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Dhirajlal Hirachand Ambani

Born on December 28, 1932 in Chorwad, Gujarat. Business sense came early as he sold bhajias to pilgrims on Mount Girnar during his childhood. Went to Yemen to join his elder brother, worked at a gas station. Later promoted to as a distributor of Shell products. Came to India, started the business of exporting spices. Founded Reliance Commercial Corp. with cousin Champaklal Damani with initial capital of 15,000.

An Opportunist

During 1950s-

In the 1950s, the Yemini administration realized that their main unit of currency, the Rial, was disappearing fast. It was found that a young man in his twenties was placing unlimited buy orders for Yemini Rials. Rials, pure silver coins and was in much demand at the London Bullion Exchange. Young Dhirubhai bought the Rials, melted them into pure silver and sold it to the bullion traders in London.

Entrepreneurships true sense lies in the fact that he always looks upon opportunity

A Visionary

Government of India introduced High Unit Value Scheme; hence Dhirubhai shifted his interests from spices to nylon fabrics.
When most Indian business houses depended on government owned financial institutions for funds, Dhirubhai raised capital from the public by offering shares of his companies.
It does not require an invitation to make profits By Dhirubhai Ambani

The Innovator
Dhirubhai Ambani is credited with starting the equity cult in India. Dhirubhai identified a new market for his brand Vimal - the non-metro urban segment. Backward Integration: To strengthen his position in the textile sector,Dhirubhai integrated backwards

and produced fibers.

The Helper

When things went wrong, he was the first person to sense that the circumstances would have been beyond his team's control, rather than it being a slip on their part.
His first instinct was always to join his men in putting out the fire and not crucifying them for it.

The Solution Seeker

Dhirubhai faced resistance from cloth merchants; so decided to open his own showroom for Vimal Polyester Prince announced a buyback scheme when the polyester he produced was losing its demand. Whenever a task seemed too big to be accomplished, he would reply: " No is no answer!"

"It's difficult but not impossible!"

The People's Man

Dhirubhai followed an 'open-door policy. Employees could walk into his cabin and discuss their problems with him. He was always inviting people into sharing their thoughts and ideas, rather than shutting them out. Always there for his team and brought around confidence in them. Arm-around-the-shoulder leader This tendency that he had, to draw people towards him, manifested itself in countless ways.


Never followed the textbook style of management , evolved a Unique style The American Style of entrepreneurship With the Japanese Focus on Technology And innate shrewdness of a Gujju businessman A Perfect manager of Time , Money , Men and Passion to find solution to problems Believed that business was not all about Ethics & Morality ,it was all about Expansion & Success

Famous Motivational & Inspiring words of Dhirubhai Ambani I am deaf to the word no. Growth has no limit at Reliance. I keep revising my vision. Only when you dream it you can do it. Think big, think fast, think ahead. Ideas are no ones monopoly Our dreams have to be bigger. Our ambitions higher. Our commitment deeper. And our efforts greater. This is my dream for Reliance and for India . Give the youth a proper environment. Motivate them. Extend them the support they need. Each one of them has infinite source of energy. They will deliver. We bet on people. Dont give up, courage is my conviction. We cannot change our Rulers, but we can change the way they Rule Us.

Sun sets down

Dhirubhai will go one day. But Reliances employees and shareholders will keep it afloat. Reliance is now a concept in which the Ambani s have become irrelevant. By Dhirubhai Ambani Dhirubhai Ambani breathed his last on July 6, 2002

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