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English Language and Composition Style Sheet #3: The Death of Benny Paret 1/17/12 Titles of Academic Work: The title you give to a rhetorical analysis or other academic writing should be formal and indicate what the writing will be about. If you are writing about another work, include it in your title and italicize it to indicate its a title. Do NOT italicize (or bold or capitalize or enlarge or quote) your own title: The Death of Benny Paret: An Analysis Formatting: For ALL work you word process in ALL classes, use MLA format: 1 margins, double spaced, appropriate MLA heading, 12 pt. normal font. Quotations: Never start a sentence with a quotation. Introduce it with your own text (lead in), and incorporate it GRACEFULLY into your sentence so that your WHOLE SENTENCE makes sense. If appropriate, explain the significance of the quotation afterward. Quote: Do NOT use this word to refer to something you are quoting. Superfluous words: Leave them out. Especially, get rid of has the ability to; is able to; in the essay. Duh words: Also leave them out. He uses diction; He makes you want to keep reading; He throws in . . .; He uses syntax. Seriously? Duh.

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