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The Lambadas: A Community Besieged

A study on the reinquishment or Wr.bada girl babies ill South Tebnpna

Bhangya Bhukya

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f'I'Iototrophs ; Bh>.n.t Bhuslwl

0...... " Detign: Pragati Art Prlnle....
~ III ; e-1'rinIw1. R.d Hi'" li)d. f : I. Ph: m.s969




CtflI..D WELl'AJUlo

"fONl:'.9: ]01$4661 (01
)4.!O1l1 (0) Enn.
I am very happy to know that the Department of Women Development
and Chltd Welfare In collaboration with UNICEF has commissioned a study to
analyze the Issues of gender d'fSParity and the status of the girl child in the
Lambada community.
The recent trends in the state with regard to a decline In sex ratio,
violence girls and women, and the low rate of literacy among women and
girls are areas or concem. The Government of Andhra Pradesh Is committed to
fulfilling the rights of an children and is seeking to ensure that the more
vulnerable sections of society including girls are able to access their rights to the
fullest extent
I am sure that !tlIs study will provide valuable insights Into the issues
affecting Lambada women and children. Many important facts are presented in
this report and the information gleaned by the researchers is insightful,
provocative and useful in de'..eloping meaningful policy responses. In
cooperation with voluntary organizations, community groups and others I am
sure that positive action will emerge based on the recommendations of this

(s.SARAsVlAnirf .

Dr. S. CHEl lAPPA, IAS,.

Oepartment 01 Women Developme
Child Wellare & Olsabled Wella,
A.P. Secretariat. Hyderabad 500 022
flJ; 3456852 (O}. 3450008 (Fax),
3545828 (RI
Dated; 14-12-2001.
I am happy to know that the Department of Women Development
and Child Welfare in collaboration with UNICEF has commissioned a
study on the status of the Girl Child in North Telengana with' a focus on
their relinquishment and sale. The study analyzes the multi-faceted
dimension of the problem and delves into the issues of gender
discrimination, vulnerability of lribal groups to the onslaught of
mainstream culture and the dismal conditions of basic services and
livelihoods leading to several negative factors that impact women and girls
including new born.
The Government is committed to fulfilling the Rights of the Child
as enshrined in the V.N. Convention and reiterated in the Vision 2020
The Department will undertake a systematic follow up of the
recommendations made available in the study.
This document is a timely and useful tool for infonnation on issues
affecting the Larnbada community and will evoke interests from the
academics, NGOs, other government departments and the Tribals
I thank the State Office of UNICEF, Hyderabad for the cooperation
and support, the Djrector of Women Development and Child Welfare, Ms.
Shalini Mishnl, for her relentless action and interest on this issue.
nice' @
nilM Children's Fund
865. Street No.19
Hydefabad500 029
Tel: 3225832/3225864
Cable : UNICEF Hyderabad
I am happy 10 OOle Ihat the Department ofWomcn ami Child Development Andhra
Pradesh. has commissioned this study 10 undertake an in-depth analysis ofsocio-
economIc "ariables, Cullurilllrcnds and practices that cOO1ributc "0 neglect, sale and
relinquisllmcm of girl children in some Lambada communities.
This sludy is an analysis and reflection orlhe various factors that Slifle lhe growth of
women and children in Ihe Lambada communities. These include a host ofcomplex and
illler.related variables: deleterious impact of mainstream culture, commcfcializ.alion of
adoption, dOIHY, poverty. and paucity ofbasic saeial services. This study"slrongly
recommends the implemcntation of an integrated time-bound development program
prei:eded by a community mobilization prngrnmrne lliat actively involves L.ambadas.
An array of sensitive issues are explored in this study. I fecI that the issues raised arc
done so in the spirit of cnsuring issues arc clearly articulated and that issues ofneglei:t,
sale and relinquishment addressed.
UNICEF is pleased that the Department of Women's Development and Child Welfare
commissioned this report and hope that, in co-ordination with othcrconcemed
departments. NCOs and the Lambada communities. that the issues raised will be
addressed in a long-term and sustainable manner. Community-based npproaches should
complement state-led initiatives to ensure that children arc raised in a safe and secure
home environment where children are not separated from their pnel1ts except when
competent authorities deem such separation in the best interests of the child.
[ would like to extend my thanks Mr. S.P. Singh, the then Secretary of Women and Child
Development. Ms Shalini Mislua. Director Womcm and Child Development, Ms.Gitll
Ram8Swamy and her colleagues for their uonlEllnll: enthusiasm and commitment, and
my colleague Ms Sudha Murali for her co-ordination efforts. I would also like to extend
my sincere appreciation to Mr. S. R. Sankaran IAS for graciously agreeing to head the
Advisory Committee and for guiding the process.
I am cenain that this report will not only evoke response but Ilso facilitate constlUCtive
action to the issues identified.
Wil1iam Thompson
State Representative
Elementary Education The Right of Every Child


. ,.

It Is Imponible to adequately thank all the people who made this document a
reality. and generous conuibutions We!"l! made by people who put
aside time [0 help us with contacting peopl". to discuss grey arus, I!ld to review
chapters, We thank the Lambada Hakkula MV Founlbtion and
CARPED for unnintingly putting their activists to wart. on the survey. and lwiddng
them up with support. We thank all chI) people we intO!l'Viewed who gave us so
much of their time. We thank S.R.Sankar.1ll, R.srivats3ll, K.lllah, M,Kodandaram.
Veena Shavughna. JayantJ. Jhurnur L and WiIliam Thompson for critical comments,
K.Anji Reddy who ,uide<! us through me mue of data entry and interpretation,
Narender of Pnpti Art Ptimers for the design and li.yout of the book, La.llma Iyer.
F.D.Vakll and M.Sashi Kumar for critical helpwlth data interpreation and comments.
Anveshi for a interaction of the Oepartmena of Tribal Welfare, and
Women and Child Welf.1re for senerously sharing inslghu with us,
Dechu Banerji for continuously answering our myriad queries with patience, and
$udha Murali of UNICEF who was illw:ays aVilililble for discussion 0111 through the
three monthL
Table or Contents
The twili&ht world 01 adoptian aaencin
What went wrorlI
How I..amtwW IM! - in the modem Stone Age
How does dowry work arTlOlll the umbadu
The politics of gender in Everycb)' Lambacb Ufe
Chanling cultural patterns
Ctw1Je is possible: The sliver Ilnlnt: on the dovd
What needs to be done
Q u u t i o n ~
Consolidated and district-wise rault of che sunoey
Map of d'le iIIJected MmdIb


At the 'iUYOUt5e[, it seemed Imporoln[, m..t the P' obIembe 'Iiewed from the Lamt>a.da. penpec:tiYe.
Vfewi"l it from the outSide would lo.e u. che ',mall vok..... from within the community thu could by bare the
compll!lritie:s old... problem. This _. P3rtiCU!arly SO as the reporu from the Ilfltfy toncenll1lted
on the fact of I..2mbadu 'cMn&:' lip or '.emog' their cl" babla, &I1d adoption a,encieJ the
cn.ns.J.ction. and uealinc blbles as commodities. If lamt>a.du we", cM"lup their bablel, we f!;,d to underst=d
why they were doing so IOOltutnpl' to uooenund thelr",tiorWe and coping . We pllnn'd to do
the .wdy from twO angles:
I. A survey of all women in the IS.SS years age croup In the four hith-lndder.u: MVldals 01 Bllbnigar
(MehboobNpr). Chandampec (NIIIOf'Ida), Peddemul and (Medik). The survC)'
would noc only uy to touch upon the Inclde!>ce of relinquishment of tin ,ncl
poverty, KCess to gove. institutloo. and welfare prognmrnes. g<=nder prejudice.. the probl<!m of dowf'y.
etc. Ac:con!in&ly. we approlched varlou. orpniution. in the respective ar..... Co enlin their
cOOjH!....oon.' A t:oaI Of 57 Inv"nlptors. almost all from the Lambada community were .elected, wd
training held In Hyde...bad to discus. the questionnaire and -)'1 to admInlster it.
2. focus groups diKllsslons with larr'bada women, community. local GDYt. officlils' were held to ,et a
pkrnre of the problems. As _ pro<:eeded to visit the thandu, canied on the JUrvey and met various
people. It btQme Incre.ui<1&!Y cIaI- that it wu a demand-driven slwacion. The Lambadu were responding
to a demand from OU(JIde,. They were not simply gMng up or Jelling their babies. Acenu of adoption
agencies were roamlni thlnd.. ceiling them their clrl babieJ would have a bener turnre e1sewt1ere. It wu
only then that we decided we had to meet people from the adoption agencla as _11 as monltorin,
agendes. We met adoption agencies concerned. Govt. and police official, and me CAM
Adoption R.aoUIU Ajency) Member-Secreeary. The CS(OO) Andh.... P...desh. which i. in charce of
the investigadon, refused co discun. uylng thlt the matter wu under Investigation. but tu Kamaaka
coumerpare was extremely cooperative. In .11 these discussiom (with adoption agencies). we Inured
mem that we would not quote th..... and that we would protect their Identitie.; otherwise it would
have been difficult to find how the babies who were surrendered by their mothers were Qken Into
adoption through a commercial tranuetion. Wrthout this coopen.tion, we could aka have not understood
how exac:dy the fine edte 01 the law and ....riou. coure ",Iin", and CAM cuidelinl!$ tlad been violated.'
as well as a fanner Higtl Coure Iustic<!'. generously shared their perceptions with uL
1. We tlave also recorded Slven.llnterviews with Larnbadi women. Thts h.. been crvclal to the l,wenigadon.
both to locate gender bsues at the core of the community. and to record wllat the wornen felt about
various issues affectlnl the community.
Undoubtedly, In the lhore span of three months allowed. both to tnin investipton for tile JUrvey and to
engage with the problems It the level of thand adoption "C""C)'. enforument procedures. kM been far
too shore to address the prablems in lU toU.l complexity. We pl...d with DIM" r...d.... CO reali.e thi' and
fDrJive UI OUr shoru:ominp and erron 01 judge:lTI<!nc.
n.. l.ombad> Hold<ull ......... s.._ oIIoRd '0 hoIp .. <ho IloIan>p- ond Ch>ncI>"""" ._.. MV -...,., oI!...<d :0 I'OIJIIo tM
P-.. _l .... CARPED 10 SIlOIompo< ......
,.,11.0. MOO. PHC doctor. AN"'. poI;.. oIr",laIi
NCO. Io1<e lIamunal '"""" ..".",.., C"""'""'" in their- Iu_ "'"0'Wl( tM
Subromanll 11_ond G1'W>ohar
, /u.""" Cllabp"hi Il,..,
, ,

Limitations of the survey:

Selecti"" of four Mandals: The seleion 01 the four MUldals was bued entirely on our perception
from reportS of fact.findl"i comm;tteel and Pr8s rq>arU. Then were high incidence Mandtls. and
pidOng OUt one In IUch dlluict IlIowed to study I span of thandas from DevankontU to the K<lmataka
border. We felt that crOls-diurkt ..riation,' could be captured more ecaslly in this fuhion.
We hod to COV<!r III women in the of rou&flly 1555)'eMS In ,JI four Hand;lls. The.e
weN! dlild.bnring women and would be able to relllte to the problem 01 :irlblby relinquishment.
Census population reportS 01 the tribal populations In the lour MI",,"ls however gave u. reports
than the VQtUl' list In the M311dals. Census 1991 11'0 did not have I complete I!flumen.tion of the
thandu. The fob of enumen.ting the thlndu wu therefore left to the investigators. Our 57 UlUrroer.Iton
have covered 210 thaoda.s.. whereu the 1991 cemus lilts only 75 thand.... in the four Handals. Thandas
belnl flrl1una. It wu particubrfy difficult lor the lnvestigotors to cover the thanda. when the women
were at home, that is. ""rfy in the momI"" and later In tile evening.
Responses to the questionnaires w_ not uniformly lcod. Investigotors Went to a Irut dIYI of trouble
to Ulure the respondents that they were not police agents. 5pe>.king in the umblda lanluage helped-
them to estotblish a relation 01 In Sl!\'1!nl tfwKbs across districts also found it convenlenl
to State their identily as thu of the Lamba.di Hokkula Por:na Samithi. As a Lambada community
orpniution, people would relate far more ......iIy dun lO 131. an NCO. or Govemmenl survey, Yet,
the pen and questionnllre clearly Intimldaled many respenseI. for example. In Ornla Naik thlnd;\,
Peddemul HandaL twenty people Ul with uS to say they had ,r.oo away their Jlrl blbie. Yet only five
01 these twenty respon<:led so In the questionnnaire,
People interviewed
From the Lambada community: Mlroni. Tirumllglri thlnda.Blllnlllr Mlndal. Jamin; Bai.
ChlnneWgodda ","nd&. 6IlU1Ipr Handll, Rambal. LHPS letivi.t,Ballnag:ar Mandal. Duram Nail<, President.
Adoption agencies: Mill 5en (1'rKio'" Moments). Skter Teresa Maria (Tender Loving ea,.". St,
Theresa's Hospital.) Sanjeev>l Rao (Action 10<" Social Development), Peter Subbiah (Good Slmvillnl
telephonic conversation), Dechu Barlerjee. (Spllrsh), BrahmlnplHy ofJo,an Kmllna
Adoptive Parenu' Association ($heell and 5udha Satisl\. Secy.)
Mr. Bhooma Reddy. OSP. C8(CI0), Kamlaka. Dev Val'l'lWl. Secy. CAM
NGOs: Jamunl, Gram)"'.
LeeaJ mechanisms: J",tite Chalapathi Rao, 5ubr;umnia Reddi. G.Manohar. advocate!
Doctors: Dr. Shashikab. Veena ShatrtJthna

(Note' Throughoul lh dOCllmenl
when we refer to Lambada we shall
be doing so In die p,articulJr context
of the Umbadu in south Telanpna.
We are also usirc tile term Lambada
throughCHll, dlollgh we unders....nd
that die community refers to iuelf u
Gorpt (hir race) and to its memben
IS Gorbai, While we feel nomen-
clJrure, especially self - nomenclature
'slmportant. we use me term Lambada
dlroughout. u die term Gorjn Ius not
yet gained rudy usage among the
of dlis doc........ent).
This report wu commissioned to
undertake with the help or loal
community, an In depdl analysis
of the cultural trends and
practices thn has Impacted them
on gender issues..
To Interview a minimum of 25
women between (15-45) In the
most vulnenble mandais to pin
an insicht on why girls are
negleeted and to ,examine
inddence of nle and
relinquishment. facilitate
discussions on Integration of the
lamba<las vis.i.vls the local
.... and examine factors
dIIt lntlibic integr.nlon.
Examine the role of loal bodies
and institutions Including pan-
in addressing Issues mn
affect lambadal.
Interact with people, local
goverlWTM!nt functionaries NGOs
and others on impact of deve.
lopment ochemes and incent",es
in these areal. Analyse access of
basic serviees, u also
opportunities for convergence
and optimal resource utili....tion.
Examine the legal and
enforcement provisions availJble
to prevent ....11' of children.
To nudy the livelihood and
subSistence patterns of these
thandas and Impact on families
especially children.
Study and examine available
documentatIon, secondary .la....
peminlng to these dinrimin child
Various newspaper reportS and 'aa.
finding reporu or differenc agencies
had dotOO'lented a kind of tnfficking
'!' babies In Andtlra Pradesh, whennhe
lambada communIty was being
encCHlrage<! to give up Its female babies
ro;: a fee, and most of these ba6ies
were being sent abroad, evidently for
a higher consideration, The
t;ovemment of Andhn Pridesh, in
April 2001. banned the acceptance
of relinquishment of children by
adoption agencies. This accompanle<l
a scricter monitoring of the adoption
Different agents In the "wallon
ructed in various ways, Media
spotlight on the Lambadas highlighted
their gMng up, and 'Ale' of their girl
babies.. This in turn lead to a kind of
umbada.buhing, where a deeper.
much-needed elUminnlon of their
plight and the failure of welfare
progn.mmes in the thandu' did I\Ot
accomp,any me reporu. Despite media
CHltnge at, and concerted Govern-
ment actions Igainn the adoption
agencies that had encouraged the
Lambadas and Of"laniltd lhe man
exodus of babie. abf"oad, society n
large lud 1\0< bqun lO take note either
of me serious siWltion eKls,ing in the
mandu. or. the of the
The case for a halt to
adoption procedures:
I. It is a fundamental right of every
child to have breastmilk. to being by natunl p,arenu in his Of"
her nllural environment. We
must rememt>er thn relinquished
babies are sometimes barely a day
old. hands and
taken mrourh Ionr disunces, to
be deposi<ed with the
agency. Lack of !>rentmllk retards
the nawral building lip of antibodies
in dle inbnts' delicate system. mll"Y
Infanu die, <he child Is
tnn.ferre<! to a third environment
which mayor may I\Ot lult her.
Adoption can only t>e a IUl resort
for the child. parenu cannot be
encounged to give up their babiel.
A hl,h adoption rate does not
slrnify I healthy society.
l Responsibility of <he nuural
society' Th, parenu. the com

w...... ako ....'" 01."."'- _ ",. _rsu",,",I' c"",.,_, '-'" __.... 01 ..." ,o:.=aro -I "''''t ""'1<11 OIl<
cl VI is. $;,..00.-.. on<! po th -, <>ut 01 <om""""'l'" _ J'O"""" a<l bo "",uk..,lyln"..",..,oo 'ebDv>u to"'" ThIo '" """"
_i.olly"'- it is >lNt"J""I:Itd <__1)"....." I<od <CO An undo".-. ....""'l '" ", ..w.IO>1 '" >e"............, '"
I"'PP'o ""'" it> poobl<o... 1o ,,""', pO>I,""" 01-. ....' ........". bo '''I'PO'ti'<dy <ri<cII w. ""...""""P<t" '0 .."'d .... 1o

munity, the al2U11 and the country

- an ha"" rtipOl'laibilitia lQW;Ionb
Infanu.. Abdiatlnl this respon,
albllily for th usi.,. rOute of
exportinl them to the WeSlern
counules absolns stltes, cgm..
munities. individuals 01 uecvtlnl
thelr fundamenl2l responslblitles.
l. Baby tnffickina: For these past
unra' years, the checks and
babnc:es 01 both CAU and the
Stlte Government hUll fllled,
Adoption aa;encies, eyen those
bqW...C....." &OOd Iranciclno have
found aucbd no an
inexorable spiral where they
require more Md maN! babies to
Counter-arguments and
The c-..r-vzumena ok... c....
from indiwiduab - Ix.ftM>.
crats, policemen, professionall -
many 01 ........... Snd 'MAhw'C -ore in
the larle yolume of Int...-country
adoption. TheH Il'pT'OWIU routhly
&0 - and we hunI it many tma: """"'"
<bYe ...... survey -
I. POOf' parenu cannot look aher
INir dlIdo A nt&!KUdFl cYd
.... .-be eduated.. She wiI ha...
le) do bradr.-brukln& WO"" all her
life. She is be=<" off bel... sent to
the Uniled Satu, where she will
have a &ood life before ....... Giwn
the CIIfTeIlt st:lte of tIWw&. lif<l Is
not &O'nc to chanp drudaIIy for
the lambalb cin In k>dia.
This argument merits urious
considention, f!Y1!tl if it is true thlt
proponenu of this Y\ew would not
drum of ciYl"l away their children
to parentS who could admittedly,
&Ne them a better Hfe. It is certainly
tnJe that there Is a strong lender
blu Itll<InB the UmbIdu, 11

i. mere In odIer communities. It

15 also tnMI tNt the l.ambIda &i"
h wone off than dM I..arrbacb boy
by all yet
;absurdly tnJe that pmin the West
suffer more deprivation and
liscrirniNtion than boys. and lA
more to face child suual
abuse. npe and wife batterin&-
apart from discrimination and
Sf!lCIAf hanssment. wcrl: bter on.
McIsl5l6fTc. _ cfiscrWTWl:ion,
we shoo,jd ,.,"",., is relative..
OM of thoI ways to a6Inu this
problem Is to reCOlnl.e diu
se<drca few La,Ibdi p1
babies; abroad wiI .- lessen the
bo.rden on the ochen left t-.. and
Issues of equity in any
The WJU"II"'D thK poor parena..
per ...... .-&OOd parents. iI a
more i,," !h
" one. Upper.cJas.
....... ., io ID judp poor
peopH! as drvnbrds. woo1t-.hy,
ha'<'ln& loose KlWIIl -..... I!lC- -
hence lhey _ make bad parena..
WhIle do .- wM to p:.dy
po ty, point cut thKthe
poor IIaYf!. as ,et. the best copinc
5CJ"ItICIeI for me;r worid.
2. W. tOO many
alO)'ho.. , lhe Wf$( has lOO few of
them. What is -ore-...dl demand-
-..Ad like to Wc wtJy
this same standard cannot be
applied in other - debt.
for inst:lllCel Their t;OUII(ries have
no debt, .... ha.,. a" c .. ioC burden
of debt. We are poor, theypo..eso
tichea. Why can't this be evenly
cfIstrlbutetl! We have a .u'l'!u' of
labour. they Ire Isbour-sl2.....ed.
Why don't they IIIow free lcee..
of labour to their countries!
l. One must look at the charitable

Wilt who ue pnuineIy lTIO'<'ed by

the destitute cotIditioilS 01 babia
and children In the uncle.eloped
ThIs Ul""'e<Jl is particularly .trOtlt
amorc d10se who havelnW;lcttd wkh
ouch people and are mt>ed by tMIr
compusion.. llo.. e_ we would Ilk.
to place this charity I" the bl'Jilr
contllCt 01 wily dadtWon Is l2I<Int:
place in _ CCln'W'OUlitia and cutIS
in countries IblntlllndMSnt pIKe.
We need support. In atfdItiM'C: this
pooblall primariIy,.- in taIcirc QnI
of the resUa 01 thoI We
need luppon in the _
. r ...
po 01 "" _", we ... It_.,. R_
the lambacb community, _ need
sll P ne in addreuirc lhe po tin of
'- t . I and ""'"' _1001
p "-e further cleutated the
poor arnonc OUr people. Adoptlna
babies and thwro -.yfram their
...turIi .... 0l.".1It does .-addres
the is5I.oe I' l, C ID Iind a way
for sultenance within their
.." io o..""elll: Is anpo"" io C'
InumaDonaI documents do .- l2b
into acCotlnt du.t infant Ind child
righu cannOt upanted fro""
c-..nItJ' .....o. Take a lo0Io; at lhe
conltitutlonal mandate In the
[)HeeD"", l'liolCiplu Art 19f 'rltol
ore cMn Cf'PWnitieI crid
{ot:iiin 10"""" in eldhr """.oe>'
cnd in aditiuOII 0( fieekou ond dipty
cnd Ihcr childhood crid yuum 0'"
,ltrulected cfolnu u,ltloitorion ond
"f"inSl mercI end mOleriol
"bondonmeni.' ConYllfltlon on
die Rights cf the Child (CRe)
adopted by UN General
A.osembIy In 1989. and accaded to by
India In 1991 has more to Ay on this:
An l (I):
!n or! cellonl cOllcern!nf chUdren.
whether by pbk er ptWgte
sodal wtf(a'e insr;fll!ions, co<Jrtt o( law,
o'*""'fslnltM allthorities or IetislcnM
bod'leS, dle best Hllerrns o( child shaH
be a pMtory coosIde'ufion.
J (ii)'
Sfates Fartie:s JhoI tD =
child tudl pro[Mion ond COrl! as is
nfiS<lry (or />it /)f ller
3 (Ill)'
Sloles Porties tlu1M e/lsu,e IMf lhe
InUilUr;o/ls, O/lct (ocUllies
mponsble (or core /)f protection o(
JhoI"",(om> WI'lIt the $lmdords
eslDbiislted by CMlpt'Wll outhori'.ie:I.
6 (I),
Slirtes parties shoI tM eef)'
child 1Jos!he InIJem:l righl to ffe.
6 (11),
Stales poniu Iholl ensure [a the
mam."", extent possibk the oM
de.elapmem a( the dJid.
Art 7:
dtld lha' be /'fii$lered
afkr bnh olld shoI /laYe the rigIJt (rom
birth to (I name. !he rigIlf ta Cl
nationdi!y, and as (oros possible. """ right
10 kMw and be (or by his /)f
SloleS Partks undefUl/<e to IlS/>! the
righl a( the child to his 01 Iter
ithtItirf. ndudint MOOnolily. """,e and
fomily ,elotions oS rorniJed by low
wicI>our unkJw(uI imetfermc:e.
Art 9, Porties Jhof ensure thot 0 dliId sllol
IXlt be seporoled from his or Iter po.etIlS
"fID'rst !heir will, urept when compelent
ou,ho,llk. subject to judiclol 'eview
ifl voilII appiimbie
Jllwond that such seportRion
is necessory for doe ben of lhe
Such dtlerm;notio. may be
neauory in <I pcniaJlor case such alone
ifl"""""'" abuse Of" ne(Iea 0( dle dIid by
!he porenu, ere.
Art 11:
Sfelel lhoil meosu,es la
combat lhe iIlidt trorrs(er ond llOfHewrn
"-.. """'"
The dilemna. INtarises out of ensurinI
...';ous child "hu iU ""clined
is of these an be achieved
without community righu being
recognised. The conditions for the
exercise of child rilhu need to be
too. A community
exercise it! neguiW! poweo' benuu of
powerlenne.s and survinJ Instinca,
Unlen we addren the issues of
powerleJsnen In
sph-. the p<"oblem of IndMduaJ
or child rights lnmCQble.
This SQte of ilbln ann", just be an
Iodictment of the government. While
the doe:I ha"" a special
rll$ponsibil.'ty for the righa
01 the child Into rnlity,
mover.-a also bewretponsibility for
facitiutinB and
cllange. The also demands
positive Invoh<ement from
adopdon othu enl"0I"Ce-
ment mu. Dl'pmatiom
This il not .n exhaustl'e enqUiry.
Rather it should contribuse to more
r.ftective undersundlnB of the
problem. been g;,en a time of
tilree months to usembIe I concepwaf
hmewDl"k, to condutt I complece
Syrvey of 1.11 chlldbearing women in
tho age &f"OUP of IS_S' years in tile
four M>ndlls in four districu whore
children had been by their
to C1bulate and correlate the
'".ult>, to ;ntenol"w .ome of the
IClkeholders on the issue, to present
assessment of the problem
and Its eme'tence, and to
to offer ><>me al'e"'...... 0<1
whn be doni to the

The of thil report I1
tleWled roeld survey carried OUt in
August 100 I. This IUrvey
moll upecu of the soclo-economk
.Utul of th. latnbadu, their
to Infrasuuctural itnd
welfare procrammes. culwn! chattes
(u In dowry. dress, of god.,
etc,), bal,nca of pow'" within the
household, and domeJtic violence. The
queloontulre we framed It pe/l
In the Ippendix.
The four districts covered In the
lu.....ey aa:OUnt for dose to of
Andhrl Prlde.h's total
pop..lniool. The four Mand>Js surveyed
account for 7% of the ST
popull.tions of the.. distr'ktl, w11ldl
Is co say we pre:lent hltn! is only
.... of what i. the ,Iw.don with
the lambaelu in the South TelanpN
region. We m.y welt touched
only the tip of the icobefl. The tocal
tribal f""",le population of the
Nandals, it((ording tothe 1991 Ceuus
Is 10,70S. Given 30" ;ncrute ill the
ruling OUt
fO"ngJir1s and older women, we think
we have mo.t women of
child-burlng age. Except for
I"bndal' where we could
, Opera rMk + 0_" "'"_oI.c"""'"' Moodol. Thoyhaol baon ...... an.........' ..-oIlcwm.w.o
"" <lA B, v.. -. unuoed from odlo, H,n&l.. "'n <00 to,... <horn '" tI,.
Chol'llbmp<' ""'...p'o...

not complete the our
Inyestilltor. met,n.nt
WOmen pre.ent in the thandu. We do
nOt hpect me number of mllranl
women to be lule enougll to up.el
the findln,s. as mign.ncy commonly
bet,ns aner Ouselln.. ie. OClober. by
which time. our inye'tignion w..
All the narn.tilles in this report are
real. We haye retained tile originlll
ylllale names. but haye sometimes
clllnged tile nlImes of for
the of priYacy. We
spoken at lengtIl to most of tile
of the Hyden.badbued adoption
q;encles. Interviewf"i them. we
nOt to quote them In the
printed format. To "and by Ihls
promise. while we do discu.. what
they lIIye freely talked about, we do
nOt qUOte me eun sourc.... though
tile inte",lewslllye all been recorded.
Outline of the report
In Chapter I. we enter Into tile twilight
world of agencies and
procedures, CAR.A luidelines and
pre.ent-day ena(tments. We uy to
tn.te eyenU here !NllllYec (lluse<! a
crilis of wru In tI>e l..arnb;lda com-
munity placed mem on tile fronl
of newspapers and Iop.of-me-
.,enda for GoYemrnem dep;1rtments.
Much 01 me det:>il, ooweYecr autllentic
and double-checked. cannot be (teed
for source..
In ClLlpter l we e""mine tile YlIrious
initiatives or tile of them!Nt has
addreued Ccwemll"ltOt. NGOs. media
and .ociety It large.
In ChlptCf" 3. we uy to bri"l to you.
the conditions in which tile lambadu
liye. We Ittempt to explain their
JWlicutar YUlnenbility to the adoption
...end.... conYey their IM"I cor>dlllons,
'OC:io.economic ,tatu., absence or
pnlence of Goyernment imtiwtlons
proln.mmes. and their KCesS to
public health and education sernc:es.
In Chap<ef" <4, we attempt to COnyey
lambada perceptions of me dowry
system. We sketch Ihe preyi!'u.
marriale Iynems larlcly based on
brldeprlce and traditional
community weddinls. We enmine
how dowry has taken root and why
rni, Is affectin, l.ambada pen:ep60nl
of t:he lir! child.
Chapter 5 .ketChes ,ender pattern.
aMOflllambadu. What are the areas
of conftict between husband and wife!
Whit forms does domestic yiolenc:e
Chapter 6 enrnine. clLlnsilll
patterns among t:he lambadu _dleir
rituals. dress. ma..n.,es. reIi,llion. YI""e
orlanlUlIon. and how then are
chanti"l with the IrnID" of Hinduism.
modernity and Yillage Institution.
In Chapter 7, without Indulllng in
detailed prescription, we try to
Indic;tte t>road are" ,.mere much Is
po..lble and needs to .be urzendy
Al the end of t:he report, you will find
a IIn of tIlin,. you might to SClln
- our queltlonnaire, a lilt of the
thanda5- as well as t:he con.olidated
and disuicl_wise results of tile su",ey.


a) Med-lk District Population 21,69,900
Total I I1aIe I female
STs, 95,041
e.",,,.. 1991
MaIn Workers
Toed ....

TOllll .... ...... Toell MU. hrnaI
19,508 11.452
.m 5.89'1 3,)99 6,765 2,7J6 un
1,'1 , ,....


7.591 19.185


oIlambacla Iernllt to """I fern.le popubtion
UoIOrky dumbado malo to toQI ""'" population
General poput>tlon pten' of ......
General population p.reon, of IemaIn
b) Nalgonda Total 18.51,092
L-nboda population percen<qe 01 .......,. _ 52.27
Umbada pop"'''lo,, poreonu&" 01,......... ..... 47.n
l.lImba<b bbouren Jr! "_ 17.1H"
Whor... In our AlrlpllO, 1007 OU' 01 11001 rflpOl'deftu ..Id ;hey wo,teed ..
O,CI'IaJkural Iabouren
ST., 2,75,638
ItefllW , ,
. ,! er
MII. ...... Totol
.....,. ,=,
MIle ..... ,=, M,I ......
4,]25 1.211 '8,802 11.l6O
7,44} 9,911 7.111
.... .... ].506 5.1J.8
1.418 ).064 loOS) 1.011
ST.: 1,27,405
- .

'Tc:il Mal. IFemale 1 -
hol< ,
'.188 8,8'J "514
d) 'Rania Reddy District Tota115,51,966 STs: 1,09,394
c) Hahaboobnagar TotallO,77,050
G,noril 140,71'
ST. IB,lt1

10.7'71 .,,,
3,600 504
I 1.'990 I
The twilight world of
'---__rniopliOILllg.encies . _
The world of adoption agencies hu
I>Hn I closed wotld for Yet')' many of
us, If it we... no< me newspafMIr
I'l!poru. one would think dut these
.."ncle. are Good Sanwians pldd"l
up bmles from dustbins and ",My
tnda. While babi... are also found rh
ads, il is .Im uue that molt of dle
"Iencies in Hyderabad. barring. very
few. we.... specialiol"l In the Ilte....1

Adoption in India and .,..,ona and pluckl"l of children from their

Lambadu i. noming new. familie. Why did this happen!
Close relatlye. have often. and 0
continue to Ilye aWIY child. The global context:
pu!icul.rly mll" child to childless
brother or .I""r. Even when mere 11 Adoption today. lik" moot otllu
no dirKt relstlon, adoptions hlye phenomena Is a lllobal on".
aMn place' both the natural p,a....,t 'o.,oIoped'>UnDieundp<lOplehave
and the pl,entare known to fertility I';lteS. One of the few
ueh other. and the rlghn of th" tlIinp ITIO<>ey annot easily buy i
adoptedchild ..... negotiatedbefor.... baby. Then! are Iona -run, 1I1u; of
Inf<>mllll p40nchay.ot. lIId often eyen in the wIli,e Welt
wrinen down. Adoption aseroda In (US. Cmach. UK, Europe. Aultn.lia.
India' emerred to clal with New Zealand) as aho;arnorc die upper
children who were In class in Ind". Babies dlildren
ouch ene when the dlild -. ewe
been aVllllable wIlen there
away in adop,lon. nnural and i. w.o.r and famlll" Ire devauued.
adoptive were nOt known to leavi.. orphans behind. When no such
eadl other. hence the checks and siwations prevall. pressure build' up.
balancu of ruin. procedures and and mudllike any other commodity.
monltoty funcslons. parenu are ready '0 spend mOrt
money In paying Consider die
current rate' for an Indian tby _
4 Iakhs to about Res. 2S Iaf<h, in our
currency) which I plren, fromthe
We$T. is willing to spend. B.obles an
be abandoned (by an unwed modler.
by parenu) or rellnqullhed (by
unwed mother. by parenu). The
poverty-stricken pa""u of the baby
are willinC to pan with the infant for
Th< '""P' <>f .... ......- boon tMtl bo''''' ....... _ r-olrt ....
'dc>plion qo<lda lI Each hn 01 C<l<a"M, _ lIuO! <I'>t"/ ..... __". llu< hn ""
<>I "'" _'"-._Irt "",.,.I...". J1u<II 01 "'" duo 10 ............... oharinc
me _ h....... _ ' ...."'001 .. cron....."'1loo1 wllIl .... .

roothItlc or a smal: 01 As. SOD
Glwwl a 01 As. 1001'
da, co bl rll .,burud co chi
adoption aelnc, for aboue 1-6
..-lUl . (N' 1.. a maXImum of RI.
11.000 ($18O) piu, an qenc:y 01
RI. 100000J (aboue $lOO). u.e profit
..- ia ......cmely hlctt-
It is ... UUO! that n.idI blijltwis is
bid onchancY .... on 'dolnI bp
611 ., en. w-.. PIcweo and
d """crY. JW"O'Id ctMbl
woo1c w:leo ........'doL
W!loerw one is puzzIe4 is INe if charit)'
is l!>e orq whet is die nccn,q
of phyticatly p;ekl... ""
Wh, noe I>clp a child eae crow
up. and Jcudpl Wh, not adopt older
chftdrln co help them ...ich ehir
.d.caelon Ind carnr! Wh, not
calf'" for 1 ..-. eqlic>He cIoboI
orcerl Why noe "pporl .o(io_
IC-..ic d.. '. ,... I"i,;,,;_1
w...... oloo t:>ld thae die \JnicedSaU!l
d """.. jg IIId od...- coo,rocrio:o
hlvt 1 cumbe om. loal adopelon
policy which allow, dle lHoloclcal
par....u co hi" ICC.U co the It
JpJfied intcI'Ils. and courulA"""
known co ha"" I"I'Ilft fxilIcp
co die llIanJ panna at dmel.
The bott._. ridl and poor
.-...... is ,"oNIo __lIS It is
In die u A:kioCa1lildebobia. koosa
pare/lCl 01 chi d.....1oped W.1t IJ
IiaM IS 20,000 $ (opp<o.dInHeI)' _
co rev.- cimeI \hi! mOl'uhlp income 01
a linele worklnl mlddle.dul
Am.rican) ,o..:lop, , b>bp from !lIdill.
It fetche. dle Lambada parenCl in
Chandlmpct lu. tkln RJ. 100
(SUS) to diopo 01 .... ......-ad
... -
It iI in the COio:e>t ........ in
ch. W'1t are "";lllne co ........d (a
...., bp thelr and
1 hllle ....... bp 00.0...1. pllcemen,
III .... illlrt:.dcoo_....colook
en. omer _, at edllcs. wc Indan
...b .... mult be looked :It. Many of
die ldoption to be&in wth,
..I elitl .. _ ehac I,. ch., .re
unconcerned ... Ieh nacl.1
commonlt, or with th. Ilhicl of
opo<1i". bable. 'TIle llobIn heM
'*-ttIieenrtjKZJdOI'ICII bpIIloi' IlIXInIl
paretU _ ........... !he best (....
..... .....--..00) P-'" ,. .,..". diI
-.' Aid a boaiu...,. 01 ...
I" ,.' The saluycuc ofFrue
lor I P'"<'Jpeccl Indiln Idoptive
porene ;1 a minimum of RI. 5.000
(abou< $105) a momh. Thi. rules 0\;,
75-80" or Ind"n u those /Ill,
apabIeofrcamcdlidleoL From he".
... senclint babla abroad could be 1/1
euy ;"'p. Ivo iIlml actiarde c....w
-J w8I lead co a aIfT1mertia1 _
.......... ,...,. art 10 .,.,......
How are the babie1i
n.. complU< n.cworI< of ..d",.n.
pall'Vilw' and landords thac lovlm
""'.... 'lilb&es COl\"lO In -.err uHful In
.... baby Whilo< <he .dop'lon
::z=:db dIOR able ... procure
CAM (c..wnl I ktiource
...".... =...
t.y the Coo<. of wt.).... = maNCI
the pap.rwork ud lorei,,, b.nk
.. ..ntl. ....n.,e oh. lndl.n
b.naLKneJ'. police and coons. the
middlemen 'handle' the people. Thq
."i, ,he "'.nd co .n".. I" ,bo..t
precna.nt _, ""'" .Ireactp havI
C7"Cf" I cO\;pIe of Pi d>iIdo.1. 1210
'l.llSofthe "on....
In _ .......,. said dial qena 'rislted
the thardaI. ... pIdt bIbIa. Vwy
Illbft. ....... ..-...,. -..Id be r-o to
the parelU' 'f'" /I Oop. kftp .... ond
, ' .... Irr 0-"'.00. K.o.........
rJ,. """""I"-lf1l;'... ,;.c. _ ... ,..1riII
""'1fJ ond per !he -,1 ,""' cMdcM
ha"1Il1& W." (llTha"lIl '-e
'-WfII1lt 11 doO-lf.. VIbpI coWd also
been arpeed. ",up< due the
Indian villla' I. 1....eI)r rnulllCUUI and
pIur.IIln character'. SanrI ndiIlon cl
,,;......, the d'lild u 'dM/Ie' - .. IPt
oIGodRilrorius .......... Sh,ppis'l
ioo' I bib)< hen adc! be
for .... n..r.t.. .........:x:e and
In,u1ar/ld with ...pld dowry

pn)f. 8cJides Lambada children are
1u .... ..,j 01 .ne cloy.
Idopdon I"ode, Wlot babl., that
look cood cnouzh to be crabbed b)'
adoptiw pa,...,ts. Peoplo open7 tIlkotd
abclu. die nnc>UI peop/oI ....... were
tOUII Ram Sinlh 01 Tiruma'l;rl
(6alllll'" M.nd.I). ,"..d.. I..
M.h.......a'" Manda\; K,ulllp.t
Mar4II hod dna _ ID
Rao. Parvuhamma and Co.-b.l
...... ud ft et.. 1" 01 Pwddend IOr
lh. BctN"l' Home, Ra..... ChooJwl
and run, od>on wen!
...pon.lble for pickl"l up babies in
Char>dampet and acIlolnllll Mandah.,
joan Krllhna Rodd)r .nd Ma/raj"""k.. the IlIl'CI in Sh"""'ge' and
adjod-Il MandaIs.

wt....lhelhandu""&'elo,. .i..
to the adopmrnq cetm"U.
I.ambadu ....... not rnc IWI,
th.'r ein b.blu. for .nmple,
ChIMkol1 ...1'""1 (Karn.... ka) was
ICc...Ib!e to IScthan, Home, but
SedamQiuq (K3mo1ab) ..earbp.....
nOt Iccu,ibl.. Neither
'eIio ; h't nor IIIfar.OCloSIP. was
okilll place in <akinl pl.n in
Seda,..' Simllarl, with Pudur.
and Dh:Irw I'bndalI ..
district.!ootr SO kmI



The twilight world cl adoJlUan agEocies
from Tandur). where there are
many thillldas. but no relinquish-
ment or infanticide." Manchal
MandaJ In R=gareddy dimkl: hu
mazrr l:handas, but here too. queriu
about reUnqulshment proved
negative." Mi!lUk district reportS
no relinquishment except from
Shiampet, Nanapur and Cowdlpalli
MilIldall which are ac(e<sible to
Brahrnanpali. Bo'" Zaheerabad and
Raikal Mandals", as well as
Nanyankhed Mandal" do not
report any relinquishment. So also
Mote. Chivemla and Atmakur
MilIldal"s in Nalgonda, as well ...
Kodad Mandal". also In Nalgondl..
It .peanthat
took place only where
adoption aa:encies had
hal"Vesting systems ope....tina:.
This is not to say thn Lambadu
he.... are not In distrus; it is onty
10 say dlat they conti'lue to cope
.way the.&ir! baby.
We have here. dult with only the
Hydenbadbased adoption agenclll
thu picked up Lambada liM babies..
Du";"ll: our enquiry. we allo found dial
owr ..encies in the Stale were also
deali"ll: with ....1i"Guished bablel and
sendi"ll: them abroad. The MiSsion of
"'" NUions. a Kakinada-based CARA
Ikensee. had about a hundred babies
prior to the April GO. They too
reponed high Inter-<ounuy ado!"ion
flouted proceJl" and paperworl<
completely In their hute to
bables. In a peculiar cue, and perhaps
not uncommon, an NRI from
California. USA," wO! promised a
baby by Tender Lovinl Care. The
bahy. born at a hO'ipiullrl Hyderabad.
was handed over. immediately after
delivery. to the NRJ's in.laws.. based in
Hyderabad. in March 2001. The baby
was neither registered u abandoned
or relinqullhed. It was simply nanOtd
over Without papers. All throulh
March and April till the April GO was
passed. no papers wef"e made out.
(WO! the "ienq not paid its price. is
the doubt tNl is nised. ex- was the
paperwork 10 unimportant thu It
could be 'made up' u any suitable
time!) Now the family has the baby in
pnctially illepl cu.tOdy. Thl!S"l! is no
way tNt the baby an be sent 0U't of
the country. This incident points to the
...'" with whkh foreicners and NRJI
were allowed to pin custody of our
babi... In India. on the other hand.
our adoptive parents go through
nur-harrowing e"perienCfU and
processel. It Is SlJrprlsirc tNt
NRls and foo-eigners can choose to
De i&noraJll of our rules when they
need to be and ..... far mo.... careful
in the countries of the West.
Also discurbing ha..., been the kk1nap
Inclden.. which adopllon agencies
cannot have been unawa..... of. As far
back as in 1999," Bhanupriyll and her
brother. Ravi Pruad. who had been
studyi"&at the MV Foundation craini"l
at CMvella. had bn 'soId' by
their lrowlmother to Savitramma of
&ethany Home, TilIldur. when they
went hGme for lhe holidays. The
children eaped from me Home and
returned to CheveJla on their own.
Police. though Informed, took no
.ctiGn at tNl time. An eleven-yur-old
Suresh, belonling 10 a family of si"
brothers and Sllter'< with both parenu
dead, was taken i" by Precioul
Momenu on the undersQlldi,,& dlat
they would educate him. lll$....d. his
name .....s changed to Benjamin IU.....
and he was offere<l In adoption to
Duane and Oonna Byrd of USA,
who already h.-e four blolollcal
children. No relinquishmenl deed was
ligne<l for 8enjamln. but the papers
were alre.ady bein& processed. The boy
says M does not wish to be a<!opted.
In"ead he to seudy and live with
his brothers and listers.
Vigneswar Reddy and NagaJakshmi,
dlildren of Kaviea. were picked up by
Preciout Momenes. Kavita was offered
the lob of maid in Anita Sen'l brother's
lIou in N_ Delhi. and was lOId she
couid not take her chlidren wtdl her
u education was cosdy in Delhi. On
her recurn from O<:lhl. she found dlat
Mr children had been taken to Sishu
PrecIous Moments dealc only adoption.
she was app<"l!hensive of the .-raJ
blank pieces of paper lhe had sipd
for Precious Momenes.
Ha"; Babu. a ten yar old. and on/y child
of his porents, was Iddnapped by one
P " 1 ToN.......-.. Cu,,,,.._ s..-. "',ion'- 11>."". (NGO)
r -"" W1m
'q-, '" SoIanO y.,udo ..,.j PV.So'''''C Oe<yn ><>cOO<)'. I'10<Il"
q.-y '" M.><II.>....... s-r- krushl F",,lu-.
',.."""".1""", Gupb;h ('-d>, """'- ,.",.....'
, ,._""'" SoI4.l N"'" L.I<PS XL"",- N.'!ond.1
........ - "" '-'1-'
'ro-. .. "'''''' br G....r>

Samuel from hi. house and e1ken 10
Nlmpally Polke Station. where he >VU
picked up. again by Precious
MOIIIl!nu. The foIIowina; the
VIII of dle boy. were not allowed to
oee him at rreciou. Momenu.
Knowing hi' antecedents fully well
Precious Moments had Harl Bibu
declilred a. reli"'lui.hed by Rumlnl
of GudUl". Kumool district - a dui'
ca" of forSary. Ha wu bolnS
proce..ed for adoption when he was
tahn away 10 Sishu Vih.. in April
SahYi'"s ase 11 even more I"'rtul'blnl.
Throe rur old daughler of
Khairunnl... Belum. .he WIS
from her aunt'. hou.e on
Nov.mber I, 2000. 'MlninX baby'
notlces were Iuued. III FIR ....... filed.
ilt>d it: wu only Bethanr Home
children We"" picked up In April 2001
thl! Sohvl was runlled with her
None of tM complex processes tIu.
u.ually accompany adopllon were
IOllowed here-
w'ere forled. parenu were not
counselled abolll: their rights (Cl/" th
:ltl<lotO'Y.2 month perJU<l whe.
I!tf an take their child b>.clc, and
ye')' rar,ly. was the moth.rt
petSODaI deWe. to r2ln her child
IlOf, considered. Ther were not tDlcl
where tho child wo, ... N lodrd
thu 'n",rim period. The parents wh<i
relinqWheCl the infant rarely came
the agency Itself. moot of the
transport was IhrouXh the
oomldnl the adoptIOn ""cord. of
the various ilencles would have been
mon useful Thes.e ..... how....... with
the CBlClDI and we 'II'eA! mused any
acceu or .ny Insight Inco the problem
u they viewed It. The records, fOl"lM
and all. would ltill have pre.en,ed a
revealing picture 01 wha! really
happend In this dKace. and what
could be done 10 clean up dle meu.
Adoption in India:
>-.. ............;--
The Prolell of adoption of Indian
babies I. governed by the Hindu
Adoption and Main<eRance Act. 1956
(fo<- Hind ooly) ond the Guordlan and
Wardl fv:.1 1890 (for otherL)
Hindu Adoption and Hain.
tenance Act 11:1 al HAMA)
allows a/l}' Hindu m.le or fem.le who
Is mator to adopt. A married woman
cannot adopt. A m.rri.d man can
adopt with m. pent1inion of hi. wife.
If Ihe adopler .nd adop..e are of
different there should l>o an age
"".I'W' of 21 run betw.en them.
17 prohibits any paymen, '0
prevent tnffickln, in child"n. If the
j)artlKS ""ea tJlolo&iocaI dJu&Iltef". d-r
cannot adopt girt
The Gu.rdlan .nd Wards Act
(G&W) I. one where me .dopriv.
parent k Coon-appolnted. The Court
can revoke la order at any time till
the minor becorn<!. of .,.. All non_
I-linWs adopt under d1ls

Abandonment or
TI,. proc.... of adoption h.. twO
I. If rh. b.tq. Is abandoned. rhen die
police h.. to m. a report with the
/"",,onU. 8o..-d, which !hen Ilv..
custody of the baby either to the Vtl.r or to. Fh Institution
(. kind oIlIcen.e which the J<Nenll.
Board.- to that <;are
ICI/" abandoned cMd,.....) Se-.le.,,1
In Andhra Pradesh
have mll certificate. II dle children
are your>&. they can be put up fo<-
A1tef". week'. seardl by
the police. the Board can releas.
me child". for adoption.
1. If the chld is (bodl
CARA and the Supr.m. Court
judgement recollnlle rellnqul.h
ment as lel'l. d>ough dl. Slale
Govt. today does no.) by its ,,"<u.,,1
puen... ma I. IIIffidem to clear
dle baby for adoption. 0"" lan lee
how euy thl. proce.. is ..
compar.d to abandonment.
Ab.ndoned are few and far
between. !vi organisation like the
Guild of S......lce In Hyderabad
which has been r.f.rred to by
ve'OJ people as a 'c1ean' agency.
handles only abandoned clildren.
and "'er only 1"< 10-30
children per year. Shishu Vlhar
receiv.d on!y 67 children in the
thru mend'.s from April to July
200 I when.1t Inniwtlonl were
ordered no, to IlIke In bablel' that
iL 67 children only 'rom over
m. State. o..ring Ioal inl.rviews
it wu noted Ihar it wu very
c1.arly the demand from foreign
adoption agencies that led le o:he
.....">q!.II."'"'""'t of babies by poor
Indim par."uL In bet. there were
even cues where ll.nulnely
children were made
out to b. rlllnqulshed, to CUt
do""" on paperwork and
reporting procelleL
The agency concerned h.d now to
pick thdoptlve parem. CARA
guld.llne. h.lfheartedly enjoin Ihe
Iiency to liVe preference to I.dlan
parent!. If the f'O'nts .,.., selected
(dlere Ionl li.ts of Indian
regiller.d p.....nts "' the "lende. -
p,renu Ire knewn to U1vel even
further to ou- ,id.. ;" dIoIr ....rch
for a to adopt), men the COUrt
The twilight WCIrld 01 odoltion agmcies
was ",oud for formal adoption
procesns. The agenclel were
supp<ed to <onsult CAM """ the
local llCA fo, of SIKh parents
when they couldn't fnd them. It I1
only when a blby "'11 reputedly
relected by p...ents h.... th.. could
be propo..d for Inter_country
Inter-country adoption
When the Il"ncy dedde. to go for
;"t -courmy adoption, the kilIowirl&
ac", come play, Th. in..ltution
concemed mult I CARAlicense.
"'"CARA Ilcencel about 250 >gene;et In
the U5A Itself Ind other
ell .... here who must proce..
>ppIk",iom from clthens there for a
<hlld here. The VCA (Voluntary
Coordinatinl Agency), one 1(11' each
..... ,." I, 0lunUlI')' body I",ely
{on,istlnl of the adoption 'Iende.
In OH ofanlrwer-counuy
adoption. th. loal llCA Iw to gl...
In noobieCllon urtiflcue. As it
ch.lrzes. hefty fee per CISO! fRs. 1,500-
2,500 In Andhra P..dh, 11. 250
,",,,wfle...)It is ,uppo,ed to l<oolc into
the case """"u&hly, me.. "'" ohlld and
...esl hi"""'., Indepenclendy. look
Inw the medical records (to check H
the thlld ..... a dofoon"C)' _ u is on..,
claimed by m. Idoption l.Ienc:les to
.end I child .broad) .. well .. call on
the police, ecc. TIl. VCA has twO
trllined sce;;,l workers on la pay-roll
and Is &110 ',,"noced by CAM. AftA,
the llCA dears the cale for adoption,
CAAA ..... to .... b No ObjKdon
Certificate (NOC). The papers "e
IOnt 10 CARA Delbi by seal.d
courier. and I1 IUpposed to be mailed
bock within /Mo -J<s by the same
AI'er CARA gl I,. NOe, the
adopti:ln qency an fie in COIIrt !or
adoptbn. The COUrt "ilin sendl the
pape" tor $trutlny '<> ,h. Indl.n
of Chfd Welfare (a privately-
run P"bIicly funded body. In Mdh..
p,.ad",h. the JecW I. hude<i by
Thako.r Hali Prau.d /ulctionlrc from
Oilsuknap<j. The ...led .....Iope
ilpin makes la rounds for scrutiny and
eea Hnt bid< to court judp
belnl w;lIlnl, the adop,lon (or
cuarcbn.hip .. cue of Christian or
HIndu pun,s Or (ore'lnus) Is
vant.d. Thll process ,hould normally
uke 4_6 months, G.nuin. Indian
.. .......ts h.v. ,on. throulh
this process.
How have the processes
gone awry?
At dtt'erenU,"&e., ,h. .... Iu...
bftn easily Ilouted, The VCA wI>ich is
supposed tCl be I .elf_monitorlng
agency has performed no such role.
The no-objection certifocate dut the
VCA h.. to I"ue I1 obQlned 0II1y if
the baby ..... been repe,lIedly reIuJed
for adoption by parencs herll. Thac I"
there mu.. be ><>me record 01
pare,ts' rejection. Thl. Is Ullly done
- offic. naff and hangers..,n ,lgn
PIP"" 10 Ill" dui they do not wam
me baby. Cltaranoce from CAAA .....
ofw, pro.... to be 1"<1 I iotmallcy.
Andhr. "Iend.. we..
kn....... to ha ulcen the morning
night w Oel"l along with th.1r ..
clear !he IIles with CARA, obtllln .....
NOC and I\y back the ",me evenl,,&-
The , ..Ie<i courier wu evld.ntly
dispensed with here. CAM has been
...pposed to monitor adopOons. How
well ohey did >0 I< ......,necl In chi! next
chipt....: Whoat welll; wron,l' It
should be to report here that
they found 'o'hl"l w<onl, ,Ill
heo fbody did 10. Whal worries
CAM Is when the adc>ption rues go
down, not whtn they go up.
Tbe dearwoce Irom chi! COUrt whe...
everyone Is pa'd from the cOUrt clerk
to the <ypI., to expedtl! the proc",s
..... ....,tho!r formalic)'. The lecwalso
I"! a fee /or itl paint, It was tuppOSed
to inlf>ect the pope"- leel free to He
!he chl!<l, .. w.n as c&Il ..... PO""'"
who the child '0
check." Atene'", said lhat the nephew
of !he 5ecretory of die ICCW used 10
write elle KMlny reporu himself, The
...- In qo-tlon "''IS at that time.
..... elle advClclle for 'Ome of the

Now that evetythinc wit clear. tile
blby was sent on chi! next ftlght to
London or New Yorl< wkh in IKcor<.
The 'escon p a freebie 01" broughc
her lIpOUl. '" thild u a bon... too.
lmer-counU'jl adoption. Is I chIMe!
for spedaI ,,",,!ere. -frequm: foreign
<rip<. Pto from panna, and
elle many 'dobr' porta that accompany
.. -
ne ..-KCW_ lor o>ttIool<ed to ....- "'" __' ....I oppoin<od ......-01tho .-ly'PP'*'<lv". by <he 5<>..
Go>t. .. llXIl.
Adoption agencies do not care for Indian parents, patticularir poorer ones
A letter from a weaver"
19 H.oy 2001

",0 MalIesh1m,
Rio Pe,hblQp.1rthi,
Chityll MancUl. Nalp>do. et.
The Director,
Women and Child Welfare Dep.lrvncnc. of /lP.
Sub' In re.pert or master Chakradhar who Is at present with ICSW - Rea:-
I humbly >Ubmic. I approached ICSW in !he yo: 1991, requudnl them 10 grw, a nule child In .clopdon. as I Itn
chlldlen. I subniaed tile required documena and cenificala to ICSW and rqistered my no"", with their Institudcn..ln
tile month of June 97, I was called by ICSW ar.d a male baby boy, just daY' old w.. to me and my
wife, ICld", dlat they .... plKIna: d>e cMd Inm our 10._ care and would approach the court Ir.d inform us accordin&'Y.
We took are of die child IS our own son, and eYefI hillmrnlriDdon done. tile proof 01 whkh il endosed herftO
Ior your r.,(erMCI.
The aud>orlties of ICSW kept alIina: upon ull>OW .nd then, uI<Ina: to brine the tIllld to thalr office u Hydel'lbad
and colJeaed amounts from us on on one prelexl: or the other. When IISl<ed lor the lqal formalitiel. d>e
aud>orides threatened U1 that they would ake back the child.' Itn r-1etttf1ltill by them.
I submit, Insplte of my repeated to lCSW, they nee compleled tile 1ep11ormal1cies in my a<!optinl
die abcr<eWd child till Oc"""'r 2000, bul kept a11lnc upon III and kept collecm, money on vM.
IIunher submit that the child !CC -,. aaxhed to us and hod zrown up to be healthy boy under __ car.. We
were ready to lA'lllerzo iorrnaJfties to ldopt o:he dlUd. But die lCSWauthoritlel did nol take lily action in this reprd.
In d>e month of Novemt>lr 2000, thl.\Ithorides oIlCSW Qllc4 upon "'" and In.lsled me to hand 0V<!1" the child
to diem ,acini: that they hive dedded 10 live the child to some for. parents who are ready to p.1y them fI'lOI'"e
amounts. Implte of my rq>GCId requests. the authoritie. "'" to &JvI bad< the child IIld thrUfenltd me that they
would Initiate legaIaetion qalnst me, if Ifailed to do 10., aplm:t !he wMa of my wife, Ipve back the child to
ICSW IIld they asked me to wriulllIlW" mall am rewmi", thl child dUI to my per<onal probllms, u :oplnlt my wife.
lul was threltened. I hid to write IS uked for and hind over !he child. who was sent to their Aramchar It ShivnJnp.1JW.
I humbly >Ubmit from m;" time, "'l' wft foIlido:, without die dlUd who hadlool<ed alter him for 1yean IS t-own 101\.
lnspite of my ...tltd requesu and vioia.lCSWdid not heed to my request II'IdcMbadt "'l' 101\. Therefore Iam
writing "'i> letter requeldnl you to Idndly coslddel my .....tter 011 humanitarian (f'OtIIICk and penni< "'" to adop< the
chikf named 'Chakndhar' u per the prenilinz n.oIes Ind laws. I IUbmit. I shall ake ani of the d\l1d u my own ......
By thil letter, I -.qu.... you, Madam. to permit me to ......... my right on the boy ...mld<Iw-, who p/Ioco
I1 encIoHd he! ewith and further pennit me to adop< the said child. I am ready to unde'lolfollow lily proced..... u lIld
down by thl Govt.
Thanki"na: you Madam,
You", faJthNlIy,
End. Xerox copies of the lette", and p/Ioco
(The above faea in the letter Ire .....d..-- and explained to me in TeluEu, IIld I the ...... to be
The IWi1Jghl WlIrld at adoption ageneies
The """';ous adoption
In I"' wh.n ,heond .candal
broka out In Chandampt!<. NaJtonda.
Ramu C/louhan. derl< in tile
UC oIf,u ., Ambuptc. Hydtnbad
htIptd <!'It .,...0.. <0 "'""Y bIiIiti.
Whil. other .,.nel.. '00 were
Involved In undin, the b.b'"
abrood". P.ter Subblah (dI. Good
SamariI;am: EYIftCdiaI Sodtcy W tIfart,
AI'odIdonl and Sanjte.... R.o ("'don
for Social Dew.lopmen,)" alone were
rreo<ed.nd <heir CARA lIeene..
anciMled on <l>t rec<>lTltnCl1da<Jon 01
<l>t Sa... Gow.............. Tha' I,. <!'It
ann prone to
""l; .-.-. o:toou&ht to be <!'It <Nndu 01
Of,nnll.onda .nd M.hboobnar
........ /'1eao,..t*o babia __ -..
picked up r.pldly In plru of
Raroprtddy .nd Mecbk <00. 'DonI ku
aodopilolWle ""'f"PIIclwodu pud<adu.
(11-;" away lpi baby to <!'It
I boy Will be bom to 14) .... what
Ihc la, t d" cl entwhac Nanapur
alul< <0 bcIiewt.
Prcciol.n M a (Iiblc ColIep.
MIyapo.r) _ JatwI Abrnm Ile<Ntlr
HofM.Ilonc wtdl T__lowltI: ea..
(St.,., were the
major .,.,..:It, rectMolc wch babie.
ICCW. thau.h Inlc;!v. In direedy
plc;I<lna; up bablca. .... 1'ftjIOi .ib'. for
proce.."'I tht p.,..... U It had I
CARA lkentt. Aordir'lll <0 CARA
lUidtllnu. I'lO lkelUtd .,ency .......
Wf"PO'ed to be acUnc IS conduit
for un/lc....:td onu. ThIs """ _
to hlv, been broken .11 the time.
CARA IUldellnc. No. stipula,e
lIlat me baby mu", be kept.t t...,.
month In the .doptlon ho",e
It _ ''''''0'00 "I'"
""" .... 'ok"ed only In the bruc:h.
u ICSW did no, hue I ...11.
rnalnainad '-"e.
The ,...dew, g/ lilt lOOl ...... an
be .ott) 0'"to the Ib,-oh
police. It , .._ who
... F'ld baboft to ne. .... CII4t-
In IT... Sumo wlth dv.. babio$.
whole , he coo.okl .... tICpbA
The poIic. booked I cua 0/
Inffiekl"l on Chr!l,oph.r. Ind "M
,he, to "" T.ndur Betll.ny
Home for ttmporary w. ancody. At
about dlat dint. prHS ................
Gulbatp. lad come to Tandul'. '-"d
about the a .. and macM .........
They di.eover.d 'hI! 'hey ....
Kunaab blbln. They ..."....ed 50
In the GIAbIrp preu. The K,amaalao
police bapn ","kin. ""'luirlt. "' tile
<hln.n. under Kunchnm police
...tion. Umbld. wom.n Idmitd
,ha, S;awivam"", Ind Go bal (.n
tIdtriy Lamba<b daiImmI) d <0
wiIit P""qNM ,'""' and I"nd out
whocto had *'-'l)' had
""'''J" daJ.oItl, On delivery <hty
""""'*' ...;,it d>tm!ftd ttlI
th.m. 'Haw will yau ........1.,;" <lien
//oboesl Haw wif you mort)' <hem olf
pcIyinc off dowfyl c;;..e /I<Iflia 10 rht:

fo< t/Iem ..... rMywill
wcwAd take <he baby. re kit. the
Be......,. ccaea money and
re ........ ..-.ey <0 the mot:he -
from Rs. SOD I<> Rs. 1.500. The poIa
....eed twO wch ............. 1Ild ........""
2 e..... Crim. No. 16 Ind 17 on
M.rch 28 <hI. ..r.
no. Kdon cl the Kama<akl poIic.
may ...... ucmpbty in oJ'oe, 1lIht of
the faet t"ac In And"n
dtipke reporu In "'" ""tiof\I.l prti
and hctfindln. eommirtee' from
' ......ble quane... no <udi action
had been ........ prior I<> April 2001.
Itama<ab PvIr;. acted on me baIil
g/ disaia ...lition rqootU. .... _
........ aaion IIld ......"" aMS.. 'Thoo
Kamwb poke .-.-. ......-d -....-
_ exdairrwd It*' eflido."c, In
die public c They
plthily.. loos no l<ldI "fI!.oda
/obbyinf In"''-' ..... poIa'
polka oa,oi h' Q/

......, ' .
thl' the whol. bunch of
....inquilh....nt pq>tn _ 1.1...
When Iht poIa dled<ed up <tit
namtl and o/Ihc nawral
parenu. found <hey ..erclJolvl
Ther..... no ouch ,-"on of thlt
nam. In the yjllar quoted. Du.....
fur"- inwtitipdon. the Karna<akl
PolIaIi6to'<iiItd 18 -.who had
rcl1nqui,h.d blbl.. to the
Bethlny Horn. (1, m.y Inttre..
,..Icn to Icnow dII' lhe 18_
whom the poIic....... Idan<ifltd ......
bun pen hou...ltell .nd hou,e,
worth RI. 20.000 undar the Indln
Awau y...... by the Karnmb Sa..
eo... ,.,..ot.)
to ....Is epi'od" lhe
Andh.. Prod..h Police reued
SIn/ft'n. k-. An/a. Sen
l1omenu). Sa.-l,r.mml (&.e....ny
Home) Ind boolttd ellU Iplnn
Telder lovln& Care. All are OIl< on
ball p!"ft8ldy.
..-... ..-.<n.....
____u ....--..'''"'''.,,..a.-. _, o# .. __.. k ,",",,-'l
, '---
__ _ "",. ,-"." _ ,l'M .... -... __ ;
. ' -=t>-.. _0 ""1"'_< """"'",""'_QK_-
" ,
;IDOl. _ he _..-
CARA guidelines
AI; "'" vr:ry root cl "'" P : t' "Ire
no CAM 1"" " II """kh pm? ,
.,.. IdOfOol_.. T....
., f oeJ do I'lO( lay "'" h".. a k
fw d:Fllc tk ftlllInl
.,dCor"t 1
anol .... dotir lrAnt$. .",. far
oti .., to reoin the :0 __
...ill<, I ..d I 1' 1 n._....
Wothout th;s Ini "oorlr;. =look.
iflter:COUlV)' ado 01 MC plo' ,
....... IS "'"' 11,5 ...... 10 ID fall
itIto the lnp 01 the W-. dool.OII
CAM '" the nodal ..,.ey for boch
i .,
y"" -"d It> CQOo(.mnte
011 Il'IQl"-COUnuy .oopllool only. For
enmpl-. ifln-counuy adoptLil is the
t-....... wwkI ...,.ect It lO lad In
Ctt'f .actIon. In Se<;don 2.1 the Wit
0' rlCOlnlud f.",..lln .,.ncils
P"""e<lel; 5. 2.4 oI1KOJ1llHd Indian
l&ft1des. Sec. thac 1I:-.Id
du/robIe fOt !he COl 10 inta
!IIlurlII ""_. _ wtWdl
en ",ceo' ilf dII:hn I'wn InciI /Or !he
,lU';lOII "6,pc.iclOL' (.....,nus oun"
WIT ah<Ut the Gooe ,,C cl h:tia
In",r Inco one.sld.d bIllteral
wldl o:n.r COOIntries!
wt'f shooIId _ QI, cl ....... _
bailie. 01'1,1 Will ther" bl nO
CN.A nise the Issw cl
............... , Ccbt ____
in PC' eo Cl .=Idool pooYu_
p1labie1 inl ""'biP 'my ........
It aca for pvgd ht poor,are'OO
_Id ...... up Ihelr ....bI.. for I
dliIdeu ril;h 1Odetr. In the DDflWlC
cl tk ....... cl 'the cHId. .- mall)'
chink of <he w .......... adopl:I'4: d'Mld
is sure m bao. ............ io at ... _
alonl 0'.' wh, hu p.rlnu
.dio 1 +hld!'IW. or ........ 1in
a eoun.,.,. oh. buo do.
P 'I .d rftud m dihi".. "'*""'
.... -
The utquardt for bhc ,..., +...
......... or for plruteelrlf; that I
ldd< 11 Id chId.",. an * ....w:l dIiId
,+hod ...
minmal. Openinl I bank ICC nC
(wNre)'O" hr:oe m".Me u
01 ...d I ". lIUCh U I n:dDn ard) is
1Ir..-. .....than abab,.
AI dlat 11 req.Jired oi;nawm ....
a n-..-l
I'lO( be laall1 by..,...... Adcpdoo
.,.oaeasily admit tt-. ...- d thf
.... fabe. 'WIlo_-
bodoetI ...... ,......_ki'I dIit courrtry7
WI!y co/dl ont,r odoplicn dfIiI(ifl for
rhit', ..)'l ..... 'C""'1 otIC.. A110Mlc
chlldrHl '" IN.hifct;d from laCI
to 11 Inothtr Irll er.
C"RA luldlllne. hlYt encouraced
rnisuw. W!M"I tlwre ...... bten .....
thin lrnpl. 111'1'1, of blblel, I. I.
repor.ed INC the.. 1nl m
Klrab, Taml Nadu or Mumbll ""--
their pap.rl for Inc.r-co......,..
adopO::Ml artI I""CHM
CAM', ......, It ..... s.... eo... 10
resporsible for nlOll'l: I i ,.
KCMtJ In eadl State. ewer the bst
--. .... bIloIor....... -.-....
In Andll"l f'rIdetl\, wi:lI dM Sta..
C dM aeenou and
fO I,dinC nil. to CA"" for
Kupcance. YCA rKOfdt .... dla>ty
...,..... about d'llmbaJMce bet eal
......... , ............ , h, ..
tht -..- In CA has
been OFF 0010.01 ad! ......0- in


nLwent wrong?
Mue" of the IVPlX'Jed ItnnP in the
Woptiol. "'WO'"'en
ios in !he alllrma<ion 011 "bot=<" life'
a .... in die West. While_
'- no of ' .... : lily namirlq:
...mal hu happoiMd '0 our bible.
abroI4. _ ...... 1I'l)' """"*"d 1""","
In and ....,m.e. of the
'IUC"" Itorll" of
adoption. Thu could W I
__side Is Mldom nMd. W. are
prKiody dol", rhis wt.... ... put
before you Chlllpuhl'.
T.H.s. Chalap.llhi is
...cired JudI. Punjab .IId HlrpN
HI.., Coun A le,eM ,e"deman of
muwred ........... his concern for the
p1iJh< of childAn led him to 10 on

IlK.. ,." 1992-')4, he had ..... beI as
I CM! Coun !udr and deak wfth
iM.r-e....nuy adoption. When IrI
'99'. he WWlt to ..... US on I prioau
...... he dIouaht dIa, htI could lpend
his time usefully. and tried to ((In,,,.
the US adoption ,.,nell' WhOl1
....... tat had ,a...,iboa ad. """"" f
".. ..axJu whi:1I f
.......,obeell' -cM A....ian ..
(SlIlff M"rt/IG ","eo' cnd
'r"unori""O' FI/ml., Inco,poroud

Itooj, both 01
lOa'e re/IIclonl 10 oI>w me 10
_ !he doIMft. 11 __ """"" , fOI sudo 0
,..., ""'" CCInl<Iaed
.......... fmbaar. Il_.rM N
dlI ,u id arr-l ID CDOpe'OIe wilh
'R<.no"" Roo re/Ult'J 10 It<J>e _
ItN: c/IoIcftn lIIlMI!omr. orlM
'* rhallle-"di'llob
10"""",,,Md dwit por...a 10 his
,., "'-" I could med diem.
E... .,'tcI
parents rumtd..po Y Md SWr r.....,
0( MD, hod dliI drId ""-'
lhty hod IIGmedjonGrhotl. &om in ApiI
'992, _lDkMfot If:p" by dle
r-r-s0/( / fM he WIll {tom
" ' ilia4 Ho _ nol""'lO
Mt. .",. he rItI.M """'" hc:d, _

S1sW Mot1Ilo soid docK silt! -.Id
_ 10 hau,es 0( the children.
dlooIp , Mfed for T- JIM COlIId
lab rrNI 10 cWy _ hcmo! .. 1.0.111.....
ooIIen! _ mn l#loe l J _
ItN"" A Hum 1IIq we..
Tllqltad adopd.. /2,.., fItd
""' ""- ........ is o.o.""appo aM /lis
I,ner III AUfu11 "92.
o.o.""appo_ born .. Oec 19BI, ond
his IiIW .. I 'U Their rcnller
ItaddiI .. OPt w:ddooe, 1IIOCher Itad
...."""Ied 10 .-.oche<
lJal,aM silurll(_' .... *
.... 1tad /efi IO....., .. _
04 Sf' -u.I focmr1 .....
illdulufo' ....t<lOrts or Hyd,robo</ !Cl
A.pport hir l"lU"I'fsil:ler. n.m. he _
10"- rhefl .. couple orli1lel,
ottd _ ..... III rIM! llomoI SdIooI O'l
Niva' ' 1 (or .. ,..,. CM /lis n:leoM. he
_ ..... ID _ lOw. ,.,.,.", /lis _
IIlllY'*"odr'-J-. .. J992.

- - ----







'" ...

fIOd rhe;r UJtnL "'" older man 1Iys,

'Set IIoo:st rb lhm1 Ht """"'"
... ""'" (lit aouIo"}.
A onte Ay. "Don'
tbnt: 8tfJ'O ,., rd Ht Iood Iried
'4 ...., III 6l1f iIlft on hir bo( ond
ID1 foikd. MidI a(!he tI'IIlMJ' _ in
die cfaq 0( knJ.'
I"1:Ironl (on(ir.,1es. "Once / MOI.oell ritd
It .. It" by !>,!oplt whOlt! uap my
MbtnIIIod ................ ond /rod
No '" fl_,d wdt lht......,.. Ortce.
...... dIiI Srir-"l, """" .. 14ot .....
'*'1 Oft lht MIiII dIit "" SlId fn
""ts to IJ t/Iid: lor llCW<Itt/. was "....
... badly t/I<>' I to<>\. 20<1 pam my
fI..- ond _ '" If rJoaor" dot dip.
1llt doclDr wid1_1Iurt 1O.....eIl tho!.
GM' (I". &lI ... --.Id
.... "". Md CSht "._tha< ....
CltlC. up I bl& """" _ hit hw

'A\' mot/ot.....,.."has dway:t """""'rod
IWrI. O!htrwise low""""'" 14 Or Qe dVsl
1(,.. awdt ..... QIl ,.." lIll jIils: ond
YIom.I _ .. _"""
....... acoo.nd .. tellw
to cool down..Sh.e ...,.. 1 _'t ad
...... __........... eocfy.why
wI / ""'" rk/wrlJ He lOkes hem W cook
I'InI4 na ..... 10 Wter """'*\ bt.t roMI
.... IX/tome. ""..... tmr lilt '*'=IfircI
/wn! _ltt lIS 011_ lk.t "" _t do it
1-*'"ond"'"...,dlMM.l hoot
..... _ 1(1 t" '* It doe S" dosI, ci'fs
.. ond J" dsJ. 0... bay lied ........
14 _ 5-6 mond:s olcl. ond.-,;rls aIJo
dird <It 0 ........ ..,.. , was wry l"""'i"
l/ltlt / cMl' "'- 01''''''. f_dlour"
w..bIt 'r pt tI 14 my
"'""" do ""-"fPO'1 me. , lII:IId .., fIIdrtt.
,.. rftooN __till! -.
or .. Mi.Wo\ ,-M btlIn <J#r.
did you "'""' ... to dIit ",../
':_ IhauefI .... /IlIJooe ant! ond _
.. t od........., ""'"'
son. 1cMl' __.., more. /l ir 14 wIoo
"'" uo,.... WhtIt.., botIr
.. ;w _ /:IanI" 1999. /lom so.,Il
MlIWll. wtt'I to _ ......
She I' Du...,., Nlik. eldec slltec.
0 .....,., i' the youthful leode.
,.tlllIent of P' l..amllalb. Hakkllla
oamid'L I'Wcri. .......
haoI po.... up lw d*d ....- to
Wbtn we drow down [0 T"nJmI\clri
th.and.bout 18 km, aWlY
<!InM.I&l' <HribI. 'Old, 01"
..tu, pm.ed tor roaOs. MuonI had
cor-Io<.. ..... -.-wcrk.......
""'" a_y fn:Im '- .........
"--_ no nowI. W. me< Iter ""*'
lhe ...wmecl. g,on and ......rMIy
lllnotd. in. IIu dle .1wlI. (OlOlOOUI
>nddina..,.. 01'- blod'ltl.Sh.e WII
1'IOl"""'" to ...."' .... 8ul",.setmId
(onpell.d to ..lit - .ome Inn..
"",'_ u doe J&It1nC
wo<t1. pou ",.,.. wu no
'- in broktl'l T.......
half .. flutnt.l..ambltI. she did not (lire
for dot ribaldry cl ...... ntl;.t>ou"- 01"
_ thI joldrtr III"CHm of "'I LHPS
hnol, ...... bn:Ittr: III bb"e.
Her hid a 1IOIitkItl oIlhoir .......
Tl'Io dlti'III......... 'diu "Of<t4
lIll ........... wi\1l_.. r.oncM __
0( "'" ,........ n.r IlIIII _ hi m.,
IIod "JOIW' r.... 11: _ ontr
r;.e )""011" Jinc. rhoy hod IoIi /n6cL W.
Iw<J _ fl , , "'" _ $ll!J'ftl"
1I1llbM:'".... AI rtey SOl down for UldI
1I UCIIIrd ""fItlfQI , -.Jd IlOI f<II -
food}. 1fol.nI !he dIIIr;hn
_""C. I /IlIOll "" lIll o:sl
CJooniroppo 10 sMw _ his .......
I 'iIf>"Ott.d _ .. ..,w.
10 III _ 10 /le !lr !he
f""'iIy. WMn n' W his room. ""
uN.... """ "" fI'lInI edutlllfd and
,..,10 study "oeddi le o{rft" his IdDd
__ He wid lid hII Jittu __
Jd\DIt slot ...........
..... ell ....... He !De IIod lIll......, .. !he
'/IiIdJ a:ier IdtooIIan. He ecPOti.ed his
We l:l _ 10 his Jbda. 1
,.,.,. IIm "'T oddmo ond "Ifet'rd ..m..
h$1<"'*I. Hll<II<rdllfllO'lt IIodaMiwy.
..,..,. -.......... _.... "'"
I IIod pttr D _ doe dltie'I wtfo ....
opttt riod. .. on --.. both MtI 0( 1_1lotnond .... dIiI ....
dIIdo ..' felt. piIy tot !hem. WktI, n.:.ll ... potblr's IlouH (poOl';'. to a
<e,........ ,a w.."""(l.... I ""'''''''''' hou$e down the H"" about 20 (Ht
pe<trpWnt wItII both lhe F"nt. SKrtIOly. .-"It' cidn) __ 10 mcwtY lle".a. Id
Mr. s..- and MoIfIuwcIon""" ...,. Jlift"b IIod ...,.. bid lrCItII<laioI'I
r".y ..pre,,,d lIM IfIoCIbiIitr of "'. wiclt .. "", lhy Jdid, .......
W. <Inl""*........... Al-,-na ".... IIod
.,_Iw'4>Ut:41y1cd: o(""ond .. If<,... 0(-. ontr...-.,....
Thty CDtM ody for-d ""'*" <:IuthmtJ.
,tporU b1 f1H! US OCM;'" Ht ir on .....,.. It< ....,. _
tJres .. sunoer ir Cllniluard cotwtIcxl.... andbtoame ,a,,_He ..... _.....,..
"""r - ... Ideo. In .. <OW<lI ..-drIf 011 ..... bid, once .... had S ocrtS, _
Wh If Us.bcntdtIlUIn'If)'_!he llllCnt)". _ '-only _ Ho: IlOIIOId """"_
""'- ft ..., m oed dtat lI:oo:A: _ .- __--. Ora IIood
..... US t:idafIlioe r-- "*' D ......ttsAs /....._ ",
"',.. If drId ,..... .... ,_.. ..., _ CtImt .. " '" .... dtat
0( ..... , 1Iod.-. tIftIl foo_cW (to /oil; <4t Iood *.. -r Iht sd; 0(
Mr. Atarw CIJtA. riI;e from !he """'e. I rIf/I bad<, Wo my
but , rtaM<d /Ill fton'l 1oulbot4 pid:td up lhiI bllloc beat
IIIern. ..... ae,......."""'_' .... ""'" .-od
Junke Chalapulll Ibo wu kind $NI t OMG)'. He aa OMG)' riI:t. lit
--cl' 0 hiI dloolpta with..... [O/I;es 0WtI'f .... 10/1;.. o-..ry
So wu Huonl. W. had hun:l cl .,cI lit .. jhI {Tht I d' n
fIdopdon for OIaHlloppo and his Pmt.
twJ IM chiIdrero ....I'l! _, to I/Mi Us.


.. ,
It I


.... the discuuion proc...... _ see

Wl the ....... '" pc ~
iNlQled widl MlronI. It HemS !hey
have no hme to addres. en. iuue 01
...,....... ::'1 iC.-d'ler'-"ud'.-I
away dMIr baIIia. 1lIis i5 0/ ~
hWIly .....~ For e:uITlf*,
Ol\ 0<11" ls11 <0 Omb Nalk thanda
(Peddemul Mandll. "an,u.ddy
dis<ricQ 20 '*"*. If fin.,. ~
.....ue wiI:h dMr had Si-'
up their blbi Ye< when tll
i" llpton twTIId .... wiI:h pen and
paper. orq SoIlhtie 20 Dl'Iiaed",
have <Mir pi babies.. Maronl
~ for enmpIe. cid not ..pan
to the dpton cNt her ~ y wu
aMn a-y.
"""" ,<I
19 pr11 per
100 f.L."..
I 2.' l
... S1.JSS
2.18 dalqhten
10 I $OIl ~ , -
trill. birth. TN' 1.98l1
babies ani liU/)' mdoinc 01 the
oampIt 01 9.223. ThiI couIcf ir>cIiatt
, ... I Mb.1( oil '"rt hi&h order.
faI, T I &M'lll away lMir P1 babia
npon....- po.u"...:I
................. 01 .... ;" thtfa"E"
"'et- aa to NGOo
is rtpOtUd lire. k , be .-ed
tha' I' i' de .,..- """" cb tI 1
up IS NGOs. W__to
lom. parl1tlpnlo" I" duilio".
rqardI"I child.....' "-re. Deopi<e
1"""1 ,wly <heIr ..... llabi.... <hese
bmllitl r.port hili- pen:o:maae 01
r.naIt daaw dwl ..... rMt.
JUl<lu Chlllplthl RIO Wro,.. '0
CAM I" 1997 1u.1f lbout h;. US
uperr."ul. I"d Maro"i 10 hr
llaby In Im. In yel"'"
much 01_ hu been 10... and w. hay.
"0' rupo"d.d 10 di"ren
111",11. 01
ralinqulshmen, ol pi children by the
Lambadu is no!. I new pMnomenon.
I, was reportad in 1997 by Gr'amya;
Grwnya _. to die et- Seumty.
Social Well,... 'boon POloi>le child
..le. The Governme", (Com.
m1uioner. Tribal W...... [)opL) had
"" E"qulry Commln.. 1f'POi"'ed.
<he "rml of .. Includi",
ido>cha 01 die cauoa and utMt
01 infandddt 01 salt atrIOtC tht
1.amI>ada$," The Committee did IlCiC
......, dIId instead
liHJId _, a.- 01
in T,'1, III I and how thiI
prlulu WII ,oln, on.
C ,., ..... t'fto...._1d vWa by
(ou""lIor.. I duper ..udy.
compullory tor ,;..... I
re.ldenllll Ifrh' .ChOOL .,1f-Mlp
VOUPSolwomen,ino inp".'
health aJ"!f" and conIan< '''OIl " _11
of prtINIK mochu"s. -.: W-
o.......... Gnmya _ asbd
to ,"k' up I prolnmme In
but <he project __
aborud .......y. WIlen the seanl
IQnlbJ broke ....t I" 1999 .nth
Gnomyl a.ltJnl thl lead In
reselrelNn,". varIovI paptr
police In Chand,mpe,"
11 I odwtdp (oil_"i1ed che stories..
In Im. "-r s..ctIiIb and Sani-n
Rao wire Irrened on '''".... of
b.,.-,""" aa5ddo.- Their
w..e uncelled by CAAA. on lbe
re,,,mmlndnlon of ,IHI S....
Governmen.. However. ,hildren
'ontinued to be pidled up. and IS the
S..ce 'ICA re,ord, lhow. 'dopOon
rnu. par,lcularl, in'er_coun,ry
ldoptlon ntu did no, drop 60wn in
1999 and 2000. SanJ...... Rao too.
co"tl"uld '0 pick up b.biel. TI>e
f!p'eI opak telll"lfy for
(..., pili).
The 1999 CIMI ..... III fWmy tha'
'wo y,"" Iner - In 200 l. ,he
et.,dLE IIacI
nor ye< k .....,. recendy
.... thiI ha be. done. ..,.,...,
out ... W Sanjeewa Iba condnued
... pick up ba.tNa.. Other apncies
mnQooued chelr -*""""- paIIIL
1100'.4_T..,.. Lorolrc
ear, pld<ed up mo".,1Um.. /u it
typiul with <he Go on, ann
condnued to furlalon in cl
et. o<:t-./u 1wI. '1.I.lllOI, Sdhu
Vihar applied for ...,obeilhlp in the
VCA., 'he body whkh <he Gov..
supuwded ....... months 1lI_.
In 11ardI2001.1he s&ory broke
out in the fIftu ...... che 01 die
lUm.aa.k.a 'olke to the 8ethan1
Home. With the vi'il of
ShancN kedd,t. H-.b. Nltio<W
c.o......Iuion for W...... and Ihe Eaa
Itdot&I"IfIOI'U byJamuna
public ...pon., and new'paper
repor1I became "' Ihe encn
adoption II""CY Kenario. and cM
Sa.. GooenvTlUl' ...... cIeciItwtiy
into action by pauin& orden IIrpty
banninc the KCtpQftCe 01,.. I ! "-d
babies by .....and 1<eePnIdllldo.,
wi,hout llcenc.. from ,he SUte
Gore" ........ TheVCA .....
and the Sa.. GoY<. ternponori/)' took
over iu mlnlllmln,. "nlla hn.
Slnjenl RIO. Savl,ramma Wlrl
:orres<ed. and FIRoIiled apnlt Tinder
lCIvinI eve 01 St. There"1 Hospital.
WIw was CAM', roIt/ Sa)'l CAM
Member Secretary. Oev 'Iarmlit\, lAS.
...... 'nil: Ileoti,,(rile .... tl 'GfUidu
in M CGI'I be ,.,."M1'1 rile Ih IIIM!
_ .... /)4 ..<I ..y "1" 4",274
1:' clnAlln20Cl0.The
alIlIPOOOrl'llirInI fer kraIo on 41
and 126 (r>aUIU)'1 and
fot kItfOI- 272 (..-crrt ot>d 162
NI dle ... "' ....
Lift' 4 ""'P ........
1.000. ofwlWdl MoW... aJoDo dle
bIAt{ soo. AI_.-.d"*"
_ 200.' Cold a>mIon: Iflli .......
11aharasllcTa. IIo.. e
he 1qI. """.... 1111 hu ID be
done by tht Sa<e Go

'"," '-"_....... .... I'-atta 010<... t1ADA, tt ........::;;;z:. ;; 'i "' .... T...., W.... 0" ......... _

Adoption details 1996-97 C"CA
were available only lor I f_ agentla. Thi$ Ii$( is ntIlher comfO enensloe nor exh>.ustivoe.)
NlmtI of I(e>Cy l..:oumry .dopdon In.trcO\lll<ry adopdi>l,
Home MIle .. _ Fcmol" 8 Male I _ Frnule 10
Adoption deWls '997-98 (YCA ror<Is)
NlmtI of qenq lncounuy Idoption
Bcdlany Home MIle) - Fo:=le S
TlC M,le focure no.
known _ F"""le 29
Adoption dewts 199899 (VCA .--dl)
Name of agl!rq I""ount/')' ldoplioil
BcWny Home M.... ]-= 5
TLC Mllle (, - Fem,le 28
Inttr<:0Ul'lVY adoprion
M>1e 'lure l'<l'
kAowr' - 26
Inten:OOf\Q')' adoption
Mo'" 2- Fenlllle 15
M.le 2 - Fem>1e 29
Adopliotl deail, (VCA reeonh) 19992000
Name of qetq Children admitted
ICSW (ond Anil.>. Senl
Tend.r Lcmnl C>.re
8elluny Home
Moole I J - Fe"",l. t
12 Female 118
M,ie _ Femo.t. H
Incounuy adoption
MIle I I - F'ttnale 0
Mlle 2 - Fem:lt. H
M"'e 2 - Fem.le 7
lfltercount/')' aOopdon Incl.
NRJ. I.pflci:aI need, children
Moole 8 - """,le 27
MzIe 2- 60
Mllle (, - F.1Nle 19
Adopdon <IeWk (VCA record.) 100lJ...2001

Tend.r LoYinJ: ea...
ChiId....n .dmitted
MooI. 2S - fem,le 20t
Moolc 1 - I1I
Inccunuy adoption
M. r - Female 16
Ma" I - FemW 67
MII. 2 _ F<:m>1e I r
Jrm!f"COUnt/')' adoption ind.
NIUs and lpecial needs child....n
I - female 28
M,le - FernaIe 59
MlIe 9 - F."",le 29
Afler 1997, the
r..ned by Openlnl leverll
ang.nWlldis in MoondaL
No 0111.,. nep wu taken to
Imellorlte the condilion. of the
Lamb.du. 10 provld. them wllh
lome form 01 seasonal
10 Idenlify thlt could b.
assigned to them. to help them with
dry-bnd cultivation Inputs. U> ake up
womensuppon p'ognmmn the
Stue's prime scheme for women.
DWCAA ...... nol even al<en to the
lNndu. Our survey. four yurs Ilter
In 2ool, IndlClu.s the. Chlnd.mpet
/'Itel lowest by all in<flCators among
the four co, eel It reponed
the hl&f>nt f1Ite of mlf:1'IIion (In the
ategoI')') for wort< - 89.08"-
the hllhes. numbe<" of reporting of
,0\11$ {P'rsonl "jsibnl dle wndl f<x
akina .way tirl chikhn) - (26.7" of
Our rupor'Idoents). the 1ec:0<ld hithes.
Incidence of bonded labour (4.46'.11
01 Chandlmp'" families). the lowest
incidence of OWCRA croup.
(O,U"). ,he hichen Incidence of
dowry In the I'W'ge of RI. 50.000- I
Ialch (14.23"). u well u femaIa infant
moru.lity (l,Ol" in con,ran with
0.15" for m.Je Inflnts). The DSP,
DeYll ...konda felt, M nor beon
any do, " ,,,,,,I in /he Ios! 30 """"" I
/Ioe lfe> It>en, ...,,; , 0'\1 t ap.
.-. , /o:IYo! been rile ><me 1llLO'C
MIt !he roods ,...., noxIirc chi:
Al lil. lime of our .........y very
Government offICial we met 1I dle
Mandor k....n to polnl
out dlu Lambadn pve up lileir tiri
babi.' ....rywheri in
!heir Their feeli", that nothing
would come Ihrough
beau,e of !he paucicy of tile fundi
and lile lnaccesd>ilily of dle lhandu,
11.0 Clme through. They openly
thal f Governmem: offidal
visited the tIwidu. WIles. !here wu
I IpKTal impef1l'l;,.e to do '0. There
leems no point bbmlnl the police
or the W.....en,hkd Child W.lfue

qe""ie. > CAAA I....pll all these
KaITIS, when we lhel ......
no poIiliaL no will all
o:hrough. The I..ambadu were "ndine
d .., dlnre... Ihll their
--'-----------.,""".' -1
wu in a crisl
Wt rtlpondtd by blaminl the
l.ambMIu. 'The nt .. P'lP"'" hudlines
d>e IW.
It rn<> ocher
V-to up Ita babiel') and ";rcuall)'
...,bud) Iou an aceu<inl
....... Ihem. The poke picbd ....
LM.' *, by doe donn. but than
.... and f'WCIStanod c:ua .-mt chem..
In ..... proceu. _ puc !hem in
I corner !Mm and It imp' si_
for thtm .0 rtlpond.W. ""'n' llnor.d the
............. and ...............:1 diMu
....t IIboo.-.d in doe ,.... ....... and
ciIie$ of Andhn Pndnh. and Ior
po1Uo.. tell doe panna what .... "'"
child 11. Wt hn. conytniently
1Cn0Ad dD' mod....tdy -a-lCKIo
people can ....... 10 in b' a medial
tlrmlnlllon of preln.ncy on, IapI vound, (ilia, it will
QUI. the rnoINr dbUti$ " $Ul6ciIrn
1fOWId). In no oth"r cante> h:;u
the victim becomt the ylll.ln ..,
In Ihll t""'lltdy.
!n 2001. It wa. m.dla,<l.d
sometio,_ ce<lllnl" Wt kept up the
preslll". Newspaptr ..-parten -=re
pnulntly homIIed and thue wu a
kind of commltm.nt b.hlnd the
ltoria. SlarieI appared m(l,
..... n Ifter April 20 hen the
GovuNntnt publkl)' dtcll'lOd ju
............. SlOp babies
readolo...... 1:$ ti"" IIp'IdI!I and to
........... "" tlChdn& ......
Responses of NGOs:
NGQs- hid not rapo"dlOd to .....
Il-. .- ha... ther' bHn MmiI:ised
III doinl 10. Shlyarnp.. Ind in
...rroundilll M.anclah. for exarnpIt
(Toopran. KowdlpllIl) ""', ""'d
tralkltirc: in La-b'r!a p1 dlti., !or
...... r-"' ........ till ..... oan*l
W-up in doe po--. no NGO ..... DC
in the Irea. and there art pleftcy.
11.."d oth.. or the
Goyernm.n. Ibou. oh. dlllr....
SO,......., 10 With P,1l1 'M and w-
...... 8abnapr tspccially till a retard
number oINGOI in tf>t area. Tocb.,.
ohe Llmbldll Ire Ic.ptical 01 III
NGOs and CI'Irilti.o.n In.Iiurtio<I. I,
i' a dlllrult born ou, of the
',>oI.""",t 01_01 them in IiItirc
...... "'....
NGOs worlt in -r spedlk
lector.l are LI,.," h.uu of
d... elop....n. and human conc......
are ""-' 0,""::1 ad bp d>em. or Iefr.
alon. 11 iIlIprUtiUI to ult. on.
Untouchabil", for In.unc II
dislricu and RapJu....... dbtricu.
whidI abo ha... "'" ounber
01 NGOI in AP. While NGOs wiI
worit ......., Scheduled c...... for
imseI, __ itulI it ftOI
Iddreutd tlI I mllor UUltTopfte
Il.t.pon... of .11 commun""
........Iiord of the Lwrt .6't -.. i'IOt
uniform .............. the YIIiouI tunan
n;rt did ftOI rapond to
,lot In..t, L.mb.d. communlt,
0I'JI"'iU6oI'Is cooa",,>td the in
bib'.... The Umbad. H.kIcul> Pan..
5.mlthi and the AI'
toOl< .... in doe tNnd;u to
COllnter ,he rellnqul.hment (more
about <NI in doe ne>tt chapter, 'What
has been dont riJllt'. tuwe..,"""
wart at el'Jorts bt' OtNn.
The legal framework:
The la.. _. ""equipped to dul
..... chahnce 01
wId 01 in"," ,,0t6cansenl. 1lIet'to is no
po>' The
State GcJw<. ......... vyq 10 uN Ihs
po.' : 01 s.c l66 A in dw Indian
Penal Code Ir'l the UiItlI 5Ied. This
concerns dlo: procuntlon 01 minor
..... F'oict oIksaII rnilt the lilinr;
..... oHs chItJt. beauw doe reason
lor inclulion of thll Itctio<: ..,.
.. icio. b' pu .. ': I 01 cnfI'IdtlnI
(ItxuaJ) In rniftor H... cht
procunlioft of 1"1 blbl.. is .... ,
olt.",lbly for , ..ual pu'poJe'.
htlh.. tl'll. Itetion un be
.....lded to ..,iQbfy _ an.......-
01 trade should be looked inlo.
......, It cannot be trllted ....,.
U I I.... Is...... If p.o......u who I!'"
,hei' fir] bible. ar. pro..cuted ill
It defNa ..... -r f'Il'POII!
The police cues:
CII\e tl*lI .-no; dtar. k is unliloIIy
caicWb .... be bal..-l in <he
u ... f"""dinI belore the c........
"'1' ,.......,pw "'-it
and _ 01 tt- dtliant - We
.............. We ...
coses _ deomI.' The QIft ........
boobd Ilh l6llblliciic 0Ul
<he 01doe Ir..uprdiarI.
<he Is"""'......-). l4S (pr'OCltnIion
........ pot), l68, l7J or
......... for prosdtulitln). 420 (t:MatinIJ,
468. 465. 467. 47l. 141. l4). )44
TaIte the coat 01 Stc. lfJ - procurirc
minor withoul doe' perm' .
Thit. is ytry proYliblt Indeed. Ilnce ::hot
parenu hlY. I"""nlly ....t .IJMd the
nli"'luisllmtnt papen thtmsetves. Thtot
h.aYe betn made up ., doe Mloption oHkt
with "'" htlp of tht .,..,... Say. M.".tI
and Labh......n of Goripddl thv>dlo hive
...... up their baby. The rellnqulshmenl
papers will nltu""lI, 11.... oomt o,her
NIIlII and ....,.. Wl\It doe police .hould
have done (we do ftOI "they ha...
done thi.) it to visit the YlIlqe named,
loa.. the per.- roamed. in .. 1Iteihood,
thest peopIt art non-exis t. So the
poke gb 01 " from the
Supanch of dDt yiIl& <fw. no
adI ptnOfb and """- "'" ....
con- !or. doe SarpadI 01 the .....
(from the .tlC*""'" of no ......
per-. was _ tabIl) wiI boch (
..... hoaiIt I be of d brky.
For potopIe haye dI u_..00II>
pro6u. thew petty indeed..
0... c...a Ib-'" re btne6r. at
douI:t 10 the iKObtd. Htnc. If X it no<
""nl. doe ".... dw'll:oI dD. the __
'X was ftOI '-:tIln _ ..... was ....
I .... T. a the aa:used atl'rilt.
.. -
How Lambadas live -
in a Modern Stone Age
lInlna :.: ,'..
"'" .
10ior "'\.
, rn,




Oml:>. Naik tha..d:>. li.e. in
'errain vinually at Otle eorner of
Andhra Pradesh, 'hree kilome,res
from we bonlef". Over 0
hundred kilomelfes from Hyderabld.
and26 kilomelfe.lrom PeddemuI. <he
sleepy ......nd.) hudqulrlel"l, O...
Nlik dwIclI is about 1 km 011 me <:ar
road When it rains. 0Mb <IwIda
is eut off from the /NII' .o.d because
We !weer.a road hu ,,,,,,",,,I cul.ern
on ill way. Ind will be rendered
,""""torablt. 1he cbim chat it
to the biIItst wanda in Ranpreddy
1,10 named .lter Omlll Nalk
whose 'relit rnnd-daughtera ......mbet"
,en, not 0 .,.". uncOlT'o'nOn occurrance
in <his dwKlo.
Nineteen women and one mOl' ,It
t>eIOl"e uo - all of them have ""en up
....... in child to each Sa"';cnrnm:a,
lleth:any Home In Tandur throu,h
Parvati. 0 L.:ambldl woma" from I
nur1>y INoncb In Karnat:ak.a. They have
not lone '0 the Tandur Home
wemoe!>" .". ';,ned any ,......rL All
mey know Is that P:arv:ati pld<ed up the
bibles. They their reuon.
openty. The lone tnV'l. H:anin&h- hid
hId:an ernetlenq' operation in G;ondh;
holpit:aI :and could not do hard work
ofter- it. He had no< even been .ble to
walk for dinone", before tht
operulon. Hu,I..,h hn four
dough,,,",:and p.e hi. The
o,her women coo have over four
d.u,l1ten. Their dras- <radirioN.l but
much ,caled clown from the usu.1
finery. jewellery IfId embtoidcry wori<.
te!tifiu to their
jaminl &1, tll.e motherin_law of two
such women, urn 01 whom has live
daus"..... each. 'l"iedy offers u' two
b.blu. ToI<" /hem and brin,rhtm up:
,he A1'. 'My htIlbon<l is deod, /lorh my
dourlllrts-irJ.lw _ in ba1 o( drivety
- how om I 10 feed JO many hunrry
mouth.? I married my cIouthtet 10 0
'omay in Gulbolf<l two yeM
0(0./ hodptomiseo' Ri. 60,000 os dowry,
but my hu>bo>nd died. ... I h"""n't po;d
yet Thoy beat my dcaJr/lw orld lenl het
bJ<; 0'" e/den irKerYened and Jenl her
bad<. How am I to pay che dowry7 0""
do<Jrhter.fn.lawbro<or/Jt in Ri. 3,000, ond
rhe odIu nolhint. Now bodt _ is bed.
OM do<Jrhw-fn./aw delivered losl: nof/It
and die alheT Iosl wW<. Each />os ,....
oIrNdy. My JOllJ ore worl<inr
inMLmboi. on<l' Il<M to feN le" dIidTtil
ofld rhree oduIIs.' Jaminlllai wa"'he! UJ
quietly _ wt take her up Otl her
offer! How mud! do __ have to l'&yl
Wusk. Nothlnt.'shu:ays.
lhtm t>nd brine !Mm up. y"", (Oft,we
lhtm 0 bellHlife.'
JamInIIl:afJ predbment Is renecwl in
me <>dIer volcel. There Is wor!< h......
, ,
" .. 1"'1 :ho ,
.A, '--'Or ,,,
vl.lclnl ""y Govt. offic.. or .hudy
h.... to !pend R., on !>U.
fares .10.... The road lbIIks th.. Pedda
v.., ...,f>;<h Is a broad rivuIe<. moIdy
dry durlrol our vi"" in July and
AUlun.Th.. " .. n.. IJ pinur.. ,,;ue
enoulh ..ith hug.. boulders nonlonl
the Ind th.. rood itself twi"ing
lOO 'u,n"'a; frequently. At the ti",e
of wrlti., thi. report (Octohr
2001). tht hId been
unmotorable for doHto ten daY' U
to the hling of boulden..
from I .... point further on. )'DU an
IMthe greenery on the <><her side of
the Sarar Ilk... Aridlt)' this
side Ind k.h Veenery t:he other - tilt
contrast could no, be mor.. strikira;.
36 ..r... ubmerged when th..
N.rju....lpr projea was buih In
1'52. O"""Mun",'J lnN.bit:tnts hid to
mi,rue from their di,pl.ced
::..out 2 lr:ns wh.-.. they 10"
somt 280 Icres. In rett.n\, Go..... fI""
m..m only 90 "ere' of rc<:1cy I,nd ..
comPft'Sl'tion to 18 far.ooiIiu.
MOJt of tht vilL.1g",.. mil:r:o", for C1'i"
h.1lf the yar to Gunt..... TNs wndo.
reports 0IlI of th.. h,pst level. ef
mla;n.tion - which mtI/IS the
entiA would be emptying _
in ablebodied Inhlbitlnu after
O.... ,re bond.d
bbouren, cI..nom4aro childrer. Tht
th.ntb hII ...nganWldi" (thouz!> only
2 of_ l12respor>tlen"Sly theyWlt
theM'" ones there). and I Khool
..e there is ttach.r. Wh.. rlU.
60'4 of the childr..n of our a;..nen!
.... r.. lit..rue, 'he
oorre'pondlng figur.. for O",,"nkuna
was only 7.)81;.
The ,ex i. dlsturbioa;
her... Only 1.68 births ......,.
" 0 ........"".. ,110 "'" "",.,. ......,.. "'"""', -,
't<__ I*dlo. IlK ...... _ .. , ""'"
__ day< 01-"'.
bo: ak..n to T fur l/'ell<ment
(W.. found oth..r 01 bid
worklnl tonditlons in mllrnory
work. In N..rlapall' r:om panchy..
thand.1 the umbld rea;ullrty go to
worltat T r Siddipet. They
that two of them hid died 10
In 'cd.,.", th......}
Hutyali Sal the daiam!lll (there are
two in the d... ndl) complalm that no
doctor comes to me wnda.. If tt>er..
is Iny iOne... peep.. ....... to &<' to .....
private doctor It Thattopllll. 5he h...
neither bftn trained nor b<"en pen
Iny kit.
o.r I ........y eovered I)) ;""'Iehokl>.
Thae tuod 200 boys and 163 &iris. of
which 91 boys were Itt..ndi"l
50 boY' were working. 5 IS l>t>nOed
IIbounn. 56 boys were .. home. The
corre.pond:nl fia;ures for th.. lid.
_e H, and 53. Then" elKoitiIy
In the thuda, but nOne of our
rt'POnd,n" hid elt<trltlty in thtir
hom.... Th.... Is 1100 I schooI- in het.
_ meetlna;" the wat held It the
IChool The '<ill.,..,., Informed us mlt
th.. te:>tt- far more ..,..a.r dIln
"'''''y _ cI>en in <h. He
up houn In nurby
Thaaipoll .nd travelled from the.-.-
Th III h<>u hoIds also r"J"O"' 65
thlldr be""" 1).1 yu" dead_lid
13 between 1-5 ran deaoL
Osmankunta thllldals I full 22 km
from 0IIntbmpet. the 't\mIlI1y non-
..,;.." M""doJ ....dq........... n'.....
la no poIic,statlon It and
'i:rt>lly no odler Govt. offici.1 was
preunt when we visited twice.
OsmankuroQ 's over 40 om. from
Devankontb where th. peopl.. '" to
the police s",tion .nd to th.. viii.,..
u.ndy. The h" IsRs. 16, so I coupI..
only for 2_) mon Mo.. of .....
li'iculturaf labour migru.. '0
Mumbll for work I vlng b.. hlnd
women Ind childr.. n '0 f..nd for
1II.-nue/v.... Sorn.- wome<l who hov..
mom..,.,_In-bw to ""re lor me you/lg.
11<0 1e.I.... widl me;, .....b>ndo. A l.-w
wom..n told ul m..,.., ot hcdy, Wt
they did,,, ofte" cook for twO daY' In
row......... ""' ........................... when
they couldnt ..v..n gM 5 ..
wo'*- For loo..., .....y go to
"",..r II km! "_y. '0 "'..........'"1-
lender. 'Goinr Dnd coming i"'el{
(0= 0( Its. 23. "we bomw Its. '00,
mudI do "" '-r brhind7 How
much Clln we OOrrow 10 (ud o""el-res.i"
Their worit has not led to
"ny Their condition. of
wor\( It or near Humbal .. horTi1ying.
They tlIlked of at tontinuc>ully
domp plo.c.... where <he[ to put
down on.. """,Iulln on th.. a;round
before and """ K:ov. them
to proteCt .. from the
Reeendy rTIIII WI! broua"t. with
m>laria. from MumbIi wher.. "" Nd
Ion.. to wori<.. H.. died befo'e he could
How live - in Cl MlKlern Stone Age

repocttd for 2.85% male birth"
ndlad'\l a of lbo"" 30-40
ml<,lnlllrl . Only B women ....port
ha..... mectl'1e ANM. A1lhe Ilou
..... s.maIlhatched .ffai .... (76% in this
,hInd...... huts.) One .intll brick
house leuirou to the prOlence <>f
Govt. employe<'. He Is on ...,rnur in
die wIIo works In Haryula. He
""'rried ) yurs ,,&0. and took I dowry
of one and I half "'kh There is .Iso
In Lie agent Ind I I'l.l workIn, In
PUjnlly None of IU'le liv' In the
dIanda. tht)' ,.;,it o<:....ic:>nd)'.
The w_ullt of hard worl< <My
do _In lhe field.. in me hOUSL When
there I1 no ri(UIUU1,J work, they
colle<;t fl ....wood from disw\tVOwth.,
and urry them to u... near6l "",rt<.l
to ...It. None of mem I'll"',, accused I
DWCRA "hem., none of our
ha.... receiYed the Widow
Pension. whll' only one is receiving all
Old Ap pension. Only one
h.. lCC:,..ed the h"",ln, sdl..... 0/
the Gounmenc. 96.92% .eporl
borrowing> from the uhulQr. while
only 1.5"" ....pottlCl'..... toloanslrom
Government )nstkurions.
Th............ery many myths abou< the
_y umblodu ..... Alcol< It <heir all
e"et burln. Ind phy.iquI
_m, '0 imply IN.....y ..... no, like
<he .....di'ion.1 poor we see In tile
TeJlIlfana "illages. One hurs they
hIve attll. hence milk (which they do
not .ell) \0 drink. Ihey h."e I",d.
(more tiI.n <he Scheduled Casces
hlv..) Wha' muck "'. in "ur
....1... t<> the th.nd.. wa. dult, fifty
three yun after Independence.
L.mb.d.. were living In aby.m.1
e""diti"",. LMnCIn 'nered. 11,,1.,ed
thandu lom. k.iIome<reo'-1 from a
mo,,,n.ble r""d. """1 appnl t" city
romMKics. In rullif. ho"e.... it tilts
the balance between lile and dum
when. moth..-In <5flicuft I.bour nMel.
u'll'n, medic.;ol htlp.1t Il<o munl dult
lhe .Ul<ili.!)' nurse-midwife (lho ANM.
In c"'"""""" pa.rto.nce) n..reIy comes t<>
the tlwld:a.19.22" "four rupo"denu
reported dult \hey hid met VIe ANM.
It mUm tmt many babies die beau'e
of lick of m"'<lial tIlIalMft\t. It mun'
IN, the child'en do not CO t<> ocJ>ooj
In 'he "m'Ce (I SO <Kt< of 210
thandas r.ported no acee.. to
school.), h al.o "","n. that even if
thero i. a IChooI in the thand>.. the
Khoo/w.cha- _ <here l>I'IIy once
week or fonow;-. It ..-ns that the
tamha.d'" do not have equal aeeesl
to """'"" In the vilbge _ they hive t<>
mll""te \0 zet 'f8Ula' wori<. When
there ""' rains. Mod a culvert or a low
lying causeway Is 'coded. the dulnda
I, virtually cut 011" from an contllet
wit" marht. G"vernment .nd
wellare menure. Yet. unlike the
oibes. the l.amb>d:u live In die
pUino, compuatiYtly a"eulble \0 die
city. thlt Is t<> say. wnI1e they do not
have a"e.. '0 the kind of service.
many <>then do. others ha"" <Kenl
to diem Mod their b>b<es.
Their lands are omd In aCTele, hi,tdy
fr.lJl:mented and with no lCee" 10
water. Cutting off the fO"elt cove,
over the 1earl h.. re,ulted In soil
erosion and """-.,. losl In soil fertility.
As the.. ""' moody undullti"ll lands,
the soli eroolon Is even more.
Having land and cam.. doe. not
make. oignlficat,t alll"..."",e \0 p<>V'Ol't)'
le.els and die quality of lile. This Is.
.artlina: conduoion from the wrwy.
87.33" of our rapondentl reported
hovIna: land, "'d 7.20110 reponed haYlng
_ hud of Q.M. 12.36" hlYlna: a

k iI in d'IiI __ o:hIt. tho! coklIriA.

dramat:iaIr baudl'uI L-bldu "'"
'rinuaIy ImriIiblt - Invillbl.. to u...
Gowntmoon.. to NGOI and oth<tr
11 FF : 'I orpniIIdonI.

lnI<itl d l ...... MAOA or DP.OA.

R2IrOII, on educI<ed ,....,... ..... KtivI
in .... LHPS wu bitm" abouo. btO'la a
limbadl In Aftdhra, Pnd...h. '!'hi
potpe" o/lflOUlI t ....., .., IdtIm",
Acuu to ..elfare prolra",,,,,, 11
IbyItnII. Luvl"l out Mehl>o<>llnq:lr.
w!l<t,e n"'"al mlndll Iccount for
1,832 OWCRA """,ben. pitiful
7.1" In th' omer ......... l1andlll
repo"'d conne< w.d! OWCRA
1Ch........ Other IC:I1oI..- fvtd ....
GIrf Old f'ro<t>on 2.2$
DAOA 1.6$
Houl"'l 10.62"
Muerl\lt)' 8tntfil Scheme U"
Old ,.".. ....nlionl 0.J5"
" wi<lo", Pen.ion 0,
La.. t " 10.ll9S had -tooWr b
J SO."" had worit IlpID 6
.......ths, "'" ioo'IIInale m had
-tlIpID''''''''''''' 67.t2S.epee bed
............... 11 bottw.... Ra. 152S IOd
ooWr UJI" eamtcl_ll.o. 2S Idly.
Ate .n.dcy UShid WIIU btIow RI.
15 a dly. 0nI)' NIf of I 10""" of twO
breld'Mnnerl could then to
urn abou' R. 7.000 per ,elr. No
wond.... thIn dut me Incldenc.. of
bo..dtd labour" 11 partlcullrly hlah-
F...... 01.0' of')' I00
r<tportecIl bonde1 IIbourw In u-
.......,.. rnosd)r d,i1d""'L f1i&i ., 01
..ort< ",un b .. I'.... U I diluII.
pMI'.oo...... -F'C"d by
hls-r oI""_q. FIIIoIy It... ".;"",
In Chondamptt. .....
iI mm ldolL ..... only I fIlw old
peop.. left bIhlnd In lilt: thIndI.
In 8ablllllr Mlndll. "'en ",1'l"IItld
IIIv1na; btl.lnd women l>ehlnd in me
Ihanda to ale, CliTe 01 cNld.... and u...
eldlrly. When Iarzt lealonI 01 tM
eotnI1"iUi'Oq' mien.... PltumI 01 We ani
dilrupted 10 badly 10 U I" Iea
and d!.. "''1 younl. Co",,,,unl.,
coI_ ">Ha, tho! _ 01 ....... ,.;. ..
rt:Ijl.R ..., to bmilp'. thIndI and
COIt'nUlitr' - "" chae IUfI"er .. to
.........,et "".dolL
Accesl <0 credit and welfare
Inlccenlblllt, of public bankln:
IYI!..",I 11 clear wfl'" ... lee mu
90.52" r<tportcd boo 0.""&from dM
1IhuIcar. ooWr 42.68S ...,....eI
boo.ow.C frO<n cooptnotlw bankl.
not ........ CGI ...... d11 banD. 0rlIy 1"
reponed borro"nl ",one, lrom
......,.. .. -.. __.......
_ .. 000<1-.. ........ _ .. _
...=__w-.., -..oI' _
_"Jud,._ ,,," _.-,,""_0001 -...... _
"'" ........., ><Uii ...
"'" ......,
Quality of life: be'l' dIlrd bmily
a",onl the relpondenu 10 our
quesdOl'lNlre (9,mIn all IMd In hull.
1" l\id elo iciq in dMlr houIeI, and
lout 0/'" u-du had no dectrlOl'1.
I. Bericity In me houM - 68...."
In n,onI ""'IS h:' l' acconIrc to
pair. un......... 1hne. U1S......
Iol.r, IIIld 17.91" 11: PId ....
cuW. CO"'lipIled to AY,
Can.. who """......1 land. and
ca raiil) br!as atde.lheM"'" hi&her
y.... ,""c'"Pt lor ShIvl"'fH!t
Mlndll. our puc..ptlon WlI thu
PO'e1I, '-Is .,.. hi...... Im<II1Ith
lIrnbadas thin $1" ImoflI me SCI, IOd
Ihe quality of life worse. Thll il
lupported by tile h1lh ",llrluon
percentq;e. 82" 01 a ""'ple
popululon of 9ll) ptOJIIe do _
...... llthqhada ...... M ... In
Lw" d':ICCef,$ 1.1"'''' (N1--F5 '"
t+lfS.2. .9"18-99. AI')
2. TJjN; of ..........
Kaccl\i 17.2"
Woric: 9l.8l" 01 ....r nIf"O'Kientl
reported workinl as q;r1cullunJ
!Iba ,",I, IOd 82.2n had to
b __ to Mwnbai or Guntur liar
Ionl perlodl fro", Oau..hl"ll to
lu"''''cr. Probably no other
community ...-do to rtiOn to oudl
hllh lenl. of ",llral.on IS the

How Live -in 11 Modem Slone Age

Those who h,,'<'e llccessed Government schemes anl the bette<'-<>II' .mo",
.. Urn.....
Access of the fint ,rc.uP w.u .1$0 ma......1ly hither In <he cne 01 other
in.tiWtions (MRO. MDO. hosplaIlIWl NGOs.)
lamlni went in for steriliution tI!fI
year< ago. Within a year. slle lIad
copious wlllce disch>r&e (.he says "'"
Nd no wlllte disdla'le ...rlier). While
.he took medic..lon (tablets and
vaginal tabletS) for a ye.r. it did not
I......n. Her "omach .welled so much
thl< people tho"lh< .he waS pregnant.
SIle Nd md pain In thbd"men and
...... periods ceased. She wu op...<td
fer a hys<erect<>my I<!latlad In
1997. She says, 'Ooaor1 ne>oer lel US thof
oP.",,;onl could be harmful or
They lake Ihe pWe QNj lel
US nd 10 be 0fII!"'le<t Just like thac.'
When eo WI!Q..... "'"u....... ddras,
<her $rII!erdl "'" (If/d $0)', 'Oh.! tanbodoo!
TMy """"Ys hcJIoe, 10 be operated: So It
me )'OU"i .,., of 2., jaminl hIS lud
her U<e<US (and posd>ly her ovaries!!)
LalIIs at>ou< to yun. IIId has a simibr
s><y to teL A year aher Keriliu.<ion,
she !lad ccplous white diKiw"Ie (lib
o flood.he sa)'l). bad stomodl pain.
and could not dig...t her food. She had
tlad pnric pain. she could not ut. """
could Ih. work at the brick kiln where
she us.d to work earll.r. Th. seth
advanced her money (Rs. 12,000 for
the "perulons. R.. 3.000 f"r
uIoclued expensel) and lhe had a
hynertomy three years earlier. '1
know lhct he would remo.., my
WfUS. I lhogIrl: thof !he doctor WI>'.JId
remowe Ihe poin. Inmod he pur "'" 10
sleep. ond 1000k out my lIterul. Now I
(InIOt even cmry woter.'
80th 8ujjl and N.nlli have .imll.r
stories to Mote - wllite and
excelllve bleeding e>r "snOon of
periods followed st.rili..tlon.
vlrtu.lly the only cont....ception.
ironically, is tenrIln>l steriliwioo). we
gOt similarly unanimou. respons,..
from ali dlnrim.. 'How COl "" ro" (or
011 We IIl'Orl< IlortI (or a ioinr.
We hcwe 10 fetdl .....,. cony wood (ram
Ihe fo<e<t olldsel it in !he IlMr>. We hcwe
seen lho' women who 10 in far on
operorJon la undeJro 0
o/l.r lhree or rour ond lh<rt = 0
101 or""""'l'. Afi.r ".riIi.O!ion. .... hcwe
bad !>od: poin, ond .... connol ""'pots
orwatcr'. Women thu steriliu.llon
only led to the very expen.ive
hysterectomy I.ter on. What was
this similar link across hundreds
of kilometres, between
oterll1ution and lIyJterectomy
wll;cll tllese women
Olinn>e1r""dd> dwld:a Is dvely
thandI.," tIl ...
only a few families without land. aI'Id
where the road ...uby fadllu.t.s
comparatively rtlUlar employm.nt.
The health oi"""don of dM women Is
W. met five women - all
five N" Ulodeo COO" .ter'llh:atlon, then
had Nd to to In for a hyster'tOl'lly.
Those ICCUSlcl TIle ,..,n
GovL schemes (5,.oIl)<J rt'lIOndents)
(l.81" , pondena)
'I 19
BorrowW1g from Govt. and bmI<s
Reponinr dowry sin<:e 5 ye=<
d.""lopmenl schemrs. Ilut I doll" OR
IJIJ'f developme"l In tile lI>andcIs. / hod
app/ic<i (or a uoctOr Iocn " year! op I
h<Ive pcued my Ssc. I am an ST. J IIcM!
Q ricence. but I don't he.'
R:s./O,oool- to Of bribe. When I to
10 the MRO', o{f1ce. , Jlond oUlSlde
....,;m, (or !WO ho", ""'ik lhe Re#f
fl>lllh enlers Immedialely, .ll.I on the
chair, and is fi-> re. How do J""IIhinI<
Everywhe"" we went, when we a>ked
about the Q,r'J:e f:>mlly ,iI... and why
they did nOI go In for sterilization
(health pl'O&"mmes do not ha"" viable
sp.clng COntr.ception option." -
Health: Access 10 edu<:&tJon and
helolth fKilllia is no better.

ones. reponed lIeeeu to anpnw.>dd.
all of these In C/wItbmpet Mand&I.
where die fir... 1997 sancbI seemed
to ha.... been imtl'\llMnCIII in seui,,&
up Inpn_dis. No other dIandt in
Iny other district reponed aCCGS to
1I\'II\"'"dll, thoulh one or two
.upondellts In a few thand..
reported Iccess.

-.(lUDI an <IIIW. fiar. up 01 ... exIuIrt: InWo<-. <ht,. ""' ....-" <h'<ran
cl poriod>, t<"- >part !ram ""me '" .. _ ....-ydoy.lojo<_ ..... n,plonta ..-bo.- <JUt .. "'- cl, do ..... ,l..,.,,'"
" ....... ; .. _ .... ... ........... pd, .. _
quality __.. for __
" 16,0.:s: "".. DI<d """0'. 28.16l;; 11>.. olO<tri<fty __boo IhOC,,_<_..... -.;, .-.;><>rttd by ..... .....,... _,
.. "" """""" Jt:s: 01 .................. in DWCAA 11>.. __tIoo Gl<l 0Wd Oop>$b for t"i-. .""
_ oe<eu '" hoopiDI. In; K<'" '" ANH, 'S.IIIl;; repon >..., 'G KI>o>c>(, """et' "*" io "" .....,...u; in ....
__ OO--._
__ IIa __... DI9' ....... __ .... --' n-o __
_ .,..-. A..,_ t-....-... . __
__""'_"' t-.-t-.I. __.... N'ff_ ,'''' __lIt-.-..-Oio__, _
-. ..c;-._.w__ __...... __....... _._ _rtEO. __
-_... __._ " "' .... _Cc< ,., __......,_"'_..-..."' -..n..
.,, ... _ ..... 1'.. .\>"--. f'-Ias.I'OOO._ .... _o.' 1_"!'EO_ha
c..;. .
_ WOlIkf sunniIIt dw tM
positlcIn __"'.C""d",,,ic f
.... be """'"' <her IIdl cllwoldl
1IX.... 1nfIta
EdllcacJon: 60 thlndu reponed"
ICC... to KhooII. (Thil doa not
..-. that """ wu KhooI In the
thIn+o ItHIf. k COlIId 1110 mon that
die dlIclrcon __ ....t to die n...."
Khool) We noticed". pecyl.... fNty..
In _ l'1IIlclall. I'IrtkyJlrly 8IJI'
...,.... wIw1I """ ....... -4tI Idloob
b>dIod by It. OPEP. tu. ftOIl I
llI:iIldw'. W. -.kf......., 1IiIbd_*"
la cl d>tIt tchooII It ...... dmt cl
die K"-l-oay, blIt tf'Ien was ....
tudl.... 0..... tommoo, """'I')' lMn
I ' .. When6ddleli!ildw__
ID ,...., school!' and the __WOIlld
be 12 cbys. 15 cbys. mon.. n-
telchen oa"",, In HyderabIcI or the
.......t bIc town. theyInd their
wtves worked It side .........stJ, _
....... told. We _ chc:oYtrtd that
the locll School CommJ".. hid
RenII ....... to .... 1oaI
,...... eo....... Olk.-. tu. to no
........ The; ,-.tae:to.- ( vldyI
..............., ho" ", _ h ,hbly
chouch we aMOt 'OUCll
"".d.... to'* dwa -'ousIy
... Parwa he".o eo ...........i1, ......
In their opllloo, dIIt their children
....... noc .....,.. In the KhooII.
In Chlnnullle.ddl thlndl, jlmlnl
henellll the Chllm11n of the Vidya
Committee. She hid ",.de ....... wd
cClmfllllnts co the I\ithto' IlIttIoritlu
(UPS. 8IlIIlIprJ IbolIt the
cl .... tUCher. but to no The
teacher. HurIdWIh had dol """"

Llmbld. women Ir, t ....ed
pordcytuty badly when they come to
hooplul" botll public Ind privat..
jInoi'M". <en'IIri<, 1ber''''''''' or
...' The ANH It Plfdl'04 henelfl
se onmn rernwbd tNc f'HCs 00
noc rebecIo to lIFt +,_Ilhry trut
th.m IS dll"tJ lIntOllChlbl..
0,. V 5 """',,'... ,tul..
doaoI. ill GtrwWI. ;' all ..,..
IhIc 1'011' ClIIIImeItI 0 La, t l __0
/Ibtt; fIWO(: Bell it, tract
Infl<'tIoru Ire not lOm.thl"e thlt
vi1lbly Inuplclult wO""n Ilk, I
broken Inn oIlnfectecl I'e. tend
to be lenored Ind devllu.d for
tJ'tlllmtnt purpoIItI. Years 01 lick of
uua.-t Idded to I'tf'Clted child-
beIrinz , lImbIdI "w,,"',
"Ft Iran hit/-nul 01roproO.oive
tract lImbodu hIVe much
cl .... odMr po ,.. that come with
lack 01 tlmiIly ICCCSI to haIlh are.
We hi.,. noc dwdt on tMo.e Mre,
dill ............ 01" ....... """-theo
lImbodo <W ...... 11o".v.r no< ..
...,.. """" It. IIdc oIlCCeu tNt
d'<Indu """" to haIth bc*IeI NHfS
"'tink. (1988.99) for"" Ilso
npon that whillt the rneni """I
portlne of rep.odllctlve h,"lth
proOI....... is 48.8'4 ST. report 61.2'1..
Hys...-.aomy '. .cl I kdio lour.
It 11 IIttl. wonder dUl lImbadl
__Idirea"bei: ._, ....
'J...... operetilM' ,nd the 'Ili( _,'
While the Itull,udon I1 free.
hysWACtOmy de..,. It prio;wo dinia
t.ln COlt lIpto Ih. 15.000, imIIJIy
rend.rJn, I flm1Jy d,.dtut. Th
...enbly line lC.rillutlon, thlt Ire
carried OUt hlv, no conurn for
oncolnc trKt InIKVonJ
that COlIId lbt't up to III,n ThuI I rcprocllIcchot trICt
Inf.ction lud, 011 to pelvJc
infbmmItoIJ disot"dtr. nqllinn, I
hysc-.etorny ....... I ..... yun ollldc
01 aua, .., Prin... 6oaon too, it
11 dur. prefer I .....' Jw......lio.. tha.
.... '* them It lcut Ib. 12.000. and
00 no< wony ....... ripouI
tAI.......t with omibiocla. Ilha<il and
CleIInd (1995) Ire QlIOted In NHf5
1"8.98 h.. r,ponln, I hi,her of nnucolozicll
Jy"'ptomo I",..." women who bid
Uf\dfl'lO"" I tubect.otny thin
od>tr women. Our diKulsion with
docwo, 11Io ......ttd doiL
Infant and child mort1lllt)' rite (per Ihouund)
Ry",1 (NHF5) ST. (NHfS)
186 IOU
J02.1 IIS.9
0.. ",Ma 1Nndl_ honlIy In
....epdon.E.., _
_ ..._Iound ol_
with compllJntJ 0' h....,. white
diIdIalp and mtIIJlI'UIl
It COlIId be laid that tllh could b.
0- I
..... ,

mHdo kOlfUtOnl, kadupu meeda
kanodu (If J'OU -.r. beol nN' on "'I'
bed:. tu _ .... "'I' >lIlmddl - '*'" CUll
off my irlcome.)
F...... June to !he <CKhen
do not __ rezularlr. do not ab
Intere.t. Since the children are m"
nudrlng. when the famlly mltrn..
dorin& they ab!he d>Idi "",
with them. If the chlld,..n had been
'wdri"" the plren.. would hae Ich
chem behind wilh dIeir cIdtrs.. oar d>c
pIren<s. After Dasse1lra, the teach....
hae a ,ood to blame the
l..arnl>adu. sa,." l:hat then is no _
to texh. d>c Lambadn do not want
to cdua,. their childrtfl.
The II<OnIerOIIS >idyl ..........tHI'S we
me. had anot"er point of iew.
According to them, OPEP schools In
!he thandas ue considft"td Iow"f'ade
sc:hooIs by the The sdlooIs
bein, In the th>.ndas.. the
teachtn do not art - ard<ion '"
whu ther chink of che umbada
.ommunicy in gene...1. If the OPEP
schooll had bun attended by Reddy
.hlldren, sar .... Yidp oIuntcef1;.
te.ldlen would hoe nk... pains to
utend and teach, Thu 11. there I1
vlllble dirimlnu.ion a,ainu the
When WC asked""" l:ornbada. whit
!lKBitia """ <&d>cr would ....... if he
could .ar in dM I:handa, tftqr nld
ther would worship the ,roun<! he on. They would pt'<>'ftdt him
a houH, pIenq "' .... and cnin- .....",.
would we fIO< do thlt to d1e tocher.
""'y nked u..
In Gonpdda thonda... then isn't a
OPEP ,chool. Inuead, 'here I. a
,uc<e,l1ul school run by an
en'erprl.inC man from die
neithbounn,,,;..He, coIec<s RI. SO
per month per child and U'e. the
.p'cioo.. hall Sor his school
The two ...... _ oisited. we sawthe
clanroom full of.ome SO odd children
and die Wld>er is cvMlcndr in COl'1uo1
'" his duo. Some """ClIfuI ptio:ate
..,<tt"j)rise <!lis!
Role of .he :lte, In 1977,
Governmen, of India notified
t.arnbldas '" T as ST.. This
political move had ,event
rtperC""1ons. AI urly as 199J
"'"'+ation into AI' ....... noted (
Haimendorf In Tribe. of India;
Oxford UniversIty Pren.) from
I1aharuhtr:o. crntInJ: caulons with
the Indicenou, fore.. tribes of
Adilabad. (In me nelaf\bouring 'AteS
of Karnatau and Maharnh
lamblodn ..-e no< notified as ST..)
l.arnIdas anilirc a.hid- share 01
re.........tion. In education and
emp!ormenc. political positbts, and
Iarge.K:Ife ennsfe.. of land from
Sans< CJibes to Urnbadn Itn been
noted in die """" Telangona dimiu::I
of Adilabod, Wa...nga!, I(hammam
and in die Ooenchu endive 01
5mailam. Nodq has been done to
defuse dlcse oty real tensions. WeB-
",tto, Gcwt. ser'Qr'IU in
due couru, developed 3 nur
antlpathy to the umb3da
community. seen to 'corner' most 01
d>c benefits to "more backward'
I'orest tribes in these areas. It i' ai
COUrSe debatable whether the
Goffi,",...'tlaelf had prep&nxl d>c
I'orest CJibes to a<tall '" restr:ltion.
instead cl atcvling the lamb<idn ai
cO""""i tf>e be"tf..... As 3 resuft.
the TnhaJ Wclbre Depmmen, Itn
yet to IeriousIy acldres. the mau
I..ambadu as
lambalb &l1f babies; has also to be
Qken oerioo, note 01 by ill parent

We them how the CU$lom 01
dowry bepn. An old _ Ays.. '/1
<O"ne with sort WIIerl OUr "",n,er
--. befdn discordW>t _ trodidonol
dress tJnd f<lOt 10 =I. dowry l>e'OIt
My husbond />od JifiNmy ""'MU (our
o.<en ond IU. 9901 silly )'eO'" 0'0, 10
marry me..' A man "'Y" that there are
toO few men and too many &iris. The
old woman continues 'Nrrwparents,;.c
dowry 10 On WUCGf.ed m"';,Ha.. ""'" will
keep theJrdou,hterin com(ort. o-r,.-lWlf.
come with comfort
chokki. /IG ..olItlnJ Ion, dislarlaS (Of
'Yes', uys X the IoaI vidy:I "'OI""teer
who eets Il.s. 3ll-ld.y to ,..slst the
tueher. 1 WIIS one o{tIPe tirsllO lOb
00-,. (om person be(cH'e me 10 lOb
oo-,in the dIondo WIIS !he
lo,ponch, nine yeors 010'. He had
ltudied uptO the Xth and followln( him
Women point lO pretty eighteen-
year old pt. It "erns her hu.t.nd had
demanded II.s. SOOOr' more >< the tlme
of the weddin,. then walked away
wh,"" it W<II no, forthcomln,. Elders
brought him back and Md the couple
married. Alter ro.e dlys, the bride was
beaten .nd Hflt bKk to h mocher's
Peddat.1 <hand." Is about ,e'fM,een
Icms. aWlr from the ""tionai high-y.
Th_1oaJ pritnllry .choollQnds It the
eMnIlCOl <0 the At about 10.3<1
in the mornl",. more ,ha" SI)..60
children play around u.. sdIooI. The
tudler who live< .e
more than 40 kms aw;IY. Is ,Jlhtr "le
as u.w. or is not comln,. as Is .Iso
The .mell. of .I!I'llle cml, and
duna; and men and women ,uher
around us. The dl'tunlon, .f'er I
while, simmer< on the conte.led
problem. of dowry. I, Ioob as iI mon
women are aplnn It, whI'
handful o( men poin, DU' the
complemenarity behnd iL 'If "-
dou,hletJ, we pe - WO' Gko 1dU, if we
'No', uy'. woman ....he""'"tIy. '/ how
P'fs Md fWIl t>o,s. Wh<Ile'm' dowry
come from "" bof>: _ laken away by
tIIem. Th"y set up porole home.
Jmmtdioltly. I hove 10 mono,,, the
dowries (or my thlft rim mysel('
'f(there ore pis In lI>e boYs fomily. (hey
lend 10 be less aflnondint CIbout dowry.
If the (omily INn no P'fs, !hey <nil for
DIl eorrh.'
How does dowry
,--_workamongJhe Lambadas _
_ our aka eduated
upco dle XtI\., who also took dowry.
'11 .....,. '- btp -l1li bops
.... aUt ,et lOIN Job ond lrftp dfI!it
""""n In Sul _ ewe.., lW.
Indlldi", (.""".nd d,ma"ds IlJ
5O,OOl)k WM thcUd "" po people
dtJ1 SlIoUd .. '*'-..__r 'Moo Is
.,. JO ,..,. aid woman! Sht
is dIG moct. 01_pis. tile last.
lM r- old. Sht .... IriGd ..... son.
...... .....
'-cGI-'Jr. and two Iildc _
10 w dw: IDeal ,........,. ochooI.
IbmbII. at1GI' c' F' iICliwist in the
LHPS ..." Wt Jonru of .....rrial'
IOoIS yelN ..... 'My dder
IwoIIltr hod to ..a"'"o(iluIDW-.J
III kh* a(,,_fah GIld pruoisiI>M (or
"lId(tItorc h IIIc """'"'. (or IIiJ bride.
TIIoe nelfl Ilradw IwJd a Hindu
ond lOGIt *-/..
Ch...drv'l t.ltlmony I1 particul.rly
polp\IM. Chlndru Is from Shivampc<
M.ndal. Wh.1I .., ..,I ked to hi.
t!IIIIda, his oMI' _ the
01 paddy in dle one and
half acn. Wft IIIId d'If)' d. e.... It
dIsunc...... __ dIstnct
from'p=' . W U1. (The
lMnblodu had diKoverecI the tw-d
dm. air..- """Y........It
and irrft1I:ipZiorI ,ea it in .....
form of plck.up. ,nd b)'
.... 01' ......... ,. al.) a-dru
had his dod>a bnparrond vridl dIG
....... 01 dIG Wdo. and cid noc cry CO
...... d. our Ins",rs. A quiet
""'p'''Iibft, rmn - he lad )'WC"'"
away _ 01 his pi , coo.Po
01 J'W'IIIO- ChI'*" .... , .. houM
in """lich f..- 01 """kh _ .Q/III - it
con him _ Ial<h ... build it _
yelrs 110. thou'" d>1 wood a.....
fra ... hi. 0"" Ilnd. He hu fiye
lbllfhtcrs now; the eIOe1c three a.-.
n.. ftrsc on. married ewelw
__ I"
.,........,0 to III _4'lO,N It the Sabt
J.... M......... In had lad
to bit paW RI. IS cIcrwfy. The
,":olld. rmrrled .",u. ye,n llO-
colt 11.1. iO.OOO. The third 0 ....
married fI. yurs "0 to I"
UIIItIIJIlo,.d but educa.ed boy cosc
.... RI. I Wch - RI. 70,000 It ""-7.
and the ..mll"i", n ....dd.n'
up.""'. Thl fourth ,;rl il
co... pl .... '" her I"..rm.. diate ..
TOOP"''' die "" It """"" and he
estimata 1N' he haft to pay RI.
2 ItkhI. It dowry The fourth Is
a boy In tho 8'" IQIIlbrd, and
die fihh and lut Is a &en. VI of >bour.
nine ye..... nuod)'itll In the J" cQ.u in
the il. dow by. TM yourhI; dew
by thlt Ctu.n<trv p'" '-"
, daufll..... born about tw<l yurs
Ch,,,dru ny. thl< hil wll. WH
openced on thl lut ,lrI twO
y... rl 1,0. Bu. th, ,Irl b,rore u,.
admittedly. 11 about "i.... So thtre w""
IIIOdler pi after htr.
w, do .......... Chand.nJ
impelled him '0 fi'tt up his daUfln
IIut we do uk him why Lambldas .
pnlrw I bid ........ /01" up dIelr
pi babMs. He poinu to the faa 1N.
pis COIl <tie ltl/'Ulto,. marn.d. !'Mo
,....,. 110- he doe I W. .... (OS( him
R. JO.OOO....d he ulll _cs tile
......... RI. -40,000-50.000. beaIde he
do rlafor ...........' I .....
He duel SI)'. 'Ow PftIfIIt "-
-."rhDoI: ... ptt1000f _ fllllIabieI;
dIar 1Ioppeft_:
TM 60 odd .,... old a-Swplnch 01
. KMa 1 80dlya
NIik, of ...........
w.,e rried ....w. dMo tnditiotllJ
bridt prica. the lad I dowry
01 RI. 30,000. the had , dowry
0I1lJ. 50,000 and en.,. _
I Iakh for dw: Iut and rWoth ....
SM iI.-duated. 'f(rht rirIs hodbeerl
tdu<me( do! rr- ....,.,Id
moore,' he """a. H, Is
about the ... 01 the dowry .,..urn.
He $IJ". 1Nl In __ m-. W'hen
the rr-n', parena c::an-. co ......
tt.e bridiL d'It)' ""'""*I be liked. We
/loot Ittor.t'ot ".,. (ftI ".,. III IheIe
"...... 'Ma ... ,.. ..r .... Isles
... PO. "..-8f t:fIert, """r
.is an _d I' a I16c'>
do pl....,=.. __ ,... ,.. ...,
ph,.,lThir tea:1'Ies _..-
doandor ... c=oda
........ ....,. be 1ChI"9l When
.................. dwrills ...........
IorCowal.I..c In. Bidlya
asks, 'f( C".ooot. COlI .......
fir! brDos ""'*'11 io an ..ida"OlIItd o/fiJir.
wIIf .... find .... *-/ db, ""
real do -t/WIf d
Lok,htmn who OW'" ewo _era hu
_Irt_dy lOld "" for tmrryinJ off
hi, Ildtr dlu,httr. H, I, _"try ItId
hlv. to 1lI11.""""'r for
sell;'" tht IOnd flrI. Whl< will I li\te
0/1 tht", ht .,k,. ""o.her _n.
M.n,U. h'l Just mar.lld off hlr
ell""'!... by pa"';'" RI. ..0.000 dowry
ItId three fOItI. Sht h., sold
Iftd .ome of h ,...U 10 par the
dowry ..... "'" vrper>ML
Hear mW1 ICe-.<, "'I'
..... rulsi pt oway "" (Ifrh
d= I'm. SIlr ,.... owtIfllle .. rite
I pio. The _ ........ III tIIiI, it
-. n.e, ""'" m, /IUl1IItp
-nul '-1IItp.ut iwWl;"'" ... arid
-.y"'" It mm ........,. to twW., ....
"dsid, WJ A lis .so
.,., Haw.......,. 0(';'"
... lit /II'f.
ptvdla fiwn bsd __ pItNi(oL
We hod ".., ID _ awl ... to '""'"
""" :J .,..lhtre io .. ""'" -.J "" '-
10 -'- "fria'Iturd IatIcutn. Whao
..... '-10 ".., ClISh 10 buy /ilocl """Tt



pois4 coums. fles;des U/>MI8
I( if Is a bay child, !hey can $HJI him la
jeelam (1Ionded labour) in (WO! yeal1.
What con .... do widl aIirl7 We /lQIoe la
twrd Iler /hMouti <lI>d oIso morry her
off.lJOYint a"-Ydtrwry. I /lQIoe oN( one
door/'olor - J/Ie is predous la me. 1(1 had
(M like rulsl, , -..Idbe worried
/00, Thae ptob/etnf _I a
molIlet'. Jo>oo. Yes, J/Ie IIOJ rorri<td 0IId
IIOI"ished the bobr ((>r ..., Ioni """'ths
III het Wl'I'I'b, J/Ie oIso IIOJ ,., thinIc 0(
het fomiI1-'
Dowry Is not of 11mbadlo cukure.
SI has come from INinnrwn socie<y
Hindu $OdeI)' as apu1' of the
cleaI 01 modernky. TM rapid =nliI:ion
IQ atI'IOIIe)' economy wu si&nilied by
expansion of dtil funds, a'o'lillbilily 01
credit, production for Ale. ete. In a
money economy. dowry is an
imporun< source 01 apiaI. lIld the;
only models the I..ambldu had were
the upper'uue in the vllllle.
Excessive dowry is a symptom of the
martiMlioation of die Lambadu. and
partkularty of the l.ambada As
the southern relln,lnl lambada
tIun<b< ..... lOCUM In pbIn ....... and
neM villages. they eould not proteCt
<heir cuIw..J values from the 0fISIalcht
of Hinduism. Dunnl the Iur. un yean
they have ,iven up their tn.ditional
marriage S)'Slems. This phenome"o"
i' nol marl<.M in the fo....t agenq
Lambada thandu where Ihey are
mainuinin, Iheir closed life and
e,.liurian ..Iuel. In the lamlNld.
lradilion.1 m... rl'll . Ih. brid.s
par.n", do not p.y dowry. Rather. it
i' the bride zroom's parMtS who pay (brld. price), Th. w.ddlnl
expenles are allo .h....d more or
le...qually. Mud.vuh!!
(Ch.mpll Is a thirty yur old WOIT\lln
and Ih. wu married wh.n Ihe WU
15 yurs) of Bodazutu thand, 01
Ibl.nqar (M.hbubnagar Dlltrict) "Id

m.IIM was paid Rs II6."d ofFered
!WO bullockl as bride price In her
marrlqe. But, now her d,ull"U!r has
come of marrl'llubl. "I. The
brldezrooms are dema.ndillt dowry
of filly 10 thounnd rupees.
Fur;nl 111. luwre. Champll pve up
her o....month old si>tth zirl child for
<WO hundred rupee,.
How fa" dowry II1roulh
Ihe Lamb.d. communily Cln be
W\d."toOd by some r..pon,el W OUr
survey. Nurly a Ihird of oUr
....ponden'" oaid thal dowry had come
in the pUI five y....s. Over 59"
repotted it ., proce" over the pan
ten yea..... A minUICUle 0.3 %reported
Il .. beinj; yean old. The v.ry
su6den entry 01 dowry inro the liv.,
01 the Lamb.acbs ""' bw'I. In hlltol"ic2l
wrns.1'l<>tIlins Ihol't of a ClllSuophe.
Wrthin a Ihol't period of ,.n Y...I1.
dowry has oprud far and wide w1l11in
m. community. The convnunity has
had no time '0 adjust. Where doaor
or .n,ineer Cln f.<eh 3-'1 lakhl. a
j.eazadu (farmh.nd) Cln f.lch Rs
20.000-50.000. 0Ne have .......d 01.
senior polic. oIficer who offered one
crore of rvpealor hi< """lhUlr.) Of
die 8.262 women who n"ponded <0
die queries of the amount 0I6owry.
half sated ...., i' wn between Rs.
20.000 and Rs. 50.000. Ne:orly anodIet"
Ili4ma, Il ...... be.... e." Rs. 50.000
10 one bkIl. "'1U, lepol <ed dowrieI
01 /\'"IOt'e dtan abl<h! ThiI "' companbly
....... dtan <to-ieI. AY. """'"' ..........
economlc,.awl Sc;h.duIM Cutes.
The artlclu accompanylnl the callt
dowry wu allo burdensome. All
..trap tlq)tndiw... of Rs. 5.638 wu
reporud fOt" bo.ryIos dothtJ, Rs. n.60
for zoId, Rs. '1.683 for houMIhold zOOIiI
and and Rs. 1.'1n for el<tn.
purch..el. J.609 rupondenu
reported die dtmand of a qde and
268. die demand oIa mo<or-cyde.
For lI>o,e who have /\'"IOt'e man _
dlulhter, dI. burd.n ;1 .Ipecially
hu"')'. Of me 2.815 women who had
dalJlht." of marriqubl. 611
(12.n) had one ,''''' girl. 126 (21.7")
had !WO pis. 126 ('1:41%) had Wee
luch &iris and 2S (0.88%) had four and
The iIIUe of dowry ""' been cen<raJ
10 the problem of relinq.....hmenl 01
the ll'r1 child in the 01 the
Umb.d. lI1.m,.lv.l. 2..501 women
relpond.d to our query al '0 ,h.
reason. for and Mmed
dowry and pov.rty. Lamb.du in
<handa .I<.r <handa 111..
.normoul dowry d.mand, m.d. it
impouibl. lor ,h.m 10 rur more
than two or three zirl children.
The ad".nt of the fir ...duelled
Lamb.da ,room (h.ncmploy.ble)
h....ldM dowry. P.mapl. the bride'l
p>r.n"look.d '0 life of tornfol't (no
wor:Jnll In the fi.ld, under lI1e <un.
plp.d w...r. eleClric IIlhu .nd
r.,ul... mon<hly Intome) for th,lr
daull"l.r.nd w.r. w,lIln,IO p.y for
Lamblidu c1.lm RaIP'"t .nc.<try: I, 11
possIbl. <hu thil could be lI1e r...on
for ...,1.tIveIy more hyperpmr lI1.n in
other tornmunitiel. Dau&l1utr'l .... '0
be married W famlll.. of hizhtr It>WS.
and ............... ladler is no' ,bl, 10
do so. hlJ status 1.111. An.ltty '0
preser.-. staWI may be damq!n, 10
me baby zlrl.
In well a community. <he ;"'p>CI of
modernity hu no, come with
u'elu...ds. Edueulon .nd non,
herediwy occupallon<. rich<l)r In ...
liber..lnl forcu. have bn
lvaibble IQ a few. crating wide
disp.ritJel wl<hin <he community.
Coupled w!ch <he ImpaCl of Hindu
tu..- such ... dowry and rnaniqe
tunoml. a cri.i. hu been
rrw>IIfarnJred, ....t.ere die ........esc, ..
always. bear the bruM
The Politics of Gender
in Everyday Lambadal.ife,__








.11 olher Indilln communities.
Lamtlldu sill... In the denl....tion of
wOnletl. TIM specifoc: fotrn It u.kes
_, may hlo"" some
conntlon with the RJIPUI ancestry.
The vulMn.b1l1q of women or the
child mu" b' und."tood In the
con""" 01 thel.aml>ada beirc.former
nomadic tribe. Amon,
communities, the bride comln& IQher
hu,band's home <:oUld very wtII not
I hte oawbmil)' Her
thtncefO<"lh wa< compl",ely wlln her
In.laws. th. had to adjust and
build new life. The new bride had ID
cook. dean and wash. Ind wor!< In the
fOelds. Sh. hid also to the l>ath
/or ..." Ift..laws. "' them ill the
evenl"., and do htr mother In-law'.
in<ri<';ut tollul")'. Htr Rrst del;"'ery
(.Iways In the cu. of mon South
Indlon In the noal home)
wu in theln-bw's /flier rnocher
could. she wouId...wc her dau,mer'.
home <e, help ..... out for fifteen days.
StereotypeS of women VJ.ry,
OM poWon is Wt thou&!' lhlls Nrd
wonun" YOaI .nd her
honbu>d _rywhere (m.rI<et, worl<.
cl,lnldn, _ hQuse) lhe e....nal
boIdnen belles the djlFerins intfiior
lelf. The other is dut
p44> -.lIbloop'_0::::
wom"" completely defer to
their hUIb>.nds Md eIden. Tt>. U\lm
of courte. could well be We
found Lamb>.dll women In
milled pt>Ups. ond CClllCr.ldictlnS men
too. We a110 found _raJ umb>.do
W'OITIen much dlernhed by their natal
"mini iI a brisk little tw-ely
27 yun old. She II warm with brown
um""t eyel. Says Jaminl
, gm /DId
rh<n "'I' birth WIn 0 I>oppy IMIII ...
our fo""". My porenu />od {air ....... ond
my f<lf/ler that lie thcUd reI 0
,*,uthlet. """'"" me rerr mudI.
now. he "'Y' lhm if he reu 0 fe'ter. he
"'-rhot ,,.;rcome I\IiIIIinr IQ lee hm
When , ..... /iaIe, I wwldi0oi< c/let cattle.
cook. (elch woler olld (i'ewood.
Somelit,itS , WlIl/k1 ancnd Khool WItfWl
o ,.eo' o( my firll rr>ettIWOliorI. , f'N
Al rhol lime, there ...... ne> d<Twry. My
(atI>e,...;,.lo,.. (my(arIlBs IlRer's IW1or>d)
poid abride price o(lls.. ',000. My (other
"'" 0 ..".j 0 f'Il'I Cl$' allKlm. I
hod treat difflClJlty {at my (im deli<ery. I
..... in IaIIlIur {at (our days. ond the birth
hod _ lDkert plocc. My brotherl come.
/>od me ld<en to &Ioo"'iOl
lhey ,.,.. me a drip and I hod a """"'"
, find f'f'II SlIqdl .. mr .... ,."",
_.-.,.",Io.......... __ond
.... Thep
_fOrmrbtdpeaod ",m.,-
fOr mr t>r-......,'I "'""...... m.,..,
_ ,... '""'" rIwir -. """'"l', m.,
_ q........,....,,_ ........ 1O
*- rile ban! dur. Thep __10 rile
/tospifoI ond Wtd _ ,. ...,.1Im
d..,,.,: Jlm;..; ex..d" I;te
warmth ....... sht talIu 01 ..... ",,<11
flmll)' - she 1$ otMc>udy Inl>Ch-lo->td
dau,hter a..d .itter. Wloo h.v.
peepl. lik. Maronl (JU Clupl.r 1.
Wh&t we..t wro"lr) whose very rul
po-oblto ,.. ""... yltl 10 be addraMd br
IMr bmily &I'ld C_uMy.
Whit kind of wom.n u. lhe
Umb&<b.I Tn.y .... -.: IM ITIOSl
honI-oooouC "00' GI ..... Vv1l.l
0-. ..... opic.IkurIl-t.:. d"'Y a.c
:: f and any to <:hanl _
to .eU. 1lI<ry pudcip.ate In ._
cuninc won.. reA, ,. C and act.
mup. job>. .............. doa no< hi
too many "omen In And'n Pndnn.
Ninety.four " 01 QUI" "-F J ICMolCJ
III women report.d ,0;'" for
Ilrieultural Ilbour. EI.hty-two"
ml....ted fo<" wort< to oil" place>
with IItde chUdren. Mo.1 01 them
...-..d WlC'I" be!;> .." Ri. 1S-25. Jw.
lUll __third of Ih.m lived ...
thatched huu. .xpod to th
..,...... and only 1S Nd .-..oic:iqt
in their hc>uJa.
.......... is dIa/r.....,. .. il<r. WhIt _
o:ha ........ b' WhIt
kind GI cholceJ do _ and ......
make! W ""*,; lad ".dli..<
in thIt; oo.r ,,_de , though
.......In now. that It. In no wa.y.
addre>se> tIwo .p;t:lflc conttltt ol th;
l.ambada women. Th. hl&he>t ...........
of women r.port.d dl.cord ov.,
household nIIttII'J (a blanket wmthal
coven privlt. IIIalts ol o:ha couple) -
Ikoholbm(Glo:ha husl;I;nd, _
prau'I'II)_ st..71S: ......... dos;_
rt'IOftI)' muqn with S7.56S, DiIpa
__ o:ha ......... Ccl lood am; feu'th
....;m SUss. and .....,.,ltKe. 0.....
m6dren (B.6S). tddrlc to odwt"J
(19:U"> ."d JOIn, OIIt W;thOllt
....... (16.91S) am; MOlL
69.4'" ol!ha ........ r;poned "-
!hey -.abused .-cl aned, 67.ll6"
Jlid th;y widI ..... and
4S.7)" reporad d"'Y _. baten
sdr;Iu.. Soo",o:hIIC lib Il.nS Nk
t1ut wife-bad", wa.. a coo<! thin&.
thouch dw bulk of thti. re'pon>e.
am; "om CNo"'''* (34.61S)
Suten br hIIJtoancI
1S 4S

w. /;It that <hot women rapooidad
with ...... dip'IRy to dIeJe
qU.lllon. O ..r In.eul,ltOn -
a<luatld youth. mos< .... IlOl
mJrrl.d .nd do not IS ytt play a
hI,nband ...... r "ttcl thtit mo<hen
..........tan. W. watd>td ............
of Inoancti w+..., tht Invellil"_ 1"1:
into c!;K>........ with. woman who
apprcv" of wife-belidn,. P.rh.p'
dw; mw-. "-bHn 1IrJer...-..ben
of llflP onl for wife.beatitlc, if tft;
Inwolil"ron had noo: bHn SO pro-
Xli>oL no. Chand:Itnpa .." I '!icy
Iloo, _ -.Id like to a<crtoo to dw
f... "W...",. 'pproach of Ih
W1'Io look wt... ded.IOM In the
bmiIyt WherI' did women uerciH
".uwr 8,S71 raponoe>
Clm, .0 querle, about wlv..
decl,lon.makl ..,. whilt 10, I59
rupon,e. lined me.. decl>lo,,
ITIIkinc powen. Tht dill"trenC. 10 In
iuelf Doe, it. Indlatol i:hIt
QUI" rtoflOOocltf.tJ hid to thlnl< hard;r
to tftume<1i<e 11"91 where woman
al>.o pll"IklpJ,. In decillon-maki",!
ThooIJII the wile', deciIion....... kina
_ ......t in dw is_ olPc to
dw -"- ("'PdI)- lS.1SS, k _
low-. ill ...... ,.6...
(8.ISIQ, Mw. (8.09S)1I'd
Inu of ......rri.c;e n.,ot/ulon>
(6.7'1S). Wln I V"-
fre;dom (17.S8") in ma",," lik;
buy,n, 0' provi,iOf'l" ,oin, 'or
......... (1e.69S). what la
IOW In d'Mi iWds. c. ('jI.51S>-


wearing d1e uri, 2222" had dane.o

within th. last five yea... 12.53% o""r
the lan ton years, >tId a .mall 2.57"
over th. last fif,een years. (All the
elected repre.entatlve. to the
f'anchlyat3nd bodie. Vi<! met,
wanted to wear the wi, now that they
were in d1e public g:ue. They felt that
'pcaple tend ta dlscaunt women wha
wear the tradiUonal ... Being 'een
as Lombado i< demeaning in the public
Th. in,enction of Lamblda. with the
Ilrger .ocletY, h.. also weakened the
communll bond. 01 ,he thlnda.
Communallile in the thlndls i. one
of the significant social in<tltutions.
which .ometimes tran.cend. the
blrrier 01 kinship and blood ties. I,
worked IS a kind of monitor of
activities In the thand>; il any untoward
development toOk in any fam;Iy,
.v.ry on. would re.pond and .olve it
unf,edly. When this bond WIS
disturbed, there was no force which
could control thanw activities. Acting
individually became more and more
the norm. Jairam Nalk of Jairam
thandl. Peddemul Manml, expressed
hi. de.p sense of sorrow over the
unhelithy developments taking place
in the thlndl. He .ay., 'The earli.r
lhanda nail< IISrl to /oak ati.r e"'')'thIng
In the thanda, and police It. sadol
aclivitin UnjUng !he thandos with the
.Wage panchayan weakened Ih.
inte,nal <oh.sion. farlier. 011 dispute.
would be!ed Of the thonda level MIy
and in the lhano'o ponchoyots; now they
have Shifted la the villag. and echa
(aaionol di(ferenre. there.' Among the
9223 surveyed /amili... 23.78% settle
df.put.. the pol;ce .tation. 6-4.8'1%
at the g",m pan<hayat level, 70.1'l%
with the naik or the thlnda head,
6.92% ac the do," and pltel level.
we found photogr'lph. of Hindu gods
hanging on the wall. of hom.... Among
the toullm'veyed f.milie., H.<t9%are
worshipping /amily gods, 69.33% are
wor<hipplng .ncestral god., and
62.28% >re worshipping Hindu God.
Worshipping Hindu God. I. more
prev.lent in the nearer the
ro.d. In Chinnellipdw thanm. (WC
kilometre. from 100%
.. worship Hindu gods. In
,Imolt .11 occuions. the
priest ha. today become
compulsory .djunot,
These have ICcomp,nled
ch.nge. in their dre.. ",,,ern. The
"aditlon.1 drening p.uern of the
Lambadas is very colourful.nd it is the
dress thlt distinguished them from
non"ibal .ociety. Men ordinarily
wear the dhoti and the pagdl (wrban),
The women wear ghaghra or pe,ia
(.kirt) of co.rse COttOn cloth, rich in
embroidery, .nd hung from the waiSt
in ample 1010'. The kandllll (bodlu)
Is 01'0 elabora,.1y embroidered
i. op.n It the b>ek where it is tied
with coloured ribbons. In the <hond..
located nur villages. wl,h greater
in'eraction with larger .ociet)', they
are gradually giving up their tradltion.1
dress and Imita'ing viltaRe women folk,
This fs a v.ry recen, phenomenon,
Among 9,223 surveyed families,
57;"7% women are wearing the
traditional dr .... Ind 39,9B% .re
wearing .ari. Among 3,923 sari-
wearing women, SI,911% .uned I, five back, 29.23%
between five and ten years ago. and
6.02% between ten and fifteen years
ago. The change in dress pattern 01.0
hints that dowry is oldest among wi_
/amilie. We ..ked Bai of
how dowry h.. come
among umbad... Without heslt>tion,
.he replied, 'Sada bondhln katnam',
'dowry has come with the uri. Of the
39.88% who had given it up. and were
Guguloth Bhadru ofBod,,!U<u th.nd.
uy., 'Guvoriyo Ko,our Devol(holeM
pujjukoreloj(, (now the lnmbodo, ore
worshipping >illoge tod<. ond fo'!:etting
the;' own gc>di.) Wherever we went
When we 6odogutU th.nd;,
12 km. from B.I.n>.g.r town, the
Lamb.du were bUly perfonning the
.eeth.l. festi.....!. This festiv.1 is .Iso the
le.tivaJ of nd. free flow of
blood. The L.mb.du believe th.t
Seeth.l:!.. the eldest of the group of
.even .i.ter deities control. endemic
dl.eue., .nd protects their cattle. The
Nalk wu erecting .even stonel
reprelenting the .even deities of the
cult At. diSt2nCe of .bout thirty feet
m.le deity c.lled Lukidi. w..
inst.lle<!. A group 01 them brought a
gOI< Vld it .nd the blood
wu spilled before the .even deitie.
The body 01 the sacrifici.1 gWt wu
pl.ced in front of the Godde$$, .nd
its intestines were dnwn ou' of the
abdomen .nd stretched up to the
idol of Lukidiy> >ere.. the pit .nd tied
there to peg. A I'rU.n then n;,ed
din by beating the Nan,.n (. musie>1
drum) to frighten the c.ttle from the
tempor>ry c.ttle pen which w
.""nged On the eUtern side of ,he
dei tie. A. the cntle nn over the
intestine., men .prlnkle the boiled
cholam" grain with blood of
the .. fowl over ,he uttle.
After that, all the Lambams >te food
in groups in the surrounding field.
.nd di.persed to their th..,d...
The umbada. used to wor.hip
A number of lemale deities on .....rious
. occa.ions - Tuljl, K.n.kali
Bhavani, Mer>mm., Hingle
8I1a...."L Apan: from the goddess, they
01.0 worship .noesu.1 god. During
the 1= ten years, there ha. been a
.udden change in the .piritual termin,
>tId all the traditional goddes.... .,.e
being repl>eed by Hindu male God.
Changing CulturaLPatterns__
The inoro<!uction of modem ",no.
of tra".portulon di,locued the
La",b3d.. fro'" 'hi' tradit'on.l
otcup>Uon. for """" time, <hey ...,..,
Irwoly.,(l in atde-bl ee</;I,. and luer
'et<led In INnjar land' (non.pul.l
G""emrnen' Iands.) As che land Is nOt
fertile. it I:Irc>u&ht ""'Y little dlanle In
their ecOllOlTlk position. Thoulh ft Is
teporud <Ju' 87.33%of the l.lI",b.du
in our sul'Yey haY<! bnds. 82.2%01 them
"'11"''' for work In che dim;cu of
South TeI3n,an. On the one hand.
they had los< thtir tudl,lonal
otcupadon. ilnd on <ht other. <her
were no< allowed to take up >r>'J ocher
occupation, IIn", occupation i.
decided by blnh (and ""te) In the
olllage society. The only work thlt
remained /or the l.ambadu wa< to t1ke
"" agriculwrollabour work. as ..ell ...
road and buildinl constructions In
urban tenUes.
of BodalUIU
lhanda of &I'R;lpr MandaJ has .......
at'" of land and a family of .""en
Wher1 his him.
co the ,I&I'm dlou&hter. he her
amy to Sanjeea Action 'or Sodal
O....elopment. for I paltry lurn of Rs.
100. The mUn ",UOIl for &fvinl up the
b;,by, he points 0<It,." po.crty and
dowry. This situation of dClp.ic of QQnder un M undentood
from his chanllna sDcla-cultural

When Wt <Ilk about L.mb.d.

umbad. women ...earlnlllinerlnl
klnohhl; (bodice.) and colourful
Ihagh", (,kirt). arryi"l bur.dle. of
firewood on U>e;r had. and walkinS
01'1 d>e road.. COITte to mind. TM term.
Urnb.d. might h, been
from lhe Sol\$kric 'b..,,', rnelnlnl:_ Alt;
of ll.rnb.du wc'" tnden
In All. were tsiull)r I
nomadic ."",munity!ill rK"" litnf1..
There >re nlll 10m, Iroup' of
Lamb.du of Mcd.k dl ....iu who
continue <heir nomldi<: ni.."ncc.
When we liked L.mb.du of
O.m:lnkunQ tIwlci:l cl Chand""'l'C'
M.rwhl from ....ue <hey come, <hey <hey had come from Deva...kon<l..
...hidl wa< one of <he suonl foru of
che 16" centu<')'- The co!onl.l.ccOll""
underline me he< <hu the l.lI"'badu
"ere orilin.lly fro'" Wes,ern
R.jpul>n.nd <hu <hey suttered
woulhou, Indi. In 0I"du to supply
cnin .nd ,,1, on <I"'"",,, to <he.rmy
., ..ell .no tI1elMenl f>ClPUlate. Tha,
i' the re."", why llItnbadas centred
the",,"lye, .round the old foru of
dmeren, dynudts. Thtre Ire .ny
numbtf" of nl)thoIo&lal nOl'ie mong
<he larnbaw.....tOdl...-l, chi' ,pread
'0 differen' IWU of Indi' and cheir
ancestnl ...kJ wi<h the Rajpua.. I, is
rteoun,.,(I tha.' tIIty played .n knpor-
ant role in deddlnl the 'Iic:,ory and
defea' of tu...... They rendtl'ell erat
...rvic:es to <he British in the KamaQlQ


"' >0

" h.
more .......... reported ded.ions
.1 ban: ak.n JoInol)' nther wn by
hUlblnd or ...If.

W.. are not llbIt to she iuue
ci-' che J.I!ort !*'od of
"ud)'. lIIou:" sev"al .ducu.d youth ........... , tM poxDce:.
How...... tM dltI reprdina; inUnt
n .... "",,, "'" raOo is
Fernalt ......... lOO.., kr Umbacb1
is nearly that 0/ the eenenJ
,......... ..-ultty Our .110
.-.poru III -....... born for ......,.
I 000 mal.. _ 1o... rlt.. for 1II..
..., salnu cl952,....... brthofor
......,. 1000 .... brtI>I.
It is ..--e bkety d'Lat u. .........., pis
hove bun rtlinqulllltd. G"'''' the
pruent _ do not "" OUt
!he lmpoIoiblity cl inbnticltlt
... pheI_.o, in tho future.

IpICIU daIin& ""'" relinquiJllmenL

'Imunl that ....)' bad in
1991. the O."'lnkuntl IllCIII_di
recorded births 01 8 pit and 8 boys
_ ....' """"'" in the wa.,... AI
.tcm died wIIilt all eI&h' boy1
Wed. Shtuu! ""deKh:o affenWt
childrcll to she I'fX'>Ci' of female
inbnt>adIL jItoIuN fHlI t if drft
),ur 'Ko"b u ned. mat'
od'oer QMlI cl ftuItiad,e wiI
c...... "'to nou". Wlule w. hi...
ukt<f Ibout tl'a in ""
duIld.. we hov.....ted. .... hi...
drown c.nuin.1y "'Clt re""".
Fenw. lnQlItICide QMlI "'fIOIUd
by ldoption "Ca artiw. to
hi... bHn common ........., I.arnbodo;
thi. n'II)' be UIIIub<uoulted. With
dowry belnc CHlIy dead. old.
bmiy -.... ,uboanbll blide pric.
kr ill ti;luchtt" ohouId not need to
Infant and child mortality by.ex
Genor>J n'II!t' GtnenI ItnuIIt
12 9 68.7
.. """..
.. ,
In <I ,.rc,pf'on of the 10.159
ruponlu <0 d<"C,"CH1_
mlk,n. tll. lIi.II.... proportJon
H.Sl% ,.1< that h."band. dec;ded
lboo" m. .......t "" IOW, ftC.
This wu dolo'" f:': .. ed by buJ"fll
of f'r'O"lS'DIII (19.n%) IIld I<*c to
m. lNrir.e, ( I'.11 "). Inltraun&'r.
2.l1S .. ......., NI< Nt ,.... to die
I/1Pdi wu I _'I dechoon....tIile
1.171 wom.n It Wl< I INn'.
iC*'t OK,.""" .. It ,.... to
,h. market. It hI< bun ou,
ob1erv:It>Ot'l d'Lat Umbadu ""'" CO
'0 the wukJ)r marir..tiotwldy I<
coupl.. f., mO,. dun o,h..,
Commun,,,.. In mlny othu
CCIIm'1unnln, It Is d'>t rnatl ....y
co- w+ult here. bodl .!way< :0.
Till "'e find Llmb.dl wOm.n
Irtkul.ti". their l<lun openly..... "";D
nOt b. Ibl .. '0 .dd,.n :.nd"
di'jl&J'<tM. in their complt>< liv.., It
60eI hO.... eI remain. pro!olem INt
it is <he pi cJl,l, l< xi-< ._y.
!he pi chid who 11 not ,en< to ochool
odo.. th.. pi
..-Into III unc...wn <nII'riIce- w..
find "<HMI, .ufFtrin& from a.. ... oc
hiealth po obl ..... d'La..... to
If'Ucublt and __ ..-.. GIliaIIc kr
me &tnIy to c..-- to __"""'" end
"""t ill tr'&&CmML W. Ind _
& abuItd and -.... in ""'"-.
w. hope 1N' ....... 01 she <Huib
I'"" lbo... m.)' be ,.Id by the
l.Insbadu and off
ftK,flW'y debate """""l ch.....
inbnticide - iI $hort
Thl. h be... r.ported b)' both
JlmU'" 01 GramYI Ind adoption

. , ' ~

.... ,""-;
z :'
.' ,

I :' --
-;.- .


. ~
, .
"" ~
"" W
The percen"'le. re...1 how the
Nalk and the thanda panchayau are
losing their hold o""r the tlund.o,
Nerbpally Gram I';lnchay;lt 0/ Balanpr
Handal hu foorteen thandu
The to",1 .ate" of me p.nchlyat are
1400 0\Jl of which 900 Ire Lambad\l.
AJ; et..:: lamb.du are In me majority
In me ""ncharat. mey ha.e been li.en
me ";Itage S.rp.nch polt for me bit
20 y...". Of Courle Lamb.das are me
Sarp3nches, but the ",w.1 controlle"
are the IOCII Reddis. M. Rupia w"
elected thrice .s Sorp.nch with the
b.cklng of Krlshn. Reddy 0/ Goded Ind Venk.n Reddy of Nerbpally.
M. Rupl. wn .In;ually lhe lervant
(Ieelha.g;ldu) of Reddy_ Even
alcer he wa. ele<:ted S:lrp""", Rupia
used to do manual wor1< in Krishnlo
Reddl's house. P. Wachly;l who -..
S:lrpanch for the lut 6 yu" -.. :al1O
one of the servanu (Ieeth.gadu) of
aabu Do.. (nephew of Surcula Rao) of Nerllp.J1y. He
could al,o nOt .ny effort to Kt
independently. belnl 10ully under
Babu Dor", control. AJ; 11 all
de.elopmenu remlin confint'd to the
main .iIIop only, they do not re"h
the thandn. Thlnrh, I.rlely remv..
by ponchayll s,hem"
Rooghly \Wothlrds 0/ our rupondenu
(S8H/922l) reporlld thu Grim
P.nchayu funds ond heme<
reJeh the dulndiL Gudibando tlllndo
which Is under NerLapolly Ptnchly;ll
0/ tw no hool.tIIe ,hlldren
10 '0 the "; <cI>ool -4 km aWlY.
There I' no eIec'ricity supply in rhe
dund.o. They were liven p""'. for
Governmen, houle, <Wo ye.,., a,o.
bu, nodUng furtfler tw ......... d. They
pleaded with us to ,et hou..s
U1>Ctioned for rhem. Tl>ry hive not
been p<"O"ided any GoY<. loaM. Only
three OUt of 60 ha.e ..ken co-
opo,r:::'..e b>.nk loan. Thoy hI..e no<
heMd or seen rhe ANM. Otr: 0/ the
fourteen thnd.. und" 'he
NerbplIIy ,ram p1l> only four
tmndu hI.' a Some Umbada<
were u)'U>&. We""'" deodop os Ionr
lIS <he Ooro', ,*"".",tlo" is
Where urlON rhe <handa lamb>.du
<pOke Wlth _ Oke, now difleren<
fiCtion. exisL mil'l'"Orlnc those In the
fTliln dllp. The qua.....l. tha' enJpt
durinc <he elecPonI continue '0 ...
all Ihroulh she Inlervenln, period,
K<ive line! ""ited work.


, -

Change is possible:
The silver lining on the cloud
n-eis,however, I lininl to the
cloud how....r. Tht Govemm.", 01
And"," P",dem 'W\"'& ded'ively into
In)(>II e."" rhi' ,urnm... n... crucial
GO. No. M. No. 1(, d."ed 18.4.200 I,
bann;"1 .ccop..n,. of ,.linqul.hed
children by adoption "enclt. i.
certainly' '.'" In the ri&h. dlre<:don.
The liV!m ...... 10 me .gencies b)o
the arrHlS ofkey V>d the aid".
IW>y oIcholdren Ni, also sh>ken the
compb.en<:y of the ... well
W. hur aI ""rlou, welcome """'"
l>y a,encies .0 clun "l' tt>e;r aet.
We allo nore .hu communl.y
orJani"tion. 01 me Lambadu N.v.
..ken me issue and uyinJ
to engage with ft.
Community organisation
of the Lambadas:
While 'hen >re uveral such
orniutlon., we found 'hI< ,h.
Lamb,d. Hakkul. Porau S40mfthl
(LHPS) was INt In the area. under
.cudr. A rly .. In9 when the
,und.1 fin. '""'Pte<!. they Iwl taken
up 'he prOI,>.mm. amonl the
of combatinj die f"'Oblem
01 01pi children, They
lud meetln" In 'he 'handu.
demon'trated before the office' of the
IdoJ>flot' lIlendeS. h.ld a .....jor ...m
ynr. In M.y .nd Jun. 200 lover
seve...1MJJKbls; the fint ;"ue of tf>e;r
mapzine. NonpNl Sheri kad ........1
a,,;cl .. on 'he problem. Wh.n ......
'0 coope...te wim our
,<udy. ,he LHPS rflponded _nnfr.
JIld helped un<Ieouke me ,urvey in
tWO Mandat. Ch.ndampet and
B.alanapr. Their >cti.lou helped u.
arranle Interview. with Iffect.d
modlen and women In<l .n.wer.d
our myrild wlm pnlence.
Gr.en the het mn any dent in <he
problem will hive'" be ","de witI1 me
community by effortS within le, It i,
noperative for GoY(. '" rope in ,uch
orlonlutlon, In In efforn. The
orlonl..oon .....y be Keptial of ,ate
commitment JIld polltl<;al win. wIlkh
mrows JIlldded burden on Govt. to
demonstrate ml.. -,
Reform elfons within me community
01"" need to be II..n melr due ploce
in p..,...etive implemenation. We give
in me appendix, a '0lIl In the umbldl
dialect. which i. populo, among
lambados of Medok district.
Popularl,ed by the Nanded Guru
P.w (. Lommd. hlnuell). it .... of
the IIs of dawry. Many such Clisettes
are being c1rculned among the
L:ambld..... wd a. bNlon .."ion.
held In the evenings. The folklwen
What needs to_be_donL
Co""."e"t may need <0 Nve a
wiclo-ranCin& Enquiry Commlttet
o:N., can ID Into the W'DI'tinp of
the adopdon qencia IlidIel <D. This
"""d not be punitive. but inscad
solely ID prevent recurrence of
such incldena in the fuw.... and lay
<he baIiI for a and fair
a<k>pOOn lUideliMs.
-. 'Jili
Th. Slue Governm.nt could
,erlou.1y coroside.- pu,hin! for a
national MOl'3to1ium on Inter.
country adoption (ncept for
medically challen!ed b>.bies) for
Wee <0 ,"vc yean. Thi. should
f:acirrQle <he dryln. up of <he b:aby
lrade. and breakin. up of <he
money neKU'. Simultaneously.
chere is a necessity Ior a n"tion,,'
ban on "ccepunce of
rellnqlli.hed children.
Andhra Pradesh. babie. lNy be
phy.ically 'mll"led out to
nei!hbourinc "uus and !lvell ill
adoptiof'l from <here. I, may be
lleCf'SIaty to appoln' a Standing
Commlttfl' for a period of twO
yurs '0 act .. watchdoc. Thl"
commlttu an consist of Govern.
men' official'. police. local
communl<y orzanisa,<ion. of the
Lamb.du. human ria;hu orpnl-
UtiOM. Th. Cornmillee .hould
NW neceuvy pow..... 10 act OIl
complaints. IflIp.ct homes alld
;qencieI. and direct police to take
action where n""",Iaty.
The lamboo'a commumlJ MS bftn
pushed 10 uerd$i", onIr 0 MrOI;'.
power ..., IndMduall. ptIroculorly
Io'DIIIm and p1 babies, of lhtJr
powerl.""." .nd lurvivol j",li"'t
Im..-.enLiDm OIt due 10 .....r"",
lhe n.rmol relotion,Mp belweM
and communiry. W. woulcI
lik. la propOle mu/ri-/a,ered
rommendooort$. We do IlOl rhinIc that
rhe.e <hould apply to Goo(>'.'ltn,1lb>r.
Th.,. lIWIfS oIo<>t .0..
do, and .... """'Y rh"'t3 thal cM!
>OdeI)' ond ""'.. "'l"nif<ltiM1 alone "'"
do. Whil. th... or. nOl mUlUal1y
we 11""" .ep"rolNi lM ona.
(w do-rily.
I. Adoption:
Broadly. the adoption .,encle. con
be (luoiIifll into either elitist or
._ni.llt may be poUlbIe ID
._,,"I,ln .Iitist .,o"el," 10
enco"..... nu;o",] .dopdotl and
ie.. poor Idlilu U ,ulubl.
adep,i p' 1I is not pouible
to do a..lY with them
Go.ernment QnnOt pl!m'W\cntly
take up die prow.m of keeping
abandoned b>:bl,., and ensurinr
cood .0'01"1 home. for them.
Bu, 'he In... 01
commerciali,!" i', this
11 an area 'l;'here a"er much
difficul<y. Qs1l nUllS IIaI bUfl
.et up. I, is ddrlClllr. <0 br...k
a ash ne..... It .. <hat. !Iv""
the bin OIl rer"""ilhed b>.bl'" In
: he
' ...

, "

Till luch tlm. tilt ch. ,itu.don
stabUII... Governme", eo"ld
con,lder lea";"I accessible cradles
at differ"'e pointS
.r..... so tlIae is an option for
.....enCl who .tilI fffI the need CO
g;"., up thelr gin babies.


Ope"ing Ing.nw.dls in ..... ry
lhanda having more than 20
chikI.- will help to foe... on child
and pr.gnant mo, her.' health
need.. Thnpn_dfs could well
be ,h. foal point In ch. IhIndl l
wh.r. Governm.nt 1......le.1
convlr.e. W. h..... noeed
divergent Govtmmen, "h.m"
ladt focus bta.... of their Ipre.d.
A DPEP school functioning fl"Clm
che ."pnwldi (or the revern)
f.cilitlles ineerlction of 'he
.ng.nwadl wi'h 'he
ee.cher, SI well as the interaction
<>fth. DtplrtmttI' olWomen and
Child wl'h che
D.partment of EdoIClDon. Simibrly
with health faciIitieI. AI. !he thanda.
it m.kes sen.. 10 .....Clret
resoun:es <0 facilities in one place.
helping coordination b.tween III
Schooll need co be esablished in
all thanlia' whtrt art! mor.
cmn SO children. Here enroI""""e
and rt!ctndon ol VI' needs to be
hitftli&flted. Hostel fadWts under
TribII welfut wtdll SO " quo,.
for #iris need '0 be .nla'led. At.
the hemel, generally cake girl, over
8 years of ., admilllon and are
11 a younger '1' need' to be
con,ider.d. Voluntsory a,.nci"
1"...oIved in the field of eduation
m.y be asked <0 ake up parr. of
"'" .....
Human ,.;ghe< orpnis.ationl both
In Indlnd abro.d could b.
contacted co ,en.i,lze public
opinion In Indi. and .dopd....
psrene< .broad.
Explor. communley b..ed
adoption opdons .nd h.lp ,0
extend legal sancclon.

The imm.di." r.quirem.", i. a bueline medical check
up for III Larnbllda women in south"g.". which should include
ha.moglobin, gynaecological
exami....tion, This needs 10 be
follow.d by sultlll>tll tr...lm.n'
where the pad.nt nu co hIve
ace... co !he <Ic>ccor onCl
rTIOtIl:h. and in emergencies. Family
planning camp. nd to b.
2. Government:
A South Telsngsna Lambada
Tribes Agency needs to b.
urgendy set up on the 11"" of the
ITDA with a time-bound man-
dateay Ii.... years. to arry out
and coordinate programmes In
the llTeas ofhealth, education and
basic InfMlStrvtture.
of ,h. lImb.d.
community need co be recqni<ed,
livftll kltl Ind trUIed in prim.ry
health a .... Their rt!ferrIIs to the
Primlry Heallh Cenerel lnd
Dinrict Hospital, need to be given
.dded weicht. Empl0>J.Oent assurance:
There i' an need for access The Lambicb community havc proved
of Lambad. women to ho.pital CO be r.':" farm.... where liven the
deliv.ry. Thi. will ... Idded land, need co be upuaded
mobili...tion of ANM Itrvlces, IS ehrrgh ,oil eon.......ulon. Will'
well IS provi.lon of vehicles co retll!ntion enhInctmtnc. Iffortiacion
tI'IMporr.!he prtIIIItIt woman co s:J, wUt. I.ndl, p.reolallon unks.
tilt hospital. / Minor _"'" CO/'ISttYIUon m....ur..
There " an urgl!nt need Co fceu. in
in-counery .dopelon. Co id.ntify
botd.ned<s .nd remo.... them in in--
c""nU}' adoption proc,..... To
facilitae. thl. cher. m"it b
n.tworking of VCAs throu&f!ouc
cIlt counay.le does no< maQ...,..
tlIat an adofM:iv'e from Idaho.
USA. Slly. sI10uld ha"" belter 'ell
CO an .t>anOoned child of Andhra
Pnde.1t, COlTlfMred to an adoptive
po....,e from Punj.b.
In our di.cussion, widl
adopdon .,.ncit.. i. nu come <0
lighe ,h., eh,ir proc....' ar.
hrouded in stcrKy. oscemillly <0
proe.ct both lIU of p.renn,
and adoptive. It ""'<h: be
m.d. m.nduory eh.e such
q.nci.. kave working M.n.,lng
Commin... wieh .. I.."
minimum of m.mb.r, from
differene scn.ieiviti... Seue
Govemm.nt CO CAM
licenc' may.1so be preceded by a
public snnounc"",.nt. such .. an
.dvercl..mene in
newsp.pen. In...lcing obj.ctlOnl
from alt concerned individuals and
Governmen, an facili,.te an Inttr
country .nqulry and ace...
infoml.lion from Indian embassies
abroad <0 find out haw OIW
.,." doin;. lepl mKhiM<y in pi.""
in ocher countries and ,h.
partioJlv" modes of operation of
plKernent q.ndes.
What needs to_he...donL

I ,.


I '"


The lambado ("",,,,unlly ha. b
pu.hod 10 on'" .. lIoral'"
0>1" indMdu<l1s. par!klJlarlt
_ and pi babies. bee""J! orlM;
PO","".. /I'" olld ,"rvi...1 Inlli"CL
InllliWtllions "'lentry due la resun
rh. 1I0,mo) relalionship belweu
;"dMduoll and communiI)'. We .......stt
like to propose mulli.Joy".ed
recommendations. W. do nol rhinI< lhol
these fhOlM opply 10 e;."..,nm."l ojeno.
m",. thinr 01""" call
do. IJnd en """'" tIIlnp !hal cM
mm< "',..""arkml alone COIl
do. While lhe or. 1101 mUlual"
...a..M, .... ..po,ated !he CltfOS
/or clarity.
I. Adoption:
Broadly. the adopliO" :agencies CI/I
be",d IMo eliti.. Of'
>mmen:ial. It ",ay be poible <0
n,it;'o ollllot .,ellcles '0
adoption and
.Iew poor .deJlu as ... Iubl.
parents. It Is not possilM
10 <10 away with the",
Government QnI10C p"nNlnmdy
t.>k. up the problem of keepl",
.lan<loned babi... and en.urlll'
cood lOOpti'l' horne, lor them.
But where che i..u. of
commercialism Is conc.rned. !his
is an area where alter much
difficulty, a cash tltlIuS been
s.t up. It is ry difficult to bruk
a ash n9:Us. I. is liltely Wl. ren
the ban on r8nqui1htd babies in
Andhn Pndesh. babi.s may be
physically smuul.d out to
neip,bourina: .tate. and g;'"" in
adoption from there. It may be
nesury to sppolnt a Sunding
Committee lor a period of two
y.a" '0 act as WlOtchdog. Thl.
tommitt..., an cDllSist of Gcwem
m.nt officials. polic., local
communicy orpni...tions of the
Lambadu. human rights or,anl.
utlons. The Committ.e should
have necessary pow.... to act on
complaints, Inspett homes and
apncies. atld dlrt police to take
action wheN! MttsAr)'.
The State Go.ernment could
seriou.1y consider pushlnglor a
nation;>! monotorium On Inter-
tountry (except for
me<lkally tha.llenged babies) for
th.... to lne yea.... Thl hould
bciIlt:I.e the drylng up of the baby
tnde. and breaking up 01 the
money n.XIII. .,
there I. a necelJity for a national
ban on aeptante of
relinquilhed thlldren
G<wemment may need to hIve a
enquiry Committee
Wt gn go into the wor1tInts of
d>t agendes hItheno. This
need not be punltiv... but Instead
.olely '0 prevent recurrence of
.uth Inddents In the future and by
the basis for a transparent and lair
adoption guidelines.


like Check <bm, on ....
rlvulea ......... Ihese areas,
need to be seriously considered..
e-rity bote ........... !.M,oldu
I!'II:U:I be -'ou&Iy coo .. It td on tIw
ro- <his is run for the SC$.
Local bodies:
Go"."ent rnu1t HriousJy consldef"
tht ;uue of Hp.nt. pancNya< for
lNr>Ou. This ... addra. the politial
of tht community.
dc,.....,VU.... ,..,F: Ontlts OAth.
Itself. bdlau InwrNl
cohesion and rutunIy .. 1Nl
quaky 01 f.M -'" lbat an be ...
... 01 dI4IlMnbodu .....;d'I
tht loci! community un only be
raIIud if !he hid>erw .-qu>l -....
01 poww an be reduced.
Gender support lnt.......ntion. an
";u1l1 nee,nary to "tip Lamb,d.
__evolve spaces for themlelYe.
This impIet I ltep-up of DWCAA
procno"""'" Mut.nil)' 6enefk
Scheme. Girt Olld Protection
Widow Pension. elc.
.... WIlh-..
" In d'III threo oo.od:oIs
of NaJronob.. Rlnprddy Ind
Medal<, !hen if ample to
imp 0'" c.ows ....
The Girl O>ild PlOUlCtioo. SdMme
wu Intended to rema"" ,ender
prejudice and help In I....
murlllu. The dlstrl"
has larJoIy Iinl<ed It
wiI;h QmlIy pIatwli... 10 dm al<tn
m. booo f i'riII ollhe IdIeme are
Ihe ...,.., pto In I C'W<Hrit ..,.
The sa..- _ be linked
wilh lamiJ pta..... WZ'U- Gifts
ill lar."J'rl bmitiel Ire the
.....dJL 8udpUt)' Illoation
shoutd be IOKrud to COo,,
ZIkut ..... pi In 11 IUdl bmIliel.
The &lib y*"" (01
die G<notnwneftt of India) if I
.ch...... to protect ,In d'lild
... " L Thot ,...... ... Ioc_"
01 oNr Ib. 70 Ioldls, c-w.,; la.
W .. 10-15,000 .In. "H,h to
s<epped up ...btt1/'ltlllly to meet
II!e urrn< need ... llid....
edUCltiOlW dilplrillu.
o ICOS wiI need ... build I opKilJ
Iocuo ... cM lodoIucem pt. who
h.. no pllCl I.. most weltlre
,., "" _ for oldI
deY.lopm...t I ..d Iwlren"..
need to be up.
o HaIdl are I bnis for
-...... belo
... Iowa- eN hWl Wane rnoruity
Ind "",rulll)' ut...
besiden<ldreulna m. pi :bh 'oof
reproducdn trlCt Infeerio..,.
....Ilrl . TB,, nu<tit/onll
cIefklencies. ne. ........p"om._
Iikt: I .ub-PHC or I moba.
PHC an be con.klered for the
o SpedIl .. ' .... , ..... 111 fOf"
_needtobeuw '11 ed ...
I war foodna to lmpI ...... i:ht:ir

o Other pro.rlmm.. Ilk" I
Janmahhooml for
th" South T......"/11 Lambad..
could b. uken up,
The....h....ld 11.0 Include mu,
mobIIiOllion w1d1 the
acun .upport of Llmbldl
community orpnlSltlon.. These
,hould ako Include ."ppo", of
Uhti.., CUllUn! of ch"
commu.. lty u w.1I u reform
_ .... for la,""" chit 01
o A d"""Jopm"nt .. odal point
widl ...... ortwoacM and
youth (boch men I ..d worn....)
Wbat netds 10 be done
cowW .... cru,ed in DdI chIndo
to help .......itor the YlriO'"
de.elof>""'l!<'llllCtiYittfl and to
iruna widl <!'lIt Merent lpilCie
o Gournment could I..
coordlnltlo.. with comm"nll)'
,..oup. lIk. "p ...... moblliOltion
pI"Olr"lmme. elpeCillly on 11Iue.
r"lu.d to ,enderqult)' Ind
inbmuitionlccell to ........."'"
o GoYemrnent ""')' consld the
./IIctment of. compl ....',.;.."
aj:p ion low <ha an Iba ,.....,.,
I..d lit In.Ut,,tion,,
'TMreio ....... c............... of_.
Ibouc die 'P"cific powtO of <!'lIt
D.plrun....... Wom.n .nd Child
Welll,e IIICl the JuYttIlI. WelfIre
Boan1. The bin On ,"cc"ptanc"
of relinquished chlldr.... should
r.mll .. ce.. trAI to ""1 new
o GoYernm"... c.....d 'pKlnClIIy
'''Ges, lmendmenu to CAM
.........., to 1IIIk. tnIIkkina In
baboeo ""'"ciftin* Thot -\, ,
IawI of diffeI ..1II uw ill id ...........
IftIIysed to lind _....., only ......
Sly. Iik. die USA, if.
diI'\lia*. ... monitor .....
.,....aes. Norw of the btbles """"
to hlYl ,on. 10 'he Unl'ed
Coootrito """'ch do nol
hIt.o """'It 0'" IknItwI
...... lhW.,........
For die community
activists themselves:
o Then is an impeta...... need for
discu<sit>n on wNl aai.".-l
CD be l2ktn up on I coo,."o" bIsis
lOO" bettermen' of me communi<y.
Unle.. me communi<y ",ke. an
In,eru, in .uttainable
deyelopment, and eon,rol.
processes 01 upcn-oation 01 dry
lands. Kc.. nothi"l un change.
ActMtie. to enl\ance monicoring
01 che ....rious lacilitiM o l l e ~ by
dI. Govt.. for example. ed"",tion.
need to be l2l<en up. The xhool
comm;ccu. may be occa.ionally
remon.tnti"l with cIIe '","cher for
no, ..,endinl. This h.. <0 be
101l0wed up by serlou.
communlcy monitorinl. Ma..
ledon Is bound co hayIIec<.
SimIlarly wlcII ocher laeillci.s. If the
communl<y Is co haYe enhanc.d
acCeSS co schoollni and heal<h.
accmus hay. to p ~ y attention to
these areas.
Very olcen. th.s. Ir. che are..
which are linor.d. becau.. they
I .... no, cOtl.ldered 'poIicicaf, and
beelu" they do nOt pay


immediate dlyidendl. A
SOCial momenc CiYU
pre"lce, clmpaicn!ni
fonccesl '0 loans m&YC;ye
monecary benefill. buc
campaigns for ed""'tion and
healch >re long-term
inyescmenu ch.. actiyiscs
ha.e to serioutiy con. ider.
The dichocomy oIlJlitadonal
and conscructi.e politics
ha.e to be bridged by the" mem.elyes.
Communicy organisations
mutt take up actiyities to
enhance women's control
our cheir liyu
encouragement of women's
croup. for dlscuion and
SUppol't. IlSues 01 d..........tic
Ylolence, alcoholism, UC.
Cruclni .pace< for women
In the e"l"inl community
OI"p'nisations Icsetr will help
women emellle and
Irticullce their issuel.
Actlylu. could orglnlte public
hurin,s on ....rious iSluel. To bep,
with, <here could be public heann,s
on police inaction In ....riou. ases
of l"'1ed relinqulshmenu. and che
lack of ace.n co basic <el"ticu.
Public: hearinp help in acalysl"l che
communicy and proyidl"l a p1atfonn
for dlalozue with local officiIl,.
NGO" Two oplions are lvallable-
one is actinC as I deliYery "",hanltm
for Govt. pro:ra.rnmeI. The od>tr is to
hetp ,h. community by equif>plnc It
with .kills neceslUY '0 conU"Ol chtir
own 1iYa. NGO< need to wori: wlm
umbada eommunitlel Ind help in
tnnlfenTo& sl<iI< to d>em.

I .n
Ilk. ChICk dims On the various
riwIIu ......,... lIrUO,
..,ed to '"' ..riously considered.
e-.ltJ 1iocIA ..... ""
Ihould t.. MricIusIJr CDlSidet ed ... die
INs dlI:I 11 run few """ se...
Local bodies:
Ca ......oc must --....rr uw.....
dM a- 01 HpanU ..,., ....
INndu. ThlI .... .cldra.s "'" poiDaI
ma...pnaliudool of tht community.

communlt)' Itself. bdlitlue int.....1
cohfllon and ..runlIy dle
quality at fadIidu dm an be .....
... kuzndon 01 tM Umbadu ......
the loul community un onl, be
tulIud if die hithetto unequal tennI
01 pow (;In be ..ouced.
Gender support lnterv<l!ntlons Ire
vltlll, n'''IUry 10 help umb.d.
women , spices /or rhtrnse/Ya.
ThIs implies. ICtfHIp 01 OWCAA
prOl"'mmll, Maternity 8enerrt GIrl Child Protection
5theme, Widow Pension, etC.
III'lClI'W the l.ambada$. WIIh-..
" c-. in et. ctne mandab
of NaJa;ondl. RI"Iueddy and
Medlk, men. 11 ample ICopt! to
I",,,, D C-.,
The Ql ChId P..".....1on SdwM
was k_,dd to 'fOliO'.
prejudk. and help in later
mIni.,,,,. The di,ulct
...0....... *""" hu larpIy Irhd ir.
wkh bmIy plao.... 10 ItRt "'-
Ihe beneIdaties gf!hl sd....... .....
en. ...,.. pis ... twO-UI'lil ...,..
TlM shcuIcI flOC be linked
...... family lIflelS. Girk
In luC"'CI,1 '"mllln Ire the
needi.... 8udC'tary IlIac_tion
.hould b. I"creued to cOver
.tleut _ pi in .. IUdI hmilies.
The IlIlb SOrno .... T.... (of
die GoYlr.......enl of Indill) I. a
Ich.....e 10 prOlK' Cirl child,
01 .....,. Its. 70 IaIoN, CID'. ilC lieu
........ 10.15.000 clrto 10
!he ...... ....d 1D ....... e-ser
... ad .. ...".....
1CD5 .... IIHd ID buid a opedaI
foal< on IhoI adolex.... pt. who
h.. no plan in moll welfare
po OC' .f"ou. PI OC' Id for dciII
de... lopmenl a...d awannl ..
need ID be w- up.
Hahh ca.. on a ........ basis for
................... '0 be irr$'! 'ot>'lW<f
ID Iowwr IN hlIh IrhnI:
and maternal morulll" r:uu.
baIda ..tdru..... the problerm of
rwprod"cuY' tracl
malaria, TB. anaeml>. ""ultlo".1
defitl.ntlll, ItC. Pertu.PI. lOIne
IIIlnc likt a wb-PHC or a mobile
PHC an be for lIIe
SpecbJ anpIoymenl KhemeI for
WOI1WI IIHd to be CORIlderecI on
a war foodnC to !heir
Olher p....Cr.......... like a
Janmabhooml procrwnrnl for
die So"th Telan,pna Lamblda.
...d ...IYeIy co"ld be taken up.
TheIe Ihouid abo indII<le m&II
m IS .pooc,.,.,... ...,fd,1he
acdye sUPflOrt of Lambada
COIl'II'I'IUtIi orpnIAtlonI. Thes:1
should abo lndude 1Ul'P"M: of
..... d...C c"l,un! for.... of the
comm"...lty u well a. refonn
ma._,lI, for IlWTlplw. d'at 01
A dlYllopment nodal point
widl one or twO and litIrlu!
yO"lh (bo!h mln and women)
Wbal nlldllo be done
could be trilled In IldI d\anda
10 h.lp monitor thl ""riou.
deYelopmenul uti.ltia and to
io'urxl wkh dw M ..... qe: iI
il"ot Id.
Go.ernmlt couJd in
coo.dination ..ith communi.,.
l"""P' <:ab ........ " It.iQo,
IlF'! I:j on""'"
..Ia d .0 nde eqUity and
iNomvodono'XCIII ID CO'""' ot>.
Go..rnment may consider the
'naclm.nt of comprehellllYe
ldopdon la.. d'at can >Iso CO"'"'
orphana." and fil Inltltutloru.
'There 11 """" confullon &I of ......
aboul the lpecilic pow... of the
Oep:artmeo'll, Women and Child
and the J.....nil. Welfare
Board. The ban On acceptance
of rvlnqulthfil children should
remain cenluJ 10 ...",. nlW
Go..rnmln. could Iptclflully
........mendmenu 10 CARA
11' "'" to mak. vaIllcklnc in
bat.. lIifJll;JA The'" 'I' io .,
IIwI 01 difrL -..ntritI lit
:aftlIlyIecI1Dtlnd out """y .....,. ........
c--.. ..,.... the USA. Iind it
le IO'" I or thtr pta:eo,ot>
IClllOU. None 01 dw babia .......
to ha...e con. 10 the UntIed
eo...ries wftidI do r
...... w .....". ,
....... thW .ulcitJ ........... oiud
For the community
3..ctivirts themselves:
There is an Impll1lu.. for
+O'llion on whal KtiYiIills need
to be taken .. on a c:ornn-. buiI
~ ~
,I. _
~ ~
. ~
"e ~
P ill
b) Did Iny thildren die on Ill"" or they were )'OIln,!

a GairvVfo<..t
o Dry a Wet

M.I, clllCltion



Lambada Thanda SUl"Yl!y
cl WhJ.. do)'OU oowl
o For We 0 for ..".". 0 For both
D.otr>et Tlw>tbN.tql! _
I I) Detail. of farNly (dtildren
Nlme _
Ai' _
1. .) Type of hotJ,.
OH. C] Tied houll ac_
Do )'OU hJ...... elecu1cJry!
C] It> the hotJ a In the than<l. a In both
J. .) 00 you hJ..,.IJ"cl!
o """
a For lease
How many gm. do )'OIl own!
00 0' 02 02 a. 0 .......
s. Who do you owe manq to!
o T" the GOt. Q T" the aT" \he saI>ub<
6. a) Do you 10 for labour! 0 y", a No
I) How 1N"l' months! 0 0-3 0)-4 0 6-9
li) Do you mlJn.te for wor1<I 0 Yes a No
1Ii} How much is your dally wage! Q RL 8. t5 0 Ib.I S-2.S 0 Ri. Abo_. 25
b) Are you or your dlildren worlcin.:os bonded bbounlnl 0 Yes 0 No
If res. how m.....:h I, me r-iY
For children: 0 1,500-3,000 0 3.0005,000 For adulu; 0 5,(l())..8.000 :J 8.000-10.000
e, a) What programmes of the Govt. do you acc'"
o DWCAA 0 Trysem 0 Girl child deposit Cl DIl.DA 0 Housinl
Cl Ma<emily bMefi' .cl!..... 0 Old age pe".;"" Cl Widow pension
9. a) When the,e is conflict, to whom do you 10
a Police 0 Gram P>rM:hloy:at Q land> Nalk 0 Lanclant/P:",",l
b) From which institution. havoe you wen help!
a Govt. HO$piQI 0 Anm a 5Chocl 0 MRO
o MOO 0 NGO 0 Cooperat/Ye 80nll 0 AtIp1WJ.di
IO,I} How old is the dowry in)'O\O" family!
OSyeanold 010 020
b) How much i. !he dowryl
00-20,000 0 SO,ooo.llal<h 0 Iba"" 1 lakh
c) Along with die dowry. what else do you hlY" to Please state the vat"" .pproxl"""ety
o CIothln: 0 GolcI Cl Ve...... 0 CycleIMotorcyde 0 0dIers
<I) How many lirls of rTI3.I'1iagable a&" .re there in your family!
00 0 I 02 DJ QAboel
11. a) How dou con"kt becwun huslw>d wife arise!
o Doer rood Ind cooklnc 0 Household .....tters 0 AJcanoli1m 0 Child,,..,', behaviour
o TVkinI with oliltrs a Goir1t; out without pcJ'Tl'liuion a NoM)' moaen
b) When 1$ con/net hl'Sband a Ya a No
a Does he .bY.e you! a Doe. he but you with hi' hancls Q With .tick
cJ I, it 100<1 to beot the wlft! a Yes a No
I2. Who ukes deciJions In the house
.} Buying PfoYisions
On the dlildre.1'1 future. eduatioll
On mn,ers
.} On P>l1O ..... mubt.
0( the field
On of
Selling things like milk. khoa. etC.
13. a) H.1!te you or anyone you know ren a-.y d>eir cirt cl>ildI",1l
Q Who :J To whom
b) Why did they live! :l Poverty 0 Dowry
c) Did come 10 your to uke girl babies! 0 Yes 0 No
14. Wh.1t zeds do you worship!
[) Family pis :l Ancestnl COOS 0 RamIHm........nIBaIa;..Saibaba
IS. a) How many edUGlted unemployed are there In your family! 0 fem.1l, 0
h) 00 the fundi of the Gram Panchayat come 10 your thand.1! [) Yea 0 No
c) Is thIA a 5docol in the thmda! 0 Yes 0 Ne
16.00 you wur your tnditiotW clothes! 0 Y.,. 0 No
If you do not weu them. when did you leave off wearllll them
o o-S ran 0 SolO 0 10-15
IS. DenrdIario. tIwld:a
16. ChowI:larII:b. dIanda
17. lIeld"dapdcb tNnda
18. .....ncb
19. ChaINb. gate dwlda
lOo Gundu mind:>.
21. OJmankunta. thand.
22. Teldc.......paJli thanda
23. Uwldo
24. ltimulu NU< thlondl
15. Motiya chanda.
26. tIwld:a
27. I"Iowt1pdd:a tNnda
""'8. Ch/QraI
29. Booduni dwlda
30. mar>d.
J I. Venk:l.tlganl thand.
32. Pathur m.nd>.
J3. Roopla tIIanda
H. Henkyi dw'Id:a
35. Leadpa tIwld:a
36. Pedcb. M.... thandI
31. Bacmpur tIwld:a
38. &njan napr tIwld:a
39. Poay.a N2iIc thancb
40. BodaIwKb. tNl'lda
1. Dasarbpllll thand.
Map""t thand.
-43. thand.
. 80Ibvam Ihan<b
<45. Ilnhmm lUtD. tIwld:a
47. 1JI3bblowi ttww:b.
rNe mve..- completed the I"bndal)
Peddemul manda.I
I'lonfIJreddy dinsW:t 22 dlandm:
l. Ram,ingh ""and.
2. Oonnti thanda
J. Puhapw- thanda
<t. 8aI meedl thanda
S. Nedipim lNnda
6. Peddemul dwIda
7. thanda
8. Kandanelll thand.
9. M;vepalll thandJ
10. dIand.a
11. MmAnpaIIi tIIanda
13, jiinm tIwMb. (G..O.-Indl.w')
.... 0hImU<.1Nnda
IS. Arpur
16. Girrmpur thancb
17. Thampalli d'lancb
18. AUkur thand.
19. SiddvlJ\a thand.
20. Ibcdukatu tIIanda
21. Onm Nail< dwIdi
"- ...........
bWlcu manda.I
6wia - 106 ihandcI$
aj HeoMjipur-
I. thancb
2. Manawu thlnd
l thand.
<t. Balajiguta thand.
S. Colony l1wIdl
6. duncb.
7. lavudyl th&nd.a
8. thanda
10. o:handa
11. r..-umar..hkuna thlon<b
I 2. Netlbondo dIand.a
IJ.5OIkri thand.
14. Pad,."layakunu.
) Bhoyanag.dda m.ncb
" f>och.mmlgadda th.ndo.
7 tholnd.
<I m.nd.
" V')'Ollpdda duncb
,I, I",ddare-elll
10. Bod.gutu th.1n<b
2LOc.unigu= m.ndo.
22. Kishy.naik Thand.
21. Baly:l thlIncb
24. Gorig.ddl t/wIda
25. Pedcbbai lhancb
26. Body. th3ndo.
27. G.utamp>fti
28. M.nyemgudem Wnd.
29.Jillanagadd. m.nd_
30. Patll...t mand.
3I. V.kod...31 thanda
n. Oep."t thand.
)). Vayalpdd. !hancb
H. B;lnoji thando.
35. Ch.mi.....ik !hand.
f} Ncrel.p>lIi
36. Ulltunta t1,.nd.
37. Degawat lh.nd.
38. Bavoji tha.nd.
39. Vayubkunu !handa
40. Gandikunt:a thando.
4 1Gudibancb !hancb
42. P.lgugadda. dur>cb
43.J.lgadde manda.
44. Roopl. naik m.mb
45.P.nnya m.nd.
46. Muichenu manda
47. K..kubyakuntll m.nda
48. Makbpddo thando
49. Duu fllik thand.
SO. Dikya thar>cb
SI. MPTC Roopb. naik thlIncb
&l Gundedu
52. Tmi
h) Uditytla
53. Eedlmm>.pdda U"r>cb
54 M.mldigul'' m.ndo
SS ll..:Imoy.kunIJ mand.
56, Kurrl tha.nda.
57 thando
58 tl\ancb
j} Rangoreddiguda
59 mand.
6O.5:>mla lhlnd.
61. Visla."t Wnd.
62. He..... tl\an<b
63 !\loi!<untla !hancb
M Slnglmm.guda thando.
k) Ktthireddlp>lIi
65 Cninl.1kunIJ
66. Yern.kum. manda
f} Motighonapur
67 MWipdda tha.nda
68, Kurrnapdd>. dunda
69, Mua"'m thand>.
m) Peddayap>1I1
70, mancb
71.ROO!l ,ingh thn_d.
72. Rajya dund.
n) StJrvam
n. Shakatam>polli mand>.
H. Poda...' th.In<llo
0) Eer:tnnapalli
7S. Eenn.pllli chanda
p) Cholwnpet
76.8o<bgutu ,hInd.
77. Kudmepalli th.Inda
78. 50mb th:and:l
79. Peddlo opu th.'lndl
r) Tin.mlbpur
80. NlrnlTlJWli dwId:a

81. MobNQ dwId:a
82. CNndnp
83. K."," at Thlond:l
84. JiYll thlnda
85. R.r.tb. th.and.
86. 80Plpni dw1dII
...... 87. s...,a d'Ian<b
88..1lltIin3p" lNndlI
89 Colon, dwId>
u) Eecbnnapilll
90. Pembll ttwKl&
91. NvdIefUYU lNnclll
YI IUIlopalli

96. 6KclwWdi lNnda
98. /"IeIaI:I tNnd.I
99. Kilhty.a ru'" cNndo
100. Mlllepalu thanda
101. Ke<hl"'lUik tluod:;J
xl 1'1odoo,'"
102. PP' Nil< Nndi
10J. >Iancb
,) """'-
ICH. Naml'" Nalk thlnda
IOS T<>t>y. INndlI
106. 'dw>da

Consolidated and districtwise

Result of the Survey
Whit kind of hOUH:S of >;he La",hdlS .... inl
o ,",U

P" ..
...... .0.- ....... _' '
..... y-, """'" , .
Rupondenu 9,22)
MeGak 1,104
Ibnp bddy 1,290
NaJ&onda 3,00)
Mitlboobr,.,- 3.826
/'" '...,
)497 "-
Hor. o:han Four

W1I<> do lhoy do With their produce!

. ~ -
How many of them go for wor\(1

How rrw>y month,' .....crk do they get in l ye.l.r1

0-3 months
D J.6 months
0., mor>ths

o ""- lIn
1la.1:S.l .....



How many bo..6ed IIbourws are ct.en!

__ _
How mwy reported ogems Ire Yisldns die !hand. to coke .way pi babi...1
00 l.<Imbadas tu..., bndl
How many could access Goftmment welfare pI'OlnllVl'Iel1
, ~
, ~ ~
" Cltl ChId ~ _ ,
. ~ ,
.. . . . . . , ~
. 0IIl,.._
, ..

- ..



. ~
I .
Were Gnm Panchap.ts gnna coming to the tIwKb. "" _111 (thOIl! answering Y...)
," 't ...
How nw'ly could KcmI Gowe" ,ent and DIther puNIC Insl;ilulion&!

" ~


.... .......
. ~
Cl '
. ~
c;..- __

c _
Wrva decld'
a ...,..p ;;
O - - ~ __
. ~ .
. ~ ~ & - .
. COolot--


" ....... 1!
, , ~ ' , -
, , ~ - -
e - . ~ .. -.
" ~ , , '"
" 0--',-.
' .......-
a GooOoi __
er..,.. 5000t0f .....
ea.,. .... -

. *
, ~ ,
D ~ l , . . , .
~ 1 1 l , . . . . .
I ~ I J , . . . . .
SInce .....en hu dowry begurll
c ~ S , . . . . .
I ~ I S , . . .


- --
Tb., .......... iI: in lhou$andI Ihe cam-
pIeg I'"OUf' 01' rapcl""" (}'dI
""Cl moc....qcl ...tIich Is I oImple CCICIl

o. u

.... -
,. m
ItI=I 9

.-...... =-..
__.. '1
.... -


Infam: ind child morulity
...- ,



I i I


..,. (0-1 ,-)_
, "
..,./1 __1-

, ,
, ,


" "


, ,


I ~ " n "

..... '....,


, !
i ,

i I
, ,
, ,



" " "
, ,



.... - ,
~ -

- ~

.... ~

~ ~
~ ...


! I
c;Hr; to-' J'OO'1 _
I "
CilrIII (t. ""'"'_
...,.. {O-I ,..,_

, ,



" "
How many fa.. 'I.. hi... """ ~ ~
Andhra Pradesh - Affected Districts
Areas of Investigation
Medak District
Nalgonda Distrl
Ranga Reddy District
Mahboobnagar District

S a h l l ~ r
Sel!thab festival
Nangara Bheri
Glossary of terms used
Non - Resident Indian
Lambada Hakkula Por-m. Samithi (Struggle-organization for
the righu of Lamoadas)
Elected headman I woman of the village
Dai-Traditlonal Birth Attendant
Auxiliary Nurse Midwife appointed by the Govt.
Revenue Inspector: works in the Handal Revenue OffiCI!
Owner, employer
Manually operated grinder for cereals
Fenival of sacdfice
Traditional headman of the thanda
Sound of the conch
Religious song
Central Adoption Resource Agency (Autonomous agency
managing and monitoring adoptions)
Voluntary Coordinating Agency (monitoring agency at the
state level)
No objectIon certificne necessary for Inter country
o e ; ; , t ~ " _
5 ~

,. ',' ......

.... -


".... ,

. -
! i
~ ~
WIVes ""tide
~ . . - -
0 a-...'Mwo

0 (;aO,1"'_

en.,.. 5o..q l-.


" ..... ,. I'
.. .. -
"-- .'."-
" ..,..,.. I"

.. GoIo'lIIO_
0-. SowIrlI a OK-

, ~ ,

.5-10 __
SInc;e Ius dowry begun!




- - -_._=-:::!

Q)II .... ICl000
JOJIOO.l .....
The ........... 10 In t/Ious>tId< I the com brcrd
..... mo<orqde """*" 11 ltnpl.o toUl
How m;\ny girl. or ~ I ! age >Cl! th...... In a family!

What are the reuon. for quarrl!l.!
O ~
. ~
. ~
o ~
WI'ocI ~ "'-.
a",*"".. __perm!".I"n

" "

" "


, ,


" "

- """
, ,

i ,




.. ..
" "


.. ..
" "
.... - ,
~ -

- ~ ,
.... ~

~ ~
~ ....

.. GWo 10-1 r-l_

.. G01t.(lo ,....1_
lop 10-1 r-l_
, ,


.. ..
" "
~ - ' -

Andhra Pradesh - Affected Districts

PI t

IUnp Reddy District

Mahboobnagar Dinrlct
Areas of Investigation
- CI".d..,...
Me<bk Disuict
Nalgonda District
Glossary of terms used
Non - Resident Indian

Rlli&iOul IOn,
Festival of sacrifice
Lambada Hakkula Porata Simlthi (Str\lUle-orpnindon for
the righu of Lambadu)
EJlcted headman f woman of the village
Oil-Traditional Birth "ttenonnt
Auxiliary Nursl Midwife appointed by the Govt.
Rlvenul Inspector; worlu In the Mlndal Revenue Office
Owner, employer
Manually operated ,rlnder for cereals
Traditional hudman of the thlndl
Sound of the conch
Clntral Adoption Resoun:e Aaency (AutonomO\lS qency
managilll and monitorin, Idoptioru)
VOlunt3lrY Coordinltin, A,ency (monitorinc a,ency at the
Itue level)
No ObjectiOfl certificate neeenary for inter country
~ . m
d o ~
Seethala festival
Nan,ara Bh,rl

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