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At the beginning of our project, we created a questionnaire to gain information

about our target audience. We used the questionnaire by using GRASS –

Gender, Race, Age, Socio Economic Status.

From the answers, we defined our target audience:

• Gender – male
• Race – Caucasian
• Age – 18 – 30
• Socio-economic Status – E - C
We established “Scene Kids”, “Emos” and “Skaters” as our target
audience. According to the research done on, these type
of “tribes” tend to listen to music that is different from the norm – NOT
mainstream. Knowing this, we decided to break a lot of the conventions,
we decided that:
• The narrative would be very strange and obscure
• There would be few close-up and extreme close-up shots
• There would be no voyeurism
• There would be no ideologies of love

From our audience feedback, we can see that the most positive and constructive
statements came from the males, who seemed to relate to the video a lot more
that the females – which is what our initial audience feedback suggested.
We found that:
• People enjoyed the way we used green-screen – and some sad they didn’t
realise it had been green-screened at all.
• The tempo and style of the song fitted with the speed and the visuals of the
• The narrative was not as clear as we had hoped – some people said that they
didn’t realise that the video was exploring the artists’ mind by entering the doors
from the corridor, and said that we could have showed this in a more clear way.

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