Artist Statement

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There is a world hidden away from the harsh judgmental eyes of normal society.

A beautiful world with art, peace, and serenity. A world that hides out of fear and necessity. A world I have been given the privileged to be a part of. The idea of fusing my two passions into one artful experience is the realization of a dream. Kinbaku is an ancient form of Japanese rope art. It transcends the borders of BDSM and fetish into beauty and art. I discovered Kinbaku about four years ago. The first touch of the languid rope drug across my skin felt as though a missing piece of my soul I hadn't noticed missing was recovered. When I am bound I feel peaceful; the world has stilled, time ceases to exists, and I can just be. I feel strong and vulnerable, exposed bare and secure. I am one with the rope and the energy within and around it. I am art, a creation, a masterpiece. The midwest is a very conservative region with heavy christian values. It makes displaying the beauty of Kinbaku difficult. The line between art and pornography is obscure in a subjective world. There was a time when a project like this was not possible. Perhaps I would have an easier time if I were in France like Man Ray, or Japan like Araki. Contemporary art has opened Pandora's box and made controversial art possible in areas and times it once was not. I hope to challenge the way people see Kinbaku, or art itself. You don't have to be mainstream to be beautiful.

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