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Rufino Putana

May 22nd, 1979, 6:45 am

Maasin, Philippines
Your Sun in Gemini
The sign Gemini is governed by the planet Mercury and belongs to the element
anger. The air signs live in the abstract world of the ideas and of the thoughts, which
are for them so real as any physical object. They feel the need to get rid of the direct
experience and to meditate, to evaluate and to understand its environment by means
of its rational faculties to then communicate its conclusions to others.
The element of the solar sign colours of decisive form our psyche, because it reveals
the basic quality of our conscience and shows what inspires us and motivates. Also it
reveals what is "real" for us and what type of activities and experiences provides
energy and force to us.
With the Sun in Gemini, you stand out for your agile mind and your emulation for the
communication. The contact with other persons is fundamental for you, and you like
to express to yourself with oratory and to maintain an interesting and living
conversation. You unroll yourself easily between the public, moving with ease,
happening from one thing to other one, snooping with the biggest skill. Like being
informed about the last events and being to the thread of the news. The mass media
are for you like the water for the fish, and you might find there your future
professional. It turns out to be easy to absorb all kinds of information and to reflect
on her, although you tend to the superficiality, since scarcely you find the sufficient
time to study in depth some specific topic to you.
A good advice for Gemini as you: that you move back occasionally and allow your
intellect a rest. This way you will be able to restore forces to avoid a surcharge or a
mental short circuit. You must learn to distinguish between informations and useful
and useless activities. Perhaps a literary occupation offers the necessary balance to
arrange your thoughts.
Since typical Gemini, you are quite curious, and you would always like to be
informed about the last news and innovations. If you could not have received an
education adapted in your youth, you will try during all your life to fill this hollow.
A monotonous life, lacking in diversity, makes you in a bad mood and can lead you
to an almost sour behavior. Therefore, it is important that you always have
something in that to occupy your mind in a positive way, how for example to reflect
on your role in the universe and comprehension that a constructive criticism on the
part of one of your many friends is not a personal attack, but a help in your process
of individual growth.
Your Sun in the Twelfth House
The house where the Sun is indicates that sphere of our life where it turns out to be
easier and comfortable to show our particular qualities and to stand out like the only
persons to us. There we can differ from the others by means of our influence and
force, to glisten thanks to our achievements and our special being. It is the ambience
of the life that allows us we separate of the group and to establish our individual and
only identity. The Sun has the power to encourage the growth and the ripeness, to
take to the practice new options and to create alternatives in the sector of the letter
where it is.
The Twelfth House is the most complex, because it corresponds to spheres of the
life that are considered to be taboos and are not usually topics of our conversations.
It is the last part of the system of houses and it symbolizes the completion of an
evolutionary cycle. Here there dissolves the ego and the sense of the individuality,
based on material designations and, therefore, false, in favor of a feeling of spiritual
communion and community. At the same time, we move back from the exterior world
to prepare ourselves for the physical death and to go on to the following life. The
Twelfth House represents the solitude, the sacrifice, the empathy and the mystical
inspiration. This house has affinity with the sign Pisces and the planets Jupiter and

In the Twelfth House, the Sun is not in a comfortable and related ambience, since
there is a basic archetypal discrepancy between the solar beginning, which he wants
to establish, dawn and perpetuate a proper identity, and the extract of the House 12,
which it threatens to dissolve and desestructurar the borders of the false ego. The
resolution of the conflict demands that the sense of material Me should spread
beyond the habitual scopes of the conscience and that he should learn to put himself
to the service of the soul, of the spiritual identity, and of the others. To obtain it is not
easy: personal I he needs to have sufficient flexibility to give capacity to these
elements, without being that's why so weak that I turned out to be overwhelmed by
them. You run the risk that, in your effort to maintain a solid and firm identity, you
push the existence of the unconscious one back, be already personal or collective.
On behalf of the clarity and the reason, rises you will sweep to prohibit the entry of
everything irrational, mystical or transpersonal. Nevertheless, with this emplacement
of the Sun, one gives you the opportunity to join two facets of me – the personal
thing and the collective thing, the conscious thing and the unconscious thing – in the
attempt of helping them to unite reciprocal friendship.
The coalition between the forces of the ego and the secret and deeper ambience of
the psyche is potentially very fruitful. Your sensibility and your attitude opened before
what goes beyond the needs and interests of your own person can lead you to being
a good servant who answers with efficacy to the needs for others. On the other
hand, in the line of the traditional associations of the House 12, it is probable that
you need to spend good part of your time to alone, since you are so receptive to
what others come, that continuously you absorb influences of the way. The periods
of retirement and shyness help you to get rid of what you have "received" and to
recover the feeling of your own limits. Sometimes, a time of crisis and of isolation
precedes an experience of waking up and of lighting.
Your Sun in sextil with your Jupiter
You possess a philosophical, curious spirit and much enthusiast at the time of trying
to achieve your targets. You know your capacity and have faith in your skills, but
care: although you realize your limits, you tend to touch to the luck, which can
provoke dangerous situations. The communication is a field where you might stand
out; your speeches are usually clear and persuasive, and you never lack an
interesting topic on which to speak. Also you have a mysterious sense of the justice
together with an innate skill to interpret the law, be this one natural or done for the
man, and it is possible that that is evident in such a way that you have of showing
the others the way for which they must go or the way of solving the problems of its
lives. You have a good smell to take to the flight the opportunities that the life offers.
You feel inclined to be related to persons who show optimism, courage and authority
and that, also, have experience.
Your Sun in quadrature with your Saturn
The tense contact between the Sun and Saturn indicates that you had to solve many
conflicts regarding your self-esteem for your first years and, even, like adult person.
For defensive nature, you are afraid about being pushed back on the part of persons
that you consider to be Superiors. It will not be easy to be successful to you,
because you underestimate your potential and do not affirm your presence when you
should to do it. You must cultivate the disposition to suffer the pain of the rejection
and of the frustration of not achieving your targets; then, of these experiences you
will learn and in the course of time you will be able to make the plans adapted to be
You possess the necessary qualities to be able to obtain achievements in the fields
of the education, of the philosophy, of the right or any profession that needs the
methodical application of knowledge and experience, but it is probable that it costs
you a lot of work. And so, have patience and do not lose heart.
Also your personal relations suffer from the absence of confidence in you yourself. It
is probable that in your infancy you were thinking that your company was not
welcome because you were not so active as other children. Nevertheless, later you
understood that not the whole world admires persons of fiery character and that yes
you could be related to many people. There is convenient for you to choose a couple
who is going to accept you as you are, someone that he admits that your potential is
much bigger than you believe, and that it has faith in you. It tries to maintain a
positive vision of the life. Speaking with persons that you admire, you will discover
that the whole world has to fight against anxieties and fears.

Your Moon in Aries

Aries governed by Mars, opens the Zodiac. Here we find the essential impulses of
the life, the anxious impetuous force for going out to the light. Aries represents the
beginning of a development, and does not worry for the past thing, sometimes not
even for the present thing. He contemplates the future, and the only thing that he
wants is to open way to him ahead.
On the other hand, the Moon represents the past, our habits and our instinctive
reactions; it is receptive and passive, reflecting what it receives (like Sol's light).
Consequently, she does not feel comfortable in a sign that is characterized by its
extrovert and active quality, granting you an anxious and impatient nature.
You are an adventurer who looks for constantly new experiences, but it is probable
that your emulation for the action and the change conceals a fear of establishing
lasting ties. It turns out to be difficult to recognize the feminine side of your nature
and to accept the responsibility for the well-being of another person to you. You flee
of the commitment, because you do not want to feel bundle emotionally.
For the positive side, the others admire your enterprising spirit and appreciate the
fact that you do not curtail responsibilities, especially when one of your risky actions
does not go out well. You are a fighter who does not retire easily, and, if it is
necessary, you continue your alone way.
Your Moon in the Tenth House
The house where the Moon is is the sphere of our experience where we look
especially for the emotional safety. It is where it turns out to be easier to feel
comfortable to us and where we shelter when we need a rest of the daily struggle for
the existence; it is the sanctum that protects us and to we allow to restore our
energies. The mastery of the Moon is the sector of the existence where we show our
sensibility to the needs and influences that come from the environment.
In the night sky, the Moon happens for phases and cycles; sometimes it is full and
open, other times it is closed and conceals. In a similar way, the house where there
finds the Indian Moon the ambience of our life where we meet fluctuating
circumstances and cross phases that depend on our changeable frames of mind.
The Psychic Coeli or Half a sky (MC) is the zenith, the highest point, of the
horoscope and it is, therefore, diametrically opposite to Imum Coeli (IC), or nadir. It is
simultaneously the beginning of the Tenth House that symbolizes, between other
things, our social position, which corresponds in the current society to the
professional success. Here it is a question also of social topics — just as in the Ninth
House — but the emphasis is in the practical and real thing. The reputation, the
ambition of doing career, the responsibility towards the society and political goals are
some of the topics of the Tenth House. Capricorn and the planet is related to the
sign Saturn.
With the Moon in the Tenth House, you possess something like a sixth sense to
perceive and to understand what the people wish, and it is probable that in your
career maternal qualities are reflected: to serve to other persons and to attend to its
needs, both physical and psychic, to feed them, to lodge them, to take care of them
when they are sick, etc.
On the other hand, what can cause you problems is the hope that the world behaves
with you like a mother, for mediation of the social security, for example. For more
mature and autosufficient that you seem, your tendency is, like the small child, to
raise the eyes towards the mother / world in love demand. Also, you are extremely
sensitive as for your reputation, your presentation in public and, in general, to what
the people think of you. You shelter in your work when you need force and stimulus.
Your Moon in trígono with your Jupiter
You have a considerable intellectual skill that modified by a good dose of sensibility,
does your varied and exciting personality. You can handle the people and your
friends and partners appreciate you because you never forget those that have given
you one day its help.
You have the gift of extracting profit of all kinds of experiences and turning what you
have learned in a tool for a future use. Your excellent memory can be a big
advantage at the time of choosing a profession, which might be in the field of the
medicine, of the education, of the public relations or of the service in needy persons
or handicapped persons.
Your personal dealing is warm, sincere and honest, and you have the hope to find a
couple that is a real partner, a being with whom you can share the big and small
things of the life. Due to your extremely optimistic nature you can give the impression
of being something proud, but you are always humble in your genuine desire to be
useful and of help for anyone that comes to you to receive guide and protection. You
usually do not judge the persons for its weaknesses, since you can see the
potentially good thing in the people.
Your Moon in opposition with your Pluto
You live on a volcano of overwhelming emotions. Your tolerance of emotional
frustration is low, and always exist the eruptions danger, especially if you believe that
one does not return you the affection that you are offering. You feel, and suffer, that
you have to struggle to obtain very much something.
You are challenging before figures of authority, and it can turn out to be difficult to
treat with the people to you, since you always want to leave with yours. You must do
an effort to take into consideration the feelings of the others, otherwise, you run the
risk of turning into a person eccentric and difficult to last. It does not turn out to be
easy to accept advices to you, but it is something that you should try at least.
You show openly if a little or you like or not someone you like, and, due to your
strong physical needs, you do not take enough precautions at the time of looking for
the satisfaction of your desires. Your main challenge consists of ignoring your
emotional impulses and judging the persons and situations with the reason and the
common sense. You will avoid many problems.
You must learn to come to commitments regarding your expectations; do not look for
the unattainable thing, because hardly you will find it. And do not believe that the
others want only to take advantage of you. It is normal that in the course of your life
you meet all kinds of individuals: good, bad and indifferent. After all, it depends on
you choosing your company with knowledge.

Your Mercury in Taurus

Taurus related like sign to the element ground, stands out for its determination and
its actions destined for concrete goals. The ground signs trust in what they can
appreciate with its physical senses and aspire to practical results. They are cautious,
disciplined and trustworthy, and they know how the material world works.
With Mercury in Taurus, you possess what is called «a common sense«, and it will
be difficult that someone cheats you with flowery words. You have no time for
fantasies and unreal sleep, because you want to obtain concrete results. You do not
also like taking risks, and before acting, you always think thoroughly. To convince
you in something, it is necessary to contribute verified information, but you are
opened for the dialogue, and if the arguments are convincing you do not refuse to
change idea. Of course, you take everything with great calmness, and need time to
reflect and to consider a question from all the points of view.
You communicate of prudent, methodical and practical form, and you are capable of
thinking with logic, using good arguments. It turns out to be easy to devote yourself
to the study to you, and although you do not always learn with rapidity, what you
have already learned, you will not forget it easily.
Your Mercury in the Twelfth House
The house where there finds Mercury in the Indian native letter the sphere of our life
where we want to experience a real and significant communication. It is a field where
we feel the worry of our environment satisfies our curiosity and comprehension
asking questions and classifying information. It is the area where it turns out to be
easy to adapt ourselves to the circumstances and to show our versatility to us.
But also it indicates where we are vulnerable to the superficiality and unreliability.
The mind is capable of separating or of joining, and the house that occupies Mercury
teaches us where one gives us the probability of closing in a corner or that of
opening to contact with other one persons and to understand them (and to
understand us) better.
The Twelfth House is the most complex, because it corresponds to spheres of the
life that are considered to be taboos and are not usually topics of our conversations.
It is the last part of the system of houses and it symbolizes the completion of an
evolutionary cycle. Here there dissolves the ego and the sense of the individuality,
based on material designations and, therefore, false, in favor of a feeling of spiritual
communion and community. At the same time, we move back from the exterior world
to prepare ourselves for the death and to go on to the following life.
The Twelfth House represents the solitude, the sacrifice, the empathy and the
mystical inspiration. This house has affinity with the sign Pisces and the planets
Jupiter and Neptune.
Mercury in the house Twelve tries to construct a bridge between the conscious
aspects and the unconscious ones, integrating in the conscious perception what it
produces from the secret depths of the psyche. To make it like that, needs a double
process. First, you must risk in the imaginary ambiences of the unconscious one, but
if you do not decide to give this first step, it is not important: sooner or later, what is
there below will amount to your meeting. Secondly, once in this kingdom, you must
look around you, take notes and later rise again. If you remain there below clog,
because you have forgotten to return or are unable to do it, then habrás of appealing
another person who rescues you.
What means all this? Those that they have to Mercury in the Twelfth House need –
by means of the introspection, the examination of conscience, the psychotherapy,
the good literature or the work of the sleep – to explore the unconscious one to
discover what is what mobilizes them. What the Mercury aspects are, something of
what is stored there will be useful and productive, so that well it will be worth while
taking it to the surface. Nevertheless, there are other materials that perhaps need to
be sifted and selected, especially the learned impressions and the memories of the
past that, to recorded consciously or not, deforms and darkens the form in which the
information received in the present is interpreted.
In order to see more clearly what you have ahead, you will have to do a cleanliness
of some of the garbage of your early life that can be hindering your immediate
Your Mercury in opposition with your Uranus
You have a tremendous intellectual vitality that, nevertheless, often can turn into
brusqueness and the "talent" of provoking the anger of the others. Often you think
that your opinion is the only valid one and suffer when others question your ideas.
You are so used to going for your own way that you refuse to do no commitment,
even knowing that this way you might restore the peace. If you do not go so far as to
correct this attitude of «knowing everything», you will end up being alone.
The key that opens the door of the success is the commitment. The science, the
education, the philosophy and the psychology are fields where you can uncover to
yourself. And the contributions that you can do in these fields will convince you that
the attitude of meeting others to half of the way is the guarantee of the success, both
in the professional level and in the personal life.
He learns to control your temperament, and stop occasionally. Your nervous system
is delicate, and when your nerves suffer a "short circuit", you are the loser.

Your Venus in Taurus

Taurus related like sign to the element ground, stands out for its determination and
its actions destined for concrete goals. The ground signs trust in what they can
appreciate with its physical senses and aspire to practical results. They are cautious,
disciplined and trustworthy, and they know how the material world works.
With Venus in Taurus, searches fixed and lasting relations that provide emotional
safety and: why not?, also certain financial stability. You express your affection of
tender and sensual form, and you are very loyal, although sometimes you can prove
to be quite jealous and possessive. The affectionate adventures are not for you,
since you take your relation very seriously and probably you are too many comodón
to throw yourself to such a crazy and exhausting company.
The physical thing is your favorite field and you like to touch soft and agreeable
things, to smell intoxicating fragrances, to share the human heat or to sit down in
front of a big plate of good meal and later to lie down in the couch, to listen to music
or to watch TV and to enjoy the comfort of your hearth.
Since this is your «natural propensity», you have to be careful of not falling down in
the pitfall of the hedonism and wasting your life in the wild pleasure of the senses. It
opens your heart for the sensations and subtler feelings and learns to appreciate the
spiritual dimension that lies beyond the appearances. This way you will be able to
discover a treasure infinitely more valuable than all together earthly goods.
Your Venus in the Eleventh House
In the house occupied by Venus we look for what it provides to us to please and
happiness; there we hope to find peace and internal balance. In its ambience it turns
out to be easy to show our affection and to share our feelings to us. It is where we
can develop a major appreciation of others and, simultaneously, feel valued and
valued by them. It is there where we are complaisant and allow ourselves to like, and
where we exhibit something of our best taste and style.
On the other hand, due to the high expectations of perfection and harmony that they
can be linked by the position of Venus, it is possible that its house denotes the area
where, if the life does not manage to satisfy these ideals, we can feel disappointed
and disappointed. Also, the emplacement of Venus can indicate in what field of the
life we feel rivalry or envy towards those who perhaps are better provided than we. It
is also there where we will use of the seduction, of a deceitful sweetness and of
similar gadgets to assure our targets to us.
The Eleventh House reflects our desire to reach a certain identity or position by
means of the identification with a group. We contact other persons to exchange
ideas and to formulate common targets, often destined to improve the current social
situation. We look for the things that we share with others to understand each other
and to feel as a part of the humanity and to be able to show solidarity. Therefore, the
Eleventh House represents our friends' circle, collective experiences, humanitarian
ideas and future visions destined for the progress of the society in which we live.
This house has affinity with the sign Aquarius and the planets Saturn and Uranus.
With Venus in the House Eleven you have the aptitude to bring positive influences to
any group to which you some, since you like the social life and the cultural activities.
But, it is possible that you are very attentive to your personal social advance, and
that you choose the groups or the friends who better serve to you for the
achievement of your targets in the life.
Venus in the Eleventh House offers — and it hopes — a much raised level of
friendship and of commitment with the group, and it is probable that you disappoint
yourself if others do not share your ideals or are not to your height. You tend to be
loyal and, once you have granted it, your friendship is lasting. For mediation of your
friends and of the groups to whom you belong you obtain a safety feeling. The
services that you offer are usually of practical nature.
Your Venus in conjunction with your Mars
You possess a magnetism that makes you very attractive for the sex and, without the
least doubt, you also are fascinated by everything related to the erotic world. If you
accept the instinctive and sensual thing that exists in you, you will value the fact that
your presence does not make the others indifferent, which will help you to begin very
varied relations. If you deny it, you will find unpleasant provoking sensual vibrations
in other persons.
You are necessary an intense contact with your environment even if, sometimes, this
one should turn out to be painful. The active persons attract you and of intense life,
but you do not wish them to try to dominate you. You want to feel free and it is
difficult to you to support limitations. You prefer to impose your own rhythm, what in
practice transports conflicts to you, with the result of which, on having faced you with
your own requirements and with those of the others, that turns into one of the central
motives of your life. You will have to learn with the time to do commitments if it is that
you want to maintain stable relations; if you do not do it, the others will look in you
more for the fascinating thing than the solid thing.
In the labour area, the best way of being carried out will consist of being employed in
a group or of being in contact with the people.
The relation with your mother will have exercised a big influence in your personal
development, and probably you were feeling for her a species of love - hate that you
transfer to your sexual intercourse. Perhaps, unconsciously, look or have a couple
whom rationally you consider to be inadequate, but for that, at the same time, you
feel a big fascination. It is probable that the disappointments in your intimate
relations lead you to sublimate them in the artistic field. The harmony that is missing
in your everyday life can develop in a creative process.
Your Venus in quadrature with your Jupiter
The tense contact between Venus and Jupiter is an indication of pronounced feeling
excess, even, in some cases, of a rebellious and profligate spirit. The possible
consequences are undesirable qualities like the vanity, the presumption, the
extravagance and the indulgence. You must take care of this facet of your character
and try to cultivate the modesty, a virtue that will help you to moderate and to rule
your external actions, containing them in the limits of your real position.
It turns out to be difficult to accept the good councils of the others to you. Whenever
it is possible, you avoid to take professional decisions, since you are wrong usually
at the time of choosing, and the fact that you do not like that they give you advices it
makes the problem even more serious. Nevertheless, you can be sure that it might
be beneficial to consult with a friend in whom you trust, someone who might help you
to take the correct decisions.
This is not precisely what is understood by a conservative person. You tend to ignore
the realities of the life in favour of your caprices and allow you to go on the
momentary impulse of your senses. The result can be the waste and the
extravagance. Nobody can say that you should lack ambition, but the rectum and
strait does not attract you very much. Unconformist for nature, you prefer to walk
along the riskiest side of the things.
Your Venus in trígono with your Saturn
You know very well what you want, and it is not important for you to surrender to
deprivations to achieve it. No sacrifice is too big to make sure that this way you will
obtain your desires. You accept your responsibilities as an investment in the future.
You might be an excellent teacher in those areas that need discipline and
organization, because you value the order and place in a high place the effort and
the hard work. You like coming to the extract of the things, that one of vital
importance, and you appreciate everything what is lasting and constant. You cannot
support the dishonest and evasive persons; you know that the best way is that of the
truth, and live in consonance with this motto.
You do not want to feel forced by favour that others have done to you. Knowing that
you can achieve your targets with your own efforts, you prefer to work independently,
and without help if it is necessary.
You do not show your attraction for another person until you are not sure that the
feeling is mutual. Perhaps you give the impression of being shy and a recluse, but
the truth is that you open only to those persons who mean something for you.

Your Mars in Taurus

Taurus related like sign to the element ground, stands out for its determination and
its actions destined for concrete goals. The ground signs trust in what they can
appreciate with its physical senses and aspire to practical results. They are cautious,
disciplined and trustworthy, and they know how the material world works.
With Mars in Taurus, you affirm your presence and express your desires with
persistence and creativity. You are conservative and stubborn, always focusing your
actions towards the consolidation and productivity, since your target is to dominate
the matter and to use it for your intentions. Probably you have a good smell as for
financial questions and possess a bank account with a good balance, something
important for you, because it satisfies your safety need. You work hardly to
accumulate material goods and to be able to enjoy a well-off old age, but you must
be careful of not becoming covetous and avaricious.
You do long-term plans, and can administer your energies with supreme efficiency.
Your goals are realistic and attainable, since you do not want to waste your forces in
useless actions, but see concrete results.
You are satisfied with simple pleasures, like the good meal and drink, and a
tendency to the pleasure and indolence can diminish your determination to operate
or to take the initiative. Your physical energy and your sexual impulses turn out to be
influenced by a deep appreciation of the physical senses and the natural rhythms of
the life.
You have a balanced temperament and usually do not lose the stirrups with facility,
but if for any reason anybody goes so far as to extract you of pivot hole, which is
careful, because you can act cruelly and become violent.
Your Mars in the Eleventh House
The house where Mars is located indicates that sphere of the life that is crucial to
maintain our physical energy and health. In general, the topics and the activities
related to this field of the experience unmelt enthusiasm to us and stimulate us to go
forward with our plans and projects.
For another side, the position of Mars shows also where it is necessary that we face
the life, that we run risks, that we dare to affirm our presence, freedom and
independence, and the house of Mars is the ambience where it turns out to be more
comfortable and natural to us to express our aptitude to take the initiative.
The Eleventh House reflects our desire to reach a certain identity or position by
means of the identification with a group. We contact other persons to exchange
ideas and to formulate common targets, often destined to improve the current social
We look for the things that we share with others to understand each other and to feel
as a part of the humanity and to be able to show solidarity. Therefore, the Eleventh
House represents our friends' circle, collective experiences, humanitarian ideas and
future visions destined for the progress of the society in which we live. This house
has affinity with the sign Aquarius and the planets Saturn and Uranus.
For Mars, extract of the personal initiative, the emplacement is uncomfortable in the
Eleventh House, the sphere of the friends, groups and organizations. Although it is
possible that you could extoll up to remaining without breath the rhetoric of the
cooperation and of the work in team, it is more probable that it turns out to be difficult
to adapt yourself to the group and to share with others the ideas and opinions that
you feel with so many intensity to you. Often, you experience a quandary that, in
fact, is inherent in all of us.
For nature, we are social beings, and nevertheless we all feel hard the need to make
to cost our identity as for autonomous individuals – the natural expression of Mars–.
We form groups that take like interests, ideals and common targets as basic, but it is
precisely in these groups, where there is an intimate identification between the
members, where the roughest disputes appear. As soon as we identify too much, our
autonomy turns out to be threatened and, naturally, one makes feel the urgent need
to separate, to split and to differ. And Mars, avezado in the arts of the aggression
and the affirmation of himself, is most indicated precisely for the task.
Finally, nevertheless, the trick for Mars, when it is in this house, is to join with others
after a common end, without that's why losing its individuality. Then you can use the
energy of Mars to mobilize for the action the group, since you incline to embrace a
cause that, in you to feel, the society will improve somehow or will serve to fight for
the oppressed ones. Nevertheless, you have to be careful of that this spirit of
crossed does not take you to a such belligerency that you cause any more evil that
Your Mars in quadrature with your Jupiter
An absence of coordination exists between your physical resources and your
intellectual aspirations, in particular as regards decisions that they affect to your
career. If you want to prevent your big energy potential from being wasted and if you
want to use your resources of more constructive form, you must learn to plan your
projects patiently and determination, taking into consideration all the details. You
tend to neglect the small things and not to attend to them with the due diligence.
Do not try to do too many things simultaneously. To diversify the interests is not bad
if you devote yourself to each one the necessary time to obtain practical results.
Otherwise, you will turn into the typical person who knows of everything a little, but of
nothing great.
You must understand that everything takes its due time, since you tend to begin a
project with the whole enthusiasm of the world then to leave it quickly, when the first
difficulties appear or if the awaited success seems to be late too much.
Also your personal relations can turn out to be affected by your impatient character
and your tendency to allow you to go on your impulses, without taking into
consideration the consequences.
Your Mars in trígono with your Saturn
You can use your energies and talents with efficiency and knowledge. You plan your
activities cautiously, and, without leaving anything at random or the luck, you usually
obtain what you have proposed to yourself without big difficulties. It seems that the
influence of Mars is adjusted and becomes more controlled, tidy and adaptable,
while that of Saturn becomes more energetic and enterprising.
You worry little for your personal serviceability, and devote yourself to any task with
absolute determination, consequently, little works exist that you are not capable of
carrying out successfully. You enjoy the discipline and the obligations, and, in your
opinion, the limitations are in fact challenges and opportunities, not disadvantages.
You feel attraction for mature persons who know what they want and demonstrate its
disposal to expire with all the responsibilities of a life in family. For your part, you
incline to a traditional intimate relation, and waiting of your couple take your relation
as seriously as you.

Your Jupiter in Leo

Leo is a fire element and enthusiast stands out, therefore, for its amazing potential of
energy, its immense emulation of action and renewal, and its spirit and honestly. The
fire element is radiant, ardent and expressive, devoting itself principally to the
discovery and fulfillment of future possibilities, and it grants us the energy that we
need to carry out our daily duties.
With Jupiter in Leo you look for the interior and exterior growth by means of the
creative activity, expressing your exuberant vitality and cheering others up. You
would like to choose a profession that was expressive and creative. Always
dramatic, you are the actor and born seller – of warm, gregarious and noisy nature–.
Somewhat proud, you feel the need to express your feelings and emotions openly
with the hope that they should have an effect in the others. You feel destined to
occupy positions of leadership convinced in your interior value, but you must avoid of
developing an excessive faith in the importance of your own role.
Your Jupiter in the Second House
The house that contains Jupiter is a sphere where we go to renew our faith in the
life, our confidence and hope in the future. It is there where we feel protected, it
already offers us the belief in something bigger, the hope of something better and
the feeling of which the life is not a mere sequence of random events, but it has a
meaning and an intention. In the house of Jupiter there turns out to be to us easy
comprehension of a most natural way our capacity of growth and improvement.
The Second House represents our desire to obtain and to possess values — not
only tangible and economic, but also mental, emotional and spiritual — that we need
for the safety of our existence. It symbolizes for what we long, our sense of acquiring
things, our tendency to accumulate, the finance and other sources of income. Also it
is related to our emotional ties to the things or persons who surround us. Taurus and
the planet has a natural affinity with the sign Venus.
With Jupiter in the Second House, you think about how to expand probably your
resources and possessions as way of increasing your pleasure and your life
plenitude. It is possible that you see in the money and the possessions a symbol of
your own value, or that you hoard certain objects because they inspire you or
because they communicate or symbolize something that is important for you.
You run the risk of granting an excessive importance to the monetary and material
success, but although you are successful in the material ambience, thanks to a
strong acquisitive instinct, it is probable that what you gain you goes away with the
same rapidity.
On the other hand, the Second House represents also what for us constitutes the
safety, and Jupiter in this house indicates that the search of personal safety can
express itself so much in the pursuit of the plenty in the material plane, as in the
possession of top knowledge or of firm religious beliefs. Sometimes both mix, and
because your desires are naturally fortresses, you tend to believe that there are "top"
justifications to have what with so many urgency you want. And do not feel too guilty
on having satisfied your inexhaustible appetites.

Your Saturn in Virgo

Virgo related like sign to the element ground, stands out for its prudence and its
actions destined for practical goals. The ground signs trust in what they can
appreciate with its physical senses and aspire to concrete and useful results. They
are determined, discipline and trustworthy, and they know how the material world
With Saturn in Virgo, you try to establish and preserve your ego across the fulfillment
of your duty of a conscientious way and of helping the in need ones. Your faculties to
organize and to discipline you take as a goal the attention to the details and the
improving of your skills and can provide a deep satisfaction to you. Nevertheless,
you must be careful of not overestimating your own achievements and thinking that
you know much better that the others how to do the things. Also your tendency to the
criticism more than one enemy can cause you. You demand too many perfection and
the strict fulfillment of norms and rules, which makes space small for the
improvisation, creativity and spontaneity. Another effect is a certain incapability to
allow the things to take its course, or, simply, relax you and to enjoy your free time,
since you feel useless if you do not have anything that to do. Because you usually
include too much, you tend to strain beyond your capacities and harm to your body
and mind, with the result that often you can meet convict to keep rest in the bed.
When the experience has taught you your limits, you will be able to use your forces
and faculties with more efficacy and turn a valued companion. Then, you might give
a good example of how synthesizing the body and the mind to the perfection, since
you have learned to notice the signs of your body and to take care of your health.
Sometimes you doubt your aptitude to carry out a task with efficacy, but with a
concentrated effort and patience you will be able to achieve the success, especially
in the fields of the science, the skill or the accounting.
Your Saturn in the Third House
The house where we have Saturn is the sector of our life that offers stability and
structures, but only in exchange for effort, sacrifice and the fulfillment of
responsibilities. If we neglect or avoid the requirements of Saturn, it touches us to
suffer the consequences. Then, we meet difficulties, disappointments and
restrictions, which is one of the reasons why we approach its ambience fearfully and
it prevents.
For another side, if we have the value and the determination to face the challenge of
Saturn, the reward is valuable: major interior fortitude and a knowledge and a
comprehension. We even can go so far as to turn into teachers in the same field of
the life that more difficult us has been to dominate.
The Third House represents the development of our communicative relation with the
environment and our way of seeing and of comprising the external circumstances. It
is the mastery of the logical thought, of the faculty of the speech and of the
acquisition of information. The classic astrology relates the Third House also to our
brothers and neighbours, the conversations and chats, our desires and efforts and
short trips. This house has a natural affinity with the sign Gemini and the planet
With Saturn in the Third House, the sphere of the communication, it is difficult to you
to express to you so that the people could understand you. It is possible that you
have felt your years of infancy like adverse for your safety interior and slightly
conducive, therefore, to exchanges easy and opened with other persons. Like result,
it can be that you go for the world believing that nobody understands you, or keeping
what you feel and what you think for fear of being an interpreted evil. It is probable
that you seem shy and introverted, when in fact what it spends is that it finds it hard
to you to communicate.
Nevertheless, the fact that you have to Saturn in the House 3 does not mean that
you are convicted to spend the life to you alienated in a corner, rather it is an
invitation to cultivate the potentiality of a deep and solid mind, to refine your aptitude
to communicate with major clarity and to discover the pleasures that learning
provides. It will not be a bed of roses, but it will be worth while.

Your Uranus in Scorpio

Uranus remains in every sign about seven year, since it is late approximately 84
years in completing a return for the Zodiac. Therefore, its position for sign indicates
generational qualities that per do not have a lot of importance for the individual.
There are the position for house and the aspects with personal planets that can have
a more personal meaning.
Uranus was in Scorpio from 1.976 up to 1.983. You belong to a generation who will
discover abuses and intolerable conditions as for the community life, waking up in
you the desire to work for the survival of our planet.
At the beginning of the 80s, the AIDS popped in the intimate life of many
protagonists of the «free love», changing radically the sexual conduct of our society.
Your Uranus in the Fifth House
The house where Uranus is the place where we have the best opportunity to
experience and to express our originality as the only beings. Also it indicates the
area of our life, where we look for the strong emotions and the excitement,
sometimes crossing the limits of commonly recognized and authorized. It is there
where we want to express our feelings and our genius of free and intuitive form,
perhaps with a vision of contributing something to a positive change in the society.
The Fifth House is the house of the Sun and it symbolizes, therefore, our aspiration
to express the only qualities of our personality in all its resplendence and plenitude.
Here there is evident our pleasure of experimenting and our creative force. Also it
shows the relation that we have with the children, as well as the child who hides in
us. The Fifth House provides knowledge to us about the sexuality, the pleasure of
living and the physical constitution in general. This house has a natural affinity with
the sign I read and the Sun.
With Uranus in the Fifth House you feel the need to stop that your individuality
radiates across everything what you do. You do not trust in the traditional ways of
the creative expression; what more awake your interest is all that that seems rare
and eccentric to the others and is probable that your love leaves enough of the
common thing. The same is applicable to your adventures and romances that can be
anti-traditional and end as suddenly as they started. Uranus gets bored when the
original emotion and the enthusiasm disappear or if the relation becomes too
foreseeable or presses hard. Come this moment looks for justifications to finish him
without delay.
When you are a father it would not be surprising that your point of view on the
education of the children is progressive or the opposite to what the society defends.
Your Uranus in trígono with your Half sky
You look for the achievement of your ideals across your career. Because you love
your independence more than the mere economic safety, it is convenient for you to
have your own business that allows you to develop your work to your rhythm.

Your Neptune in Sagittarius

Because Neptune is late approximately 165 years to complete its trajectory across
the Zodiac, it remains in every sign about fourteen year. Therefore, its position does
not have an individual, but generational meaning. To find out if it has importance at
the individual level, it will be necessary to analyze its position for house and possible
contacts with personal planets.
Neptune was in Sagittarius from 1.970 up to 1.984. In these years the world tourism
experienced a heyday without precedents. The trips to distant and exotic places
came within reach of anyone, and the world became smaller and smaller. At the
same time, the oriental philosophies won in popularity and they were exploited by an
increasing number of religious groups with suspicious ends.
Your Neptune in the Sixth House
The house where Neptune is can seem to us like the earthly paradise, because it is
the sphere where we can experience of the most natural and direct form the reality of
the immaterial, mystical and inspiring thing. It is there where it turns out to be easy to
enter the world of the imagination and fantasy that exists in our interior to us, be
already to experience sublime feelings or, simply, to escape of the depressing
conditions of the everyday life. The house of Neptune indicates the area where it is
probable that the experiences help us to spiritualize and to refine our life.
The Sixth House corresponds to our faculty and forms of using our resources and
qualities as the needs that appear in the life. Here we see our work attitude and the
way of how we organize our existence. The classic astrology relates the Sixth House
to topics like the fulfillment of the duty, the practical intelligence, the health and the
feeding. This house has a natural affinity with the sign Virgo and the planet Mercury.
Neptune in the Sixth House indicates a sensitive and delicate nervous system. It
would be advisable that you were tackling a program of exercises and other skills
that reinforce the nervous system, and you will be right in know which the food
adapted for your organism is. Your illnesses are usually of emotional origin and
difficult to diagnose with clarity. And so, you will benefit if you look for treatment in
the alternative or complementary medicines, which face the prevention and the
healing in a level subtler than the allopathic medicine in general.
On the other hand, also it is probable that you have curative capacities and that you
choose a work that allows you to give expression to these gifts. It is possible that you
have a deep conscience of the body as soon as container of the spirit, and that you
understand the illness as a message that he announces to us that something in the
life is not well and that it is necessary to readjust it.
In its most positive sense, Neptune in the House Six indicates a vision of divine
inspiration and the desire and the skill of taking it to a concrete declaration, as it can
be the service to the neighbour by means of humanitarian or charitable works.
Your Neptune in sextil with your Pluto
You belong to a generation who has conscience of the need of protecting the
environment of a senseless devastation, as well as of increasing the rights and the
individual freedoms and the international cooperation. You are sure that it is urgent
to go beyond the preponderant mastery of the materialistic consumerism in the
world, and in Occident in particular.
You are employed with big imagination and comprehension at areas of the mind that
are the most private and most vulnerable: the deep psychology. This are what is
called «a midwife of the spirit», being present at the childbearing of every individual
that it crosses for a renaissance or a spiritual process. You accept the natural
process of birth, spiritual or physical, and devote yourself to help it.
The energies of the entire transformation are present in you, and the fact that you
obtain positive or negative results it depends on how you use them, so much
individual as collectively.
Your Neptune in opposition with you Ascending
The people of your environment affect deeply your frame of mind, but it turns out to
be difficult to differ between those that there are your friends and those that them are
not to you. And so, some persons will try to take advantage of your emotional
sensibility and make you feel obligation towards them.
You want to show your love to the whole world and, consequently, you tend to
overload yourself with an undue worry for its well-being. In fact you are trying to
compensate your incapability to be on your own feet; you need someone who needs
you to have a belonging feeling.
Because you think that you do not deserve to be happy, you put too much emphasis
on your negative qualities. But you are more appreciated of what you imagine, and
your friends worry seriously for you. Ask them for advice before committing yourself,
to prevent from repenting later.
In a romantic alliance, you allow yourself to influence easily for a strong personality.
You should never enter a permanent relation before meeting well another person
and being sure that the feelings between you are sincere.
Your Neptune in quadrature with your Half sky
It is probable that disappointments wait for you in the ambience of your professional
life. Perhaps of absence the necessary discipline to expire with your obligations, a
feature of your character that it can affect also to your family life. Be very careful with
the drugs, since they tend to cloud moreover your vague vision of the reality. To
avoid damages, you must strain to see the things with more clarity, perhaps with the
help of a person of confidence.

Your Pluto in Pound sterling

Because Pluto is late more than 248 years to complete its trajectory across the
Zodiac, it remains in every sign about twenty year, which excludes that its position as
sign has some individual meaning. Its qualities are rather generational, and only its
position for house or its aspects with the personal planets reveal influences at the
individual level.
Pluto was in Pound sterling from 1.972 up to 1.984. During its stay in the sign of
Venus, the sign of the harmony and justice, the people began to reconsider seriously
its ideas on the human relations. They discovered that the dialogue and the
consensus are more effective than the armed conflict. In many countries, the groups,
which work to restore the ecological balance of our Earth, have received attention
sufficient to be established like an important political force.
And so, you belong to a generation who will experience deep changes as for the
personal relations, which will take you to a major interior ripeness. The marriage, the
union with another person, can be intense and not superficial at all, since you will
always want to come to the nucleus of each of your relations.
Your Pluto in the Fourth House
Often, the house where Pluto is is where perhaps we have to face to the pain and
the crisis as regards matters linked with this sphere of the life. The challenge
consists of confronting this area with honesty and without reservations to carry out
an evolution of our conscience that, after all, will be a beneficial transformation. This
way we will learn that the pain and the crisis are not necessary a stigma or a
pathology, anything bad that he is necessary to avoid at any price, but they are part
of a wider process, that he drives to the renewal and to the renaissance.
Immum Coeli (IC) is just to another side of the Psychic Coeli (MC), of the Half sky,
and is, therefore, in the rock bottom of the horoscope, where it indicates the
beginning of the Fourth House. Because it is the point of the celestial sphere
diametrically opposite to the zenith it is called also a nadir and symbolizes that side
of the personality that is secret, namely: our roots, our cradle and our feelings that
are not always visible at first sight.
The Fourth House has to do with the world of the subconscious, the emotional base,
the familiar tradition and, in particular, the mother as symbol of protection and
nutrition. This house represents the base of operations from which we face the life,
and Cancer and the Moon has a natural affinity with the sign.
In the Fourth House, Pluto indicates complexes, traumas and problems without
solving that they crawl from the infancy and that they are boiling below the level of
the conscience. It is probable that you have tried to amputate completely your
deepest feelings, exercising a rigid control on itself as way of defending yourself from
these primitive emotions. And nevertheless, you always have the sensation of
something dangerous that it watches in the depths, and that finally might triumph
with you. You must sink in the abysses of the unconscious personnel and bring to
the light the secret complexes, this way be able to examine them, prepare them and,
let's hope for it this way, to transmute them and to sublimate them.
It is probable that these complexes originate in your experiences of the initial home-
loving way (the family of origin), and that they reappear in the surface of your private
and domestic life further on. Since in the sphere of the hearth it is where you feel
more vulnerable, it can be that you try to manipulate and control those who surround
you, so that nobody can make to detonate, for error, the time bomb that you take
inside. Since it is obvious, this attitude does not borrow to most relaxed the home-
loving ambience, and it is probable that there is multitude of rules not written that
they stipulate what one can or not it is possible to say or to do.
The Fourth House describes the form in which we finish the things, and to have in
her Pluto, it is frequent that the ends are definitive and irrevocable. There can be
need to finish in a spectacular way certain phases of your life, or to separate of the
persons or places with which you have been earlier linked. Nevertheless, by means
of the psychological exploration, the meditation, a deep interior reflection and the
cultivation of the seeds of the spiritual knowledge, you will be able to mature up to
turning into a radiant source of inspiration and force, capable by your extreme
prudence of being a guide and mentor of others.
Your Pluto in trígono with you Ascending
You possess enormous energy resources when you want to apply your creative
capacities. Practically, there does not exist anything that you could not achieve once
you have fixed your mind in a target. You have the force and the confidence in you
yourself to project your ideas and to gain the support that you need.
Conscious of your mistakes, you struggle to transform your negative qualities and
prevent from limiting you, and the task of conquering the future pushes you to use all
the resources to your scope. You know what you cost, and wait for a suitable reward.
You realize the important role that you play in the life of the persons of your
environment. In fact, you can handle them and mold them to your taste, and there
will be some of them who are afraid of this power of yours. You have to learn to use
your power learnedly and to use it for the good of the whole world.

Your lunar Nodes in Virgo and Pisces

Virgo symbolizes the virginal conscience that aspires to the correct use of the
energies and forms to put them to the service of the others, while Pisces is the sign
of the devout soul that wants to relieve the suffering of the others and sounds with a
world pacific and full of love.
The north lunar Node in Virgo and the south lunar Node in Pisces they indicate that
the main lesson in this life consists of overcoming the confused concepts that have
been created in the attempt of giving help to anyone that had tears in the eyes.
In the past, you sacrificed yourself frequently for persons who were not deserving it,
but your soft heart was clouding your discrimination capacity. Now you must learn to
distinguish between what deserves to be preserved and taken care and what must
be discarded because it already does not have any value. The new experience
implies liberating you of the tendency to answer spontaneously in the emotional
level, and to develop a critical vision, based on the reason and the concrete reality.
That does not mean that you should leave your sensibility or your desire to serve to
the in need ones. Nevertheless, now there is offered you the opportunity to combine
your strong compassion for those who suffer with a fresh desire for the perfection
and integrity.
The things that in the past did not worry you, now win in importance, because you
begin valuing the life for its details instead of taking a vague and unsteady position.
The challenge consists of applying the emotiveness and tenderness piscianas of the
past across the channels of Virgo of the present.
The house that contains the south lunar Node shows the area of the life where, in
the past, you went so far as to develop a spiritual and universal vision, while the
house that contains the north lunar Node indicates the sphere of the life, where you
can now crystallize this intuitive comprehension in something tangible and useful.
Your lunar Nodes in the Houses 3 and 9
The Third House represents the development of our communicative relation with the
environment and our way of seeing and of comprising the external circumstances,
while in the Ninth House we try to relate the knowledge acquired with the personal
experiences to achieve an integral vision of the world and a mature orientation in the
The North Node in the Third House and the South Node in the Ninth one they
indicate a hanging debt regarding the relations.
In the past, your main target was the knowledge acquisition, and to achieve it you
dealt almost exclusively in studies, trips and explorations, sacrificing in the process
the pleasure of having significant relations with other persons. You still feel the
impulse of going out and looking for new experiences, a tendency that can harm
your marriage or your friends, but at the same time you feel great curiosity to
understand why the people think and act as like that or other.
The lesson in this life consists of learning the personal dealing and the
communication with the neighbour. You must learn to overcome the inclination to
isolate yourself, so much mentally as physically, and to find your place in a relation
and in the society. In fact, you have the aptitude to teach the others, and very much,
because you possess a rich knowledge source, but you must consolidate your
energies and resist the temptation of looking for always new experiences, leaving
behind free cables. It is convenient for you to develop more patience with those that
are «slower» that you, because your vision of the life can have a transcendental
impact in those who are lucky to meet you.

Your Point of the Fortune in Aries

To experience a lasting happiness you have to discover the world again repeatedly,
satisfying this way your adventurous spirit, which has not to do necessary with trips.
Even the everyday life can turn for you into a fascinating event, full of diversity, since
the calm and routine life is not yours. You look for the challenge and the risk,
because you like verifying and demonstrating your valor and it forces where you
could. The personal success and the conscience of having done it you alone provide
a big satisfaction to you, at least during a few moments, since at once you look for
new challenging situations – in particular in the House that contains the Point of the
Fortune–. To be an assets and to act spontaneously, instead of gliding for hours and
days, are the requisites for your happiness.
You must be careful of that your egoism does not make suffer the persons who
surround you, because in spite of your emulation for the independence, you need the
company of others. Also, the meeting with the open and adventurous people as you
are, will give you new incentives.
Your Point of the Fortune in the Eleventh House
The Eleventh House reflects our desire to reach a certain identity or position by
means of the identification with a group and common targets.
The emplacement of the Fortune in this house indicates that you feel satisfied and
happy if you have the conscience of possessing the full election freedom between
different possibilities. Only with this base you are capable of following your group
instinct and of forming friends. By the force nothing is obtained with you – only a
rebellious attitude–. It can seem paradoxical, but the more independent you feel, the
more prepared you are to collaborate, to assume responsibilities and to fulfill the
expectations that others have of you.
You need around you persons with whom you feel mentally close and that they
inspire you to develop new ideas, probably in a universal frame. It turns out to be
easier to demonstrate your aptitude to think with orientation towards the future inside
a group, where you can exchange your ideas to formulate your concepts about the
development of the humanity to you.
You love the original and slightly conventional types that do not hesitate to question
the established thing and possibly got out of date, or break barriers and taboos to
spread what they consider to be real. To promote your own ideas is part of your
nature, and nothing better to find persons who share your vision of the world and be
ready to form an association that facilitates the maximum profit of the resources and
encourages the enthusiasm to achieve common targets.
The Eleventh House operates rather in the intellectual level, opposite to the Fifth
House, where the desire of the self-expression is based on the emotional thing.
Consequently, it is probable that your relations have an impersonalismo tone and are
based more on a mental affinity than on the feelings. Nevertheless, you are faithful
and you are always ready to support and to defend your friends. In short, it tries to
establish relations with persons who stimulate you intellectually - then, you will be

Your Ascending in Gemini

The element of the Ascending one reveals the quality of energy that vitalizes our
body, and also it indicates our way of approaching the life. The air signs (Gemini,
Pound sterling and Aquarius) express the vital energy that materializes by means of
the mental and intellectual activity. The air signs live in the theoretical world of the
thoughts, which are for them so real as any physical object. They feel the need to get
rid of the direct events and to meditate, to evaluate and to understand its
environment by means of its rational faculties to then communicate its remarks and
conclusions to others.
At the moment of your birth the sign promoted Gemini, the sign of the inventor, which
indicates ingenuousness, astuteness and manual workmanship. You are curious and
inquisitive, and you like communicating to yourself with another people, good
speaking, writing and even tattling; of any form it you is worth it. Nothing better for
you who to submerge in a truly deep conversation and to spend the night in
wakefulness, speaking on the world and the life.
Your couple tends to be the centre and foundation on which your aspirations and
your life are based. You need a rich and intense sexual activity. Although, of course,
you appreciate the physical beauty, it is not only the body what you are interested in;
you will demand that it should have a positive, agile, entertaining and deep mind. If it
is not like that, you can get bored and the continuity of the relation will be in danger.
Your best couple will be that that could resist your tendency to get lost in a labyrinth
of ideas or in a network of things without any transcendency.
You possess a "sharp" intelligence, a big facility and rapidity of comprehension, a
notable faculty of word and a curiosity that spreads to all the things. You have an
extraordinary faculty of assimilation, an insatiable thirst of knowledge and big mental
delicacy. You always have in your relations with others very much tact and
courteousness. You avoid carefully to hurt the feelings of the others (likewise you do
not like that they hurt you not that they provoke you). You are quite skillful and of big
workmanship in the tasks that you tackle. But in all your activities there is a certain
nervousness due to your tendency to want to realize too many things
As for the feelings it refers, these sometimes are not very deep, since the affective
aspect is not so developed in you.
One of your main defects is the unreliability. You like too much the changes to do for
the long time the same work. You tend to remove your efforts interested by
everything without studying in depth anything.
You have certain tendency to be always concerned about yourself. Your tendency to
which a side of your mind does not know what other thinks will do that the persons
those who would like trusting in you and to believe in what you say become mad with
you. It is not that you are deliberately a liar...

Your Half sky in Pisces

The big achievements and the professional success have no priority in your list of
the important things, and it is questionable that you have enough will and
determination to push you to yourself in order to obtain them. You do not also have a
plan concrete and preconceived for your career, but rather you trust in your intuition
to take the necessary decisions in the suitable moment.
The arduous struggle of the competition does not inspire you since you are sensitive
and prefer to be employed at a friendly and agreeable ambience. Since you are
rather passive and wait until they avenge the events towards you, you will not have
many enemies, but neither you will leave a notable trace. The symbols of a high
social position and of a professional ascent have no importance for you, and if you
go so far as to get the public recognition for your work, it is probable that one of the
most astonished persons it is you who are yourself.
You need an activity that provides the contact to you with other persons and that
allows you to develop your fantasy and your creative potential; you would not be
satisfied by a profession that was demanding the exclusive treatment with cold
numbers or with machinery. The ideal thing any social or sanitary work would be,
because you feel good and usefully when you can help other persons. Other
appropriate professions are those related to the world of the art, of the movies or of
the psychology.
To determine, to what extent these features are applicable to you, you must take into
consideration the position of the regents of Pisces, Jupiter and Neptune, and its
aspects with other planets.

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