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April 25



Sarah Al-Enezi U1036918

The identification and the description of the attributes and skills that enhance the graduate employability. a. Communication : The effectiveness of communication skills is the ability of delivering of the information to other parties, such as work partner, customer, top management.. etc. There are different ways of communication, such as, speaking, listening, body language and written emails, texts.. etc. In the speaking process, all parties should be clear on the delivered message, by speaking clearly and understandably. On the other side, listening is the same, in the way that the other parties should listen to what the others are speaking, by taking in all what has been side and translate it to a deliverable massage. Sometimes, the body language could speak up of what you would like to say or shows how much you are interested to listen. Therefore, the body language is a crucial part of the communication process, such as the eye contact. However, sometimes knowing what does the action of your body language means would help to avoid unneeded massage. b. Team work and problem solving Team work enhances the work flow by having plenty amount of ideas and sometimes minimize the level of risk. Knowing what your share of work is will develop more thoughts to the work itself and enhance the total outcome s. For instance, compromise with other people, collaborate, and understand what the others point of view. All are essential skills to succeed in your work. c. Planning and organising The employee must focus on the most important tasks of the work and prioritise it , then make sure to stick on what has been planned. The planning and the organising should be according the time management surroundings in which the tasks should be according to its importance and do not forget your professional development. d. Problem solving In the working environment, the problems accrue all the time; however a successful employee is the one who report a solution along with the problem. The best employer is the one who is a solution oriented, who can fix rather than just reporting what has been done , by trying to understand the problem , know what are the surroundings then put a plan to fix the problem. e. Initiative and enterprise It is the Self-motivation, ego and self-belief, in which employees are having the initiative to do things and to take actions without being told to do so. Being independent and express yourself to your managers to your supervisors and so on.



The self-management consists of some aspects such as self-motivation, self-reflection, self-control, time management, anger management and the work as an overall. The ability of knowing what you have done and the ability to know what are you want to do, is the way to successes in the work environment. g. Learning The employee should know that the work is the beginning of your learning process; it did not ended by getting the degree. The willingness to take what life is giving you to learn and the ability of taking the fact that you are a life learner is important to succeed, however it should be in moderation. h. Technology It is that the employee should be aware of new technologies that are related to their jobs , however if they do not know these technologies , It is the ability and the willingness to learn some new technologies that would help to perform the job right. i. Personal attitude

Employees should know what are their aptitude, attitude and academic performance by knowing yourself, to build up the essential skill. Emotional response and analysis of personal thoughts The picture is clear now, after the discussion of what each skills means. Now, I can build up my personality and know what the right action is, what is the right attitude to be, in order to be a professional employee. The professional employee has abilities and responsibilities to perform a great job. Moreover, it helps me know what my week points are and work to change them and know what my strengths are and enhance them. Learning and change actions j. Personal management:

it can be done by putting more time and huge focus to my existing skills and plan to work on them ahead. Therefore, I can know what my weaknesses are and try to change them and know what my strengths are and enhance them. k. Learning and work exploration I should know what are the things that I really need to learn and be aware of what I need in my career , what kind of experience do I need , what are the needed information in my career and work hard to know them before I engaged in work and find myself hopeless t find time to explore and learn anything new. l. Career building

In the career building stage, it is essential to have a clear and full understanding of my future career. Now , it is the time to engage in the working life and learn from their experience . Therefore, I'm now trying to locate myself in the right job and reach upper levers. Finally, I have a clear image of what are the needed ideas, skills, and knowledge in the work as general and in my chosen career in specific. Now , I'm working to develop myself to learn better faster and to be the best in my working environment .

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