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October 3-7, 2011

Weekly Class News

From the pre-k classroom of Ms. Jaysa

M Tu W Th Fr

what is a shadow?

can shadows dance?

observe our shadows outside

all about the letter Ee

experiment with shadow puppets

We had fun in class when we learned what a shadow is, dressed up for Tacky Day, learned that we can make our shadows dance, practiced cutting, dressed up for Tye-Dye Day, observed our shadows outside and traced them on the building, created a tree and shadow project, brainstormed words that begin with Ee, finished our bingo dot E mat, experimented with shadow puppets, ate popcorn and cotton candy, and continued our letter study with Ee, shape study with triangle, color study with orange, and our number study with 2. Song of the week: Edith the Elephant (Itsy, Bitsy Spider) Edith the elephant is extremely wise. She wakes up every morning just to exercise. She eats eggs for breakfast and enormous heaps of hay. And when she eats enough, she has energy to play.

next weeks news

Monday- Bring in 3 pictures of things that begin with letter Ff. Last day for tuition before a late fee is added. Tuesday- Chinese students visit. Wednesday is Science @ 10:05 am. Ms. Kims birthday!!! Thursday is Music @ 10:05 am and Pizza Day. Friday is Gymnastics 9:00 am, for those who signed up. Its not too late to sign up! See Mrs. Annie! Please take home naptime blankets and pillows on Friday to wash and return nice and clean on Monday. Dont forget to send in your Box Tops for Education and Campbells Labels for Education!


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