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The nurse should prepare a woman who is pregnant for the first time to expect which of the following changes in her breasts during the first trimester? 1. striae development on the breasts 2. presence of a tingling sensation 3. leakage of colostrum 4. appearance of secondary areola II. When teaching a pregnant woman about the expected enlargement of her abdomen, the nurse should include which of the following pieces of information? 1. The fundus cannot be felt during weeks 1012. 2. During weeks 2022 the fundus is half-way between the symphysis and umbilicus. 3. At 28 weeks the fundus is one finger breadth above the umbilicus. 4. At 36 weeks the fundus is just below the ensiform cartilage. III. Question: What is the normal duration of pregnancy? 36 weeks 38 weeks 40 weeks 42 weeks IV. Question: When a fertilized egg implants itself outside the uterus, it is known as: Preeclampsia Ectopic pregnancy High risk pregnancy Caesarean section Answers: I(2) During the first trimester, which is the first 12 weeks after conception, the woman might experience a tingling sensation in her breasts. This is normal. The tingling sensation is also present in the third trimester. Striae develop on the breasts during pregnancy but are most common in multiparas rather than primimparas. Colostrum is not present until the 12th week of gestation. After 20 weeks of gestation, secondary areola might appear and are characterized by washed-out spots surrounding the primary areola. II(4) At 36 weeks gestation the pregnant woman can anticipate her fundus to be just below the ensiform cartilage. However, the size of the uterus can be inconsistent with the length of gestation. During weeks 1012 the fundus can be palpated slightly above the symphysis pubis. During weeks 2022 the fundus is at the umbilicus. At 28 weeks the fundus is three finger breadths above the umbilicus. III. The correct answer is 40 weeks. The normal duration of pregnancy averages 280 days or 40 weeks (10 lunar months; 9 calendar months) from the 1st day of the last normal menstrual period. IV. The correct answer is Ectopic pregnancy Ectopic pregnancy is any pregnancy implanted outside the uterus. It usually occurs in the fallopian tubes, but may occur in the ovary, cervix, abdomen or the site where the fallopian tube and uterus join. This condition requires removal of the embryo (developing fertilized egg) to prevent rupture of the internal organs and severe bleeding. *Mengenai luteinizing hormone (LH) yang benar adalah : (D). A.Dihambat oleh GnRH B.Dikontrol oleh testosteron C.Adalah hormon peptida D.Disebut juga ICSH E.Berada dalam sumbu HPA *Fungsi human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) adalah : (C). 1.Merangsang terjadinya ovulasi 2.Memelihara korpus luteum 3.Menjaga implantasi zygote 4.Mengontrol uterus *Pengendalian produksi testosteron dilakukan melalui : (A).

1.Umpan balik testosteron ke hipofise anterior 2.Hormon inhibin 3.LH 4.FSH *Semua urutan kejadian di dalam testis untuk pembentukan spermatozoa disebut spermatogenesis Spermiogenesis adalah pelepasan sebagian sitoplasma spermatosit. (D). 8. Which of the following agent simultaneously contains RNA &DNA? A. Bacteria B. Plasmid C. Prion D. Viroid E. Virus 9. Treponema pallidum cannot be visualized by light microscope because A. Cannot be stained by ordinary stain B. It is transparent C. Diameter less than 0.2 micrometer 25. Which of the following genital flora microorganism is present in a significant decrease number in bacterial vaginosis? A. Candida albicans B. Corynebacteria species C. Lactobacillus species D. Prevotella species E. Staphylococcus epidermis 26. It is not a normal flora,but pathogenic A. E.coli B. M.tuberculosis C. Neisseria D. Staphylococcus E. Streptococcus


126. Movement of sperms out of vas deferens into urethra. A. Ejaculation B. Emission C. Cryptorchidism D. Polyspermy E. Oligospermy 127. Which statement is CORRECT? A. Contraction of the adult men cause decrease in concentration of FSH and LH B. Testosterone increase the release of FSH and LH C. Testosterone secreted by Leydig cell D. Inhibin increase release of FSH E. Inhibin secreted by Leydig cell 128. Which of the following statement is CORRECT about human spermatozoa normally? A. Remain motile in female reproductive tract for less than 15 minutes after ejaculation during intercourse. B. Leave penis, suspended in semen, which only comes from prostate gland immediately before and after ejaculation. C. Derived from spermatogonia, cells in the seminiferous tubule that contain haploid number of chromosome. D. Stored in seminiferous tubule, rete testis, epididymis and vas deferens. E. May remain viable in epididymis for period up to 5 years 129. Which of these statements is CORRECT about the erection of penis? A. It responds to the reflex of the parasympathetic. B. It is initiated by afferent neuron in the glan of penis C. It occurs after puberty D. E. It requires intact with brain stem 130. Which one is CORRECT about FSH? A. In presence of LH, inhibit estrogen B. Inhibit spermatogenesis C. Increase 10 folds during pregnancy D. Release is modulated by impulse impinging of thyroid gland E. Secreted by anterior pituitary 131.

132. Labor is probably induced by pituitary production of this substance in response to severe stretch on the uterine cervix A. 17OH progesterone B. Progesterone C. Estradiol D. Oxytocine E. Cytotrophoblast 133. Within 5/7 days after ovulation and conception, implanting embryo begin producing this substance. Which is the hormone that saves the corpus luteum from regression A. 17-OH progesterone B. Progesterone C. Estradiol D. oxytocin E. HCG 134. The secretion function of corpus luteum can be monitored by level of this plasma or serum A. 17-OH Progesterone B. Progesterone C. Estradiol D. Oxytocin E. HCG 135. In the normal, 25 years women, (healthy) menstruation? A. Occur 1 to 2 days after ovulation B. Always occur every 4 weeks except during or immediately after pregnant C. Occur several hour after the formation of a corpus luteum in ovary D. Is a period of secretion by endometrium of uterus E. Occur 1 to 2 days after the formation of corpus albicans of the ovary 136. 25 years old normal woman, not pregnant, menstruation: A. Last 1st day during each 28 day cycle. B. Occurs 1 or 2 days after increase estrogen and progesterone. C. Associated with blood loss 30 ml. D. Associated with dilation of basal segment of spiral artery of endometrium. E. Associated with risk of uterine infection. 137. Which of the following hormone exerts little or no control over the endometrium of the uterus in its proliferative phase but during its secretory phase indirectly responsible for changes that occur? A. Progesterone B. FSH C. Estrogen D. Prolactin E. LH 138. 139. In normal, healthy 25 year-old woman, 4 days before onset of menstruation A. Decrease plasma concentration of estrogen and progesterone and decreased released of FSH B. Decrease plasma concentration of estrogen and progesterone and corpus luteum change to corpus albican C. Increased progesterone D. Increased progesterone and estrogen 140. 2 years before occurrence puberty A. Gonad insensitive to pituitary gonadotropins B. Pituitary & hypothalamus are devoid gonadotropins C. Concentration of adrenal androgen in blood markly lower than in boys & girls at 15 years old age D. Little pulsatile release GnRH from hypothalamus E. Pituitary glands do not respond to pulsatile release of GnRH 141. Puberty before the age of 10 years old A. May be caused by the destruction of the pituitary B. Causes a delay in the closure of the epiphyseal plate C. In over 80% of the causes pathologic tumors are found in the patients D. May be caused by hypothalamic lesions E. Is extremely rare 142. During pregnancy, (HCG) A. Slowly increases in concentration throughout pregnancy B. Start to decrease in concentration at about the middle of the 1st trimester of pregnancy C. Causes a decrease in concentration of estrogen and progesterone and blood D. Increases in concentration throughout pregnancy and while increasing decreases the concentration of estrogen and progesterone E. Increases in concentration throughout pregnancy and while increasing concentration of estrogen and progesterone increase 143.

144. The event that initiate parturition (labor) are not well defined for humans, we do know, however that during the last day of pregnancy A. Oxytocin is released by posterior pituitary & decrease the frequency of uterine contractions B. Stretching the uterine cervix is a potent stimulus for oxytocin release C. Prostaglandin decrease uterine contraction D. Prostaglandin formation in the deciduas of the uterus is depressed E. Progesterone facilitates uterine contractioncc 146. Postmenopausal woman has A. Increase gonadotropin because the decrease secretion of ovaries steroid B. Tendency towards hot flashes as a result of increase secretion of estrogen C. Increase in plasma concentration of gonadotropin and ovary steroid D. Incapacity to achieve orgasm E. Decrease concentration of gonadotropin in plasma 147. Hormon utk perkembangan folikel? 148. Hormon utk maturasi folikel?

152. Which of the following statement is TRUE concerning estrogen? A. Promote female secondary characteristic B. Helps control fluid & electrolyte balance C. Increase protein catabolism D. Inhibit development of female reproductive structure E. Increase blood cholesterol 153. 154. Which of the following hormone exert little or no control over the endometrium of the uterus in its proliferative phase, but during its secretion phase is directly reponsible for changes to occur. A. Progesterone B. FSH C. Estrogen D. Prolactin E. LH 155. In normal healthy young women with 28 day mens cycle A. Proliferative uterus karena estrogen yg dihasilkan folikel Graaf B. Menstruasi karena progesterone di corpus luteum C. Oral estrogen / progesterone enlargement ovary & produksi follicle de Graaf D. Estradiol concentration plasma begin fall di ovulation & terus decrease E. Progesterone concentration plasma begin fall di ovulation & terus decrease 156. Which of the following statements is CORRECT about combined oral contraceptives? A. Will prevent menstruation about 50% of the time B. Depress the release of gonadotropins by anterior pituitary C. Have a failure rate less than 0.1% D. Causes a decreased extracellular fluid volume E. Decrease the risk of thrombosis 157. 158. Yang benar dari pernyataan di bawah ini A. in a lactating mother, within 24 hours after the end of parturition, the uterus stabilizes within 10% of its weight before pregnancy B. it is usually safe to have coitus during menstruation, 8 months of pregnancy, and 1 month after parturition C. in the post parturition period, most women who breast feed their children, have less interest in coitus than those who do not nurse D. there is reduced in sexual intercourse in the woman during the second trisemester E. symphathetic stimulation enhances oxytocin secretion in lactation 159. In 24 years old healthy woman A. breast enlarge during pregnancy because of high concentration of estrogen and tyroxine B. breast enlarge during pregnancy because of high concentration of estrogen and testosterone C. after parturition estrogen increase initiates lactation D. after parturition progesterone increase E. oxytocin promote milk ejection 160. In lactating woman

A. thyroxin causes the contraction of myoephitelial cell B. prolactin causes the secretion of milk C. oxytocin is not essential for milk ejection E. menstruation is heavier than woman who do not nurse 161. 162. This structure is formed by union of the duct from seminal vesicle and ampulla of the ductus deferens. This structure terminated in the prostatic urethra. Which of the following structure is described above? A. Epididymis B. Pancreas duct C. Ejaculatory duct D. Urethra E. Membranous urethra 163. Alkaline fluid (pH 7.4-7.6), fructose, clotting protein (60%) of total fluid, secreted by: A. prostate B. bulbourethral C. urethra D. seminal vesicle E. epididimis 164. Gland like doughnut shape secret milky proteolityc enzyme acidic fluid plasmin? Prostate 165. This structure is long thin process that surround the opening of uterine tube, this process also line by simple squamous epithelium. A. Infundibulum B. Ampulla C. Isthmus D. Intestinal tube E. Fimbriae 165. Pea size, secreted mucous and alkaline, inferior to the prostate A. B. Cowper C. Urethra D. Prostate E. Vesica seminalis 166. Sperm store at 167 This structure will be increase mass during pregnancy by hyperplasia dan hypertrophy A. uterine tube B. epimetrium C. endometrium D. myometrium E. vagina 168. A long thin processes that surrounds the opening of uterine tube. It is lined by simple squamous epithelium. A. Infundibulum B. Fimbriae C. Isthmus D. Ampulla E. Intestinal tube 169. Thick layer endometrium? B functional layer 170. What is the term of series of functional changes of sperm before able to fertilized the secondary oocyte? A. Semen B. Capacitation C. Ejaculation D. Ovulation E. Uterine cycle 171. 172. The opening of uterine tube was projected to the posterior part into:

A. fimbriae B. ampula C. infundibulum D. fornix E. orifice of vagina 173. The epididimis receive mature sperm cell from A the vas deferen B rete testis C tubulus seminiferous D ejaculatory duct E prostate gland 174. The crura of the clitoris attached to the A. Symphisis pubis B. Ischial spine C. Ischiopubic rami D. Transversal perineal ligaments E. Ischial tuberosities 175. The point where the cervics project into vagina has a hollow recess known as: A infundibulum B Vestibule C Labia mayora D fornix E Orifice of vagina 176. Protrusion of cervics to vagina? 1. Which of the following statement concerning the mediastinum is TRUE? a. The anterior mediastinum contains great vessel b. The middle mediastinum contains heart c. The structure inside the mediastinum are very immobile / firm d. The posterior wall are cervical n thoracic vertebrae e. The posterior mediastinum contains subclavian vein 1. Micturition reflex initiated by? 120. A 39 years old female has just Pap smear test. In the microscopic description the pathology describe smear atypical anaplasia. Which of the following characteristic for anaplasia? A. Cell and nucleus monomorphic B. Nucleus content more RNA and polymorphic C. Nucleolus prominent D. No mitotic cell differentiated tumor E. No formation giant cell 139. A baby born a term has ambiguonous external genitalia. The parent want to know the babys sex, but the physician is hesitate to assign a sex without further information. After chromosome analysis is performed and the karyotype is 46, XX. An abdominal CT scan reveals bilaterally enlarged adrenal gland and the internal genitalia appear to consist of uterus, tubes, and ovaries. This is most likely to be an example of? A. Turner syndrome D. Hermaphroditism B. Testicular feminization E. Fragile X syndrome C. Female pseudohermaphrodite

144. A 25 year old male is moderately mental retarded. Physical examination finding includes enlargement of testes. He has distinctive physical characteristic: long face with long mandible and hyperextensible joint. Which of the following is his disorder? A. Fragile X syndrome D. Klinefelter syndrome B. Ehler-Danlos syndrome E. Marfan syndrome C. Turner syndrome 146. Bayi dilahirkan umur 18 minggu, di leher ada?... ginjal berbentuk horse shoe shaped, aortic coarctation. What syndrome? A. Down C. Patau B. Gaucher D. Turner 1. 7 day after ovum and sperm fertilized,the implemented will produce a substance. What is the hormon that saves corpus luteum from degeneration ? a. LH b. Progesteron c. INhibin d. Oxcytocin e. hCG 2. The secretion function of corpus luteum can be determined by measuring substance level in plasma and serum. Whai is the substance ? a. LH b. Progesteron c. Inhibin d. Oxytocin e. Cytrantoxin 3. What hormon that increase flexibility of the pubic symphipis during childbirth ? a. Estrogen b. Oxytocn c. Relaxin d. Inhibin e. Progesteron 4. What hormon is secreted by corpus luteum to maintain the uterine lining during the first semester of pregnancy ? a. Relaxin b. Inhibin c. Progesteron d. hCG e. LH 5. The first the female getis called :

6. Which the following statment are correct : (1) the female reproductive cycle consist of menstrual phase, a preovulatory phase, ovulation and postovulatory phase. (2) During the menstrual phase small secondary follicle in ovary begin to enlarge while the uterus is sheeding its linning (3) During the preovulatory phase a dominant follicle continues to grow and begin to rebuild (4) Ovulation result in the realese of an ovum and the shedding of the uterine lining to nourish and support the realesed ovum (5) After ovulation, a corpus luteum forms from the ruptured follicle and begine to secrete progesteron and estrogen , which it will continue to do throughout pregnancy if the egg is fertilized (6) If pregnancy doesn't occur,then the corpus luteum degenerates into a scar callled corpus albican, and the uterine lining s prepared to be shed again a. 1,2,4,5 b. 2,4,5,6 c. 1,4,5,6 d. 1,3,4,6 e. 1,2,3,6 7. The permanent cessation of menses is called : 8. What hormon that stimulate the initial secretion estrogrn by growing follicle : a. FSH b. LH c. Oxytocin d. hCG e. Estradiol 9. What event that are happenend in the uterus during secretory phase : a. Decresing level estrogen b. DEgeneration of corpus luteum c. produce the corpus luteum d. Vascularization of the superficial endometrium e. Endometrium is dischargr 10. What hormon is rising during last part of preovulatory phase ? a. Estrogen b. Progesteron c. FSH d. LH e. Relaxin 11. After ovulation, a blood clot forms from minor bleeding of the ruptured follicle name : a. Graafian foicle b. Secondary folicle c. Corpus hemorhagicum d. Corpus luteum e. Corpus Albican 12. One folicle outgrows the others and become dominant while other degenerate. THis event occur during : a. Preovulatory phase b. Ovulatory phase c. Post ovulatory phase d. Secretory phase e. Menstruation phase

13. Which hormon is responsible for the surge of LH at midcycle : a. FSH b. LH c. Progesteron d. EStrogen e. Inhibin 14. Which of the following is not the function of the estrogen : a. maintain secondary sex characteristic b. Decrease protein anaboism c. LOwer blood cholesterol level d. Development of female reproductive organ e. In moderate levels inhibit realese GnRH and secretion of FSH and L 15. Which hormon that is secreted by granulose cell of growing follicle : a. estrogen b. progesteron c. relaxin d. inhibin e. oxcytocin 16. HOw much blood that is discharge during the menstrual phase a. 25-50 ml b. 50 - 75 ml c. 50-100 ml d. 50- 150 ml e. 100- 150 ml 66. What is the cause of polyploidy? A. Immature of separation during meiosis (non-disjunction) B. The chromosome is 69 C. Cell containing multiple of diploid cell 76. Fertilization is a process of fusion of sperm and ovum. What occurs during capacitation? A. Release of secretine enzyme B. Removal of glycoprotein layer C. Capacitation D. Removal of acrosome enzyme 84. During gastrulation, the primitive streak is formed. Which part it is formed? A. On the surface of epiblast B. On the inner surface of epiblast C. Between epiblast and hypoblast

D. On the hypoblast E. Below the hypoblast 90. A patient have heart defect. What is the origin of heart? E. Sinous venous which form bulbus cordis 93. CNS is the center for processing info in our body. Which of the following of the above system is formed by neural crest? A. Forebrain B. Midbrain C. Mindbrain D. Spinal nerve E. Spinal cord A. Ectoderm B. Lateral Mesoderm C. Intermediate Mesoderm D. Splanchnic Mesoderm E. Endoderm 96. Spermatogenesis occur at this organ 97. Gases exchange in body occur in this region 98. The process of information occur in this organ 99. The organ that produce oocyte A. Head ectoderm B. Otocyte C. Ectoderm D. Endoderm E. Neural Endoderm 100. This organ is for smelling 102. This organ will develop retina 104. Which of the statements is TRUE about dizygotic twins?

A. Both have similar sex B. Both zygote have one chorion for both C. The individual members have resemblance D. Two oocytes fuse with two sperm E. The two share placenta for both 105. Which of the statemens is TRUE about monozygotic twins? A. Both have similar sex B. Both zygote have one chorion for both C. The individual members have resemblance D. Two oocytes fuse with two sperm E. The two share placenta for both 106. Siamese twins are connected to each other by a special connection of the body which is A. Skin B. Kidney C. Heart D. Pulmonary E. Stomach 108. A newborn baby congenital cataract. His mother suffers by German measles during pregnant. When mother infected caused by this problem? A. 1-5 week B. 6-10 week C. 11-15 week D. 16-20 week E. 20-25 week 147. Telencephalon berkembang / berdiferensiasi jadi apa? a. thalamus b. hipothalamus c. cerebellum d. cerebral hemisphere 1.common test use for pregnanacy a.urine

b.blood c.feces d.spatum e.CSF 2.most suitable statement for IVF Answer: fertilization occur in tetube 3.a 38 years old women is alredy 5 years married. She go to aster clinic in hasan sadikin hospital to take part in assisted reproductive technology (ART) programmed What is the best way to prepare her? give her information about her medical condition tell her about pregnanacy, on going and take home baby rate tell her about therapeutican diasnostic procedure she has to endure tell her all information she needed to change her apearence e.not to give her copius hope 4.when the doctor in charge tell her that there is possibility to failure it is mean that he is trying to tell her a.the limitation of medical capability (CURE) b.he is beneficience c.he is trying to prevent non maleficience prepare herself from emotional disapurintment e.he is respecting her right aoyonomy 5.the patient is 38 years old women. Ths the success rate for the ART is low. So what is the best way to treat her? a.cure first, care later first, cure later c.cure and care simultaneously d.cure and care simultaneously equally e.cure and care ,care is the major 6.which is the bioethical issue in ART ? a.informent consent b.IVF c.embryo transfer the end of the programmed every stage of ART 7.child in cianjur and banten are suffered from malnutrition. The children in cianjur have plump appearance with swollen abdomen cause dby accumulation in the cavity abdomen. The distention of the fluid in the abdominal cavity can press direct to what part of the abdominal wall? a.parietal peritoneum b.visceral peritoneum c.transversal peritoneum d.campers face e.scarpas face 8.what is the mostly cause of plump appearace in cianjur children? a.low carbohydrate level b.low fat level c.low protein level d.low albumin level e.low mineral level

9.cianjur children experience hypoalbinemia. What method used to separate albmin from protein blood? a.cromatography b.polymerase chain reaction c.electrophoresis d,flow cytometry e.impedance 117.chromosome gain material, called? a.transversion b.deletion c.insertion d.inversion e.duplication 118.steps appropriate development of ovum /oocyte? a.primordial germ cells produced in ovary b.primordial germ cells differentate into oogonia c.oogonia will become primary follicle d.graafian follicle become follicle e.primary follicle become primary follicle 121.explain which appropriate for development of sperm? a.maturation of sperm begins at puberty b.spermatogenesis begins with formation of spermatids c.2 types of spermatogonia small and large d.spermatogonia undergo mitosis to form 1 spermatocyte e.sperm is diploid 124.what is appropriate statement for fertilization? a.oocyte is ovulated tu uterine b.occur in ampulary region c.more than one sperm enter the oocyte d.sperm penetrate zone pellucid e.fusion of oocyte and sperm forming zone 128.cytoskeleton that can help in sperm motility?? Answer: microtubule 131.which metabolic change in cellular aging?? a.increase mitochondria oxidatoion b.increase protein synthesis c.increase cell receptor d.decrease telomerase e.oxidative peroxidative of erganells 135.epidural hematoma is due to rupture of middle menigeal artery which is branch from what artery? a.maxilla b.facial c.lingual d.pharyngica ascendant e.bacillar 136.fracture of 1/3 distal of right clavicle elevates medial fragment of fracture due to contain to condition of..muscle a.sternocleidomastoid

b.trapezius c.scalena 1. What is the aim of testis biopsy in male with azoosperma? A. To sort cell B. To culture cell C. To evaluate cell cycle D. To isolate cell E. To evaluate cell division 10. Disadvantage of IUD : A. Leading to a temporary higher risk of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) B. . C. . D. . E. . Answer: A. Explanation: Slide Family Planning (page 25) Intrauterine Device : Some risk of bacterial contamination during insertion, leading to a temporary higher risk of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) 11. Which of the following statements is related to sperm donation and intrauterine insemination? A. Sperm and egg are fertilized in a petri dish and the zygote is transferred to uterus for implantation B. Sperms catalog is available so the child may acquire certain characteristics, e.g. hair, eye, colour, skin and colour C. Sperm donation does not allow genetic disease D. Success rate being 30% E. The technique has twice birth defect 20% Answer: B. Explanation: Slide Advanced Technology in Reproductive Medicine (page31) Sperm donation and intrauterine insemination : Catalogs can aid a couple in choosing the sperm from which their child may acquire certain characteristics, such as eye color, hair color, body type, intelligence, and interests. 12. GP (General Practitioner) are suppose to be able to give service : A. All kind of contraceptive method B. All kind of contraceptive method, except implantation and sterilization C. All kind of contraceptive method, except sterilization D. Hormonal, IUD, Barrier method only E. Oral contraceptive and Barrier method only Answer: E. Explanation: Ga ada di slide sih, tapi menurut diskusi kemaren, dokter umum tidak melayani kontrasepsi implantation, sterilization, dan IUD. Jadi jawaban yang dipilih E. 12. Which is psychological aspect and hydatidiform mole? A. Medical complication B. Distress, disappointed, and fear of repetition C. Fear of repetition and malignancy D. Profuse bleeding, reproductive failure, and fear of repetition, and malignancy E. Decrease in general health condition Answer: C. Explanation: Ga ada di slide sih, tapi menurut diskusi kemaren, option A,B,D,E mengandung unsur physiology. Jadi jawaban yang dipilih C.

13. To be professional one has to fulfill which of the following criteria? A. Intensive preparation, including cognitive, psychomotor, and effective aspect and long life education B. Intensive long life education, member of solid organization, commiting to individual and service C. Intensive long life education, member of solid organization, commiting to individual and public service D. Intensive long life education, member of solid organization, commiting to individual and public service Answer: D. Explanation: Slide Introduction to Medical Professional (page2) A calling requiring specialized knowledge and often long and intensive preparation including instruction and skills and methods as well as in the scientific, historical or scholarly principles, underlying such skills and methods, maintaining by force or organization or concerned opinion, high standard of achievement and conduct, and committing its members to continue study and to a kind of work which has for its prime purpose the rendering of public service. Diposkan oleh superstar2007 di 06:39 0 komentar

1. Which one is not an ethical issue in Reproductive Medicine? a. sex selection b. sperm donor c. surrogate mother d. feticide e. sperm insemination husband Ans: e ethical issue: sex selection, destruction of unwanted embryos (feticide), sperm donor, surrogate mother. klo sperm insemination husband dari sperma suaminya sendiri 2. Preimplantation Genetic Disease (PGD) disadvantage? a. succesful rate 97% b. escaped inherited disease c. prevent risk of miscarriage due to chromosomal abnormalities d. can be used for sex selection e. can be used to avoid passing x-linked disease Ans: d PGD advantage: helps prevent the risk of miscarriage due to chromosomal abnormalities, success rate 97%, escaped many different kinds of inherited disease, used to avoid passing on x-linked disease. problem: cause ethical boundaries when it is used for sex selection 3. During Intracellular Sperm Injection (ICSI) a. a microscopic hole is drilled into ovum or chemical is used to dissolve the outer shell of the ovum b. a single sperm is injected into the center of an ovum c. the ova are put in a dish and mixed with sperm, the zygote are implanted d. the zygote is placed in the fallopian tube allowing it to implant naturally e. ova and sperm are placed in the fallopian tube before conception Ans: b a: zonal dissection c: in vitro fertilization d: zygote intra-fallopian tube transfer e: gamete intra-fallopian tube transfer

4. Which is psychological aspect of hydatidiform mole? a. medical complication b. distress, disappointed and fear repetiton c. fear of repetition and malignancy d. profuse bleeding, reproductive failure, fear of repetition and malignancy e. decrease in general health condition Ans: c hydatidiform mole adalah keadaan yang terjadi sebagai akibat rusaknya sirkulasi vili korionik pada sel telur abnormal, ditandai dengan proliferasi tropoblas dan edema disolusi serta pembentukan celah kista stroma, yang membentuk kista menyerupai buah anggur 5. What are the objectives of family planning? a. regulate fertility b. postpone/space and limit pregnancy c. prevent high risk and pregnancy d. build small welfare and happy family e. regulate fertility, prevent high risk, pregnancy and build welfare happy family Ans: e lihat slide family planning 6)Contraception leads to immoral behavior because A)Contraceoption makes it easier for people to have sex outside marriage B)Contraception carries health risk C)Contraception prevents potential human beings being conceive D)Enables women whose health would be risk if conceive to continue have sex E)Contraception may lead to depopulation Jawab A Jawaban b merupakan efek samping,c merupakan fungsi dari contrasepsi ,d keuntungannya,e merupakan kerugian didalam segi masyarakat 7)What is in vitro Fertilization (IVF) A)Test tube babies are conceived in Petri dish and then is implanted in the uterus B)Fertility drugs C)Artificial insemination D)Mthod of contraception E)Therapeutic cloning Jawaban A Di slide Advanced Technology in reproductive medicine hal 3 8)Hormonal method. A)Patch B)IUD C)Spermicide D)Introitus E)Tubal ligation Jawaban A Di slide family planning 9)Barrier method A.Tubal Ligation B)IUD C)Spermicid

Jawaban C Di slide family planning 14 universal moral philosophy of bioethics are a. beneficence, honesty, compassion, non maleficence b. beneficence, honesty, compassion, justice c. autonomy, beneficence, honesty, justice d. non maleficence, autonomy, beneficence, justice e. beneficence, non maleficence, autonomy, honesty jawaban d karena yang ada pilihan honesty dan compassion salah 15 what is the most important current issues in medical profession A. people are full of admiration for biomedical technologies b. dissatisfaction for malpractice and ethical misconduct c. shift the paradigm from paternalistic to equality d. ambivalent feeling between admistration in CURE and dissatisfaction in CARE e. doctor are taking a defensive medicine attitude jawab d care n cure dari kedokteran merupakan art n science nya 16what differentiates medical profesion from other profesion Jawab a doctor are not supposed to treat patients as commodity business 17which is included in the reproductive system a. obstetrict b. obstetrict and ginecology c. obstetrict, ginecology, pediatrict d. obstetrict, ginecology, family planning, contraceptive service e. obstetrict, ginecology, family planning, pediatrict 73. 25 years old woman (normal), not pregnant, menstruation: a. last 1st day during each 28 days cycle b. occurs 1 or 2 days after increase estrogen c. associated with blood loss 30 ml d. associated with dilation of basal segment of spiral artery e. associated with risk of uterine infection 74. Which of the following hormone exerts little or no control over the endometrium of the uterus in its proliferative phase but during its secretory phase indirectly responsible o changes that occur? a. Progesterone b. FSH c. Estrogen d. Prolactin

e. LH 75. In normal healthy young woman with 28 days menstrual cycle a. Proliferative uterus because of estrogen produced by follicle de Graaf b. Menstruation because of progesterone in corpus luteum c. Oral estrogen/progesterone enlargement ovary & production of follicle de Graaf d. Estradiol concentration plasma begin fall at ovulation & keep decreasing e. Progesterone concentration plasma begin fall at ovulation & keep decreasing 81. One of the following statement is related to sertoli cells a. It migrated yolk sac b. It secretes inhibin & activin c. It directly stimulate the proliferation of spermatozoa d. It prevents spermatogenic cells exposed to antigen e. It susceptible to radiation 83. This structure is long thin processes that surround the opening of the uterine tube. This processes also lined by simple squamous epithelium. Which of the following is true about the structure mentioned? a. infundibulum b. ampula c. isthmus d. interstitial tube e. fimbriae 87. The point where the cervics projects into vagina has a hollow recess known as a. infundibulum b. vestibule c. labia majora d. fornix e. orifice of vagina 124. An 8-year-old female can bend her thumb back to the forearm. She can pull her skin out from her abdomen about 8 cm and when her skin is cut, difficult to repair. What is your diagnosis? A. Down syndrome B. Tay-Sachs diseaseC. Ehlers-Danlos syndrome

D. Turner syndrome E. Gaucher syndrome Ans: C. Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (Robbins & Cotran page 155) For question number 125 & 126, refer to the scenario below: A 25-year-old female with amenorrhea is 146 cm tall and is found on physical examination to have a webbed neck. An abdominal magnetic resonance imaging shows streak ovaries that are small, long and thin. 125. These features are classic for which disease? A. Down syndrome B. Tay-Sachs diseaseC. Ehlers-Danlos syndrome D. Turner syndrome E. Gaucher syndrome Ans: D. Turner syndrome (Robbins & Cotran page 180) 126. Which of the following chromosomal abnormalities is most likely to present? A. 45,X B. 47,XX C. 47,XY D.69,XXY E. 47,XXY Ans: A. 45, X (RobbinS & Cotran page 179) For questions number 127 and 128, refer to the scenario below: A fetus is delivered stillborn at 19weeks gestation. The macerated fetus shows marked hydrops fetalis. There is a large posterior cystic hygroma of the neck. Autopsy reveals internal anomalies, including aortic coartation and a horseshoe kidney 127. Which of the following disease is most likely to develop in this fetus? A. Down syndrome B. Tay-Sachs diseaseC. Ehlers-Danlos syndrome D. Turner syndrome E. Gaucher syndrome Ans: B. Turner syndrome (Robbins & Cotran page 179, Genetic Disorder Slide page 54) 128. Which of the following is most likely to be found on the chromosome analysis of fetal cells? A. 45,X B. 47,XX C. 47,XY D.69,XXY E. 47,XXY Ans: A. 45, X (Robbins & Cotran page 179, Genetic Disorder Slide page 53) 129. A 25 year old male has a work up for infertility and is found to have oligosperma. Physical examination findings include bilateral gynecomastia, reduced testicular size, and reduced body hair. He has a distinctive body habitus, increase length between soles and the pubic bone, and also an eunuchoid body with abnormally long legs. Which of the following karotypes is most likely to be found on chromosome analysis of this person? A. 45,X B. 47,XX C. 47,XY D.69,XXY E. 47,XXY Ans: E. 47,XXY - Klinefelter syndrome (Robbins & Cotran page 179, Genetic Disorder Slide page 52)

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