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7th February 2011 | Participants‘ arrival, Introductory discussion, Icebreaker

11:00 Welcome and introduction
Introductory games
NGO and people - Knowing each other
13:00 Lunch
13:45 V4- introductory discussion
„Do we need V4?“ (EU-eastern States), Eastern identification: Go East!
Where is the border? (State, V4, EU)
16:00 Coffee break
16:20 Critical insight into stereotypes
David Cerny and critical art
V4-Similarities and problems, economy, politics and culture
18:30 Dinner
20:00 Evening program

8th February 2011 | V4 – history, economy, politics in V4 countries

09:00 V4 – Historical context
Objectives of V4, past and present
10:30 Coffee break
Politics – Together or individually
12:30 Lunch
13:45 V4- Workshops by our participants
Economy in V4
16:00 Coffee break
16:20 V4- Workshops by our participants
Relevant social and cultural topics, stereotypes and prejudices
18:00 Dinner
20:00 Cultural capital Budapest
9th February 2011 | What do we lack? Project ideas
09:00 Portraying people (stereotypes and prejudices in countries)
Project Ideas
11:00 Coffee break
Where is the unemployed potential of V4?
13:00 Lunch
14:00 Group debattes about possible projects to implement
16:00 Coffee break
16:20 Projects‘ sketching
18:00 Dinner
Clearing of travel expenses!
20:00 Sightseeing mit Angela
10th February 2011 | Networking, Free time in Budapest
08:00 V4 - Networks
Networks in V4 countries, effective Networking (advantages and profits
coming from well designed Network)
NGOs in V4, their position and possible cooperation. Whom shall I call ?
11:00 Coffee break
Projects: Current state presentation
13:00 Lunch
14:00 Schnipseljagd in Budapest
18:00 Dinner
Discover Budapest by yourself
11th February 2011 | Web Promotion | Timemanagement: What is to be done?
09:00 Project description...Email to participants, sponsors (application form)
11:00 Coffee break
Blogs, Facebook, Mail | What is to be done?
13:00 Lunch
14:00 Time Management
16:00 Coffe break
16:20 Promotion- Small workshops by our participants
Networks, skypekonferences, reports, Doodle, ToDoLists,
18:00 Dinner
20:00 Creating a CZ, HU, PL and SK dictionary
12th February 2011 | Fundraising
10:00 State- run Fördertöpfe, participants‘ cotntribution – one person, one fund
11:30 Coffee break
V4 - Organizations, Sponsors, Universities
13:00 Lunch
14:00 Little sponsors for our project
16:00 Coffee break
16:20 Media | Projects ‘workshops
Writing news (reporting about project) Blog, MiXXT
18:00 Return of participants‘ financial plans
18:30 Dinner
20:00 Evening program
13th February 2011 | Working on projects
09:00 Working on projects
11:00 Coffee break
Working on projects
13:00 Lunch
Working on projects, presentation, coaching
16:00 Coffee break
16:20 Presentation of participants‘ projects
19:00 Dinner
20:00 Evening program, (participants‘ departure)
14th February 2011 | Evaluation
10:00 Evaluation
11:00 (Further participants‘ departure)

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