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Using Kakshyas Effectively

By R.G.Krishnan, USA
Reviewed by: Pamela Jablonski U.S.A.

How to use daily Kakshya count of planets easily and effectively to improve our success rate and to minimize the damage due to evil effects of planets Introduction:

R.G.Krishnan is a professional Vedic

Astrologer, based at Murphy, Texas. He is also a featured speaker at various international symposiums held in USA. He has more than 50 yrs experience in Vedic Astrology and more than 21 yrs experience in Financial Astrology and study in Stock Markets & Commodity markets. We congratulate him for his published prediction of the stock market meltdowns in Jan 2008. He is also the author of the book Vedic Astrology-Stock Market Analysis. He has also been publishing e-books on month to month trends in US Stock Markets every year, since the year 2001. Visit his site

hose who are already exposed to Ashtaka Varga system of prediction will be familiar with the word Kakshya. For those who are new to this subject I would advise them to read any good book on Ashtaka Varga system of prediction to understand this article better. In the eighties, I had frequent interactions with late Mr. C.S Patel and learnt Ashtaka Varga system of prediction from him. He had impressed me a lot in the use of Ashtakavarga to determine the results of transit planets. From my experience in the past 25 years I can say that Ashtakavarga gives us a lot of input to enable us to make precise predictions about timing of events. Among other things late Mr. C.S.

Patel told me was the importance of Kakshyas & how the transits of planets as they transit through Kakshyas in each sign affect us both positively and negatively. And he showed how the Kakshya count on a daily basis can help us to evaluate how bad or good a day will be. Ever since then I have been using daily Kakshya count in favor of several near and dear ones and many clients and have been able to guide them precisely in the hour of their need. In this system each sign is divided into 8 compartments called Kakshya (in Sanskrit meaning a compartment). Each Kakshya has a longitude of 3deg and 45 min The nine transiting planets will transit each Kakshya for the duration noted against each as follows Sun3.75 days Moon6 .75 days Mars 5 days Mercury2.50 days Jupiter1.5 months Venus----3 days Saturn3.75 months Rahu & Ketu ---2.5 months The transiting planets move from one kakshya to the next kakshya as they go around the zodiac during transit. In this process they transit either a kakshya having one bindu or a kakshya having zero bindu (the situation in each kakshya will be that either it has one bindu or zero bindu). Thus we take a total daily count for the seven planets namely Sun, Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn (we exclude Rahu & Ketu) and arrive at the total kakshya count per day. The general guidelines used to arrive at the results of daily Kakshya count for any native are as follows: 1) Days in which all the 7 planets excluding Rahu & Ketu transit a kakshya with a bindu (that is the total kakshya count is 7 bindus) are likely to be super days conducive to high degree of success& gains. 2) Days in which at least 6 planets excluding Rahu & Ketu transit a kakshya

with a bindu (that is the total kakshya count is 6 bindus) are likely to be excellent days conducive to many happy developments& gains. 3) Days on which at least 5 planets excluding Rahu & Ketu transit a kakshya with a bindu (that is the total kakshya count is 5 bindus) are likely to be very good days conducive to happy developments 4) Days on which at least 4 planets excluding Rahu & Ketu transit a kakshya with a bindu (that is the total kakshya count is 4 bindus) are likely to be above average days conducive to happy developments 5) Days on which at least 3 planets transit a kakshya with a bindu (that is the total kakshya count is 3 bindus) are likely to be average days with no major positive or negative developments. 6) Days on which only two planets excluding Rahu & Ketu transit a kakshya with a bindu (that is the total kakshya count is 2 bindus) are likely to be bad days in which the native will be prone several setbacks including health setbacks. 7) Days on which only one planets excluding Rahu and Ketu transit a kakshya with a bindu (that is the total kakshya count is 1 bindu only) are likely to be very bad days during which the native will be prone to major health setbacks, accidents and injuries and also major setbacks in all undertakings. 8) Days having none of the planets excluding Rahu & Ketu transit a kakshya with a bindu(that is the total kakshya count is zero bindu) are likely to be the worst days in which the native will be prone to major health setbacks, hospitalization, accidents &injuries and major setbacks in all undertakings. From my experience in the last 25 yrs I state that I have been able to successfully guide my various clients based on their daily kakshya count arrived at based on their natal horoscopes. Does very low daily kakshya count indicate a life threatening situation? One thing I observed after examining several hundred cases, is if the daily kakshya count falls to 2 bindus or less, the native is generally prone to major setbacks like in health, accidents, life threatening situations etc. I have cautioned several clients in advance when their kakshya count went below 2

bindus. Many of them have given me a feedback that on such days they had experienced major setbacks like health setbacks, accidents, fractures, etc. I have also observed that in cases where Kakshya count was below 2 bindus that if such a day coincided with transit of malefic planets over the native's 64th Navamsa reckoned from lagna, Sun or Moon, then that day will possibly be the worst day for the native. Now let us take the case of a few celebrities whose horoscopes are well known to every one, like Princess Diana, Indira Gandhi, and President John F. Kennedy etc. It is seen that on the day of his assassination on November 22, 1973, President John F Kennedy had only 2 planets transiting a Kakshya with a bindu. It is also seen that on the day Mrs. Indira Gandhi, Prime Minister of India was assassinated on October 31, 1984; she had only two planets transiting a kakshya with a bindu. Mahatma Gandhi who was assassinated on January 30, 1948, had only two planets transiting a kakshya with a bindu. Princess Diana met with a fatal accident on August 31, 1997, and on that day she had only two planets transiting a kakshya with a bindu. How does this information help? Can we use this information to safeguard against major setbacks in our lives? The answer is yes Can daily kakshya count help us to prevent or overcome any major damage? Yes, daily kakshya count can help us to take good preventive measures on bad days having a daily kashya count of 2 bindus or less and thus can help to minimize the damage that was indicated on that day. I generally advise my clients to lie low on such days and to avoid taking unnecessary risks and, if possible, to do more prayers on those days. Many of them have contacted me with feedback about how they avoided major setbacks by taking these precautionary measures.

How can we use daily kakshya count to improve our success rate in all our daily undertakings? Every one of us wants to be successful and will be interested in any method that can increase our success rate. One such method is the daily Kakshya count. Nowadays we can compute daily kakshya count for any nativity well in advance in a matter of seconds using astrological software available in the market. These daily Kakshya counts can serve as an additional input to evaluate a good or bad day. Normally we use the traditional method of evaluation in which we count the Nakshatra ruling on a particular day from the Janma Nakshatra of the native to arrive at proper conclusions. I have seen that if the day as found by traditional methods of electional astrology is good and the daily kakshya count on that day happens to be 4 bindus or more, then that day is likely to be doubly good and conducive to high degree of success in all undertakings. Many businessmen have contacted me with a feedback that they were successful on the day when their daily kakshya count was more than 5 bindus. They request daily kakshya counts from me well in advance as they say that they can plan all their important business dealings to coincide with very good days on which their daily kakshya count is more than 4 or 5 bindus. Guidance regarding choosing best dates for successful outcome or surgery etc? Many of my clients have asked me questions regarding choosing the best dates for Caesarean operations and other major surgeries. In addition to using the traditional methods of using Nakshatras and choosing the best possible lagna based on the principles of electional astrology & Muhurtha for that date, I also work out the kakshya count for the native for that date. If the count is more than 4, then outcome of the surgery etc. is generally successful. On the other hand if the kakshya count is 2 or less, I have advised to avoid surgeries on those days. I have often got feedback from them about the successful outcome of their surgery. Buying a new House or making major investments? Some of my clients have asked my about choosing the best date for buying a house or for making major investments .I have been able to successfully guide

them in this regard by choosing the date on which the daily kakshya count was more that 4 bindus, and by avoiding days on which the kakshya count was less than 2 bindus. Can Kakshya count help forecast election results? I have tried in the past in India to forecast election results based on the daily kakshya count of the candidates who are in the election fray. I have found in more than 80% of cases that the daily kakshya count of the winner was always more than that of the loser. To make my point I state the following fact: In the elections held recently in USA on November 4, 2008, President Barak Obama had 3 planets transiting a kakshya with bindu while his rival John Mc Cain had only two planets transiting a kakshya with a bindu. Maybe this was one more factor in favor of President Barak Obama to win the election. Can daily Kakshya count be used to evaluate the trends both up &down on the NYSE stock market? I keep track of New York Stock Market on a daily basis and also check the daily kakshya count based on the natal chart of NYSE. I have often observed that any major down turn in the NYSE coincided with a daily kashya count of 2 bindus or less. To make this point I give below 3 instances of such downturns on days when the daily kakshya count was 3 bindus or less. -1/20/2009 DJIA went down by 332 points, the daily kakshya count was on that day was just 1 bindu. -1/22/2009 DJIA was down by 105 points; the daily Kakshya count on that day was just 1 bindu. -7/2/2009 DJIA was down by 223 points; the daily kakshya count on that day was just 2 bindus. By the same reasoning I also found that when the DJIA index shot up it generally coincided with a daily Kakshya count of more than 4 bindus. To make this point I give below a few examples.

-3/10/2009 DJIA was up by 379 Pts and the daily kakshya count on that day was 6 bindus. -2/24/2009 DJIA was up by 236 pts and the daily kakshya count on that day was 5 bindus. -3/26/2009 DJIA was up by 174 pts and the daily kakshya count on that day was 6 bindus. Can daily kakshya count help with rectification of birth chart? We all know that rectification of birth time is a complicated process. In cases where the lagna fell on a cusp I have used daily kakshya count method to determine which lagna is more applicable in that case to a fair degree of accuracy. For example if he lagna falls in a cusp between Leo & Virgo lagnas , I calculate two trial horoscopes assuming time of birth few minutes earlier and a few minutes later and thus make one horoscope with Leo lagna and the other with Kanya lagna. Then I work out the kakshya count on the days a specific good event occurred and kakshya count on the day a bad event occurred for each horoscope separately. By comparing the kakshya count in the two horoscopes for the same event we can come to proper conclusions about the correctness of the lagna that is applicable in that case. Advise to all research minded astrologers The above are the few points which I have enumerated from my own experience. I request all research minded astrologers to do more research in these areas by applying these principles to other areas and developing these ideas further. It would then be possible to take Vedic Astrology & Ashtaka Varga system of prediction to an even higher level of accuracy.

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