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Composition A person that you admire

The first person that has come to my mind when I have started thinking about who I admire the most is Alexander Fleming. Maybe the reason is that these days I am having a penicillin treatment, and Dr. Fleming was the one who discovered the power of this fungus fighting against bacteria. I really look up to Alexander Fleming and I believe that everyone should do it and those who dont admire his work should, at least, be grateful for his great research. Penicillin is a common substance in our society but it is ironic that when we have a bacterial infection and we take some pills which are prescribed by our doctors, we dont even know what we are taking. Severe infections and diseases which used to cause thousands of deaths, are nowadays transient diseases. Scientists of such importance have to be well known and respected because thanks to their work we all have an easier life. Welfare society is a typical topic and medicines such as penicillin are one of the foundations of this utopian society. Even though being disordered is always considered a defect, was disorder what made Alexanders Fleming discovery possible. By 1927, Fleming was investigating the properties of Staphylococci, a bacteria. On 3 September 1928, Fleming returned to his laboratory having spent August on holiday with his family. Before leaving, he had stacked all his cultures of Staphylococci on a bench in a corner of his laboratory, forgetting completely about them. On returning, one day, Fleming found these cultures and noticed that one culture was contaminated with a fungus, Penicillium notatum, and that the colonies of staphylococci that had immediately surrounded it had been destroyed. So it can be considered an accidental but meritorious discovery. To conclude, I think that we would better change our values and start giving importance to things and persons which are really relevant and stop seeing TV shows and reading magazines about lives and gossips of people who dont do anything useful. Dr. Flemings work has changed the course of history so he must be known and valued.

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