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2nd British – Review units 1-2

1. Watch the video and decide if the following sentences are true or false. Correct
the false ones. (2 points)


A. Lions usually live alone.


B. There are usually 5-7 females in lion groups.


C. The male lion is the father of all of the young lions.


D. Meerkats live in families of 30-40.


E. The male gorilla is not the father of all of the young gorillas.

2. Listen again and complete the sentences. (1 point)

a. People live in ___________________________.
b. Some animals live ___________________ but many animals live in family groups as well.
c. The male lion is very _______________________.
d. The male gorilla has ______________________ hair on his back.

1 Circle the word that doesn’t belong.
1. French • India • Moroccan • Chilean
2. beaf • corn • lamb • pork
3. Brazilian • Dutch • Pakistan • Turkish
4. apple pie • cheesecake • steak • ice cream
2 Choose the correct answer.
1. Paul is from ...... .
a. Irish
b. Germany
c. Italian
2. We make ...... with salt, eggs and oil.
a. sausages
b. tomato sauce
c. omelette
3. ...... are a type of fruit.
a. blackberries
2nd British – Review units 1-2

b. rolls
c. pancakes
4. Please close your eyes and ...... .
a. listen
b. see
c. stare
5. How do mammals ...... from birds?
a. look
b. differ
c. react
6. Is the fruit in the shop window real or …………?
a. ordinary
b. dangerous
c. fake
3 Complete the sentences with the words below.
food colouring • disgusting • meet • difference • scientist • suggestion
1. The ................................. is in his laboratory at the moment.
2. I want to ................................. my friend this evening.
3. Ed’s ................................. is very good. Let’s do it!
4. Is there any ................................. in this ice cream?
5. What is the ................................. between beans and peas?
6. I can’t eat this. It’s ................................. !
4 Complete the text with the words below. (8 points)
almost • creatures • disease • food • horns • kill • lives • mice

The Pacman Frog

The ornate horned frog (1) ................................. in South America. As its name suggests, it looks like it has got
nding (4) ................................. is not a problem for Pacman frogs. The young frogs eat insects and the adults eat (5) ................................. . But

5 Complete the sentences with the correct expression. There is one extra
expression. (5 points)
raining cats and dogs • cry wolf • cat nap • in the end • pig out • for fun
1. Be quiet! Lauren is taking a ............................................................ .
2. Don’t go out now. It’s ............................................................ .
2nd British – Review units 1-2

3. I take photographs of animals ............................................................ . I really enjoy it.

4. I lost my dog, but ............................................................ , I found him in the park.
5. Steven’s mother told him not to ............................................................ because no one would
believe him
when he really needed help.
6 Read the descriptions of animals and complete the words. The first letter
is already there. (5 points)
1. Wolves often do this at night. h ..... ..... .....
2. These are very big birds. e ..... ..... ..... ..... .....
3. These are small insects and they can be dangerous. m ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .....
4. These small green animals live on land and in water. f ..... ..... ..... .....
5. These animals haven’t got legs and can be dangerous. s ..... ..... ..... ..... .....
7 Write sentences with the words below. Use the correct affirmative,
negative or interrogative form of There is or There are. Add a, an, some, or
any to each sentence. (5 points)
1. beans / in / the soup / ?
2. apples / in / apple pie / .
3. pork / in / pancakes / .
4. sausage / on / the pizza / ?
5. meatballs / in / chocolate cake / .
8 Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use
no more than three words. (5 points)
1. This tomato sauce has no salt.
There isn’t ............................................................ in this tomato sauce.
2. How much sugar did you put in this cake?
How ............................................................ cups of sugar did you put in this cake?
3. Have these meatballs got lamb in them?
Is ............................................................ in these meatballs?
4. How long were you in Paris?
How ............................................................ time did you spend in Paris?
5. There are no onions in this salad.
There aren’t ............................................................ in this salad.
2nd British – Review units 1-2

9 Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the
Present Simple. (5 points)

The Fennec Fox

Some people (1) ..................................... (keep) fennec foxes as pets. In the wild, the fennec fox
(2) ..................................... (live) in the desert, so another name for it is the desert fox. The thick fur on its feet
..... (protect) it from the hot desert sand. A fennec fox (4) ..................................... (not look) like an ordinary fox – it is very small. It only (5) .......
20 centimetres. During the day, fennec foxes (6) ..................................... (not do) much. Wild fennec foxes
........... (hunt) for food at night. There isn’t much water in the desert, so the fennec fox (9) ..................................... (get) water from leaves and fr

10 Complete the dialogue about tigers according to the answers. Use

question words and the Present Simple.
(5 points)
Dean: Tom, (1) ........................................................................................................................ ?
Tom: I usually draw tigers.
Dean: (2) ................................................................................................................................... ?
Tom: Yes, I do. Tigers are my favourite animal.
Dean: (3) ................................................................................................................................... ?
Tom: Tigers live in Asia.
Dean: (4) ................................................................................................................................... ?
Tom: A tiger eats meat.
Dean: (5) ................................................................................................................................... ?
Tom: A tiger weighs from 100-260 kilos.
11 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first.
Use no more than three words.
(5 points)
1. Lauren rarely walks her dog.
Lauren ............................................................ her dog very often.
2. I don’t like the taste of this food.
This food ............................................................ bad.
3. My friends always remember my birthday.
My friends never ............................................................ my birthday.
4. Sheep are vegetarian.
Sheep ............................................................ meat.
5. A male lion is usually the first to eat.
A male lion ............................................................ before a female lion.

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