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Ginny and Taylor, Howl at a New Moon

First off, thanking Jedward's newest album, Young Love. It might not be the newest now, as this is being published, but it was when I was writing this, and the songs are just ... god like and inspirational. Thank you to Tyler Thelwis, who helped me dicide weather I should use Forking On, which is my own invention, or Imprinting, which is common in animals and also, ghosts. Edward, who didn't even get the slightest bit pissed when I mentioed the character based on him wasn't the one this time. Seriously, if I had done this one year sooner, he would have ripped Tyler to shreds. Thank you to my friend Seth McGuire, who a lot more about something in this book than I do, so he helped me create it. Oh, and who helped him, I should acknoledge Joe, Blaise, Layla, (yeah, she's a grl) Cory and Teddy. Oh yeah, and also for letting me base characters on them. And take one or two names. Thank you to Jacob (he's a dog) for being so ... weird and wolf like, so I kind of know how wolfs act, along with all the help from the wolf stalkers.

Chapter One Jacob Knew

"I ..." I said just one word, because I had to stop and think first. Was this actually a surprise? I mean, the way he acted, the hints he dropped, the way he always

was. I figured this went back all the way to our childhood. Seriously, my own dad didn't even act the way Taylor did when I moved here, and he's the one who's related to me. I always had a feeling, but I never even thought of the possibility ... But somehow I knew ... I did know, deep down inside. "I know." I finished the unfinished sentance with a single word. "You do?" "Well, yeah." I shrugged. "I mean, when we were kids I knew you had kind of a crush and me and well you're just ..." "So not over it?" Taylor raised his eyebrows. "Look, I know it's dumb. A fifteen year old little kid is all I am. Right?" I shook my head. "You're not a little kid. You're just ... younger than me. Look, I'm sorry, but I cant exactly say that ... I love you back, in that way." "But see you do." Taylor looked at me. "I know you do. I can feel it. You feel something more for me, despite your thing with Jacob." "Look, it's not a thing, okay?" I defended, "And I don't feel anything more for you, I'm sorry." "It's fine." Taylor sighed. "Not a surprise. But I'll get over it, it's just a silly childhood crush gone out of control. Nothing to worry about, it'll pass." I sighed. "Sorry to ... put a stopper on everything for you. It's just ... I'm sorry." I paused. I looked down. "I should go, Bill is expecting me home." "Okay." Taylor nodded. "Dad'll be home anytime now anyway. I guess I'll see you, hopefully I'll be over this thing." "Yeah, see you." I forced a smile. He hadn't even bothered to stand up, so I bent down and gave him a quick hug before I left. I climbed into my truck, deciding I should tell Jacob about it, but not in a way that would upset him or Taylor. As I drove home I sighed. Could Taylor really feel that I felt something more for him, or was he just lying? I didn't know and I didn't want to have to think about it. But he said he'd get over it, so I should trust him. He would get over it. I arrived home sooned than I'd hoped. I knew I'd have to face this again when Jacob climbed in through my window to either say goodnight, or stay the night. I knew Bill would sense something wrong the minute I walked in, but I was a good actress, right? I got out of my truck and walked inside. "I'm home." I called, slightly less happy than usual, but then again, I was dreading this. "Have fun?" Bill called back. "Sure, sure." I lied, and trudged upstairs. I sighed and changed into my night things, then slumped down on my bed, staring at my bedroom carpet. "What's wrong?" I barely had the energy to turn and look at Jacob as he walked over to me. and sat down beside me. "You wont like it." I said. "Try me." "Fine." I sighed, and took a deep breath. "He's in love with me." "Oh, he told you?" Jacob didn't look at all surprised, but I did. "Hello? Mind reader, remember?" "So you knew?" I asked.

"Well yes." he shrugged. "And I knew he was trying to get over it." "Oh." "Oh and heads up, Lily and Ashley want to throw you a party for your birthday." "Ugh, that's all I need." I sighed. "Celebrate getting older. At least I wont have to age after that, because I can start taking the elixier and all." I sighed and hung my head again, no energy to lift it. "But I'll still be a year older than you." "You're acting like you're turning forty!" Jacob laughed. How could he laugh at a time like this? "It's only a year! And if it makes you feel any better, I was changed just about a month before my eighteenth, so it's not that much a difference." "It is to me though." I frowned. "Come on, most girls would be happy if it was their birthday tomorrow!" Jacob put his arm around me and I sighed and rested against him. "Now, get some sleep." he said. It was just a suggestion but I always acted on them like they were orders, since he was always right. I lay down and fell asleep as I did every night, just some nights with his lying beside me. I woke up in the morning alone, as usual, and got ready for school. Great. Another year older, but at least I never had to age again. Before I went to school I grabed my present for Taylor's birthday out of my wardrobe. I didn't get to see him much anymore, I spent so much time with Jacob. It's not that Jacob wouldn't let me, since he had nothing against Taylor after spending time with him last Christmas in London. I didn't think he paticularly liked him, but he didn't not like him. When I was ready I walked downstairs, only to be greeted by a loud, out of tune chorus of "Happy Birthday" by Bill. I couldn't help smiling, despire my misery. "Now I know it's not very healthy, but screw it. Here." he handed me a place with a slice of cake on it and I laughed. "You'll get your gifts tonight. I have about a ton of them." "Thanks dad." We ate in the living room and I had to admitt I was happy because it was my birthday Not happy I was getting older, but happy. When I drove to school I was still happy, I walked right up to my friends and started talking. They didn't know about my birthday. "Ginny!" I heard my name called and I turned. "Taylor!" I called back with a grin. We walked up to each other and hugged. "Happy Birthday." we said at the same time, then laughed. "Here." he handed me something. "Open it at home. You'll know what to do with it. I was looking for something to get you and this seemed about right." he grinned. "Thanks." I grinned back. "Here's yours." I handed him the wrapped present I bought. It was just some seat covers for the car he was building. "Awesome." he said, tucking the box safely under his arm. "I should go though, I'll be late for school." he rolled his eyes. "Yeah it's fine." I shrugged. "See you!" I waved as he left, and he waved back. I went back to my friends. "What was about?" asked Jenna suspiciously. "Oh." I fumbled for an excuse. "I borrowed something of his and he borrowed something of mine. We were just giving them back." I lied. "Sounds fair." Jenna shrugged. "Hey." I heard behind me, and I turned to find Jacob. "Happy Birthday." he added in a low whisper in my ear.

"Thanks." I mumbled with a smile. "Now I can finally stop ageing." I gave a quiet laugh along with the whisper. "You still look young to me." Jacob laugh-whispered back. "What's all the secrecy?" Harry Hooke who was one of my friends, laughed. "Family stuff." Jacob lied. I was impressed how well he could lie.

Chapter Two The Disaster Party

"Makes sense." Harry nodded. "Ginny, someone insde wants to see you." Jacob grinned at me. By the look on his face I already knew what was coming. "See you later guys." I smiled at my friends before leaving hand in hand with Jacob. "Ahsley?" I raised my eyebrows. "Who else?" Jacob laughed. I walked inside and almost the second I got in the doors I was knocked slightly backwards by a hug from Ashley. "Happy Birthday!" she shriked in a whisper. "So, look under your pillow at home and you'll see a new outfit for tonight, that's from me, and you be over by seven or else I'll come get you myself!" she laughed. "I wouldn't want to have to be dragged out." I laughed. I didn't know why I was laughing, I didn't exactly feel like a party. I didn't feel like celebrating at all really. But then I realised why I was happy. "Hey Casper, no fair!" I protested with a laugh. "Only doing what has to be done." he smiled devilishly. "Hey Ash, don't hog her." I heard Lily say, as she and Brennden arrived. "Happy Birthday." Lily smiled and hugged me lightly. "What age you now, like, forty?" Brenndenn asked with a laugh and a high five rather than a hug, because that was the kind of person he was. "Yeah, feels like it." I laughed. "Hey don't worry, we're all much older." he laughed too. That day was better than most school days, even though it was just the Corcorans who knew about my birthday. At lunch the talk was of the usual things for our group (Me, the Corcorans, Jenna, Harry, Victoria, Blaine and Rene), just movies, books, music and sport for the guys. Classes seemed less dull all day too, but that was probably because as part of a birthday present Casper was controling my mood all day. After school Jacob and I agreed he would come over before seven and drive me over to his place, giving me plenty of time with Bill, as he had loads of presents for me which had been sent over from London and not forgetting Lauren and Oisn is Florida. After the party then he would drive me home too, and later when Bill was asleep, come back in through my window. So I drove home alone, strangely the effects of Casper's mood control hadn't worn off. I had been

so used to being happy all day, I couldn't be miserable, even though I had to go to an unnesisarry party later and I'd have to happily accept gifts from people who could barely afford them. As soon as I walked into the house Bill walked into the hall in a birthday hat, looking hilarious. "Hey, how's my little adult?" he asked. "Fine, fine." I laughed. "Well get in here, those presents aren't going to open themselves!" he grinned and handed me a hat too. "And don't worry, it wont take long so you'll have plenty of time to prepare for later." I raised an eyebrow. "Ashley came over and told me. She's pretty nice." he said. At least he liked Ashley, he didn't like Jacob much. "Thanks dad." I laughed. "The hats are unnesisary, but thanks for making an effort with those too." So we walked into the livingroom which had one present from every person I knew over in London. That was a lot. I knew what felt like 100s of people, but it obviosuly wasn't. Also spread out on the floor was the presents from Florida and presesnts from Bill himself. There were also another one from Taylor, one from Tyler and one from the Mooney's. I laughed out loud at the ammount of presents there was. It was like Christmas for a family with a lot of very spoiled children. I got tons of new stuff, all of it amazing, including clothes from my female friends and sister, a camera and empety album from Lauren and Oisn, magic joke shop things from Carl and Rick my brothers and many other things from London too. The Mooney's had got me the DVD that had been sold out everywhere since it came out that I had been trying to find, Tyler got me a book full of Jedward posters (Taylor obviously had told him of my obsession) and Taylor's second present was a set of Potter puppets like I'd seen on the Potter Puppet Pals youtube chanel. So that meant a lot of phone calls to make tonight, then. Then I got a phone call myself. It was a phone call from London, only it was a magical phone call. A hologram birthday message song, performed by my favourite wizard band! It was amazing! They did a kind of rock and roll happy birthday thing and then played my favourite song. I obviously knew who had organized this. Professor Walden Warwick and Professor John Davis, Walden was a Professor at a magic school who also knew almost every famous singer there was and John was also a Professor at the same school and knew almost every famous wizard or witch there was, full stop! I decided to make all the thank you phone calls then, since it had taken just an hour to open everything and put it away. The phone calls took about another hour, so when I finished at aout ten past six I decided to go get ready for the party. The dress Ahsley had got me was deep purple silk with black lace around the edges, and it had a small midnight blue cardigan to go with it. At twenty to seven Jacob picked me up, so I could be early and have some time with him before the party even started. We drove to his house and Sharon greeted us, saying to stay out of the lounge while the others set everything up. She took my bag and cardigan and Jacob's jacket and put them away tidily like someone would do at an exclusive resteraunt. Jacob and I went into the kitchen to wait. We just talked really, about everything I had gotten and I tried to get him to tell me what was going to happen at the party, but he just shook me off saying it wasn't anything big and to stop worrying.Finally at seven oclock exactly, Ashley called us in. The room was amazing! The curtains were closed and the lights were focused to certain places in the room. There were five vases of flowers, all of different types, lined up on te table that had some gifts on it. Cool Hero's by Jedward was palying quietly in the background. I couldn't help

smiling even though I hadn't wanted this just twenty four hours ago. All troubles forgotten my grin almost split my face. "Here, open my present first." Lily smiled, taking the smallest present off the table. It was wrapped carefully and box shapped and small. I opened it and I saw a small crystal diamond. It looked exactly like the crystal heart from The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lava Girl. "Thanks so much, I love it!" I said and we hugged. "Well I know how much you love that film because of Taylor Lautner. Even if he was just thirteen." she smiled as I put the chain on. "Mine next!" said Brennden, grabbing the biggest one and handing it to me. It felt light, like there was nothing in it. I shook it and heard nothing. I raised an eyebrow. "I already instaled it in your truck!" he grinned. "A new stereo for your truck. I know how much you love your music!" "Thats perfect, thank you!" I laughed. "How about the one from George and me next?" Sharon suggested with a smile, handing me the thinest present. I went to open it with my nails, but my finger slipped against the smooth paper and it sliced through my skin leaving a paper cut. "Damn it!" I muttered, as I single bead of blood appeared on my finger tip. "CASPER NO!" Jacob suddenly yelled and he pushed me backwards out of the way as he jumped forward at the cent of blood out in the open. He always had trouble with their diet of animal blood. After Jacob pushed me I stumbled backwards, surprised at how strong his push was. Both the oush and my stumbling was enough for me to land on the table with the flowers, and Ihit it with such a force everything shattered and I landed on the ground with a searing pain in my lower arm. "Casper, steady, it's okay!" Ashley was saying as everyone restrained him, keeping hom away from me. "It's just a little ... blood." her eyes widened and she stopped talking as the scent of all the newly spilled blood washed over all of them, and I was left in the company of six suddenly ravenous vampires. "Get Casper out!" said George, running over to me. I wasn't afraid, he was a doctor. He knew how to handle blood. "All of you better leave." he warned. No one thought twice before leaving the room and going outside for some fresh air. Geore examined the cut. "You'll need stitches, there's a lot of glass in there. It's the kind of wound only wand magic can heal, not our kind of magic." So I kept my arm very still as we walked into the kitchen and I put my elbow on the table, George summoning what he needed to him from upstairs in the doctors office. For a while there was silence, except for the plink plink plink of the glass being taken out of my arm. "How do you do it?" I asked, after a while of the plinking. "How do you stand being around so much blood?" "Years of practise." George chuckled. "I'm around it so much I don't even smell it much anymore." "Why did you decide to help people?" I asked this time, as I had always been curious. "I mean you had so much power, so why help people when you could have been like the vampires in movies and gotten away with it?" "Well after all my years with the Death Eaters and my disaproval of their ways, I decded I wanted to help people rather than kill them. And it was with Jacob, hearing his mothers pleads I decided I

could use this power for good." "His mother?" I asked, looking up, just as he finished getting the glass out of my arm and started the stiching up. "Yes." George sighed, remembering. "His father had already died and his mother knew she was going to die soon too. Her name was Mary Gambon, very friendly woman. She knew of my extra "gift" as she called it, of being what I am and she begged me to use it to save Jacob, so I made the decision and did just that. That's why I decded to save all the others, too, moulding them for the world of the good vampires." "That's amazing." I couldn't help frown at the amzement and smile at it at the same time. "I never really thought about that, but I guess it is from a human point of veiw." he smiled, and then started to bandage my arm over the stitches. When I was abndaged up everyone was back inside and Casper wouldn't stop saying he was sorry even though I constantly told him it was okay. The mess was already cleaned up so it was like it had never even happened. "So, what now, back to present opening?" I asked brightly. "Yeah, sure." Jacob said, distantly. "You were opening George and Sharon's?" His new bad mood was slightly upsetting, but I opened it and it turned out to be two tickets to Florida. "Thank you guys so much!" I hugged them each one armed, keeping my bad arm still as it still hurt a little. "It was our pleasure." Sharon smiled. "Mine next." said Casper, with a stiff smile, handing me a medium sized box. I opened it. It was a box set of DVDs of the last even season of Friends. I was surprised they still sold it, since it was on so long ago. Friends was one of my favourite TV shows. "Thank you!" I said with a grin. "It must have taken ages to find!" "Not really, if you know where to look." Casper gave his usual mysterious smile. "And here's mine." Jacob smiled but it looked forced. It didn't extend to his eyes, which stayed hard as ever. It seemed as though he was angry with himself. He handed me something that was almost as thin as the tickets had been. I opened it and it was an unnamed CD. "It's a CD of some of my compositions and covers of songs I know you love to hear me play or sing." he smiled again, but still there was something wrong there. "Thank you, I love it." I smiled and we kissed, but there was something missing. Something off. "So I should realy get you home." Jacob said. "It has been an two hours, Bill might want you home before it gets too late. School day tomorrow and all." "Yeah, I guess." I sighed. "Thank you all, everything was perfect." I smiled at everyone. So Sharon got my cardigan and she gave me a small bag to carry my gifts in, and we left. "I'm so sorry about Casper." Jacob sighed as we drove on. "It's not your fault. It's not even his, it's mine. I'm the one who's clumsy and sliced my finger on that paper." I sighed too. "Don't blame yourself." We didn't talk for the rest of the car journy and Jacob walked me to just inside the door. "I'll see you tomorrow." "Leaving already?" said Bill, coming out of the livingroom. "It's her birthday, it may be after nine now but it's a special day. Stay a half hour if you want." "Well now you offer." Jacob smiled that damaged smile again and all three of us sat in the livingroom.

I ran upstairs for a second to put my newest gifts away safely (well, the ones I wasn't wearing) and grab my camera. I wanted to take some pictures while it was still my birthday. "Hey don't point that thing at me, I look like crap!" Bill laughed when I took a picture. "Why don't I get a picture of you two though? Toss me the camera." So I did and he took a picture of me and Jacob. "Will you show up in it?" I whispered to Jacob as I took my camera and sat back down. "Yes, we show up in all the modern day cameras. Not in those old early 1900's ones though." He whispered back. We spent the rest of our last half hour talking about nothing in paticular, while Bill watched TV. After exactly half an hour Jacob left and I went up to my room. I took my cardigan off and hung it up, thinking that I was lucky it hid my bandaged arm. Then I sat down at my laptop and printed the few pictures I took today, taping them exactly right into the album. After a while I heard Bill go to bed and then Jacob came back in through my window. For a while I was afraid he couldn't come. "I thought you weren't coming." I told him. "I may be still angry about this evening, but I would never leave you alone when you were expecting me." I was smiling despite everything when I fell asleep that night.

Chapter Three I Was Completely Alone

In the morning when I woke up Jacob was gone, as usual. I got ready for school , still annoyed about how distant Jacob had been since the blood thing yesterday. I sighed to myself, hoping he would be better today and some day we could laugh about it. I barely touched my breakfast since I wasn't really hungry. When I drove to school I joined my friends as usual, who now were talking about graduation, which was just three months away in June. They were talking about speaches and what they were going to say. I really hadn't thought about it much. I had thought about college though - I was taking a year off to decide which one to go to. Jacob and I were planning on going off to some college in a cold place where the sun never came out through all the snow. Jacob arrived and his greeting was deader than usual, he didn't even try joining in our conversations and that worried me. Usually he would jump in with advice, since h'd graduated so many times before. He was different all day. In classes he didn't look as if he were even aware of what was going on, though if he was asked a question he could answer it perfectly straight away. At lunch all he did was nod or shake his head or give a distant reply when he was spoken to, and during the last classes I was beginning to get worried. When the bell went he finally spoke. "I'm driving to your place after school, Bill is out." he said. "Okay." I smiled at him and he only half smiled back. His eyes were hard. We drove there in our seperate cars, me feeling slightly worried. He hadn't seemed himself since

yesterday and his voice sounded cold when he said he was drving to my house. When we arrived he got out the same time as me. "Can we go for a walk in the forest?" he asked me, and I nodded. We walked into the forest not deep at all, staying on the path and still able to see the house when he stopped. He took a deep breath. "We have to leave." he sighed. "People are starting to notice we aren't ageing and George is supposed to be years older than he looks. "When do we go?" I asked automatically. The cold look Jacob gave me made me nervous. "By we, you mean ...?" I trailed off my question. "My family, and me." he said, his tone certain. "I have to come with you!" I said my voice going up shrill, terrified that this was happening to me. "We don't belong together, Ginny." Jacob said sternly, and tears rushed to my eyes. "I belong with you." I was half pleading. "Ginny, I don't want you to come." "Please!" "Goodbye Ginny. You deserve a chance at a normal life. We're going and we're not coming back." He was gone so fast I could barely gather what was happening. He was gone and he wasn't coming back. I knew it was no use but I began to stumble through the woods, calling Jacob's name and not pausing between each time I said it. Over time it got colder and darker and it started to rain, but I kept going on and on, grazing my bare skin like a little kid, falling and getting back up again, my voice hurting but I kept calling. Eventually my legs gave up and I couldn't walk anymore, so I just curled up on the forest floor, silent and still, not wanting to exist. I should have been scared but I wasn't. As it got darker and darker I began to hear voices calling my name but I didn't respond. Sometimes they were so close that I could have called out and they would have heard, but still I acted as if I wasn't there. Finally after hours and hours, after my body going numb and blocking out the cold, someone found me. "Ginny." he said. It was Taylor. I couldn't even respong. "Ginny!" he said again. "Chord, it's Ginny! I found her!" he yelled to someone I didn't know. I opened my eyes up as someone, obviously part of Taylor's tribe, came through the trees. "Ginny, my name is Chord Gulch. We've all been very worried." I didn't see how that would help me. "Are you hurt?" he asked, and I could barely shake my head. Then I felt him picking me up. I couldn't have walked. I felt someones hand on mine and I looked to see who it was. It was Taylor again. "He's gone." I mumbled, my thrat hurt. "Jacob gone. All of them gone." I saw Chord and Taylor exchange knowing glances, but neither of them dared look happy with me there. Taylor tried to talk to make himself feel better rather than me. "Everyone is waiting at the house. The police, Bill, dad and a few tribe members. Bill got your note and figured you'd be back but when you weren't he got worried." he told me. Note? I hadn't left a note. Jacob must have gone back and left it. He could forge my writing better than I could. "What did it say?" I said, barely over a whisper. "Something like, 'Gone for a walk in the woods with Jacob, be back soon.'" Taylor told me. "Did you get lost?" he asked. I shook my head.

"We found her." said Chord suddenly. I realized we were back at the house now. "Thank god!" Bill said, taking me from Chord. I thought I'd be too heavy for him but I was wrong. "Ginny, are you okay? Hurt? Were you lost?" I nodded and then shook my head twice. "The Corcorans are gone." Taylor told him. "That explains it." Bill sighed. He carried me into the house and lay me down on the couch, giving me a hotwater botle and several blankets. He had a doctor look me over but I was fine, just a few cuts and bruises. Bill talked to me, asked me questions and I could barely answer. Then I fell asleep and woke up in bed. In the morning I went to school as usual, but I didn't eat breakfast and I didn't talk much to my friends. I only spoke when they spoke to me. The same in classes. After that I started having nightmares. Well, nightmare. Always the same one. I would be in a huge maze like the one from the third task in Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire, and I would be running, running, searching and then everything would go black. I'd be the only one there, only thing there, it would be empety, nothing. That's usually when the screaming started, and Bill would come rushing in to wake me up.



June, graduation. I barely even noticed what was going on. This was my speach: "We start school when we're really young. We say we hate it. We get out when we've grown up and we regret everything we said. We'll miss our friends and we'll miss the fact we actually have something to do." Only Bill and my close friends clapped. The speach that made us all clap was Victoria's. "When we were five they asked us what we wanted to be when we grew up. We replied with princess, prince, fairy, wizard, or in my case a professional dog. I know that makes no sense, but hey, I was just a little kid. When we were eleven we were asked again and we replied with rockstar, rich, just like our idols or in my case, a really rich person who doesn't need work. But now we're grown up and they ask again, expecting a serious answer, but really we have to say, who the hell knows? Now is a time to make mistakes, get degrees in things we'll never make a career out of. Go back, try again, make mistakes. Because even though this is the end of our school lives, this is only the beggining." Usually that would effect me, but it did nothing.

I stayed in contact with school my friends, but I didn't call or visit them. They called, the visited, and they started all the conversations. That month Bill got Lauren to come over and try convince me to start eating and living again, but it didn't work. Bill still came to wake me from my nightmares and I still went to work, but that's it. I still called my family, but our conversations were dead.

Chapter Four Alive Again And Not Alone

"Ginny, this is getting ridiculous!" Bill said at breakfast one morning. Well, breakfast for him. I still wasn't eating. "What is? Am in trouble?" I asked. "No, you're too good!" he said. "You never go out and you never have any fun." "Fine, if it makes you happy I'll call Jenna and we'll go see a movie tonight." I shrugged. "It's not that it would make me happy, it's that I want it to make you happy. Or at least less of a zombie!" Bill sighed. "I'll try be a little more alive." I said, trying my best to sound not dead. But lately I couldn't do that. The pain of the first few days after ... he left was gone, now I couldn't feel anything at all. I was numb. My mind could only concentrate on one thing at a time. Nothing mattered to me. I waited until after my shift at Hooke's to call Jenna, since my shift was early. I talked to Harry then of course, and he asked me if I was doing anything Friday night, like he had been for the past few months. I lied and said I was busy, as usual. One night out was enough for me. Two nights in a row would be just too much. But when I got home from work, I actually picked up my phone. "Ginny!?" Jenna sounded happy and surprised. "Yeah, it's me." I said, trying to sound happy. "I was wondering if you wanted to see a movie tonight?" I asked. "Yeah, sure! Which one?" she asked. "Maybe that new horror film?" I asked, remembering that Jenna liked horror, and Harry had mentioned a new horror film while at work today. "Sounds great." Jenna said. "Who'll drive?" "I will." I said. Bill would want me to be out even longer. "I'll come get you at say, six? And I'll drop you back when it's over." "See you then." said Jenna, before hanging up. So I had a day to kill before hand. Maybe, to please Bill, I could call up my other old school friends and organize an out dat for us all? Yes, that's what I would do. I would invite them all to stay over, like this huge slumber party or something. I'd ask Bill first, though. He wasn;t working

today, so I asked him. I wouldn't want this to happen too soon, so I wouldn't arrange it for a while, but I'd just ask. "Hey dad?" I asked when i went down stairs. "Well look who's alive!" he chuckled. "What is it?" "Well, tonight I'm going out to the cinema with Jenna." I said. "But I was wondering, if in a few days, or maybe a week, I wanted to inivte a bunch of people over for a sleep over, could I?" "Who are we talking about here? Guys and girls?" he asked. "Jenna, Blaine, Victoria, Harry and Rene." "Well as long as the guys sleep in a different room to you and the girls, I don't see why not. Just let me know so I can go out that night, stay with Oliver or something." Bill smiled. "I'm glad you're making an effort." "Thanks." I smiled. I knew, at eighteen, I was a bit old for sleepovers, but me and my friends liked to act childish sometimes. And besides, I never had nightmares around other people. I remembered a time when I was a child I would have nightmares, but the night I had people over I had none. Then I thought ... it would be what he would want. What Jacob would want. For me to start being happy again. As soon as I thought the name the numbness suddenly disappeared, and I raced myself for the pain that would hit, but it didn't follow. It would be a while before I could talk or think about ... them, but I was myself again. I was starting to come back. That night I collected Jenna and we started talking like old times. She knew better than to mention him and his family, so it was fun. We talked all the way to the cinema. We were going to the eight o clock showing, so we were going to get some food before so we wouldn't have to buy cinema snacks. There was a supermacs just next door to the cinema. As we ate we still talked and I smiled for the first time since my birthday, all the way back in March, and this was August 3rd. I watched the horror movie and it actually didn't seem that horrible. It actually seemed cool. But with your friends you're alwasy like "Oh this is so fake, that would never happen it real life." but alone you're like "THIS SHIT IS GONNA HAPPEN TO ME!" In my case here at the start when the lights on the street in the film went out one by one, my automatic thought was "DUMBLEDORE!" Yet if I had been wathing it alone my thought would have been "DEMEONTORS!" When the movie was over I felt as if I'd never been better, but that was only if I kept them out of my head. When I dropped Jenna home I was still smiling but even that couldn't keep the nightmares away. When Bill woke me up from my nightmare and I eventually got back to sleep I didn't have another nightmare. I had a dream about something I had almost forgotten about. I had a dream about Taylor. I woke up with just one thing on my mind. To go and visit. "So what are you going to do today?" Bill asked me over breakfast, after he got over the shock of me eating again. "Going to see Taylor." I said the thought that had been going through my head all morning. "I'm surprised he's not the first person you thought of." said Bill. "He always was when you were small." "I'm surprised too." I admitted. "Well you have fun." Bill smiled and I smiled back. It felt good to be back. I thought I relied on

my numbness, but really it was holding me back. "I will." I said. I had wanted to say "I'll try", but it had come out differently. I waited until noon to leave, since I didn't know what time Taylor and Tyler usually got up. But when I arrived it looked like Taylor had been up for a while. He was out in the yard, his long hair in a mess and his clothes splattered with oil. He saw me pull into the drive and he ran over to me, dropping the weird car part thing he was carrying. He hugged me, picking me up and twirling me around. I laughed, since it was so strange that a sixteen year old could do that. "Hey Ginny!" he grinned, putting me down. "It wouldn't be a crime for you to visit more often! Forget where I lived or something?" he laughed. "Sorry about that." I laughed back. "I was busy acting like a dead person." I joked. I felt I could say anything to Taylor, knowing how long we'd known each other. "I'm pretty sure sterioids are ileagal you know!" I laughed again, looking at him. His muscles were even bigger than before, if that was even possible. "Very funny." he grinned. "But it's all real." "Looks more like the arms of a twenty one year old, rather than a sixteen year old." I said with a cheeky smile. "Age is just a number baby." he winked. "So what are you here for?" "Do I always have to need something?" I pretended to be shocked. "Just wanted to see you is all!" "Anything in paticular you wanted to do?" he asked me, his eyes sparkling the way the always did, like a little puppy's. "Not really." I shrugged. "What were you doing before I got here?" "Fixing up an old car. Rebuilding the engine and remodeling it and stuff." Taylor shrugged. "Nothing exciting really." "Thats actually really cool!" I laughed. "Good stuff to know. Can I help at all?" "Well you can if you know how to fix up cars, but I know you don't." Taylor smiled at me. "You can hand me tools though, talk to me, keep my company and that." "Sounds good to me." I said, happy. We walked into the garage and I saw an old car parked there. The hood was up and tools and engine parts littered the ground around it. I saw special car paints piled up in the corners of the garage, too. "Sorry about the mess." Taylor laughed but was slightly embarressed. "It's fine." I assured him. "Who's the car for?" "Me." Taylor grinned, raising his eyebrows. "Birthday present from Chord. I don't know why he gave it to me, we don't get on at all. But I've been working on it for the past four months." "That's a very ..." I struggled to find a word. "Generous gift." "I know right?" Taylor laughed. "Maybe he's trying to bribe me to join his little gang. But no way, not for me. He already took Joe and Alex. But not me too." "Gang?" I frowned. "One day Joe and Alex were normal, but then they missed a few weeks of school. Next thing I knew they were following Chord around like lost puppies." Taylor shrugged. "But I'll never do that." he sighed. "Let's not talk about it though." he grinned, back to his old self again. So we talked about the most random things as Taylor worked and I handed him the tools he asked for. It looked like he would be done soon enough, ready to remodel. When he finsihed up on the car for the day it was still very early, since he only woked for an our or two on the car each day.

"So." Taylor said when he finished up. "What to do, what to do." he laughed. "Are you actually going to tell me something we can do or are you just going to keep saying it?" I teased. "Well that depends." Taylor raised an eyebrow. "You into extreme sports much?" "That depends too." I half smiled. "What kind?" "Ever heard of cliff diving?" "Is that where we jump off cliffs and try not die?" I asked, raising my eyebrows. "Exactly. So, up for it?" Taylor asked. "I'll try anything once." I shrugged with a grin. "So you want to drive home and get yourself something to wear while jumping? I reckemend some old clothes and a swimming costume underneath. The waves can be harsh sometimes." Taylor suggested. "No need to go home." I rolled my eyes and summoned what I needed right to me. "Where can I change?" "The bathroom." said Taylor. "I'll go change in my room and meet you outside then." So he showed me which room was the bathroom in his house and I changed, sening my clothes home in a bag to be summoned back when I was changing again. I walked outside when I was done. I was just wearing shorts and a short sleaved t-shirt over my bathing suit. I figured this was an okay thing to wear while jumping into the sea from an enormous hight. When I got outside Taylor was alreay there, wearing long shorts and no shirt. It was the first time I'd seen him shirtless since we were just little kids. I was kind of shocked. He had huge abs and looked amazing. I hoped he didn't notcice I was staring, but he did. "What?" he asked with a laugh and a riased eyebrow. "Did you know you're sort of beautiful?" I asked, not sure "beautiful" was the right word. "Thanks, I guess." Taylor laughed. "Ready to go?" "Sure." I said. "Where are we jumping from?" "Well, definetly not the top." Taylor said. "We leave that to Chord and his gang, show offs. Where we'll jump from is a little lower down, but it involves some climbing first. You up for that?" he asked. "I'm up for anything." I grinned. I wasn't sure why I was acting this way. Maybe I wanted to come back with a bang after being dead for four months. Or maybe ... said a little voice at the back of my mind, maybe I want to feel the enegry rsuh I got every time I swung through the tree's on his back. But I pushed that voice away and started the climbing with Taylor. It was a bit cold for what I was wearing but the climbing helped warm me up. I didn't know how Taylor could stand the cold, dressed the way he was, but then again he always seemed to be so warm. When we got to the spot we would jump from Taylor stopped and I thought that tis was the point where I should feel nervous, but excitment coarsed through my veins at the sight of the water below. The waves were calm, as was the wind, so this would be easy, right? "You sure about this?" Taylor asked as we got nearer the edge. "One hundred percent." I nodded. "Okay, on three." Taylor said as we joined hands for the jump. "One, two ...THREE!" We jumped and I felt the wind rush through my hair and over my skin. We hit the water together

and came up seperatly. It felt even more amazing that I had thought. "That was such I rush!" I said, gasping for air, as we swam to the shore. "I know right?" Taylor laughed. "Do you do that often?" I asked him, just as we reached shore. "When I'm not working on cars or out with the guys." Taylor shrugged. "The guys?" I asked. "My two best friends. Blaise and Draco." Taylor told me. "Best friends? Hello, talking to your childhood best friend here!" I teased. "Best guy friends." he corrected himself. "I'm sorry my fair lady!" he joked. "It's fine!" I laughed. "So, what now?" I grinned. "Well, change first obviously. Then just ... whatever you want." Taylor shrugged. "Wanna watch a movie?" I suggested. "Sure, which one?" Taylor grinned. "Please tell me not one of those ones you used to force me to watch when we were young?" "No, no way." I assured him. I wasn't ready for those yet. "Maybe instead of a movie, we could watch something from my new, well, newish, Friends box set?" "Brilliant! I love friends!" Taylor smiled brightly.

Chapter Five Fully Back, With Taylor's Help

So that's what we did. We went and got changed first and I sent my clothes home while summoning the box set to me. I didn't try and think about where I got the box set, since it hurt too much. I still used and wore my presents from them, but I didn't think about them as I did. We laughed for about three hours at different episodes of Friends, before finally deciding we could watch the rest some other time. I suggested tomorrow, after we workied on the car a bit and Taylor grinned and agreed. I'd almost forgotten how much fun Taylor actually was. The next day I got up early and drove to Taylor's place like we planned, Bill laughing to himself, glad of how alive I was. I actually hadn't had a nightmare the night before. When I got to Taylor's it was straight to the garage to work on the car which was coming along great. At noon we had two visiters. "Yo Taylor, finish the car yet?" said a boy with black curly hair, and skin like Taylor's. "No, but come on in guys." Taylor called, then finished tightening something and stood up. "Ginny, this is Blaise and Draco." he gestured to them in turn. Draco was the one who spoke, and Blaine had short black hair too, only his wasn't curly and Blaise was smalled that Draco. "So this is Ginny?" Blaise laughed. "So it's true he's had a girl in here. Is the part about you being his girlfriend also true?" he raised his eyebrows. "Blaise, I said me friend who is a girl." Taylor frowned. "That's not how I heard it either." Draco laughed. "But nevermind that. Helping Taylor with the

car?" he asked me. "Nope, just keeping him company. I'm useless at this stuff." I laughed. "You're like Drake here then." Blaise said, teasing Draco. "Hey! No fair!" Draco protested. "I can fix cars! You just ... tighten things, maybe pour some oil in the ... oil hole, and you're good to go!" "Oil hole?" Taylor said, his voice shaking with laughter. "Seriously?" "Alright, I've had it with you, Black!" and he lunged at him in a fake fight. "Bring it on, Aditaro!" Taylor said, fake fighting too. "Five bucks on Draco." Blaise said to me, joking. "You're on." I laughed, joking back. Shortly after the fake fight ended the two boys left and Taylor got back to putting the finishig touches and the car engine. "I think Draco likes you." Taylor said to me thoughtfully. "I didn't really notice." I shrugged. "Oh yeah, so you said I was your girlfriend?" I raised my eyebrows. "No, they picked it up wrong!" Taylor defended himself. "Sure they did." I laughed. I lowered my voice. "Taylor, you're not still ... you know, are you?" "What? No way!" he said. "I got over that like four months ago." "So, you got over that when you told me?" I raised my eyebrows at his lie. "Well maybe weeks." Taylor was going slightly red, not looking at me, but when he did he went redder. "Or days." He looked at me again. "Okay fine, so I'm not over it yet but let's just ... get back to this car." "Agreed." That day Taylor finished the engine fully and we started drawing out different pain designs on paper to choose later and paint on the car. Taylor wanted something original, new. Something not seen before on a normal car. We got uncomfortable in the garage so we went into the house to keep designing, consulting, scratching things out and starting again. I didn't even notice the time go by as outside grew steadely darker. I only realised the time when Bill came over to see when I was going to come home. It was ten o'clock. "Seriously, we're on a roll here with this lightening pattern!" Taylor protested. "But what's that on the hood, is that an eye or something?" Bill frowned in confusion. "Dad, you know that book I was reading and you asked me what the name meant?" I raised my eyebrows. "Yeah, and?" "That's the sign of it." "Oh, right." Bill laughed slightly. "So tell you what, how about both of you come home and Taylor can stay the night? You did mention wanting to have friends over." "Cool." I nodded. "But I can still invite the group some other time too?" I asked. "Of course." Bill assured me. "Dad, can I go?" Taylor asked Tyler. "You don't even have to ask." Tyler smiled. "Have fun with your design!" he laughed. "Thanks dad, let me just pack an overnight bag." Taylor was back in less than two minutes, ready, with everything he needed. "So, what are we going to do about cars? We cant leave either of them here." Bill said.

"I'll drive home myself." I suggested. "Taylor can go with whoever." "Sounds good to me." Bill shrugged. So Bill set off in his police cruiser, Taylor and I in my truck. "You know when I started the day, this isn't really what I was expecting it to end like." I half laughed as I drove. "Me neither." Taylor laughed back. "At least we know we'll be finished and ready to paint tomorrow." "True." I smiled and nodded. "Can we do that cliff diving thing again after we do the car?" "Anything you want." Taylor shrugged, and we didn't talk the rest of the way home. We just listened to music on my stereo. When we got to my house we went straight to the kitchen to get back to designing right away, while Bill made up the bed in one of our other bedrooms. Taylor had said he wanted a car that related to his favourite movies, which also happened to be eight of my favourites, out of my thriteen favourite movies, so I had plenty of ideas too. After another hour we came up with a red car, with gold lightening bolts all over, with a a sign related to the movies on the hood, painted in black. On the back there would be the words in gold "Car design by" and then a giant pair of glasses, frames painted in black, and where the lenses would be in one lens would have my name and Taylor's in the other. We both agreed it was perfect, and there was no such thing as a car like it. "I think we finally cracked it!" Taylor grinned at me. "Mhm." I muttered sleepily. "Perfect." "That's it, you're going to bed." Taylor laughed at my tieredness. I was half asleep at the table. "Thank god." I muttered and half crawled, half walked up the stairs, and finally got into bed. I was asleep so fast I didn't even hear Taylor walk up stairs. Instead of a nightmare that night I had another dream. I dreamt of a foreign country and a turboboost car. I don't know who was driving, but they were going fast through the corwded city. In the dream I had one thought the whole time. Gotta get there before noon. But I didn't know where. When I woke up I was confused, as it had all seemed so real. I wondered if I had dreamt of the future, like Virginnia's fiance used to have dreams of things that were happening right at the moment he dreamed them. But then I thought I was being silly and went back to sleep. I woke up at nine the next morning and went downstairs to get breakfast. The house was quiet, Bill having already left for work, and Taylor was still asleep. After an hour I got bored and decided to wake him up. I actually gave him a fright when I did, but maybe that was because I did it by whacking him with a pillow. "Oh thank god it's only you!" Taylor gasped with a shaky laugh. "I was dreaming I was being chased by all the designs we did last night and they were trying to run me over." we both laughed. So after he got up and ate, we left for his place and got right to work on the car. It took three hours but we did it, and I was glad. We agreed to take it out for a spin some time during the week. After we got some lunch we went cliff diving again and it was even better than last time. Then like we had plannd to do the day before, we wathed the rest of my Friends DVDs. It was strange to feel happy all the time now, since I'd been nothing for months. But being happy was the best feeling in the world. I had forgot what it was like. Or maybe I'd just never been properly happy before.

Chapter Six The Sluber Party

I hung out with Taylor every day for about a week before Bill asked "What about your other friends?" So I decided to have the huge slumber party I'd thought about. Only so I wouldn't leave anyone out, I'd invite Taylor, Draco and Blaise too. Friday was everyones mutual free day, so it was happening then. Bill was staying with Tyler that night so we could make as much noice as we wanted. When the night arrived it turned out everyone but Blaise could make it. "Is he okay?" I asked Taylor. "No." Taylor frowned. "He's ggoen off with Chord and his pack. Just like the others." I didn't want to upset him so I didn't talk about it any more. But the night was just as fun anyway. We had pizza, then ice cream, we played music all evening on the livingroom stereo at full blast. We did karaoke afterwards. Then we decided toplay a game of "Would you rather". "So Ginny, would you rather give up your magic or ... makeout with a monkey?" Rene asked me with a huge laugh. "Give up my magic!" I half screamed. "I aint kissing a monkey!" Everyone laughed, then it was my go. "Blaine, would you rather drink an entire bottle of ketchup, or live the rest of your life with a singing hobo?" "Ketchup, duh!" Blaine laughed. "Okay, Draco, would you rather be stuck in a cage with a tiger or have your soul sucked by a dementor?" "TIGER!" Draco yelled and everyone laughed. Things went on like that for a while until we got bored, so decided to play truth or dare. "So,Ginny, here's your truth question. What do you be doing on Friday nights usually?" said Harry. Of course he would ask that. "Now, do you want to answer the quiestion, or do you chose dare?" "Dare." I frowned. "I dare you to find the weirdest thing in the fridge, and eat it!" So I did. It was three day old chinese food. Next in the circle to be asked was Taylor, and next to ask was me, and it was a lot harder to think of things than it looked. "Why were you so heartless towards movie deaths when you were thirteen? Truth or dare." I asked. "Well you did dare, so I'll answer. It's because ... I don't exactly know. Maybe I was just stupid." Everyone laughed. We palyed that for a while, before I decided to do something to Victoria that I learned in London. I decided to do it in a whisper, so I could do it to someone else later. Probably one of the guys, to make it interesting. "Okay, Victoria, pick three guys. One famous, one not, and one who can be anything, but you hate him." "Robert De Niro, Harry and ... Graham Norton." she said. "You don't like Graham Norton? SHAME ON YOU!" I laughed, still in a whisper as everyone

else talked. "So, on with it. You're in bed with all three of them." "Ugh ... Graham too?" "Yeah." I continued. "But suddenly, a wild fire appears! Who do you throw out the window to try and save?" "Robert." "The fire comes into your room! Who do you throw in the fire to try calm it down?" "Graham." "You are now left alone with Harry to die." "No fair!" Victoria shrieked. "Do another one to someone else so we can all hear!" "Fine." I sighed. "Taylor, pick three girls. One famous, one not and one you don't like." Everyone was listening now, wondering. Victoria was trying not to laugh. "Okay ... um, Bonnie Wright, you and Kim Kardashian." "OMG!" Victoria burst out laughing. "I cant wait to see where this goes, after he picked you!" "So, you're in bed with all of them." I started. "When a wild fire appears! Who do you throw out the window to try and save?" "You, obviously." Taylor rolled his eyes. "But the fire comes into your room! Who do you through in the fire to try calm it down?" "Kim." "You are now left with Bonnie alone to die." "We still die? No fair!" Taylor frowned. "But that's hillarious!" Everyone laughed. Afterwards Blaine suggested we play spin the bottle, but I denied faster than anyone could say anything. We decded to watch a movie instead. After the movie it was way after midnight, so we all decided to turn the lights out and tell a few ghost stories before going off to bed. I went first. "Did you ever hear of how Forks got it's name?" I asked mysteriously. "Well there once was a man called Archie Forks. He discovered this town. He was a dwarf, that's why he made it so small. He named it Forks, after himself. But one night he was murdered, by a man named Death, who liked to send people to, well, death. Archie Forks was angry about this, so his ghost could never go to rest. Instead his ghost roams the streets every night, searching for Death, to haunt him to death. But be careful, he might kill YOU!" "That's freak me out." Jenna said. "Me next." she said spookily. "There onces was a boy named ... Danny. He was a completely normal boy but he had no friends. He wished for friends, but no one alive liked him. He wished even if he could have a dead friend, that would be enough. He wushed so hard, that it actually happened. One day in school when the other kids were being mean to him, he wished he could have friends and wish everyone esle would go away. The suddenly about twenty zombies barged in and ate everyone except Danny! The paraided around and killed everyone in town except Danny. Danny now parades around with them, helping them kill anyone who was ever mean to anyone. So I hope you all are super nice! I hear they're coming here next." "Cool!" Victoria laughed. "Well, I'm screwed then." said Blaine, and everyone laughed. "So, one more story and then bed. Who wants to tell it?" "I do." Taylor grinned. He stood up. "And I'll stand as I tell it, if you don't mind. So I can walk around ... act thing out ... freak people out." he started to walk round and round, then cleared his throat. "There once was man named Josh, who lived in La Push. It was a very long time ago back when my house was being built about a hundred years ago. This guy was building it,

alone." He paused, then turned and began walking in the opposite direction. "He wouldn't let anyone help, even though he knew he was building on the aincent burial grounds of our tribe, and the ghosts were rumoured to attack people who tried to build on their land." I watched Taylor as he went round and round. Everyone else was watching too. This story was interesting and kind of creepy. "This is a true story by the way." He narrowed his eyes and smirked. "As Jacoh built, things began to go wrong. His tools would move by themselves. Matireals would go missing. The cement mixer would start mixing without anyone touching it. But little did he know, all of this was leading to his death." Taylor should go into bussiness with this stuff, I thought, as it was beginning to freak me out slightely knowing how much time I'm spent up at Taylor's house. And, I got freaked out easily. "One day as he built, the cement mixer began mixing cement and nails and bits of glass in it. Josh was staning up high on his hand made skeleton. He was right up at the top. He was getting tiered, so he decided to take a break. He took off hisleather gloves and sat down. But the gloves began to levitate and they got their own strength. They pushed him right down into the house, where he going to build the concrete floor. Then the cement mixer flew up and poured the cement with all the bits in it on top of him and it it dried instantly. Josh was buried alive under the tonne of cement that was dropped on him. As well as suffocating he was crushed to death." Taylor paused to look at us all. I didn't realise that me eyes were wide. "Then what happened, I hear you wonder?" Taylor smirked. "The house built itself. The ghost of Josh helped the spirits. The spirits convinced Josh to take his rage out on whoever lived there, so he did, for one hundred years until my dad and I moved in. We were too incerdibly awesome for Josh and the spirits. So now they haunt me specifiacally. In fact, they follow me everywhere. They're in the room right now. Becayse they cant kill me, they haunt, preparing to kill everyone I know. Everyone I love. Everyone I care about." He finished the story with a stamp of his foot. By now, after his walking in circles, he was right behind me and I jumped. Everyone laughed. "Awesome story." said Harry, raising his eyebrows. "Freaky." said Rene, nodding with her eyebrows raised. "Scary." I said. It had scared me, even though I knew it wasn't true. "So, I don't know about you guys, but I'm exausted." I said, staning up. "I'm going to bed." Everyone agreed and made their way towards the stairs. The girls would be in my room, the guys in one of the spare rooms. But on my way to the stairs, Harry stopped me. "So." he said. "I know I ask you about every Friday, but since it's after Friday, how about we catch a movie tomorrow night? There's a new zombie one out. I remembered after Jenna's story." I wanted to sigh. I knew Harry liked me and I didn't want to go on a date with him, so I thought of an alternative. "Sure." I smiled. "Hey guys," I called to everyone on the stairs, and they all looked towards me. "How about we all go to the movies tomorrow night? We can meet there, see the new zombie movie, maybe get some food then we can all drive home." Everyone nodded and said different things in agreement after I said this. "Great." said Harry, looking slightly disappointed now, but still happy, and tiered.

Chapter Seven

What Happened At The Cinema

The next morning everyone woke late, drowsy and zombie-like. After breakfast and a chat and thanks, everyone went their own way, except Taylor, since we always spent the day together now. Bill got home soon after the others left, so he could get properly ready for work and he asked how the night was. I told him about it, some stuff we did and I told him about Taylor's story. He said it sounded creepy. Taylor and I watched TV for a while after he left, then we went on youtube on my laptop for a while and watched some of each of our favourite videos. We googled the name of the movie we would see tonight since Harry had mentioned the name this morning, and we found out it was for anyone over eighteen. I told Taylor I'd buy his and Draco's ticket. and he grinned in thanks. He liked breaking rules. We even watched the trailer on youtube and it seemed gory and gross and scary. That morning everyone had agreed to see the nine o'clock showing of the movie, so we had the whole day to do whatever we wanted. It was actually pretty sunny, for an August day in Forks, so after being online we decided to go to the beach. It wasn't nearly warm abough to swim, but to chill on the sand it was fine. We sat under a bent and crooked tree by the rocks, a good but away from the water. "You know, I think this is the tree we sat under when I was like four, and you tricked me into kissing a crab." he said, laughing at the memory. "I really did that?" I frowned. "I had almost forgot that day. Sorry about that!" I laughed. "Oh no, it was great." Taylor joked. "That little crab was my first love." "Oh get real!" I laughed, throwing a handful of sand at him. "Oi!" he laughed, and threw sand back at me. We ended up spending ages throwing sand at each other. We stayed on the beach for a while after the sand fight and we hung around the house after we got bored on the beach. At seven I left to go get ready fot tonight and let him get ready too. Everyone had agreed to meet at the cinema at half eight and get the tickets, then hang around for a half hour before the movie started. I arrived at the cinema about three minutes after half eight. When I arrived just Harry and Taylor were there, talking. They didn't notice me there. "Are you even old enough to get into this?" Harry raised his eyebrows. I could tell he didn't like Taylor much. "Well Ginny's buying my ticket." Taylor said. "Are you even strong enough to handle watching this?" Taylor asked. I could see why. Harry was looking a bit weak. "Yeah, I am." Harry scowled. "Where are the others?" I asked, coming into the conversation. "Don't know." Harry shrugged. "I'll call them while you get the tickets." The both handed me their money for their own ticket and I went off and got three tickets to the movie. I walked outside to find the guys frowning at each other. "Draco couldn't make it." said Taylor. "His dad isn't well. He has to look after him." "Rene and Victoria have something better on, so the bailed. Jenna wasn't feeling well so Blaine tayed to look after her." said Harry. "Looks like it's just us three." he frowned.

"It'll still be fun." I shrugged. But it wasn't fun at all. Before the movie Taylor and Harry kept shooting each other looks that could crack a brick wall and I was left in the middle. During the movie Harry looked bored while Taylor laughed, saying how fake everything looked. But it was true. It did look fake, but it was still freakish and scary. All during the first half of the film they both sat srangely, their hands closest to me upturned, palms up, as of they were expecting me to put my hand in theirs. About halfway through the movie Harry jumped up and ran with his hand over his mouth towards the exit. "I suppose you want us to make sure he's okay?" Taylor raised his eyebrows. "We should." I told him, so we followed him out. He was in the toilts being violently sick. "You should hold out for someone with a stronger stomach." Taylor laughed at Harry, as we walked towards some steps. "Someone who laughs at the gore that makes weaker men vomit." he laughed softly. It was then I realised we were holding hands. I pulled away. "What, I cant hold your hand?" he frowned. "I just think it means something different to you." I sighed, sitting down on the stairs. "Can I ask you something?" Taylor asked, sitting beside me. "Well you just did, but yeah, ask me whatever." I smiled. "You like me right?" he asked. "Yeah." I nodded. "Of course." "Better than him, or Draco or Blaine?" "Better than all the guys." I assured him. "The girls too." I saw him start to smile again. "And you think I'm sort of hot." he said. "HEY!" I shriked. "I never said that!" "Beautiful, then." he raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, so?" "So? What does all of it mean?" Taylor asked with a sigh. "I don't know." I admmitted. It was the truth. I didn't know. I knew I loved Taylor, but not in the way he was in love with me. I wished he had been born my brother or soemthing like that, so all these hard conversations wouldn't have to exist. But the way he would hold me sometimes, or the way he would wriggle his eyebrows or hold my had wasn't brotherly. We stayed staring at each other, each of us edging closer without even realising it, but then Harry came back. "I should just go home." Harry said. Taylor jumped up. "What is your problem?" He asked, advancing on Harry. "Taylor!" I yelled, jumping up. "Don't!" I grabbed his arm. "Woah you're burning up!" I said, as his skin was like touching black glass that the sun had been shining directly on. "I have to go." he said, glaring at Harry, and he left. "Issuses much?" Harry raised his eyebrows, and I glared at him. "Okay, I'm going." I didn't feel much like doing anything after that so I left too. It wasn't even ten o'clock yet. I was disappointed that everything had gone so wrong, so fast. I felt that it was my fault for some reason. "Hey, what happened?" Bill asked me when I got home so early. "Only Taylor and Harry showed up and they both got sick." I sighed as I headed straight up the stairs.

In my room I closed my window just as I heard a wolf howl. I looked out the window at the moon. It was a new moon. It felt strange hearing a wolf howl at a new moon. It felt strange hearing a wolf at all! But I'd been hearing them for a while lately. I decided to call Taylor, just to see if he was okay, but I got no answer, so instead I just calld the house phone. "Hello?" Tyler answered. "Hey it's me, Ginny. I was just wondering if Taylor got home okay?" I asked. "Oh yeah, he did." Tyler said quickly. "But he's at the doctors now. He isn't feeling well. I'll let him know you called." "Thanks, bye." I said, before Tyler hung up. It worried me that he was talking so fast and being so short with me. But then I began to wonder ... doctors weren't usually open at that time of night. Something seemed wrong.

Chapter Eight The Meadow

In the morning I didn't go and see Taylor like I usually did sunce he was sick. I stayed home not really doing anything. I drew some things, then around noon I called Taylor to see if he was okay, but it went straight to voicemail, so I left a message asking how he was. I sighed, hoping he was alright. Then I called his house phone again and Tyler told me he had mono and wasn't aloud any visitors. I was worried about him. I lay on my bed for about two hours then, just staring at the celing not really doing anything or thinking about anything. I didn't know what I used to do before I started spending all my time with Taylor. After a long time of just wondering what do to I decided to read for a while. I read for the rest of the day, ploughing more than haldf way through a sevenhundred page long book. I didn't know what I was going to do while Taylor was sick, but was I being too needy? He wouldn't be better for at least a week or two, knowing how sick mono could make people. I'd call every few days just in case he needed a friend to talk to while he recovered. That night the nightmare I'd been having gradually came back. Being alone and stuck inside wasn't good for me. The next morning I decided what I was going to do that day. I was going to go to the meadow I used to go to. Just for something to do, and something familiar. When Bill asked me what I was going to do I told the truth and he told me to be very careful. He said there had been some strange attacks in the woods lately, but as long as I stayed on the path to get to where I was going, I'd be fine. Around eleven I hoped in the truck and headed off towards the woods, parking at the edge. I walked in, scared that the familiarity of the place I was going would cause me pain, but sure about what I was doing. It only took about ten minutes to find the place and it was the same as ever. While I was looking around I didn't notice someone else join me. "Well well, Ginevra."

"Stan?" I looked up at him. "What are you ...?" I trailed off my question when I saw the look on his face. Then I saw his eyes were still red. Vampire's eyes were supposed to go golden brown when the started the died of only animal blood. I could tell he'd quit it. "I come as a favour, to Karolina." Stan said simply. "She wanted me to see if you were still under the protection of the Corcorans. But I see you are not." "What does she want with me?" I asked, as he came closer and closer to me. I was getting scared. "Well, she thinks since Jacob killed her mate, she much kill his." Stan smirked. "But I'm sorry, your blood smells so sweet to me and I am quite thirsty. I must deprive her of the oportunity." "Please don't!" I begged. "Sush, so not worry!" Stan said quickly. "She plans to kill you slowly, painfully. But I will be quick, I promise." I was terrified, but just as he leaned in to bite I heard a rustle andStan jumped back. "I don't believe it!" he hissed. "They are here?" I didn't know what he meant by "they", but I didn't dare hope. Then I found I didn't need to. A giant grey wolf emerged from the trees, followed by four others. The grey one followed Stan as he ran off into the trees. I didn't see why Stan would be afraid of wolves, he could kill them in an instant, couldn't he? Three of the four others followed, yet the only brown one looked at me. I looked into one of its giant almost black eyes. It was there, close enough to touch. I wanted to touch it. I reached out my hand towards it and it bent its head, letting me pet it. It was like a normal dog, only huge. I heard a snarl coming from the trees and then a howl and a yell. The wolf lifted its head and ran off to join its pack, but something about it seemed familiar. I had expected the wolf to kill me, but it acted like it knew me, like it was a pet. I ran out of the woods so Stan couldn't find me when he got rid of those poor wolves, but I couldn't help wonder ... What I was thinking was stupid. It made no sense! Just because one thing turned out to be real, doesn't mean the other is. I know! The reason Stan was turned into a vampire was probably some weird wolf realated accident, so that's why he was afraid. That was it. That made sense. But by the noises I heard coming from the trees, Stan had obviously just been killed. So no more attacks in the woods. Unless Karolia had actually been around too? I drove home as fast as I could and went to head up to my room, but Bill stopped me. "Did you see anything strange in the woods?" He asked me, obviously working on something about work. "Not really." I lied. "But I can assure you there will be no more attacks. Don't ask me why." I sighed. "You know, I saw Taylor today." Bill said thoughtfully. I looked up fast. "He looked different. I went to say hi, but he was with Chord and them other three guys." After that I ran outside again without saying anything. So he didn't have mono, he had been sucked in with Chord's gang! It was still arly, I had to go see him. Now. It had started raining again like it had been last night during the short minute I was inside, but I still hoped into my truck without saying anything. Half way there I was Draco, who waved at me, and I decided to stop my truck and talk to him. "What do you know about Taylor?" I asked, right away. "He's in with Chord now." said Draco. He seemed worried. "I'm afraid they'll lure me in next!" he sighed. "You don't think they're doing anything ... ileagal, do you?" I asked, terrified now.

"No one knows." He shrugged and sighed. "But I don't want to be in with Chord and his cult. Ever." That was the first time I heard it referred to as a cult. "Looks like Taylor will be dropping out of school, too." Draco sighed again. "What?" I asked. "That's what all the others did. Joe, Alex. Blaise said he's not going back either." "That's rubish!" I protested. "I'll see you later, I need to get to ... somewhere." I said, and ran back to my truck, not caring I was soaking wet. I drove as fast as my truck would go to get to Taylor's house, and when I got there he was all wrong. He saw my truck and began walking in the opposite direction in the rain. All he was wearing was a pair of jeans, no shirt. He'd die in this weather! And he cut all his hair off, bow it was short and boring like Blaise's. And he got a tatoo! "Taylor!" I screamed, hoping out of the truck. "What the hell? You cut all your hair off, and got a tatoo? And Draco is terrifed it'll be him next!" "Just leave it Ginny." he said, without turning to me, so I ran over to where he was. "What did Chord do?" "Nothing." said Taylor, turning to me but not actually looking at me. "Chord is ... cool. Look Ginny, it's nothing to worry about." He looked uo at me. Then he froze when he caught my eye. He stood there, just staring at me, his mouth half open, for a full two mintues. I was worried, before hie blinked several times fast, and shook his head. He fell to his knees in the mud and sighed. "What?" I frowned. "And what do you mean, 'Chord is cool'? You hated him just a few days ago!" "That was before I understood." Taylor said, his voice softer now. "I'm sorry Ginny, but we can't be friends anymore." He looked as if he were going to cry, before getting up, turning and running off. So that was it, I thought as I got to my truck. First he lies, then he starts acting all weird, now we cant be friends. This day went from bad, to weird, to worse.

Chapter Eight Nothing Is Normal

At home I ran right up the stairs to my room. Bill called after me asking what was wrong but I couldn't speak. I beat mmy head against my pillow and screaed silently. WHY did everything I love leave me? It wasn't fair, nothing was fair. NOTHING. I went to bed early that night and had the worst nightmare yet. It was me, alone in the woods, Taylor left me, he left me, alone in the woods. Then everything just gradually faded away into the blackness. I kept seeing them both, turning, chasing, but they disapppeared too. I screamed. I sceamed and screamed but then I stopped because a plink noise of a small stone hitting glass erupted all around me, and I woke up. But the sound was still there. I got up and went over to my wondow and opened it. "Taylor!" I hissed out the window, after seeing him standing there by y tree, still dressed in what

he was wearing earlier, looking dead tiered. "Move away!" Taylor called up to me. I gasped as I saw him hump against my house, against my tree and swing right through my window. "Hey." he said glumly. "Hey." I said flatly. "You've been crying." he said, seeing my red puffy eyes, smeared with the eyeliner I hadn't bothered to take off. "Why do you care?" I sighed, turning away from him. "Because I care about you." He said, grabbing my shoulder and turning me to face him. "Look." he sighed. "What I said earlier was stupid. I don't want to not be your friend, and I promise I'll never hurt you like that again." "But what is this?" I asked. "Why did you say it, that's what I'm asking." "I wish I could tell you what's going on." a strained look crossed his face. "But I cant. I really cant. But you don't know how much I wish I could." he sighed again and he looked like he really meant it. "Is there anything I can do?" I asked, looking up at him. "Kind of." He frowned. "Try remember something for me. A story. I told it to you in the meadow on your first day here. Promise me you'll try remember it." "I promise." I nodded. I vaugly remembered. A book that helped me figure out what they were, wasn't it? "I should go." Taylor sighed. "I shouldn't even be here." "Okay." I nodded. "Bye." He pulled me into a hig and then sighed "Bye." In my ear, before jumping out the window and landing on his feet, running away into the forest. It was amazing to watch, but strange to think of how he could do that. I tried to think while I went to sleep but I couldn't remember anything. But then I had a strange dream about the friendly wolf from the woods. I wondered if that had anything to do with it. In the morning I had breakfast and then sat in the livingroom thinking, for a long time. I just sat in total silence until about one o'clock when it hit me that I should go see Taylor again, see how much e actually was able to tell me. I literally ran outside into my truck and drove to Taylor's. When I got there I ran across the yard and knocked on the door. Tyler answered. "Where is he?" I asked, out of breath. "He isn't here." Tyler said, but I didn't believe him. I walked past him into the house, through one of the doors in the living room, down the hall right to Taylor's room. When I opened the door I saw he was there, fast asleep looking more peacful that ever. I sighed, knowing I shouldn't wake him, but out his window I saw Chord and his gang aproaching. I made the decision to confront them, so I ran outside. "What did you do to him?" I screamed at them. "We didn't do anything." said one of them I didn't regocnize smugly. "He doesn't need anyone to fight for him." That did it for me. I was just so angry that I slapped him right across the face, and he bagn shaking. Chord was yelling for him to calm down, Blaise yelled at me to get back, then he just exploded. He transfored into a giant brownish-grey wolf, and bits of clothes and shoes flew everywhere while he snarled and snapped. So it's werewolf time. Is nothing in this world what it seems? Is there nothing normal in this world?

"Ginny!" Taylor yelled behind me, running up, jumping out his window. "Taylor! Run for your life!" I screamed, starting to run, but Taylor jumped and I ducked. He became the giant brown wolf I'd petter yesterday, and he jumped at the other wolf. "Take Ginny to Hermione's place." Chord shouted. "I guess the wolf's out of the bag!" Blaise said, as he and the other boy ran towards me, helping me up because I was still on the ground staring in shock. "Ginny, that's Alex and you know me, we're taking you to Chord's finace, Hermione's place so you can ... calm down." said Blaise, as they helped me walk towards my truck. "Will they be okay?" I managed to choke out, as Alex got in the drivers seat and Blaise and I shared the pasengers seat. "Yeah don't worry!" said Blaise. "Even though Taylor's only new, he's the toughest. Hope he takes a bite out of Joe, he deserves it." He laughed slightly, but then saw my look of terror. "Kidding!" he assured me with another laugh. I didn't respond so he didn't mention it again. "By the way, try focus on Hermione's good eye." he told me. "...Okay?" I said, wondering what he meant. We arrived at the house and we got out of the truck and walked inside. I saw Hermione straight away. She had long black hair and was very pretty, except for a scar that passed right through her left eye. "Who's this?" she smiled. "Ginny." said Alex. "Oh, the Vanpire girl!" Hermione smiled. "Well hello Ginny, I'm Hermione, the wolf girl." she laughed. She turned to the guys. "Are you hungry?" "Always!" Balise laughed. "As usual." Hermione pretended to sigh. "And Ginny, help yourself." She placed a plate of muffins on the table. "Thanks." I smiled, and so not to be rude I picked one up. It was good. "This wolf thing is pretty cool you know." said Alex. "Transforming, Imprinting and hey, we can hear each others thoughts too!" "But Ginny already knows, judging by what Taylor says she's read." Blaise grinned. "Well I know about it, but I didn't pick up the signs." I mumbled awkwardly, but then I was saved by the arival of Joe, Chord and Taylor. Chord walked right over to Hermione and kissed her in greeting and I had to look away, because it hurt me to watch. Joe walked right in and up to the table, but Taylor stayed by the door. "Sorry." Joe smiled at me before starting to eat. "It's fine." I said. "I'm sorry too." I looked over at Taylor and he gestured for me to walk with him, so I did. We walked together in silence, until we got to the beach. That's when I decided to talk. "So, you're a werewolf!" I laughed. "Well yeah, last time I checked." Taylor grinned. "Pretty cool, right? When outsider Vampires get too near it awakens and people of the trube start phasing all over the place!" he laughed. "Oh yeah, and we made quick work of that blond deamon." "You mean Stan?" "Yeah. But not before he could tell his black haired girlfried a bunch of crap. He's dead, but she keeps coming back. We don't know what she wants."

"I do." I said, and Taylor turned to me. "She's not his girlfriend, her mate was killed." I sighed. "And she wants me." "So, I'm guessing she was killed by ... well, you know." Taylor said, stopping. "Yeah." I sighed. "Well we wont let her near you, or Bill." Taylor assured me. "Thanks." I smiled. "I would pet you again, but it would be weird since you're human." I laughed. "Well, a hug will do." Taylor grinned, raising his eyebrows. I laughed and hugged him, still smiling. "Happy now?" "Very." We both laughed. "So are you enjoying the wolf things?" I asked. "You know, hearing the thoughts, the speed, the strength, the possibility of imprinting?" "Yeah, I guess." Taylir shrugged. "But I'm still human." He added. "It's not like I'm changed or anything." "Yeah, you can just turn into a giant wolf." I smiled. "Yeah." I smiled. "But there is one thing that I'm dissapointed about." said Taylor. I raised my eyebrows at him. "There's this gift, very raely wolves get it and it's always the same one. I expected, since I'm so awesome, I'd get it, but Joe has it, and only one member of each pack gets it." "What is it?" I asked. "It's like, when you touch someones face you can show them anything you've ever seen or any thought you've ever had." "That's awesome!" I laughed. "I know right?" Taylor raised his eyebrows. "No nothing is as it seems." I sighed happily. "Exactly." We had been walking up and down for a while, but then we sat down under our tree. It when we sat down I realised we had been holding hands. We'd kind of made a habit of holding hands whenever we walked together. "We can still hang out, right?" I asked, then realising what this could mean. "Of course!" Taylor assured me. "And when I'm off chasing that deamon you can still hnad out here. We wont all be going at the same time, you know." "You be careful." I warned. "She's really ... insane." "I've seen." Taylor laughed. "Oh yeah, another cool thing about this wolf thing, I didn't mention. We don't age. We live forever, too." "WHAT?" I shrieked. "That's awesome! Now no one I know will ever die!" I laughed. "We can die." Taylor frowned. "We just have to be murdered or have some medical thing wrong. We just don't get old." "But still." I sighed, contently.

Chapter Nine

The Cliffs, The Sea

The rest of that day was spent just having fun, laughing, joking. Taylor just taking a day off from patrols, searches and everything. I think we may have had more fun that day than ever before, so Taylor could make up for the days we were apart, and the lies. Half the next day was the same, but that Taylor had to run, since Karolina was sighted. I worried about all the wolves as they ran off togehter, and I stayed with Hermione and we talked. Clodagh Mooney visited that day too, just because she really had nothing to do. Being away from Taylor actually hadn't been my problem before though, it was being alone. Being away from supernatural things. Things really get serious over the next few weeks, the wolves having to stay away more and more. Soon enough August was over and September started, but all the wolves had dropped out of school and Chord was much older than the others so he had been out of school a while, so they still had time to make sure I stayed safe. They acted on different plans, ways of tricking Karolina, but she always got away. Once they even chased her half way to Seattle. I got to spend less and less time with Taylor, less time at home and less time with my other friends, but I still enjoyed myself during the day. About three days into September, Taylor finally managed to get a full day, or what he thought would be two days, off, and we planned to go Cliff Divng on the seocnd. But when I called over early the second morning, Tyler said he was already gone out, saying they got something on Karolina and had to run, so I spent half that day at Hermione's again. But hlaf way through the day I thought to myself, would it be so bad if I went alone? I'd still be in La Push, close to all the houses, so it wouldn't be lonely. And I'd been twice before, so I wouldn't be in any danger. I knew what I was doing. So I changed and headed to the cliffs. I didn't tell Hermione what I was doing, since she often worried over small things. Up on the cliffs there was a breeze but I thought nothing of it. I stepped to the edge and crossed my arms over, and jumped in feet first. The wind was cold as it rippled off my skin during the fall, and then I hit the water. I swam back to the surface, but then something I hadn't thought about happened. I wave knocked me under. These waves were stronger than when I'd done it before. I tried to swi but it was too strong and I was pulled under. I was pulled deeper and deeper and I felt my lungs filling with the salt water. I couldn't breathe and all I saw was a blur. I thought I saw something black, danicng around in the water but then everything went black. This must be what drowning feels like. I had one final thought. The thought surprised me. Jacob I love you, Taylor don't worry. Then I felt something warm on my wrist, but everything was still black and I couldn't breathe. I was pulled upwards, upwards, but I kept my eyes shut. I was being pulled into heaven, wasn't I? I felt some soft surface beneath me then. I coughed and spluttered until my loungs were clear, but I still couldn't breathe. "Breath!" I heard Taylor yell. "Please breath!" he begged. I tried but I couldn't, until I felt air being blown into my lungs. It took a few tries but I started to breathe by myself again. "Oh thank god." Taylor said, when I openedmy eyes. "What were you thinking, Ginny?" he asked with a sigh. "You couldn't make it so I went myself." I said with a shiver. My throat hurt. "You're lucky I saw you! I was chasing Karolina but she went into the water." So that's what the

black was. "And I barely had enough time after I saw you jump to phase and put some clothes on. I thought if the waves didn't kill you, she would." He sighed. "Let me get you back to the house. I have some bad news." He picked me up, even though I could prbably walk myself. He carried me all the way back to Hermione's and gave me and towel and a blanket when he put me down on the couch. I was freazing and sneezing. The water was like ice. "What's the bad news?" I asked, after I had a drink. "Oliver Mooney had a heart attack." he said, his voice straining. "Karolina caused it. He died." "No!" I said. My throat burned with my shout. "I'm afraid so." "But he was so young." I sighed. He was only in his late forties I'd say. "And his poor kids!" I chocked out. "Everyone is at my place now. That's why here is so empty." he sighed. "You should get some sleep, Ginny. I'll stay with you." So I let my tierdness take me over and I fell asleep, still shivering. I didn't dream while I slept. Just dreamless sleep. When I woke Taylor was there like he promised, and it was dark outside. "I should get home." I said, rubbing my eyes with shaking hands and standing up. Even after my sleep I was so cold. "I'll drive you there in your truck." Taylor said, so I changed and we walked to my truck together. We sat on opposite sides of the truck, driving on in silence, each thinking our own thoughts. I stayed shivering, pulling my jacket as tight as it would go. "One hundred degrees over here, you know." said Taylor, so I moved over and leaned against him. He was like an oven. "You're so warm!" I said, just as we were pulling into my drive. "It's a wolf thing." he laughed slightly. "No." I shook my head. "It's a Taylor thing." he smiled. "We shouldn't do this." he sighed suddenly. "You saw what happened to Hermione." "What?" I looked up. "You would never hurt me." "Ginny, CHord lost it for a split second, and Hermione was standing to close." he sighed. "What if I did something to you?" "You wont." I shook my head. I lowered my voice. "I know you wont, because I'll never let you get angry. I'll always make sure you know, I'll always tell you, how special you are." I layed my head against his shoulder. I could have turned and pressed my lips to his neck, but I knew what would happen then. I sat up and we looked into each others eyes, both of us moving in, until Taylor suddenly turned his head fast, his eye windening. "There's a Vampire!" he said. I panicked.

Chapter Ten Germany

I looked out the window rapidly and the panic was over as soon as I saw what I saw. I suddenly realised how much I missed the Corcorans and how happy I would be if they came back. My

hopes soared way up. "That's George's car." I told him. "It could be a trick!" Taylor warned. "And this isn't out land, I cant protect you here." he pleaded. "Don't worry." I assured him. "I'll be fine." I got out of the car and he sighed. I walked into the dark and empty house and my hand fumbled on the wall to find the light switch. My hand shook violently with nerves, excitement and now that Taylor was gone, cold. But then the light was turned on before my hand found the switch. I whipped around. "Ahsley!" I shriked, and without thinking I hugged her tight. "It's so good to see you!" I smiled hugely. "Are the others ...?" "No, it's just me." said Ashley. "Would you like to explain how you're alive?" she asked. "WHAT?" "I had a vision. I wasn't looking for you or anything, I swear, but I just saw you, and you jumped off a cliff! Ginny, why would you try and kill yourself?" "I was cliff diving!" I said. "I've been before, but with Taylor." "I never saw you." She frowned. "I didn't see you get pulled out of the water either ..." She looked deep in thought. "I can't see anyone in the tribe!" she sighed loudly. "Oh, that explains why you haven't been seeing me." I tried to cheer her up. "Ginny ..." she frowned. "What smells like dog?" "Oh, Taylor's a werewolf now." I explained. "Because Korolina's back they started springng up." "Karolina?" "Yeah." said Taylor, walking in. "She's here for Ginny. We've been protecting her." "Taylor, I thought you said you couldn't protect me here?" I frowned, standing up from where I had sat on the couch with Ashley. "I guess I don't care." Taylor sighed. "Can I please talk to you?" "In the kitchen." I said. "Ashley, please don't leave." I begged. "No, don't worry I wont." she smiled at me, not even looking at Taylor, as Taylor and I passed through into the kitchen. "Are there others?" He asked as he closed the door. "No." I shook my head. "Ginny, why are you doing this to me? You know we're natural enemies!" Taylor pleaded. "Ashley is my other best friend!" I told him. "Fyi, she left. Remember?" He raised his eyebrows. "I know." I sighed. "Please just ... be careful?" Taylor begged. I sighed. "If not for you ... for me?" he was lowering his voice on each word, moving closer to me. "Okay." I whispered, as he leaned in towards me. I closed my eyes. I knew what was about to happen, I knew Ashley was in the other room, probably listening to everything, but I strangely didn't care. But just as Taylor's bottom lip hit my top lip, the kitchen phone rang.

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