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1 Introduction: 1 đoạn

Body: 2 đoạn
2 Body 1: Advantage
Body 2: Disadvantage

3 Conclusion: 1 đoạn



1 Introduction: 1 đoạn

Body: 2 đoạn
2 Body 1: Cái nào chiếm ưu thế ít
Body 2: Cái chiếm ưu thế nhiều hơn

3 Conclusion: 1 đoạn

Dạng 1: Discuss the advantages and disadvantages (KHÔNG NÊU Ý

1. Introduction:
1.1. General statement:
 Nowadays,…
 It is increasingly clear that .....
 There is an irrefutable fact that…
1.2. Thesis statement
 It is also believed that ...... has its/ their own advantages and
 This essay will discuss the benefits and drawbacks of this trend
2. Body :
2.1. Paragraph 1: Viết về mặt tốt của vấn đề
 Câu topic sentence 1: 
 It can be said that ..... has some noteworthy positive effects.
 On the one hand, there are several reasons why N is beneficial
 Nói về ưu điểm 1: 
 The main/most important advantage/benefit of .... is that ....
 One evident strength is that it would.....  In other words,...
 Nói về ưu điểm 2: 
One/Another/An additional advantage of .... would be .... 

2.2. Paragraph 2: Viết về mặt xấu của vấn đề

 Câu topic sentence 2: 
 Despite these aforementioned benefits, several drawbacks do
 However, .... is not completely benefit, there are several negative
aspects that should be taken into consideration.
 On the other hand, there are a number of disadvantages of ……
that people should take into consideration
 Nói về khuyết điểm 1: 
 The main/most/serious disadvantage of ... is ...
 Nói về khuyết điểm 2: 
 One/An additional disadvantage of .... would be ....

3. Conclusion :
 In conclusion, it is worth considering that there are both advantage and
disadvantage of ...
 The benefits are .... while the obstacles are ....

Dạng 2: Discuss the advantages and disadvantages CÓ OUTWEIGH


 General statement: paraphrase lại đề bài

 It is a fact that ....

 This trend would introduce both pros and cons

Advantage > disadvantage

But I think that , the benefits of ….outweigh its drawbacks

Advantage < disadvantage

While this development may bring about some benefits, I would argue they are
eclipsed the drawbacks.

2. Body

Advantage > Disadvantage

  Topic sentence

Body 1 On the one hand, …..offers people several benefits

On the other hand, I am of the opinion that the aforementioned

advantages are at the expense of greater drawbacks.
Body 2
On the other hand, I argue that the advantages of this
trend/development would prove to be more important.

Advantage < Disadvantage

  Topic sentence

Body 1 When S + V, several problems can be anticipated.

In spite of the drawbacks mentioned above, I believe that ………. is a

Body 2
positive measure/ trend/ development

3. Conclusion

Advantage > disadvantage

In conclusion, while………may have some positive aspects, I believe they are
outweighed by the more significant negative aspects.
Advantage < disadvantage
In conclusion, it seems to me that the disadvantages of ……… are more
considerable than its advantages.

In conclusion, there are minus points to...... However, it seems to me

that its advantages would be more important regarding {điểm 1,2 & 3}.

Dạng 3: Positive Or Negative?

General statement: paraphrase lại đề bài

 It is a fact that ....

Thesis statement:
Thiên về một phía positive development:

 This development/ trend is positive thanks to the benefits which have

been brought to human life.
Thiên về một phía negative development:

 This development/ trend is negative due to the drawbacks which have

been brought to human life.
Cân bằng cả hai phía:

 This development/ trend has introduced both positive and negative

aspects because of the benefits and drawbacks which have been
brought to human life.
II. Body :
(Đối Với Quan Điểm Thiên Về Một Phía): 

Vì cả 2 paragraphs đều chỉ được ủng hộ 1 phía (positive hoặc negative) nên cách
brainstorm tốt nhất là tư duy theo góc độ và lĩnh vực.
 Đối với góc độ thì đó là người, đối tượng; tức là trend này positive đối với
ai, tầng lớp, thành phần nào. Các góc độ phổ biến nhất là:

     - individuals (cá nhân)           - families/ schools (gia đình & nhà trường)       
- governments (chính phủ)

 Đối với lĩnh vực thì phân tích là các điểm positive này đóng góp cho lĩnh
vực, ngành nghề nào. Các lĩnh vực phổ biến là:

     - economics (kinh tế)             - politics (chính trị)               - culture (văn hoá) 

- society (xã hội)

     - healthcare (y tế)                 - education (giáo dục)           - agriculture (nông


Bạn có thể phân bổ nội dung dàn bài như sau:

 Paragraph 1: Viết về những điểm positive/negative ở một góc

Cách 1: độ 1 (dùng song hành hay diễn dịch đều được)
Cả 2
 Câu topic sentence 1 giới thiệu khái quát: It is clear that ....
would bring about several advantages/ disadvantages regarding
h đều theo individuals.
góc độ  Nói về điểm 1: One evident strength/ weakness for each
person is that it would.....  In other words,...
 Nói về điểm 2: Another reason is that it would benefit/
 Nói về điểm 3: Last but not least,.....

Paragraph 2: Viết về những điểm positive/negative ở một góc độ

2 (dùng song hành hay diễn dịch đều được)

 Câu topic sentence 2 nêu quan điểm và giới thiệu khái

quát: Turning to another perspective, there are also many
benefits/ drawbacks that the governments could gain/ have to face
with because of this development/ trend.
 Nói về điểm 1: First,....... It means that ......
 Nói về điểm 2: Second,..... In particular, ......
 Nói về điểm 3: Finally,....... For example,...

  Paragraph 1: Viết về những điểm positive / negative ở một lĩnh

Cách 2: vực 1 (dùng song hành hay diễn dịch đều được)
Cả 2  Câu topic sentence 1 giới thiệu khái quát: It is clear that ....
paragrap would bring about several advantages/ disadvantages in terms of
h đều theo the economic aspect 
lĩnh vực  Nói về điểm 1: One evident strength/ weakness for each
person is that it would.....  In other words,...
 Nói về điểm 2: Another reason is that it would benefit/
 Nói về điểm 3: Last but not least,.....

Paragraph 2: Viết về những điểm positive/negative ở một lĩnh

vực 2 (dùng song hành hay diễn dịch đều được)

 Câu topic sentence 2 nêu quan điểm và giới thiệu khái

quát: Turning to education, there are also many benefits/
drawbacks that the educators could gain/ have to face with
because of this development/ trend.
 Nói về điểm 1: First,....... It means that ......
 Nói về điểm 2: Second,..... In particular, ......
 Nói về điểm 3: Finally,....... For example,...

  Paragraph 1: Viết về những điểm positive/negative ở các góc

Cách 3: độ (dùng song hành hay diễn dịch đều được)
 Câu topic sentence 1 giới thiệu khái quát: It is clear that ....
would bring about several advantages/ disadvantages for the
h theo góc whole society from each individual to the government.
độ, 1  Nói về điểm 1: One evident strength/ weakness for each
paragrap person is that it would.....  In other words,...
h theo  Nói về điểm 2: Another reason is that it would benefit/
lĩnh vực 
 Nói về điểm 3: Last but not least,.....

Paragraph 2: Viết về những điểm positive/negative ở các lĩnh

vực (dùng song hành hay diễn dịch đều được)

 Câu topic sentence 2 nêu quan điểm và giới thiệu khái

quát: In addition, this development/ trend will lead to benefits/
drawbacks in various areas/ spheres, especially economics,
politics and culture.
 Nói về điểm 1: First,....... It means that ......
 Nói về điểm 2: Second,..... In particular, ......
 Nói về điểm 3: Finally,....... For example,...

(lưu ý độ dài các paragraph nên tương đương nhau)

Body (Đối Với Quan Điểm Cân Bằng Cả Hai Phía): 

Viết giống như dạng 1 và lưu ý độ dài paragraph 1 phải tương đương
paragraph 2 để thể hiện sự công bằng đối với 2 khía cạnh.

Paragraph 1: Dùng cấu trúc song hành nêu ra các advantages/ benefits 

 Câu topic sentence 1 giới thiệu khái quát các ưu điểm: On the one hand, it
is clear that .... would bring about several advantages.
 Nói về ưu điểm 1: One evident strength is that it would.....  In other
 Nói về ưu điểm 2: Another reason is that it would help.....
 Nói về ưu điểm 3: Last but not least,.....

Paragraph 2: Dùng cấu trúc song hành nêu ra các disadvantages/ drawbacks

 Câu topic sentence 2 giới thiệu khái quát các khuyết điểm: On the other
hand, there are some obvious disadvantages that would arise.
 Nói về khuyết điểm 1: First,....... It means that ......
 Nói về khuyết điểm 2: Second,..... In particular, ......
 Nói về khuyết điểm 3: Finally,....... For example,...


Đối với quan điểm thiên lệch:

In conclusion, this development/ trend shows effects on positive/ negative side.

There are plus/ minus points regarding....   

Đối vối quan điểm cân bằng: viết giống Dạng 1.

In conclusion, this development/ trend shows effects on both sides whether it is

positive or negative. There are plus points to..... regarding {ưu điểm 1, 2 & 3}.
However, the downside would emerge consequently in terms of {khuyết điểm 1,
2 & 3}. 


In some countries young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year
between finishing high school and starting university studies.

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for young people who decided to do

Before embarking on college many young people are advised that a year
working or travelling may be a good option. This essay will suggest that saving
money is the biggest advantage of this and a reduced motivation to study is the
primary disadvantage.

Third level education is very expensive and lots of students decide to work for
12 months and save up money before they begin their studies. This allows them
to pay for their living costs, tuition fees and accommodation and focus on their
studies, rather than struggle financially or have to get a part time job on top of
their academic work. The Times recently reported that the average student at a
UK university requires over $12,000 per annum just to survive and many drop
out because they cannot afford to stay.

Despite these advantages, many students often get used to working or travelling
and don’t want to return to a life of study after a year off. This short term view
can cause some to bypass university altogether and go straight into a job that is
beneath their capabilities or may not offer the same prospects their future career
might have done. For instance, a recent survey by the British Government found
that 26% of students who take a gap-year never enter tertiary education.

In conclusion, taking a break from studies can be advantageous if it allows

people to gather up savings, however, they should also be careful that it does not
lead to disillusionment with education altogether.
BÀI 3 :

Some students work while studying. Discuss the advantages and

disadvantages of this trend and give your opinion?

There are lots of youngsters who work part time while they are still at school.
Working part-time early on helps students to gain real world experiences but this
also prevent them from getting involved in various extra-curricular activities at
school. This essay explores the advantages and disadvantages of working part

Working while in high school offers various advantages to the students. They
gain real world experiences very early on and learn how to manage the time
between work and school, which is a very important skill to master for future
successes. The exposure to the workplace helps them build their character and
discover their strengths. Working outside gives them an opportunity to meet
with various people and handle difficult circumstances.

On the flip side, there are an equal number of disadvantages to working part
time. Working part time means students have to manage both work and studies.
This may hurt their focus and affect their performance. For example, they might
have an important exam at school and a stressful situation at work
simultaneously. In such situations it becomes very hard to concentrate on either
of them. By contrast, a student who does not work part time is more likely to do
better in their exam. Students who work also regularly miss out on various extra-
curricular activities or playtime with friends. These can impact social bonding
with their peers.

To conclude, working while studying definitely has advantages that help

students to succeed in life; however, these children also miss out on a lot of
activities that their peers engage in. It is recommended that children should
understand both sides of the situation before choosing to work while they are
still at school.

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