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|CIC: 241

[11:48:02:2] IAM------>
### TMR: 0 Cat. A: OPC: 2095 DPC: 2078 "Speech" 10 "Ordinary calling subscriber" SLS: 14 ###

+ NATURE OF CONNECTION INDICATORS + Satellite indic.: 0 "No satellite circuit in the connection" Continuity check indic.: 0 "Continuity check not required" Echo control device indic.: 0 "Outgoing half echo control device not included" + FORWARD CALL INDICATORS + National/international call indic.: 0 "Call to be treated as a national call" End-to-End method indic.: 0 "No end to end method available (only link-by-link method available)" Interworking indic.: 0 "No interworking encountered (No.7 signalling used all the way)" End to End information indic.: 0 "No end to end information available" ISDN User Part indic.: 1 "ISDN user part used all the way" ISDN User Part preference indic.: 0 "ISDN user part preferred all the way" ISDN access indic.: 0 "Originating access non-ISDN" SCCP method indic.: 0 "No indication" VPN call indic.: 0 "Non VPN call" + CALLED PARTY NUMBER + B Number: 0050640100000F Nature of address indic.(BNT): Numbering plan indic.(NAPI): Internal Network Number indic.:

3 "National (significant) number" 1 "ISDN (Telephony) numbering plan(Rec E.164)" 0 "Routing to internal network number allowed"

+ CALLING PARTY NUMBER + A Number: 22756379 Nature of address indic.(ANT): 3 "National (significant) number" Numbering plan indic.(NAPI): 1 "ISDN (Telephony) numbering plan(Rec E.164)" Screening indic.: 3 "Network provided" Address presentation indic.: 0 "Presentation allowed" Calling party Number Incomplete indic.(NI): 0 "Complete" + OPTIONAL FORWARD CALL INDICATORS + Closed user group call indic.: 0 "Non-CUG call" Simple segmentation indicator.: 0 "No additional information will be sent" Connected line request indic.: 0 "Connected line not requested"

[11:48:17:2] <------REL
*** RELEASE (REL) ***
### OPC: 2078 DPC: 2095 SLS: 14 ### + CAUSE INDICATORS + Location: 10 "Network beyond interworking point (BI)" Cause: 41 "Temporary failure"

[11:48:17:2] RLC------>
### OPC: 2095 DPC: 2078 SLS: 14 ###

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