the front p'srt of valve cover housing 'at an angle of 4 5 e , If [he bodr has no groove, it can be' assembled either '\vay. The sp'ray sh ,1 e ld sho ul d be assern bl ed a bou ( 1 /] 6"1 from the face of the valve chamber 'and as. c.].U.S(; [0 the bot'[ om 0 f rh e cb amber as the hoi e in rh e sh i e ld 'W ill all OV;;"


, ,





· ·





:e.,R IE A TtfE'~ BOiDt }If I T'H' 2 sters TO Bt rlRAlLEl W~TH EDGE OF V,A,LYE: CO'~'ER HOltS, I ~ (j,

, ,


, '


: i '

I '




, I


~ J



'I !

.', '

, "

i' I

. "


F1G:'., 209~,-BR.:,EATHER VALV,E To, ,Re',plIQ,ce Brea:fhie,r

Ourslde 'Type

,M:any of the breathers are threaded and can be removed an d assembled with a flat w rench ,. Otbers are' pressed in t 0 place and can, be removed as: foIl O~lS :

:' 215,1!:r.:;i; , ,44-

. ~- ~ . _

F"G···· 710' R"'E' 1urO·····, V"I""''fG' B'R'" E" AT"H" ".'E' R":

, J. .x .. ~I· .. :.I~.·.'::[.,'rj·.,J,::" .'.1",:.: ._: _ .. l_.'.:.· _~ ~'··~I,.: .',,',' .,l_~, ~.

\X/lu:n assembling new breather, apply a coar of shellac to breather mounting sleeve, Insert breather in hole in, C)! 1 i ad er a nd drive it into plac e 'using Dr] v.i ng Block" Part No. 697,)I.T] ,~, F,ig_. 211 ~ Ill. 2" Be careful nor to plug oil return groove in breather sleeve when applying shellac, On Models 'WM-\X'lvfB' if rhe breather body breaks a\'ra~~ From rhe breather sleeve, drive the sleeve down inro

t, irh l!. r 1 '1.- 'F'· 2 I]' l' ll '}

crankcase WI ri, a :)8' puncu,. ,-lg~ ..... , .' , , i .1 '.

2,9'55,8'" T I D R' Pr' I Hl G,

-,-----"........,..-,.. ~I.- B LOC~:



FiG' ?' ~ ]'J'EP' L'A'Cll\~'G'" B"'R' B'A"Y-HER

, "J. ~J ,1 ~r... .': "l: '., X'\ :_:' ore, -', .:' ~~,-~ ,""; "\

CHANG'E Olt SYS,YE,M Models, 'WM,,,W,MG .. PCWM

Each and every one of the above models sent to you for

repair or adjustment must be changed from the pum,p: t)"p e [0 s pl ash t}' pre' 0 il sys tern, as 0 U r ~ i ned. j n ~he follow in g pr aced u re:

M.odel WM

Drai n oil; remove engine base' plate, lise 7/') (-t~ socket.

Mod'e~ WMG'

Drain .oil; remove generruor assembly from engine' base. Use ,~1 ~if open end wrench '[it) take off gencra.tor mounting .SjCf.eV{5~ Remove base plate .from engine (use same tools as ftQ.1! Model W,M) ~ DO NOT loosen base plate' dowel nut w h i ch keeps ,eng: i ne and gen,er~H 0 r in al i gn men r.

.. ,


., ~

SP'EC.IAt IN,FO~,M,ArJON (C:on'l",d~) 8'1

I.·'-Ir.'· ~.~'l:!- ,:.-'1._.,'" r...: I[ ., I: .'

M,o d el P'C,W,M \ See {bat tangs ot rhe connect Ulg. rod screw locki n,g phi tes

IJra,i'n .01]; remove gas rank from ens) 0 C". lJse '~,II and ~~,f' are in sloes. Bend locking plates a,g1],inSlf hexagon heads

open-end wrenches, Remove base from engine, same' as with a p.air 00[. pliers, . ,Fi.g. .. 21.2 ..

,l\1'(ldcl W]\,1'. Ins,ta.~,1 new base plare Part No, 62904 on .Models ~J'M or

ll. _

PC\lfM 1lnd Parr No. ' 62914, on Model '\XlMG.,

. "

Inspect lower bearing of connecting rod, and i:f in good shape 'reassemble rod. DISCARD FlLllSTER. ,HEA'D'

CO"""'IN'" 'N",-"E""C':"~T'[N'--::', ,G'· '" R',',::O",O-', S",'C·,''''R'<E' ,,'W,",""~ L" 0: ''':C,,·''~A'TEl) NEARES1~

'. ,.:."." _" ... ~.. . '_. ... [ ..... ',-' , ., , '.'" , .. -" ..

{:ARBUR,E'T'OR Sl,DE, OF EN'GINE and install in its

. . . -

place Special Di ppe,ir Screw (' Parr No. 91942) and draw

'b b • 1 F" '2' 1" 2

'up'Ot:, 5(reU'1" tIgOr... • ·:lg. . .... , :'.

If lower rod blearing. ,is scored, discard rod and install new con necr i ng rod ~ Par ( 'N 0,,, 29/13, \\~ i rh ass embly marks on rod. and X on. piston boss toward magneto side of engine,

R, '~.



1 Oh ~5S'Od BOSS ..

,! 1

'Sf[ NO lOU:: I'~~ fLll t '~UI51 ron: ,:U, 1;10', iii Iti( l'Cl 5 t,R [.'


1 '2'-',!;- 'I , • .::.~


".;; .... I!

. .

1 ..... ~J: ...: ..... .} •• - 1 : ....

•••• 0' ~ ~... .;'''' 1 ••

. ,

C'-- HA" H'G'--' E O"'--"I"'L P'tUM"'P""

'" ,,~ .... ", ,,_' ._,' • __: '. ' ...•. ,,' _ ' .' '" i ' .

The oil pump ofeach and ~eyer1' Briggs ,&, Stratton Engine Models listed above senrtn you for repair or adjustment, must 'be examined and "all :91d style, pumps f~'placed 'by the' Parr Number 9"9955 as; outllned in rhe following

,i-t •

proced u re:

Drain Oil; Remove engine base, Remove oil pump from


VI "~'£!j '7" /' 16···'l ~ ocket W' .ren 'C" h ,I ~-

• ~ .;)~ I.. ., .. ' .3r~ .. .:.:. , .. _' .. - fk..1. .'IIi. _ 1 I~i:.~:

To check whleth'et oil .,.·pUt!lP is ,bId. 0'1' new style; b~Oi"

oil out of screen, but ,dd' not remoue screen. . ~"

, . ~

The old style oil pump had a staked in seat: as i ndjca;6!.~;~

in Plate Fig.' 212 ,a~dmust be.replac:d by thl;' n~w~:'srirt

Pumpl," which can be idenrifiedbv the c-ast- .. in seat as ~hO'vm.~:'~

J ' ~.:r.;-

in Fic. 2'~ 3~ , .,. . ., "h~

C, 'I .::!I_llli'lI' II'

Wben assembling new pump, ··to base be' sure to irfstiij"

pump plunger and spring"fc~rn t~~ old pump. ::,~' ,

'This replacement ms to be made .on a. 'warranty b:asIs,,:::~ g:ard[.ess of the condition of "the old pump, Fl,g.. 213,-

1 'II!!'!! 1 - .

r' ~

"" ., .

S,E,~T s T.~):' f:O n:t

.. ,S(ll C4:S,T

,IN·' '

01.. D S.TYL,P;, .. 0>

"p·--:]'G', 2'1,'3 '" C"'H'''''AN:''''G· 'IN'G'" O"I]'-L'" ru iIj;,(P--

I· ".:_.~ .: .. -. ".: ~_ .... - ... <I·i. Irl.:_:··.- -.':_." ','." _ .~. ::Jl'~1J··' ~

• ·1




~~M.!'" P .............. ....

. J' ~~'.~' a, ..;.;_


- ,{,.

- ~~


_ iii.. ..

, '



, J



r r


" '

Cha:·pt'e·r 1 2


"The [ollowing pa! list the special tools used in repa ir-

ing & Srra rron engines, '1), b k.' 24 Jisrs rhc tools by number and name, and tells whar each is used for and on what cngi ne models. Standard tools su ch as seeker, open .. end wrenrbes, erc., however,

are nor Iisted. NiOTE.: Several sizes of bearing drivers and. crankcase

J f a roo] in you r tool kit is nor marked- wi rh a pa.rt nurn- .s,UppOf[ jacks are lis(td which are not supplied by ·B . .ri,ggs

ber, II may be identified by comparing it with the illus- '& Srratton. These 'can be made in your own shop.


trarion and checking its size, Then refer to chart to de, ..


. .

rerrmne its use.

The plate number reference :i n last column refers to plates .10 chapter 12 only ~ not (0 plates in prior chapters.

DES-t,R I PT 1 O'H,

.p :u:fT [I.I'/'li

,R rio I n."V II



FUN C1 ~ Oli ~S E DON. MO:o.lE LS p. LA It

... ' _"-


, ' ,



TOOL'S, (Cont'd)



!DESt~ I PI ~ ON

usre OM 'HOD~ L


. r*iU,l[




- ,

- .... ,

":, ..... tr .] ort S oe:r .a V a i J .a.h 1 !!: • V fj·e i:n ;f i Irl E' 111:, ~ e iI' (; rr. eo t C r Ii. IJI du? c:k :1 ~~. ir .r i,JI It . .r f :t lis 1 S ]i' t':,.~ F 11:. J, !!I tJ C e'll) (Ii 0 r 6' II 'l~ gt'- as s h o ",,"n .i ~ ?.l (j; t f:' .]. :d ~

btM~i~l ~h~u]d be r~~l~e~dA

, .. '~Ma,", if: s tl!' e:] 1u,s bi I: f; ·as. :!:i hCi,W,"IfI, U!IH1. \J.!:'~ i!il ~!,. ~ ,I!d;l G f"' !th r e i!' .l··I!:·~.II"f:d ~.d i;I~. e 'Or. Y t)" pi!:' 4 ~a i ~ ltiOIJln.t ii rl',E !\!1 ;gf,ilt!i!.. 0 .. '" _ D'~ 1 1 J 1;'-4" h~: 1 e i 1:; fi); -

tu r e to, I (.I. T Jr. :51 e t. f o.!!." 0'; J di(: f h' c l a!" "



I, ~ ..

.!.. "II;'



NO~ 2916€f TOOL ~~T (CQ~~is~~ ~f th~ f~11o~i"t Loc]sl

TOOl ~ (: Cent'd \

' . '. . _ '-. ,-: _ :I ,i II. I



. r PLAH

PLUG GtittlGrs.

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6··U~ i 9 -. t2 .• 7! ,010 - ~ 14.·" B ,i 1 J 0" .... 'HU I. ''$ r;r' -"c '1$ U

n·~_9.l~ T.(. .: .87 J ~_-~ !']j.J ". 8151 .. ·• :8:155 ._ ~?:~!- .. :B:1,6$

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11-;3,/1'" ! 1. •. 0'9:,62=] ,.0'J9. .. '''962.~ '9'U9

--- - . -. ~,_~.

8~'~ I .. '5"~'9'~,~ '.' '~'9" 1 .' 7 S. .(t $ .~ ~ TUn I

u ~ J I Ufo .. 1 •. i.2,6,O- J. :llS f'. 97'0.5 ~ ,. 9" :02: • ......_.

] 1>r I • ~l, OJ -'," 97' (!oJ, : .. ~ 7 S $ ~.,., 11 $ J

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Pl~:T NO. 1



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FIG. ,2

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,). 6fl22S -Tl -4 L nJ I!'~. i ,L24S .

J ,6 G2'2 5 -l'l.~ J 4 L. ~9,:Hr.~ 1 .. , (19'04 5

. J. 6GJ'2J-Tl-'H. ,99.·",(t·.99-tJ J 6(11)2-'12 -, 1.4 I,. E:7J '9 ... s! ~~ ". 60n~ -,T~ ... $ 4 1. ~4 U -2 ,. 44 o.~. " ·,6'02'.H -1'1-6,4 I Z. i.H 1C.~_2 • ~j ~ $_

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698.2 I ... Ta'~,2. ~~.--------;,~~oc ... ....,.:c-'=:J;E·' ~~ir::' "=--===. ==:::,' ==" ==~41~ {I

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16'98.2 1- T3- 3,2 '~'-~------~=::I-F?'

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29t221,- IS




~~----~~~'"~~""-~--"~"---~----------------------~~I '

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Pl" " Ai~ E 2·.·· ,7· '

. . ~ , "

PlATE 28

( (~

, ,I

~'I' ~'I:I"O T· -':) u . ~,.,a~. ,~~,;J!


R_= D

($I: 69829-l,' 9'

6,9'7!5 ! - T I

296,5,8,'" r ,I

nlW!l!:__ __ _ _""_

,6 13q.S- t ~ -ss


, =". " :="" :" .



, PLATE 29



61 :34a,-T~'"'" 102



6, ~ 3:~Si .. t ~ -:23

@Jt:t.. [1,

6 I: 3liS .... T! - I 3

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.'613-QS"'T r,_, i 2,2

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6 13~,8- T ~',!'O 73

61 3'4,8.-,1,1 ... 63

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2 '" ,""' ~2.1 a .r e S t 1 6 ~ d .i a" ~. i the 0 u n t e r b 0 r e asS .n. 0 w n • 1 - .2 - J - 4· - 5 ' .... ·6 .. , .... 1 2.... 1 :; "" 1 ,4. - 1 S _, 1 6- ,_ 1 7 _, 2 :2-,

2]-24-2S are J/Sn dia~ also Counterbored as shownF

. _l~ __ ..



1-- ~ r .


'.....,.''<'~',.', t5

.~4i!o, . , ........ _


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. _ .

. I


i '. . .. ..

M 0' tI. r ,!

r. E " ,1iJ 0,.,. l.-

• All Horizontal Rngines Require Special Mountlng~

... ;:.

::..! ,"_

'~~'R LL-' 't A)., ~F' 'lJ

n iJ~ '! _ .. •. ... ;r~ ~ ... , ~ ~ .:.![\.


; ~ ~~!! II •• II., ,~~ 1I.f! ~!!i ••• ,",Io!'~ r~ •• L~

A,s~;em bl ing &. n;sa.sse'mb.l y , .. ' .. , , ' '. '_' " _ • , . '.' '" " .. 1 (~,., J T-].8

Magne £ ;'2'] Ii ~ - . . . . · ,. . " , '. , . . . . , , . . . . .. . . , "'. 2: (1

Moun ~l:ng. H,al,es t M'oael.$ H .. 'j{ " , . , , .. - " . ; '. ; " ,', .. _ '. , .... , 11,

R us t,ed I; Re;mov ,; n ft.:; "',,' c/,",:'

~ "''''''P. I "I'~ II .. ~II iII~~IIII'II'III.~'rr_'I'r. .. , __ • II. U

FUEl. ,'C'UPP1' ,Y,,' ,S"'Y'.I',-S' T-- -'E",M":' - 'l~ --:f'"'

.,;, - -. ,- '_'! ".' - " " • " " , • . • " ., - • ,h, • "' ., " _ • • _ .. , __ t ~.2 H

FUEL Pl.] ~1 P .'.. ,- " " . -, " . - - . ,. ." - _ :, " ~ 3 '1

- '11'11. ~1'r_;~!!I'!!I~III"ll'I'."""II,Jj'~

G,ASOLrrNE . · · '. " " , " .... , . · ' .. - - .... , . _ . , " .. _ ~ , . _ ; . " .-. < 4'

- ,GEAlt, REDUCT:[ON' ASSEMBl]' FS - '7 r._ " .,,;(_,

- - - '-", --- ~" -".,.....,."',..... ': 1:," r'o i 0

.', AssembHnD. ,'_

' ,,;c.:-<' " . . . ," '. _'- '- -' -, '. • • • .' • • • " • , • - " • - • _ - • - - - , i ;R

._'1:" , .. ;~~-:]~i-Y -~. Co ,'i1ool1- A'I" ,-, ",1... t :" j' •• •• - •• • ' •• ~ _. - • _ • _",

~ .!~~. - ,..~~ .... ~ ',' "V ... :L s,~ ~"sse-m iL) 1 J. n Q .."".. - - .' ,. _ ")' 7

'I • ~.:r~""r-. ~( l0i-. C' 'B' h '. RI'II - 'I - _ II 'I • • ~ P. • '.. II II • !II tI ~ ~ F II •• r r.

>_'_';('"'.~~.N,.~,,_;~..,_'i~ ":.~::\'.~ ~.-Qiv.",er1Js, _~,o£s~ ,'e'."3lfDH1J:: ,. , ••• ,. 7.'t:._~

.1:", ~,'~>:: .. V:::-'~::"Yq~~- D...l ~'- D" ," S' 'IL.,", 'IF' ~ mi ,. ,;;, , •. , ,., '.,",';'"' '.,',' - 1;.,

. -',:,."-' :,,~t~.:i ~-:..i 1'.~~." , A'eU uc ,l'On , .. ",nve .' HE.J ts, Cnoij ,:r,' i,a ,,' •• " ~ f'B

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y_ .. ~~·I'!' - I ... , ,I.J 'I I"l • _ !

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W'o,rn 'Thn.i:st Fact . .;.. _ ... ' .. · , " , , . , . ~ . ,', " . ;, ", " " . " .... 75

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End Ph~,y" '<';:hf'CJi;~l;t:' - ... , . , ". , . " , ' ... ' , ... _ , . ", _ . "' . 3,56--57

E'~l d Pl .~'.. ,( o' r't".:..c·- 'n'~ ~' 7

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R"e,mov'~ nl"~ .,. - .. ' . , . " . ", ., ~ ' •...•. _ , . _ . ,., ," •. " .' .' " .. 54

R,e:placing ".,.,.:, ,'; ... ' .... "' '" ., , .. , .... ;, _ " .... ), 5~5 6

C~rl~'!i\,lT-DER - , .. .I, ,J i-.: . ,; , .. S

B-Q.r(' Dj ~ension~'. Standard . " .. ,- i . - S R

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' .a t~ -, ,. • ., • .' . ,. " '. '" • " '. • ;, • .' .. '" ~ ,. , . . . . • . " " , . .' • '" • ,. ,', ,. 'Lj; J.

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M' L~ -"·c'-' l·'''':n.~ ~ r

, '.!I1.!'"C.(!JaJl1 _ a" -'!! 1'.''-' •• " " __ " , • , • '. , ; "' • , .' • ; _ • " • ,. __ • '.' •• _ _,,,:

Pn (' u m ~ t ir T)' p~: ,_ · . . " _ . . .' " . ,', ~ . " " . . . , _ . _ ,., . . , , . .. . _. 3 ,.::_

oS p~~(~'d Sen j t] J,.~'_~ "... • _" • "' ., ,- • u • • - • • • '. • .. " a, " • _ • • , • 11 to 4 i

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ru B R 1 C,A TJ O]\~

Correct l'Ljhr,icat~D'n "" ,. - . ,; .. , ' ,; , , . _' _ .. " ,. .,;

o: i Leak at Exhausr Valve Pu~~h R oc1' Hole , ... , _ " . ,_ _ j ~

O~] Leaks a r Exhaust PIJ,sh R,od Hcle , ~ '. "' " ,; ., . , , ' .. " " , .. ;' 5

Oi l Pump . , .. · .' .... ; ... , .. ' ' ... , .. " a, •• , • " .' •• " • ' • _ 6/}.'j I

()il System, Change, .Models l-IBP'"~!J~,W,h-H . _ '. " . , _ ., . " .. fn ,Oil System, Chanue, Models Yi..11v1~ Vfl A-1G "V:;'11(~',.

,PC'W 1-1 ., ,h _, - .. '. " '. • ," • • , • , • • .' .' '. , .. • _ • • • • " " ., " " , • tl.( ~. r }

P'!"H1:1 P] n~~ 0 n ",."..,..",'.'..,....'.'....., .. '.". _ . ~ -' _" '!' \


,A,1 [ ]\,1odeho, exce'pt. 9- 14 B2 3 .. ,', " ! ., - _' •• "' " ' • ., .;, " • " , •• '~ ~, '~:r~ ,:_~ ,h1ag-.n'em,a:ric,. ,h-~'ode15 9-14r2,3 ." .. ,. .. ' ..... , . , ... ; ::" lO .:"

M agf.!"e'[iLin.~, .. "." .. ' .• ,. ., ~ ... '" "' + _ • " •• _ • ' ••• " •••. " " _ _ _ 1. ~

\X' :a J ped. P la te S '.,.'.""'".,'.', ,; • • • " "' • " • • .' •• _ • • ., • • " • . 5 ":' ~, ~. ~_

"~'C), 'DE-- L ~E"NG"- IN' - E" (S 'E- . 'M" ~] \; - ,

j,¥~,' ,.,;' .~:""', "'" " .,._: ',,'ee ,~nS;lFl,e "'o~~C'.s)

0' T- L' S''\tS'-TE- "",1:5'-' 'S '1' b" "

'~:'"r __ ',' 1.'. __ ~,vi' (.' e:e ljj, r,l:cat'lon)

0'] L RET,AI N'ER~ Be'a:u j' n!; (See Be.a ri ]],g 3'}

O'IL R.ET'{)R,N' V',ALVE '.', .. ,',", ,; " ,. " ' .. " _" _ " " .. " . _. _ .. ." _, l~.; O!V]:;"RH,A Ul & TLJ'N.E·UP P.R,OCEDlJRE . ,', ... ' ; ... , ~ '''''". (: ~;

'DisassembJr _."" .. ,', .. "' ~ ~ .' . ,. .. " '. " '" .. " , . , ., _ , . , , _ " .. (~

R {::'i:l:,S 5 e m'b,,! ~f ....,.., '. • • • • • • + • • • , • '. • • • • '. • _, _ ,. , • • . .' _ :::. c

R~ C',p:a 5 ".',. . " . . .. ~ ,;, . . . . ,. . . .' , , . _ " '. .' '" " . _ ,. . _ _ , .

'Tu:tJe-"U!'p 'Data ' •.... '. ' .... _, '. ?' " ••••••••••• '" , "., "_, ,~(.

PINS,! :Pl STOI'1 (See' Piston)

'TH (1- ~'O':t-.J _ •• ~_

oil U,~ I •. ,. oJ 'IJpi ;II .. ,.. ~ r ~ I • .. ~ ~ ~ II ,I, ~ -! ., • • 3i ''_ II ,! 'I ~ .;. !II'~'::::;; I _ II I I I i'l .. C •

,AJign.i n~ Rod & Pi.:~;,t'(j,a ". _, " ... " ... , • " . : , . , " •. ,. ) ~

A s~e-rn bJ inF' 'Rjn;~~i t,!,) 'P,l'slQlflS " ..• " ". _ .• _ _ . _ '" =:.:~

Co.n nect,i,D.g Rod 11 Cbe-ckint ,. + ... , ••• " '.';, _ " ' •.. ; _ '" ::;

Connen'j n:t Rna &. Pi n R.~dectiqn Sr:~~':~ _'., .. _ . '~i';

,P,~.n-on~ C,hec~jn ... ~' ~ .. '''." ,', .' + •• '. " •• " "."'". • ••• ,. ~.:

'r:,IC'!"o· .... '(1<ri Ij"'I C"h- J:!i, .. T~~A;I'~ ~,

r ,~;.to ~ _.. ~ j r ~ I: ,1,:]1 •. ,_:; .... ~.Ii. J, ~.rJ,~ ;.) r • _ .. .. ~ II '! I 'I Ii II • ': II 'I ...;; I _ _ ,I,...

P,;~ton ,E:_, R,l~d In ern n ~~eJ"'11 los:ta.U;'!~;"1 """"', _ , . , .. ~:.

R i n,c ~ ~ ,Clhed":-l 0 b '" . _ ,. _ ;, ; ;, '. ~ .' ., '" . . . _ '" ., .' , _ , . . . . _ ,,', ,. ~.'

,RE:~10 .. , 'TE C--' _:O··.·_····NT,RO.,','·'L,r , _~,-.:i_. ~'-I.',~_. ,: .... :

~ -~, II,. ·'Il P.!I'II.I.1 ~'~'';; __ ~ 11r.'''~,I'I'r.





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b'iaj-or .R,e"p"£Ji r 1:0015 - ..... '., '. ,; , .... , ' .. ,. _ ; .. , , "g,: ~c F~. M-OU:FJtlnc_ ,Board,. ]'ns'~'nJ('''iDn c.,..

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S e.a [::. ., _ . " . • . " ~ ;, .. . '. . , " , .' • _ . " .. " ' .LI '_ .:::l ~

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