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To identify establish,maintain and enhance relationships with customers,suppliers,distributors and other parties,at a profit,so that the objectives of all parties are met.

implications Time perspective Price elasticity

Transactionals Short term focus Sensitive to price

Relationship Long term focus Less sensitive to price

Dominating quality dimensions

Measurement of customer satisfaction Customer information system

Quality of output
Monitoring market share Ad hoc customer surveys

Quality of interactions
Managing customer base Real time customer feedback systems

Benefits of Relationship Marketing

Reduced customer price sensivity, barriers to entry, lower marketing expenditures. Helps in gaining cutomer insights. Marketers can charge premium price Customers build security and trust and ambiguity and anxiety is reduced Customers can reap the social benefit as a result of social rapport created with the sellers.

Strategies of Relationship Marketing

Synergy and interdependency between relationship marketing and niche marketing and top mangement commitment to relationship marketing Berrys five startegy elements:
Develop a core service around which to build a customer relationship Customisation Augment the service with extra benefits Price services to encourage customer loyalty Market to internal customers.

Strategies of Relationship Marketing

Berry and Parasuramans retention strategies: LEVEL 1- Financial Bond
Tie the customers with the firm through financial incentives- lower prices for greater volume or lower prices for long term customers Building relationships through social and interpersonal bonds Customisation LEVEL 3- Customisation Bonds Development of one-to- one solution that fit the individual customers Level 3- Structural Bonds Right service delivery systems Technology based service delivery.

LEVEL 2 Social Bonds


Tools of Relationship Marketing

Customer database
customer databases, product data bases,salesperson databases Customer names,address,past transactions Demographics and psychographics

Data mining
Analysis of data to garner fresh insights Recent customer trends Fresh insights into neglected customer segments

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