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APPLICATION : The candidates interested in applying for the job can be selected through campus recruitment programmes in various universities. Giving presentations, holding social mixers in an effort to publicize the firm and identify high-potential candidates. The interested candidates can also apply by filling up the online application form on the companys website. From the applications received, the candidates are short listed who are not eligible.

PROBLEM SOLVING TEST: The test is designed so that no business background is required or expected. The problem solving test has been designed to assess the candidates ability to solve business problems using deductive, numerical and inductive reasoning. The problem solving test contains 26 multiple choice questions which must be completed in 60 minutes. This test will be based on 3 client related scenarios whereby information is provided in the form of text, tables and exhibits.

FIRST ROUND INTERVIEWS: The first round will consist of two interviews. One will be a experience interview while the other is a case study interview. Experience Interview : Interviewers are trained to examine the past accomplishments in depth, to determine if the skills position the candidates well for a successful career at the firm. They discuss most important past experiences in a very detailed way, focusing on a specific role and describing the main actions that were critical to success. Case Interview: The case interview consists more of a general discussion. The interviewer will tell about a recent project that they have been working on and the candidate will be expected to discuss some problems surrounding the case.

Final Round Interviews: Passing the first round interviews will result in being invited for a final round interview session. This will consist of 2 interviews and a role play. Interview: The interviews at the second round are very much similar to the first; there will be one case study interview and one competency based . The difference between the first and second round interviews are mainly based on whom are the candidates interviewing with; expect to meet senior managers, directors and managers at this stage. Role play: The candidates act as a business advisor to a client (whom the interviewer will pretend to be) and will be given a scenario relating to the client. They will be expected to come up with good proposed actions, communicate well and reason with the client professionally even if they are being unreasonable or difficult.

Criteria For Shortlisting Of Candidates

Problem Solving Achievement Personal Impact Leadership

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