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South Benton Food Bank

648 Orchard Street, Monroe, OR 97456

(541) 847-5525


Rev. Jeffrey Gordon, Executive Director

December 2, 2010

To Whom It May Concern;

My name is Rev. Jeffrey Gordon, and J am both the pastor of the Monroe United Methodist Church and
the Executive Director of the South Benton Food Bank. 1 wouJd like to take this opportunity to give thanks to
Llyn Peabody and Chris Burns for their efforts in planning, establishing and implementing a "Sharing Gardens" in
the community of Monroe this past year. I am particularly familiar with this "garden" as it is located just off
church property, and within 100 feet of the South Benton Food Bank.
Through their efforts, and the efforts oftheir volunteers, people within the community have an
opportunity to grow food for themselves and to help out others within the commun ity. Llyn and Chris not only
provided time and labor in getting the garden started, but have also spent their time in teaching others by sharing
their expertise in gardening. Although this was the first year for the garden, it seemed to thrive th is past summer
and fall, providing food for those who volunteered their time as well as sharing their bounty with the people who
received food from the South Benton Food Bank.
The state of Oregon has recently been recognized as beiog the th ird hungriest state in the nation.
However, this i not a recognition that we should take pride in. Llyn and Chris, and others like them, have
stepped forward to help people hel p themselves by showing them how to grow thejr own food. They are putting
ioto practice the old adage, "Buy a person a meal and you feed them for a day. Teach them how to fi sh, and you
feed them forever." I heartily support their ef'fi rts within the community of Monroe.


Rev. Jeffrey Gordon

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