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The has been developed under the training which is taken at star computer jaipur, by the Mr.Vijay kumar Jain.. Main Aim of this Project is to give the facility of purchasing Dogs,Cats Breeds,&Birds and Fishes On Line.By Which time of the customer is to be saved. All the Transaction of information like Payment for Product , information about Breeds & product is to be dine online or via internet browser. By this there is no need to go to market and waste own time .This Project Is to be developed using ASP.NET with the code behind C#. I use SQL SERVER 2005 as a database (back end) to store data .


Acknowledgement Certificate Preface

1. About ASP.NET
What ASP.NET Why ASP.NET WEB Services WEB Controls How Web Server Execute File 2.

3. System Requirement Introduction of .NET .NET System Class Library Win Form

Plan of Project Development Details of Project Developed




ASP.NET Is A Key Part of The Wider Microsoft .NET Initiative , Microsofts NewApplication Development Platform. .NET is Both An Application Architecture To Replace The Windows DNA Model And A Set of Tools , Services , Applications and Servers Based Around The .NET Framework and Common Language Runtime (CLR). Rather Than Just Being ASP 4.0 or an Incremental Upgrade , ASP.NET is Acomplete Rewrite From The Ground Up, Using all The Advanced Features .NET Makes Available. ASP.NET Can Take Advantage of All That .NET Has To offer , Including Support For Around 20 Set of or .NET More .NET Languages Software From C# To Perl.NET , and The Full Framework Libraries. Web

Applications Written in ASP.NET are Fast , Efficient , Manageable, Scalable , and Flexible, But , Above all , Easy to Understand And To Code. Components and Web Applications are And They offer All Compiled .NET Objects Written in the Same Languages , the Same Functionality , So No need to leave the ASP

Environment For Purely Functional Reasons. Youll Have Less Need For Thirdparty Components .With a Few Lines of Code , ASP.NET Can talk to XML , Serve as or Consume a Web Service , Upload Files , Screen Scrape a Remote Site , or Generate an Image.With the .NET Framework and ASP.NET , Microsoft Has Not Just Shown itself to Be a Contender in Web Development Technologies , But many Commentators Also Believe Microsoft Has Taken The Lead . ASP.NET is well Equipped For any task you Want to put to it, from Building Intranets to Ebusiness or E-commerce Megasites. Microsoft has been very Careful to Include the Functionality and Flexibility Developers will Require , While Maintaining the Easyto-use Nature of ASP With ASP.NET you Now Have a True Choice of Languages. All the .NET Languages have access to the Same Foundation Class Libraries , The Same Type of Systems , Equal object orientation and inheritance abilities, and full interoperability with existing COM components. You can use the same knowledge and code investment for everything from Web development to component development or enterprise systems, and developers do not have to be concerned about differences in APIs or variable type conversions, or even deployment. ASP.NET incorporates all the important standards of our time, such as XML and SOAP, plus with ADO.NET and the foundation class libraries, they are arguably easier to implement than in any other technology, including Java. An ASP.NET programmer still only needs


a computer with Notepadand the ability to FTP to write ASP code, but now with the .NET Framework command-line tools and the platforms XML-based configuration, this is truer than before. Microsoft has included in the .NET Framework an incredibly rich feature set of library classes, from network-handling functions for dealing with Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and Domain Name System (DNS), through to XML data and Web Services, to graphic drawing. In the past, the limitations of ASP scripting meant components were Required for functionality reasons, not just for architectural reasons. ASP.NET has access to the same functionality and uses the same languagesin which you would create components, so now components are an architectural choice only. A .NET developer is shielded from changes in the underlying operating system and API, as the .NET technologies deal with how your code is implemented; and with the Common Type System, you dont have to worry whether the component you are building uses a different implementationof a string or integer to the language it will be used in.


ASP.NET isnt simply the next version of ASP its a completely

redesigned technology that them with the power of

takes the best aspects of ASP and merges pure object-oriented programming (OOP) , a

powerful development framework , to give it a vast range of functionality and the advantages of a fully compiled execution environment . Because the changes between ASP and ASP.NET are so drastic , current ASP developers must unlearn many concepts that they became accustomed to in ASP in order to truly get the most out of ASP.NET. One of the most dramatic be very changes easy to in ASP.NET is that as its now a fully compiled to the environment . Microsoft has implemented this very intelligently and it would dismiss ASP.NET interpreted because, programmer and the end user , it appears as If ASP.NET works in exactly the same way as ASP . You modify your ASP.NET page , you refresh the page in the browser , and the changes are reflected. No where are you required to run a compiler . Compilation actually occurs the first time a page is requested after it has been modified. This compiled copy is then kept until the page is modified and requested again . As Ive already mentioned , this process is totally transparent to the user . Theres naturally a significant performance advantage of ASP.NET over ASP . Now, in addition to the obligatory scalability advantage of a compiled application . Itsalso important mentioned to note that while ASP.NET functionality , supports its the previously possible to compile on demand also

precompile ASP.NET applications into a .NET DLL , which is the method that Visual Studio .NET uses by with it. default when building Web applications



When We Use The Internet The Two Things We Use Most Likely Use, It For are Sending (and Receiving) E-Mail and Suffering the Web . These two Application are , by far the Most Popular Uses of the Internet . Building on the Success of the WWW , Web Services Has the Potential to be The Next Big Thing. The Web is a Great Way to Share Information . However the Problem is to be that Web is only to be use by Human . Whereas Web Services are Built to be Read and Interpreted by Computer Programs not by Humans. Web Services are , in effect , Web Sites for Computers to Use . These Web Sites tends to be Dynamic in Nature , so They Dont Contain Static Unchanging Content , But Can React and Adapt to Choices and Sections. Web Services are Based on Completely open Standards that are Their

not tied to any particular Platform or any particular Company. Part of

Attraction is that doesnt matter whether you deploy your web services on Solaris , Unix , Mac , or Windows- any one will be able to Connect to and Use your Web Services. .Net Implementation of Web Services are entirely based around a love with for

programming paradigm that developers have been falling in methods in it.

years . The Principle behind a Web Services is that you build a class that has



The ASP.NET Web controls are also known as Web form controls . Microsoft hasincluded a plethora of Web controls in the

namespace. For discussion purposes , we will divide

these controls into three major categories: Basic Web Controls : These model. Validation Controls : These controls have been developed exclusively for input validation . Databound ListControls: These belong to the new generation of controls that provide additional power and development speed .These are also typically referred to as Templated Web Controls. All Web controls are derived from the generic class named WebControl. Thus, the Web controls nherit a common set of class members. Some of the frequently used members include
BackColor , BorderColor , BorderStyle, BorderWidth , DataBind,Enabled , Font , ForeColor ,

Web controls are similar to HTML server controls but have

additional features . These controls have a richer and more consistent object

Height , Page , Parent , Site , TabIndex , ToolTip , Visible, Init , Load , Unload , Dispose , ToString , OnInit , On Load , and OnDataBinding.



When a site visitor requests a Web page address , the browser contacts the Webserver specified in the address URL and makes a request for the page by formulatinga HTTP request , which is sent to the Web server . The Web server onreceiving the request determines the file type requested and passes processing to the appropriate handler. ASP.NET files are compiled , if necessary , into .NET Page classes and then executed , with the results sent to the clients browser. Compilation means that on first load ASP.NET applications take longer to display than previous versions of ASP , but once compiled they are noticeably faster.

Client-Server Interaction ASP.NET applications are a mixture of client side markup and code , and server side processing . When an ASP.NET Web form page is downloaded to the visitors Web browser , additional code is included to previous ASP versions . This extra code enables richer form functionality , including server and client side events , validation , and the ability to maintain form value state . The server determines browsers the visitors browser client type and sends will be markup dealt to match within the the abilities . Some interactions with

visitors browser , while others will require information to be posted to the server for processing and the altered page returned . As form responses are received , the form values are maintained in a new facility of ASP.NET State Bags and are compressed into a hidden form elementcontaining the page Viewstate. This allows the form elements that the visitor has interacted with to maintain the same values as when the page was submitted . As illustrated


in Figure the browser can request information from and send information to the server using two HTTP methods , GET and POST.



default.asp or index.html . You can add information as parameters , called a querystring. This is separated from the rest of the URL with a question mark , and the parameters take the form of keywords and values such as keyword=value, . Multiple parameters are separated with ampersands , so if we have two parameters , foo and bar , they would be Presented like foo=a & bar=z. So , a full GET request including query string could be . When a browser sends information using the POST method , the parameters are compiled in the same way but sent separately in the HTTP header , and so are not seen in the URL portion of the browser like GET requests are . Forms often use POST for this very reason . Other information goes into the HTTP request header , such as what browser the user is using and so on . As you will see later , your ASP can pick up this header information and the querystring parameter values . Server-Side Processing When the server receives this request , it will find the page that was

requested using the path information specified , and the relevant system will process the page . In the case of Classic ASP , there was not much to this process , although a certain amount of caching happened . As you will see in Figure with ASP.NET the process is a fair amount more involved but provides for much faster processing and delivery.


Serve Finds Reque st Compilati on Files Compile Yes Save Error Response

ASP. NET process

Changed ? No Execute


4. Plan of Software Development

The project of On Line Trading System has been developed in following stages:

Analysis Design Coding Analysis:

In the analysis phase, information about the current technology in the

field of web application and on .net has been collected and studied from the concerned websites and books. We have also gone through the already available software in the concerned field, to have a look & feel of their mode of operation. Also questioned were asked from general public for their requirements and view for the concerned software.

Design : In the design phase DFDs and flow charts of the software are developed,
and the software has been modularized. To develop the interface referenced has been taken from the already available software in the concerned field.



: The coding part of the software is done in .net framework, and the

interfaces are developed using ASP.net2.0 .


5. Detail of Project Developed

The On-Line Trading Project contain information about the user who logined to this and have an account can buy books on line. There is a facility to access products like computer , washing machine ,TV of different companies. All the information about the product & user is to be stored in a database .Each product have an product id by which a particular products is to be defined. In this project there is also a facility for the user to complain to the company website about a product if a product have any problem . The other facility provided in this project is to feedback form which provides the controls for the user to give the information about the project to their particular company.

1. Minimum System Requirement


Software Requirement
Processor Operating System .NET Framework Pentium1 / AMD Athlon ALL Windows series O.S. Visual Studio 2003 or higher

Hardware Requirement
Memory Disk Drives 256 MB RAM Hard disk with at least 2GB of free space 1.44 MB floppy disk drive CD-Writer

.What is .NET ?
The .NET framework created by Microsoft is a software development platform focused on rapid application development, platform independence and network transparency. .NET is Microsoft's strategic initiative for server and desktop


development for the next decade. According to Microsoft, .NET includes many technologies that are designed to facilitate rapid development of Internet and intranet applications. .NET is not meant to be used exclusively for Internet development, its innovations were driven by the limitations of current Internet development tools and technology. The basis of this new development platform consists of three primary components or layers: the common language runtime, the .NET Framework base classes, and the user and program interfaces, as demonstrated in Figure


also includes some more revolutionary components in the

form of the .NET Framework.

a. The .NET Framework includes:

Common Language Runtime .NET System Class library ASP+ (WebForms)


ADO+ C# (pronounced C sharp)

Common Language Runtime(CLR):

The CLR lives at the heart of the .NET Framework. The CLR provides an environment in which our programs can run. This includes concepts such as compilation, registration, and even deployment issues. As the name implies, the CLR is designed to support many programming languages in a common manner. This is exciting because it means that developers don't have to learn a new language syntax to program in the .NET environment. Microsoft will be releasing some core languages with Visual Studio.NET, including:



Other vendors will undoubtedly develop compilers for other languages, including COBOL and perhaps even Java. The common language runtime uses just-in-time compilers to compile the IL code to native binary code before execution. Other significant features of the common language runtime include the following: 1 Version control Memory management 2 Cross-language integration Common datatype system

An important part of the CLR is its compilation process. This process provides a great deal of flexibility and is at the root of many of .NET's capabilities overall. All code in .NET is natively compiled, but that compilation typically occurs just in time to run the code rather than way back before deployment as is typical today. To understand the compilation process we need to realize that .NET introduces not one new language, but two. C# has received a lot of attention from the press and developers, but .NET also introduces MSIL - the Microsoft Intermediate Language. All languages that work with .NET have compilers that generate MSIL rather than machine code. MSIL code (and some metadata we'll discuss later) can be deployed as


needed, and will be compiled into machine code on the user's computer, as is illustrated by the following diagram:

Code Compilation and Execution Code Compilation and Execution

Language Compiler

Source Code

Code Metadat MSIL a

Also called Also called Assembly Assembly (.EXE or (.EXE or .DLL time First file) .DLL time First file)

each method is each method is NativeExecution Code JIT called called - Install time - Install time precompilation precompilation


As illustrated by the diagram, not only does each language compiler generate IL, it also generates metadata. This metadata is key to .NET as it provides an exact description of the components that were compiled to IL. In the world of COM, components were described by MIDL - the Microsoft Interface Definition Language. MIDL was unable to completely and accurately describe components, which could be a limiting factor in application design, and most definitely caused problems when VB code tried to call a C++ component or visa versa. The metadata scheme used by .NET is far more robust. The data is kept in XML so it is easily accessible and understandable. More importantly, the metadata for the component completely and accurately describes the component's interfaces. The result is that components can xx

be created in and called by any language - avoiding nearly all associated problems with COM. In fact, because the IL and metadata are fully accessible to the .NET runtime we gain a number of key cross-language benefits, including: 1 2 3 4 Seamless cross-language method calls Cross-language inheritance Code can be checked to see if it is "unsafe" before being run .NET can automatically serialize objects

Additionally, metadata eliminates any reliance on the Windows registry - something looked at more deeply when deployment is subsequently discussed.

Managed vs. Unmanaged Code:

A common term that comes up when discussing .NET and the CLR is the concept of managed code. This is a pretty straightforward concept. Any code that runs within the context of the CLR is managed code. Any code that runs within the native environment of the underlying operating system (within the Win32 environment for instance) is unmanaged code. Managed code is just code that is running, and thus is being managed by, the .NET Common Language Runtime. i.

Unsafe Code:

When discussing .NET, the concept of "safe" vs. "unsafe" code will arise. The term "unsafe" can be confusing, because unsafe code isn't necessarily unsafe it just could be unsafe. Unsafe code is code that works with pointers - meaning that it could directly alter the call stack, or take other steps that might circumvent predictable behavior. That doesn't mean our code actually does any of these things, just that it could. Essentially, unsafe code is code that the CLR can't ensure will always run


properly or safely. Because the CLR compiles the IL code right before it is actually run, it can easily check through the IL as it is being compiled to determine if it is safe. Security settings on a machine can prohibit the running of unsafe code, helping to prevent malicious code from running within the .NET environment.

One of the biggest issues Windows developers have been grappling with for years is DLL hell. This problem has many faces, including (but certainly not limited to): 1 2 3 4 5 Incompatible DLLs on a client system Installing a program can break existing programs Inability to run a component that isn't registered Requirement to register a component when it is updated Inflexibility in component interfaces

.NET addresses DLL hell and the general complexity of deploying COM applications by entirely changing the way components interact with each other. Applications in .NET are composed of one or more assemblies. An assembly contains IL and its associated metadata - thus containing both code and a complete descriptor of that code all in one convenient package. Since an assembly is totally selfdescribing (via its metadata), there's no need to register anything within the registry. Because of this fact, deployment is no more complicated than copying the assembly to a directory and running it. If code in an assembly requires code from another assembly, they access each other via a directory path. We might build a complex application with various assemblies in a set of subdirectories under our main application's directory.



Garbage collection:

The .NET Framework is a garbage-collected environment. Garbage collection is the process of detecting when objects are no longer in use and automatically destroying those objects, thus freeing memory. If the developer forgets to free objects from the application, memory allocation of the application grows, sometimes substantially. Also, freeing objects too early causes application bugs to crop up; these kinds of errors are, in most cases, quite difficult to track down. In .NET, this new garbage collector works so that we as a developer are no longer required to monitor our code for unneeded objects and destroy them. The garbage collector will take care of all this for us. Garbage collection does not happen immediately, but instead the garbage collector will occasionally make a sweep of the heap to determine which objects should be allocated for destruction. This new system completely absolves the developer from hunting down memory usage and deciding when to free memory.



The .NET Framework is made up of hundreds of classes. Many of the applications that we build in .NET are going to take advantage of these classes in one way or another. Because the number of classes is so large and we will need to get at them in a logical fashion, the .NET Framework organizes these classes into a class structure called a namespace. There are a number of namespaces, and they are organized in an understandable and straightforward way.



NET System Class Library:

The CLR is an important part of .NET. However, merely having the ability to run code on many different hardware or operating systems is just a part of the overall puzzle. To be useful, applications need to interact with their environment - its files, data, processes, fonts, graphical components, etc. Without a consistent way to interact with the environment across various operating systems, there's no way to create a complex business application. The CLR ensures that our code will compile in many places - but it is the .NET system class library that provides our code with a consistent way to interact with the environment. The system class library is quite comprehensive. It has to be. We are used to programming within the Win32 environment - which is a pretty comprehensive "runtime'. To be successful,.NET has to provide a runtime with comparable features and functionality, essentially providing operating system capabilities while being operating system neutral.

The CLR and system class library compose the environment in which all .NET applications will run. A comprehensive understanding of the system class library and its features is critical for success regardless of the specific programming language being used by the developer.


Win Forms:
As has probably become apparent, .NET is not merely a whole new way to do web programming - it is a whole new way of doing Windows programming as well. Historically, each Windows programming language has had its own way of handling the user interface. VB provides its type of forms, C++ its dialogs, VBA delivers a different form designer, and so on.As with ASP+ and Web Forms, .NET provides a single, unified way to create user interfaces outside of a browser environment - Win Forms. Win Forms provide a language-neutral way to create forms, add controls, and respond to the user's actions. For VB programmers there's not a lot of difference - the model continues to work the same. Drag and drop to build the form, double-click to open the code window, and write code to respond to the events. Behind the scenes things are different, however. Win Forms are not based on ActiveX, so the controls we're working with are not ActiveX controls. Rather, they are instances of classes in the .NET system class library. As with ActiveX, we can create our own controls - though now this is done by sub classing existing classes, using inheritance. Though the capabilities of Windows forms have changed little, the underlying technologies have been replaced with more powerful and integrated components and classes that fit smoothly into .NET.




Compilation of ASP .Net Pages:

It is a well known fact that ASP .Net pages functional logic can be written in two ways. The ASP .Net code can either be written inside the ASPX page or it can be included as a asp_net_code.cs or vb .net file. When the ASPX page is embedded with the code of either C# or VB .Net, the ASP .Net run time automatically compiles the code into an assembly and loads it. If the code is kept in a separate source file either as a VB or C# file, it has to be compiled by the programmer, which will be used by the run time for further execution.

Writing ASP .Net Apps with Code behind files:

The compilation of these Code Behind files is usually done manually either using the csc.exe command line compiler or by using the Build feature in Microsoft Visual Studio .Net, which produces an output as a library with an extension of .DLL. Now the job of aspnet_wp.exe is very


simple. It can directly execute the compiled code and return the HTML page to the web server.

Execution Flow of ASPX Pages by IIS:

The execution of ASP .Net pages are not singly handled by the Internet Information Server or in short hand form IIS. It is taken care by the worker process aspnet_wp.exe. Whenever the IIS receives a request from a web browser or a client requesting for a page, it delegates the job to the aspnet_wp.exe process, which takes care of the subsequent jobs and finally returns the HTML page back to the IIS.

When ASP .Net is installed, installation process creates an association for .aspx files with the aspnet_isapi.dll files. When the IIS receives a request from the clients or web browsers for an aspx page, the IIS web server hands this request over to the aspnet_isapi.dll, which in turn instantiates the aspnet_wp.exe job. This aspnet_wp.exe finalizes any unfinished jobs like run time compilation etc., as explained above and then executes the asp .net application in a new application domain. Finally the output page is generated and returned back to the web server, which in-turn sends the file over to the client.




World today is getting smaller and smaller. World has become a single, big market where you can show your wares. Internet is a medium which has made it possible for any person any where in the world to market his products in any place in the world. He does not have to spend a lot of money. He can do all these things without moving out of his office. Its one of the cheapest way of marketing. Not only this, he can show all his products without even physically going there with his products. Website on the


net is a very useful tool for expanding your business. It provides you with a medium for interacting with your clients. There is no middleman or companies between the final user of product and producer. It saves cost on both sides. User gets products on a cheaper rate as he gets it directly from the producer. Producer gets a worldwide market without paying much and saves a lot of marketing expenses.

The project we are making is for computer Hardware Company. They deal in a wide variety of H/W components. Types of computer hardware monitor, keyboard, mouse, standard Packages etc. there is a option of payment by credit card. User has to choose the products he wants to buy and add it to the shopping card he can purchase the same. For purchasing he has to enter the credit card no. or demand draft no. and product delivery in 10 days


Software Requirement
Software requirements deal with the requirements of the proposed system, i.e., the capabilities that the proposed system should have. The requirements phase ends with S\w requirements Specification (SRS)


The SRS is a document that completely describes What the proposed software should do without describing How the software will do it. The basic goal of the requirements phase is to produce the SRS, which describes the complete external behavior of the proposed software. The basic limitation for producing the SRS is that the user needs keep changing as the environment in which the system was to functions changes with time. This leads to a request for requirement changes even after the SRS is produced.

Need For SRS

Software systems are in the need to automate an existing manual system or desires for a new software system. There are three major parties interested in a new system: the client, the users and the developer but the problem is that the clients usually do not understand the software and the developer often do not understand the clients problem. This causes a communication gap between these parties. This gap is bridged by the SRS. 1. Basis of Agreement between Client and Developer. 2. Reference for validation of the final product. 3. A high quality SRS is necessary for high quality software.

Requirement Analysis

1. Payment through credit card, DD. 2. Easy navigation. 3. Provide good GUI. 4. Provide latest design technique. 5. Easy to handle and Easy to understand.


6. Provide client- server utilities.

How to Develop Software
Application of systematic, disciplined, quantifiable approach to development, operation, and maintenance of software. It is a layered technology. It rests on organizational commitment to quality


The Incremental Model

The Incremental model combines elements of the linear sequential model (applied repetitively) with the iterative philosophy of prototyping. The incremental model applies linear sequence in a staggered fashion as calendar time progresses. Each linear sequence produces a deliverable increment of the software. For example, word-processing software developed using the incremental paradigm might deliver System/information basic file management, editing, and document production function in the first engineering. Design Code Test increment; Analysis more sophisticated editing and document production capabilities in the paradigm.second increment; spelling and grammar checking in third increment; and advantage page layout capabilities in the fourth increment. It should be noted that the process flow for any increment can incorporate the prototyping Incremental 1 When an incremental model is used, the first increment is often a core product. That is, basic requirements are addressed, but many supplementary features (some known, others unknown) remain undelivered. The core product is used by used by the customer (or undergoes detailed review).As a result of use and/or evaluation, a plan Test Design Code Analysis is developed for the next increment. The plan addresses the modification of the core product to better meet the needs of the customer and delivery of additional features Incremental 2 and functionality. This process is repeated following the delivery of each increment, until the complete product is produced.


Analysis Design Code Test A Data Flow Diagram is graphical representation that depicts the information flow and the transforms that are applied as data moves from input to output; it can be Incremental 3 used to represent software at any level of abstraction. In fact, DFDs may be portioned into levels that represent increasing information flow and functional detail. Therefore, it provides mechanics for functional modeling as well as information flow modeling. Analysis xxxii Incremental 4 Design Code Test

DFDs are defined in levels with every level decreasing the level of abstraction, as well as defining greater details of the functional organs of the system. A 0 level, DFD, also known as Context or Fundamental System Model, represents the entire software elements as a single bubble, with input and output data entities which are indicated as incoming and outgoing arrows.

SYMBOLS OF DFD 1. Bubble: A circle is used to depict a process. Both inputs and outputs to a Process is data flows. 2. Arrow: 3. Rectangle: the System. 4. Parallel Lines: Parallel lines are used to depict data stores. Process may store or Receive data from data stores. General DFD Data flows are represented by a line with an arrow. Rectangles are used to represent the entities and are outside


DFD For Website


DFD For Login System


DFD For Payment



The Process of analyzing a s/w item to detect the differences between existing and required conditions (i.e. Bugs) and to evaluate the features of the s/w items is called the Testing.The process of analyzing a program with the intent of finding errors is called the testing. During testing, the program to be tested is executed with a set of test cases, and the output of the program for the test cases is evaluated to determine if the program is performing as expected. From this it is clear that testing is used to find out errors rather than to tell the exact nature of error. Also, the success of the testing process clearly depends upon the test cases used. Testing is a complex process. In order to make the process simpler, the testing activities are broken into smaller activities. Due to this, for a project, incremental testing is generally performed. In incremental testing process, the system is broken into set of subsystems and these subsystems are tested separately before integrating them to form the system for system testing.

Test cases are required to find out the presence of errors in a system. Test cases are the inputs of the testing process. While selecting the test cases the primary object is to ensure that if there is an error or fault in the program. An ideal test case set is one that succeeds only if there are no errors in program. One possible ideal set of test cases is one that includes all the possible inputs to the program. This is often called exhaustive testing. In this project we had run different types of web pages separately & check there output & also we make some test cases for the pages.

1. Entering a wrong user id and password into the login request


Result failure occur to login 2. Submitting the form without fulfilling the necessary condition into the login form. Result- failure occur to login 3. Entering a right user id and password into the login request Result Successful login 4. Submitting the form after fulfilling the necessary condition into the login form. Result- Successful login Select different items & their different-2 quantities & check the amount of bill with respect to expected result. Result- Pass 5. Select different items & their different-2 quantities & after purchasing them check the database for relevant changes.. Result- Pass
There is various method of performing testing; here we have used the Black Box & White Box Testing.


In this type of testing there is no need to know the codes work. A person without the knowledge of internal schema could perform this test. In the testing approach test data is derived from the specification of the program and is carefully selected to test every possible combination of the inputs Every possible combination of input is inserted to check whether the code is giving the expected result of not.



Suppose the program code is to be submitted to a professional. And the presentation might disclose some bugs, which are otherwise hard to find, resulting in a strong psychological influence on the programmer. During such a presentation the internal structure of the program is disclosed with the main goal to detect faults. The test data is selected to test every bit of code. This requires a detailed knowledge of the code to be tested. Since the emphasis of the test is the individual codes, the test data may be illogical when compared with the program specifications.









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