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A Christian Gathering in Word and Song

Andrew Gerow Hodges Chapel

Friday, November 5, 2010

Prelude Elegy George Thalben-Ball

Jamie McLemore, organ (1896–1987)

Processional Praise to the Lord, the Almighty F. Melius Christiansen


Opening Sentences Peter Haley

Call to Worship
Leader: Come, Lord Jesus, Leader: Come, Lord Jesus,
you too were tired you kindled faith
when day was done; when lamps were low;
you met your friends you opened scriptures,
at evening time. broke the bread,
All: Come, Lord Jesus. and shed your light
as darkness fell.
Leader: Come, Lord Jesus,
you too enjoyed All: Come, Lord Jesus,
when nights drew on; meet us here.
you told your tales at close of day.
All: Come, Lord Jesus.

Hymn 1 God Is Here! ABBOT’S LEIGH

Confession of Sin Whitney Head

Leader: Most merciful God, we confess to you now
that we have sinned.
All: We confess that in our living together
we have often been inconsiderate and unforgiving.
In our work, we have not done everything with single-mindedness,
out of reverence for you.
As citizens, we have lacked the interest and courage
to press for the welfare of others.
As members of your Church, we have broken our vows and disobeyed
your word.
Leader: Father, forgive us, and awaken us to the power of your Holy Spirit,
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
All: Amen.

Kyrie eleison
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Anthem Agneau de Dieu Rupert Lang
(b. 1948)
Agneau de Dieu qui portes le péché O Lamb of God, that takest away the
du monde, prends pitié de nous. sins of the world, have mercy upon us.
Agneau de Dieu qui portes le péché O Lamb of God, that takest away the
du monde, donne nous la paix. sins of the world, grant us thy peace.

Assurance of Pardon

Leader: Grace to you and peace from the God who loves us…
…in Jesus Christ, you are forgiven!
All: Alleluia! Amen.

Hymn Earth, earth, awake STUEMPFLE

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Scripture: Psalm 8 Peter Haley

Leader: This is the Word of the Lord.
All: Thanks be to God.

Anthem Lobet den Herrn, alle Heiden Johann Sebastian Bach

Joshua Bullock, organ (1685-1750)

Lobet den Herrn, alle Heiden, Praise the Lord, all ye nations,
und preiset ihn, alle Völker! and praise God, all ye people!
Denn seine Gnade und Wahrheit waltet For God, full of mercy and truth,
über uns in Ewigkeit. watches over us for evermore.
Alleluja! Alleluia!

Scripture: Hebrews 1:1-14 Whitney Head

Leader: This is the Word of the Lord.
All: Thanks be to God.
Anthem Ride on King Jesus arr. Edward Boatner
Alan Taylor, tenor (1898-1981)

Hymn How shall I sing that majesty? COE FEN

(setting by J.R. Daniels)

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Homily Eric Mathis

Anthem The Lord’s Prayer arr. Jerry Jordan

(b. 1946)

Discipline of Silence Peter Haley

Prayers of the People

Hymn 521 Abide With Me EVENTIDE

(setting by Robert A. Hobby)

Intonation: Organ Stanza 4: Stanza in Harmony (a cappella)

Stanza 1: Congregation in Unison Interlude: Organ
Stanzas 2 and 3: Congregation in Unison Stanza 5: Congregation in Unison

During the last stanza, A Cappella Choir alumni are

invited to join the choir for the singing of Beautiful Savior.

Anthem Beautiful Savior F. Melius Christiansen

Postlude Chaconne in g minor Louis Couperin

Joshua Bullock, organ

Philip L. Copeland, conductor

Dr. Philip Copeland is Associate Professor of Music at Samford University where he directs the
internationally acclaimed A Cappella Choir and serves as Director of Choral Activities. He is in
his first semester at Samford University and teaches classes in conducting, vocal diction, and
choral music education. In Birmingham, Dr. Copeland also serves as director for the newly
formed Alabama Symphony Orchestra Chorus as well as Director of Music Ministries at South
Highland Presbyterian Church. Prior to his position at Samford, Copeland was Director of Choral
Activities at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) where choirs under his direction
distinguished themselves on the national and international stage.

Samford A Cappella Choir

The A Cappella Choir was founded by Kathleen Martinson in 1939, ten years before a music
degree existed at Howard College (now Samford University). There have been six directors since
its founding: George Koski, Gene Black, Milburn Price, Timothy Banks, and now Philip
Copeland. The choir is founded in the rich tradition of St. Olaf College; it retains some of the
early influence of Dr. Koski and his experiences under F. Melius Christiansen of St. Olaf.
Tonight’s service seeks to honor the tradition and the work of all the previous conductors and
members of the ensemble in the performance of the Christiansen works at the beginning and close
of the service. Now in its seventy-first year, the 2010-2011 choir is made up of fifty singers and
represents eight states. Eighteen of the members are freshmen and nearly half the singers are new
to the choir this semester.

Eric Mathis, worship leader

Eric Mathis is one of Samford University’s newest faculty members where he teaches in the area
of music ministry and worship leadership. Before moving to Alabama, he taught at Azusa Pacific
University where he was the Director of Music and Worship and Adjunct Professor of Music.
Eric has published worship services, articles on music and worship, and he is a regular
contributor to Worship Leader Magazine. He has been a presenter for national church music
conferences, and he has coordinated and led worship services for speakers Tony Campolo, Marva
Dawn, James Earl Massey, Julie Pennington-Russell, and Leonard Sweet. He is currently
working on a Ph.D. in Theology (Christian Worship, Preaching) at Fuller Theological Seminary,
where he has served as an adjunct faculty member in Worship, Theology, and the Arts.

Samford University
The mission of Samford University is to nurture persons, offering learning experiences and
relationships in a Christian environment, so that each student may develop personal
empowerment, academic and career competency, social and civic responsibility, and ethical and
spiritual strength. Within the Samford School of the Arts, Division of Music, undergraduate
degrees offered include the bachelor of arts in music, the bachelor of science in music (for
students planning to attend medical school who have strong interests and skills in music), and the
bachelor of music degree with majors in church music, music education, musical theatre,
instrumental performance (strings, woodwinds, brass or percussion), organ performance, piano
performance, vocal performance, and theory/composition. Graduate degrees include the master
of music in church music, the master of music education, and the master of music in piano
performance and pedagogy.

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