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I read a story today. Thirteen people had gotten killed in an attack. Thirty were wounded. Sad news.

The story continued on to explain how these 13 victims were conducting their normal affairs; planning their day, leaving their families, going to work, enjoying their lives, looking forward to returning home and planning their futures. They are now dead. Never to breathe another breath on this earth. Out of nowhere, death and mayhem came. People are shocked. Their co-workers, neighbors, countrymen are all perplexed, saddened, expressing anger and revenge. Different groups are demanding blood. Others are demanding patience. News reports speak of terrorists, foreign invaders, betrayals and treason. Some even call the victims terrorists, without knowing them or their political aspirations or religious views. The government is torn between placating the concerns of its country, the problems arising from this slaughter and how all of this must play out in the international stage. The 30 wounded will never be the same. The shock from living through such a nightmarish experience can never be forgotten. People can learn to adapt, but the question remains why? What did these innocent people do to deserve such a fate. Thirteen lives are now dead. Thirty wounded. This killing happened six months ago in Kandahar, Afghanistan, by a drone. Has your response changed? Is it any less newsworthy?

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