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The film opens with a variety of quick shots, mainly close ups on bottoms of females in
skimpy, tight shorts. Immediately, this suggests there will be pl enty of lusting after
females, and too suggests that the film will be aimed more at male viewers than females.
It then proceeds to further close ups of the male backside, and huge muscles. Again, this
shows that physical strength and attractiveness will be a theme of the utmost importance
throughout the film. Medium shots succeed this, again showing attractive, happy men
and women working out, sometimes together, hinting companionship and partnership
may too be another theme. The camera then zooms and tilts towards the main central
character, White Goodman, with the tilt showing he is a powerful, important figure in the
movie. This is further reiterated as a tracking shot is used to follow his movements,
showing his importance. As he steps from a treadmill, the camera zooms out into a
medium shot, establishing the size of the gym and allowing us as an audience to admire
his on physical prowess. In establishing the size of the gym, it shows the huge empire
that Goodman has created, therefore a measure of his power and status.


Mise· en Scene is effectively used

throughout the opening scene. Instantly,
the first thing that we see is the backside
of a woman, dressed in black shorts with
purple lettering. This instantly grabs our
attention and stands out, suggesting
beauty will be a big topic over the
duration of the film. The bodies we see
are tanned and beautiful, which
reiterates my previous point. All clothing
is tight, as if to emphasise the perfection of the bodies. Upon the introduction of White
Goodman, it becomes clear that the film is a comedy. We learn this through the
eccentricity of the character, his wild hair, moustache and giddy facial expressions
making him a conventional comedy character. Again, his sleeveless top is to
demonstrate his bodily splendour. The gym itself contains a huge number of machines,
implying that it is a striving, successful business. The modernity of the equipment
possibly suggests the place is wealthy, and also doing well financially. This idea is
further supported by the design of the gym, with its white windows resulting in brightly
illuminating the place. This portrays the place as a sort of supernatural heaven, those
who belong are those who have worked hard on perfecting their body. Pillars are
situated around the place, again a hint at a biblical reference. In positioning a globe in
the centre of the gym, it suggests their vanity and arrogance, as if they are leaders of the


The editing in this 2 minute opening is simply, and extremely basi c. They cut extremely
suddenly, showing many bodies in such a short space of time in order to establish the
importance of a perfect body, which is ideal because it is an advert. The speed of the
edits possibly reflect the agility of the well -bodied customers at the gym. A wipe is also
used, for the montage is an advert, and most adverts contain wipes.

A variety of sounds can be heard throughout this first clip. The first s ound we hear is non -
diegetic, an upbeat, inspiring and groovy soundtrack. This reflects the positivity of the
gym, and the upbeat, confidence of the leader, White Goodman. Narrative is heard for
the first time, a flawlessly, exaggerated voice, ¶sick and tired of the old you?· The inch -
perfect, immaculate tone of his voice symbolises too the faultlessness of the gym,
Goodman, and of the bodies of those who use the gym and its facilities. Goodman
proceeds to speak the words, ¶you don·t have to be stuck with what you·ve got.· Once
more, this emphasises the idea of bodi ly brilliance, and how he believes nobody should
be content with what they have. He then speaks to his friend Rory, and says, ¶looking
good.· By paying him a compliment, and the other man accepting the compliment with a
casual ¶thanks,· it again suggests that companionship and partnership is vital in the
movie. It further expands our knowledge of Goodman, implying that he is a people
pleasing person, keen not just to compliment himself but others too. He seems likeable
and popular. His grunting and panting on the treadmill shows the effort and enthusiasm
he puts into working out. Yet he states baldness to be a ¶genetic disorder,· hinting that he
has a very low opinion of those whom are different to him, a general loathing in fact. This
warns of his arrogance too.



The human body itself is

represented in a very attractive
light. All bodies shown in this two
minute opening have been
physically modified, through hard
work and effort. Breasts are big and
revealed clearly, with the same also
said for biceps and bottoms.
ßverybody at the gym is represented as enthusiastic and eager to enhance their body
even more, whilst the gym is represented as a heaven for perfection. White Goodman is
represented as giddy, yet again he fails to differ from anybod y else in their enthusiasm,
with his beaming, perfect smile and strut implying him to be a natural leader and
talisman. Throughout the movie, more and more characters are introduced, all
representing different things: Peter LaFlour represents anybody whose business is
struggling, and whose life seems to be spiralling out of control (overly in debt, having
too many people relying on him,) and the reason this makes him the more likeable,
pleasant character is because it is easy for anybody to empathise, symp athise or relate
to his situation. Another likeable character is portrayed by Justin Long, whom plays Justin
Long. He is a conventional comedy teenager, unlucky in love and extremely goofy, a
victim to bullies. This allows teenagers across the world to, li ke Peter·s case, feel a
connection between themselves and Justin, meaning the audience yearn for him to
succeed and to break the mould in doing so. Women in the movie , such as three loves
interests, are all represented as feisty, bolshie, and aggressive. A n example of this is
when playing Dodgeball, and the females are brutal in dispatching opponents and
ending their participation in the game. Sexuality is covered in the closing moments when
Kate is revealed as a bisexual, yet despite initially being greete d with shock, it is
greeted with acceptance by Peter.


The director clearly believes that the way you look on the outside, your physical prowess
and looks, are extremely important. People judge you on how you look, and it is of the
utmost importance that you always look good. The director heavily explores the
importance of money throughout the film, and the importance of pride. The two coincide
when, desperate to earn the required $50,000, Peter and his friends learn to play
Dodgeball, where they face a horrific time preparing. Once again, love is a central
theme in this comedy, for it is love that inspires Peter throughout, love for his friends and
for the love interest, Kate. Also the film suggests that all villains eventually meet their
comeuppance, such as when White Goodman loses the Dodgeball game.


The target audience for Dodgeball is anybody who loves a comedy, yet overall
teenagers and young adults would find it more amusing. The swearing and sexual
references again are more amusing from the point of view as a young adult, as is the
hilarity as they battle through the rounds of the tournament. Also, it targets all those who
doubt themselves, as it is a story of those with little self belief, and how they find
confidence throughout the movie.

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