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Medical protozoology

Class Characteristic Sarcomastigophora 1. Sarcodina - Move by pseudopodia -If flagella present, may restrict the development -Asexual reproduction (binary fission) 2. Mastigophora -Move by flagella -Asexual reproduction (binary fission) Sarcodina: Entamoeba histolytica Mastigophora: Blood and tissue flagellates (leishmania, trypanosomes), genito-urinary flagellates (trichomonas vaginalis), digestive tract flagellates (giardia lamblia) Apicomplexa -Posses an apical complex -Have both sexual (sporogony) and asexual reproduction (schizogony) -No definite organ for locomotion -Secretion of microemes and rhoptries facilitate the entry of parasite into the host -Have a complicated life cycle (due to having both sexual and asexual multiplication) that can occur in the same host or different hosts Plasmodia spp., Toxoplasma gondii, Isospora belli, Cryptosporidia Ciliophora -Move by cilia -Divide asexually (binary fission) and sometimes sexually (conjugation) -Posses contractile vacuoles


Balantidium coli

Created by Qosru Iskandariah

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