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SEASON 1963 -1964

Friday evening, February 7, 1964, at 8:30

Juilliard Concert Hall
130 Claremont Avenue, New York City

School of Music

presents the



JOYCE GERBER had her early training at the Philadelphia Conservatory of
Music, and received her degree from Temple University. She has done oratorio
with the Temple University Choir, has performed on educational television, in
children's theatre, and had a leading role in the Philadelphia production of Kurt
Weill's "Three Penny Opera." She is currently a student of Hans Heinz at Juilliard.
LORNA HAYWOOD was born in Birmingham, England. Prior to coming to
Juilliard School of Music, she studied at the Royal College of Music in London on
a Major County Scholarship. Miss Haywood has sung in recitals and oratorios
throughout London and the Midlands, and has won the Kathleen Ferrier Memorial
and the Boise Foundation Scholarships. She performed last summer with the
Glyndebourne Festival Opera and this year sang one of the leading roles in the
School's production of Puccini's "Il Tabarro." She is currently a scholarship stu-
dent at Juilliard.
ROBERT JONES received his musical education in his native Ohio where he
attended Muskingum College Conservatory of Music. During his college years he
was soloist with the Muskingum A Cappella Choir and sang leading roles in the
school's operatic productions. He has also appeared as soloist in oratorio. Cur-
rently a student of Hans Heinz, earlier this year Mr. Jones sang a leading role in
the School's production of Puccini's "Gianni Schicchi."
GWENDOLYN KILLEBREW is a graduate of Temple University College of
Music. Her early training in Philadelphia was with Elsa Fink Edelstein and James
A. Bostwick, and she appeared in concerts and oratorios throughout the Philadel-
phia -New Jersey area. Last year she sang the first Philadelphia performance of
Pablo Casals' "El Pessebre" with the Philadelphia Orchestra under the composer.
She has also appeared with the Philadelphia Orchestra under Alfred Wallenstein
and as soloist with the Temple University Touring Concert Choir.
NORMAN RIGGINS is from Lincoln, Nebraska, and he attended the Univer-
sity there. Early studies were with Leon Lishner ; he is presently a special student
of Sergius Kagan at Juilliard. Mr. Riggins has appeared with the Santa Fe Opera,
Lake George Opera Festival and After Dinner Opera Company. He made his first
coast -to -coast TV appearance in 1961, and more recently performed a leading role
in Sergius Kagan's opera "Hamlet" in Baltimore. Last year Mr. Riggins made his
Carnegie Hall debut in Virgil Thomson's "The Mother of Us All."

The student soloists for tonight's performance were selected through competitive auditions
held at the School.

Mass in B Minor (1733 -1738) Johann Sebastian Bach

Lorna Haywood, soprano
Joyce Gerber, soprano
Gwendolyn Killebrew, alto
Robert Jones, tenor
Norman Riggins, bass
1. Kyrie eleison
2. Christe eleison
3. Kyrie eleison
4. Gloria in excelsis
5. Et in terra pax
6. Laudamus te
7. Gratias agimus tibi
8. Domine Deus
9. Qui tollis peccata mundi
10. Qui sedes ad dextram Patris
11. Quoniam tu solus sanctus
12. Cum Sancto Spiritu
Symbolum Nicenum
1. Credo in unum Deum
2. Patrem omnipotentem
3. Et in unum Dominum
4. Et incarnatus est
5. Crucifixus
6. Et resurrexit
7. Et in Spiritum sanctum Dominum
8. Confiteor
9. Et expecto
Osanna, Benedictus, Agnus Dei, et Dona Nobis Pacem
1. Osanna in excelsis
2. Benedictus
3. Osanna in excelsis
4. Agnus Dei
5. Dona nobis pacem
1. Kyrie eleison Lord, have mercy upon us
Soprano Duet
2. Christe eleison Christ, have mercy upon us
3. Kyrie eleison Lord, have mercy upon us
4. Gloria in excelsis Deo Glory be to God on high
5. Et in terra pax hominibus On earth peace to men of good
bonae voluntatis will
6. Laudamus te, benedicimus te, We praise thee, we bless thee,
glorificamus te we glorify thee
7. Gratias agimus tibi propter We thank thee for thy great
magnam gloriam tuam glory
Soprano and Tenor
8. Domine Deus, rex coelestis, pater om- Lord God, heavenly King, Father Al-
nipotens, domine fili unigenite, Jesu mighty, O Lord, the only begotten
Christe altissime, domine Deus, ag- Son, Jesus Christ Highest, Lord God,
nus Dei, filius patris Lamb of God, Son of the Father
9. Qui tollis peccata mundi, miserere That takest away the sins of the world,
nobis, suscipe deprecationem nos- have mercy upon us,
tram prayer
10. Qui sedes ad dextram patris, miserere Thou that sittest at the right hand of
nobis God the Father, have mercy upon us
11. Quoniam tu solus sanctus, tu solus For thou only art holy, thou only art
dominus, tu solus altissimus, Jesu the Lord, thou only, Christ, art most
Christa high
12. Cum sancto spiritu in gloria Dei patris. With the Holy Ghost in the glory of
Amen God the Father. Amen
1. Credo in unum Deum I believe in one God
2. Patrem omnipotentem The Father Almighty
Soprano and Alto
3. Et in unum Deum, Jesum Christum, And in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only
filium Dei unigenitum, et ex patre begotten Son of God, begotten of his
natum ante omnia saecula, Deum de Father before all worlds, God of God,
Deo, lumen de lumine, Deum verum light of light, very God of God, be-
de Deo, vero, genitum non factum, gotten, not made, being of one sub-
consubstantialem patri, per quem stance with the Father by whom all
omnia facta sunt, qui propter nos things were made: who for us men
homines et propter nostrani salutem and for our salvation came down
descendit de coelis from heaven
4. Et incarnatus est de spirito ex Maria And was incarnate by th e Holy Ghost of
virgine, et homo factus est the Virgin Mary, and was made man
5. Crucifixus etiam pro nobis sub Pontio And was crucified also under Pontius
Pilato, passus et sepultus est Pilate, suffered, and was buried
6. Et resurrexit tertia die secundum And the third day he ros e again accord-
scripturas, et ascendit in coelum, to the Scriptures, and ascended
sedet ad dextram patris, et iterum into heaven, and sitte th on the right
venturus est cum gloria judicare hand of the Father: and he shall
vivos et mortuos, cujus regni non come again with glor y to judge both
erit finis the quick and the dea d; whose king -
dom shall have no end
7. Et in spiritum sanctum, dominum et And I believe in the Holy Ghost, the
vivificantem, qui ex patre filioque Lord and Giver of Life, who pro -
procedit, qui cum patre et filio simul ceedeth from the Fath er and the Son,
adoratur et conglorificatur, qui locu- who with the Father and the Son to-
tus est per prophetas. Et unam gether is worshipped a nd glorified, who
sanctam catholicam et apostolicam spake by the Prophets . And I believe
ecclesiam in one holy Catholic and Apostolic
8. Confiteor unum baptisma in remis - I acknowledge baptism for the remis-
sionem peccatorum sion of sins
9. Et expecto resurrectionem mortuorem, And I look for the resu rrection of the
et vitam venturi saeculi. Amen dead and the life of the world to
come. Amen

Sanctus, sanctus, sanctus, dominus Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of hosts,
Deus Sabaoth, pleni sunt coeli et Heaven and earth are full of Thy
terra gloria ejus glory


1. Osanna in excelsis Glory be to Thee, 0 L ord most high
2. Benedictus qui venit in nomine Blessed is he, who come th in the name
Domini of the Lord
3. Osanna in excelsis Glory be to Thee, 0 L ord most high
4. Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, 0 Lamb of God, that t akest away the
miserere nobis sins of the world, have mercy upon us
5. Dona nobis pacem Grant us peace
Dora Ah Chan Dika Golovatchoff Thomas Pasatieri
Janet Ahlquist Michael Golubov Ken Perry
Susan Ain John Gotj en Anne Phillips
Susan Alexander Larry Graham Miguel Pinto
Theodore Ashizawa Bruce Grant Paul Posnak
Edward Auer Janet Green Hinda Pressman
Diane Ball Eliyahu Greenzweig Steven Prince
Rebecca Barrow Lois Guse Miriam Promislow
Michael Bassin Nuala Hallinan Jonathan Purvin
Enrique Batiz Wallace Harper Edward Rabin
Evelyn Belgica Ferguson Harris Joseph Rademacher
Helen Benham Lawrence Harris Enrica Ramey
Charles Bernstein Bert Hart Saudhi Ramirez
Yael Bialogorsky Francine Harway Ann Ramson
Paula Biran Stephen Havery Joanna Rentel
Kenneth Bowen K. Gordon Hayes Rose Marie Ries
Charles Brady Liora Hendel William Riska
Jo Anne Brieff Jack Hennigan Jon Robertson
Joyce Britton Henry Hester Igal Roga
Maris Brody Daska Ivanovic Susan Rosenman
Robert Brooks Julie Jaffee Abbott Ruskin
Warren Brown Monica Jakuc Jan Santoro
Joanne Bruno Richard Jones Roxanne Schmitt
Byrne Camp Joseph Kalichstein Peter Schroeder
Martin Cane Bernard Katzman Gloria Schwarz
Barbara Carvel Deborah Kaufman Maryann Scott
William Cessna Patricia Kennedy Mi Kyung Shinn
Lee Suk Cheh Jung -Ja Kim Jeffrey Siegel
Yee -ha Chiu Richard Kimball Thomas Simons
Maria Cisyk Arnold Koch Lois Slomoff
Sondra Clark Varda Kochwa Michael Smolanoff
William Conti Irene Kondra Charles Sofge
José Contreras Rita Koors Ellen Stock
Martha Conzelmann Franklin Latner Carl Sundberg
William Copeland Roman Lavore Mary Switzer
Cathy Corkill Monique Lawrence Margaret Tan
Brenda Corman Marilyn Strauss Lidov Teiko Tanabe
Morris Cotel Leonidas Lipovetsky Etsuko Tazaki
Noreen Cotter Albert Lotto Satomi Tsuji
Milton Cruz Elaine Luben Mary Turner
Michael Czajowski Steven Lubin Thomas Uchtmann
Dennis Davies Diana McCreath Marta Vago
Asuncion Deiparine Paul McKnight Hubert Van Putten
Roseine Delaney Wanda Maximilien Frances Veri
John DeMain Sandra Maxson Samuel Viviano
Patricia Dennis Michael Millheiser David Volckhausen
Nina Deutsch Madeline Mines Kathleen Walsh
Vincent DiFiore Josephine Mirasola Marian Watson
Diana Dismuke Ruth Miron Francis Whang
James Dugas William Moody Virginia Whitehead
Donald Dumler Bruce Morton H. Wesley Whitney
Brian Dykstra David Moulton Ray Williams
Linus Ellis Elizabeth Muller Thomas Williams
Kitty Ferguson Brenda Murphy
Stephen Flamberg Martha Williford
Marjorie Fowlkes Louis Nagel Linda Witkind
Diane Frank Richard Nealy George Wood
Sarah Franklin John Nelson Yuko Yamaguchi
Diane Fredman Lorraine Nubar Beverly Yee
Marga Friedlander Branislav Opacic Daniel Ziff
Robert Fuller Christine Osadca Jerry Zimmerman
Maria Garcia Pieter Ostrander Marilyn Zondlo
Edna Golandsky Sandra Owen Eva Zuk
Paula Biran, choral assistant
Frances Lumpkin, choral accompanist

Violins and Violas 'Cellos Oboe

Theodore Arm Gayle Anderson James Byers
concertmaster Daniel Lipton
Myung Wha Chung Robert Seligman
Robert Brown Marian Heller
Emily Faxon Marcia Lederman Bassoons
Barry Finclair Jan Baxter
Francis Fortier Brandock Peters
Toby Friedlander Paul Speaker Carol Hubbard
Magdalena Golczewska French Horn
Lynn Hague
Leonard Kacenjar Jack Masarie
Karin Kierstead Double Basses
Elizabeth Kleinman Trumpets
Thomas Lowe John Bennett Daniel Forlano
Susan Pray Larry Zgonc John Harley
Fernando Raudales Jon Deak Robert Sirinek
Vincent Reale
Marilyn Slipetz Timpani
Peter Sokole Richard Holmes
Charles Tabony Flutes
Janice Walker Lyon Leifer Organ
Yuko Washio
Isaias Zelkowicz Susan Stucklen D. Frederic DeHaven

he 9aifI'ad Aiocia1ion ..
was established for the assistance of gifted young students at the School who are in need of financial
aid. For the information of those who are not already members, and who may wish to join, the
following categories of membership are listed:
LIFE MEMBER Minimum contribution $1,000
Four tickets to all public concerts, opera and dance productions
PATRON, five -year membership Minimum contribution $250
Four tickets to all public concerts, opera and dance productions
SPONSOR, one -year membership Minimum contribution $100
Four tickets to all public concerts, opera and dance productions
DONOR, one -year membership Minimum contribution $25
Two tickets to all public concerts, opera and dance productions
CONTRIBUTOR, one-year membership Minimum contribution $15
One ticket to all public concerts, opera and dance productions

Address: JUILLIARD ASSOCIATION, Room 234, 130 Claremont Ave., New York 10027
Please make checks payable to: JUILLIARD SCHOOL OF MUSIC

Look around NOW and choose the exit nearest your seat. In case of fire, walk, do not run,
to that exit.

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