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Programmer Empathy Map

Large/Medium Company Inuencer and User Thoughts/Wishes

Observation (sight) Hearing

Develop good products Have liberty to develop and choose technology Interesting Challenges move me ( 2011/01/17/how-facebook-ships-code/) Likes the latest news technology news Would like to have decision power

Watches other developers using different technologies Programmer friends use other techonologies Watches daily advances in the area of software development


Friends talking about the new technology they are usin Internet inuencers such as John Carmack, Notch, Paul Graham, Zuckerberg Blogs, articles, news and academic papers

Skeptic and critical "not my job" "not invented here" "I use X but would like to use Y"

Software errors and their correction Requirements that are impossible to understand/fulll. Having to use outdated/different technologies
Summer of startups Page 1 Empathy Map: Programmer

Fears not being able to fulll objectives


Room/Freedom to develop in and choose technology. Success is measured in # of bugs/features corrected/implemented Wants to nalize the development of each task (having the minimum amount of errors possible)

Summer of startups

Page 2

Empathy Map: Programmer

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