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:~·t '('ne~5:J${\ t1-uorl~r:rrrmf1.'ec;f.ot· Mt:~~tibbrr'rli;-j 9ft.) ~d~ n! ~~';ow S'ln ~~-~dlh9?.15&~~ ~t~o'cy lUO neli~ ooI ~ .. t>{~ ~ 9!r'od j) bfle~ '\{ J im .

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"PROUP" • IO',i-,:q .., t

,.:'-, J{1~rit'(.:e b·~:<:~ ...... ;or_ I

All the' sec tion 'me'eti ngs were wei h ,.1 attenaed ~ with. represeritatives'::lfr6m National Headquarters. to ailSwer'!'Iuestions,; r.R8~ Williams from personnel was a welcome

! addition as well as Gordon Wier. But the , talk of the conference was the 1,0. sect-\

ion. ~Es" "ialf qhe'closecf door ~Wssi~lm'fo"r

--:::1~~ '! .";:,,r ,~r r.. . '1.P r

the WI ng commanaers ana, region commander.

'" LCoI~iit~~nd'LCOI. r, Stir .heC;aedthis· ~ sec ti~': :~ffi., pfesentati~n Yiilll bii'-l r8'Peaj.~' , at ti1i~F1orida' Co'rillri(:mde~IrCdII~'6calc;.!.' '

I" -J...: ., t·

~1~ ~,rbl!3or:".,~ wvH!c:sjcic, ",di ~o • 'Brdn.tiJrT 10ln52'0 lOj ;le1 i'J BI' i'W ~th ,-0) on'S!>;!! hlu::."f ~l2bilDmmo;:. Ilc,boc'p" e'. . ro,tD~ liA !ivD erlt TO 2!<'ribsjdo

fr.icby night was' social time -with a lot

, Iii of informal·exc_ha_~~e of. i~as ~~'an "n'.::

W aversary parJY·6to celebrate F€OI • Leali '5 ~- 20th annl,versaryc(.i n·CAP.~ EJritxpectli'd ' '. guests were Ted oncf-"Big: Red II limner I a ." fbrmer 5tsutheasfi Region '€Ommander 'who ", now live in 'Cal ffoniia': ·~Ho~arartGel bmen I

" the ri'ew finance officer'~gave the<.ltoast to - LCoI .. Lea Ii ~. He b~ught Dick into cAp. .The real sIQr of tHe'e~enlng_"'~ Mr. Leali

,! rLCoI. teali'f-fathe~~He playedl~e piano - endlessly til two AM as, the guests had

~a sing~-Iong. ..

"~c&.'o.~11 ~li:~~"~ \ ..

.,,~:~pe~.:fl~ of ~Idney fai,lure an, a Don.r cay was field recently at Orlando General to repay the more than 50 pts. of blood _charged to his account. We hope CAP pal d a small part of I ts debt back to

_ our friend and to his widow M;rs. Saber.

GATOR CAPERS Is'by Roiida :Wlng Qvll Air Patrol, 8850 Florlda'Rd:

Orlando, Fla. 32814 .. for distribution to"its Material may by re'-' produc.d If context I. preserv.d, credit

, given and a copY sent to Gator ~pers. ~

r _ ~! ~ _ - _;

),-" . t.~: ~ ----"~ Jl;;-_~. .: r :.-.J. r

COmman&ir -. ~ ... ,L:CoI. R. Leall

~ciitO~: ;:~'.':' Ct,p,t. Di~n. KI!f~~dorf ,:"

Wlng\ 1~'O ~ .. CO·Pt. AI Saeschaaf

Aut.rwt~s '1.0 ... LCoI. tie(Kitt8ri&wf .CA'd8t( Edtt8r (ta ·;)!'.C~'61/G. HJ'Use .

. ~ ,!"IP. "'1':-" ''_

Published by .. ::;' .. "': L Col R. L.alt·

Contrl butl ng wrl Packard, Shortt,

c : - Foot.,Jiolzhau •• n and others.

Staff ... -LCoI. Herman S!apo.:-o. PhotOg •

LCOI. ,Del· Kitt.ndorf Photog •

.. 1st Lt BI.ri' Van Dy~ PhOtog.

... ' _ I· MaIY. LeaU I; ~ .. .Photog • - Roncl!l ShoOk,Mlch.le Jo.nes

~ ~t;lawn W~~le,.Step.h .. n Brow",

Rondy Brown •••• Workers en 2 and·'a.

Thanks a million II

(well it like that many)

\ _.. .


By: LCoI. Richard Leali

'rher;are sev.ral f.elt"gs that I have about our Ovll Air' Patrol -piogram which I

~uld ,1t.k.Ao~hare ~iih:'You\ ': ~.. " f

_. ~~~~=a.:~-~,i.~ \~~ .... ~ ~ ~ ;. -v.:: --~-I . ~~~-_"

. " CAP"VOLUNTEERS_;' The mast dedicated peopl. on the fac. of the Earth. They are hard WOrking, .~thiiilastlc, pursuing a:cause. What they lack in formal organization, they

\ "\ mqre"than make up ~rin' ~~l!nirgy ,kfld devotion to duty. I am p~ud to be a ~olunteer ~_aricfltand' wfffl my head h.ICI_hlgh In support of our par.nt organl.zahon, the US Air Force.


CADETS-- An outstanding group of young people who represen~poth the' future Qf our

organization and our land. They should be eeuneeled, trained, and encouraged in_tlieir g~1 of learning to be ~.erospace lea~~s. Once they hav~.~~~I~~d ,their I.~d.rship

'.,sk!lIstJIIClnSf,.wl:rti jex",r~nc:: ~~.~ t~!'l~ng"theysho.uld~ be p."'!~tt.d~to utiltze, them.

* ~lsterftte:.i>~~C~~~ts. you~mWS~m! something'. .'

SENIORS--They work long/-hard hours in achieving the Ovil Air'Patt:Ol mission •. Some work In the c~de;' program; others work in ell!erg.ncy servic.s; still others work to promot. aerospace"educatlon. All haVe one thing In common other than their devotion to Ovil Air Patrol. Their work in the CAP is in addition to the normal_hours necessory to make a living, raise a family, tend a home, etc •• Too often our young cade! .nembers are eith.r ignorant or intolerant of the many demands for time upon our seni6rm.mbers other than Ovil Air Patrol •


\,,"'" .

PROFESSIONALISM--A gOal whicll must be achi.vea.i'n order to accompliSh ,the ,Civil

.: Air Patrol p~gram·:. ·~ttindarck1" ~sf'be ~t a~d' roa'l~tainedo to insure -~ourtsey, appearance, dlsclpltn~, a~!lJi~ti9n,;,r~u~~" ma~a~e~nt, training, and sofety. Professional,ism is

the glue~L~~ '~:~~t~.s: s,~~~~ 1Ogethm:..,:.... :~~'~_._j;o'

...: ~~'. ~..'!i.l. '~~1g~ ',.t" ,'- • "." ~

SQUADRQtsI""fC;;O~~~~~R'~- !h~,mo~t im~rtanf qssignment in t~ entire.CAP C)rgan-

i:latlonf'1:, t;ad~J:q{~~{ th1" acti~on ,Is,,' : The CAP pr~ram either succeeds odails at the ~quacr level-; Ste~ ,must be taken to halt the erosion of the squadron command-

o 'era aufhO-rit~ by higher fi!iIa~Uart~rs'."Alf'a~tfIority pen;nitted by regulation, ":lust be retu~!f~tCf!he .quar~nlJ~in~;;der;. As whig· commander, I will attempt to return this a uthorl!y. ,10 tIi~ 'squadron ;commander •

r~X> ~ ~';-'~!.;" .• - , • - • ' "1.. &

GROUP ~~PMM.ANp.~~~'!J'ie L8C}st enviabl.e assl~nm~nt I'!,th~ ~ntl,re ~r~~nlzatlon: ~rled'''ln~~~rk,~Wf;th"I,IJtl~!ime ~ portlcipote. in th~ ope~tlonal achvlh~S. of hu squadrct",~i ~r~!~~J~~.,~11!' ~tlh~, resourc!s v.:hlch are a~allabl~ to the wl.n~ hea~quarte"1;¥~~~~.r,,,,.w!;tnD#'~' ~~p .f,S)mmander It would be Impossible to administer

Flol1da,Wing .... '",m;; "4'i- -,~ ... ""' .... ,,>.~ I'

;.! '.

PERSONALI1I'Y' CONFLICTS~- There is'no room for these In the Florida Wing. Theyare

, non-productive and Interfer with~th. advanc~ment of our prOgram goals. They should ,I)e placed aside and personnel at all I.vels must be allowed to woM':Iin their assignments based upon ski II, trai ni ng, experience and performa.,.c.. This is not an eosy thi ng to" do,

but nothing worthwhile is ever easy. 1:' "c

~P EQUI'~MENJ-;_ This Is i;ued to the member or unit for~use'<in the. Qvil.'Air Patrol program. Over a period of time, the ~ulpment usually requires expenCIituresto maintain, in excess:.of its present value. Whether'these expenditures are made 'by the individ-. 1101 or·'the u,!it, th~ equie.ment still remains the property of the Civil Air Pal'r9l. Know this,and.ascept it; otherwise, do not allow yourself to be issued any CAP equipment

(aircrafti,!'Qdiosi_ v!,~icl.s, ~urniture .tc..).' ; - '. -r-

: ... ~ - t:;:o.--1V .. - r"- •

~P RADIO --A !JS8ful to~1 In getting the word out. Commanders at all levels must plac. mqreemphasis on utilizing this means of communication. Our communicators have gon.,~to a lot of ,perso"al exp.nse and effort to d.velop one of the flnest communications networks In the nation. Let's all take advantage of what Is available.

SQUADR9N L CqMMANDERS SCI:IO.OL .-- One of the objectives which ',should be pursued In the near future with the coordlnption of the Wing Director of Senior Training. An outstandlr,g tro}nlng p!'Ogram_.1O t~ch future squadron commanders would extend towards assisting Florldo WIng In achieving the objectives of the Civil Air Patrol.

a..=. ,._ ~ •

ight.of the mor- I.

ning as Floi:iclci ·took hon It

ers ,"], . -sedita "and'eor. 'Betty

Mc Nabb 'each reci eyed wei FdeserVed "Exeeptlcnol ~rvice aWards:' A'Merit6rious Service -»en-r to Lt. DOn 4vitch: Colonel.!<Henri Cose.n_owe_and,LCoI,_Dori Anderson~"" reCieveci'''- the 1'976 SAR Awa'rd for Florida ' Wi ng. The '1976, CD Award went to Col •.

~ ~ :. I' _ '" ...

W_m Tallent for Ten_nessee Wing. Col.

Tallent also recieved Exceptional Service for pdlceing fourth) ih the nation~ in 'the

WEEP progr;;"in';. 'r! " "" ,', .

~£ j1'"'. ~ .- 't

The ne~rorder of bu~iness_:~s tbe formal Change bf'Co~mana.· L ~t' Richard Leali occepted the position'",~Hni~r.ul]I Commander from Col. Henri €asenove. Coi Cos~~ove w~s th~r' ~i~,~ tb.~' Di'st;;'~uished ' Servl~e Award,:,}?r ~s ,servi~~.s N~,illg, Co-

mander for FloriCla • ,

!,,"J,a""'l~O _.,- ~- _r'Z.\ ......

"_ _. ~

Th ~c..l'l,." -..r-c

• e afternoon ~~s freef~r _fi~bing and sWimming. hut ttie evening, ~as greE!ted, by bright hlawiian prints and grass--:sld~ts that is. Oscar was "roa~ted" and-Henri w~-s'hon=_- ored -agi,in es. a gift of"'a'certi'ficdte~for -d+ mOl1ey to ~~~posited\vi_th the.'flighfservice. of his c;hOic~~f.1.?}'Ii,s_flyiri9 lessqn~ • .The gift; was co.l.lecte(Hrom~aU"the friends and staff .. who wdnt;d:t9j~lJ.Jm ioinething -he, really wanted. <~d they"clid~-Over"$150"was ~

collected. ,,~ , <.' 1,

He is a designated FAA medical examner and with three other profesSional men :O-own~ and flies a Cessna '33?, and has )een an active member of CAP for many 'ears.



PROjECT LAUNCH ·1977 r. ~

Project Launch is 'in erogress. But at this time we cdM~n~t '~!Ot'elf ~~u ;"bo~your 1, ",area coordinator is so contact Copt. Seechaaf for that information.

~:t "._ ~.l If t:

recruiting pragram has been well

. planned by""LCol 'Wm, Breeze from Southeast·Region. The" film "Always VigHiant" is available in each of five areas in the wing. There will pri zes for the 'best resul ts i nd-

. - uding a trip to Wright Pat AFB for' -the top 25 seniors and cadets. A Plaque to tHe top Group and much more. Contacct L Col Breeze of Capt. AI Seechaaf for further Information.

/$< ....



The cadet streng~h since

- the last edition of the Gator Capers has dwindled. Cadet that have taken the SUJIUIIer off are urged to get into the program.'\ 'lll/lor all: 'the -'~. _ .

inactive ~a4et<officers in the wing are asked to.return. The bra,nd new cadet need someone to tea'cH them that have <expEir~nae. -'.--


t ~-


- ~,

®®[2,~~lm Q '""

• k

;.,~ k > _ ~ ~

This is it CADETS ••• This"page ls.ell yo~.r;.s'. You will even have,sour oW!' edJtor.

Y?ucan use certeons, advise collumn/Ac"tivities, news •••• it's up to ~u~ se~}~e:cl~.,.J ified section fClf more information on WHO your editor will be. It-may be YOU I

. ..~ - ,_. . .

. -, .' .THE- 'CAPER!)'; , "'.: - .

1I..T.~~,~::-:t't~:''r~~t":~': "" - -~: *-'WTh'f~aaet;' of·t~'Fior{dB. ,. _ ..

wing should thank LtC01 and

Capt. littendorf for the . "

space that they allow, in the -" ... ~ Wei-e- "sane of you not 'able

Gator Capers for the cadets. 5tto ~t:t-end an activity this

Also as a key note, LtC 61 year, due-to being_broke?

Iittendorf was the one who Well tllls--year it:.·Will be

to.ok those 'nasty' shoots of-' no j'l!e' s-/ault but y-ou're

cadet .officersdoing there job own,if you can't go some-

_ at e,nc8!llPl!8l1t,.,,,. I'm. ~e ' that where.- With Specia1 Acts:

when: all the cadets ;-cat,ch up six IDQnths~.away,. maybe it's

to him they can all thank him _"'. time :to start -to think about

personally. M' .-._. - what you want and start

11-----. -== __ =_ ..... ,_Il:i. ..· towards it. _ There Will:- be~an type "A"·i;.his SUJIII.!Ier &p,;ain., This tear

it c9st $45.00 ,~next year .,- .•. }who can eStim8.te it"-? r: - r

Start savizlg now ,r If }ou . do you'll be g1ad you did.

Prior Planning

'1I!:rs.",,:'f~,=--';";!; " ~, l""'f;;~~ -;. ..:t- <-'

',' rumor· tmi II .~.

. <:~,!jl . .(, -'~. ~t ~ t· _ 'i~" . ~

_- ,:tlii'.,-It has been not~(!ea that =. 'two certain· peop1e in' the _/.. so~h,~:iJ!e to be,.caUed

- .,.,., JIIIlIIIIIj;E!, and· daddy:.J ,The

..' Florida'Wing Salutes you mOm -. -_andi.-dad'- No"names Will

be, m.m~ion~ Lisa and )ndy 1!:<:. '~:t.~~ ~ ~; "C:J~;; ,,:~."o/ Al;s!l": til the south 'part of

~~_:! our specia1_ < .... lo:,,-, reporters report ~hat there are an absence. of_ BoFO bUr~~~~i:iiltDUtllito ~."

productioh, I hope that this situation'[dan ~e rectified.

J ~ -l... 1::.1 '-: '" - " l' .

s, ~~ cadj,t~ ,9V~r _tlie .. Tampa

~ '~are movie~stars. Othe~se known as Starsk;t: & Hutch. When ever y~ see this sign ~you can tell

they were there. FLAsH 001! These-two·are-~ted'ror questionil:lg by,th,e MacDill Ce,det ~oriJfoI:'pufloining ,t-here squadron gu;ideon and. ~he !lG"st~rio~ return of it with"'f.h_!!' stt~'!\~e. ,marking.

Each ~di~io~-' of the G~~ Capers this spot article will be published. It will consist of nick-manes of ~adet~'- 'around the wing. People wanting to pyt peoples Nick-~names in thit paper sent them to:

'Caaet Sditor . .

339 Greenvale Dr. Tarripa,'-'A~. 33615

Now for' thi s'iSsues" niJ'k,;; Nieecee~-----~----~-T~mPa Stonewall er---------- T c:i~pa Way-----",;----------Pompano Weffa-l!.---..;----.:.--Pompano

Mom' 0:':;' D.Jd:",-':'--:..WPB & Mi~mi<


, -

.-' Cadet Ca/e.ndar

The acj;i~ties for "-this" 'coming year for the cidet _ program are many so this article"will touch'among the few in the near future. September Comm. Call, Ocal&

liing SAR c.AP:.~ 1,~., 0Ct·~ "

N~~~on.B;ll,CpnJe!l:tiori;;,Ga~ -", G' ~ta;y-.~~tiv~ #,l1Y.~pr~~", 'h!l""~- --

roup, "-and Squad_ron. "":;. _ , •.

~If.~ .-'~ ~,,'r{

I r , 1-


Cadets. Visit Plilneta..rium

08133 •••• Il.ecentlj1, the .Orlando Cadet Squadron visited the JOh!l' Young Planetarium.

Upon t4e ~quadrons arrivalp the cadets were perin'i tted to tour the azea on T their own." <The most popular area was the "Disc~"V:Eiry,'Room~" Tlie room wa.s fill-ed Wi.t)l"iri'teresting eqU:ip~e1).t ."~and experimen~~to,;,.,~rY,;!k .. e.,,: a~. so~d~'iI:'a~ machd ne , ~ar.tpulsl;lllrat·e macliine, and£TA

many ~others. ".,":o! if; " .<~9'" " " ~,

• 1'" ~: ~ 4;;-,-~ .t'i> _.. ".

The squadron was '~ailed back together for a special sh6wing~ in the observatory of how the skys in' the 20th centUry have7SQarlged, siri'cethe, Egypti~ • times. Then~~hey went up-stairs for

a sky watch't.; ';1. ~,_" .

_--,'~!i ; ~~ ~:.:~::~~ - ~ - .

- Later, the' squadron ~en:t", back, to the

observatory' for 'the - c shoWing

'of th~ "A-ra-b



anQ~talked.about '~n a~r fair for the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th.'Rinally that 'weekend • 'r.t~on we had a great fair plan.ned.


ik "

08309 ."'; .-packi:trd/Shortf·:~l ,

~': fl~g".,.baY-~eremo~~~~.s~n~i"ed, by tl1e Tampg_ Elks' LOdge '70a;-%nd wa~ assi sted .by Oldsmar. Cadet Squiiaron, OiP .

• Cadet"Tech Searge_nt.Deborah C; Shortt 'whose father is 'an Elks Lodg; member was 'a~~d-'to sing tWo ~trioticsongs:.-'rrhis Larid·is Your Land" and ''You're a G~nd

Old A'a~". '

Other CAP. members from the unit ~arried several of the flags .\lsed by the. United States, such as the "SnOke Aag" and

"01 d GI.ory" • . .' - ~ .

Oldsmar cadef Squadrgn wg~ presented a Ce_rtiticate of Appreciation. From. the lodge at one of their regular meetings.

'" c~


I have jU;t ret~ed from' a~ ~5QQ" mn'ewhirlwind trip of:.the Floriaa,,"~J4'~g •.. I'] am encouraged by'the qua-l(ity)and the .,

, b ""sh-i !2'- Ea h- .

II!' _'cC!JllJoIlM":La.1m (,r, our,}llt!!ll ~r ,-R:",", ~._c

5 generous w~tn :it~'1li6spitalit7·

U_"W'T.n few except~on5 J.he ,flAP. ~~~gr.aui .

functioiiing::_in Florida. I

Vl.19~t,ea every group within the Wing

many o.f the -'SqUa4ro~~~f'i";-~ole' Cad~t .Squa~ronwas t~~fir~;~upit_~I ' visited _~lj~ kn~l~ge of ~~~U !-~<,.'V coUrteey'':'dem~st~~~ ·:DY.I~,..~e

e"of this unit'l.(:"Was~iD1Pl.;essive; '1:.I foUrid that·~hese<-L~~stindards· .

...... ' tr." _~ ..... _..,~_.i·)f.'!' z_~ ... -~.- '& co

pervade all the ~g.~ts'·a~!!!0.!l~4_.'At

, t~e, JlIoCKS~nvilletSkR:.Ccmwsit~~~Ua<!r,cm- ,

I w1.~~essea the c~Wta~i~-'C9W'age "

or Gr.oup 31 and squadron members'as the,y'rushed to 'aid ~~e pilot.of,a downed l1!ircratE"'at Craig Field ~"':In-.tGr'Oup 6 ~

I _atte~!d "Juvth~g Go~~~IIlay.;" Wh~Ch ~:6nsisted~or all 'day "act'ivities and a Camoaiider"s'fCall. - At' tflislmeetirig I ~ presented IV -rifst Generci:i< Billy- Mitchell Award as Florida, Wing COIIIIIB:nder.,to CjWO Billy Sirikis ,of New &nyrna Gomposite Squadron. The q~lity of the meeting facilities was. ideal at the group 21 gaIDDlu¥ler's call. Yet anot_"e~.g,~nder's Call was held for my vis",it in ·~0~p.,8

~t Fort Myers. Here LCOlone:J. RObert

Pinney, .. Deputy Wing Commamer ,accomp:!.nied Ine. The penetrating· q'lestions and indepth"knowledge~or ~hese'members ,impressed ~ me greatly,'. As we flew, b;!tock to" Orlando, tco+one~ PinnJ'Y JJUrt.LP~I!· J,i1e::,i_rtto f!IY,_ -_,.;,.·-€~~C~ hands when :he~ Permitted' me to rly;the . Wing l72'"The-ftise Caimallder of &cDill 4P-r Force ~se greete4 ~. a~ I ~_rrived !i; Group 3 I 5 Mac. Dill' ce:det, : ~uadr6n. Also - "

in Group 3 thi!.t same night I' ',trei ted

N_orth Tainp!. Cadet 5quadro!l' Where" tile cadets tj:elii "l fonnal pLss an reView learned at

the Patric~ ~B Type A. A !JIIisl!l~ve -, number senio~. m~bers camec t.o .h_!ar ,W presentation 9f my _!leW p!?~ci~s in ~to~~1~..,;1I£0~onel Rbbert Crott-h&d:·&t,the%lea"'fii~Staff 000

c~cmmande~lI" ·-~'t,:ili~"W"~c1fi~~krt:{,9iVi1 DefeJlse'Wenter:J~J.rO!1P 5~ ~wF~liy~;t, t;,et~ed ~~ 'MHnj?,,·t:O"yi~i~!tn~' ~oups. In''Group ltS, th~JneW group :',can-

",mer, Capt Ja~_n hosted a

. ~1~r to' Ii_r my' speecn •

. ~ext , 'squadron

jJj toe wing" Hoo~~;~~~~~.~~~~m~~t~~~·

DUl:'IXIII" . tor grolll WcoS -to

tne " -!toots" the- Flor~ao

Ihng. 'l'h~s 1 )Jci,ve ... Ccomp.ll.shed and 1 ..m extremely opt~u~stic lor Florida WiIlg'~ future.








08128 .

, - Cadets from Group 31

take a break on .a'iitount"aln top in north Georgia.

- - _. ~

Each cadet participating iri the week lo~g hike on t~e Appalachlan<Tiail covered a disdance of 40.m!les while earring 30 pounds Of food and equipment.

The activj_ty demonstrated the.requirement for team work, physical endurance and pl,an,iling.


The sponsor, Capt. Jim Smiley ,said . tha t the' trail only "Ran Up Hili·" but'

the team " Had A Ball ". ,

o -

The team uiembers wer;, Chuck Behm,

Jay Warwick, Butch Moore,. Ted Ballard, Bri~ Th~,~~d"JjJp Smiley" ( LeaderFollower~'f:' . ,


Tech Spec

i .

To assist your G~TQ)R CA'~E~S editor i,:.' the pieparationc of this~ papei!~e use the followi ng

forniClf: . --<",

Columns are 3-1/4 inch wide.

single space Irf pOragraph,'

dou~le ~Pac!td bety.'een<P,CIragraphs. _, " Lead your articl e with yOur .upit charter

.., ~ ! .

number ,e .g.:

"08001 Rorida Wing ••• " Photos'; Black & Whlte, glossy, high contrast, no large.,.. thai)~ 3x5" :.9:!rtoo!ls/ , likewise 3x5, B&W, High Contrast.

~dvertising is still needed to, help lefraY the Rrinti"ng cinddjstribution ;osfs of you~ GATOR cAPERS·.

"ew Ad FormatlRate: Your Business' Card eproduced ~5.00/iss!;'e,$12.50/~ issu~s .• ;ubrectto announced advertising policies.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


- . '!~ -

. .I .... f- ~,.:.L "

I On July 27, 1977 Cadet Warrent Officer .. Gordon Beatti e. of JacksOnville

East Duval Composite Squa9t'an, entered th .' ed States Air Force Academy. He

I has completed the Basic CacleL Training there and is presently.a fourthclassman. Whi in Qvil Air Patrol, he f1e~ model rockets al).~ aircraft. Thank you. Ca~det ~ttie, for '. writil'!g to Gator capers. If anyorie would Iil<e to write to Cadet Beattie, his address is:

i p~b •.. Box 6478, USAFA , Colorado 80841. .

. "1i-" - .. ,._) r. ~." ~ -. "

- . _-. or .• ,,/ ** ', ... ,;.. ** ** '. ** \" -e-

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The Wi"hg ,Director of Aerospace Edu~ation', Paul Foster, is accepting' invitations

from units "to speak on the Aerospace Education ·program. Contact him thru' Wing Headquarte~~. ~ust a post card with when and where will get the ball rolling.

** **


If you are interested in attending the National Board Meeting in Atlanta, Oct. 20-23 See your issue of CAP News • .lf you are planning to attend the next Wing ers Call see the applacation in this paper for rates where and what to expect. Also see the application -for the SARCAP, a Type B with Flight orientation rides that same weekend ( 1 and 2 Oct.) Brief1ng will be Friday night and Saturday night wi it have a social with Flight orientation fOr cadets who have not had their first, second, or third orientation ride.

** ** ** ** **

Thanks to the cadets who have sent me appl ications for the job of Cadet • Editor • Have reeleved three. I hape to interview all the applicantS'iri tIle'near fUtlJre and make a selection hopefully by the Commonders Call (Sept. 16-17-18) in Ocala.

** ** *Q ** **

Ever been on TV??? know so~ ca~ts in thl,,~t. Pete, Tampa area have on Cha

44.7""ilUrttiaf uniform is NOT autherized for u~" learn about TV appearance and see yourself on TV at the Next C.e. in Ocala, when we-will have vidfo'.tiJpe equipment and a class conducted by lCOI "Bill" Breeze from,SER.l~1 er~,eie~ is alSo heaciing up

project launch. ,_' "'""'" "~, ;:

tr ,- 'r ... 1F!;.

-, ;.... ~ '.'~

, _ ** ** ** **' ** ,,j', -=-_ "'1,!! _";!~ .. '"J

Director of Senior TR;!iiling would like to know how .many 'chaplains would like to attend a level I trai ning. He' woul d like a count of how many from each squadron and then he will try to get one arranged ASAP. Drop a card to lCoI David Mosl~y at Wing HDQ.

"" ..


** ** **

** **

Wing Headquarters address: 8850 Rorida Rd. ,Orlando 32809

Staff Meeting: EVERY tuesday night ... in uniform ... 8:00 meeting ...

8 :30 to --- work. UniforlJ1 means It. bl ue slli rt, bl ue slacks or skirt. NO jump suits etc. Wing CO will be there on alternate weeks.



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NAME: ,~
.. lir::IIT: ilt seemed a .still ·s~all voice then 'SpOkl

~A voice '11 d ,1earned:J\,to· know, '

~That told me-ships -donlt run aground Where ships are meant to ;0.

'=Itls only when they strav orf course ~And sail the ~hall'ow st'r~nc.

• Tha t they'''en4 ~ up; here, '8.'5: t~i: ship did, lA-bleaching -onlllthe aand ,

*, ~<3'f. ~ ... +. - 1

I fell in prayer and criec, "on, Lord • A.Oh hear Me Just once iTtOre.. .._

Hay Ic)not_ end a' s 3ulk' , Somewhere along the! shore. 'y;

·on keep me where the billcw~roll ~here there are souls of Men to save -.Till at·the .cal]'" s_till.,uncer-:sail. 't[- sink;. beneath -tt~ wave., ~_ _ '!

t; .. ........ e

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New Faces at Wi~g

:. ~--:

, ,

There have been some changes in Wing stafl positions as well as some additions. Please note them in addr:essiog "mail and.~uestions

-. r r~ ...... I ~_, ;.~ ",l. j_., r ~ ~

to ~'2g_""lleadjl~~ i:. ~,(lew roster_ .. wi II be out within a month ... Admin • promlsed ,

>. J


t:, ~ \.I; _- ~

Plans and Pr09~nis .. DJ~cfRr... . .Mary

., _-, _ : '._ . L.eaJi: .1

Wing Exe'cutive Officer •• LCOI, Jim Paxton ChiElf '6f Staff:~ •• ,:. ~ _ . Col. Rpbert .

~ + ., .. ~ Owen.

Communi cations Offi'cer: .LCoL. Hetman

• >~ - ': 0: 1"1".' Sia .

_- -"~"'f \ - I po'!

Group 20 Commanaer ••• Capt. Cliuck

" S~ith - ~

Group 31 Commander .•• Capt. Wi I ford

-- ThomRson

• ~J' {! ~';l.' ,., -.'".

Group JO Commancer ••• Maj. JaclslJlan

Group 14 CommanCler.: .CaPt. McCo'i~ Finance <?ffice;.: .. Maj :..\f.I~Y'ar&"lGelblJlen Wi rig COmptrol er .... CaRt.-:Ha'rTy LipscombDirectdr of cadets' .. ciJpt. Angela -Artemik Director ~(lil?r Troi~i~g •. lCoI·'b,Yid '-:".


Wing Maintance Officer .. 2LT M. Handley Asst. 1.0 •... LCaI Del Kittendorf

Asst. to Chief of Staff •• LCoI Sandy Owen

TH ••• THA •• THA~. THA. Thatsall folks I L·

Civil Air Patrol authorized search and of the'United States.


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~~ wantel:l (mark one)·" 05ingle ••••• $13.09

, Cdouble $,15.00

_ Ctriple · . .$17;00

:.-' .,' t:Lquad· •.•••• $19.00


IJS~~CF\1> "'FU~~ ~ RP.N~ &

AGE& '-

_~E" __ '

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.. ,.:: ~U.~b~"f\ c.o"'W\~\')b1t' .

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, .The 1977 SAR evaluation Test will be

. held, Oct. 1 atMerrit Island Airport. The ,,,~t?ri'~'flng ~wilrbe ~eld friday night Sept.30. '" L:CoI: Ross Sedita will be Base Commander

" 'l1P.t;-~1ie prl!ft8 locatjon. To fullfill the requlnumberof traln.-

'-':1 _

'The jprlce of the cops I. listed below:

SM thru MaJor ".00

L<;OL ~ c;.,1. • ;~ $6'. SO -

CadetS ••••••••••• :.:l3.SO

, .;., -'.

~ -- ... ~

Plcse order your caps thru your' group e-

corrimander. _ •

Information needed: Name/'rank, Unit number, wether youra--Pllot, observer; 0 communicotor,. call ilgn, solo plla_t, and .' .' your cop lize. Send your orde,. to:

LCaI; Lynn Lacey :

2021 Clarice Cr.

Tampa, Flo, ~16 "-J


Allow three weeks for delivery •

... ___;._......::.-

,r ..

r I

010060244) 08001 l.:;E4I-r!, R-ICHAROl' L f,8~5 ;'SW' 98 ~ST ~




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