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Complete Streets Institute (CSI)

Statutory Authority for Complete Streets In August, 2010, Michigan became the 14th state to adopt a Complete Streets policy. Implementation of this statewide policy will facilitate the creation of safe, livable, accessible streets that are planned, designed, and constructed for legal users of all ages and abilities. Streets are a defining characteristic of community, and Complete Streets are an integral piece of a communitys economic development and placemaking efforts, and can contribute to improved health, safety, access and mobility; reduce air pollution; and improve quality of life. Complete Streets Institute: A Need for Information
In response to the successful passage of the Complete Streets legislation, and increasing demand from interested communities and organizations, the Healthy Kids, Healthy Michigan (HKHM) Coalition, Michigan Department of Community Health (MDCH), and Michigan Trails and Greenways Alliance (MTGA) partnered to develop the Complete Streets Institute. The Complete Streets Institute is a comprehensive and standardized 5-module training program designed to increase awareness of complete streets principles, support local advocacy efforts, and provide practical, realistic instructions and techniques to help communities create, adopt, and implement Complete Streets policies and projects. The 5-module Complete Streets Institute training curriculum was designed to cover all aspects of Complete Streets, from introduction of the concept (Module 1) to design applications in your community (Module 5). You pick the modules YOUR community needs to move ahead with success.

What Do the Modules Cover?

Module 1 Overview and Introduction to Complete Streets. Defines Complete Streets and explains its importance, history, and benefits, as well as its relationship to other related topics. Module 2 Stakeholder Engagement. Introduces the various stakeholders of Complete Streets, explains how to work through a coalition to effect policy and projects, and provides messaging and communication tools and tips. Module 3 Influencing Policy. Covers the tools needed to assess a communitys readiness for Complete Streets policies and the steps needed to implement them. This module also defines and explains the policy-making processes and stakeholders including local government, planning, transportation systems and planning, and Complete Streets laws. Module 4 Planning and Regulatory Mechanisms. Explains policy implementation tools such as planning processes, policies, and regulations.

Module 5 Applications and Design. Explains the design elements and various treatments/applications used to accomplish Complete Streets policy implementation (sidewalks, bike paths, transit stops, road diets, etc.) through project design.

Lunchtime Webinar Series

A series of five, lunchtime webinars are being launched to deliver the Complete Streets message. These webinars are provided at no cost, occur primarily during the lunchhour, and their schedule is below. Day Wednesday Module Title Presenter(s) One Complete Brad Strader, LSL Planning Streets Norm Cox, The Greenway Collaborative Overview To Register for Module 1: Friday September 9, 12:00 Two Stakeholder Nancy Krupiarz, Michigan Trails and 2011 1:30 PM Engagement Greenways Alliance To Register for Module 2: Wednesday September 14, 12:00 Three Influencing Andrea Brown, Michigan Planning Association 2011 1:30 PM Policy Sherrin Hood, LSL Planning To Register for Module 3: Wednesday September 21, 12:00 Four Planning & Brad Strader, LSL Planning 2011 1:30 PM Regulations To Register for Module 4: Wednesday September 28, 12:00 Five Design & Norm Cox, The Greenway Collaborative 2011 1:30 PM Application To Register for Module 5: Space is limited. Reserve your Webinar seat now. After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the Webinar. All webinars will be recorded and archived at This site will also host the PDFs of the presentations and associated exercises and materials. System Requirements: PC-based attendees Required: Windows 7, Vista, XP or 2003 Server Macintosh-based attendees Required: Mac OS X 10.5 or newer Date September 7, 2011 Time 12:00 1:30 PM

Who Should Attend

Community health professionals, bike and trail advocates, disability rights advocates, professional community planners, engineers and designers, local government staff and officials, state agency professionals (MDOT, MDCH, MSHDA, others), school leaders, non-profits, and anyone with an interest in advancing Complete Streets in Michigan.

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