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Multiplication Table

Multiplication Table To remember Multiplication Table, consider the sum of multiplicand and multiplier. Remember the values for the sum < 10 (2 times table upto 8 x 2; 3 times table upto 7 x 3; 4 times table upto 6 x 4; 5 times table upto 5 x 5;). We may call these basic Multiplication facts to be remembered. Using these basic Multiplication facts, We arrive at the values for the sum > 10 (all other values of the multiplication Table) using simple technique from Vedic Mathematics. The method we follow, here, is very simple to understand and very easy to follow. The method is based on "Nikhilam" sutra of vedic mathematics. The method will be clear from the following examples. EXAMPLE 1 : Suppose, we have to find 9 x 6.

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First we write one below the other. 9 6

Then we subtract the digits from 10 and write the values (10-9=1; 10-6=4) to the right of the digits with a '-' sign in between. 91 6-4

The product has two parts. The first part is the cross difference (here it is 9 - 4 = 6 - 1 = 5). The second part is the vertical product of the right digits (here it is 1 x 4 = 4). We write the two parts seperated by a slash. 91 6-4

---------------------------------------5/4 ---------------------------------------So, 9 x 6 = 54. Let us see one more example. EXAMPLE 2 : Suppose, we have to find 8 x 7. First we write one below the other.

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Then we subtract the digits from 10 and write the values (10-8=2; 10-7=3) to the right of the digits with a '-' sign in between. 82 7-3

The product has two parts. The first part is the cross difference (here it is 8 - 3 = 7 - 2 = 5). The second part is the vertical product of the right digits (here it is 2 x 3 = 6). We write the two parts seperated by a slash. 82 7-3

----------------------------------5/6 ----------------------------------So, 8 x 7 = 56. Let us see one more example. EXAMPLE 3 : Suppose, we have to find 9 x 9. First we write one below the other. 9 9

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