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ff 14217 + Pho! . ; a ee ne We ae ees or Brothers and Sisters in Christ, The House of Life is the residence of New Testanent Conounity ef Christien 4isciples. Our purpose is to introduce Christ as the ensver to 611 hussn problens to those who cone he. Qs well as on the streets, ie have seen God transfora hundreds of lives by His power end love since we have been in existence. We print an evangelical nensgager, previously c#lled Together but recently rensmed Dust. Thin we offer freely on thel Btreots nnd chmpuses in the locel area aa well us wail them to nearly covery state in the nation and even Consda and dolland, we hope to reorgenize our newspaper staff and include in it a distribution coasittee by which we can sore effectively pass out pipers and algo begin reising money to help pay for printing cost. On Priduy and Saturday evenings we hold an evangelical Coffeehouse in our basement. we offer refreshments and entertain- nent freg to the public. The Good Mews of Christ is presented in song On stage as well as personally mt individual tables, The brothers ond sisters nt the House go fron table to table intro~ ducing theaselves, answering questions and sharing teatinonies with new comers ané non-belicvers, Meny new Ciristians are given the opportunity in this type of atmosphere to clso learn how te witness their new faith in Jesus, We have found this facet of the ainistry very effective and rewarding. a Snoh vednesdey evening we held an evangelios] meeting whi usually brings in about 200 people of sll ices, ‘ie share what / the Lord has been doing fer us during the ost wex, ¢o such Gospel singing ond most of all, present the only plon of snl- vation--throurh Jesus Cirist, We usually see several cove to the svving knowledge of our Lord during these seetings. We slso hold Bible studies on Tuesday end Thursday evenings for young Christiang, These have been effective in stiwiluting growth through the Word and in one's prayer life, The Lord \ us given us the privilege to plant nany seeds, see such harvest, @5 wll Gs see many new Christians constantly grow stronger in faith. Those of us who live here have dedionted «ll our time and Income to the york of the commun wemyity.

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