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Horror Still Analysis Image1: A person may have been kidnapped and isolated in a room.

om. The person seems to be tortured. The sunlight seems to bring a positive vibe to the room and therefore we can make assumptions of the possible horrifying night he had last night.

Image 2: The protagonist seems to have a mental disorder. Shes going through disturbing phase in life. The story may evolve around psychological issues. Girl in background may be the reason to her state of mind. Girl could be her illusion?

Image 3: The image seems to show a girl being dragged down. Protagonist trying to grab and get help from above. Helper may be a villain and may not want to offer help. Could lead to an enigma and literally a cliff hanger in the thought of whether shell survive or not.

Image 4: Vulnerable girl may have been trying to investigate something. She finally got to the address she was looking for. House seems spooky. Place is isolated. Shes wondering what her next step should be. She may encounter ghosts in the house.

Image 5: Protagonist seemed to have escaped an adventure. Chase of a serial killer. Shes now hiding in a dark room. The serial killer may be expecting her here. She believes shes safe here. Hand grabs her and she is caught.

Image 6: School girl returned to school for detention. Teacher was not there. Girl sees a monster in school. School child has been chased around an empty school. Finally she ran to the girls toilet. Monster follows her. Monster drops and begins to slide across the floor to grab her leg.

Image 7: Detective still in office in late night. Looking at pictures of suspects. Silent office. Sudden noise of something breaking. She looks out of her cabin. Suddenly a rapist appears and grabs her and pushes her into the cabin. The cabin door is shut.

Image 8: Early morning. Girl was sleeping. She wakes up with the feeling of someone strangling her in bed. No one is in the house except her. She gets up to freshen up thinking it was a nightmare. Bed starts to vigorously shake. She can feel someone squeezing the life out of her. She manages to escape into the bathroom and locks the door. Huffing and puffing, protagonist is crying as she sees the door knob turn rapidly. Door finally storms open. Enigma, cliff hanger.

Image 9: Boy was challenged to take on a life threatening adventure. Boy is trapped in a dark room. Camera is talking to him. Camera explaining his next horrific task. Door suddenly opens and millions of rats enter.

Image 10: Few friends are just returning home after clubbing. AS they are driving the car radio begins to automatically change channels. The gear begins to change. Soon car goes out of control. They are automatically driven to a cemetery in full speed. Car stops, girls quickly get out. Now one of the girls wants to see whos in the car as they see a black figure sitting in the driver seat. They go towards the car, when the car suddenly reverses back in high speed injuring all the girls.

Image 11: A girl enters a spooky house as she was expecting her friends to be there. She calls out to them but sees the door slam shut behind her. A hooded figure enters with a knife and brutally stabs the girl to death. The girl grabs his hood to reveal his face. After the incident, the he turns and grins. Finally the serial killer is revealed.

Image 12: A couple wandering the hotel the isolated hotel they signed in to. Suddenly strange noises began disturbing the couple. Soon after a psycho old man began chasing them around the hotel with a knife in his hand. They manage to escape into the cellar of the hotel. They suddenly here the voice of the psycho coming nearer and nearer.

Image 13: Girl is kidnapped and is injected with a sleeping pill. The victim gains consciousness and open her eye to see the man staring at her. She tries to scream but the man attacks her on the floor. She tries to slide back but man grabs her leg and inserts a metal dowelling down her chest. He leaves his initial in blood next to her on the floor and walks off.

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