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Synthesis This part of the research shows the difference, similarities and uniqueness of the present study compare

to other previous studies. Two studies were used to compare the present study, entitled: Spirituality: Living our Connectedness by Burkhardt (2004) and Decision Making by Prakash (2008)

The study of Burkhardt (2004) only focused on nurses in general as the person who delivers care to patient while the present study focused on ICU nurses as a respondents in the study that delivers care to critically ill patients. It also discussed more about on the spirituality that has a big impact in treating patients and caring for patients. It doesnt attach to decision making but instead centers on spiritual side. Unlike the present study, it includes spirituality as a factor that contributes to styles of decisionmaking of ICU nurses as will be the result in the study.

The other study is Decision - Making by Prakash (2008) that only focused on clinical decision making while the present study focused on the styles of decision making. The present study wants to know the category in style but not the way how a nurse makes a decision that makes it differ from the study of Prakash (2008). She not only focused on nursing but in general and spirituality is not included within her study.

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