Presentation1 Snow White

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Snow White and seven dwarfs

Group members Nurul Atiqah binti Saiman Liyana binti Azman Saiyidah Sarah binti Ghazali Lecturer: Madam Punethawati a/p Rajagopal

Snow White was born into the royal family. Her mother died during childbirth. After sometime, the King, Snow White's father, remarried a wicked woman Not long after their marriage, Snow White's father died leaving her an orphan. As a child, Snow White's vain and wicked stepmothe optimistic princess, even when others were rude to her or when things got tough she always gave a positive look on life a pure-hearted princess, she's never mean, cruel, or stubborn that why she is the Fairest Of The All her purity show beauty then The Queen vanity.

Snow White

Snow White is the sweetest and most gentle of all the Disney Princesses. She is childlike and kind, but she shows the sternness of a mother, such as when she made the Seven Dwarfs go wash their hands, or else they'd get no supper She enjoys singing, dancing, cooking (thanks to her stepmother making her a scullery servant in the castle), daydreaming, and loves all animals. Quiet, because because her own parents have died, Snow White seemed empathetic for the dwarves when she thought they had no mother or father

The Queen
She is cold, cruel, and has an extreme vanity that made her utterly intolerant of rivals. She has such vanity that she consults her Magic Mirror every day, ordering the slave within to reveal the name of the fairest in the land. Her vanity and jealousy of Snow White's superior beauty and The Prince's attentions eventually drove her to murderous insanity. she transforms herself into a hideous hag and conjours a poison named 'the sleeping death' to achieve this end is a sign of her determination and desperation.

Humbert, The Huntsman

Humbert was first conceived of as a ruthless killer, who looked forward to his job such that his face would light up when the Queen gave him new instructions. Humbert takes the princess to a secluded glade in the forest, where she picks wild flowers.Snow White cries. Humbert hesitates at this and drops the dagger from his trembling hand, realizing he can't take a sweet little princess's life, as well as being struck by her beauty Kneeling before the princess (and awkwardly wiping his tears of shame on Snow White's dress), he warns her of the Queen's jealousy, and tells her to run away.

Seven Dwarfs

1.Dopey- He is not dumb, but merely acts like a toddler or a dog he occasionally whimpers, laughs or hiccups, he does not talk 2.Grumpy-most capable,stubborn and competent of the dwarfs. has an extreme distrust for women at the start of the film, believing them to possess black magic and wicked intentions.

Sleepy and Doc

3.Sleepy-True to his name, Sleepy is always weary and droopy-eyed, and is always eager to fall asleep. -Despite his laziness, he often proves to be the most observant and sensible of the dwarfs. He is constantly pestered by a fly. 4.Doc-hold complete authority over all the dwarfs except for Grumpy, who often objects to his decisions.

Bashful and Sneezy

5.Bashful - extremely shy, particularly in front of Snow White. His tendency to blush, burying his head in his beard, appears to infuriate Grumpy. 6. Happy -a very fat, jolly fellow, with a bubbly personality. 7.Sneezy -Sneezy's name reflects his nature. -friendly and His sneezes are extremely powerful and can blow away anything and anyone in his path. -As a result, the other dwarfs are quick to hold his nose whenever he feels a sneeze coming.

The Prince
Love Snow White -He loves Snow White at first sight Hero -He saves and cure Snow White by kissing her and awakens Snow White from the curse.


1. Castle 2. Forest -where the huntsman intended to kill Snow White - The dwarfs placed Snow Whites glass coffin trimmed with gold in a clearing in the forest -a prince, who had previously met and fallen in love with Snow White and he kisses her, which breaks the spell and awakens her. 3.cottage deep in the wood (the dwarfs house)

Simple and short sentences pupils easy to read and understand high frequency words (and, the) Vocabulary groups include: (simple words) -Adjectives (shy, happy, grumpy, mean) -Landscapes (forest, lakes) -Buildings (houses, castles, towers) -Houses/furniture (beds, kitchens, housework) Sample repetitive text: Mirror, mirror on the wall who is the prettiest of them all? Possible language areas: Comparatives and superlatives Youre pretty, but Snow White is prettier. Shes the prettiest of them all.

-Familiar to children

The story talks of a queen who one day thought of how lovely it would be to give birth to a little daughter. So with that in mind a month later she gave birth to a little girl who was white as snow, red as blood, and with black hair she was so amazed by her features that she named here lovely daughter ,Snow White. The queen died and in a year her husband married again, a woman who was beautiful but proud and haughty. She had a magic mirror which she asked question and always told her the truth, so she would always ask the mirror and the mirror would reply you are, my queen.

Snow White grew up and became the beautiful than the queen herself. The mirror even told the queen that Snow White was a thousand times fair then the queen would ever be, and this made her very upset. The queen ordered Snow White to be killed in the forest, but the man had pity on her and just left her in the forest. She later found herself at a cottage in the forest and went inside. While inside she all she saw was surround by was little beds, chairs, and clothing that looked like they were for little kids and then fell asleep in one of the little beds

Snow White lived with the dwarfs from that day on and she never returned home. When the servant returned, the queen ran up to him and asked if the job was done, and he told her that he had indeed killed Snow White. The next morning the queen went up to her magic mirror and asked, Mirror, mirror on the wall who was the fairest of them all, and the mirror replied, you are my queen but,Snow White is a thousand times prettier. The queen was in a rage, because she knew that the mirror did not lie.

The next morning the queen dressed up like an old lady and went down to the forest looking for Snow White and indeed the queen found her . She approached Snow White and offered her an apple, Snow White refused but the old lady insisted. Snow White eventually took the apple and she took a bite of it, within minutes. Snow White had feel in to a comma. The queen ran in a frantic with a smirch on her face.

On the dwarfs way back from work they saw Snow White passed out on the floor they rushed her back to the cottage where they tried to retrieve her but it did not work. The dwarfs were determined to let their friend be buried with glass. So they got a glass coffin and placed her in it and took her to the prettiest part of the forest were they put her to rest.

One day a prince was happened to rid through the forest and noticed snow White in her coffin. He was so amazed by her beauty that he decided to take her coffin with him. So he ordered his servants to take her coffin with them, and they did. On the way his servant tripped and the jolt caused the poisoned piece of apple to fly out of her throat. She suddenly opened her eyes and sat up. The prince ran over and gave his soon to be queen a kiss. Snow white went with the prince and married, and forgot all about her step mother and lived happily ever after with her king

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