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Here are our top 10 alpha male traits – these alpha male characteristics are common to all natural

and naturally confident men. If you want to follow in their footsteps then see which of these traits you lack
and adjust your behaviour accordingly; The Alpha Male:

Never Qualifies Himself: The alpha male makes no apologies, he doesn’t explain his behavior. he is
completely comfortable in his own skin so he doesn’t need to. They don’t boast about their success or try
and prove anything – again they don’t need to; they assume you will like them simply because other
people do, but they don’t care if you don’t – they won’t chase after you for your validation, they don’t

Talks Slow: Notice when you talk to someone you look up to you will talk faster – Talking fast is a way to
qualify yourself to someone – essentially you are scared they will stop listening or find some more
interesting stimulous, so you get your point out quick so they will listen – it actually has the opposite effect,
and it shows your lower status.

Doesn’t Look Around: He is the party and the focus of attention – he is unconcerned with what other
people are doing.

Is The Focus of Attention: He is centrally positioned in the group, everyones body language faces him and
is positive towards him – you can tell the alpha male of the group just by looking at them. Expect to be the
focus and position yourself to be so, step up within your group and you will start to take on this dominant

Take The Glory: When you tell a funny joke they take it one further and steal the laugh, when you do
something cool they congratualte  you for it and give you their approval. When you have an idea they
acknowledge it and add to it – giving their approval and tweaking the idea it becomes their own, and they
get the credit for it.

Are Never Impressed: They can be self centered and unimpressed with the achievements of others. They
are high achievers themselves and strive for success so they have seen it all before – it takes a lot, or a
really high value to impress them – they have high standards on every level.

Enjoy a Challenge: They enjoy making friends with beta males, but with another alpha guy they often
become “enemies”. The alpha male needs to be the alpha at all times and will compete with another male
for the dominant position – if he is really the alpha male he will enjoy this opportunity.

Don’t Answer Questions: They often give a non-sensical or a basic response to questions you ask them
where you are trying for conversation, trying to find common ground, or trying for report – by asking you
to “guess” they are controling the frame and leading the interaction and keeping their alpha male status.

Don’t Care About You: they are self focused, you are there to entertain them, but they are above you – he
believes world evolves around him and everyone is there to help him, entertain him or sleep with him – as
he chooses.

Can Show A Nicer Side and Get Away With It: This goes back to not caring what people think. he can be
nice / genuine / down to earth if he wants to and on the occasions that he is he gets even more credit for it
– he isn’t a geek trying to be nice for validation, he is a cool guy who has a down to earth side sometimes.

Is Comfortable In His Own Skin: Ultimately he is comfortable within his own skin, this is one of the the
main alpha male characteristics, and if you can be comfortable in your own skin then everything else will
follow. He doesn’t care what people think, he is assertive enough to give his own opinion, and he is happy
and confident in any situation.
What makes an alpha male truly alpha. More essential characteristis of the alpha men.

1. Aims for the sky The Alpha Man knows that to stay ahead of his pack he can not relax and let life pass
him by. He develops himself in every possible way, reads books, enriches himself everyday. Works hard at
his pre-set goals with grit and determination. Relax? Plenty of it when you die. Right now, work, work and

2. Life is not to be taken too seriously Life, for the Alpha Man is too short to be taken seriously. He is
naturally gifted with one of the biggest talents - the ability to laugh at himself, and he does that often. He is
gifted with excellent sense of humor which naturally draws people to him.

3. A calculated risk-taker The Alpha does not bet blindly. Marking every step, every risk that he takes in life,
he never risks more than he can afford to lose. Strikes a perfect balance of the risk and benefit and makes
an internal checklist of the expected return of any venture.

4. Believes failures are pillars of success The Alpha Man is fully aware that if you don't lose, you haven't
tried. Learn to lose faster, so that you taste success faster too.

5. Women? Comes next to everything Never his primary objective, women to the Alpha Man comes second
in his priority of things. Women and sex are necessary evils in the evolution of the human race. They are to
be treated as perks in an otherwise eventful life, steered through cautiously.

6. Values rationality He normally works with the right side of his brain. Logical and rational, knows how to
keep his upsurge of passion under control. Thoroughly knows his strengths and weaknesses and puts them
to rightful use to live a better life glowing in success. He also knows his vulnerabilities and the probable
pitfall areas well and practices self-discipline to dodge them and keep his mind and body needs under

7. Extremely knowledgeable about ego Only insecure men flutter and flap their wings to protect their false
images. Self-confident individuals do not have to do any such mundane activity, as ego is nothing but a
self-created monolith, which dominates the mind. Alpha Men are aware of the danger of being led by the
mirage of self-pride, which can only destroy a man. They concentrate on learning more and developing
themselves further.

8. Sees the big picture The Alpha Man has the vision to see beyond the ordinary. Has his eyes fixed on long
term benefits rather than feel happy with short term gains. Never gets distracted by instant-gratification
modules of money and women. He weighs the benefits of postponing short term happiness for something
bigger that might be coming his way. This part will be covered later in greater detail.

9. Time & Tide wait for none The Alpha Man values time as his biggest asset. More than money. Because
you don't want to run after money till you reach your deathbed and lament that now there is no time to
spend all that wealth. Never do anything to "kill" time. You are then "killing" yourself.

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