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Creating Quizzes in Moodle

You can create a quiz within Moodle, and Moodle also supports quizzes made with the external Hot Potatoes software. Moodle Quizzes ...................................................................................................... 1

Quiz settings .............................................................................................................................. 3 Building Your Quiz ..................................................................................................................... 4

Moodle Quizzes
1. Click the Turn Editing On button. 2. Click the down arrow beside Add an Activity and click Quiz.

3. Your Editing Quiz window will now open.

Quiz settings
Name your quiz Introduction - Enter a description (optional) Set the dates between which your quiz will be available (optional). If the quiz is to be unlimited, take out the ticks next to the dates. You have the opportunity to set a time limit for completion of the quiz. You can set the number of questions to appear on each page (in the case of a long quiz). Shuffle questions If you set this to Yes, questions will appear in a different order each time the quiz is accessed. Shuffle within questions If you set this to Yes, elements of the questions will be shuffled on each access (e.g. multiple choices will appear in a different order). Attempts allowed self-explanatory Each attempt builds on the last If set to Yes, a quiz can be completed over several attempts. If set to No, a fresh quiz will appear on each attempt. Grading method Can be set to score the quiz on the first attempt, the last attempt, the average or the highest. Adaptive mode If this is set to Yes, a student can immediately reattempt a question that s/he has answered incorrectly, incurring a penalty. Apply penalties This is relevant only if the quiz has been set to Adaptive Mode. Decimal digits in grades You can set how many decimal places you wish the grades to appear in. Students may review Here you can set what the students see at what stage of the quiz. Choose very carefully which ones to leave checked. For instance, you dont want a student to see the answers after his/her attempt and before the quiz is closed. Time delays self-explanatory Show quiz in a secure window If this is set to yes, a few extra security measures take place, in order to make it more difficult for students to copy and cheat. It is, however, not foolproof. Require network address leave blank. Group mode If you have set up groups within the course area, you can set quizzes to be done within those groups. Overall feedback Here you can set parameters at which students receive specific feedback. The first boundary is already there, 100%. You then need to add your feedback for this score. You can then set your own percentages and feedback to fill in the remaining boxes. Save changes.

Building Your Quiz

A new window will now open, where you can create your quiz questions.

Setting your questions

1. Select the category for your quiz. If your required category does not exist, you can add one, by clicking on Edit categories

2. Create a new question: Click on the down arrow to select the type of question that you wish to create

In the example below, I have selected Multiple Choice.

Multiple Choice Questions 1. 2. 3. 4. Name your question Ask your question Set the penalty factor for any wrong answers Enter general feedback (not essential). This is just to give some background or reason for the quiz. It does not reflect the students grade. In your settings you can set whether to display this to a student after the attempt or after the quiz has closed. Set one or multiple answers accepted Choice 1 10. Here you set the alternative answers, along with feedback for each of these answers, whether correct or incorrect. At the same time, you must set the grade to reflect the answer chosen. i.e. if only one answer is permitted, the grade for that answer must be 100% and the grades for any other answers must be 0%. If you ensure you set this up correctly, Moodle will mark accurately and record every students score. Feedback You can set feedback for each possible response (as above), or you can set general feedback for a correct and incorrect answer. Remember to Save Changes.

5. 6.



You will now return to the Editing Quiz screen, where you will now see your question stored.

You can create further questions similarly, and add them to this question bank.

Adding your questions to your quiz

Now simply either click on the << to the left of each question name, or select multiple questions by checking the box to the left of each question and then click All to quiz.

Your questions will now appear on the left-hand side of the screen.

Click Save Changes.

You can now use the tabs at the top to preview your quiz.

You can test-drive your quiz and make sure that your feedback appears correctly.

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