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Seoul International School


S o n g p a P . O . B o x 4 7 , S e o u l , K o r e a 1 3 8 -6 0 0 T e l ( 0 3 1 ) 7 5 0 -1 2 0 0 F a x : ( 0 3 1 )7 5 9 -5 1 3 3
W e b si t e : w w w . si sk o r e a . o r . k r E-m a i l : i n f o @ si sk o r e a . o r . k r
A c c r e d i t e d b y W e st e r n A sso c i a t i o n o f S c h o o l s a n d C o l l e g e s

October 15, 2008

Reference for Ms. Lindy Nichols

To Whom It May Concern,

It has been my pleasure to work with Lindy this past three years as her principal of the Middle

Lindy is currently completing her third year at SIS, as our resident Language Enrichment leader
and Literacy Coach. In my observations of her classes, I have been impressed by the high
expectations that she has for both her students as well as herself. She is a very dedicated teacher,
frequently exceeding school standards. She often team teaches her classes, with faculty from other
curricular areas, to great effect. Lindy’s high energy style and enthusiasm is palpably transmitted to
her students, who relish being in her class. She has worked closely with our Librarian to develop
the Accelerated Reader program, she has been at the forefront of our 6+1 Traits writing team and
has been a presenter at our regional teachers conference (KORCOS).

Over the past three years Lindy has been quite supportive of student after-school activities (dances,
film nights, student assemblies) as well as volunteering at our concerts. She is a steadfast chaperone
for our overnight field-trip experiences. Her enthusiasm and positive energy are welcomed in these
activities as well as in our Cross Country and regional Spelling Bee competitions. When needed she
willing spends her after school hours tutoring students as well.

Lindy is an insatiable traveler and back country hiker. I regret that she is preparing to depart Seoul
International School, but feel that where ever she goes she will have a positive influence on her
students as well as her colleagues. I strongly urge you to consider her application favorably.

Should you require additional information or insights, do not hesitate to get in touch


Andy Valadka
Middle School Principal

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