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The Sun the Twelve Signs

Every chart reading should begin with the Sun as the primary focus of astrology. The Sun's position in the
zodiac is very important, and most agree it deserves first consideration. It's the core of the individual; the
overriding nature and will. This is the influence that describes the "you" that is trying to be in this lifetime.
This is your "awake" side, your consciousness and outer-directed individuality. Thus, the Sun is the most
important single indicator, fueling the total personality. The nature of your Sun sign is your true colors that
you display to the world day in and day out.

Sun in Capricorn
The Sun is in this tenth sign of the zodiac from 23 December until 20 January every year. The symbol of
Capricorn is the Goat. Capricorn is associated with the harshness of winter and its stark realities.
In Capricorn, the Sun is strongly goal-directed and persistent. Ambitious, serious and dedicated to duty, life
is difficult, but you are the type of person who will triumph and achieve success. Your aptitude to
persevere, no matter how difficult the road, sets you apart from most of your peers. You are anxious to
climb the ladder of fortune, and you can usually reach your goals because of your sense of the right way of
doing everything. Your patience is never ending.

You are a very thoughtful and serious person, thinking everything through carefully before you set off in
any direction. You possess excellent reasoning skills, and you can be counted on to select options that are
both practical and that provide an economic advantage. Your attitude is conservative; conservative with
time, money, and all other resources. Your philosophy is waste not, want not. You are also likely to be
conservative in your political and social attitudes, although your age, upbringing, and education
perspectives may influence this somewhat.

You are especially well suited to business and government because of your sense of organization and
structure. You combine a talent for management with an ability to carry out instructions with care. You are
the quintessential careerist, taking job and duties very seriously. Therefore, you are never one to shirk
responsibility and you have very little use for those that do. That which matters most to you is your public
image. You show your best face to the public. You enjoy being in a position of power and authority,
although you are not very much inclined to enjoy the limelight. You may prefer instead to run your business
from an isolated perspective. You are loyal and dedicated, and you demand utter loyalty and dedication
from subordinates. Advancing up the ladder of success is all important. You are unconcerned about,
sometimes even ruthless toward, those getting in your path as you move upward.

You don't handle chaotic situations very well. You may need to develop the ability to lighten up a little and
not take life, and everything else so seriously. Although you are self-disciplined, responsible, and practical,
at times you can wallow in self-pity. It's essential for you to remember that your most important asset is
self-esteem, and you should never devalue this. Rigidity and fear of change may be your biggest stumbling
Sober and reserved in your dealings with others, it takes you a good while to warm up enough to anyone to
be considered a close friend. Yet once you do, you are a very caring, reliable, and most steadfast ally. Your
private side is different from your public side. In private you are shy and sensitive. The harshness of your
public image disappears. Emotionally demanding relationships are very difficult. Love relationships may be
more like business relationships, and you are unsure of yourself in most intimate situations.

Moon in the Twelve Signs

The Moon's position in your chart is almost as important as the Sun, but the influence is different. The
moon is your emotional life. It relates to immediate emotional responses. It's those reactions instilled by
conditioning; the memory and learned habit patterns. The influence of the Moon is more subtle, for it
relates to personality beneath the surface; your feelings and your subconscious self. It shows how you react
to those around you based on the sum of your conditioned viewpoint and unguarded self-projection. Often,
the Moon's place in the chart shows a considerably different side of the nature, a side fostered by emotions,
upbringing, and habit patterns that have developed over time.

Moon in Virgo
A Virgo Moon generates a definite reserve in expression, and a personality that is often critical and
analytical. You are not unemotional, but it is difficult for you to delineate what you feel. Consequently, you
can sometimes come across as a little cold, detached, or prudish. You can seem stuffy and proud, when in
fact, you are rather easily hurt.
Your desire to be considered superior intellectually may be a cover for a deep-seated inferiority complex.
Often, this position denotes a shyness and a decided lack of self-confidence. You respond well to
encouragement and appreciation, and you have a need for these to stay your emotionally overeager nature.
Overly critical of yourself, you assume that people will judge you harshly and find you lacking. You may
feel that people don't like you, for this is a placement that shows much lack of self-esteem. Thus, you tend
to pretty much keep your feelings under wraps.
You have a desire to serve others, but not enough understanding of the other person's feelings.
Consequently, you follow your intellect rather than your intuitions in most situations. You have trouble
understanding other people's motivations and intentions. Your reactions are often rather cool, deliberate,
detailed and analytical. You don't like emotional expressions, because you really don't understand them.
Analyzing emotions may occupy a good bit of your time.
This is not a very sexual position for the Moon for there is an introverted aspect to this placement. Even
when your feelings are engaged, your shyness makes it hard for you to be demonstrative with your
affections. Instead you express caring by doing things for the people you love, trying to make yourself
indispensable to your loved ones so they won't be able to get along without you. Whether in a relationship
or not, you enjoy doing things for people and you are at your best when you are able to take care of
someone who is needy. You never shy away from such responsibility.
You do understand reality and practicality, and you react in a very common sense manner, never viewing
the world through "rose colored glasses". Mental qualities are emphasized by this position, but the qualities
in Virgo are practical and useful. You want what you want, when and how you want it. You don't value
learning for learning sake, but for the use and application that can be made of the learning. Temperamental
at times, you tend to get picky and argumentative. You are shrewd, with good business sense and
meticulous attention to detail. You analyze and criticize all sense impression with care; sometimes you can
be quite fussy about minor details.

Sun and Moon Combinations

This section provides a mini reading for all 144 possible combinations of Sun signs combined with Moon
signs. The Sun and Moon are of course two of the most important considerations in astrology, and by
combining and blending these two, a more unique and personal reading begins to emerge. This, in essence
is the bringing together of the basic individuality and the instinctive.

Bear in mind the moon is your emotional life. It relates to immediate emotional responses. It's those
reactions instilled by conditioning; the memory and learned habit patterns. The influence of the Moon is
more subtle, for it relates to personality beneath the surface; your feelings and your subconscious self. It
shows how you react to those around you based on the sum of your conditioned viewpoint and unguarded
self-projection. Often, the Moon's place in the chart shows a considerably different side of the nature, a side
fostered by emotions, upbringing, and habit patterns that have developed over time.

The Sun the core of the individual; the overriding nature and will. Now it begins to be clear why each of
the Sun signs can reflect such observable traits and yet still come in so many varieties.

The combination of the Sun in Capricorn and the Moon in Virgo

Capricorn/Virgo The combination of your Sun and Moon signs produces a somewhat reserved personality,
but one that is well concealed by the pleasant and outstanding image that is shown to the world. You bluff
the appearance of being sure of yourself and your purposes. Actually, you have a great deal of difficulty
making decisions and your self-assurance is very thin indeed. You progress best in activities in which the
rules of the game are well established and decisions play a minimal part in the evaluation of success. You
are well-endowed mentally, possessing a logical, systematic, analytical and discriminating mind. Your
strong point is in analysis or analytical criticism, as you seek to build up a strictly rational foundation of
thought. You control feelings and emotions with an iron grip. In all emotional matters you're careful and
controlled. Much of the time you are content to be pretty much a loner. You are not an easy person to talk to
or to live with because you are so aloof, reserved, and cautious. Academically you may be outstanding,
especially when it comes to facts and realities. Perhaps not so when it comes to theories and hypotheses. A
precocious knack for grasping facts may aim the focus of your life toward scholarly pursuits, and your real
strength come out when you are allowed to focus your capacity for concentration on a single objective.

The First House . . . . Your Personality and Physical Traits

(The Rising Sign or the Ascendant)
This first house is the house of the self as it deals with the physical person. The Rising sign/Ascendant is a
filter lens through which the Sun, the Moon, and the planets come in to play. The Ascendant distinguishes
the different variables in disposition, temperament and even physical appearances in persons born on the
same day, but at different times. Your Ascendant denotes the way you look at life. Often, it's the impression
of "you" perceived by those around you.

Scorpio Rising
Scorpio rising produces a personality that is deeply reserved, secretive and determined. The power of the
personality emerging from a Scorpio Ascendant is so intense, magnetic, and charismatic, that it is often
somewhat overwhelming. Symbolized by the scorpion, you have an external "coat of armor" that protects
and lets you survive in hostile situations. You are not the sort of person who ever knuckles under, even
when pressures and circumstances would defeat lesser souls. When cornered, the famous "deadly scorpion
sting" may be brought into play. With Scorpio on the rise your personality is very powerful. People find
you hard to understand, to know what you are thinking at any particular time. There is a hidden depth to
your persona that is nearly impossible for others to comprehend. Much of the time you may feel as though
you are misunderstood. You are very willful and self-reliant, appearing calm and in control on the surface.
Yet there are strong emotions at work inwardly. Scorpio is a water sign, and it is a fixed sign. This means
that you are an emotional person. These emotions are very controlled (fixed), giving you the determination
and the strength to overcome just about any opponent. Resentment and jealousy can be intense with you.
You always pursue your goals with intensity. You can stand under heavy strain, and be relied upon to stay
cool, even in the most serious emergency. You're inclined to be very suspicious or skeptical, and
occasionally you can be "stingingly " sarcastic. Every sign has a positive and negative expression, but with
the Scorpio the range of possibilities is extreme. Everything is black or white. There are no shades of gray
with Scorpio on the rise. Your penetrating stare can look right through a person or a situation. You can
make an instant diagnosis and it is usually the right one. The Scorpio personality is often maligned as
over-sexed, a bit on the evil side, and often bent on revenge. This is not completely true, but Scorpio does
get what it wants, when it wants it, most of the time. It is not a personality to be trifled with.

Mercury the Twelve Signs

Mercury's sign describes your thought processes and projection. It's closely associated with its natural
home, the third house of learning and communication. Mercury relates to your general intellectual
orientation, and the expression of your thoughts and ideas. In other words, it describes the way you think
and communicate, and the way you get information. Mercury also shows how you like to travel through

Mercury in Aquarius
In Aquarius, Mercury produces a mind that is original, detached, and abstract. Ideas come to you as bursts
of insights. Your mind is hyper-active and going constantly. Thoughts are rarely organized, rather arriving
in flashes and fragments which are often the seeds of invention and progress. The thought pattern is
scientific and dispassionate.
Your ideas may sometimes be considered very progressive and some may be well ahead of their time. Your
unique approach will prompt some to label you as being a little crazy or at least eccentric. You like to do
things that are unusual or avant garde just to shake up the establishment and create controversy. You have
no respect for tradition and little concern for the lessons of the past. You are a pure progressive. You love to
rebel against the system in supporting causes and ideas that are controversial and revolutionary.
You are very intuitive, and accordingly, an excellent judge of character. Being very fair-minded, you judge
people by what they seem to know or what they do, rather than who they are or what position they occupy.
You believe strongly in equality and fair play. A humanitarian, you support ideas and programs that assist
those less fortunate than yourself, and you support the concepts of total social reform.
You're witty and open to a wide range of ideas, but at times, you become mentally fixed in your opinions
and very stubborn. You are talkative and social, but you often come off as rather aloof and cerebral. It may
be hard for you to find common ground in many social circles. Nonetheless, you are very verbal and enjoy
expressing you views to anyone who will listen. Writing and speaking both come easily for you.

Venus the Twelve Signs

The planet Venus has an influence centered on the expression of self in personal relationships. It is
especially associated with love, marriage, and the ability to attract others. Its placement in the chart shows
how you express yourself in romantic relationships and marriage. In mythology, Venus is the goddess of
love, and in astrology that link is the same. The planet placement suggests your sense of esthetics, and how
you perceive art and beauty. In the various signs, the nature of how you deal with people is modified and
clarified by Venus. Venus is often in the same sign as the Sun since it can never be more than 45° from the
Sun. When it is in the same sign, there is a consistence in behavior that extends to dealing with people and
in romantic situations. When Venus is in a different sign, the character of the Sun is often overcome by the
romantic tug of Venus.

Venus in Capricorn
If Venus is in Capricorn in your chart it produces a seriousness, a sense of caution, and a degree of pride
associated with the affections. You are actually a little timid in love affairs, and very reserved in expressing
feelings. Romantic feelings can be extreme strong inside, while on the surface you appear emotionally
distant and reserved. Highly restrained, you're unlikely to make an overt public display of emotions. You do
display a quiet personal dignity and refinement. In truth, you are romantically insecure, fearing rejection
and loneliness. Emotional feelings are often repressed and seem to be absent most of the time. This Venus
placement often spurs ambitions and the desire for prestige and status. You may indeed be at your charming
best in the work environment, since you are so intensely involved in this arena. Often, romantic
involvement starts here. Some with Venus in Capricorn seek love and partnership solely because they view
it as the appropriate thing to do, and doing the proper thing is so fundamental to the psychology of this
placement. You expect your partner to be a helpmate in the struggle for success and achievement. Though
never openly demonstrative, you are steadfast and loyal. You have a very solid and deep sense of
responsibility in romantic attachments and marriage. When it comes to commitment, you are definitely the
old-fashioned type. You are a one-love person who is extremely dependable.

Mars the Twelve Signs

The sign in which Mars resides in the birth chart shows the expression of energies. Mars suggests the
projection of self. Your energies must be evaluated in four different ways, and the sign that Mars occupies
at birth largely signifies the type and degree of energy in all four. These four are first, Physical energies,
which might show how hard or diligently you work, aptitude for sports, and just generally having the go
power to get what you want in life. Next is mental energy; the energy spent thinking, communicating, and
pursuing intellectual goal and ambitions. Then, comes the practical energy that is necessary to make your
way in life; planning and organizing, holding down a job and padding the old nest egg, being responsible
and dependable. Finally, Mars defines emotional energies which usually show up first as sex drive, but may
include other aspects of emotions such as feelings, and setting emotional boundaries, and drive toward
artistic endeavors. The Mars position suggests whether your energies are going to be largely physical (fire
signs Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), material (earth signs Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn), mental (air signs Gemini,
Libra, Aquarius), or emotional (water signs Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces).

Mars in Aquarius
In Aquarius, the energies of Mars are focused on intellectual pursuits, and therefore, mental energies are
highest here. While Mars is focused on theory here, practical energies are usually found in adequate levels.
The physical and emotional sides may struggle a little when Mars is in Aquarius.
The placement suggests the presence of very high principles and a modern outlook. You are concerned with
the world of ideas, particularly those of an unconventional or progressive nature. Here the powers are
independent, aggressive and enterprising.
You have good organizing abilities and calculated direction. You are a very good leader who can meet
challenges with serenity and poise. Aquarius is a fixed sign and you are stubborn most of the time. If you
believe in something, you put the idea forward with the zeal of an evangelist. You think of yourself as
open-minded; willing to discuss the issues. Yet your discussions often get to be heated arguments, and you
rarely give in to an opposing view. You can never work well under authoritarian direction, being one who is
always out to upset the establishment. You are an active reformer with little respect for traditional ways.
You can even be contemptuous of tradition unless it is substantiated with logic. You demand the freedom to
speak frankly, and operate in your way.
Like the many other aspects of your life, sexually you are intrigued by anything new or unconventional. For
you, variety is the spice of life. Yet somehow you are usually stable and dependable once you have found a
The negative side of Mars in Aquarius resides in nonconformity. Indeed, you tend to lecture more than
discuss, and you tend to demand compliance with your agenda. Your way is sometimes way out of the
ordinary. At the same time, your energies are apt to produce more thought than action. You are the
rebellious type, and you can become very impatient.

Jupiter in the Twelve Signs

Jupiter takes about twelve years to move through the twelve signs of the zodiac. It is the largest planet in
our solar system, and in mythology, Jupiter was the king of the gods. The dominate theme and its size may
account for the theory of expansion associated with the planet. The nature of Jupiter in a horoscope relates
to the expansion of horizons or growth in higher understanding. The sign placement of Jupiter helps define
ones higher level of thinking. Since Jupiter stays in the same sign for about one year, many people born
while Jupiter is in a given sign will have similar views on ideas and beliefs of that period. Often this
placement gives clues as to your views of the weightier issues of life such as religion, philosophy and social
issues of the day. Jupiter also rules optimism in living, prosperity, and growth, both mentally and

Jupiter in Sagittarius
Jupiter is in Sagittarius in your chart. This is the natural sign for Jupiter and it generally creates a carefree,
outgoing, optimistic individual. You enjoy making life better for others. You are an outdoors type, fond of
sports and travel. You have a serious interest in matters pertaining to philosophy, religion or significant
social issues. Your approach to life and how you conduct your affairs may be regulated by your strong
convictions. You are likely to want to win over as many converts as you can to your way of thinking or
beliefs. You can become very dogmatic in your views and good at selling them. You will prosper in life, but
you spend freely, so you may never be wealthy.

Saturn in Scorpio
Saturn in Scorpio adds much purpose and impatience to your nature. You demand much of yourself and of
others. You approach responsibilities with an intensity of purpose that overwhelms people who won't carry
their share of the load. You have terrific willpower and much energy. With your determination, it's hard to
remain calm and reflective. Secretive and unforgiving, you resent it deeply when you are treated unfairly.
Despite your strong drive for success, your approach is usually subtle and calculating.

The Outer Planets

The outer planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto don't tell as much about individual personalities as they do
about the "mini-generation" of people all born under the same Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto sign.

The Planet URANUS

Uranus transits the zodiac in 84 years, spending about seven years in each of the twelve signs. The
characteristics of each of the outer planets are social rather personal, and you are linked to those
contemporaries born in the same Uranus time span. Its influences appears in the way that the group born
during a period display their rebellious spirit, desire for freedom, and need to effect change as they grow

Uranus in Sagittarius
The fire, enthusiasm, and challenging needs of this sign are present to a certain extent, and the individual is
intellectually inclined the planet will add the ability to evolve new concepts. The humanitarian aspects of
Uranus are likely to emerge, as is additional originality—especially if Sagittarius is a dominating sign. All
those born with Uranus in Sagittarius in this sign can make good use of its positive, enthusiastic, forward-
thinking traits.

The Planet NEPTUNE

Neptune transits the zodiac in 165 years. Since Neptune requires about fourteen years to pass through each
sign, its sign placement plays an insignificant role in the personality makeup. Nonetheless, the sign in
which Neptune resides may perhaps denote the depth of imagination, the intuitive faculties, and the
mystical leanings of a whole generation of individuals.

Neptune in Sagittarius
There is a sympathy between Neptune and Sagittarius, so the planet should work extremely well for your
generation. Here is a Neptune at its most inspirational. Many will develop a truly philosophical attitude
and outlook. There should be the ability to express a very natural sense of social justice, and those who
lead this particular generation should be able to do much for mankind.

The Planet PLUTO

Pluto orbits the zodiac in 248 years. The time spent in each sign can varies a great deal because of the
planets erratic orbit. Since its stay in the various signs is lengthy and variable, Pluto influences are
noticeable only by the mark on a large generation of people. The key word describing Pluto is revolution,
and its movement to new sign will mean significant societal changes.
Pluto in Libra
It is impossible to assess how Pluto in Libra will work for those born during the seventies and eighties; nor
is it possible to sum up what the planet’s overall influence will be. It seems logical to assume that its action
will be more gentle and subtle in its effect on individual and mass opinion and action—a kind of “iron hand
in a velvet glove”. If this is so, action will hopefully be taken on various world difficulties and injustices.
The sense of justice, harmony and balance of Libra may have to be seriously shaken before it is allowed to
settle again. A final resolution of the international nuclear situation must, of necessity, rest with those of
this generation.

And now to sum this up in a quick, Concise Manner:

The Vedic, or Hindu astrology reading

You are popular among your friends because you always are eager to help others. Your friends are
respected and of a good status. You give more importance to morality than truth. You are not lazy by nature
although at times you are labeled so. You have a kind and gentle disposition.
Your mind is oriented towards fulfillment of your goals. You are always applying your mind carefully to
the work at hand. You have a powerful intellect. Your speech may not be smooth all the time, at its worst
there maybe some tendency for stammering. You are likely to derive happiness from children. You are an
appreciator and disciple of beauty. You are attracted towards beauty in nature, in art, and in the human
form. You are artistically inclined and are desirous of living in peaceful and beautiful surrounding. You
enjoy situations where there is room for growth and for taking leadership.
Kind hearted and soft-spoken, you still can be enraged one moment and cool in the next. You have a very
well developed ability to take initiatives which result in success. Your capacities and intelligence help you a
lot in overcoming obstacles. You are good at dealing with people. You are skilled in realizing your goals
with the strength of your ambitions. You will be a skilled mediator. You test everything in a logical way.
You are skilled in expressing yourself in a precise and clear manner. You may behave impatiently at times.
Your behavior is motivated towards attainment of positions of authority or autonomy. You are a real
humanitarian and usually prefer the side of the underdog. You harbor a healthy attitude and positive
ambitions in your behavior towards others. You are fond of justice and will maintain equality in justice. You
will acquire peace at any cost.
Your connections will bring you good income and success. You easily get things that make you
comfortable. You have a strong and powerful physique.

To learn about past lives

To learn about past lives we must look at the Moon’s nodes. The nodes are where the Moon crosses the
equator. One node to the next equals one lunar cycle, or roughly a month. The time of day, month, year
will tell where the moon’s nodes were at a particular time. The north node is called ‘Rahu’, and the south
node is called ‘Ketu’. Your Rahu is in the 3rd house, and your Ketu is in the direct opposite, the 9th house.
Nodes are always in opposite houses, meaning that from one life to the next, you are supposed to traversing
a straight line. The Vedic chart also shows influences you will have in this life, and perhaps how to deal
with those influences. It also shows what kind of person you should befriend and what kind you should
mistrust. But for now, we will only be addressing the nodes. This is your past and your what you should
be doing with this life:

North node in Gemini or the Third house

South node in Sagittarius or the Ninth house
If the North Node is in Gemini or the third house, the person’s greatest growth, evolution, and fulfillment
come through mental expression and rational analysis of objective truth. In past lifetimes, the person may
have been idealistic and emotional in his thinking. How he must use discrimination, and focus on facts
and figures in the here and now. He should follow his instincts of avoiding dogmas, creeds, religions, and
higher philosophies. The person gains little from meditation, astrology*, metaphysics, and any other
disciplines which are not verifiable through traditional science. The person suffers when he goes by faith
and intuition. He does no fare well whenever he follows blindly. He must abide by his newfound
skepticism, and make his ay to the truth of logic and reasoning.

Happiness will be found in mental professions such as teaching, lecturing, debating, and writing. The
person is a good salesman. He thrives on city life and should be as active as possible. Public relations or
coordinating-type careers are favored. During previous incarnations, the person was sentimental,
philosophical, and too taken with theories, principles, doctrines, and conjectures. Now he must plant his
feet firmly on the ground and embrace the notion that “what you see is what you get.” The person should
cultivate good relations with siblings and relatives. He must work on versatility and adaptability, and try to
experience as much variety and “spice of life” as possible. The person may often find himself thrust into
situations that require great precision and attention to details.

The daily environment is important, long-distance travel is not. The person is well-advised to meet as
many people as possible and continually expand his social life. He should avoid gambling or trying to
predict the future, except through serious investigation and statistical research. The more he gains of useful
information and practical knowledge, the happier he will be and the greater his growth and evolution. He
must not allow his feelings and emotions to interfere when trying to understand an issue. The person
should not concern himself with broad viewpoints, abstract ideas, fanciful inspirations, and spiritual
realities. He must learn through personal experience, not through gurus or mentors.

Many Western astrologers consider the North Node in Gemini to be exalted. This is interesting because, at
first glance, the person appears cursed in the realms of religion, philosophy, and higher knowledge. How,
then, is he to make his way to enlightenment and final liberation? It may be that the person is exceedingly
blessed because he is making great evolutionary strides simply by living with physical reality. Perhaps he
has had such unshakeable faith in previous lives that his only present necessity is to deal squarely with life
as it is. The person feels no need whatsoever to inject meaning and significance into his existence through
conceptual and philosophical beliefs. Certainly, the person with the North Node in Gemini or the third
house has an easier time with practicalities than anyone else. He pays attention and quickly learns how
things work here on planet Earth. In ancient Hindu astrology, the North Node (Rahu) in the third house
indicates an enormously strong will and an interesting personality. The person is courageous and
adventurous. He works well with his hands, has intense cravings, and fulfills his desires easily. The South
Node (Ketu) in the ninth house may indicate troubles with religious or spiritual teachers. Or the person
may have a guru or mentor who is strange, weird, occultish, extremely introverted, or invisible in a way.
The sign positions in Hindu astrology are much less significant.

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