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A. THINGS AT HOME Activity 1 The following are things at home. Listen and repeat after your teacher.

Activity 2 The following are dialogue about things at home. Pay attention to the bold and italic typed expression. Dona Mother Dona Mother Dona Mother Dona Mother Dona Mother Dona Mother : Mom, do you know where my scarf is? : Which scarf? : My brown scarf. I remember that I put it on

my computer desk last night. : Have you checked your wardrobe? : I have. It is not in my wardrobe. : Are you sure you put it on the desk? : Im sure mom. : What about under your bed? Maybe its there. : Ive looked under the bed. Its not there. Where is it? : Be patient! Lets try to find it together. Oh, here it is. Its behind the dresser. : Oh my God, how did it get there? : Easy sweetheart, may be it is blown by the wind.

Preposition of Place Look at the picture. Listen and repeat after the teacher

Activity 3 A. class. Eg : Anton: Andi, tell me, where is my bag? Andi : Yes, I do, your bag is under the desk. Work in pairs. Look at the picture carefully and give an instruction to your

friend related to preposition of place based on the picture. Practice it in front of the

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