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Coursework 1

Module Leader: Mr.Saman hettiarachchi

By: R.A.Thushara Kasun Ranawaka Student ID: 2010066 Group B

Coursework 1

Acknowledgment ................................................................................................................................................................. 1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................................................................... 1 What are ER diagrams? ................................................................................................................................................... 1 Q & A.................................................................................................................................................................................... 2 Identify the main entity types of SonicLive. Explain and justify the decisions you make in written section of no more than 200 words. ................................................................................................................................................. 2 Identify the main relationships types between entity types of SonicLive. Explain and justify the decisions you make in written section of no more than 300 words. ................................................................................................. 3 Determine the multiplicity constrain for each relationship type. Explain how you determine these multiplicities in a written section of no more than 300 words. ............................................................................................................ 4 Identify the attributes and association them with the entity or relationship types. Also identify the primary keys for all entity types. Explain and justify the decisions you make in a written section of no more than 200 words. ... 5 Produce a complete entity relationship diagram for SonicLive. This need to include all entity types, relationship types, multiplicity constrains, attributes and primary keys that you have previously identified. .............................. 8 Conclusion ........................................................................................................................................................................... 9 The problems I had face .................................................................................................................................................. 9 How I manage them ........................................................................................................................................................ 9 Attachments ...................................................................................................................................................................... 10 References ......................................................................................................................................................................... 10


Coursework 1

Thank you very much everyone who help me to deliver this program

SonicLive is a UK company that is specialised in hiring out audio equipment to recording artists to be used for the recording, mixing and mastering of music projects such as music tracks and albums. The company is based on 12 recording studios located all over the UK, including 4 in London. SoniLive offers a real wide range of studio equipment to their customers such as analogue and digital recorders, mixing desk, audio interfaces, microphones, studio monitors, digital convertors, controllers and other miscellaneous studio accessories. I have been hired by SonicLive as a consultant to undertake a database project for the organization. My goal in this exercise is to produce a high quality conceptual data model to fulfill all the data needs of the company i.e. to conceptually represent how the key business data needs to be recorded and organize in a way that is meaningful to the company and this with a view to design a database later.

What are ER diagrams?

In software engineering, an entity-relationship model (ERM) is an abstract and conceptual representation of data. Entity-relationship modeling is a database modeling method, used to produce a type of conceptual schema or semantic data model of a system, often a relational database, and its requirements in a top-down fashion. Diagrams created by this process are called entity-relationship diagrams, ER diagrams, or ERDs.


Coursework 1


Identify the main entity types of SonicLive. Explain and justify the decisions you make in written section of no more than 200 words.

Entity types
Branch: - case study says that SonicLive is a company based on 12 recording studios located all over UK. So it represents a group of data. MemberOfStaff: - In case study it mentioned about few people who works in branch. Example- Manager..Etc. so it means they got like identity card number unique attribute types. Manager: - manager is a member of the staff so manager is a subclass of MemberOfStaff entity. Manger is to ensure smooth day to day running of the studio. SoundEngineer: - sound engineer got so much work to do in this studio for example he is the one who responsible for the equipment that studio have. So its a subclass of MemberOfStaff. Driver: - driver is a member of the MemberOfStaff and each branch has several drivers. They are the one who responsible of transporting studio equipment to customer. Its a subclass of MemberOfStaff. Equipment: - every studio have equipment like digital recorders, audio interfaces, studio monitorsetc. it represents a group of data. Request: - before hiring the specific equipment customer must place a request. It includes all the hiring details like duration of the hiring... etc. TransportRecord: - it has all the records about what is driver transporting, transport duration etc. by van. Customer: - customer is the one who deals with the studio. HiringAgreement: - it has the all the details that customer should obey. FixedEquipment: - this is a subclass of equipment entity. It includes all the items that finish repairing and available for the customer to use. PortableEquipment: - the equipment such as microphones, jacks... etc.. 2|Page

Coursework 1

Identify the main relationships types between entity types of SonicLive. Explain and justify the decisions you make in written section of no more than 300 words.

Branch & MemberOfStaff: - Association relationship between Branch & MemberOfStaff. Members of staff are allocated in branch. Because every branch have staff members. MemberOfStaff & Manager, SoundEngineer, Driver: - The case study paragraph says that the SonicLive studio includes studio manager Sound engineer and drivers. Its a generalisation relationship. Managers, SoundEngineer & Driver are subclasses of MemberOfStaff. The relationship is optional and or. Manager & Branch: - The case study paragraph says that Manger is to ensure smooth day to day running of the studio. So its an association between branches. Manager Managers branch. SoundEngineer & Equipment: - Sound Engineer is responsible for a certain number of pieces of equipment which they need to closely look after in order to make sure that they are in pristine condition. So its an association between SoundEngineer & Equipment. SoundEngineer & Request: - This is an association relationship between these 2. Once it has been submitted (request), SonicLive sound engineer examine the request, find out availability. Above statement is mentioned in case study. Equipment & TrasportRecord: - Every equipment that transported must be recorded in transport record kept in driver. Its an association relationship between these 2. This relationship enables sound engineer to verify whether the equipment that customer willing to hire is available or not. Driver & TrasportRecord: - Association relationship, A record of which piece of equipment is transported by which driver need to be kept. It got all the details about equipment they are transporting. Customer & Request: - Customer places a request in order to hire equipment. This is an association relationship. Customer & HiringAgreement: - customer should agree the hiring agreement to hire equipment. This is also an association relationship. Equipment & FixedEquipment: - Equipment entity is a subclass of fixed equipment entity. It is not must to be all the items in Equipment entity to be in FixedEquipment entity. This is a generalization relationship. FixedEquipment & PortableEquipment: - This is also a generalization relationship. Portable equipments are the items that can be taken away from studio by the customer. HiringAgreement & Equipment: - customer must accept hiring agreement in order to hire the item. So hiring agreement covered the equipments safety. This is also a generalization relationship.


Coursework 1

Determine the multiplicity constrain for each relationship type. Explain how you determine these multiplicities in a written section of no more than 300 words.

Branch & MemberOfStaff : - Each member of staff allocated to 1 to 12 branches. Each branch allocated by 1 or many member of the staff. Case study says that SoniLive have 12 branches all over UK. Manager & Branch: - Each manager manages a branch. Each branch managed by a manager. SoundEngineer & Equipment: - Each sound engineer is responsible for 1 or many equipments. Equipment is looked after by 1 or many sound engineers. SoundEngineer & Request: - Each sound engineer examines 0 or many requests. Each request is examined by 1 or many sound engineers. Equipment & TrasportRecord: - Equipment is record in 0 or many transport records. Each transport record is recorded in by 0 or many equipments. Driver & TrasportRecord: - each driver keep 0 or many transport records with him. Each transport record is kept by a driver. Customer & Request: - Each customer place 0 or many requests. Each request is placed by 1 or many customers. Customer & HiringAgreement: - each customer agrees 0 or many hiring agreements. Each hiring agreement is agreed by exactly 1 customer. HiringAgreement & Equipment: - each hiring agreement is covers only 1 equipment. Each equipment is covered by 0 or many hiring agreements.


Coursework 1
Identify the attributes and association them with the entity or relationship types. Also identify the primary keys for all entity types. Explain and justify the decisions you make in a written section of no more than 200 words.

Branch includes branchNumber and city attributes. brachNumber is prime key of this
Branch +branchNumber{pk} +city

entity. Only thing that can identify this attribute is branch number. Every branch has a unique branch number.

Member of staff has id number, name and salary a common attributes for Manager,
MemberOfStaff +idNumber{pk} +name +salary

Sound Engineer & Driver all 3 subclasses. Id number of staff members is the primary key of this entity diagram.

Manager +bonus

Manager is a subclass of member of staff. So it has no prime key. Manager earn a bonus, its the only attribute this entity have.

SoundEngineer +repairingFee +ranking

Sound engineer is responsible of look after all the equipments in the studio, fix the broken items and examine the customer requests. So he earn repairing fee and he has a ranking for his experiences.

Driver +vanRegNo +transportBonus +maxSpeed +licenNo

Driver is the one who responsible for van. He transports equipment to the customer. He got vanRegNo, transportBounus, maxspeed and licenNo (drivers) attributes in his entity.


Coursework 1
Equipment +regNumber{pk} +equipmentName +moreCareItem +lessCareItem +quantity

Any SonicLive studio has equipments. And equipments have unique registration number. They have the same item from multiple quantities. Especially studio have equipments that need more care & less it because of the highly technical nature of the equipment offered by SonicLive. Equipment registration number is the unique attribute of this entity.

TransportRecord +traspotedEquipmentNo{pk} +traspotedEquipmentName +serviceStartTime +serviceEndTime

Transport record is kept with driver all the time. It records all the details about the transport. Equipment that transport via van has a number to identify, it is the primary key of this entity. Other than that service start time, service end time & transport equipment name are the other attributes.

Request +requestNo{pk} +equipmentName +startDate +endDate

Request is done by customer in order to hire equipment from studio. Request number is the primary key of this entity. Equipment name and start and end date of the duration of the request. After that time period customer automatically cancel that request (expiry date of a request).

PortableEquipment +PortableEquipmentNo{pk} +availability

fdsfsfsf Portable equipment is a subclass of fixed items (repaired items). Portable equipment number is the primary key of this entity. And availability is the other attribute.

FixedEquipment +serviceNumber{pk} +serviceDate

Service number is the primary key of this entity. This entity basically handled by sound engineer, what he do is he look for the items that need to be repair or need to have a service. After do the repair or service he makes a service number and relevant day as service date.


Coursework 1
Hiring agreement is agreed & signed by customer in order to safe use and do the payments correctly. Agreement no is the unique attribute of this entity. TypePortableOrNot attribute is to identify whether its a portable device or permanently fixed device in studio. Start and end dates are the duration of the hiring. Insurance cost is to cover any damage happen to the equipment during the hired period.

HiringAgreement +agreementNo{pk} +typePortableOrNot +startDate +endDate +hiringCost +insuranceCost

Customer +regNumber{pk} +name +address +firstPointOfCall

Name & address attributes are for contact customer. Registration number is the primary key of this entity. Point of call is to inform any equipment technical issue to sound engineer for further support.


Coursework 1
Produce a complete entity relationship diagram for SonicLive. This need to include all entity types, relationship types, multiplicity constrains, attributes and primary keys that you have previously identified.
Manages 1 Branch +branchNumber{pk} +city 1..12 AllocatedTo 1..* MemberOfStaff +idNumber{pk} +name +salary


1 Manager +bonus SoundEngineer +repairingFee +ranking 1..* 1 IsResponsibleOf 1..* Equipment +regNumber{pk} +equipmentName +moreCareItem +lessCareItem +quantity 1 {optional} FixedEquipment +serviceNumber{pk} +serviceDate Covers RecordedIn 0..* 0..* Request +requestNo{pk} +equipmentName +startDate +endDate 0..* Examine Driver +vanRegNo +transportBonus +maxSpeed +licenNo 1 Keep 0..* TransportRecord +traspotedEquipmentNo{pk} +traspotedEquipmentName +serviceStartTime +serviceEndTime

0..* 1..* PlaceA 1 0..* Agree

Customer +regNumber{pk} +name +address +firstPointOfCall

0..* HiringAgreement +agreementNo{pk} +typePortableOrNot +startDate +endDate +hiringCost +insuranceCost

{optional} PortableEquipment +PortableEquipmentNo{pk} +availability


Coursework 1 Conclusion

The problems I had face

1) Identify the entity types 2) Identify the relationship types 3) Identify the multiplicity constrains 4) Identify the attributes 5) Identify the primary key of the related entity

How I manage them

1) I read the case study line by line several times and try to understand the exact meaning of it. Then I short note the description into my own words. 2) I browse the internet to find out more about relationship types of entity diagrams. Then I started connecting one by one. 3) I read the notes again do this part kind an easily. 4) For this I read the paragraph word by word to pick all the attributes in the case study. 5) I ask it from my friend, and he explains me how to identify or define the primary key.


Coursework 1 Attachments

Entity-relationship model - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. 2011. Entity-relationship model - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 04 November 2011].

The End
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