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I could not sleep throughout that night.

The heavy rain and the roaring thunder made me woke up every single minute. The others slept quietly and easily ignorin g the disturbing noises of mother nature. If this is going to be like until morni ng, I will surely going to leave this place! I screamed in my thoughts. If I had k nown it would be like this I would have never signed up my name to join this bor ing and miserable expedition in the first place, argh! I continued my moaning. Wha t are you blabbering about? Your irritating moan is louder than the thunder! Why wont you sleep already? asked Mr Ramli. Its the noises! I cannot stand of hearing i t all the time! I need my beauty sleep! I angrily answered his question. Suddenly a wide and happy smile had caught Mr Ramlis face after hearing what had I just h ad said to him. Just think of happy thoughts and go to sleep. See you in the morn ing. He said with a soft laughter. Hah? My head began to wonder because of his st range and happy smile just now. After wards the rain had vanished and the loud t hunder had also stopped. My eyes then slowly closed until I had slept soundly li ke a baby.

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