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SGPT and Its Relation to Liver Disease

Knowing the causes of high SGPT will help you understand liver diseases. A SGPT that is higher than normal is usually a sign of damage to the organ. Causes High levels may be due to too much drinking. Drinking too much alcohol can lead to liver deterioration. It can also be due to diabetes complications. Fatty, greasy and oily food can also cause problems with the liver. It is best to avoid these types of food. If your SGPT is high, it could also be due to a heart ailment. There are tests available to check the level. Common Liver Damage Symptoms Patients with liver disease often complain of feeling very tired and how fatigue they quickly become. Other common signs are diarrhea, loss of appetite and nausea. Indigestion is reported and there is difficulty eating food. These are also symptoms of other diseases, so you should suspect liver disease only if the following symptoms manifest. Jaundice This condition makes the skin appear yellow. The urine has a dark color and the eyes appear yellow. In many liver ailment cases, jaundice is the only indicator. Cholestasis refers to the bile flow stoppage or blockage. This can produce jaundice and enlarged gallbladder and spleen. Some patients end up getting chills, itching and aching bones. Ascites This is another symptom where fluids accumulate in the abdominal cavity. This produces breath shortness. The abdominal cavity is distended too. Symptoms in Severe Cases If the disease is in the advanced stage, mental disorientation and confusion will set in. In very severe cases, the patient will end up in a coma. Diagnosis and Tests The most common method is a blood test. Your doctor will check the prothrombin time, liver enzymes, cholesterol measurements of albumin and the protein level. The protein test determines how much protein is present in the urine. Aside from the liver, this test is used to check the kidney. A biopsy may also be performed. Percutaneous biopsies are conducted by piercing a needle in the organ to obtain a sample. The transvenous biopsies are performed by putting a tube in the jugular vein. Laparoscopic biopsies are done in pretty much the same way. But instead of obtaining a sample, doctors use a laparascope to examine the organs surface. Aside from excessive drinking, other causes of failure of the liver are hepatitis B, hepatitis C, malnutrition and cirrhosis. The disease can also be due to acetaminophen overdose.

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