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I am (FULL NAME) and as a rep. from Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
(UPSI) would like to invite HORLICKS to become one of the sponsor for
‘KEJOHANAN BOLA TAMPAR TERBUKA UPSI 2011’, that is going to be held
on 2-3 April 2011. For your info, this event will gather participants from
other university students and also residents from districts around Perak.
Since our event is targeting on sport which is volleyball, therefore it is really
suitable for HORLICKS to do promo here.
There are several reasons which HORLICKS will get benefit if HORLICKS be
our sponsor:
        1. We will help to promo HORLICKS goods for 2 consecutive days
during event.
        2. HORLICKS can also join to sell HORLICKS goods at our events for
only HALF PRICE (for tent's rent) if HORLICKS become our sponsor. 
 There are other packages as well, which HORLICKS can choose in marketing
proposal according to HORLICKS budget.

I hope, with these major benefits, these will help to attract HORLICKS to be

our sponsor. 
Kindly, do reply this email as soon as possible, whether HORLICKS is
interested to look for the details regarding this event. All decisions whether
HORLICKS want to be our sponsor or not can be finalised later, after we fax
the details. No matter what is your choice we still support your goods.
Thank you for your attention. =)
Any details or marketing proposal about this event will be followed up later
if HORLICKS responds. 

Thank you and best regards,

Full Name,
Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris.

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