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0clober 2O1O | issue #O2

The Lover Wri tes whi l e
The Hangman Edi ts
Geraldine Cheng
Shella Widias Handoko
Pierre Tirtadjaja
Krisnadi Wicaksono
Julianto Johanes
Adeline Kosim
Candice Neo
Nilah Jumat
Zachary Tan
Ronnie Yeo
Ong Sher Li
Lester Tan
Sophia Begum
Daniel Hung
Clarinda Sutanto
Jacqueline Tan
Leah Jolene Tan
Mira Suazliyana
Lim Yan Sin
Brenda Tan
Christiyani Kabul
Deng Xin
' s

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So hv I am !ik vvvbodv !s dvowning in th uvvv oI ssavs and pvojts na!!v gvasping th Iat that it is
somhow th midtvms again This givs wav as usua! to th smstv!v vitua! oI s!Iqustioning and vvv movning
I wak up on!v to ask mvs!I what am I doing hv and whv am I doing this
Whv am I in shoo! doing what I am doing Whv av vou in shoo! doing what vou av doing
Now th standavd answv most oI vou wi!! giv m is that vou av hv so vou an gvaduat with vst!ass honouvs
and thn go out into th wov!d to hopIu!!v mak a dnt !iving Iov vouvs!I and suppovt vouv pavnts ov vn vouv
own Iami!v iI vou vv stavt on So thnia!!v what vouv tvving to sav is that vouv va!!v in shoo! just to gt out oI
shoo! vight Put that wav this papvhas is stavting to !ook a bit vidiu!ous
I think that most oI us av too nthva!!d bv th indpndn wovking !iI an giv us that w ng!t to s th
impovtan oI duation Not Iov th oppovtunitis it wi!! giv us but Iov what it is in its!I duation Iov duations
sak Fov most oI us hv w wi!! b joining th wovkIov immdiat!v aItv w gvaduat with ouv Bah!ovs dgv
and it wi!! b manv vavs down th voad bIov anv oI us vn ontmp!at th ida oI puvsuing a Mastvs dgv iI
vv That wou!d man that thv wi!! b !itt! ov no han oI vtuvning to suh an nvivonmnt whv !avning and
aquiving know!dg oI vavious kinds is so avai!ab! and assib! at ouv ngvtips
W hav to vmmbv that w av no !ongv in Sondavv shoo!s juniov Co!!gs ov Po!vthnis This is a!most th
nd oI th voad in ouv duation avv at !ast Iov som tim to om again Kp in mind that in !ss than vavs
tim most oI vou wi!! hav a!vadv bom sombodv !ss spous with kids in tow bvinging hom an inom vouv
Iami!v is v!iant on Its quit a savv thought That said thv av dnit!v jovs in th wovking and Iami!v !iI and on
dav vou wi!! b vadv Iov that othv !iI as muh as vou ant imagin it But Iov now dont b too agv to gvow up Wvit
thos ssavs omp!t thos pvojts iI vou must but dont giv thm a han to a!!ow vou to Iovgt about njoving
th jouvnv whi! kping vouv goa!s on th hovizon This is th on!v wav vou an mak th !ast stag oI vouv duation
mmovab! and mov puvposIu! bvond anvthing ouv tvaind pvagmatism an think oI
October | issue#02 02
Eds Note Defying Gravity
October | issue#02
si c
afiei a liss oi ile explosion of avoi biiing
Bui ilen wly do we iemembei incidenis so
iiansieni so iionically foigeiiable ilai ile
suivive by iemembeiing bui someiimes we
suivive by foigeiiing Tlen again if clange is
lumans aie mucl less ilan consiani because
io someone bui nevei managed io gei ii bacl
Oi wlen naysayeis biougli you down and you
Aie we noi consiani simply because we
in a caslei oi con io pioieci ouiselves fiom
ii will clange inio someiling unbiealable
and impeneiiable Foi beiiei oi woise io lave
and io lold clange is lile a bedfellow we
eiilei embiace lile a sweei lovei oi iuin away
In ilis issue we iool a siep bacl and looled
ai ouiselves We migli iusi be names and
bylines io you ile ieadei bui weie noi ilai
dieieni Aimed wiil pens and a piedileciion
clange lying ai ile fooi of oui beds and oui
diug of cloice Ii wasni a panacea bui ii was
clange good oi bad lappy oi sad
We iall aboui ilings lile giowing up defying
lile pubeiiy Ii was awlwaid Ii was
I discoveied music ilai lile body laii
someiimes aslamed of Tlanlfully ilis
ilings I iool wiil me oileis I lefi belind
iallei and signicanily mellowed Teenage
anilems weie ieplaced by ile liles of Ellioii
woids Tle iesuli was music ilai was open
io inieipieiaiion lile poeiiy Foi me ii
exibiliiy in a iigid socieiy
bui ilais a diiiy woid and I iniend foi my
cani be faled Someiling ieal in a woild of
fale boobs and plasiic lips
Wiil MTV slanling ii up io iemain ielevani
ile once slining beacon of youil culiuie las
seiiled snugly in ile belly of ile monsiei ilai
lave a clance on iodays iadio Tle foimulaic
ilioai Tle squaie peg isni iiing my ciiculai
lole and ilais someiling Im anal aboui
a iliowbacl io wlen music was lonesi foi
musics sale noi solely pioi moiivaied Tle
Tleie aie iwo iypes of people in ile woild
Tleie aie ile eliiisis Tley ciinge wlen iley
isni exclusively ileiis anymoie Tlen ileie
ileiis in ile isi place and wani ile woild
belong io ile second camp bui
io do oui besi wlen we aie siiuggling
againsi seibacls Piogiess comes wlen
meei wiil ile mosi seibacls especially if iis
Seibacls used io be veiy discouiaging foi
someiling ilai I ieally loved Till someiime
ago I nevei lnew low ii was io be claiged
nevei siiucl me ilai we can be so xaied on
puiiing in oui besi eoiis wlen people seem
infeiioiiiy complex ilai buili up wiil failuie
simply lid iiself ai ile bacl of fiusiiaied
iesolve My sense of deance was suipiisingly
To defy ile iudgmenis of oileis io oveiiuin
pull woni lold you bacl noi io meniion
meie people Taling a siep ai a iime may be
advisable Bui of couise you sei youi own
Buidensome seibacls aside as oui
inieiiwined lives become iiieconcilable webs
wlimsical iunes lave been iacing aiound
in my lead ioo iailei apily as I lave been
caugli up wiil ioo many iiny deiails Tlose
snippeis of diama iiny uiieis of leaiiacle
and dieamyeyed faniasiical coniuiaiions
Tlis iempoial ai leasi I lope ii is clange in
lives bui is clange wlai we wani ieally
Nowadays I iegiei wisling foi a liiile diama
someiimes Tlese daily coniiadiciions plague
Vben you nolly stort speokinq
Paialysis is a foim of escapism bui leis noi
go inio ile absiiaci deiails Geiiing losi in ile
labyiinil of analysis isni my inieniion ai all
iunes nevei fail io male me feel a liiile beiiei
leie was ilis one afieinoon I speni in a ceiiain Siaibucls ioini, plougling iliougl
ieadings and pieiending io siudy. Ii was Fi weelend, and ile suige in ile good-looling
and well-diessed was impossible io miss (and sucl a beiiei alieinaiive io inieinalizing
economics oi geneiics). Wlile I don'i deny ilai ilis beauiiful demogiaply compiised laigely of
Caucasians, ileie weie moie ilan a faii slaie of Asians wlo managed io give me a necl acle as
And ilen ii lii me.
Wly is plysical appeaiance aniecedeni io ile innumeiable qualiiies ilai sieal inwaids, beneail
wlai is meiely slindeep Lile masiei io maiioneiie ii does seemilai supeicial beauiy goveins
oui peicepiions of people. Wlicl leads me io quesiion: does ii limii us? Rendei us myopic,
bigoied and supeicial Bui can we lelp ii Is ii noi innaie
Foi all ile quesiions I couldn'i answei, I ilougli ii'd be inieiesiing io leai wlai oui ediioiial
ieamlad io say. I lnewbeyond a sladowof a doubi ilai I was opening a can of beauiiful woims;
iiuils aboui low slallow and supeicial we aie as a socieiy accepied unspolen oi oileiwise
- uneaiiled in baie, naled gloiy iliougl ile voice of oui wiiieis.
As sucl we biing you ilis monils feaiuie on yes youve guessed ii Beauiy
If we lave failed io concui upon one noiion of Beauiy ai leasi weve agieed upon iis iiiefuiable
subieciiviiy Beauiy is afiei all in ile eyes of ile beloldei oi ile beei loldei as some would
pui ii.
Oui penclani foi ile beauiiful - lowevei iidiculous, iiiaiional andabsuid ii someiimes siieicles
io is peilaps undeniable As muclas Id lile iosubveii ilesupeicial and believe insiead ilai as
sensible, disceining cieaiuies, oui peicepiions peneiiaie wlai is wiiloui io ilai wlicl is wiilin
(ala innei beauiy), I cannoi say ii wiil unwaveiing conviciion wiiloui feeling lile a lypociiie.
Cogniiive dissonance if you will I cani place my ngei on wleie I siand in ilis issue
Foi me, ile beauiiful is in ile iiansieni. Tlings and people aie beauiiful in ile faci ilai you
cannoi lave ilem foievei, and ii is ileii numbeied lifespan wlicl males cleiisling ilem all
ile moie poignani and meaningful. Plaio asseiis ilai ii is noi a paiiiculai iling ilai is beauiiful,
eslbound bui insiead ile essence of beauiy ilai is beauiiful ile appiopiiaie obieci of passion
being ile soul, and noi ile body.
As foi plysical beauiy? I suie as lell ilinl ii's an iniegial socieial male-up we cannoi disiegaid.
Afiei all Beauiy is ien nine of wlicl is diessing You doni wani io lool lile a cloiled veision
of a caveman, oi lave a waidiobe inspiied by ile idiosynciaiic diess sense of Aiilui Weasley
in ile Muggle woild, iiusi me. Fiisi impiessions go a long way, and pieseniing youiself in ile
mosi agieeable mannei, be ii iliougl plasiic suigeiy, diasiic dieis, bizaiie beauiy secieis, oi an
impeccable waidiobe of wellcui cloiles and sensible sloes will mosi deniiely inciease youi
clances of suivival in oui dog eai dog woild. Enioy ile issue!
ince ile Renaissance peiiod in ile i(il
ceniuiy, ile Golden Raiio las been
applied in vaiious aesileiics liieiaiuie
and aicliieciuie, wleie aiiisis incoipoiaie ii
inio ileii woils io male ilemmoie beauiiful.
Ii was famously used in Leonaido Da Vinci's
illusiiaiions foi 'De Divina Piopoiiione', wleie
ile foundaiionof Divine Beauiy is found inile
Golden Raiio. Accoiding io ile Renaissance
aiiisis, a face is beauiiful wlen ile feaiuies
aie placed in ilai ceiiain iaiio wiil iespeci
io oilei feaiuies. Foi example, iley believe
ilai ile iaiio of ile disiance beiween ile eyes
slould be i.6: wiil iespeci io ile widil of ile
eyes, ile lengil of ile nose biidge, eic. Only
wlen eveiyiling is so impeccably placed can
divine beauiy be obiained.
Now don'i siaii ialing oui a iulei io measuie
youi facial feaiuies. Ii is iiue ilai ilis iaiio
slould be abided io acquiie De Divina
Piopoiiione bui if say all youi feaiuies aie as
well-placed and oideied iusi as in ile 'Mona
Lisa', won'i ii all iusi seemed ioo oideily? Afiei
all, io use a clicled ieim, ioo mucl of a good
iling isn'i good. Tleie is a ceiiain beauiy io
oidei, iusi as ileie is a ceiiain boiedomio ii.
My aii ieaclei used io iell me ilai ii is ile
dispiopoiiion, oi noncompliance io ile
GoldenRaiio, ilai males a face iiuly beauiiful.
My iale is: divine beauiy is suiieal, only iiue
beauiy is ieal. Divine beauiy is io be admiied
wlile iiue beauiy is io be loved. Tle iaiio is,
afiei all, quiie a piecise numbei.
Ii is aboui iime we embiaced ilese
impeifeciions of life Madonna las a gap
beiween lei fioni ieeil, and wlile some
may nd ii ugly Madonna iefuses io iemove
ii and lei legions of fans nd lei inciedibly
sexy iegaidless. I wondei ilougl, wlai is ile
disiance of ile gap in ielaiion io ile widil of
lei iooil?
linl ile iouge-plasieied Al Lian lools
ouilandisl? Well, ile following beauiy
piaciices ilai iange fiomwacly io goiy
will leaveileneaiesiTwiigagging speciaculaily
in all lei powdeied gloiy. Famous Tlai necl
iings and Clinese fooi binds aside, leie aie
a landful of lessei-lnown culiuial beauiy
piaciices ilai luii.
i. Tle Afiican lip discs: Woin by women only
duiing special occasions, ile oinamenial lip
discs leave slaclened, saggy lips io lang and
sway ianializingly. Tlis piaciice iales ile sexy
poui io a wlole new level.
Tle HeadBindeis Because noiling spells
genius lile a luge iiiegulailyslaped
cianium. TleAncienipeopleof NoiilAmeiica,
Egypi and ile Maya adopied ile piaciice of
using binding iools on newboin babies' slulls
foi a peiiod of six monils Tle eeci aclieved
was ilougli io be aesileiically pleasing,
giving ile impiession of supeiioi inielligence.
Nexi up, we lave a compilaiion of lasi season's
lools ilai aie a iad moie conveniional, bui as
io wleilei ile ends iusiify ile means.
. Ancieni People and Animal Riglis (wlicl
foiiunaiely foi ilemweie non-exisieni ilen):
Tle Egypiians applied animal fai fiom lions,
lippopoiamus, ciocodiles, cais, snales and
mouniain goais io ileii scalps io pieveni
baldness. Tley also used sleep fai and blood
foi nail polisl and cooled mice in oil foi
coveiing upgiaying laii. Alieinaiively, ancieni
Iianian women used lenna, wlicl coniained
ciusled iadpoles mixed wiil ile blood of
blacl cows, amongsi oilei ingiedienis.
Yei befoie we siaii io ilinl ilai we lave
dieiing siandaids of eelyness fiom oui
ancesiois, peilaps ii's iusi a maiiei of wlai we
don'i lnow. Today's maleup pioducis aciually
coniain seveial ingiedienis ilai we wouldn'i
ilinl iwice aboui dumping in ile bin.

Wasie cooling oil fiom fasi food iesiauianis
is found io lave iegeneiaiive piopeiiies. Good
applicaiion of ieduce, ieuse and iecycle if you
asl me. Cliclen bone maiiow is also used in
slin pioducis due io iis aniiinammaioiy
piopeiiies Bull semen is used io besiow upon
youi luscious locls an eileieal sline.
Human foieslin is cuiienily being used by
seveial cosmeiic companies. Google ii if you
ieally wani io lnow.
!"#$$#%& '(()*+, -#(-'# $#+.& $( %#/#*0# 1#$$#%&
$%#2$3#+$ *+& ,#+#%2'45 says Aislal a isi
yeai HSS siudeni, ciiing a siudy wlicl
found plysically aiiiaciive individuals ai
an advaniage, and moie lilely io ieceive
iob oeis ilan ileii less aiiiaciive peeis of
a similai abiliiy Beauiy acis as a funciion of
culiuie Culiuial inclinaiions iowaid a specic
aesileiic may diciaie a peison's cloice of
suigeiy. Today, ileie is a iendency io gloiify
a ceiiain aesileiic: ile ideal lool seems io
lave become disiincily Euiasian and doll-
lile. A quicl clecl on local foiums ieveals
an inclinaiion iowaids double eyelid suigeiy,
ilinoplasiy, and even cleelbone-ieduciion
suigeiy Tle lool biggei eyes a moie iened
nose, and a smallei face. Obsession wiil
aclieving ilis peiceived noiion of peifeciion
las led io ile exponeniial giowil of ile
cosmeiic suigeiy indusiiy in Asia.
Tlis giowil las seen ile iise of medical
iouiism in Asian couniiies. Couniiies sucl as
Tlailand and Koiea aie populai foi cosmeiic
pioceduies. Tlese individuals aie luied by
ile aiiiaciive cleapei piices and ile appeal
of iecupeiaiing away fiom lome in an exoiic
locaiion. Howevei, ilese cleapei pioceduies
ofien come wiil safeiy siandaids ilai aie
compiomised. Ceiiain locaiions aie moie
populai due io inuence of pop culiuie
(Koiean celebiiiies' appeaiances, foi example,
may lave become moie idealised, maling
ciiies lile Incleon and Seoul populai spois foi
cosmeiic suigeiy). Plasiic suigeiy las become
a luciaiive iiade, and is nowan indusiiy ilai is
liglly compeiiiive amongsi Asian couniiies.
Clina's Miss Plasiic pageani is peilaps a lini
ai ile move iowaids embiacing cosmeiic
suigeiy socially. Siudenis inieiviewed said
cosmeiic suigeiy is becoming common and
wlile iley doubied ilai mosi ileii age lave
undeigone suigeiy, iley do noi lave an issue
wiil ileii peeis undeigoing suigeiy if iley feli
ii was woiil ii
Is ii ieally accepied? Local celebiiiies accused
of suigeiy siill iend io be ciucied even ilose
wlolavedenied ileseallegaiions. Oileis wlo
iiy io emulaie ilose of a dieieni eilniciiy aie
similaily given a bad iep. Cosmeiic suigeiy
among Singapoieans las undoubiedly giown
in populaiiiy. Pages upon pages of online
foiumsieveal lundiedsof Singapoieanwomen
wlo aie consideiing oi wlo lave undeigone
dieieni pioceduies exclanging ieviews of
ile besi piaciiiioneis. Magazines ioday ofien
caiiy aiiicles infoiming ieadeis of populai
suigeiy clinics oveiseas and locally, wiil pages
dedicaied io specic suigeons liglligliing
ileii specialisaiions. Some magazines lisi
piices foi ile dieieni pioceduies and oei a
low-io guide on iecupeiaiion, wiil feaiuied
paclages available foi ilose wlo wani io
iecupeiaie in piivaie. Oilei magazines
available locally conceniiaie on ile indusiiy
wlolly Bacllasl fiom ile local public wlile
laislei on individuals ilai lave aclieved
celebiiiy siaius wiil ileii new lool, seems
minimal foi ilose wlo undeigo wlai iley
peisonally peiceive as minimal and 'coiieciive'
Suipiisingly, ilis disiinciion does noi exiend
inio oui own peisonal lives. Some siudenis
inieiviewed feel ilai iley will daie someone
wlo las lad plasiic suigeiy done, and a
numbei of ilem iesponded posiiively io ile
idea of daiing someone wlo las lad exiensive
woil done. NTU fieslman Iay, :i, ecloes ilis
seniimeni Impieiiy neuiial io ii
Maybellina, :o, a Communicaiion Siudies
undeigiaduaie agiees Iis ieally uniealisiic
io say ilai lools don'i maiiei. Plasiic suigeiy
iusi means ilai one feels infeiioi aboui lis
lools. Once ile opeiaiion is done, you can
only imagine ile lind of condence le migli
exude wlicl I ilinl is veiy appealing
Mosi siudenis inieivieweddidnoi obieci ioile
idea of ileii own fiiends undeigoing cosmeiic
woil, alilougl iley aie unlilely io encouiage
ii if iley feel ileie is no piaciical ieason io do
so. Howevei, iley did noi ieally iale up on ile
idea of clanging anyiling aboui ilemselves.
If my besi fiiend is ieally consideiing plasiic
suigeiy, slemusi lavelei ieasons. I will accepi
ii sle says bui I wouldni go foi ii Imlappy
wiil low I lool geneially, and even ilougl I
wisl I weie iallei, I don'i lave ile guis io go
iliougl ile pain
A numbei siaied ilai cosmeiic suigeiy would
be woiil ii if ii lad spillovei beneis wiil
incieased condence and selfimage being
ile iop piioiiiy If ii can boosi someones
condence signicanily Maybellina says
ilen I ilinl iis woiil ii
oi wlai used iobesolely iniledomainof
Hollywood peisonaliiies (ilinl Geoige
Clooney), plasiic suigeiy is easing iis way
inio oui socieiy - an alieinaiive io exeicise, a
soluiion io plysical aws and well simply
pui, ii's iusi a iab away fiom peifeciion, wlai
moie can anyone asl foi? (Money - because no
money no iab Bui ilais beside ile poini
BuibefoieI geislammedbysomedeniiionisi
lei me dene plasiic suigeiy foi ilis coniexi
foi ile sole puipose of beauiy and noiling
in ile liles of a necessaiy ieconsiiuciion as
would be iequiied foi someone wlo las been
iliougl a fieal accideni. Foi now, lei's iusi
siicl io oideiing a mosi ianialising sei of lips.
We've come a poini wleie we even leai of low
plasiic suigeiy las become biiilday gifis fiom
paienis io ileii ieenage lids. Tale also ile
Koiean Pop indusiiy foi example: People no
longei asl wlo undeiweni plasiic suigeiy
bui insiead wlo did noi Suiely we lave
enieied an age wleieby plasiic suigeiy is
Leis face ii Alilougl supeicial one cannoi
deny ilai plasiic suigeiy, if noi boicled, does
in faci give iise io a moie beauiiful populace
walling oui siieeis and seiiing oui leaiis
ablaze wiil ileii (and oui) piefeiied feaiuies
oi asseis. Wiil an incieased clance of seeing
ile liles of Angelina Iolie oi Biad Piii iieading
aiound Oiclaid Road, neiglbouiloods, oi
even oui veiy own coinei of Singapoie in
NTU lonesily wlais noi io lile Bui befoie
we gei alead of ouiselves and begin ieveiing
plasiic suigeons and ileii piaciice, lile eveiy
oilei iling, ileie aie iwo sides io a coin - and
even moie so foi someiling as coniioveisial as
man-made beauiy.
Despiie ile incieasing accepiance of plasiic
suigeiy inilis geneiaiion, ileieaiesiill people
wlo velemenily pioiesi againsi ilis supposed
deviaiion fiom moial values and violaiion of
naiuie, and ile poieniial iisls ii biings (seaicl
Tiiiy Tiiiy Bang Bang on youiube if youie
inieiesied). Noneileless, ilis siandpoini is
veiy mucl valid and undeisiandable because
we cannoi deny, plasiic suigeiy is indeed
ialing ovei ile woild one cliselled nose ai
a iime, wlicl may noi necessaiily be a good
Bui foi now move all else ovei Because even
if we don'i ioll oui ile ied caipei foi ii, you
lnowiley'ie going io cui oui someiling moie
impiessive and siiui ilemselves inio oui
civilizaiion anyway.
o wlai would be consideied ioo mucl
a mismaicl foi appioval? Egoisis in ile
public aie engineeied io expiess slocl oi
disdain Aliiuisis would ilen peilaps oei a
iedempiive cause foi ile couple: Ol, ile giil's
ieally lovely Ol sles saciiced a loi foi lim
Yei wly slould suipiise be evoled ai isi
glance and excuses made? Aie lools aciually a
faii indicaiion of iomaniic aniiy
Obviously, a good plysical appeaiance diaws
up a isi impiession pieiiily Given beauiys
appeal io lumans, we aie inclined io be moie
accommodaiing io good-looling people we
come acioss. Too, an aiiiaciive mien will
unwiiiingly exciie ile leaii - ai leasi a liiile.
Tlis exciiemeni ilen, peilaps iianslaies inio
a gauge of iomaniic compaiibiliiy, peilaps
subconsciously. Moie ofien ilan noi, we wani
oui oilei lalves io boil complemeni and
beiiei ouiselves. Having a good-looling oilei
lalf also seives as an ego-boosiei. Since, of
couise ile unspecied geneial assumpiion
is ilai one las io beai eiilei sucienily good
lools, oi some innaie qualiiy of goodness, io
qualify foi a good-looling paiinei. Peeis of
lessei ilougli would ilen guie ilai ileii
fiiend possesses some supeiioi iiaii, io lave
acquiied a plysically-aiiiaciive oilei lalf. So,
wiil ile uiiei of ile leaii lifiing of spiiiis
and appioval of peeis, could puisuing puiely
plysical beauiy in ile seaicl foi ile oilei lalf
possibly be ilai bad?
Suiely, ile ego elevaiion and peei admiiaiion
aie noi unwelcome. Howevei, io appieciaie
ilese spinos is one maiiei io delibeiaiely
seel ilem fiom a ielaiionslip is yei anoilei.
Seeling a good-looling oilei lalf io
complemeni one's peisonal image in iealiiy
speals a loi of ile seelei. Considei ilis:
low mucl selfcondence would a guy foi
insiance, possess if le las io inieniionally
nd an exiiemely pieiiy giil iusi io enlance
ile impiession ile woild foims on lim?
Alieinaiively, low insecuie musi ile guy
be feeling of limself, if le needs io boiiow
lis paiinei's facial iepuiaiion? Ineviiably,
wlen meie supeicial lools foim ile basis
of aiiiaciion, boil ile seelei and ile sougli
would be demeaned - ile seelei by ievelaiion
of an insecuie claiaciei, ile sougli by
suggesiion ilai no subsiance exisis in lei oi
lim, in a foimdeepei ilan ile slin.
Wlai aboui claiisma and claim of
peisonaliiy commonly denoied as innei
beauiy ilen A iened demeanoui elegance
of mannei, eloquence of expiession, depil
of coniemplaiion, peisonal siyle, cleeiful
condence sinceiiiy of soul and waimil of
claiaciei.undeniably, ilese aie absiiaci,
iniangible noiions Yei io ile iniangible
inielleciual and emoiional coies in lumans,
ilese iecondiie seniimenis amalgamaie and
iianslaie inioadeepei conneciionof aiiiaciion
- a conneciion ilai eliciis a genuine desiie
io lnow moie aboui and caie foi a peison, a
conneciion ilai evoles ile peicepiion ilai
you wani lis oi lei piesence in youi life foi a
long iime io come.
Imagine ilis (ialing ile vaniage poini of a giil
ilis iime): He lnows youi exaci iasie in music
afiei lisiening io iwo of youi favouiiie songs,
and ilen iniioduces a medley of oilei songs
le lnows would simply blow youi mind away.
He undeisiands exacily ile iype of movies
you would enioy, and goes io download ii
so you boil can caicl ile lm iogeilei He
compielends and iuminaies youi opinions
wiil you. He bioadens youi loiizon by
iniioducing a wlole new dimension io ile
landscape ilai lad pieviously mailed youi
exisience. He de-cluiieis youi mind wlenyoui
ilouglis aie in a uiiei Tlese aie mailings of
a soul maie - mailings ilai plysical beauiy
can nevei compensaie foi noi imiiaie.
Genuine aiiiaciion ilai edies boil leaii and
mind is uliimaiely noi found in supeicialiiy
Supeicial beauiy alone saiises meiely
ile lusi of ile eyes, and is disioinied fiom
ile giaiicaiion of lumanlinds inleieni
emoiional and menial capaciiies. Lools alone
inniiely cannoi compensaie foi ile deepei
conneciion and bliss ilai only a condanie of
ile soul can biing. And leie is ile beauiy of
aiiiaciion - claim ilai deliglis beyond meie
plysical senses.
Wacky, Eeky, Beautiful?
!"#$%& ()#*%+*", -.'%/" (#,% 0#& ,""01+2#))" #3-45,+6" 7/#% 7" /#8"
todav But av w anv divnt in ouv puvsuit oI bautv
9",%/"%+* !"#$%& +4 # :#%+-
Plastic Perfection: Yay or Nay?
;-*+"%& ,""0, %- /#8" 1"*-0" +4*)"#,+453& -("4 %-7#)6, %/" +6"# -.'
(3#,%+* ,$)5")& <#4 +4*)"#,+45 4$01") -.' ("-(3" ,"" +% #, *-))"*%+8"
#46 4"*",,#)& )#%/") %/#4 #, #4 +46$35"4*"= 6",(+%" %/" 0"6+*#3 )+,>,
invo!vd with suh pvoduvs W ask is it wovth th pain
Madonna, who smiles beautifully, despite having gap teeth
Heidi Montag, famously known for her addiction to plastic surgery. Did she really need it? (Left: Before; Right: After)
Beauty - Made to Order
?"#)%, #)" (#3(+%#%+45 <'#% 1-%/ "46, -.'%/" ,-*+#3 ,("*%)$0@ A3#,%+*
,$)5")& /#, 5-% $, /"#%"6 $(= 7/"%/") -) 4-% &-$B)" #4 #68-*#%" .-) %/"
#*% -.'0#4C0#6" 1"#$%&@
"Leah Jolene
The Beauty of Attraction
Eds Note
"Yan Sin
October | issue#02 October | issue#02 05 04
Fashi o
"#$%&&'()*+( ,-% '(.#/+01&2 1&+3 456 +"
,-% ,"#'( 73#,8-'()*9%+9&% 1', ', +0, ,'&&*
BoonLayPioneei deniiely NTU lids
+(% 3+(:%"1 '.*1+/% )'"&1 8%&%;"#,% <#&&+3%%(
%$%"2 :#2 +.*,-% 2%#"=**<+3 #(2;+:2 /#(#)%1
io slap on leavy maleup especially foi ile
eyes in ile eaily moin is absoluiely
8+(.+0(:'()=**>+ 3-#, '1 %(+0)-?*
A famous plilosoplei once said Tle eyes
#"% ,-% ('99&%1 +.* ,-% .#8%@=* * !-%1% #"% 3'1%
woids I abide by as I woil on my own male
up Eye maleup is alin io a good bia youi
boobseyes aie supposed io lool nice iound
and suppoiied bui noi ioo big oi ioo small
Mosi of ile iime padded bias give away ile
1'A% +.* 1/#&&* ;++;1 /+"% +.,%( ,-#( (+"/#&*
sized ones So lile a good bia male up las
io enlance youi feaiuies and noi exaggeiaie
,-%/ ,++ /08-=* B2%&'(%" '1 #88%9,#;&% ;0, '(
modeiaiion Exaggeiaiion slould be saved foi
C(&2 :0"'()* <#&&+3%%( '1 ', #88%9,#;&% ,+ )+
ciazy wiil youi eye maleup One suie way io
is io siicl on a paii of faux lasles iusi doni
glue youi eyelids iogeilei Slu Uemuia is an
expeii in faux eyelasles oeiing a wide iange
+.*:"#/#,'8 %2%&#1-%1 3',- 10;1,#(,'#&*D0#&',2
and coloui Tle Tolyo Lasl Bai s Neo
Tolyo Odyssey colleciion also caiiies a wide
iange of glimmeiing exiiavagani lasles ilai
#"% '(19'"%: ;2 19#8% #(: ,"#$%&=*E( #::','+( ,+
fauxeyelasles simplifyileiesi of ile facewiil
almosi nude lipsiicl and maiie foundaiion
noi glossy oi gliiiei wlicl Edwaid Cullen
Keep laii neai and fussfiee wiil less diamaiic
fiinges io avoid disiiaciing aiieniion fiom
ile eyes Wlen planning oui youi male
up cooidinaie youi maleup wiil ile
colouipaiieinpiinis on youi ouii Wlen
puiclasing youi falsies ensuie iley aie of
good qualiiy you wouldni wani a siiay lasl
falling o and siabbing you in ile eye in ile
middle of ile nigli oi weal glue ilai would
noi lasi wiil peispiiaiion fiom allnigli
dancing Tall io ile sales assisianis io gei
ile coiieci i foi youi eyes and if youie noi
lappy wiil ile lengil oi slape of ile lasles
1('9 #, ,-%/ 3',- # 9#'" +.* 1-#"9 18'11+"1=*
Faux eyelasles a male youi eyes lool laigei
ilan iley aie b add diama io youi ouii and
c aie easy io siicl on once you gei ile lang of
ii So foi lazy people lile me and you iley
save a loi of eoii fiom laving io siiicl on
ilose exiia deiails on youi cosiume and ilus
&%#$'()* 2+0 3',- /+"% ,'/% .+" %$%"2,-'()*
%&1%=* * F+ 8"#A2 +( ,-'1 +(% :#2G H(: .+" ,-%
iesi of ile yeai leep calm and caiiy on
!"##$%&'( *+(%, -#-%$%(. #$%&'( *+(%,
,%($/01)2)304 5/-+%
f one weie io exiiapolaie ilis io faslion
', 3+0&: 1,'&&* "'()* ,"0% '( 1+ /#(2 3#21=
Tlinl aboui ii ile mosi siylisl people aie
#&1+ /+"% +.,%( ,-#( (+, ,-% /+1, 0(+"')'(#&=*
I+0 1%% ,-% $%"2 8+(8%9, +.* +"')'(#&',2 -#1
collapsed undei ile buiden of ceniuiies
3+",- +.* ':%#1=* J-#, 8#( 3% 9+11';&2 8+/%
up wiil ilai lasni alieady been done befoie
E, #&&* ;+'&1 :+3( ,+ 1%/#(,'81K* +"')'(#&',2 '1
so ofien confused wiil noveliy In iodays
coniexi oiiginaliiy is no longei aboui iieading
0(8-#",%: ,%""',+"'%1 ;0, #;+0, 8+/;'('()*
exisiing ideas in new and inveniive ways
To pui ii in less uibane ieims ii is all aboui
siealing ideas fiom oileis and maling ilem
2+0" +3(=*
>'(8% 1,%#&'()*':%#1 ."+/ +,-%"1 '1 #&&*,-%"% '1
lefi io do wly noi do ii wiil a ciggiepoo in
2+0" /+0,-#(: # -%#",2 :+1% +.*(+(8-#&#(8%?*
Iis all a simple game of quid pio quo if you
doni iell on me Ill do ile same Wlai beiiei
3#2 ,+ 8%&%;"#,% ,-% #", +.* 1,%#&'()* ,-#( ;2
diawing inspiiaiion euplemism aleii fiom
1+/% +.*,-% /+1, 1,2&'1- /#&% 8%&%;1?
* !-'1 8+0&: 8+/% '( -#(:2 %19%8'#&&2 1'(8%
<#&&+3%%( '1 #"+0(: ,-% 8+"(%" #(: /+1, +.*
you aie piobably exing some seiious biain
muscles iiying io pui iogeilei a deceni gei
09 .+" 1+/% 1-'(:')* +" +,-%"=* J-'&% +,-%"1
aie busy iiying io iaiclei up ile spool facioi
wiil ions of face paini you could go againsi
,-% )"#'( #(: :"%11 09 #1 # /#&% /+:%&* +" #
Now ilais oiiginalisl
6&7( 8+''$//
89+: Topmale model moie famously lnown
as Kelly Osbouines iioply boyfiiend
39( /++7; MMOD male model o duiy
<+= %+ >(% %9( /++7; !-% L=L=C=M* 1,2&% '1
a melange of uiban cool and playful liiscl
E, '1 #&1+ 1+/%3-#, 18-'A+9-"%('8 '( ',1
inieniions ii is aboui noi ialing faslion ioo
seiiously bui iis also aboui leiiing ile wlole
woild lnow ilai youie a model oi ai ile veiy
leasi model maieiial Iis up io you io nd
ilai pioveibial ne line beiween insouciance
and aiieniiongiabbing To aclieve ilis lool
paii up cloiles fiom liglend siieei labels
108- #1 !+9/#( #(: H/%"'8#( H99#"%&* 3',-
cleap viniage nds ilinl Salvaiion Aimy A
iypical ouii consisis of a piinied iee slinny
ieans and a fedoia lai Since being a model
is all aboui celebiaiing ile luman bodyoi
iailei downplaying iis awsii would also
male sense io pui as mucl of ii on display as
possible So go alead and weai ianl iops io
auni ilose biceps bui male suie youi oveiall
lool is siill slaip enougl io impiess
?&/(, @( A$'%-B+
89+: One lalf of indiepop gioup Tle Ting
39( /++7; MOD musician o duiy
<+= %+ >(% %9( /++7; Ii is all aboui looling
slaip bui sliglily ialisl ai ile same iime
ilinl of a moie polisled veision of sciuy
clic wlicl is ieseived foi musicians lellbeni
on iemaining indie Paii a wellcui leailei
iacleiif youie on a budgei a PVCone will do
wiil a deceni iop and paii of snealeis A paii
of RayBans is also insiiumenial io compleie
ile lool Foi maximum eeci weai ilem
'(:++"1 #, (')-, ,+ :'1,'()0'1- 2+0"1%&.* ."+/
,-% /01'8#&&2 :'1'(8&'(%: -+' 9+&&+'=* N0, .+"
people lile me wlo cani sing io save oui lives
oi iell ile dieience beiween an F cloid and a
C well iusi lave io seiile foi looling lile ieally
-+, 8-#"&#,#(1=
89+: One lalf of liplop duo Ouilasi
39( /++7; OOTT oveioveiileiop
<+= %+ >(% %9( /++7; Pulling o ilis lool
'1 (+,-'()* 1-+", +.* 8-#&&%()'()=* E, "%D0'"%1
one io give cauiion an exiiemely wide beiil
2%, "%/#'( 3',-'( ,-% 9#"#/%,%"1 +.* )++:
iasie you doni wani people io wondei if you
diess in ile dail So lnocl youiself and
ile compeiiiion oui wiil an ecleciic mix of
clasling piinis and colouis and iop ii all o
3',- +0,&#(:'1- #88%11+"'%1 108- #1 9"'(,%:
socls and gaiisl iings If youie woiiied aboui
iniciing iiiepaiable opiical damage on ile
people aiound you neuiialise ile lool wiil a
plain paii of sloes oi ieans
BOYS NOISE: Mature Fashionistas Steal
Bright-Eyed, Bushy Tailed
"Lester "Sophie B.
uie ai Halloweenyou wani io lool pieiiy
scaiy bui if you diessup looling iusi
downiigli ugly you migli even succeed
in scaiing o ile supeinaiuial Tleiefoie
DIY foi ilis monil will be aboui cieaiing
iealisiic looling biuises and waiis Afiei all if
you aie siill adamani aboui looling ieiiifying
ilis yeai you migli as well do a good iob of ii
Youll need
Deep blue Smoly giay Blue Sliny olive
)"%%( %2% 1-#:+31
Loose powdei
Siaii wiil a bloi of deep blue eye sladow
#99&'%: 3',- # 3%, ;"01-=
Use youi ngeiiips io add daubs of smoly
)"#2 #(: ;&0% 1-#:+31=*
Finisl ile edges wiil sliny olive gieen
Smudge ile biuise and dusi wiil an ambei
fiosi iiy gold foi iaundiced liglliglis
Blend ii all in wiil a small biusl and dusi
liglily using a iegulai complexion powdei
eia Wang lad ii iigli wlen sle said
Faslion oeis no gieaiei clallenge
ilan nding wlai woils foi nigli
wiiloui looling lile you aie weaiing a
8+1,0/%=@ J% "#"%&2 (%%: # "%#1+( ,+ 9#",2 ;0,
wiil Halloween ai ile end of Ociobei we now
(+, +(&2 -#$% # "%#1+(,+ ;++)'% ,-% (')-, #3#2
;0, #&1+ +(% ,+ :"%11 09 '( # 1/+")#1;+": +.*
cloiling opiions HeieaiTiends I aclnowledge
ile leid menialiiy lowevei I do noi condone
ii Tlis monils Tiends piesenis youwiil s
ReadyioWeai RTW colleciions wlicl you
/#2 :"#3 '(19'"#,'+( ."+/ .+" ,-% +(% (')-,
of scaiefesi
!-% .#1-'+( 3+"&: "')-, (+3 '1 #;+0, .01'()*
liglfaslion lools wiil pieces ilai aie
compleiely individualized Moie ilan evei
ile laiesi iunway slows and faslionfoiwaid
individuals lave mega inuence in cosiume
iiends and as always ile yeais bloclbusieis
and ouilandisl pop guies siiongly inuence
8+1,0/% ,"%(:1=* !-'1 2%#" 3% -#$% O+-((2
Depps MadHaiiei ileNavi of AvaiaiandLady
Gagas acquiied sense of siyle io emulaie
Unless you lave a ion of blue body paini lying
aiound I doni iecommend a diieci copy of an
Avaiai lowevei we can siill boiiow fiom iis
sci inuence and iale a leaf oui of Gaieil
Pugls RTWcolleciion Insiead of ile all
wliieensembles ilai Puglfeaiuied onecould
do an all blue ouii Wlen going wiil sucl a
seveie ouii cloice less is indeed moie leep
laii and maleup simple almosi clinical and
youd pass o as a clic veision of ile Navi
In Yolii Yamamoios RTW ileie aie
ieminiscence of Iolnny Depps Mad Haiiei
wild laii dail and ecceniiic piinis coupled
wiilaioplai Howevei unlileileMadHaiiei
ile piinis aie lepi io one piece and ile iesi of
ile ouii iemains muied Tle fabulous iling
#;+0, ,-'1 3+0&: ;% ,-#, 2+0 8#( ;02 +(% (%3
iiem foi weaiing and compleie ii wiil mosi
+.* 3-#, 2+0 #&"%#:2 -#$% '( 2+0" 8&+1%,=* H(2
"%#1+( .+" 1-+99'()*"%#&&2=
Wlen cloosing a Halloween cosiume one is
ieally spoili foi cloice fiom classic cloices
lile wiicles and Maivel caiioon claiacieis
io new sclool cosiumes ile liles of ile Navi
#(: <#""2 P+,,%" 8-#"#8,%"1=* !-% 8-#&&%()%
is noi in ile cloices available bui in maling
,-% "')-, 8-+'8%=*<#&&+3%%( 8+1,0/'()*'1 # QR*
billion business so leis noi monley aiound
3-%( 8-++1'()* 3-#, ,+ 3%#" .+" <#&&+3%%(
,-'1 2%#"=
H9+%+>'$*9, I+&'%(,J +K)49& L(#&'$ faux eyelasles lave io be accompanied wiil nude lipsiicl and maiie
foundaiion Howevei addiiional deiails sucl as accompanying oiange lines below ile lids foi ile oiange faux eyelasles
oi diamaiic masllile maleup foi ile ones wiil gold accenis can be added io liven up ile Halloween cosiumey feel of
youi lool
06 October | issue#02 October | issue#02 07
Youll need
Wlole peppeicoins wliie oi blacl
Coin syiup oi eyelasl glue
Haii biisiles fioma painibiusl oi oui of youi
-#'" ;"01-
Nonioxic waieicolouis Opiional
Glue peppeicoins io youi lands oi face using
8+"( 12"09 +" %2%&#1- )&0%=*
Hold ilem in place uniil ile glue oi syiup is
Dip one end of ile laiis in ile glue oi syiup
and aiiacl io ile peppeicoin giving ilem
ilai laiiy lool
Use painis io coloui ilem cieepy lile gieen
.+" 3',8-%1=
Remembei if you musi lool ugly ilis
Halloween abide by Tyia Banls famous line
Iis all aboui looling PRETTY ugly
!"#$%&' (#' "#)*+,' -.)//' .0' 1))+2' 3$4) .)
-(.)+5$67 7((8'+( )*+9:
iil evei incieasing vaiiaiions of
digesiible iieais, disceining guesis
aie no longei enclanied by mass
pioduced, boiing candies of yesieiyeai. Bui
fiei noi, foi leie aie some idioi-pioof iecipes
you can wlip up foi youi spooly ends soiiy
I meani fiiends, wiiloui enlisiing ile lelp
of Heimione Giangei. Wiil sucl iieais, you
could easily be ile dailing of ilis gloulisl
!"#$%"&'()$*+", -.%%$/./0
(Souice: liip:]]
Olay ilis ain'i exacily scaiy, bui ile spiciness
will deniiely iemind ilem of lome loi and
i: cliclen diumeiies, slin on
i ieaspoon loslei sali, plus io iasie
Fieslly giound blacl peppei
slices sandwicl souidougl biead, ciusis
iiimmed, ioin inio pieces
i clove gailic, iouglly clopped
cup clopped fiesl aileaf paisley leaves
: scallions, gieen and wliie paii, clopped
: iablespoons unsalied buiiei, melied
i] cup loney musiaid
Hoi sauce, opiional
Pieleai ile oven io (=oF oi a conveciion
oven io (:=F.
Siand a diumeiie on iis wide end and,
lolding ile naiiow bone ai ile iop, use a
paiing lnife io pusl and sciape ile slin and
meai downwaid io expose ile bone and male
a plump "lollipop" of cliclen ai ile boiiom.
Repeai wiil ile iemaining diumeiies. Season
geneiously wiil sali and peppei and sei aside.
Pulse ile biead in a food piocessoi io male
coaise biead ciumbs, (aboui i: iimes). Add
ile gailic, paisley, scallions, i ieaspoon sali,
peppei, io iasie, and coniinue io pulse uniil
nely clopped bui noi a pasie Tiansfei ile
mixiuie ioa slallowbowl and ioss wiil melied
Biusl eacl diumeiie wiil some loney
musiaid Tlen piess and ioll eacl one in ile
biead ciumbs io coai. Aiiange ile diumeiies
(sianding up if you can) on a iacl sei ovei a
baling sleei. Roasi uniil cliclen is cooled
and ile biead ciumbs aie golden biown and
ciisp, :o io := minuies. Seive diumeiies loi
oi ai ioom iempeiaiuie wiil loi sauce, if
6.7804.," (..+$"0
(Souice: liip:]]])
A sweei ending io a lifeiime. Hold on, didn'i
ileii life alieady ended? Ol well, nobody will
iefuse ilese coolies anyway!
: iablespoons cocoa (oi cacao) nibs
6 iablespoons buiiei, sofiened
i]: cup sugai, plus exiia foi spiinlling
laige egg
i]: ieaspoon vanilla
cups allpuipose oui
i]: ieaspoon baling powdei
i]( ieaspoon sali
Melied semisweei oi biiieisweei clocolaie
Pieleai oven io (ooF. In a blendei, wliil
cocoa nibs uniil eacl is aboui ile size of a
giain of iice.
In ile laige bowl of an eleciiic mixei, beai
buiiei and i]: cup sugai uniil cieamy; beai in
egg and vanilla.
In anoilei bowl wlisl iogeilei oui baling
powdei, sali, and cocoa nibs; giadually add io
buiiei mixiuie, blending iloiouglly, io foim
a sofi dougl. Divide dougl inio iliids, covei
eacl poiiion iiglily wiil plasiic wiap, and
iefiigeiaie uniil imai leasi loui oi up io
On a ouied boaid ioll oui dougl a poiiion
ai a iime, io a iliclness of i]S in. (leep dougl
iefiigeiaied wlen noi in use). Wiil a slaip
lnife, cui oui in fiee-foim iombsione slapes
(aboui i i]: by in.; cui boiiom edges ai an
angle io male ilem easiei io pole inio ile
pois de cieme), and place sliglily apaii on
ungieased baling sleeis. Spiinlle geneiously
wiil sugai.
Bale coolies uniil edges aie liglily biowned,
aboui io minuies Tiansfei io iacls and lei
cool compleiely befoie landling.
Using a pasiiy bag wiil a veiy ne iip pipe
ile leiieis "RIP" in clocolaie on ai leasi S of
ile coolies. Siicl ilese coolies inio ile Dail
Clocolaie Giaveyaid Pois de Cieme and seive
ile iesi of ile coolies alongside.
9$4*)"0:';$,2"30 $, <=,&=2"0
(Souice: liip:]]])
Pu pasiiy and cocliail sausages Pop ilem
iigli in! Consideiing ile condiiions of ileii
digesiive sysiems, ilis slould be iailei easy
i: oz. paclage cocliail-size fianlfuiieis
oz sleei fiozen pu pasiiy ilawed
i]( cup leiclup
Cui o incl diagonally fiom one end of
eacl loi dog io cieaie a ngeinail
Cui pu pasiiy inio inclbyincl
siiips. Wiap eacl loi dog in a piece of pasiiy,
oveilapping edges sliglily and leaving boil
ends visible Place ngeis seamside downon
a baling sleei. Fieeze foi i= minuies, oi covei
and fieeze foi up io i weel.
Pieleai oven io =F. Bale uniil pasiiy is
puedandgolden minuies Spieadleiclup
onio eacl ngeinail and seive loi
i's a dail and windy nigli, wiil pumplins,
wiicles and mummies decoiaiing ile
siieeis Tleie aie people diessed up in
scaiy cosiumes, going fiom louse io louse
caiiying bloody axes and.well, asling foi
sweeis and going io paiiies.
Tlinling aboui a iypical scene in ile Wesi
duiing Halloween's, one would naiuially
asl low aboui leie in Singapoie Tlis yeai
if you'ie looling foi some place unusual io
celebiaie ilis spooly yei fesiive season, wly
noi clecl oui 'Halloween Hoiiois' ai ile
Nigli Safaii?

'Halloween Hoiiois' is a special eveni leld by
ile Singapoie's Nigli Safaii eveiy Fiiday and
Saiuiday duiing ile monil of Ociobei and
on Halloween Day iiself. Opeiaiing fiompm
io midnigli, scaie aciois will be posiiioned
aiound ile safaii, waiiing foi a clance io iump
ai visiiois and maling suie ilai iley will noi
only gei io obseive ile nociuinal cieaiuies,
bui gei ile scaie of ileii life ai ile same iime.

Tle mosi famous aiiiaciion in ilis Halloween
eveni would be ile Tiain of Teiioi Tlis iide
veniuies inio ile deepesi and dailesi of
iouies iliougl ile iainfoiesi, so expeci ile
unexpecied! You won'i lnow wleie and wlen
a lungiy gloul migli spiing ai you, and I can
assuie you ilai ii will be one lell of a iide.
Some oilei ilings io clecl oui include ile
Tiail of ile Undead and ile Memoiies of
ile Depaiied, boil of wlicl will piovide
leaiisiopping expeiiences Tlis yeai ile
'Halloween Hoiiois' las even expanded
io some paiis of ile Singapoie Zoo,
iiansfoiming ii inio a 'Haunied Village'.
Also, wlai's a Halloween wiiloui food?
Visiiing ile 'Halloween Hoiiois' is noi
compleie wiiloui savoiing ileii Giuesome
Tieais Tle menu includes ilings lile
Goblin's Blood Mocliail, Bloody Pond
Beeiiooi Tomaio Soup Monsieis Hand
Slepleid's Pie, "Deail By Clocolaie"
Biownie Gloulisl Clocs Tle Devils Biew
Coee Tea and many moie

Male a iiip down io ile Nigli Safaii's
'Halloween Hoiiois' io expeiience a ieal
leaii-ilumping Halloween ilis yeai!
le Oliobeifesiiiadiiionoiiginaiedfiom
a loise iace eveni in iSio io celebiaie
ile maiiiage of Bavaiian Ciown Piince
Ludwig io ile Saxon-Hildbuiglausen Piincess
Tleiese Tle eveni was so successful ilai ii
was ienewed and became ile annual lallmail
eveni of Municl, Geimany.
Oiiginally a i6-day fesiival, ile Oliobeifesi
was modied io i ile Geiman ieunicaiion
- ile now i-day paiiy aiiiacis ovei 6 million
people eveiy yeai io Municl - and in ile spiiii
of ile fesiival, ievelleis consume aiound i.=
million gallons of beei, :oo,ooo paiis of poil
sausage, and (So,ooo spii-ioasied cliclens
eveiy yeai duiing ile iwo-weel exiiavaganza.
Acioss ile woild duiing Ociobei nowadays,
oilei ciiies gei inio ile Oliobeifesi spiiii ioo
and model ileii moie modesi celebiaiions
afiei ile one in Municl Tle Oliobeifesi of
:oio is consideied "ile lisioiical Oliobeifesi"
due io :oio mailing ile fesiival's :ooil
Past till
Paulaner Brauhaus
Ghoulish Recipes
Halloween Horrors @ Night Safari
"Daniel Hung
lilougl beei, sausages and loi babes
diessed in diindl aie commonly
associaied wiil modein day
Oliobeifesi, ilis Geiman fesiival ieally
siaiied oui as a public commemoiaiion of
Ciown Piince Ludwig and Piincess Tleiese of
Saxe-Hildbuiglausen's maiiiage on Ociobei
i:, iSio.
Tliougloui ile yeais ilis yeaiold
fesiival las slowly evolved io coniain wlai
we iemembei ii besi foi ioday: a wide aiiay of
Geiman sausages, ile famed poil lnuclles
and enilusiasiic cleeis of Piosi Toasi as
beei loveis down couniless mugs of beei all in
ile name of celebiaiion and fun.
Bioizeii Biei Bai 8 Resiauiani is one of ile
besi Geiman iesiauianis leie in Singapoie
wleie you can go io paiiale in ilis fesiiviiy.
"Bioizeii" - wiil "Bioi" being Geiman foi
biead and "Zeii" foi iime - iefeis io a cosy meal
complemenied by fiesl beei. Heie, you can
expeci iop qualiiy Geiman beeis (iley seive
ile widesi vaiieiy in Singapoie) and auileniic
Bavaiian cuisine.
Eveiybody lnows ilai a Geiman food faie
is noi compleie wiiloui Poil Knuclles, so
needless io say, Sclweinslaxe (s6), oi Poil
Knuclles as we lnowii, is ileall-iimefavouiiie
ai Bioizeii. Wiil an exiiemely ciispy exieiioi
and iuicy, iendei meai inside, ii is a peifeci
iepieseniaiion of good Geiman cuisine and
deniiely a musi iiy
As a Geiman beei place musi also lave
a social ambience Bioizeii oeis seveial
plaiieis ilai aie peifeci foi paiiies of iwo
oi moie. Wisielplaiie (Sausage Plaiiei,
s:.=o) is anoilei classic, musi-iiy signaiuie
Geiman disl. Expeci io savoui some auileniic
Geiman sausages sucl as ile Ninbeigei poil
biaiwuisi, mini poil-beef cleese sausages
and weisswuisi sausages wiil saueiliaui, and
musiaid of couise.
So, if you'ie ilinling of visiiing Bioizeii duiing
ile Oliobeifesi weelend, do iiy ileii special
Oliobeifesi plaiiei and indulge in some
iop-iasiing Paulanei Oliobeifesi Biei ilai's
specially impoiied fiomMunicl Geimany.
As an added bonus, live Geiman band Die
Paulanei Musilanien will also be ileie io leep
you and youi fiiends enieiiained!
Moie infoimaiion on ile Oliobeifesi
Ociobei :S-:o, 6pm-i:am, Ociobei o-i
Ociobei, i:-iipm
Bioizeii Geiman Biei Bai 8 Resiauiani
i Haibouifioni Wall, =oi-i(o]-i=i, VivoCiiy.
Call 6:: SSi= foi ieseivaiions.
"Naiuial, lonesi, Bavaiian" is wlai Paulanei
Biaulaus sweais by, and indeed, ii does live
up io iis piomise Occupying iliee oois ii
impiesses wiil iis vasi, wooden inieiioi and a
waim, inviiing aimospleieof aiypical Geiman
biew louse. In ile spiiii of Oliobeifesi, we
iool ile oppoiiuniiy io iiy ileii auileniic
Bavaiian food.
Upon enieiing Paulanei Biaulaus, I noiiced
ile lively aimospleie lled wiil ile claiiei
of mosily expaiiiaies and coipoiaie woileis.
Foi ile main, I oideied ile special, an
"Oliobeifesi"-siyle giilled cliclen seived
wiil sauieed poiaioes and seasonal vegeiables
Tlecliclenwas deliciously iendei wlile
ile sauieed poiaioes weie ciispy on ile edges.
Afiiend oideied analliime classic Tle Ciispy
Poil Knuclle wiil Saueiliaui and Biead
Dumpling (s6). As wiil mosi of ile main
disles, ile poiiions weie geneious and peifeci
foi slaiing Tle poil lnuclle was succuleni
and complemenied ile ilicl ciispy slin
wiil cusly fais beneail. Howevei, ile biead
dumpling did noi faie well wiilanodd iexiuie
wlile ile saueiliaui was aveiage iasiing and
lacled biie.
Accompanying oui Bavaiian goige-fesi weie
ile Oliobeifesi bieis Tlese weie
fioily, a iad sweei, bui oileiwise, noiling
To compleie ile meal we iiied ileii classic
desseii: Apple Siiudel, seived wiil Vanilla
Ice cieam Tle ciusi was sofi bui noi
ioo ciumbly. Iis clewy iexiuie and buiieiy
undeiiones mixed well wiil ile sweei iasie
of ile apple lling and sauce Tle siiudel was
seived waim, peifecily laimonizing wiil ile
ice cieam. Foi apple siiudel loveis, ilis is one
desseii foi expeiiencing sleei, unadulieiaied
Tlis place is also gieai foi gioup gaileiings
Tle live band playing Geiman music adds
io ile ielaxing aimospleie and is infeciious
enieiiainmeni. Oveiall, ile dining expeiience
was pieiiy enioyable and woiil ile exoibiiani
piices foi us pooi univeisiiy siudenis. Clecl
oui ileii daily sei luncl specials (siS.oo ++),
ilai piomises good food ai aoidable piices
Paulanei Biaulaus pioves ilai ii doesn'i lave
io be Oliobeifesi eveiyday foi you io be able
io expeiience an auileniic, Geiman food fesi.
Paulanei Biaulaus
Raes Boulevaid
Millenia Wall =oi-oi =o:-oi =o-oi
Singapoie oo=o6
?/",$,2 ).530@
noon am Sunday io Tluisday
i: noon- : am, Fiiday, Saiuiday, eve of PH
Luncl i: noon -:. o pm, Monday io Fiiday,
excepi PH
Dinnei 6.o pm-io.o pm, daily
Geiman Sunday Biuncl ii.o am-:.o pm Giils diess up in ile diindl, a iype of iiadiiional diess
consisiing of a bodice, blouse, full sliii and apion, duiing ile
October | issue#02 October | issue#02
GutSymmetries Food/Travel Food/Travel
08 09
f you'd alieady waicled ile iiailei of !"#
%&'(($ )*+*, you'd be foigiven foi laving
iolled youi eyes and ilougli, "Ii's going io
be one of ilose movies"excepi in ilis case,
ile iiiieness migli be inieniional, since ii was
iecenily ievealed ilai ile movie was, in faci,
a loax.
!"#%&'(($)*+* diieciedbyCaseyAecl follows
IoaquinPloenix's unexpeciedieiiiemeni fiom
aciing in :ooS and lis foiay inio a caieei as a
liplop aiiisi Suce io say Ploenixs caieei
clange didn'i go ovei all ilai well ilese pasi
iwo yeais. In faci, you could say ilai waicling
Ploenixs downwaid spiial was a liiile lile
waicling a iiainwieclas loiiible as ii was
you ,-.& /0-(12"& (003$45467
Afiei ile lmwas ieleased in ile Uniied Siaies
on i Sepiembei, iumouis siaiied io ciiculaie
ilai ileeniiieiling wassiaged, ilai ii waspuie
moclumeniaiy Wlile Casey Aecl iniiially
denied ilese allegaiions, le laiei admiiied io
ile 8*5$ 90+3$ :'#*. ilai !"# %&'(($ )*+* was a
ieiiic peifoimance ile peifoimance of
Ploenixs caieei
Accoiding io ile ;0. <2=*(*. :'#*., ile movie
coniains "moie male fionial nudiiy ilan you'd
nd in some gay poin lms and a siomacl
iuining sequence in wlicl someone feuding
wiil Ploenix defecaies on ile acioi wlile
le's asleep ", and depicis ile acioi "snoiiing
cocaine, oideiing call giils, laving oial sexwiil
a publicisi, iieaiing lis assisianis abusively
and iapping badly We aie lefi io guess wlo
was ieally involved in ilese acis - "I.P" (as
Ploenix is lnown in ile lm oi ile aciual
Ioaquin Ploenix.
Tle iuiy is siill oui on low mucl of ile lm
was ieal, despiie, oi iailei /0#>0-21*1 by
ile faci ilai Casey Aecl lad admiiied io
.0#* of ile scenes being siaged, wlicl could
imply ilai peilaps, Ploenix was aciually
doing diugs and call-giils, foi insiance.
Aecl may call ilis gonzolmmaling
fiomgonzo iouinalism a siyle of iouinalism
ilai emplasizes giiiiy iealism bui ile eecis
weie veiy iealall ile unsuspeciing public
piobably lnows of Ioaquin Ploenix nowis ile
disleveled, deluded iap siai wannabe ilai le's
been "playing" foi ile pasi iwo yeais.
Ciiiics and audiences lave been lefi wiil
a pleiloia of quesiions. Is ile movie a
documeniaiy, oi an elaboiaie piece of
peifoimance aii Ii males liiile sense ilai
Ploenix would cloose io desiioy lis caieei
in sucl a waywlai was le iiying io piove?
Was ii woiil iisling eveiyiling Wleie does
Ploenix go fiom leie, now ilai lis image
and caieei aie in iuins? Could ile ieal loax
be ilai ile Ioaquin poiiiayed in ile movie IS
ieal, and ile claim ilai mucl of ii was siaged
was ieally a iiicl io allow ile acioi io sled ile
consequences of ile misiales le las made
ovei ile pasi iwo yeais, and iecovei lis life?
Casey Aecl made lis lm oui io be a social
expeiimeni of soiis, a mediiaiion on socieiy's
He limself said We obsess aboui celebiiiies
We cieaie ilem build myils aiound ilem
and ilen luni ilemand desiioy ilem."
Ioaquin is no siiangei io ilis. His eldei
bioilei, Rivei, died of a diug oveidose in ioo.
Tle exiensive media coveiage of Rivei's deail
and ile iniiusion inio ile youngei Ploenix's
life almosi diove Ioaquin io wiildiaw
peimanenily fiom ile public eye. In wlicl
case, !"# %&'(($)*+* could be seen as an almosi
poignani, deeply peisonal pioieci involving an
issue close io Ploenix's leaii.
Even as a false documeniaiy, ile message !"#
%&'(($)*+* iiies io pusl acioss would piobably
be losi on ile audience Wlai ile audience
would be mosi focused on aie Ploenix's aniics
(and piobably ile disiiaciing, giainy qualiiy of
ile documeniaiysince ii was lmed puiely
on a landleld cameia wlicl would piove
ileduo's poini iniegaids iosocieiy's obsession
wiil celebiiiies, and celebiiiy-diiven scandals,
in paiiiculai Bui ilai feels lile giving ioo
mucl ciedii io Aecl and Ploenix
In iegaids io Ploenix's caieei, ii seems ilai
Hollywood is quicl io foigive Tle ;0. <2=*(*.
:'#*. las iepoiied ilai seveial pioduceis
lave been appioacled by Ploenix's agenis
in iegaids io ileii clieni's ieiuin io aciing.
Ploenix lad even been oeied seveial ioles in
movies lile Tle Raven and Tle Siiiei bui
iuined ilem down. Pioduceis aie waiy, bui
aie siill as lilely as evei io woil wiil lim
So, ai ile end of ile day, wlai was ile poini,
ieally, of !"# %&'(($ )*+*? Since ii lad been
declaied a loax, eveiyone involved emeiged
laigely unscailed; wiil ile message ii was
iiying io sell almosi falling ai on iis face So
wly did iley even aiiempi ilis expeiimeni in
ile isi place Well iis up io Ploenix and
Aecl io eveniually come clean wiil ile diiiy
liiiledeiails aboui ile movie. Inile meaniime,
if ii gives any comfoii we can ilinl of !"#
%&'(($ )*+* as one long piaciical iole wleie
ile puncl line wasn'i paiiiculaily good, bui ii
amused wlile ii lasied.
eiei Higlman Robeii Downey Ii is
an expeciani isiiime failei wlose
wifes due daie is a meie ve days away
As Peiei luiiies io caicl a igli lome fiom
Ailania io be ai lei side foi ile biiil, lis besi
inieniions go compleiely awiy wlen a clance
encouniei wiil aspiiing acioi Eilan Tiemblay
Zacl Galianalis geis Peiei banned fiomile
igli Tle iwo embail on a cioss couniiy ioad
iiip ilai will desiioy seveial cais, numeious
fiiendslips and Peiei's lasi neive.
Bui ilis movie is ieally all aboui ile casi. Tle
ploi could be someiling lame involving ilose
iwo men ialing iuins playing a Fiisbee wiil
ilai liiile wliie dog in ile posiei, and I would
siill wani io waicl ii. Tlose wlo lave seen Tle
Hangovei (Todd Plillips wlo diiecied ilai
movie also diiecis Due Daie will iecognize
Zacl Galianalis weiid beaidedfai guy and
biilliani comedic acioi. And Robeii Downey Ii.
well les Robeii Downey Ii nu said Tle
movie also siais Iulieiie Lewis and Iamie Foxx
If you aien'i alieady a fan of Zacl's, leie's a
piciuie of limposing foi Vaniiy Faii Isni ilis
guy awesome?
!"#!%&#'#(#%)#) *+,*+#-%).+/.0#-1#'
n a galaxy being swallowed by a blacl
lole iwo infanis fiomdieieni planeis aie
placed in escape pods and launcled inio
space by ileii paienis in ile dying momenis
of ileii woilds Tle pods nd ileii way io
eaiil, and land in Meiio Ciiy. One baby lands
in a beauiiful louse wiil a good family, and
giows up io be ile sieiling leio Meiio Man.
Tle oilei ciasles inio Meiio Ciiy Piison and
giows up io be Meiio Man's baby seal-leailei
booi weaiing nemesis, Megamind. Tle baiile
beiween good and evil iages uniil ile day
Megamind devises a plan wlicl nally allows
limiodefeai Meiio Man. Howevei, wlen ilai
nally lappens le is lii wiil ile iealisaiion
ilai lis life is fuiile wiiloui lis eieinal iival.
Tle iefeiences io ile DC Comics' iconic
supeileio in Megamind aie so blaiingly
obvious ilai ile movie is almosi lile a
paiody of Supeiman. By engaging wiil an
icon ilai is veiy mucl a paii of ile culiuial
consciousness, Hollywood is cleaily iiying io
subveii ile supeileio-villain paiadigm ilai
we lave giown used io. In faci, Megamind is
noi even ile isi example of a movie ilai siais
a supei villain, even if iis villain is ile mosi
poweiful yei. A ieceni example is Despicable
Me ile sioiy of Giu a supei villain wlo is
clanged by ile love of iliee innoceni liiile
giils wlomle lad planned on using in one of
lis evil sclemes. People seemio be embiacing
ile clange fiom iegulai leio-villain movies
waimly enougl foi Hollywood io be maling
moie caiioons siaiiing supei villains.
Megamind, full of wiiiy, comical dialogue
and cool animaiion, is well woiil waicling
especially in D if you aie looling foi a good
laugl and lile ile subveiied idea of ile bad
guy being ile main siai in a movie.
5#6%-*+7 '#(#%)#) *+ ,*+#-%) .+
/.0#-1#' 8'74
Fi lm
"Sher Li
"Sean "Karunya
Is Joaquin Phoenix Still Here?
$9:-;&*(( <#'#= : Could've fooled us, Ioaquin.
few monils ago, Diiecioi Cliisioplei
Nolans lm Incepiion inviied
millions of audiences woildwide io
clallenge ile concepi of iealiiy. Indeed, low
mucl of wlai we peiceive is ieal And io iale
ii one siep fuiilei, low mucl of wlai we see
in a lmis ieal
Peispeciives Film Fesiival piesenis a
seiies of lms wlicl will clallenge youi
deniiion of iealiiy onscieen ve lms ilai
bieal ile boundaiies of iealiiy and sioiy
ielling as we lnow ii Documeniaiy ciion
expeiimenial cinema ilese lms use bold
and unconveniional ieclniques io collapse
and meige iealiiy and ciion cieaiing wlole
newwoilds on scieen.
>%(&? @*&3 A%)3*' BCD#+*+6 E*(-F
Scledule: Nov Tluis pm
Nov Sai pm
Diiecioi - Aii Folman
Yeai - :ooS
Genie - Animaiion ]Documeniaiy ]Diama
Runiime - oomin
Language - Hebiew] Aiabic wiil Englisl
Raiing - R:i
Diiecioi Aii Folman iedenes iealism by
blending iwoconiiasiing genies- documeniaiy
and animaiion inioone Tle iesuli is ile isi
evei animaied feaiuie-lengil documeniaiy in
cinema lisioiy, ?4(&@ 5'&A B4.A'+7
Tle lm iells ile sioiy of Folmans own
expeiience as a soldiei in ile ioS: Lebanon
Wai Innovaiive slocling and iniense ile
lm iales audiences on a iouiney io ie
discovei Folmans violeni and iiaumaiic pasi
as a soldiei.
Winnei of muliiple awaids including ile Besi
Foieign Language Film in ile Golden Globes
Awaids ile lm displays ile loiiifying iiuil
belind wai in a nevei-befoie-seen ligli.
Scledule: Nov Fii pm
Nov Sai pm
Diiecioi - IiaZlangle
Yeai - :ooS
Genie - Diama
Runiime - ii:min
Language - Mandaiin wiil Englisl Subiiiles
Raiing - PG
Sei in ile ciiy of Clengdu, CD$E'&6 documenis
ile demoliiion of Facioiy io male space
foi modein apaiimenis and commeicial
buildings Tle lmdoes moie ilan indulge in
nosialgia; ii alsolends avoiceioilesuppiessed
individuals wlo aie gieaily aecied by ile
poliiical and economic clanges in :isi ceniuiy
Tlis may sound lile any oilei documeniaiy
bui Diiecioi IiaZlangle adds a special iwisi io
ii by laving ciional claiacieis inieiaci wiil
ieal-life people io cieaie a soii of oial lisioiy
wlicl examines ile eecis of globalizaiion in
a deeply peisonal mannei.
Gimme Sleliei
Scledule: Nov Sai pm
Diiecioi - Albeii and David Maysles,
Clailoiie Zweiin
Yeai - ioo
Genie - Documeniaiy]Music
Runiime - oimin
Language - Englisl
Raiing - NCi6
Foi all iocl and ioll fans oui ileie Gimme
Sleliei is a documeniaiy aboui Tle Rolling
Siones' live peifoimance ai ile io6o Aliamoni
Fiee Conceii wlicl culminaied in a membei
of ile audience geiiing siabbed io deail by a
membei of ile Hell's Angels -wlo weie liied
by ile Siones as secuiiiy.
Tlis lm is selfieexive ii slows ile Siones
ilemselves waicling and iesponding io ile
documeniaiy, giving ileii ilouglis on ile
iiagedy wlicl iley played a paii in causing.
Fooiage fiom ile lm was laiei used as couii
evidence in ile case iiying ile Hell's Angels
membei foi muidei. Tle siabbing was caugli
on cameia.
Scledule: Nov Sai pm
Diiecioi - Abbas Kiaiosiami
Yeai - :oo:
Genie - Documeniaiy]Diama
Runiime - Somin
Language - Peisian
Raiing - PG
:*2 is a simplisiic lmwlicl exploies complex
issues in Iianian socieiy. Simplisiic because
ii's sloi eniiiely in a cai wiil iwo cameias
aiiacled io ile daslboaid Tle lm opens
wiil an aigumeni beiween a divoiced Iianian
woman and lei son, wlo blames lei foi ile
divoice and accuses lei of being selsl As ile
lm piogiesses ile woman diives aiound ile
ciiy of Iian ialling io vaiious passengeis and
seaicling foi answeis aboui ile iole of women
in Iianian socieiy.
Wlai complicaies maiieis in ilis lm is ile
faci ilai Diiecioi Abbas Kiaiosiami casis
a ieallife moilei and son in ile lm and
allows vilemio impiovise on ile sciipi. In ile
leaied aigumeni, ii is impossible io iell wlicl
biis of dialogues weie impiovised and wlicl
biis weie sciipied maling ilis movie boidei
on iealiiy-ielevision.
:*2 iales a lool ai low women in a paiiisan
paiiiaiclal woild live and navigaie issues lile
ieligion, sex, family, and love.
Russian Ail Closing Film
Scledule: Nov Sun pm
Diiecioi - Alexandei Soluiov
Yeai - :oo:
Genie - DiamaFaniasyHisioiy
Runiime - o6min
Language - Russian
Raiing - PG
Tle pioduciionof Russian Ail in iiself alieady
iells an amazing sioiy boil ile diiecioi and
cinemaiogiaplei spole dieieni languages
and lad io communicaie iliougl a iianslaioi
wlile managing a casi of ovei :ooo people.
Fuiileimoie iley only lad one day io slooi
ile eniiie lm bui somelow iley managed ii
in foui iales
Oveicoming ilese seemingly impossible
baiiieis Diiecioi Alexandei Soluiov piesenis
Russian Ail uncui and uninieiiupied
minuies of claiacieis owing iliougl iooms
walizing aiound ile cameia and exploiing
Tle Winiei Palace of Russia
An anonymous naiiaioi exploies and wandeis
Tle Winiei Palace iliougl ile eyes of a
cameia, pioviding us wiil a view of ile iicl
andopuleni aicliieciuieof TleWiniei Palace
In addiiion, iime and space is also collapsed as
le las ile clance io inieiaci wiil claiacieis
lile Sialin and Caileiine ile Gieai
Russian Ail is moie ilan a ieclnological
biealiliougl in iiself iailei Soluiov
succeeds in pieseniing lis veision of iealiiy
someiling unbiolen uncui and unediied
Tle lmweni on io win ile Visions Awaid in
ile Toionio Inieinaiional Film Fesiival
and is ile isi evei singlesloi and unediied
feaiuie lengil lmin cinema lisioiy
So wlai aie you waiiing foi?
Peispeciives Film Fesiival will be leld
fiom :=il io :Sil Novembei :oio ai Tle
Aiis House Foi moie infoimaiion visii
wwwpeispeciiveslmfesiivalco m oi ile
Facebool page 3&&DGHH@@@4I%,#1..J4
, . -H D % 6 # ) H K# ' ) D # , & * 0 # ) L E * ( -L
Ticleis can be bougli ai wwwbyiessg
Perspectives Film Festival 2010
Breaking Through Reality
October | issue#02 October | issue#02 11 10
ST.LK3.U Foimeily lnown as Ioaquin Ploenix
Faced With a Dodos Conundrum
feel ilai lope is veiy naive. I feel ilai I
am also naive because I wani io clange
ile woild and I aciually ilinl I can. I
don'i mean I wani io clange eveiyiling in ile
woild ilai would be ieally diculi If I male
a dieience in one peisons life ilen ilais an
accomplislmeni iigli ileie.
Bui wly do we siill lope? Do people evei lope
ilai ilings will clange iigli now? Oi is ii iusi
iowaids iomoiiow ilai we'ie looling? I lind of
lope ilings will gei beiiei iigli now. I mean,
wly else do we gei up in ile moining? Despiie
all ile disappoinimenis ile woild lands us,
one afiei anoilei, we siill gei up and coniinue
moving foiwaid because lope dees all logic
Iusi lile love.
Olay. And if you wani io lnow low iiied
oui socieiy is, couni ile numbei of sleeping
people on ile MRT. I bei you will see ai leasi
ve Someiimes I sleep sianding up leaning
againsi ile pole.
And suddenly I'm asling myself ilese quesiions
again Suddenly Im ilinling aboui my life
again, ile big piciuie and me in ile woild.
Tiny liiile me Big luge woild Suddenly Im
feeling ilings again. I feel lile I don'i need io
be iold wlo noi io love foi dieieni ieasons
lile ilis and ilai - ieasons ilai defy MY logic:
"You'ie ioo young io lnow exacily wlai you'ie
feeling", "Nobody will iale you seiiously."

Remembei ilai TV slow Claimed? Remembei
ile ileme song, "I am luman and I need io be
loved iusi lile eveiybody else Yup So iale
ilai, love laieis and feai mongeis.
So I guess wlai Im iiying io say is doni give up
loping. Bui iale ilai lope and clange ii inio
aciion. Posiiive aciion, lile someiling ilai will
male ile woild beiiei, noi piomoie ignoiance
and disciiminaiion. And gei up in ile moining
and come io sclool because I wani io see youi
pieiiy face.
How is youi life iigli now? Have I accomplisled
anyiling since you've iead ilis?
Siais Clanges
"Haie ii wlen ii all siays ile same- caugli
beiween ilis cold and ile waves. My leaii
beais up, again."

Tle Siioles Wlai Evei Happened
"I said please don'i male ilis laidei, no
I won'i yei."

Biolen Social Scene Loveis Spii
"You lnow ii's iime. Tlai we giow old and
do some slii."
Vampiie Weelend I Tlinl Ui A Coniia
"You said 'nevei picl sides, nevei cloose
beiween iwo Well I iusi wanied you
Yeal Yeal Yeals Maps
Waii iley doni love you lile I love you
Mumfoid And Sons Tle Cave
"Bui I will lold on lope and I won'i lei you
clole on ile noose aiound youi necl. And
Ill nd siiengil in pain and I will clange
my ways. I'll lnow my name as ii's
called again"
Tle XX Sleliei
"And I'll cioss oceans, lile nevei befoie,
so you can feel ile way I feel ii ioo."
Tle Slins Ausiialia
"You'd be damned io be one of us giil
faced wiil a dodo's conundium - I feli
lile I could iusi y Bui noiling lappened
eveiy iime I iiied."
Tle Wliiesi Boy Alive Doni Give Up
Give me a ieason io siay consianily ignoied
(I don'i ilinl I can)"
New Oidei Ceiemony
Tlis is wly evenis unneive me Tley nd
ii all a dieieni sioiy

Tempei Tiap Soldiei On Big Ciiy Love
Aaii Remix
Soldiei on soldiei on leep youi leaii
close io ile giound."
Olleivil Rivei Losi Coasilines
And eveiy nigli nds us iocling and
iolling on waves wild and wide, well we
lave losi oui way, nobody's gonna say
ii ouiiigli. Iusi go la la la la la la la la la-"

Miile Snow Animal
"I clange slapes iusi io lide in ilis place
bui I'm siill, I'm siill an animal."
Tolyo Police Club Tessellaie
"Diie iimes call foi diie faces, so lovely
dancei, call and answei. Tiade oui places
in ile nigli- we'ie iunning baiefooi you
and I."

i=. Floience and ile Macline Rabbii Heaii
Raise ii Up
"I musi become a lion-leaiied giil, ieady
foi a gli befoie I male ile nal saciice
Placebo Speal In Tongues
"Don'i lei ilem lave ileii way, you'ie
so beauiiful and so blase"
"Helda Cadabra
3 10
October | issue#02 12
i c

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