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understanding of

m a q a z t n e
BEAUTIFUL ITALIAN SUNKEN GARDEN at Ambassador College in Pasadena, California, with
Ambossador Hall in the background .
Page 2 r i, PLAIN TRUTH February, 1962
a m a l1a : i ll f' o( " "de rtlta /ldi /l ll
Vern R. Mattson
Editorial and Production Assistants
James W . Robinson
Donald G. McDonald
Regional Editors Abroad
United. Kingdom: Raymond F. McNair
Australia : C. Wayne Cole
South America : Benjamin L. Rea
NO. 2
Jack M. Pyle
Joyce F. Sefcak
YOUR SUBCRIPTION has been paid by others.
Bulk copies for disuiburian nor grven or sold.
ADDRESS ALL to me Ed ircr ,
Boll: Ill , Pasadena, California.
Canadian readers should address P OSt Offi("e Boll:
44. Stati on A. Vancouver 1. s.c, Canada.
Our readers in Ueited Kingd om. Europe . and
Afri ca should addres s the Editor . Ambassador
College, Bricker Wood . Sr. Alban s. Hem.. England.
Readers in Ausualia. the Philippines. China and
southeastern Asia should address rhe Editor, Box
345. Nonh Sydney, N.S.W.. Ausualia.
Reade rs of the: German edtnon should address Post
Office Box 10,0. Pasadena , California, or Die
Reine Wahrheit. Bri cker Wood. Sr. Albans.
Henfcrdshire. England.
SECOND CLASS POSTAGE paid at Pasadena. Cali-
cha nge in your addres s. Please inclose bcrh old
and new address . IMPORTANT !
Circulation MJlnagers
United States: Hugh Mauck
United. Kingd om: Charles F. Hunting
Australia : Gene R. Hughes
South America : Leon Walker
Canada : Dennis Prather
News Bureau Direa or
Gene H. Hogberg
Research SlaB
Donald D. Schroeder
Ronald D. McNeil
Circul ation : 365,000
Publ ished mon rhlv ar Pasadena, Cali fornia; london.
ED8land : and Melbourne. Ausualia. by AmhasSiidor
College. Germ;ln edirion publi shed monrhly at
Pasadena , uliforni a. lSI 1962, by Radi o Cburch
of God.
Garner Ted Armstrong
Herman L. Hoeh
Roderick C. Meredith
Auociat, Editors
Albert ]. Portune David Jon Hill
Contributing Editors
C. Paul Meredi th Basil Wolverton
Jack R. Elliott Clint C. Zimmerman
Ernest L. Marri n Charle s V. Dorothy
Lynn E. Torrance Robert C. Boraker
Gerha rd O. Marx
real help to me. I will be very grareful
if you will begin sending me The PLAIN
TRUTH each mont h: '
Pastor from Mississippi
Listener Buys Bible
"Everythi ng you say is quite different
to what I have been taugh t. We were
nor even given a Bible. I have now
bought one to follow the scriptures
through as 1 Iisten to you. I know you
are speaki ng God's tr uth."
From Cairns, Queensland
Predictions Come True
"Dear Mr. Armstrong :
"For several years I subscribed to
your magazine bur finally cancelled my
subscripti on because I didn't want to
believe the things you had to say. How-
ever, so much of what you predicted
seems to be coming true and past and
current events involving our nation
have made it impossible not to believe.
Would you kindly renew my magazine
Woman from Chehalis, Wash .
Bible Story Stirs to Act ion
"I must tell you what happened after
we had read the first chapter of The
Bible Story that we received. It was the
one dealing with unclean foods. The
children started looking around to see
if we had any foods that were unclean,
and we found that we were eating bacon
and ham. Now those two items are off
our menu:'
Family from New Zealand
"Okay, we're convinced! We'd like ro
have a copy and look ar your so highly
recommended magazine.. .."
Woman from Kent, Washington.
Soldier Quits Robbing God
"Please find enclosed a money order
for . . . my tithes for August and
Seprember. I just decided in Ocrober
that I shall quir robbing God of what is
Hi s and give what He has commanded
to His true worker s who publi sh Hi s
rrue gospel. Thank God for you and
your wonderful srafl."
Soldier from Germany
Broadcast Wito:.:::..ises
"It is astounding how many conver sa-
tions I come across each day at work
and in and around our neighborhood
here, discussing your broadcast of the
nighr before. It is get ti ng positive
"Your pictur e in last issue on page
4 was nor showing the River Rhin e, bur
rhe River Elbe by Hamburg, Germany."
Reader from Hamburg
Reader is right . Hamburg skyline is
in background.
Ar ticle Convinces Husband
"I have been following your articles
on childbirth with great interest as we
are expecti ng our fifth child.
Ir expresses my convictions exactly.
I wanted to have my last baby ar home
but my husband would have none of it;
however, since readi ng Mr. Ted Arm-
strong's articl e on having babies at
home and it being wr itten by a man,
he has given me his consent to go ahead
with this one, if the doctor will agree.
We are 45 miles from the nearest hos-
pital so there is a good chance that he
will. So great big thanks for rhat arti cle."
From Gibsons, Briti sh Columbi a
Man from Ohio
Pastor Reads PLAIN TRUTH
"I have just finished reading rhe
Ocrober issue of The PLAIN TRUTH.
The art icle, ' Will You Get to Heaven?'
is the best I have ever read or heard.
I have in the past years tried to preach
what the Bible has to say about heaven
to my people, but many still wil l not
let go of pagan ideas and let God tell
them the truth . This art icle has been a
Af rican Student listens
"Dear ?tofr. Armstrong:
"Two days ago I was listening to the
radio and I was very interested in your
eveni ng Bible message. Will you please
send me some of your Bible literature
in case you issue them free? I am an
Afr ican student from Kenya, East Africa,
studying in this country."
Patchogue, New York.
Febru ary, 1962
In This Issue:
What our Readers Say 2
Personal from the Editor _. . 3
from the Editor
Page 3
The 8igg est Ne ws
Fu/f,/ling Prophecy .................... 5
Radio l og 6
Just Wh at do You Mean
-80m Agai nl _ _ _ _ 9
Autobiography 01
Herb ert W. Armstrong .. __ ._...._. J J
Financial Security for You' _._. , 9
Communism, "Christianity"
---<lnd Double Talk 23
The Bible Story 27
How to Get Resultsl rChildrearing) 35
Weather in Chaos-
What does it mean? ..39
For this 28th Anniversary number, we
show you, on our cover, an exciting con-
trast from the small, crude beginn ing of
this Work of God, in the little inside room
-c-withc ur windows or ventilaticn-c--in Eu-
gene, Oregon . To picture to our readers the
majestic beauty of tone and character of
the properties with which the Eternal God
has blessed His Work after all these years,
we have chosen this picture of the formal
Italian Sunken Garden on the campus
grounds of Ambassador College in Pasadena,
at the World Headquarters of this great
This magnificent garden was built by multi-
millionaire Hul en C. Merritt, who was the
largest stockholder of the Uni ted States Steel
Corporati on. He had copied it from a fabu-
lous Sunken Gar den he had seen in Boston,
Massachusetts. Mr. Merr itt's mansion and
fabulous grounds adjoined the Ambassador
College campus. After his death, some six
years ago, a group of financiers arranged
the purchase of his estate, intending to donate
it to Ambassador College. When these men
failed to complete the pur chase and dona-
tion, a number of our own Co-Workers
stepped into the breach and completed it
for us. This estate includes Ambassador Hall,
our present principal class-room building.
Everything connected with this Work-
its phenomenal growth in power and scope
around the world-as well as such fine
proper ties coming to us, has been provide ntial.
ITH this 28th Anniversary num-
ber, The PLAIN TRUTH cakes
one more important leap ahead.
Only last June it was increased from
32 co 40 pages. Now, wit h this issue, 8
more pages are added. You have in your
hands. now. a magazine enlarged to
a full 48 pages!
This latest expansion brings to me
personally a very rewarding sense of
satisfaction, with deep and heart-felt
gratitude to the Great God who has
prospered and builr this great world-
wide Work. It is one of the rich rewards
God has given after 28 years 01 hard-
ship. struggle, opposition, hard work
and perseverance.
Mrs. Armstrong shares this gratitude
and rejoicing, just as she also has shared
those years of hardship and diligent
industry as my constant loyal helper.
Wh en The PLAIN T RUTH was stepped
up co 40 pages, with the June 196 1
number , [ took our readers behind rhe
scenes, to show you how this magazine
is written and produced. I int roduced
to you, wi th their pictures, 23 key
members of our world-wide staff.
Many of you will remember 1 left
out Mrs. Armstrong's picture. But what
an onslaught of protesting letters re-
minded me of that omission, denim/ding
that we publ ish her picrure! Well, we
did. in the August number, even though
she doesn't like to have her picture
In that June number, in my personal
talk with our readers. I introduced you
to our editors and various chief staff
members, and, on a tour in writing,
took you into the various editorial,
research, production, primi ng, and mail-
ing rooms.
In this 28th Anniversary talk with
our readers, I want to bring you up to
date on how this magazine, now read
by a million readers on all inhabit ed
continents around the world. has de-
veloped and grown from the very
smallest, most insignificant possible be-
Also I want to show you, in this
present number. pictures of our modern
new Ambassador Col/ege Press building,
located at one corner of the 30acre
campus in the very heart of Pasadena.
I wish each one of you could visit the
\'<'orld Headquarters and Ambassador
College, and 1 could have rhe privilege
of escorting you in person over the
campus on what we sometimes laugh-
ingly call "the $64 tour"-or, if we
could visit Ambassador College in
England together, and 1 could take you
on whar we laughingly term the "25-
guinea tour" of the 175acre grounds
over there.
However, I will add, that when any
of our readers may visit either place,
if I am not available personally to take
you on a tour 01 the grounds and build-
ings, there will always be staff members
on hand who will greatly enjoy rhe
privil ege. We do extend you a warm
and hearty welcome. We think you will
enjoy it. But be sure to allow not less
than rwo or three hours for the tour,
at either place, Pasadena or England.
for you'll nor be able ro see all you'll
want to, even in that amount of time.
The vision of one day publishing The
PLAI N TRUTH first came in 1927. I
was unable to start it then, but the idea
was generating in my mind. More than
that, I began working Out "dummy"
copies of this "dream magazine ' 1 hoped
someday to begin publishing. 1 even
worked OUt captions and sub-headings
for art icles-some of which I had writ-
ten already, some of which I contem-
plated writing.
But, please stop and think a moment.
How would just anybody who thought
he would like to edit and publish a
magazine get such a magazine started?
At that time advertising businesses I
had starred had twice been wiped out
from under my feet. I was reduced to
Page 4
one advert ising client , with a 550 per
month income, and a family of six to
suPPOrt. I had no capital, but I did have
some debts. In that predicament, how
was I to start publishing a magazine?
\'\' ho would pay for having it primed?
\X! here and how would I get subscribers
or readers?
Well , don', laugh. The way was not
open -then.' But there is the saying,
"where (here's a will , there's a "fAY!"
I had the vision, and I had the will. The
\\"AY had not yet opened.
But Gud Almighty was dealing with
me, He dealt wi th me in rather tough
manner-the going was surely rough.
There was a reason. But already I had
give n my life over to Him to use as
He saw fit. I sti ll had years of int ensive
st udy, research, and personal cb.mge-
bot h overcomi ng and development-to
wade through. God knew He srill had
many rough edges to knock off spiri tu-
Front page of the very first issue of
" The PLAIN TRUTH" e ver pub/ished-
Vol . I, No.1 , February, 193 4. Present
issue is 28th Anniversary Numbed
ally. 1 was not yet pre pared or ready.
But I never forgot or ga ve up the
p"rpoJe and the determination that had
been formed, tha t this magazi ne was
going to become a realit y. It was going
to be called The PLAIN TRUTH. It was
going co make the TRUTH, which is
revealed in God's Word the BIBLE,
plain SO people could unde rstand it. It
was going to be a magazi ne of UNDER-
STANDING! It was going to have life,
t-erre, spirit, It was go ing to make the
TRUTH so interesting people would want
to read it !
Finally, in early summer, 1931, I was
ordained and put into God's work as
an evange list full time, on salary of $20
per week. Then I bega n issuing a
mimeographed Bulletin for the few
church brethr en who employed me, in
(he \X'illamette Valley uf Oregon . But
there st ill was no opportunity to Start
Februar y, 1962
In August, 1933, the "salary" was
only 53 per week. This was the very
bcnom of the depression-the year
President Frankl in D. Roosevelt closed
the banks. A, thar time I found I could
not serve God faithfully on a salary
paid by PEOPLE, It was a choice be-
tween serving the PEOPLE, or giving
up their salary and trusting God alone
for suppon, in order co KEEP HIS ''('ORO
faithfully, and be able to proclaim it
Ar the time I was holding nightly
evangelistic meetings in a little one-
room country schoolhouse eight miles
west of Eugene, Oregon. That little
campaign resulted in a new church of
19 members. Then, now that I was
tr usting GOD ALONE, for financial sup-
pan. for His TRUTH-for EVERYTHING
- God began to open doors for mass
God knew how pit ifully impotent
and weak we werc-especially finan-
cially, and in backing of number s of
people. So He opened the mighty door
of RADI O. Of course, in (he very smallest
possible way at first. I have said so many
times (hat God starts all things that He
does throug h bmnan instru ment s the
very smallest, But if GOD plant s the
work, it will GROW, and ultimately it
will become the BIGGEST of all.
Ther e was a real reason. I sti ll had
to be tr ied and tested, Would I hold
tau 10 God's U'l ord-letti ng it correct
where wrong, instruct and increase
knowledge still new to me? Also I had
to learn and gain by expe rience. The
smallest wattage of radio power of any
station on the air commercially was 100
watts. \X' e star ted. (he first Sunday in
January, 1934, on such a station in
Eugene, Or egon.
And now, at tau, God made possible
the starting of The PLAIN TRUTH! The
radio broadcast provided (he means of
gaining subscr ibers, starring a circula-
tion. By this time I had learned tha t
G OO'S WAY is 1101 to SEll. His TRUTH,
I could not charge those who received
it a subscription pr ice. I had to RELY
ON GOD to supply, on sheer faith, the
financial means.
And, at that time, financial mea ns
were about as near non-existent as pes-
sible. I had sent out a letter to the very
(Please conti nue on page 16)
What is the single most impo rt ant fulfillment of PROPHECY
t hat has occurred in this decade?
EARS ago, when I was advertisi ng
manager of a dail y newspaper, the
news staff and 1 were having a
di scussion.
"' '(fhar would be the biggest, most
sensational, Bvcolumn bann er headline
that could possibly be written for any
event that might occur?" asked the Ciry
News Editor.
There were many hyporheri cal events
suggested .
gested one. This was several years before
World War II.
"No," said a reporter, "even a bigger
headline than a new wor ld war br eaking
our wou ld be this: ' N EW YORK CITY DE-
The Ciry Ediror grinned.
"Those arc all tame," he jested. "I've
gm a bigger headline. Here it is: ' SEC-
TODAY! ' ..
"Haw-Haw! Hc-Ho!" [hey all laughed.
That is, all bur me. "You win! " Yes,
"You fellows may have to write that
headline sooner than you think!" I said.
"And you won't be laughing, then!"
"BEAST" Now Risi ng ?
Recently Mrs. Armstrong and I were
"honored gues ts" at one of our Ambos-
sador Clnbs at Ambassador College in
Pasadena. These arc after-dinner speech
d ubs. Nearl y all men students, both at
the Pasadena and [he Bricker Wood
( England ) colleges are members of one
of these clubs .
Dering the preliminary extemporane-
ous "Table Topi cs," abbreviated speeches
of one mi nute or less, preceding the
6-minute prepared speeches, a question
assigned was : "What is the most im-
portant prophecy fulfillment of 1961?"
Time was allowed only for three
qu ick, bri ef answe rs- but there have
by Herbert W. Armstrong
been many more than thr ee important
fulfillment s of prophecy within rhe past
decade-events plunging this world pro-
gressively and swiftly toward ARMAGED-
DON-the Second Coming of Christ-
and , finally, the PEACEFUL WORLD TO
MORROW. when mankind. at last , will
find happi ness, uni versal plenty. and
joyous, abundant living.
So let 's take a quick look at a few-
and 1 wi ll [hen tell you u-bicb, of all [he
many prophesied events act ually now
happening, is the most imporranr!
These students at the Ambassador
Club dinner had to think fast-and give
an answer wit hin a matter of seconds
after heari ng the quest ion,
Th e first student called on for a
quick answer believed the rise of the
Common Market in Europe, starting
the movement toward the prophes ied
final resurrection of the "Holy Roman
Empire" was the most significant world
happening of the past year.
Certainly that is a maj or development
in world news--of tre mendous import
viewed with a knowledge of THE PUR-
POSE being worked OUt here below!
This is the prophesied symbol ic
"BEAST" of Revelation 17. On The
WORLD TOMORROW pr ogram, and in
the pages of The Pfahl Truth, we have
been shout ing to a heedl ess world for
28 years that rhis was going to occur-
Through these years, I have said that
it would come as an ECONOMIC force.
bringing unprecedented pr osperity to
Europe. But also, it is to become a
polti cal and military combine-a gi-
gamic third power bloc in the world,
thar will include more popularion, great-
er man power, and possibly even great-
er mili tary resources than either the
United States or Russia.
W hen chis giant combi ne-a Un ited
States of EUROPE-finally eme rges a'
JIIrb bef ore a start led and dumbfounded
world, ic will last only a very shan time .
It ld lJ figbt against [esus Cbrist, at Hi s
Second Coming! And tbat will be irs
END! Since it will r ise bur a very short
time pri or to Christ 's Coming, and the
END of THIS ,""ORLD--and since we sec
ir act ually beginning to be formed right
It means that we arc now only a t'ery
jew years from THE END of this world,
and the appearance of JESUS CHRIST as
Other BI G-News Events
We are livi ng in unprecede nted
rimes . NEVER has the world seen rimes
like these! \'V'e "are in the LAST DAYS of
chis world! Prophecy fulfillment is liter-
ally leaping abead! The fulfillmems of
pr oph ecy are numerous! These events
supply [he BIG NEWS of the world today.
And no one- whether news cornrnen-
rarer, government head, or ordinary
citizen or subject- no one can UNDER-
STAND the real meani ng of this tre -
mendous worl d news, unless he under-
srands Bibl ical PROPHECY, and God' s
PURPOSE being worked Out here below!
J USt LOOK at some of the colossal
events of worl d hi stor y, that have been
Almigh ty says HE con trols the weat her!
He sends the rai n on the just and the
unjust-whe'J He sends ic! He causes
it to rain, He says, on one cit y, and He
brings droughr on anot her city. In Joel
1, in Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21
and John 13-in Revelation 6, and in
other prophecies, a revolut ion in the
weat her - leading to unprecedented
FAMINE by around 1970-72 is proph-
esied. In its wake is prop hesied fright-
ful disease epidemics! A THIRD OF THE
(Pleasecontinue 011 page 7)
Page 6 The PLAIN TRUTH February, 1962
Hea rd over wide areas
WI NS-New York-lOlO on dial,
9 :30 p.m. Sun., 11 p.m. Mon.
thru Sat. (E.S.T.)
WWVA-W heeling, w. Va.-1170
on dial, 10:30 a.m. and 11:15
p.m. Sun., 10 p.m. Mon.
theu Sat. (E.S.T.)
WNAC-Boston-680 on di al, 8 :30
p.m. Sun.
WIBG-Philadel phia-990 on dial ,
12 :30 p.m. Sun.
WPTF-RaJeigh. N.C.-680 on dial.
9:30 a.m. Sun., 8 :05 p.m. and
5 :30 a.rn . Mo n. rhru Sat.
Central States
WLAC-NashvilIe-15lO on dial,
10:30 a. m. Sun. , 7 p.m. daily
and 5 a.m. Mon. thru Sat.
WSM-Nashville---650 on dial, 9
p.m. Sun., 12 a.m. Mon., tMU
Eri ., 1 a.m. Sun. (C.S.T.)
WCKY-Cincinnati-1530 on dia l,
7 and 9:30 p.m. Sun., 5:30
a.m. Mon. thru Sat . (E.S.T.)
CKLW-Detroit-Windsor-800 on
dia l, 7 p.m. Sun.
KCMQ-Kansas City-8lO on dia l,
7: 30 p.m. Sun., 8: 15 p.m.
and 5 a.m. Mo n. thru Sat .
KXEL-Waterloo, la.- 1540 on dia l.
8 p.rn. Sun., 9:30 p.m. Mon.
rhru Sat.
KXEN-St. Louis-lOlO on dia l,
10:30 a.m. Sun., 12 noon
Mon . thru Sat .
KRLD-:-Da Uas-1080 on dial , 8 :10
p.m. daily.
KTRH-Houston-740 on dial, 8:00
p.m. Sun., 9 :30 p.m. Mo n.
thru Sat .
KWKH-Shreveport-I130 on dia l,
10:30 a.m. and 10:30 p.m.
Sun. , 9:15 p. m. Mon. thru
Fri., 11 a.m. and 11:30 p.m.
WGBS-Miami-710 on di al , 10:30
a.m. Sun.
KTHS-Little Rock-1090 on dial ,
9 :30 a.m. and 8:15 p.m. Sun.,
9:15 p.m. Mo n. thru Frt ., 8
p.m. Sat.
WNOE-New Orleans- lOGO on
dial, 9 :30 a.m. Sun.
WGUN-Adanta-l010 on dial, 4
p.m. Sun., II a.m. Mon . rhru
KRMG-Tulsa-740 on dial, 7:30
p.m. Sun. , 9 :30 p.rn. Mon.
thru Sat.
XERF-Del Rio, Tex.- 1570 on di al,
6:30 p.m. daily (C.S.T.)
XEG-1050 on dia l, 8 :30 p.m. daily.
Asterisk indicates new station.
Mountain Stat es
CFRN-Edmonton, Aha.-1260 on
di al, 7:30 p.m. daily.
XELO-800 on dial, 8 p.m. (M.S.T.)
9 p.m. (C. S.T.) dai ly.
West Coast
KGQ-San Francisco-81D on dial,
10 p.m. Sun., 9 :30 p.m. Mon .
thru Sat.
KI Ro-Seattl e-710 on dial, 10: 30
p.m. and 5 :30 a.m. Mon . thru
KGB5-Los on dial ,
10 p.rn. Sun.
KRAK-Sacramemo--l140 on dia l,
9 p.m. daily.
KFRE-Fresno--940 on dia l, 10:30
a.m. and 8 p.m. Sun., 8 p.m.
Mon . rhru Fr L
XERB-Lower CaIif.-I090 on dial,
7 p.m. dail y.
WNTA-New York acea-970 on
dial, 9 a.m. Sun. , 7:30 p.m.
Mon. thru Sat .
WWIN-Baltimore- 1400 on dial ,
12 noon Sun ., 12: 15 p.m.
Mo n. thru Sat.
WPIT-Pittsburgh-7:30 on di al,
3:30 p.m. Mon. thru Sat .
WMIE-Miami, Fla.-1I40 on dia l,
8 :.,0 a.rn. Sun. , 12 noon Mon.
thru Sat.
WSPD-Toledo, Ohi<r-1370 on
dial, 9:05 p.m. daily.
W]BK-Detroit-1500 on dial , 9:30
a.m. Sun.
WADC-Akron, Ohio-1350 on
dial, 9 :30 p.m. da ily.
WOW-omaha. Nebr.-590 on dia l,
9 :30 p.m. Sun. , 10: 30 p.m.
Mo n. thru Sat.
KRVN-Lexington, Nebr.-lOW on
dial , 10:30 a.m. daily.
s. Dak.-570 on
dial, 8 :30 p.m. daily.
WEAW-ehicago-1330 on dial,
9:30 a.m. Sun. (AM & FM).
7 a.m. Mon . thru Sat.
WIBC-I ndianapol is-1070 on dia l,
10:30 p.m. Sun.
KWTO-Springfield, Mo.-560 on
dia l, 7:00 p.m. daily.
KFH-Wichita, Kans .---.;1330 on dial,
6:30 p.m. daily.
KFYR-Bismarck, N. Dak.-550 on
dia l, 7 p.m. daily.
CFQC-Saskatoon, Sask.-600 on
dia l, 7:30 p.m. daily.
KefA-Corpus Christi, Tex.-1030
on dial. 2 p.m. Sun ., 12:30
p.m. Mon. thru Fr i., 4:30
p.m. Sat.
KCUL-Fc. Wort h-1540 on dia l,
1 p.m. Sun., 8:30 a.m. Mon.
thru Sat .
KENS-San Antoni0---680 on di al,
9:00 p.m. Sun., 9:30 p.m.
Mon. thru Sat.
KFMJ-Tulsa-1050 on dia l, 12:30
p.m. dail y.
KBYE-Okla. City-890 on di al,
10: 30 a.m. Sun., 12:30 p.m.
Mon. thru Sat.
WKYB--Paducah, Ky.- 570 on di al,
12 noon daily.
Mountain Stat es
KPHQ-Phoenix-91O on dial, 6:30
p.m. daily.
KLZ-Denver-560 on dia l, 10:45
p.m. Sun. thru Eri., 10:30
a.m. Sat.
KCPX-Salt Lake City-1320 on
dia l, 7 p.m. daily.
KIDQ-Boise, Idah0--630 on dial
7 p.m. dail y.
West Coost
KHQ-Spokane-590 on dial, 9
p.m. dail y.
KVI-Seattle-570 on dial, 8 a.m.
KNBX-Seattle-1050 on di al, 12
noon daily.
KWJJ-Portland-1080 on di al, 10
p.m. Sun., 9 p.m. Mon. thru
KUGN-Eugene-590 on di al, 7
p.m. da ily.
KSAY-San Francisco-IOIOon dial,
7:30 a.m. daily.
KHJ-Los Ange les-9:30 on dial,
7:30 p.m. Sun.
KRKD-Los Angeles-1150 on dial,
9:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m, Sun.,
7 p.m. Mon . thru Sat .
KBLA-Burbank-1490 on dial,
7:30 a.m. and 12:30 p. m.
KITQ-San Bema rdi no-l290 on
dial, 7 p.rn. da ily.
KNEZ - Lompoc, Cali f. - 960 on
dial , 9:30 a.m. Sun.
Alaska & Hawaii
KFQD-Anchorage, Alaska-730 on
dial, 7:30 p.m. daily.
KULA-Honolulu, Hawaii-690 on
dial, 10 p.m. daily.
In English-c-
metres ( 1439 kc.j-c-Mondays
and Tuesdays : 23 :30 G.M.T.
- VOICE OF SLOUGH-306 metres
-20:05 ever)' nigh t.
In French-
tres-5 :40 a.m., Mon.
EUROPE NO. ONE-Felsberg en
Satre, Germany - 182 kc.
(1622 m.)-5:45 a.m. Wed.
In German-
tres (6090 kc.) and 208 me-
tres (1439 kc.)-Sun. 6:05
a.m.; Wed., 7:00 a.rn., M.E.T.
February, 1962 The PLAIN mUTH Page 7
( Cotlli m" d ff om page5)
Already we oro seeing the firsr be-
ginni ngs of this. There is a revoluti on
in the weather. Wezrher experts are
Accompanying thi s, increasing and
greater EARTHQUAKES are prophesied.
That, roo, has been shaking thi s eart h
with increasing inte nsity during the
past decade!
A rhird srudenr named rhe decay-
the progressive decadence wit hin the
United Stat es and British Common-
wealth nations as a most significant ful-
fillme nt of prophecy! Ever y kind of
CRIME is on the ramp ant increase! OUI
FORM of godl iness is increasi ng- along
with a curioJity-inte resr in religion, and
church anendance-c-bur belief in the
POWER of God, and living HIS WAY of
righ teous life is rap idly deteriorating.
Even the clergy, and students in semi-
nari es-the future miaisters of religi on
-are fast losing belief in a Personal
GOD, and in the BIBLE as Hi s revealed
aut horit ative W ord. We are having a
mou nti ng di vorce and re -marriage rate!
Broken homes are pr oducing an ava-
We are becoming a soft, plea sure -seek.
ing, luxury-mad people,
W e are having less and Jess respect for
authori ty. Womer:. are trying to take
over the responsibili ties of MEN, and
men are becomi ng mere and more UN-
manly and femi ni ne. Homosexuali ty and
all forms of sex perversion and im-
morali ty are flooding our lands .
Our WORD is no good- we br eak
our contracts. W"e are more and more
spans-minded, but ""::e want to take our
spores sitting down, paying admission
to WATCH ot hers perform! Our health
is deteriorating-our hospitals are over-
crowded-and one in ten is becoming a
MENTAL patient!
God Almi ghty says He is now just about
3SH-Swanhill . Vic. - 1330 kc.-
10 :30 p.m. Sun. thru Fri.
3SR-Shepparton, Vie.-1260 kc.-
10:30 p.m, Sun. thru Fri .
3UL- Wa rragul, Vic. - 8S0 kc.-
10:30 p.m. Sun . thru Fri.
3YB-Warrnambool, Vic.-1210 kc.
-10:30 p.m. Sun. thru Fr io
4AK-Oakey, Ql d.-1220 kc.-9:30
p.m. Sun.; 10 :15 p. m. Mon.
thru 'Thurs. : 10:30 p.m. Fri.
4BK-Brisbane, Qld.-1290 kc.-
9 :30 p.m. Sun.; 10:15 p.m.
Mon. thru Thurs.; 10 :30 p.m.
4CA-eairns, Qld.-1010 kc.-10:00
p.m. Sun. rhru Fri.
4TO- Townsvill e. Qld.-7S0 kc.-
10:15 p. m. Mon. thru Sat.
4KQ - Bri sbane, Qld. - 690 kc.-
10:30 p.m. Sun.
4WK-Warwick, Qld.-880 kc.-
10 :00 p.m. Mo n. thru Sat.
6GE-Geraldton, WA-lOlO kc.-
9:30 p.m. Sun.: 10:00 p.m.
Mon. thru Frio
6KG-Kalgoorlie,WA-SGO kc.c-.
10:00 p.m. Mo n. thru Sat.
6PM-Per th. WA-1000 kc.-10:OO
p.m. Sun. : 10:15 p.m. Mon.
thru Fri.
6AM - Northam. WA - 980 kc. -
10:00 p.m. Sun.: 10:15 p.m.
Mon. rhr u Fri.
7AD-Devonport, Tas.-900 kc.-
3:30 p.m. Sun. rhru Fri.
7SD - Scottsdale, Tas. - 540 kc.-
4:00 p.m. Sun. thru Fri.
2XM - Gis borne, New Zealand-
11S0 kc.-8 :30 p.m. Wed.;
9: 15 p. m. Thurs., 10:00 p.m.
In English-
1160 kc.-6:30 p.m. E.S.T.
1010 kc.-6:00 p.m. Sat urdays.
HOC21, Panama City-1115 kc.-
7:00 p.m., Sundays .
HP5A, Panama Ci ty-11170 kc.-
7 :00 p.m., Sundays.
HOK. Colon, Panama---640 kc.-
7:00 p.m. Sunda ys.
HP5K. Colon , Panama-6005 kc.-
7 :00 p.m., Sundays .
In Spanlsh-c-
RADIO SWAN-Swan Island-11GO
kc.- 9 :00 p.m., Sat. and Sun.
- 1010 kc.- 7:00 p.m. Sun.
Paragua)'-970 kc.- S: 30 p.m.
RADIO 5PORT- CXAI9 - Mont e-
video, Urugua)'-11835 kc.-
4:00 p.m., Sundays.
RADIO CARVE-CX16, 850 kc.,
and CXA13, 6156 kc.-Mon-
tevidco, Uruguay-c-j :30 p.m .
2KY-Sydney, NSW-1020 kc.-
10 :45 p.m. Fri. and Sat.;
10: 15 p.m. Mon . thru Thurs.
2AY-Albury, NSW-1490 kc.-
10:00 p.m. Sun.; 10:30 p.m.
Mon. thru Fri.
2GF-Grafton. NSW-121O ke.-
10 :30 p.m. Mon. thr u Sat.
2GN-Goulhurn, NSW-1380 kc.-
10:00 p.rn. Mon . rbru Sat.
2HD-Neweastle, NSW-1140 kc.-
10: 30 p.m. Sun. ; 10:03 p.m,
Mon. thru Thurs. ; 10:50 p.m.
Fri .
2KA-Katoomba. NSW-7S0 kc.-
10:00 p.m. Mon . thru Sat.
2KM-Kempsey, NS\'V-9S0 kc.-
10:30 p.m. Mon . thr u Sat.
2MW-Murwi Uumbah, NSW' -1440
ke.- 1O:30 p.m. Mo n. rhru
3AW- Melbourne, Vic.-1280 kc.-
10:30 p.m. Sun.
3BO- Dendigo, Vic.-9GO kc.-1O: 30
p.m. Sun. rhru Fri.
3CV- Maryborough. Vic.-1440 kc.
-10:30 p.m. Sun. thru Fri.
3HA-Hamilton, Vie.-lOOO kc.-
10:30 p.m. Sun. thru Pri.
3KZ-Melbourne. Vic.-1180 kc.-
10:30 p.m. Sun.; 10:45 p.m.
Mon. thru Thues. : 10:15 p.m.
3MA-Mildura, Vic.-1470 kc.-
3:30 p.m. Mon. thr u Frio;
to:00 p.m. Sat.
MOZAMBIQUE - 3301 kc.
and 4925 kc.-1O:30 p.m.,
Mondays and Tuesdays; 10:00
p. m., Saturdays .
(The Congo) - OQ2AD -
5095 kc. (60 m.), 10:00 p.m.,
Sun. thru Fri .
metres (65 1 kc.), Monday
- 10 :35- 11:05 p.m.
" TIle Srd Network, B.C.C."-
BED23 Ta ichung 1380 kc.;
BED78 Ta inan Ci ty 1540 kc. :
BED79 Kaohsiung 1220 kc.:
BEDS2 Chiayi 14GO kc. :
-18:00 T.S.T., Wed. and Fri.
kc. Sundays: 12:06 noon.
DZAQ, Man ila-620 kc.-9 :00
p.m. Sunday.
DZRI. Dagupan City-1040 kc.c-.
9 :00 p. m. Sunday.
DZRB, Nega Ci ty-lOGOkc.-9:00
p.m. Sunday.
DXAW, Davao Ci ty-640 kc.-
9 :00 p. m. Sunday.
Page 8 Tbe PLAIN TRUTH February, 1962
12:4) . Another tremendous develop-
ment that has made the BIG NEWS, is the
"Space Age" development. Jesus Christ
said, "And as it was in the days of
Noah, so shall it be also in the days
of the Son of man." (Luke 17: 26). It
was undoubtedly still in the days of
Noah, though after the flood, that his
grandsons started building the tower of
Babel. Noah lived after the Flood an
additional 350 years. His three sons
were nearly 100 years old at the time of
the Flood. Children were born to these
sons after the Flood-presumably almost
immediately after. Babylon-and ap-
parently the Tower-was buil t by Nim-
rod, who was prematurely killed before
old age. Nimrod was the grandson of
Ham, one of Noah's three sons.
Now 1, myself, already have eight
grandsons and three granddaughters-
and I assure you I have not yet lived
anywhere near 350 years since the first
child was born to Mrs. Armstrong and
me. We already have a grandson 19
years of age. Since Ham's SOl1, Cush,
probably was born only a year or so
after the flood, and Nimrod was the
son of Cush, it is highly probable Nim-
rod was born nor more than 30 or 35
years after the Flood-and that he built
Babylon about 115 years after the Flood
(PleaIe continue on page 46)
Commun'ist Double Tal k. Reas promise peace, prosperity, happiness-but rnur-
der opposition. Dead peasants who were killed in the street fighting in Kazan,
Siberia, at the time of the Communist Revolution.
PROPHECY says there will be ONE pro-
fessing "Christian" religion combined
with , and actually HEADING, the new
resurrected "Holy Roman Empire,"
They will STAMP OUT every other reo
ligion in the western world they are to
conquer and RULE for the short space
of 2 to 3Y2 years! Your Bible says they
will persecute, and MARTYR all who do
not bow under their yoke! Millions will
be put to death for their belief in true
BIBLE Christianity!
Bur this whole movement, in the
early stages of merging, is not Christian.
God names her. Through Isaiah 47 she
is called the DAUGHTER of the ancient
BABYLON. Hers is not the religion of
CHRIST-bur the ancient BABYLONIAN
MYSTERIES, deceiving the world under
a FALSE LABEL! The real name is not
Christian. GOD calls her by her real
name: "MYSTERY, BABYLON the Great,
the mother of harlots" ( Rev. 17:5) .
Another fulfillment of prophecy is
MODERN SCIENCE, falsely so-called, It
is new in the world. Of all the scien-
tists who ever lived, 90% of them are
in the present generation, alive today!
CREASE." Much of it is false knowledge!
Rapid transportation was to come (Dan.
Then, look at COMMUNISM, and the
unmng under .this godless atheistic
movement of the CHILDREN OF ]APHETH
-the oriental world! Has that been
BIG News? Ezekiel 38 shows definitely
that some godless movement was going
to bring those races together before the
coming of CHRIST. They are to have
MAN POWER (including women) in
armies totalling TWO HUNDRED MIL-
LION SOLDIERS! No army has ever yet
remotely approached that vast number.
Yet God says it will happen-SOON!
( Rev. 9: 16. ) And the RED ARMIES al-
ready have the greatest man power of
world history!
For 35 years, I have been saying-
since long before China was brought in-
to the Communist orbit-that these
nations would be allied!
Another gigantic movement is JUSt
now beginning to attract public atten-
tion and to inspire BIG-news headlines,
though it has been in process of form-
ing for some time. A special article re-
porting the astounding FACTS will ap-
pear soon in The Plain Truth. That is
the "ecumenical" movement among the
organized religions that call themselves
"Christian" today. Not only are Pro-
testant bodies making more and more
determined advances toward UNION-
but the Eastern Orthodox Catholics are
being courred-or are courting-and
the Roman Catholic Church , although
firmly refusing direct co-operation and
all offers of COMPROMISE, nevertheless
is enco.uraging all movements in this
direction. She is extending every pos-
sible invitation for her protesting "way-
ward daughters" to come back into the
fold-under absolute Papal RULE, of
Why is this movement so significant?
ready to visit upon our peoples the most
severe national PUNISHMENT ever suf-
fered by any nations! He says He is
going to use this EUROPEAN COMBINE
now rising to DESTROY OUR CITIES (H-
Bombs ), and kill a third of our popu la-
tions, after a third already have perished
in the famine and disease epidemics!
certain unless our peoples REPENT, and
turn to GOD and seek HIS WAYS! And
you know they WON'T!
Just What do You MEAN-
Don't be t oo sure you know! Many religious people talk about
being"born again"-yet they don't really know what Christ
meant by those words. The TRUTH is surprising, start ling-
here made so plain you will UNDERSTAND!
T ET'S be honest-i-don'r some of these
L religious terms seem vague. mean-
ingless, when you Stop to thi nk
about it?
Do you know that most people who
thi nk t hey have been "bo rn agai n" ac-
wally have no more real concepcion of
what it means than the young man who
said he "gave his hear t to the Lord" at
a revival meet ing. When asked if he
had his chest CUt open so he could
reach in, take hi s heart our, and hand
it to the Lord , he stammered confusedly
that he guessed he didn't really know
what it did mean, when he had been
told that he "gave hi s heart to the Lord,"
It's about time the TRUTH of what
j esus Christ meanc by being "born
again" is made 10 plain you will UNDER-
STAND! For He did nor say or mean
what mos t religi ous people think! And
Even Preachers Deceived
When Jesus said we cannot enter into
the Kingdom of God except we be
BORN AGAIN, Nicodemus was confused.
He did n't understand-but he did know
that he had been BORN-once.' And he
knew that to be BORN meant that he
was literally delivered our of his moth-
er 's womb, [ser having been begotten
by his human father, and having been
nourished by food throug h his mother
so that, as a growing foetus, he devel-
Oped and grew ph ysically large enough
to be finally BORN! Th at was no ethereal,
imagi nary, mystic, unreal event.
Yes, N icode mus knew what it meant
to be BORN! But Jesus was talking about
being born AGAIN- a second time-not
of material flesh-nor after being phys-
ically begotten by hi s bu men farher-
but of the SPIRIT, after being begorten
by the heaverlly Pather!
WHY canner people understand? It's
by Herbert W. Armstron g
hard to beli eve, bu r YOUR BIBLE says
that t his whole world is DECEIVED!
Incredible though it seems, that is
Yes, even the clergy! Many large
denomi nations of this worl d's organized
religi on ignore thi s subject altogether.
Some refer co it, as a mythical, mystic,
meaningless expression, casually and
rarel y, purring no emphasis on it as a
doctrine or teaching. But a few put ma-
jar stress on "a born-again experience"
-without the slightest conception of
what it means!
WHY this confusion of tongues? Ac-
tually, it has resulted from the greatest,
most colossal and diabolical conspiracy
ever perpetrated on manki nd, which oc-
curred between the years of 70 and 120
A.D.-actually beginning as early as 50
The most tremendous discovery of
this 20th Century-the most important
acquisit ion of new knowledge-is the
discovery of the tme faettla/ and authen-
ti c his/or" of tha t gigantic organized
conspiracy that resulted in deceiving the
enti re western world!
If it were truly UNDERSTOOD today
what Jesus meant by being BORN AGAIN,
the subj ect would be neither ignored,
nor misrepresented in a pseudo-spiritual,
myst ic sentimentalism.
One relig ious leader, victim of the
Gr eat Delusion, gave this definition of
a Christian : "One who has been born
again, and washed in the blood of
Christ: ' It will sound incredible to some,
but emphatically that is ri ot the Bibl ical
definition. We shall make that PLAIN!
I have before me a religious weekly,
in newspaper style, with a 3-column
headline across the tOp of a 5column
front page , which says: I'What IBorn
Again' Afeans." It is a long article, con-
tinuing over on, and almost filling an
add it ional whole page. But I read in
vain to di scover what this evangelist,
with the tide of "Docror," thought the
words really mean. He listed eight con-
ditions, or religious states, which he
thought result ed from the "experience."
Bur what the words "born agai n" mean
-what act ually lakes place, and how
and when--or JUSt what the "experi-
ence" is-he simply didn't know. Af ter
talking all around hi s subject, never
getting down to it, he finally said the
new birth is a "mystery" which we can-
not understand.'
God intends us to understand! YOUR
BIBLE makes it PLAIN-yes, the PLAIN
TRUTH-if you will only quit "inte r-
preting," reading inro it a supposed
meaning carel essly assumed because it
has been popularly taught-c-or repre-
senting it as a system of doubl e-talk in
which words do not mean what they
The BIBLE says what it MEANs-and
it means precisely what it SAYS. l et's
quit interpreting! Let's BELIEVE CHRIST,
the Living W ord of GOD!
A Contradiction ?
There is a parti cular verse that has
puzzled milli ons, discouraged thousands
who didn't understand, and caused some
to accuse the Bible of cont radicti ng it-
Look at thi s verse! It says-and
means, lit erally: "W hosoever is born of
God doth nor commit sin; for Hi s seed
rernainerh in him: and he cannot sin,
because he is born of God" (I J ohn
Look at that! It says plainly, that after
a man is "born of God" it is impossible
to sin again.
Now is that a contradiction of verse
8 of the first chapter of the same
Page 10
Book? Remember that in New Testament
language the pronouns "we" or " us"
refer to converted Christians. The un-
convened are referred to as "they" or
"them:' An example is I Thes . 5. "For
when Ihey shall say, 'Peace and safery';
then sudden destruction cometh upon
them . . . and Ihey shall not escape.
But j'e. brethren, are not in darkness
that that day should overtake you as a
thief" (Verses 3 and 4).
Now compare the verse in I John
3:9 wi th the following, in I John 1:8-9:
"If we say that we have no sin, we
deceive ourselves, and the truth is not
in us. If we"-(already Christians who
repented of, and had forgiven and wiped
OUt, all previous sins at the time of con-
version-so this is here referring to sins
commirred, though of course not de-
liberately and wilfully, afler bei ng con-
verted )-"confess our sins, He is fai th-
ful and JUSt to forgive us our sins, and
to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
If we"-(we CHRISTIANS)-"say that
we have not sinned, we make Him a liar,
and His Word is nor in us" ( Verse 10 ).
Then, the next verse, I John 2: 1: "And
if any man sin, we (Christians) have an
Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ
the righteous."
Of course the Bible teaches that
Christians should not sin. The first par t
of I John 2: I (not quoted above)
teaches that. The emphasis all through
the New Testament is on rooting out
sin--overcoming sin-growing in God's
righteousness, always toward per fection.
But these and numerous other verses
( especially the Apostle Paul's experi-
ence, Romans 7: 14-25) say plainly that
converted Christians do sin- though
not delibe rately and wilfully. Certainly
it is not impossible)
Look at Jesus Chr ist Hi mself! The
Scriptures say He did no) Iifl-yet they
teach plainly that at all times it was
emirely pouible for Him to sin. Jesus,
in the human flesh, "was in all points
tempted like as we are, yet without sin"
( Heb, 4:15) . No Scripture says that
He could not sin.
So here we have many Scriptures
showing that it is NOT IMPOSSIBLE for
converted Christians to sin-it was NOT
IMPOSSIBLE even for Jesus! Yet, in I
John 3:9, we have the flat statement
thar, if and when we are actually born
of GOD, we sbal! nat be able 10 Iifl-
The Source of Error
Nearly every error is based on a false
assumption, taken carelessly for granted.
The universal error, in this case, is the
untrue ASSUMPTION that when one is
converted-when one has fully repented,
accepted Christ in faith, and received
God's Spirit-or, as some state it, "been
baprized by the Huly Spir it"-that he
has then been "born again."
The colossal error is merely one of
using incorrect terminology - yet the
error is far-reaching, and totally hides
from tbe world tbe overwbelming, ALL-
of Goo! By this apparently slight mis-
use of terminology, a cunning devil has
what salvation is-what is the reward
of the "saved"-what is the real PUR
TION-the goal of God's Plan!
This misapplication of one word of
religious terminology has deceived a
confused world into viewing the matter
of being "born again" as some ethereal ,
mystic "experience" one is supposed to
"feel," or, somehow, though he sensed
nothing, to have gone through when he
professed Christ!
What most religious people-if they
use the terrn-s-call being "born again"
is simply MIS-NAMED. Actually, the term
"born again" does nat apply at all, nor
refer to, the experience of a true CON
VERSION- the receiving of God's Holy
Spiri t-or. as some phrase it, the "bap -
t ism of the Holy Spirit ." Most, however,
who use this latter term are as deceived
as to what it is, as they are about being
"horn again."
The real SOURCE of this whole Stu-
pendous error is this: In the English
language, we have two different words
to express the two phases that occur in
the reproductive process of all mammals.
The one, which is the very star: of
the new life, we call conception, or a
begeltal. All human and animal life
comes from an egg-cell, which must first
be fertilized, impregnated, conceived, or
begotten (yes, we have all four of those
words for this firsr init ial phase of the
February, 1962
reproductive process ) by a sperm-cell
from tbe FATHER. Bur NO ONE EVER
ca!ls this beginning of the process a
In the case of all mammals , the be-
gO Itt11 egg-cell is called a foetus . In the
human family it starts as small as a very
tiny penci l dot . It cannot be BORN until,
nourished on material food through the
mother, in the uterus or womb of the
mother, it develops ana grou/s, physical-
ly, to a size averaging 6 to 9 pounds in
the human family.
The phase of the process which in the
English language we call being BORN
is that process by which the foetus is
delivered from the mother's womb, and
OUt into the world comes a little baby
to gasp its Own first breath. It has then
But if you would try to tell a doctor,
or a nurse, that the yet unborn foetus
had already been born, as soon as you
knew it had been conceived, or begotten,
the doctor or nurse would surely think
you ignorant, and probabl y try to ex,
plai n.
The New Testament of the Holy
BIBLE was originally written in the
Greek language. And, in this case, the
Greeks had ollly one word for the lWO
vitally differetll phases of the process!
That Greek word is "gennao" ( pro-
nounced ghen -ali-o) . The Greek-English
dictionary (lexicon ) gives this defini-
tion of the Greek word: t o procreate
( properly of the father , but by extension
of the mother ) ; beget, be born, bring
forth, conceive, be deli vered of, gender."
Four of those definitions mean to be-
get or to conceive - but NOT to be
BORN. To procreate means to beget. To
conceive has the same meaning. Web
srer's dict ionary defines "gender" as to
beget, breed, generate. It does not refer
to the birth. But three of the lexicon
definiti ons of "gennao" mean the actual
BIRTH: "be born," "bring f orth," and
"be delivered of."
Misleading Translation
Since the original Greek, in which
the New Testament was written, has
oflly tbe one word f or botb meanings-:-:
and since the "scholars" of our compar-
atively recent years who translated the
Bible into English did not, themselves,
[Please continue on page 21)
The Autobiography of
Herbert W. Armstrong
The WORLD TOMORROW leaps ahead with the first daily
broadcasting-now from Holl ywood. Impact of the Work more
t han doubled. Ho wa son was trained .
E COME. now, [Q Apr il. 1942.
Our cider daughter was happily
mar ried, and now our younger
daught er was maki ng determin ed efforts
to achieve the same sratus.
On th e Ai r- In HoIlywood!
Her fiance, Vern Matt son, was in the
Mar ines. She had word from him that
his Division- the famous First Division
U. S. Marines of Guadalcanal fame-
was shippi ng Out from New River ,
North Carolina. He di dn' t know where.
The dest ination could be Europe. But
hi s guess was the far Pacific, via rhe
Panama Canal.
He thought they might stop off
br iefly at San Diego, Los Angeles, or
San Francisco. It was a "long-shot"
chance, but if (hey did, Vern and Dor-
orhy wanted to be married-s-even if it
should be no more than a three or four -
hour stop-over.
In every war thousands of engaged
coup les f ace t h is sa me d ec i si on-
whet her to marr y immediately or wait
unt il after the war. My wife and I had
discussed and argued the problem in the
spring and summer of 1917-at the
beginning of World W ar I. We had
decided co let the chai rma n of my draft
board make the decis ion for us. He said :
"Get married." We did. And now we
were har dly in positi on co thr ow any
obstacles in Dorothy's path.
If the Marin es did make a brief stop -
over at one of the thr ee California pores,
the re would be no time for hi m co come
co Eugene, Oregon, or, after landing,
for Dorothy to get to Cali fornia.
Since we were at last ready, at the
time, to add a Los Angeles station co
the three we were then broadcasting
over, it was decided that I shou ld dr ive,
with Dorothy, to Los Angeles.
The pre ceding Slimmer Mrs . Arm-
st rong and I had interviewed Mr. Ken-
neth Tinkham, manager of KMTR in
Hollywood. He had agreed to accept the
program when we were ready. He now
cleared 9:30 Sunday mornings.
I rented a small apartment within
walking distance of KMTR.
W e were now ON THE AIR-IN
As 1 mentioned in the preceding in-
stallment, KMTR ( now KLAC) had
the t'er} desirable wave-length of 570
kilocycles on the radio dial. This, corn-
bined wi th except ional and unusual
mechanical and tran smi tter advantages
gave it a day-time signal almost equ al
to the average SO,OOO-watt sta tion.
The mail response from listeners was
at least dou ble that of any of the three
stations already used in the Pacific
Northwest. I found our listening audi-
ence now doubled!
And Now-DAILY Broadcasting!
W it hin about rwo weeks a new op-
port uni ty came. When Me. Tinkham
called me co his office and offered it I
didn' t know whether co regard it as an
opportuni ty or a temptation to disaster.
One of [he leadi ng Los Angeles radio
ministers, Dr. Clem Davies, had been
using two half-hour periods on KMTR
dai ly, at 5:30 in the evening, and a
morning half- hou r. He was now chang-
ing co one program da ily at the more
expensive time of around 7: 30 in the
eveni ng.
Mr. Tinkham offered me [he 5: 30
P.M. time Mondays through Satu rdays,
in addi tion to the 9: 30 Sunday morning
half-hour. The cost would be nearl y six
times the amou nt per week I was already
payi ng KMTR. It had been a big leap
ahead, in expend itures, as well as in
numbers reached, to take on the Sunday
broadcast ing in the Los Angeles area.
The thought of meeting this rrernen-
deus add iti onal increase in expenses was
stagger ing. Wher e would the money
come from ? Th ere was no time to send
lette rs to Co- WIorkers to see whether
[hey would-c-or even co!tld-pledge
enough to guarant ee thi s mountainous
increase in expenses. I had to grab that
open time wi thi n 24 hours or lose it.
Our readers will reme mber that I had
learned the costly lesson back in the
period from November, 1934 to lat e in
1936. The doo r of KXL, Port land, had
opened. We then were on only one sta-
tion, our or igi nal KORE, Eugene. But
instea d of recogni zing that the livin g
Christ, who heath God's Work, had
opened this door and expected me to
walk through in FAITH, I want ed to rely
on pledges from PEOPLE. When our
brethren and Co- Workers pledged only
half enough, I was afraid rc incur the
obligation. Christ di d nor ope n that
door before me again for tWO whole
Now He had ope ned another door .
To me, at that time , [hi s was a J! Jtpe11
dons door. It probably meant at least
doubling the ent ire expenses of the
whole W ork-in one sudden jump! And
1 had to pay each week in advance, too!
I telephoned Mr s. Ar mstrong at the
office in Eugene. The total balance we
had in the bank at the moment was
exactl y the amou nt of one week's daily
broadcastin g.
\'Vell, even if it was our last dollar,
God had supplied TODAY'S need for this
colossal opportunity He had opened to
us! Jesus' sample prayer teaches us co
ask, "Give us this do} our dai ly bread: '
God does nor often give us today our
need for next year-though He tells us
elsewhe re it is right for us to lay up in
the summer for the win ter' s need, and
even to lay up ahead for our children
and gr and-children.
Bur I had learned the lesson at great
Page 12
pr ice. This decision rook courage , It
cook faith. God had opened now the
biggest door so far . He had supplied the
immediate need of that parti cular Jay .
I walked prompt ly thr ough that door
IN FAITH! Blind failh.' I could not see
where the muncy for a second week 's
daily broadcast ing could come from.
How could our income for [he whole
work suddenly doubl e?
I decided chat was GOD'S problem and
responsibi lity. I commi ned it to Him.
and wrote Out a "heck for every dollar
we had in the bank .
WEEK ! Thar was by far the most tre-
menJ011S leap ahead so far!
T remendous Response
BlH, miracle of mir aclcsl-c-fcr once
in our exper ience, the impact of thi s
early evening lJAILY broadcastin g was as
tremendous as the rest of faith had been!
Not once drd I ask for conrri burions on
the air, JUSt as I had refused ro do from
the first broadcast in 1934. And the
mailing address for fr ee literature and
Tbe PLAI N TRUTH, offered on each pro-
gram, was then Box I ll , Eugene,
Or egon.
Not only was there an immediate
tremendous increas e In mail from lis-
teners-e--there was a corresponding in-
crease in tithes and offeri ngs arriving
in Eugene.
Th e first week rolled by quickly. On
the day the second week's advance-
payment for radio time was due, I tele-
phoned OUI office in Euge ne. The money
for the second week's broadcasting was
in the bank ! And, a week lat er, there
was enuugh for t he th ird- and then the
four th. and on and on! God cont inued,
week by week, ro supply the N E E D ~
T his daily broadcasting was a new
experience. At tha t time I had always
spoken on t he air fro m wri tt en scri pt .
During {hose war years it \vas required.
To write the scr ipt for a half-hour
broadcast, including the srudy and re-
search for material, occu pied my ent ire
It now became daily rout ine. Early in
the morning. each day, I started getting
the broadcast material assembled and
o.nlined-c-rhen putting it on the typt.=-
wr iter. Around 4; 30 in the afte rnoon I
pulled t he last sheer of paper from the
rypewrirer. Then t he walk of a mile or
so to the rad io station, and on the air
at 5:30.
Once a week-it was Th ursday eve-
nings-after the daily program, I went
to a rest aurant for dinner, checking rhc
eveni ng newspapers and t he weekly
news magazine for war news I could lise
-c-rhen, whipping together an outl ine of
the materi al, I wenr on to the recor ding
studio to record the Sunday progr am
for the three Pacific Nort hwes t stations.
Then a drive to the Burbank airport to
pUt the large transcript ion discs inro the
air-express offi ce,
It was a gri nd. But it was doubling
the size, scope and power of God's
February, 1962
Work. and that was a rewa rding thrill!
T ra ining a Son
Week after week this routine con-
tinued. As the weeks passed, no word
came from Vern Mattson. We learned
lat er that the Fir st Division Marines
had sailed through the Panama Canal,
and srraighr through the Pacific to
Guadalcanal, where they made their
spect acular landing in the ver y fi "st of-
fensive dri ving the Japanese back from
the vast Pacific empire t hey had cap-
As soon as schoo l was out, early June,
Mr s. Armstrong called me on t he tele-
phone from Eugene.
" I'm sending Dick down to you on
the next train ," she said. "He's grown
tOO big for me to pun ish, and I simply
can 't manage hi m any mor e,"
Dick was then thirteen , and only
about four months from re-achi ng four -
teen He was sprout ing up.
Two pro blems had present ed them-
selves with our two sons. Ted ( Ga rner
Ted, but we always called hi m Ted ) ,
had always been a "little feIlow"- shorc
for his age. Dick had been of normal
height ior hi s age. But our readers will
remember that Mr s. Armstron g, over
my protest, had insisred on start ing the
rwo boys in the first grade in school
together. I had finally acquiesced to
this. Ted had always been, as a small
boy, a favorite with hi s woman teachers.
Because Ted, 16 months younger, had
always basked in the limelight wherever
In front of the small apartment in Holl ywood, Cali-
forn ia , are Mr . Armst rong and his son Dick, age 13V2 .
The apartment was w it hin w a lking d istance of KMTR.
In front of t he KMTR st udi o (now KlAC) is Richard D.
Armst rong. The large leafed tr ees a re bananas.
February, 1962
Mr. Armstr ong d igging in t he sand wi t h his boys ,
while on a f a st at t he Oregon coast. The two yo u ng -
sters in sw imming suits are unknown.
In the mountains of Oregon are Richard Da vid and
Garner Ted Armstrong throwing snowball s.
rhey were-c-t'scolen the show" so ro
speak- Dick had developed an over-
sized inferiorit y complex. Here he was,
sprouting up (Q a full man's heighr,
almost fourt een, but seriously lacking
in confidence.
It was some time after this- back in
Eugene-thar I discovered Ted working
industriously and with :J. determined zeal
on a muscle-buil ding st rong- man course
he had found advertised in one of the
magaz ines. Dick had always been taller,
but now that Dick was sprouti ng up,
and Ted had not yet reached that Spurt
to manly matu rity. the diffe rence in size
had greatly increased. Up unt il this time
the tWO boys had been closer buddies
and pals than any tWO boys I ever knew.
Bur now, Ted was suffering from. a
smarting feeling of inferiority. \Vhen I
asked him what inspired this vigorously
dete rmined bur st of energy, trying to
build muscle, he replied,
" I 'm getting ready (Q beat up on Di ck.
I'm ti red of being pushed arou nd, JUSt
because he's bigger than I am."
This is geui ng ahead of my story-
for this occurred somewhat later. But
let me stare here that before Ted was
able to develop enough muscle to "beat
up on Dick" he, tOO, began to spro ut up
and finally reached full male maturi ty,
exactly the same heigh t as Dick-and
borh boys, fioally, about 2V2 inches railer
dun Dad. And, once Ted caught up in
physical stature, the two boys were in-
separable pals and companions again.
From the moment Mrs. Armst rong
said she was shipping Dick down to me,
I knew I had to find a way ro help hi m
overcome his inf eri or ity complex.
I decided on a definite plan. Abour
[he second day he was wirh us in Holly-
wood-s-after showing him around Holly-
wood to some cxreoe-c-I asked him if he
would not like to go over and see a boy-
hood frie nd, John Haebcr. who lived in
Hawthorne, sout h of Los Angeles. The
Haebers had spent a lor of time in
Oregon, and Out boys had become
acquainted wi th John , about their age.
Next morning early I gave Dick
enough money for car fare to Haw-
thorne and back.
"Well, Dad, I don't know the way,
How shall I go?" Di ck asked.
"Di ck:' I said, "you have to beg in
r ight now learn ing to be self-reliant and
finding your own way around. You al-
ready have the Haeber's street address.
Learn [Q 'carry a message to Ga rcia' on
your own. I' m too busy getting the
broadcast ready co tell you. Here's car
fare. You're on your own. Find your
own way. And be back here in time for
din ner. Good bye, son."
\Vhat went on in Di ck' s mind at that
moment I never knew. But I opened
the door , he went Out, and he was on
his own. Somehow. he worked OUt his
problem. He arr ived at the Heebers' ,
and was back in time for din ner. That
was the beginni ng of my pr ogram for
hi m.
A few days later I asked him if he
would not like to spend the day Out at
the beach-at Sant a Monica and Ocean-
side. I gave him car fare. Again, I gave
him no directions whatever, but told
him to find his own way.
He was a little late retur ni ng. Some-
how, he had losr his return car-fare in
the sand. I do not remember now how
he managed getti ng back to Holl ywood
- but he wor ked his own wa)' out of
his predicament without telephoni ng me
for help. He lacked even the pr ice of a
telephone call, anyway.
A littl e later he mentioned goi ng to
the zoo. I did n't know where the zoo
was, but gave him permission to g ~
again on his own.
Dick was learning self-reliance, He
was developing ini tiative. He was find-
ing his own way around, I planned to
have Mrs. Armstrong and Ted come
down before we ended our summer and
retu rned to Oregon. One last thing re-
mained in my plan before they came. I
took Dick tWO or three times boati ng
on the lagoons in MacArt hur and Echo
parks, taught him how (Q use the moror
boats rented out there.
Now I was ready for Dick's final
exam in his course in self-reliance, and
PaJ:e I ~
overcoming a feeling of inferiority to
Filling the Biltmore
Dr. Clem Davies, whose rime I had
taken over on KMTR, had been holding
regular Sunday services at the Biltmore
Theatre, largest in downtown Los
Angeles. About the time he relinquished
the 5:30 evening time for the better
7: 30 time, a dramatic or comedy show
starring George Jessel was opening at
the Biltmore.
Thi s had forced Mr . Da vies Out of the
Biltmore, and he had moved his Sunday
services to an auditorium at the Am-
bassador Hotel.
Along in earl y J uly, probably dose
to the IOrh, I heard that the Jessel show
was ending irs engagement and moving
on to San Francisco. Immediately I
Went to the office of the manager of
the theatre.
The last Jessel performance was to
be Saturday nighr. Would the theatre
be available on next Sunday?
"Why, yes, the theatre will be avail-
able," he said, "but you couldn't afford
to rent it."
"How do you know I couldn't?" I
demanded. "How much will it COSt?"
"Now look, Mr. Ar mstrong," he per-
sisted. "Dr, Davies had been holdi ng
services here a long time. It took him
rears to build up a good-sized audience.
He took up three collections at every
service-and he just barely took in
enough to pay the rent. You've only
been on the air "down here about three
months. You haven't had time to build
up a fraction of Dr. Davies' following
yet. Even if you took up five collections
in your service, you'd never get enough
to pay for it-and besides, I'd .have to
have the entire rent in advance. You
haven't been on the air down here long
enough yet to fill a big auditorium like
the Biltmore."
"Well that 's what I' d like ro find
out," I replied. "And I will nut take up
a' l)' collections at all! But how can I
tell whether I can afford it, unless you
tell me the amount of the rental?"
I thi nk it was 5175. And it was
already Wednesday late afternoon.
I told him I would be back wi th the
decision in a few moments. The Bilt-
more Theatre occupies one corner of the
large block occupied otherwise by the
large Biltmore Hotel. I went to the
hotel lobby, and called Mrs. Armstrong
at our office in Eugene by long distance
telephone. Once again, we had just
enough money in the bank to pay this
rental in advance, and the price of
postal cards for the Los Angeles district
mailing list.
I dictated over the telephone an an-
nouncement to our secretary, instruct-
ing them at the Eugene office to have
the announcement mimeographed on
the cards, all addressed to those on the
Southern California mailing list, and get
them in one big package into the air-
express office addressed to me, yet that
same evening. It was then only about
15 minutes before closing time at the
post office.
I dashed back into the theatre lobby
and up to the manager's office, and wrote
hi m OUt a check for the following Suo-
day's rental.
In those days, because of the war and
fear of Japanese bombing, we were
having blackouts every night, I had
been advised that people in Los An-
geles would not come OUt to a religious
service at night. Theatregoers would
attend the theatre for night performances
-but for some reason people were
afraid to attend a religious service at
night. It merely demonstrated where
people's hearts and interests were.
So the meeting had to be held on
Sunday afternoon- I believe the time
was 3:00 P.M ,
Next day, Thursday, the large pack-
age of primed and addressed post
cards arrived. I took them to the Holly-
wood POSt office. There was a vigorous
protest about letting me mail them
there. I had not bought the cards
there. That POSt office lost the credit
for the sale of the post cards, and ob-
jected to having to have charged to
them the expense of handling. But I
explained our emergency, and how there
was no other way 1 could have done it.
They finall y took them.
Then on my progr am, Wednesday,
Thursday, Friday, and Saturday eve-
nings, I announced the Sunday after-
noon meeting at the Biltmore-and
finally again, on Sunday morning. Peo-
pie received the POSt card announce-
mems Friday and Saturday,
February, 1962
After the Sunday morning broadcast,
Di ck, Dorothy and I went back to our
apartment very tense. Would enough
people come to look like a fair-sized
audience, or would the small crowd
simply look LOST in that big theatre
seating about 1900 people?
"Oh BOY!" Dick had exclaimed ex-
citedly, as soon as he had heard I had
rented the Biltmore Theatre. "I'm going
to sit in a BOX! I've always wanted to
sit in a box in a theatre. Now my Dad
has rented the whole theatre, Oh BOY!
I'm going to sit in a box at last!"
We took a streetcar to the theatre,
arriving about 2: 15, A few blocks away
I noticed the Streets were unusually
crowded with people-especially for
Sunday afternoon in downtown Los
Angeles. I wondered what was going on!
We soon found out, It seemed all
those people were going in one direc-
tion-toward the Biltmore theatre!
I thought it best that I nor get in-
volved in a hand-shaking experience
until after the service, because I still
had to prepare the sermon. So I went in
through the rear stage door, while Dick
and Dorothy emered by the lobby en-
I learned later what had happened,
All of Dr. Davies' former ushers were
on hand, and it seemed they had gotten
divided somehow into two divisions.
There was no one in charge. and there
was a dispute over which group of
ushers was taking over. Confusion
Dick's experience in self-reliance and
initiative now paid off. Immediately he
-not yet fourteen-took charge. He
called all the ushers to one side,
"I'm Dick Armstrong," he told them,
"and I'm taking charge here."
Then he snapped OUt orders, He said
he would use all the ushers, since the
crowds were literally streaming in-and
each would do whatever he assigned. He
then, wi thout any previous experience,
organized the rwo groups, assigned sta-
tions to each man, directed everything,
and from that moment there was order
and system.
Actually, it had never occurred to me
we would have a crowd large enough to
need ushers-and I would certainly nor
have known where to turn to obtain
ushers, anyway. But God worked that
February, 1962 Tbe PLAIN TRUTH Page 15
Ted Armstrong sea te d a t a drinking water st opping
place ot th e roadside, when Mr . Armstrong was on
the way to t he Oregon coast for a fast .
In front of th e Hollywood apartments, in 1942, is
Dick Armstrong. It was at th is time that he had to
supervise emergency usheri ng a t the Biltmore .
om, supplied the needed ushe rs, and used
Dick to restore quick ord er and system.
No Co ll ections
Alt hough I had never taken up any
collections in any publi c evangelistic
service-and have not to this day, and
never shall-I did have tWO thi ngs done
hurriedly on Thursday and Friday of
rhar week. I had a sign painter turn
out large lobby signs for the theatre,
and 1 had tWO wooden boxes made,
about (he size of a shoe-box, with a
slot in th e top of each. Th ese were
placed at each end of (he inner lobby
of the theat re by Dick-to one side, and
1101 i n the direct path of t he exits from
the inner isles.
Actually, Dick did get to sit in his
box- but by t he time serv ice was to
begin, all the boxes were crowded full.
Nevert heless, he went into a box, told
them who he was, and the peopl e man-
aged to squeeze in a lit tle closer and
make room for one more.
The first floor and t he balcony were
packed solid, and the second balcony
hal f or more than half filled. The at-
tenda nce was 1750!
I had decided to conduct the service
JUSt like a broadcast-precise ly un rime!
At precisely 5 second s before 3.00 P.M.,
I walked br iskly to the pu lpi t in the
center of the stage , arriving at the pulp it
at 3 to the second. Before 1 could say
a word, I was surprised by an uproarous
bursc of applause. 1 had neve r seen or
heard anything like that at a religious
mee ting. But I learned later that this
was common practice in Los Angele s,
and tha t min isters are commonly called
"doctor" whether they possess any such
degree or nor. Up in the second balcony
there was the blowing of a foghorn. A
well-known Los Angeles characte r, who
went along barefoot and with long
flowing white hair and, I bel ieve, in a
white robe, whom 1 hear d called "Father
Time; ' had come in. But there were no
ot hers of that type.
As soon as the applause di ed down,
I starred wi th the usual, "GREETINGS,
FRIENDS !"-then another burst of
laugh ing appla use. 1 said, rapi dly, that
alt houg h I loved to sing hymns as much
as any uf them, that righr now we were
in a WAR, prophecy W ~ I S being rapi dly
fulfilled, and 1 had t hings of tOO great
import ance to say to take up time with
eit her singi ng, or taking up collectio ns.
1 said that I knew some would be dis-
appointed if they could 'lot leave an
uJfering, and for those who wanted to,
there were the tWO offering boxes in
the rear lobby-bue that they would not
see them unl ess they went our of the
usual path to find them-that we never
rook lip collections, never asked for con-
tri buci ons eit her in such services, nor
over rhe air.
Then 1 got immedi ately into my mes-
(Please continue O'J page 34)
PaJ,:; e 16 'J'I>, PLAIN lllUTII Feb ru a ry, 11)62
uous-c-Eugcnc. Portl and, and Seanle,
with a listening audience of 150,000
every week T he PLAI N TRUTH circu -
lat ion had mult iplied from the origi nal
150 copies 10 4,000. The 40d, and 41st
Instal lments of the Autobiography have
descr ibed how we still had ro keep that
4,000 mai ling lisr by hand, address all
copies by hand, \,vith unly Mrs. Arm-
strong and me, and now, calling for
volunteer helpers from the little church
every tWO months for mai ling.
Progress had seemed so very slow.
Yet seven years had devel oped the work
from virtually nothing to a more or less
noti ceable irnpacr on the entire Pacific
Another seven years brought us to
February, 1948. Ambassador College had
been fuunded. I rs doors had first swung
open to students-only 4 students-s-
October 8, 1947. It was like starting all
over agai n. Th e college, like the broad-
casting and the publishing, had to start
the very smallest. There was no en-
dowment . There had not been even a
down payment for the purchase of the
orig inal small block of campus property.
The Pasadena city Building Inspector
had slapped a 530,000 headache on us
that proved almost fatal. Every wall and
ceiling of the 3 floors and basement
of our first classroom building ( now the
Library) had to be torn out, and recon-
11. ~ r '-t./' 4:"
~ "'I II
The Elme r Fish er ho me as it is toda y. Ori g ina lly a t wo-st ory house. Here Mr .
Armstrong prepared th e first issue of The PLAIN TRUTH ment io ned in t he
editori a l. left.
by shaky freehand wurk!!
And so it was, that after 7 JeuH, the
conception that had come to mind back
in 1927 ul publishing Tbe PLA I N
It was a crude, home-produced
mimeogr aphed "magazine," which per -
haps no one else would have dignified
by the word "magazine't-c-bur, to me, it
was the realization of a dream of SEVEN
And now, aft er anot her four periods
of Jett' l1 years each, we come to the 28th
Anniversary of that humble, crude,
homemade first edi tion of The PLAI N
TRUTH. Its circulation then, 150 copies!
For Jet/en more struggling years, T he
PLAIN TRUTH had to remain a crude-
looking mimeographed paper. It did not
come our regularl y every month. There
was one two-year lapse. But, as recorded
in the December, 1961 issue, in the
40th Installment 01 the Autobiogr aphy,
the Augusr-Seprernber, 1940, PLAIN
TRUTH finally outgrew the mimeo-
graphing process, and beginni ng that
issue, it has been a printed magazine.
Even then, it was printed on lowest-cost
mimeogra ph paper, only 8 pages, and, in
order to afford COSt of printing, a bi -
mont hly-every Other month!
But, by the seventh anniversary of
Tbe PLAI N TRUTH, February, 1941, we
were broadcasting on three radio sra-
t Connnsed from page 4)
from the Editor
small list of church brethren aski ng
pledges totalling 52.50 per week lor the
broadcast. I received pledges lor only
hall 01 that, and had to take the other
hall on sheer [aith.
How, in thi s state of affairs, was I
to starr publi shing a magazine? It
seemed impossible. Bur, as I said, there
was a will. God had now provided the
means of building a circulation-from
radio listeners, starring the lie.,.y small-
est, of course. No w I was determined
(0 find the WAY.
I had previously been getti ng our the
little mimeographed news bulletin for
the scattered few church members we
were then wor ki ng with. The WAY
would have to be the mimeograph, nor
the priming press!
Ar the rime, my fami ly was still in
Salem, and I was staying as guest of
church members on a farm seven miles
west of Eugene. Ar this time J did not
even have a typewri ter.
For that first issue of T he PLAIN
TRUTH, I borrowed an old typewriter
from a neighbor our in the count ry. I
had nu mimeograph, so I arranged wi th
the mimeograph sales office in Eugene
ro come in to their office and borrow
the usc uf theirs.
The sole (OSt of "publishing" that
first issue of Tbe PLAI N TRUTH-Vol-
ume I, Number I, February. 1934-
was the cost of the fc:w stencil s, and the
600 sheets of mimeogra ph paper used
to print about 150 copies, plus the
postage I would have to buy later, after
raJio listeners wrote in requesting the
"magazine." 1 imagine the whole thing
Cost perhaps about 55, and that Mr.
Elmer Fisher, in whose home I was
staring, paid the 55, tho ugh I do not
remember those detai ls.
I had no "scope" or stylus, wit h which
to letter in the headlines. How well I
remember holdi ng those stencils up
against rhe windowpane at tha t farm-
house of Me. and Mrs. Fisher, with Mr .
Fisher helping me hold it, while, wit h
a pencil pi nch-hitt ing for a stylus, I
worked in the headl ines for the art icles
February, 1962 Tbe PLAIN TIlUTH Page 17
Our ne w mailing machines. To the right is an Addresso-
graph Transfer Printer used for First Class mailing. It
re prod uces name and address on face of envelopes by
heat transfer process which burns carbon ima ge. of
address from a tape to the pie ces of mail. Left , t he large
Magnacroft Mailing Machine which segreg a tes a dd resses
and glues them onto The PLAIN TRUTH magazine at rate
af 18,000 per houri .
str ucred semi-fireproof before we could
By that time we had a scatt ered na-
ti onal listening audience to the broad-
cast, Listeners from California, Missouri,
Illinois, Texas, and perhaps one other
state came to our rescue with either
donations or loans of S500, SI,OOO and
even up co one loan of S5,OOO. One,
who gave most of his life savi ngs, later
became chief custodian of the college.
Another, from Mi ssouri, later gave up
his prof ession, came ro Ambassador,
added a Master's degree to the Doc tor 's
degree he already possessed, and became
Director of the t'ery important Bible
Cor respondence Course-now with 60,-
000 enr olled active scudems . The son
of another, then a young boy of arou nd
5, is now a student at Ambassador. Yes,
whe re one's treasure is, his heart goes
also-and I think all who put their
treasure int o God 's \Vork ( and either
their all, or a big portion of it ) , in
those days to save God's college, have
kept their hearts in it-and, we tr ust,
shall, during eternal life for eternity!
February, 1948, found this work
teetering on the very brink. People were
talking abour "when this rhing folds
up," It costs money to operate a liberal
arts college. Many former brethren said
I was a fool, and deserted the ship of
God's Work. Perhaps, from a human
viewpoint, no one but a fool would try
to Starr a co-educational liberal arts col-
lege with no endowment , no capital,
and with even every dime of income
already obligated for regular operational
But this was not starred from a carnal
human viewpoint , or for selfish human
purposes. GOD started it, It had 10 be
;Iarledl Th e Work of God was ready
to take on real nationa l and world-
wide expansion. Thi s was going to ce
quire an educated and trained personnel.
\Vhatever plant is 11 01 planted by the
Etern al God shall be rooted up, Bur
"this rhing did'''1 fold up"-becalue
GOD planted it! And whatever God
starts, shall never be rooted tiP! He says
He will never drop the Work HE has
The college start ed in the same small
crude manner as the broadcasting and
publishing divisions of the Work -
after 14 years-n."'O periods of SEVEN!
February, 1948, found us at the very
lowest ebb. At the end of that mont h,
early March, we were pur off the air on
our daily broadcasting, which , by that
time, had been inaugurated. Onl y the
Sunday broadcasts continued . The "S30,
OOOHeadache" as we called it had
thrown us too far behind in paying radio
Ne w IBM equipme nt in our Pre ss Buildi ng speeds ha ndling , cuts cos's far
below hand laborl Above, 1, is the Alphabeti c Interpreter, senses holes in
IBM cord s, interprets meani ng of holes, prints t he i nterpreta tion a nd posts
the information onto co-worker ledger a t rate of 100 cards per minut e. 2, the
I BM 087 Coll ator, a filing machine that merges new subscribers' names into
existing lists . 3, t he IBM 083 Sorter, used to classif y ca rds before filing . 4, the
IBM 403 Accounting mach ine automaticall y prints receipts, determines total
number of letter s per radio stati on, and total donations in each ar ea where
station is heard.
Page 18
bills. Yet enough loyal Co-Workers reo
mained faithful [Q carry us through.
We were on the air again by October,
The final supreme financial crisis had to
be met December 27th that year. We
had to pay a large payment of accrued
interest and taxes, then falling due, in
order to exercise our option co purchase
the college property. It had been ob-
tained only on a Lease-end-Option
basis, for we had ncr even the price of
a down payment.
Beginning about November 25th that
year a miracle happened. Again God
Almighty providentially came to the
rescue of His Work. For 15 days, be-
ginning about December 3rd or 4th,
God caused Co-Workers to simply "rain
money from heaven" upon us-so it
seemed! For those 15 days, we received
an income of $3,000 , on the average,
every day!
Nothing li ke that had ever happened
in the history of thi s work. We had
to have $50,000 to meet OUt deadline.
It came! Exactly $50, 000, no more!
We were over the nerve-shattering
hump at last. That 16 mont h period had
been the nightmare of my life! In j an-
uary, 1949, I felt I simply had to ask
my Father to give me rest from financial
strain for at least six months! I had
been under constant financial pressure
for 28 yeats, beginni ng with the re-
verses that struck my business in Chi-
cago during the flash-depression of 1920.
God answered that request. 'Not only
for six months-but from the moment
of that real earnest and heart-rending
request-because I had corne to the
place I felt physically and mentally un-
able to go through it longer-the nerve-
wracking tensions have been relieved.
As we have said since, we do have
financial PROBLEMS-very serious ones,
sometimes-but from January, 1949 on,
no more financial WORRIES, or nerve -
shattering tensions. Our faith is often
tried, to develop more patience, But we
have learned the lesson of lett ing GOD
carry the STRAIN!
During those early years of the Col -
lege, The PLAIN TRUTH was forced to
skip issues occasionally, and rarely did
12 issues come OUt in anyone of those
years. There was even a period when we
issued a 16-page "Good News/' largely
edi ted by college Students, instead.
But, by 1955, after another seven
"ears, we were broadcasting overseas,
starting the WORLD-WIDE proclaiming
of Christ's Gospel. That year, beginning
July, we went on television on about
13 stations from coast to coast-for a
period of 6 months. However, after that
we determined on a policy of more in-
tensive DAILY broadcasting by radio,
which then began to build up to the
present more than lWENTI' MILLION
WATTS of radio power weekly, world-
That is quite an increase from the
original 100 watts weekly, 28 years ago!
Today The PLAIN TRUTH has more
than ONE MILLION READERS, with 365"
000 copies, printed in three editions-
Los Angeles: London, and Melbourne.
The PLAIN TRUTH, a printed 8page
bi-monthly 2I years ago, after its first
Struggling 7 years of mimeographing,
did later expa nd to 16 pages, then to
24, then to 32 and on a regu lar monthly
basis. Lasr J une it went to 40 pages.
And now, with this 28th anniversary
number, it leaps up to a ftlll 48 pages!
No, this Work of the living GODdid
not fold tip! Its impact now is WORLD
February, 1962
WIDE. But the biggest, most important
phases of this great work still lie ahead
of us!
I think it accurate to say that all
that has gone before, up to now, has
been preparation-building to a point
of strength and power where, as I have
said on occasion, we are now just be-
ginning to stan. to commence, to get
ready to do the real BIG WORK!
The Message of God Almighty ro
mankind-the Message He sent by
Jesus Christ, but which the world reo
jected-MUST, now, in these last days
i tlIt bef ore Cbrist's return, be pro
claimed as a witness, into ALL NATIONS,
with a power and impact that will shake
those nations as if a super-earthquake
had Jtruck them!
They won't heed, except for a very
few. We know thad But they MUST BE.
WARNED-and so powerf ully, THEY
WARNED! The dynamic, living POWER
OF GOD will see to it!
Th is, then, is what God has enabled
us to give yo as our 28th Anni versary
gif t to YOU- The PLAIN TRUTH finally
enlarged to a full 48 pages ! I sincerely
hope you like it!

Finan ial Security for

Financi al Blessings ?
If you ate seeki ng the only real finall-
ciel security in the years that lie ahead
-and it IS REAL- then you had better
begin to take the words of yoor Bible
literally in thi s respect. First of all,
Jesus Christ said: "But seek ye FIRST
the Ki ngdom o{ God, and Hit righteous-
detail what is going to take place in the
major nations of this ear th! It can be
st ated unequ ivocally that we are the
ONLY rel igious organization that DARES
to do this!
And it is HAPPENINGright 011 scbed-
There is a REASON for this. In the
New Testament, God says that He gives
His Holy Spirir-c-irnparting His mind,
His understatUJiflg-"CO rhem that OBEY
Him" (Acrs 5: 32 ) . In the book of
Psalms, God inspi red David to write:
"The fear of the Lord is the beginning
of wisdom: a good understanding have
all the y that DO HIS COMMANDMENTS:
Hi s pra ise endurerh forever" ( Ps, Il l :
10) .
People can reason and argue until
they are black in the face about whether
or nor it is necessary to obey thei r God
and their Maker. Bur the FACT remains
tha t people who re{me t o obey God 's
laws do NOT have any real nderstand-
ing of prophecy, of the DEFINITE events
that are abour to take place in our life-
times, or of the purpose of God in
human affairs and the real meaning of
salvati on itself! To receive God's spirit-
ual and finan cial BLESSINGS, ) '011 can
and must prove this to yourself and
begin to ACT on this vital principle.
If you prove yourself willing to OBEY
the God of the Bible, then he absolutely
WILL back up His wrinen promises and
BLESS you financially or in any other
category where you obey His laws and
ask according to His wil l.
You Ca n KNOW What Lies Ahead
If you have had your eyes opened to
see that The PLAIN TRUTH is, indeed,
a "magazi ne of understanding,/I then you
should quickly begi n to realize tha t it
is through God alone and through HIS
true servants that you will find the real
answers to these questions!
In His written Word, the God of
heaven states : "Surely the Eternal God
wi ll do nothing but He revealeth Hi s
secret unro His servants the prophets"
( Amos 3:7 ) . God will ALWAYS reveal
ahead of time His intervention in hu-
ma n affairs through His prophets,
preachers or ministers. His true minis-
t ers will KNOW- not me rely guess-
what lies ahead. Perh aps you have no-
ticed that in The PLAI N TRUTH maga-
zine and over the l'(/orid T omorr ou'
broadcast, we speak with AUTHORITY
and we set for th in exact and specific
Money troubles? How can you be SURE of a good income in
1962? Do you possess t he KEY to fi nancial strengt h through
the turbulent years ahead?
by Roder ick C. Me redith
at the expense of the United Scates was
never greai: er . . -' the facts of interne-
ti oaal economics item lOSI 0 ' 1 the Amer-
ican publtc" ( By Nate \''?hite, The
Cbristian Science AIonit or, July 28,
1961 ) .
Are these economic facts lost on YOU,
too? It may seem like a theoretical de-
bate in the field of high finance at first,
but it is destined rapidly [Q become
As more and more foreign-made
goods invade the American mar kets, the
JOBS of Amer ican workers are going
to become increasingly scarce. Our na-
tional gold supply is now at a dangerous
level, and the very securiry and stabi lity
even of the dollars we do possess is
ind eed growi ng shaky! W it hi n a decade,
we are desti ned to experience the WORST
DEPRESSION wit hin our na tional history!
Do you know exactly whell-why-
wbat you can do to avoid sufferi ng from
this persollall)'?

T hi s IS YOUR Problem
Speak ing of the possible financia l pan-
ic in the fut ure, a respected financial
exper t recentl y stated : "No one is cur -
renrly st arting a run on the bank, yet
(he possibili ty exists. Int ernational spec-
ulators are nor usually motivated by
patriot ism. The potential for speculation
E ARE living in a time of po-
litical and economic CHANGE.
It is already affect ing your pock-
\'Qhct her or not you make a particular
study of world affairs, you have undoubt-
edly noticed tha t in the field of world
trade Ameri ca and Britain are losing out .
You also may have noticed that in corn-
pararive political strength, we ar t' plum-
me ting down from our once virt ually
nmcballenged position of worl d leader-
N ew nati ons are sprouti ng up in Af-
rica and Asia. Th e Communist menace
is constant ly enlarging. And- most im-
portanr of all-a UNITED STATES OF
EUROPE is rising before our very eyes
in the area of the old Holy Roman
Emp ire. As a tradi ng power, the Euro-
pean Common Markee is right NOW
giving Amer ica and Br itain a bad time
on the world trade markets. This sirua-
tio n is prophesied to become toorse!
Th ere is SERIOUS econom ic trouble
ahead for the English-speaki ng world!
President Kennedy told his November
8 Press Conference: " \'Qe have to begi n
to realize how impor ranr the Common
Mar ker is going to be to the economy
of the United Stares. One third of our
trade generally is in \'G' estern Europe.
"If the United States should be denied
that market , we will either find a flighr
of capital from this counrry to construct
factories within that wall, or we wi ll
find ourselves in serious economic trou-
Page 20
ness; and all these things shall be added
unto you" ( Mart. 6: 33) . He had just
been speaking of the need for food,
clothing and material things. He said if
we put first the very RIGHTEOUSNESS
of God and obedience to Him, we WILL
have these thi ngs added. This is a BIND-
ING statement. It is also a basic principle
upon wh ich to base your life.
For in every phase of life, you should
begin to obey the reveal ed laws of God
-c-ccnsrantly seeking His will by earnest
Bible srudy and prayer. You should ACT
upon wha r you find revealed by God in
Hi s Word. Then He who controls ALL
material things has promised to BLESS
you with every material need,
He has PROMISED' And God doesn't.
break HiI promises.'
This basic principle includes the
whole field of your will ingness to PROVE
that this very work of God really IS
God's work-acts as HIS representative
proclaiming the advanced good news of
the world t omorrow-and that the WAY
OF LIFE it teaches should become YOUR
way of life in obedience to God and
His laws!
If you are going to claim God's fi-
nancial promises, then you are going to
have to trul y seek FIRST God's King-
dom- not just "kid" yours elf rhar you
are while you put it second, third or
fourth in your time, interest and study.
In the financial sphere specifical ly,
God throws down a challenge to YOU.
He asks: "W ill a man rob God? Yerye
have robbed me. But ye say, wherein
have we robbed thee? In TITHES and
OFFERINGS. Ye are cursed with a curse:
for ye have robbed me, e....en this whole
nation. Bring ye all the tithes into the
storehouse, that there may be meat in
mine house, and PROVE me now here-
with, saith the Lord of Hosts, if I will
not open you the windows of heaven
and pour you our a blessing, that there
shall not be room enough to receive ir"
( Mal. 3:8-10) .
In actual fact, thi s prophecy is re-
ferr ing to the modern -day "sons of
Jacob" ( verse 6) , that is, the American
and British peoples primarily! It means
YOU and me!
Gods says our so-called Christian na-
tions have ROBBED Him both in tit hes
and ofJeri"gs; Man y pre acher s and
churches talk about tithing. But very
few teach the binding' authorit y of this
LAW of Almighty God . For in all tOO
many cases, they think all divine law'
is "done away." That is one reason why
we are living in an increasingly LAW-
LESS age!
Bur the God of the
10" to PROVE whether or not this a
LIvING LAW tha t He stands behind and
backI up from His throne in heaven!
He tells you to BRING the tirhes and
offerings to His srorebcuse-e-tc be used
in HIS WORK. A'1.d one important thing
you need to prov is where H!S work is
really being done!
This law of tithing to Malachi
refers is rhsr "'hich gl"."!f"t ':1) the
nation of Israel in Numbers 18: 2026.
But the pri"ciple of paying God the
fi rst tenth of one's income or increase
was understood and OBEYED even by
Abraham-"the father of the faith ful"
-long before the Old Covenant ever
came imo existence. In Genesis 14:20,
we read how God sent Melchizedek as
His pri est to bless Abraham, and how,
speaki ng of Abraham, "he gave hi m
TITHES of all."
In the New Testament, we find that
Jesus Chri st-the AuTHORof true Chris-
tiani ty- did teach tithing. In condemn-
ing the Pharisees for their vleang
eval uation of things and their self-
righteousness, Jesus Christ stated: "Woe
unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypo-
crites! For ye pay TITHE of mint and
anise and cummi n, and have omitted
the weightier matters of the law, judg-
ment, mercy, and faith: these ought
ye have done [these weightier matters] .
and NOT to leave the Other [rirhingl]
undone" ( Mart . 23 :23).
Yes , J esus Chr ist said you should NOT
omit the obligation of paying the first
tent h of your income to Alm ighty God
who gave 'You EVERYTHING. Ti-iiS is
Is this kind of Christiani ry good enough
for you?
\'{Till you OBEY what the God oi the
Bible and the Chr ist of the Bible State
in plai" I,mg" agel Both Jpiritual and
financial BLESSINGS are yours if you will!
It Really WORKS !
In recent years we have had literally
hundreds of letters coming to our offices
from peopl e writing in to say how they
February, 1962
had been BLESSED after they began
obeying God in the matter of tithing.
Many of them found, very frankly, that
they could not afford to do anything
BUT ti the to God 's work !
Perhaps some of their letters, reprint-
ed word for word, will encourage you
in this matter of obedience to the finan-
cial LAW of the Creator. A man from
Morristown , Tennessee, recently wrote
in: "I was expecting a new arrival in
my family. J knew expenses would be
heavy S0 J said ro myself, ''I' ll JUSt skip
my tithe for a few weeks, God will
understand! From the day I started
tithing until that day, I had nat known
the financial worry that I have experi-
enced these few weeks. Today, I am nor
sure that I can afford to send this
money, but then aga in I don't think I
can afford not to send it:'
You see, God holds you ACCOUNT
ABLE once you understand this precious
knowledge! This man found that he was
far worse of] when he tried to "save"
the tithe money and keep it himself!
A man from \'7estern Australia re-
cently wro te in: "I took your advice on
the commencement of paying tithes to
step my financial tr oubl es and fully ad-
mit I was very much down financially
when I did start. That was roughly six
or seven weeks back. Since that period,
and at the height of the credit squeeze,
work and money have been coming to
me and I am nov.' considerably better
off than seven weeks ago."
You see, tithing "\,\'ORKS" whether or
not the nation is in the midst of a finan-
cial crisis or credit squeeze!
A couple from Toledo, Ohio, wri te
in: "Enclosed please find our tit hes and
offer ings of 5100. God has blessed us
this summer many ways. My husband
has been working steady, sometimes on
two jobs. We have saved enough money
for :1 down payment on a house of our
own. My husband has always wanted ro
buy a house bur we never could seem
to sa...e any. Since my husband starred
givi ng God all of his tit he without any
pushing on my part, we have prospered
and become more thrifty: '
Notice that God doesn't rain the
money down from heaven! He expects
you to do )'our part. Yet, through His
blessing you will be enabl ed to carry
(Please continue on page 45)
(C01lti nu ed from page 10)
Just What do You MEAN-
February, 1962
UNDERSTAND God's Plan-they often
translated the Greek word "gennao"
inca the English word "BORN" where it
actually meant "BEGOTTEN."
Not ice a few out stand ing examples!
In John I: 13, the Authorized, or
King James version of the Bible renders
it: . . which we re bani , not of blood,
nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the
will of man, bur of God," This is an
incorre ct translation of the Gr eek word
In the Amer ican Revised ver-
sion a marginal rendering says: "or,
begott en]' as it should be.
Other example s appear in John's
first Epistle. Notice:
In the Ameri can Revised version I
John 2:29 is correctly translated : His
begott en of Him"; but in the A, V, it
is, incorrectly, ".. . everyone that deeth
righteousness is born of Him."
I John 4:7 : The A, V, incorrectly
has it : ". . . and everyone that loverh
is born of God, and knoweth God,"
But the Revi sed version corrected this
error, renderi ng it : "... is begotten of
I John 5: I , in rhe A, V" incorrectly :
"W hosoever believeth that Jesus is the
Christ is born of God: and everyone
chat lovetb Him that begat loverh him
also that is begott en of Him." Here,
this same Gr eek word, "gennao" was
inspired by the Holy Spiri t tbree times
in the same verse. The first rime, the
King James translator s erroneously ren-
dered it into the Engli sh word "born"
The second time "ge nnao" is used in
the Gr eek they could net render it
"Him that was BORN" or "Him that
'borned' "-for it refers to the human
believer, not God. Here they were forced
to choose the corr eer definit ion of "gen-
nao, in the past tense, as "beget:" Then,
since they already had to use the past-
tense "beget" in that instance, they also
correctl y rendered it , in the third place
the word occurred, "is begotten"
The Revised version also corrected
this error, rightly rendering it : "Who-
soever believeth that Jesus is the Christ
is begot/en of God, and whosoever lov-
erh Him tha t begat, Ioverh him also
that is begotten of Hi m."
One final example: I John 5:4-the
A. V. erroneously renders it: "For what-
soever is born of God overcometh the
world, . . ." bur the Revised version
corrected it to read: "For whatsoever is
begotten of God overcomerh the world
Now quickly notice a few instances
where the SA.M:E GREEK WORD was cor-
rectly translated "bego tten:"
I Cor, 4: 15 the Apostle Paul is
talking to those converted under his
mi nistry: "For though ye have ten
thousand instructors in Christ , yet have
ye not many fathers: for in Christ Jesus
I have begotten you through the gospel."
There, it is correctly translated, showing
that Paul's converts at Corinth, as his
"spiri tual children," had been begotten
of God, but not yet BORN,
The experience of conversion, in this
life, is a begetta/-a "conception"-an
"impregnation"- but NOTYET A BIRTH!
This we shall make PLAIN!
One more-c-Heb. I :5-speaking of
CHRIST'S begeual in the Virgin Mary,
This verse shows that Christ, later BORN
of God by a resurrection from the dead
( Rom. 1:4 ) , was an actual BEGOTTEN
SON OF GOD, in a manner that no angel
is, or can be. Angels are merely created
beings. They are nor actually begotten
of God, so that in this sense they be-
come His born sons, as Christ now is-
and as 'we may also be, Notice the verse:
"For unto which of the angels said He
at any time, ' Thou art my Son, this day
have I begotten thee?"
Let CHRIST Explain !
If those who are deceived would
listen to JESUS, and be willing to believe
He meant what He said, THEY COULD
Let's look at all that Jesus said! Let's
understand what it means to be BORN
of God-i n what respect one shall be
different after he is BORN of God- let's
Page 21
see W HEN this spir itual BIRTH takes
This man Nicodemus was a Pharisee, in
an office of authori ty over the Jews. The
Pharisees considered Jesus as "a religious
independenr"- they didn't endorse Him,
they sought to discredit, persecute, and
kill Him, Nicodemus didn' t want to be
seen talking to Jesus. So he came around
under cover of darkness.
But Nicodemus did recognize that
Jesus was actually sent by God, with a
Message from the Creator to mankind.
Jesus said to him: "Verily, veri ly, I
say unto thee, Except a man be born
again, he cannot see the Ki ngdom of
God" (John 3:3) ,
Immediately carnal-minded Nicode-
mus was as puzzled and confused as
carnal-minded religion ists today. But he
knew one clear and specific fact they
seem not to grasp---he knew what being
BORN means!
"How can a man be born when he is
old?" asked this Pharisee ruler. "Can he
enter the second time into his mother's
womb, and be born?"
Jesus was here talking about the ac-
tual spiritual BIRTH-not the begerral.
Let us understand that . In this passage,
the Greek word "gennao" is correctl y
translated "born:" So, let us now see
how Jesus explained thi s final spiritual
"Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say
UntO thee, except a man be bor n of
water and of the Spiri t, he cannot enter
into the kingdom of God, That which is
born of the flesh is flesh; that which is
born of the Spirit is spirit. Marvel nor
that I said unto thee, Ye must be born
again. The wind blowet h where it list-
eth, and thou hearest the sound t h ~ r e o f ,
bur canst not tell whence it cometh,
and whither it goet h: so is everyone
that is born of the Spirit" (Verses 5-8) ,
Now LOOK AT THAT! Nicodemus
had defined the only kind of BIRTH he
knew-physical birth-and he knew it
was not the conception, bur the actual
delivery Out of a human mother's womb.
Jesus accepted this explanation of the
actual BIRTH. He did not say, "Oh, I'm
not talking of being actually BORN, but
merely of the conception." Jesus was
here talking of being actually BORN!
But He was talking of being born of
GOD, nat of a human father. He was
Page 22
talking about a different, and a second
BIRTH-a spiritual birth, not a human
or physical birth. Vet Jesus used the
physical birth as the exact type or ill us-
NOTICE! "That whi ch is BORN of the
flesh, IS flesh," He said. When an infant
is delivered Out of its mother's womb,
it is born of a fleshly, human, physical
mother whose ovum, or egg-cell, was
given ph ysical life by the fleshly FA
THER. SO, this human infant is horn of
the FLESH-and it is physical, material
FLESH. Yes, Jesus was speaking of literal
Now notice! JUSt as the infant born
of tbe fleIh actua lly IS flesh- a ph ysical
person-SO, in like manner, the man
or woman, when BORN of the SPIRIT, ac-
tually will BE SPIRIT,
Is that so hard to understand?
GOD is nat composed of matter. GOD
is A SPIR IT-He is composed of SPIR-
IT- as Jesus explained, in John 4:24,
But , God says He formed MAN of the
"dust of the grou nd"-of MATTER ( Gen.
2: 7) . SO MAN is material FLESH. And
those born of material, fleshly parents
ARE FLESH-tha t's what they ARE. But
God is A. SPIRIT, composed of SPIRIT,
and those BORN of GOD, the heave nly
Father, become SPIR IT. Th ey are no
longer composed of material flesh- no
longer human- no longer MORTA.L;
they then shall be, as Christ now is,
composed of SPIRIT-then actually di-
\'('hat is matte r? It is anything that
occupies space, and has weight. You
can SEE mat ter-c-or feel it, or taste it,
or smell it, or HEAR the vibrations of
mat ter which we call sound. But you
cannot SEE spirit . You cannot hear, feel,
taste or smell spi rit. But Jesus took the
sense of sight as an example.
He compared the SPIRIT, of which
those BORN of God shall be composed,
to WIND. N icodemus was a carnal-
minded man. He could receive knowl -
edge into his mind only through one of
these five senses. So Jesus took a ma-
terial substance, which this man could
UNDERSTAND, whic h, so far as SIGHT is
concerned, resembles spirit.
The WIND, he explained, blows wher-
ever it wills. But it is INVISI BLE-and
although you HEAR the sound of it, you
cannot SEE where it comes from, or
where it goes. "So," he explained, IS
everyone that is BORN of the SPIRIT."
After peopl e are act ually BORN of God,
they, tOO, shall BE SPIRIT, just as GOD
is Spirit. Th ey will be INVISIBLE co
material human sighr, JUSt as angels are,
Now that ought to be plain. A con-
vetted person-c-one who has repented,
accepted Christ as Saviour, received
God's Holy Spirit, does have a challged
attitude and outlook and purpose-his
whole character begins ro change, and
travel in an opposite direction. BUT HE
composed of SPIRIT. He is still com-
posed of mat erial flesh, even rhough
God's Holy Spirir has entered, and now
dwells in, and leads and influences, his
He is now BEGOTTEN of God. The
very LIFE and NATURE of GOD has
entered into him, impregnating him
wi th immortal spirit-life, exactly as the
physical sperm-cell from the human
father enters into the ovum or physical
egg-cell when a new HUMAN LIFE is
GOTTEN. But, JUSt as that tiny ovum, as
small as a pinpoint, is merely B E G O T ~
TEN of its human father - NOT YET
BORN-so the conven ed human is, at
what we properly caIl conversion, mere-
ly BEGOTTEN of GOD the heavenl y
He is still material FLESH, even
though God's Spirit has now entered
int o his MIND. He is still VISIBLE.
And now he has about as much of
God's Holy Spirit in him, by compar i-
son, as the tiny human sperm-cell com-
pares in SIZE co a baby being horn. A
human sperm-cell from which human
lif e generates, is abour one-hundredth
part as large as the egg-cell, which is
about the size of a pinpoint. The sperm-
cell is muc h tOO small co be seen by the
human eye, without a microscope.
Once entered into the human ovum,
it must grow, from material food re-
ceived through the mother, to a size
averaging 6 to 9 pounds before it is
ready co be BORN.
A newly converted human is actually
BEGOTTEN of GOD. Such a person is,
already, an actual begott en SON OF
GOD. He can call God "FATHER." But
he is not yet BORN of God.
February, 1962
Norice thi s, in I John 3: I : "Behold,
what manner of love the Father hath
bestowed upon us, that we should be
called THE SONS OF GOD.. , . Beloved,
ir dot h not yer appear whal we shall be:
but we know that, when HE ( Christ at
His second corning) shall appear, WE
SHALL BE LIKE HIM, for we shall SEE
HIM as He js" (I John 3:1-2).
WHAT We Shall Be
Now notice that! Understand WHAT
we shall be, when we are BORN of God!
Then, next we shall see WHEN we shall
be horn of God.
This Scripture, in this marvelous 3rd
chapter of I J ohn, pl ainly says that
"WE"- meaning begotten, conven ed
CHRISTIANS- are, now, alreadYI the
SONS of God. Yes, of course, and the
tiny foetus no larger than a pi npoint in
its mother's womb is, already, the SON
(or daughter) of its human father,
even though not yet BORN.
N ext, this Scripture reveals that "it
doth nol yel appear WHAT WE SHALL
Grasp that! Isn't it PLAI N? We are,
later, to BE something different. Of
course! Although we already are begot-
ten SONS of God, we are still FLESH-
srill matter-still VISIBLE. But WHAT
WE SHALL BE has nor, yet, appeared.
As Jesus explained to N icodemus, we
SH.... LL BE Immortal SPIRIT. That is what
we shall, later, bel
BUT, this Scripture con dnues-c-aaxn
IT! - UNDERSTAND thi s wonderful,
thar, when HE, Christ , shall appear at
His second coming to earth, WE SHALL
Now whar shall HE be like? If you
can know that, you can know what
BORN-AGAIN Christi ans shall tben be
like-for they shall be LIKE HIM!
After His resurrecti on, Jesus was I N ~
VISIBLE. except when, by a process that
is not explai ned, He was manifested, or
made visi ble, to human eyes. Angels
are normally INVISIBLE to mortal sight.
Yet in many instances the Bible de-
scribes incidents when angels were
made visible, so they could be seen-and
they appeared like MEN.
After Christ's resurrection, tWO dis-
(Please continue on page 42)
Communism, "Christianity"
-and Double Talk
Communism and " Christ ianit y" bedfellows ? Not quite, but both
have one striking thing in common!
HAT in the world could COM -
MUNISM have in common with
interpreting the Biblt:? A gre-at
deal-e-only, very few have ever recog-
nized it.
Communism, uf course, is many
things. It is a doctrine, based on the
theories of Marx and Engels. It is a
rcz,'oJutionary p f o g r ~ m . It is relentless
class war. It is a radical philoJophy of
biuory. It is a radical philoJophy of J O-
ciesy. It is a social system. It is an
economic system. It is a politi cal strat-
egy. It is a world cOllIpiracy.
One Thing in Common
Bur, though opposite or different in
many respects, it does have one thing in
common wi th organized "Christianity,"
And I definitely do not mean the orig-
inal Christianity of Jesus Chri st and the
first-century Apostles. I mean the organ-
ized "Christianity" of our day, which
interprets the Holy Bible!
Among other things, realized by too
few, Communism is a system of double-
hllk. Interpre ting the Bible, likewise, is
a system of double-talk!
What Do You MEAN?-
Let me illustrate. Let me make it
The purpose and proper function of
words is to convey meaning from one
mind to another, or to others.
When a person uses the word peace,
he conveys to the minds of ochers a
state of tranquility, absence of violent
strife or war; a State of quiet, or rest.
When one uses the word defeme, he
conveys to ochers the meaning of pro
tection from harm or from change, and
from without. When one uses the term
political party, he conveys the idea of
one of the political groups or divisions
within a government, as a part of it,
merely differing in certain areas of
thought or method in policies, pro
by Herbert W. Armstrong
cedures OI administration of that gov-
When one uses the term life, he
means existence-and, in respect to
humans, conscious existence, as opposed
to death; and the term death is used to
convey the meaning of cessation of life.
Communise "Peace"
But when a Communist uses the
word peace, he does nor mean cessation
of struggle or violence, and State of
quiet rest at all . He means virtually the
opposite. He means a state of stirring
up struggle, strife and war; he means
a state of violence, continuing unti l he
and his "comrades" have imposed thei r
ideas and concepts, their tyranny and
their diceatorship rule on the whole
The word peace, to the Communist,
means the state of chaos and violence
and strife he can produce until the world
lies prostrate in his clutch, enslaved into
his kind of enforced quiet of non-
resistance and docile submission to his
dictates-which he envisions as being
finally restful and "peaceful" to him,
if not to his victims. But he uses the
word peace to deceive those he is crying
to conquer and subjugate.
When Khrushchev says he is for
peace, he means he is in favor of all
opposition JUSt giving up, lying pros-
trate before his feet. He means he is
coming with war and violence, but there
will be peace if and when we submit
in unconditional surrender-when we
let him take all we have from us, and
make us his slaves. He is always for
PEACE-that kind of "peace."
When you hear Khrushchev say he
is for PEACE, you need to know what
he means by that word. He is using
DOUBLE TALK. He doesn't mean what
you mean-and he uses the word de-
liberately to deceive you. If he can make
America and other nations think he is
for peace, perhaps we will get real
friendly and quit reslsring-c-and JUSt
surrender to him!
Communist "Def ense"
The Red Army IS, they assure us,
organized only for DEFENSE! In their
double talk, they are nor aggressors-
WE are the imperialist aggressors :
Now look at this . UNDERSTAND the
ridiculous absurdity of it!
Here we have peaceful America. We
have no such national purpose as a
goal to overthrow any other nation, or
to force or impose the American form
of gover nment , or its system of society,
on any other nation. We want to live
and let live. When a nat ional disaster
happens in J apan, either the U.S. gov-
ernment sends big-scale generous help,
or American citizens starr a voluntary
movement, making sacrifice and con-
tributions on a large scale to send help.
When Germany, Japan and Italy form
an Axis alliance and attack us in a
dastardly surprise sneak-attack on Pearl
Harbor, and we resist to the paine of
winni ng the war, then immediately we
Stan sending them BILLIONS of dollars,
and sympathetic and generous aid of all
kinds, to rehabilitate them and rebuild
the destruction they brought on them-
And yet, naive, generous, kind-hearted
America-so says Khrushchev-is a
reprehensi ble imperialist aggressor, try-
ing to attack Russia!
You simply have to understand Com-
munist double talk to comprehend that !
The Communist system of distorted
and perverted thinking is this: Their
idea of society, economics, and govern-
ment is the only right idea-and there-
fore every other idea is wrong. Every
other idea is against peace, and is their
enemy. Even the static, peaceful exist-
(Please continue on page 26
pictures on next two pages)
February, 1962
Burning the r
of royalty in
Petrogrod, Rus
munists everyw
throw old reg;
ne w tyranny
"dem ocra cy."
Here is how Reds co
promised freedom, tha
A typi col example of (
l eft ,
St reet fig hting in the Russian Re\
is how communists seized power ov
people. The popul a ce was rncchtne'
name of "f reedom" fr om roof of
in J uly l e ninist upr ising. Thi s kind c
gande f ool s millions today as it 0
Russia ns.
Right ,
The 1917 Con
Palace in oil
Revolcttoncr l -
enslaved peo
Communist d
February, 1962
;Jl1alnlng symbols
the Revolution in
isto, 1917. Cam-
'here seek to over-
imes to establish
they falsely call
United Press Photos
~ N N Y
e to power in Russia-
sn enslaved the masses.
Communist double talk!
volutlon. Here
ver the Russian
!-gunned in the
Public library
of lying prapa-
once did many
mmunist attack on the Czarist Winter
Id Petrograd (renamed leningrad).
les promised freedom, but instead
ople with a new terror! This is typical
double talk.
(Continued f rom page 23)
Communism, "Christianit y"
-and Double Talk
Page 26
ence of any other system of government,
economics and sociecy-and religi on-
is a menace and threat , for the reason
they cannot have PEACE until we give
up OUt concepts and ways. and sur-
render to them.
Consequently, they work their rea-
soning around to the idea that our t;ery
existen ce is an AGGRESSION against
THEM. From this warped and diabol ical
point of view, our existence, even let-
ting them complet ely alone. is disturbing
their "peace" of ruling us-therefore, an
attack by the Red Army to conquer us
is only DEFENSE!
Isn't that "nice" reasoni ng? But it
serves their PURPOSE to try to make the
world think they are for PEACE, and
their armies only for "defense." They
use the tr ick of having one opposite
meaning for a word to them, and
another, but natural and normal mean-
ing to IU, in order to deceive us into
letting them destroy and conquer us!
What Communist Par ty Is
Now to us. a poli tical part y is a
political group untbin the national gov-
ernment-loyal to, and part of that
government-but differing in certain
concepts or methods of procedure or
policy in the administration of that same
But here again, the "Communist
Party" is merely a trick term to pull
the wool over our eyes and deceive us
-a means of getting a fifth column int o
our midst--of getting the ENEMY'S
GOVERNMENT into our very midst, lead-
ing us to accept it as part of OUR gov-
ernment. Its only object is [Q DESTROY
Our government. Of course. if it could
do this peaceably at the polls, it would
- but it knows it can't, so it does stand
for the VIOLENT OVERTHROW of the
United States government.
Actually, the Communist Party is
NOT a mere political parly, in the sense
Americans think of the term. It is a
rutbless totalitarian Dictatorship. It is
run, with absolut e power, by a few men
at the top-all of whom ate completely
subservient to one man who is Dictator
Absolute. Th is one-man dictatorship is
supposed to be necessary because there
may be different interprerauon, of the
Marxist philosophy. Therefore, to pre
vent division, they must have a Supreme
In practice, since Communists came
to power in their first government,
Lenin was its first supreme interpreter,
then Stalin. After Stalin's death no one
man was able to establish totalitarian
domination over the small group at the
top-the Politbureau- unti l Khrus h-
chev emerged on top. In the meantime
there was terrific struggle for this lead-
ership . Some were ruthlessly murdered
in the struggle for power before Khrus h-
chev won Out.
But Khru shchev's posicion as Secre-
tary of the Communist Party gave him
the inside track. The Communise Parry
is NOT merely a polit ical party as parI of
the government of the U.S.S.R. It is nor
one of the political part ies in America,
which is part of the U.S. government.
It is not part of ANY government. It IS
a government-a WORLD government,
which has set up, and therefore RULES
the Soviet government in Russia. Ic is
supreme over the Soviet government!
Instead of being another polit ical
Parry as part of the pany system of
American gover nment, it is a foreign
government, whose sole purpose is to
destroy, and overthrow, the government
of the Unit ed Stares, and set up a for-
eign Communist government here in-
stead, JUSt as it set up such a govern-
ment in Russia, in Chi na, in East Ger-
many. in Poland, Czechoslovakia, and
other countries.
The Communise Part y is outlawed in
many countries. Yet its double talk has
deceived many countries int o allowing
jt to operate as one of its own country's
political parties !
Interpretin g the Bible Is Double Ta lk
Now notice the similarity between
a method of organized religion, labeling
itself "Christian," and this method of
February, 1962
Commu nist propagandist s.
As stated above, when one uses the
word fife, he means existence-and, in
respect to humans, conscious existence
-remaining ALIVE. He means being
alive, as opposed to being dead. And
when he uses the term death, he means
the cessation of that existence-the
STOPP ING of that life, as opposed to
still being alive.
Now in the Bible God uses words
to mean what they sa)'. Of course Jesus
spoke in parables. But parables are
1101 double talk.
Tru e, Jesus specifically said thar he
spoke to the public always in parables,
so that they would nOI understand-s-u
hide, or cloud the meaning. He said it
was nor gi ven to them to understand-
NOT THEN. But he used no decepti on.
He did not mislead them. He did not
USc; terms which Jed them to believe
the tier)' opposite of what his words im-
plied. He merely lefr them puzzled,
wit hout understanding, as He intended .
Of course, also, the Bible, in a very
small percent of Scriptures, speaks in
SYMBOLS. But a symbol is not decept ive.
misleading double talk. As a parable is
using one experien ce to illustrate a
truth, so a symbol is the use of one
term to picture something else having
similarity in some form. For example,
the term "mountain" is used to illus-
trate a great major nation, and "hill"
represent s a small nat ion. A "woman" in
subjection to her husband is used to
symbolize the Church in subjection to
Chr ist. The relation is the same, so that
the one pictures the other. Nations are
sometimes represented as "trees." The
natural olive tree is pictured as Israel-
wild olive trees as gentile nations.
Always there is similarity of nature)
character, or function, so that one, far
from having a misleading opposite
meaning, actually illustrates the other.
But the Bible explains its own sym-
bols. Nowhere does the Bible deceive,
or resort to double talk!
But now look at Romans 6:23 : "The
wages of sin is DEATH; but the gift
of God is eternal life through Jesus
Chri st our Lord." There is no double
talk there!
Those words are neither symbol nor
parable. They ace not allegory. They ate
(Please continue on page 33)
?:lte l3iIJle StOfg
by Basil Wolverton
SUDDENLY the mob closed in, pressing the guards against the underpinning of the
platform. A few small stones shot out of the crowd and bounced off the platform,
where Moses, Aaron, Joshua, and Caleb stood.
Those who attempted to hurl heavier stones were hampered by the surging mass of
human beings. A few men managed to squirm past the guards and climb onto the plat-
form. They crouched around the four fi gures who were al ready there, eyeing them
threateningl y. It was evident that these intruders were waiting for more to join them
for the purpose of seizing Caleb, Joshua, Moses and Aaron.
At that instant a blinding Rash came from inside the tabernacle. Even though
the curtains of the structure veiled its full brilliance, the brightness was so intense
that people were temporar ily blinded. A moment later an ear-splitring roar rumbled
out of the tabernacle. The ground quaked as though a whole mountain had been
dropped from the sky!
The intruders staggered off the platform and int o the struggli ng mass surround-
ing it. The words "Stone them!" abruptly ceased from the crowd. The onl y sounds now
were those of alarm in the frant ic scramble to draw back from the platform and the
Realizing that God had intervened, Moses and Aaron gave thanks and got
to their feet.
"Have the ten traitorous scouts arrested and brought to my tent ," Moses instructed
Joshua and Caleb. "I must go now to the tabernacle to talk with God."
At the tabernacle God asked Moses after he had knelt inside the tabernacle,
"How much longer wi ll these people vex me wit h their evil ways? How many more
signs must I give them to prove that I mea n wha t I say? Now I should have nothing
more to do with them except to blot them out of my sight forever. Then, starting with
you, I shou ld build up a greater and a mightier nat ion!"
Here is where the course of history would have been greatl y cha nged if Moses
had let his vanity get the best of him. With Israel wi ped Out , Moses would have
cla imed Abraham's place as the "father of nati ons. "
"But if you destroy all Israel," Moses repl ied, " the Egyptians shall hear of it. In
fact, eve ry nation on Eart h will sooner or lat er know of it. W ord has spread that you
are the kind of God who dwells with His people, and Who leads them with a cloud
by day and a pi lla r of fire by night. Wben news goes abroad that Your people died in
the desert, the nat ions will believe th at You lacked the power to bring them safely
into the land You promised to them, J beg you, God, to forgive these people of their
sins, but I'm not asking you to let go unpunished those who have stirred the people
into want ing to return to Egypt instead of going on into Canaan."
There was a silence. It was painful to Moses, who couldn 't be certain how God
wou ld respond. He reali zed that his menti oning the preserving of God's reput at ion in
the eyes of ot her nations-e-cspeciall y Egypt -wasn't necessari ly a strong point, God,
with His perfect memory and awa reness, wasn't in need of being reminded . Fina lly
the Creator rep lied.
"Because you have prayed as you have for the Israelites, I shall forgive their
sins as a nati on. I sha ll not make a comp lete end of rhern, My reputation for mer cy
and power and glory will one day be known in every nati on of the world." ( Numbers
14 :11-21. )
Moses was greatly relieved and heartened to hear these words from the Creator.
He remained for a littl e while with his forehead to the ground, But JUSt as he raised his
head and was about to utter his deep thanks, God's voice boomed out at him again.
"I have just told you that I am wi lling to forgive the sins of the Israelites. At the
same time, however, I wi ll refuse them entrance into the promised land because they
have broken their covenant with me. This mea ns that those who have rebell ed against
me sha ll never come int o Canaan! They shall die in the desert! This curse doesn't
apply to those who are under twent y years of age-the very ones whose fath ers com-
plained that they wou ld surely die in the desert because I couldn' t protect them.
Neither does it ap ply to obedient people such as Joshua and Caleb. But it does mean
that most of Israel sha ll wander forty years in the mountains and deserts before reach-
ing the land they have refu sed and hat ed. That is one year for eve ry day required for
the scours to search Canaan!"
Februar y, 1962
February, 1962 Th e PLAIN TRUTH
"But we have already spent most of two yeats coming to Canaan," Moses said.
"Do you mean that we are to spend forty years going to a pl ace that is only a few
hours distant?"
"Inasmuch as you have already been nearly twO years on the way," God replied,
"it will require full thirty eight more. Thar is My judgment on Israel because of their
rebell ion."
J usr a few mi nures previously Moses had felt as rhough a grear weight had been
lifted from him when he was assured that the people would not be suddenly blotted
out. Now rhe dismal outlook of thirty eight more years of leading the Israelites was
somet hing he could scarcely face.
"Where must we go from here?"Moses inquired wearily.
"You must leave tomor row and start sout hward through the Arabah by Mr,
Seir," God answered. "You must journey almost to the Gulf of Aqaba and then turn
southwest into the desert where so many wanted to die. That is where the people over
twent y years of age are going to die! " (Numbers 14 :22 35.)
Told by God to carry this depressing information to the people, Moses and Aaron
ret urned to the platform. A vast, murmuring thr ong was still present . Joshua and
Caleb hurried to join Moses and Aaron.
The Ten Scouts Slain
"We didn' t have to arrest the ten scouts," Joshua reporred, pointing to a knot of
people crowded around something on the ground. "They're all dead!"
"Dead?" Moses repeated in surpri se. "How could it be that all of them would
die at the same time?"
"We couldn' t lind out," Caleb explained. "JUSt a littl e while ago they were seen
talking together over there. An instant later they were lifeless on the ground."
Moses quickly realized rhat God had taken their lives because of their false reo
porrs, but rhere wasn't time JUSt then to be concerned about the scouts and their
fami lies. Moses had to tell the people at once what was in store for them. (Numbers
14:36 38.)
When he passed on to them what God had spoken, the people received the star-
tling news with mixed emorions. Some were speechless. Orhers moaned and loudly
complained. A small part of them were jubilant because of hoping to return all the
way to Egypr. Mosr of them, sobered by the srrange, sudden death of rhe ten scours, were
quit e shaken by the outlook for the future. Many thought God wasn' t fair. Only a
fraction of them were willing to admit to themselves that by their bad conduct they had
spoiled a wonder ful fut ure and had brought hardship down on their children.
Page 29
"Remember," Moses concluded, "t hat from now on we no longer have the price-
less blessing of God's guidance and protection. We are like a flock withour a shepherd.
Only yesterday God wanted us to go into Canaan. If we had obeyed, God would have
scarrered any Canaanites who might have tried to prevent us. But now we don' t even
dare sray here lesr the people just over rhe mount ains to the nort h come down and
slaughter us! Be ready ar dawn, therefore, ro move southwesrward through the Mr.
Seir range and start south by the highway of the Red Sea!"
Rebels Plot By Night
That night was a restless one for Israel. The more the people thought about
God's ruling to turn back, the more they wondered how they could make up for their
sins. In fact, certain ones secretly met to plan what to do and how to organize the
people into doing it.
Meanwhile, the Israelites were not the only ones aware of their blazing, all-night
campfires. Alert and unfriendly eyes were peering down from mountain heights to the
north, watching to see what the horde of people in the desert valley would do next.
Moses, roo, was restless. He spent much of the night in thought and prayer. Very
early in the morning he dropped asleep from exhaustion, only to be awakened by Joshua.
"People are breaking camp already!" Joshua exclaimed. "It isn't even daybreak,
but there are rumors that thousands are leaving!"
Moses stepped out of his tent. Most of the campfires were burni ng low at this
hour, and it wasn't possible, in the dense pre-dawn darkness, to see what was taking
place. But in the still, cool air came the faint jangle of metal and the voices of men
shout ing commands to their shepherd dogs. Moses knew the sound well, and he sensed
that a huge caravan was moving out. But why? And where was it headed?
"Should we call every available officer to try to Stop them?" Joshua asked.
"No ," Moses answered, shaking his head solemnly. "We' re already in enough
trouble without shedding blood among ourselves. Just try to find out where these early
risers think they are going."
Aaron joined Moses before Joshua could report back. The light of dawn streamed
in rapidly from the east, making plain to Moses and Aaron a long column of thou-
sands, with their flocks and herds, slowly moving out of the camps. Moses was hopeful
that he would discover the column moving through a defile to the southwest-the di-
rection in which God had said they should go.
To Moses' dismay the light of dawn showed that rhe wide line of people was
moving up a steep mountai n pass to rhe north. This was the road to Canaan! This was
the way these people had refused to take only hours before. Having been warned
Februar y, 1962
February, 1962 The PLAIN TRUTH
not to go in that direction, thousands of the Israelites were disobeying by sneaking off
that way. (Verses 40-43. )
"The Amalekites and Canaanites ate just beyond that mountain! " Moses ex-
claimed, clapping his hands to his head. "Probably they're armed and waiting! This
could mean a terrible slaughter for all those people!"
Moses and those with him watched in discouragement as the thousands of
Israelites and their flocks dwindled from sight in the distant pass.
"Even if all the rest of OUt armed men went after them," Moses said, shaking
his head, "it wouldn't make much difference. God will not protect those who have
departed not those who would go to their rescue." (Numbers 14: 40-43.)
Moses then instructed his officers to see that the tabernacle was packed and
ready to move, and that the people should start breaking camp at once. He knew
rhere was a possibility that their enemies, undoubtedly hidden in the mountains,
would stage an attack on the camp.
Before the sun was very high, the remaining greater parr of the Israelites was
moving through the defiles to the southwest. Many a person left Kadesh before he
wanted to, however, because of a hope to remain long enough to receive some word
of what had happened to friends and relatives who had departed toward Canaan.
Alert a nd unfriendly eyes looked down f rom the mounta ins to
obser ve the Isra elites.
Page 31
Meanwhile, the Canaan-bound Israelites and their plodding flocks and herds were
close to the top of the pass that led northward from Kadesh. The way was rather
narrow. Steep boulders lined the rough
and rocky path over which the twelve
scouts had passed only hours before.
Rebels Are Ambushed
Suddenly hundreds of armed men
leaped out from behind the trailside boul-
ders! Shouting as though demented, they
came running and sliding down the slant-
ing sides of the ravine that formed rhe
pass, and charged at the startled Israelites
with spears and swords. Hundreds of
Israelites died even before they could get
their weapons ready for action. Shrieking
women and children turned and tried to
run back down the trail, only to trip help-
lessly over one another. To add to rhe
confusion, the herds stampeded and the
flocks swarmed wildly in all directions,
The main body of Israelites gradually
began to move backward. But by now a
great number of the enemy- Canaanites
and Amalekites-had almost sealed off
The Canaanites leaped from behin d boulders and fiercel y closed
in on the surprised Israeli tes.
February, 1962
February, 1962 r i ; PLAIN TRUTH
their retreat by thronging across the pass below and south of the agitated column
of Israelites. The Israelites had walked squarely into a vast death trap! (Verses 44-45.)
The slaughter that resulted was frightful. Even animals fell by sword and spear,
though most of them escaped into the mountains. The people were not so fortunate.
Within only minutes the pass was littered with the bodies of men and women. But
because their numbers were so much greater than those of their attackers, part of
them escaped and fled back toward Kadesh. The Arnalekires and Canaanites took
after them, pursuing some of them quite a distance to the south. Most of those who
escaped hid among the rocks until the enemy was gone. Then they set out to tt y to
catch up with the main body of Israelites that had departed to the southwest from
Kadesh, which was also called Bene-]aakan-named after the sons of ] aakan or Akan,
black folk who then lived there. (Numbers 33:31 and Genesis 36:27.)
About sundown the Israelites made camp at a place called Hor-hagidgad, which
was a few miles southwest of Kadesh. Hours later, when most campfires were either
out or very low, there was great excitement from the north side of the camp. Weary,
footsore escapets were beginning to arrive. Many who returned needed their wounds
dressed. Some died. Ot hers gave horrifying accounts of the bloody affair.
(To be continued next issue)
Page 33
(Conti1l1ted from page 26)
Communism, "Christianity"
-and Double Talk
MENT, and [hey mean preci sely what
they say.
Now this Scripture uses the word
"life" as the opposite of "death." The
one, death, is the penalty of SIN. The
other, life, is the opposite of death, and
comes as God's GIFT. But it is a different
life than this present temporary exist-
ence-it is etemal life. This says plainly
that that ever-continuous' eternal life is
a GIFT which God has to give. That
means we do nor have it, now, or other-
wi se!
But when the professional clergy, who
had inherited and accepted the pagan
idea of the "immortal soul; ' came across
this pl ain statement which made a liar
of thei r "tradition;' they resorted to
INTERPRETING these words-they re-
sorted to double talk!
Here is one of many places where
organized "Christianity" uses satanic
double talk to pervert God's Word-to
deceive the people into accepting a
meaning tltlerry different than the Bible
plainly SAYS.
When the Bible says plainly that the
wages-the penaltj'--of SIN is death,
they twist this to mean that the penalty
of sin is just the opposi te of death-
they say it means eternal life, but only
in a different place, and condition. They
say it is eternal life in the torture of
hell fire-burning forever and ever, yet
never burning up!
When Jesus Christ says the meek
shall inherit the EARTH, they use double
talk to make this mean that the saved
go to heaver). They make salvation, or
punishment , a matter of geographical
locatio", while the Bible plai nly SAYS
it is a matter of c01lditioll-that man is
mortal; the penalty of sin is DEATH;
the soul that sins is not immortal, bur it
shall DIE (Bzek. 18:4,20), but the gift
of God, or salvation, is ETERNAL LI FE.
In other words, the BIBLE says it is
a matter of CONDITION- the penalty
of sin is the condition of DEATH-of
being DEAD for eternity-eternal pun-
ishment, not eternal punishi11g. Salva-
tion is being given a gift we do nor
already have-ETERNAL LI FE; that is,
being put in the condition of being
joyously ALIVE for eternity.
It is a matter of WHAT we are, not
WHERE we go!
Whe n the Bible uses the word DEATH
as the very opposi te of eternal LIFE
in the same sentence, it means DEATH,
as opposed to being ALIVE!
As I heard a contemporary of mine
-=-a radio evange list who also has a
world-wi de audience-sayan his pro-
gram, when he came to this passage,
"death" means separation from God."
is a LI E! That is an atternpr to deceivet
If we are already IMMORTAL. so that
eternal life is not what God says-a
GIFT we may obtai n unde r certain con-
dit ions He lays down-then what do
these words. "eternal life" in thi s pas-
sage mean?
To interpret the Bible is co put a
difJeretzt meaning on its words-ro re-
son co diabolical, satanic, deceptive
Interpreti ng the Bible is putting your
own meaning into it , instead of receiv-
ing our of it GOD'S intended meaning.
It is a met hod of saying to people: "The
Bible doesn't mean what it says. God is
a liar. You must beli eve what I tell you
-what I make God's words mean. Be-
lieve ME, not God: '
When you read, in Galatians 4: 24,
the words: ". . . which th ings are an
allegory: for these are . . : ' then con-
tin uing to explain what the allegory
means, you are nor left in doubt. The
passage there was speaking in allegory
- but it tells YOlt so in plain language
-and then explains its own meaning!
When Scripture says plainly, "Jesus
spake a parable, saying, .. ." you know
it is a parable. It says so.
There is no doubt, when we read in
Revelation, first chapter, of the seven
stars in Jesus' right hand (verse 16 ) ,
and the seven candlesticks (verse 13),
that these are SYMBOLS. Verse 20 tells us
plainly that the stars represent angels,
and the candlesticks represent churches.
The re is no deception-no doubl e talk,
there. No interpreting is needed. The
Bible interprets itself.
To INTERPRET the Bible is to use the
satanic, diabolical, deceiving methods of
Satan and of Communism. It is a means
The Plain Tr uth makes the Bible-
which is Truth-PLAI N, because we
know it means what it says, and says
what it means. Yet I oft en receive let-
ters from people telling me they are
interested in "my int erpretation of the
PLEASE understand! The WORLD TO-
MORROW program, and The Plain Trutb,
it as it is, in Chri st Jesus!
[Continued [rom page /5)
sage, and closed the service right on the
exact second-c-l think it had been an-
nounced to close at 4: 15- just as the
broadcasts have to end precisely on the
Later, when we opened the two offer-
ing boxes, what do you suppose we
found? Yes, I think you guessed it!
Exactly, to the penny, the preci se amount
of the expense of hiring the theatre,
extra cost of jani tor and electrician. the
lobby signs, and the post-card announce-
ment s. That is, t o the penny. THERE
From the stan of this \X' ork of God
He has supplied the need of the present
-but never any more. To this day, God
does not supply us today wi th the funds
[0 finance His \'X7ork next month or
next year. I am human, and I confess I
would, humanly, like to be supplied at
least a six mont hs' cash reserve in ad-
vance. But to this day, now in 1962,
God has never gr ant ed that. Somet imes
we even have to ask Hi m today for
)'esterday's "bread"! Bur GOD HAS CON -
Dick's " Fina l Exam"
We engaged the Biltmore for the
following two Sundays. We decided,
for those tWO Sundays, to hold lWO
services each Sunday aft ernoon. I'm not
sure. now, of the exacr time, bur I
thi nk the first service started at I : 3D,
endi ng at 2:45, and the second service
starred at 3:30, endiog at 4:45.
It was planned to have Mrs. Arm-
strong and young Garner Ted, then
12Y'] years of age, come down in time
for the final Biltmore service, and
our whole family would drive back
together .
At each of these t wo services at the
Biltmore, total at tendance was estimated
at 2,000. There were 1300 or 1400 at
each service, with several who attended
the first service corning back for the
second. For this reason I prea ched dif-
ferent sermons at each service.
But I had another moti ve in gett ing
February, 1962
Ted down to Hollywood before return-
ing to Eugene. I needed his presence
for Di ck's "final exam" in snapping him
our of feeling inferior to Ted.
Our office secreta ry and her husband
drove them down in our car, which I
had left at home when we left in April.
They were there thr ee or four days, and
it seems we started back to Oregon on
July 31, after the final Biltmore service.
When they arr ived, I explained to
Dick that he would have to take Ted
In [Ow.
"Now remember, Di ck," 1 briefed
him, "Ted is JUSt a kid, nor as old as
you, and he's never been to Hollywood
before. He' ll be pret ty green. I want
you to look after him- take him places
- shuw him Hollywood and Los An-
geles. Take him boat ing on the lake in
Echo Park, bur don' t let him handle the
boat - he wouldn' t know how:'
During those few days, Di ck was the
complete leader. For the first time in his
life he was made to realize that he was
not inferior, but LEADER over Ted.
Dick passed thi s "final exam" with
flying colors and a grade of "A:' The
feeling of being inferior to Ted was
gone. And, it did no harm to Ted. for
he did nor realize. then , what was being
done. However, it was some littl e time
after thi s that Ted went into hi s in-
tensive "muscle-buildi ng" program.
And I might add, that all the days of
Ted's student life at Ambassador Col-
lege. he won the weighr-lifring contest
for his weight at the spri ng Field Day
on our athletic field each year.
Bur Di ck was still human. And it is
human to go from one extreme to the
other. Once back in Eugene, far from
feeling whipped and inferior, Dick now
was suddenly a "big shot."
It was a glamorous thing to have been
in Hollywood. Dick had spent most of
the summe r there. The other boys had
not been there.
Sa now I had to go to work on him
again , and get him back in the "middle
uf the road:' And with God's help this
was achieved. and finally he came to
have the supreme confidence that is
FAJTH IN GOD rather than confidence
in self, and to have full assurance, yet
in humility. That is a diffi cult state for
any human to at tain-but one of the
supreme right goals of life!
You can punish your children in love-and GET RESULTS!
But to be effective, to really have it payoff, you need to know
HOW to punish , what wit h, how offen, how soon, how hard
-and when NOT to spank!
HE MERE suggestion of spanking
a small child, or "hit ting" a child,
as the psychologist S like to refer
to it, will send some inro a verirable
frenzy of ind ignam anger!
Bur why? \'(' hy SHOULD rhe human
mind be so HOSTILE reward loving, kind,
careful punishment by a parem who is
earnesdy teaching and gui ding his
child? It is because that mind is
CARN AL! "For the CARNAL mi nd [nat-
ural, fleshly, nor begotten of God's
Spirit ] is ENMITY toward God. It is
not subject to the law of God, neither
indeed canbe! " ( Rom. 8:7. )
God is love. But God PUNISHES
every child upon whom He lavishes
His heavenly love! (Heb. 12:5 11.)
His verv nature is t h ~ t of a loving,
just Parent who administers PUNISH-
MENT for His own children' s good!
Not The "Last Resort"
As we saw in the last installment ,
the child psychologists say "The word
'punishment' should not appear in our
dicti onaries except as an obsolete word
. . : ' ( Psychological Care 0/ III/aliI and
Child, Watson, pages 6365 ) . And ad-
vise parents that they usually "turn to
this extreme as a last resort . and because
they think that norhing else will work"
(The Complete Book 0/ MOlhercra/l ,
Parent s' Insriture, page 365 ),
But, as we saw clearly proved, the
God -orda ined method of spanking
chi ldren for disobedience, and for in-
sti lling right habits in them at the early
age when they cannot reason for them-
selves, is the BEST method! It' s the
God-GIVEN method. It' s the way that
really '\t'ORKS-that get s results!
We have seen what effect ive punish-
mem should accomplish! How (Q aim
fur the long-range goals, and bow to
administer the first spanki ng!
The way of God is best-it is the
RIGHT way-NOT the "end course in a
series of happenings tha t has carried
by Ga rner Ted Armst r on g
borh parent and child away from feel-
ings of love and und erstanding" as de-
11Id('d men and women advise.
The abuse of children, the WRONG
METHODS of punishment, and some
extreme cases of childbearing have
swung the child psychologist s ro the
opposite extreme of the pendulum. The
past several decades. they have advo-
cated NO pun ishment whatever.
Because myriads of decei ved parents
have [ollou-ed these spi neless reason-
ings, the chiefs of our greatest law en-
fcrcemeru agencies have warned of com-
ing mountainous crime waves unpar-
alleled in the annal s of hi story!
J. Edgar Hoover has said our very
NATION is in stark DANGER from this
terrible crime uiaue among )'otllb that
is the new phenomenon of our times'
Fur those parent s who have begun
to really sec the trut h of God-and who
want to follow and practice that truth.
these art icles are wri tten.
What Should You Use?
If you have really SEEN, and you
kn ow that you can and 71lUJl punish
your children when they need it-and
do it i tt 10l'e-then you need to know
H O W ~ \Vh at do you use?
You've heard of the old razor strap.
the belt , the buggy whip , the ruler and
pencil of the school teachers of a few
decades ago. Due should these imple-
ments be used?
\V<: have already seen how tWO or
three fingers 0/ tbe band should be
used for a very young chi ld. and first
tested un your own forear m or thigh.
Generally, it is best to spank with the
hand. But , again, there arc many cau-
First, never try to spank a small chi ld
with the whole hand tbroegb bis dia-
pen' Before you would erer accorn-
plish the job of administeri ng a proper
spanking to drive the lesson home. you
mighr run the risk of injuring the child's
back. The whole hand against one or
two thicknesses of di apers would 1101
really be fclr except as a clubbing rype
of hlou' to the child.
As was already covered thoroughly.
you should raise the corners of the
diaper. and shar ply spat the child wit h
unly two or three finger s! Make it be
felt- bur first try it on yourself to
be sure.
Before cont inuing wi th these met h-
ods. let' s understand where )'OU should
spank a chi ld! If is certainly all right to
spa r [he back of a child's hand as he
reaches for a forbi dden object, such as
a lighted stove, china vase, or some-
thing he may pull down and break, In
fan , as one author stat es, " A slap on
the hand of rhe infant who is reaching
for a forbidden obj ect has the advan-
tages of immedi ate and dir ect associa-
tion with the misbehavior and of being
qu ickly over. To du any good [he slap
must be sharp enuugh to be felt, bur
should nor be severely painful." ( As tbe
Twi g t, Bent, Hohman, p. 49. )
But these are the only areas in which
rou should ever spank a child! Either
high on the backs and sides of the legs,
directly on the buttocks, or occasionally
on the backs of the hands. Yuu should
NEVER "box his cars" or stri ke a child
about the head or face.
ANY rime a parent is seen slapping
a child un the face, or thll7npi11g him
un the head. stri king him anywher e
else but the areas described, and tben
nel'f,'r hurd enough to bruise or injure,
that parent is probably punishing in
ANGER. and is tr uly "hnr ing" the child
-not really punishing in love!
Generally it is going to be better to
spank with your own hand. TI13t way,
yo can feel it, t oo, and rou will be
even surer you are nor overdoing it,
Many parents ut ilize a small switch,
which will sharpl y sting, but never
break the skin or brui se. As the author
already quoted said, "Spanking or net-
Pa).: e 36
d ing sma ll legs wi th appropriately small
swi tches are only two of the methods
that may be used." ( As tbe Twig IJ
Bent , p. 49.)
Certa inly, nothing in the old-fash-
ioned buggy whip categor y should be
used. An extremely effective implement
is one of the ligh ter ping pong pad-
dies, applied to the bare buttocks. ( This
I know from personal experience! )
\'(lith children from tWO to six or
eight year s, many parents use the
father's belt . Howe ver, caution shoul d
be used in applying a belt. Certain ly
the end wi th the buckle, or any belt
t hat has metal affi xed [0 the port ion ro
be used should N EVER be applied to a
child. A very heavy, th ick leather belt ,
especially if str iking the child on t he
edges, if it is being used double, could
inflict severe pain and even possible in-
jury. Some parents literally do nor know
bon. hard they arc st riking their chil -
dren! Therefore, even as was recom-
mend ed in the appl icati on of one or
two fingers ro a very young infant, the
parent shou lJ strike himself sharply
once or twice on the thigh with t he
belt , JUSt as he mi ght test the tempera-
ture of t he baby bot tle on his wrist.
In thi s fashion, you may always be sure
of the exact st rength of the blow, and
you will not run the risk of "over pun-
ishing" or injury.
The old-fashioned idea of the "hai r
bru sh" is more myth ical than factu al.
and with roday's modern plasti c ha ir
bru shes and the like, should never be
The place to puni sh a child is square-
I)" on the buttocks! As has already been
covered, l'er) bigb on the sides of (he
thighs, or with a small switch, on the
backs of the legs, would be equally as
appropr iate. HOWEVER, th is mus t be
wi sely decided depending upon the
severi ty of the puni shment, and the
implement used! Be ext remely care!,,1
if punishing wi th a belt that only the
shortes t panion of the belt is used, and
that it is not allowed to wr ap around
the child's little body, or in an)' way
run the r isk of striking so as to injure
or cause serere pain. UJe commo n sense
-punish your child in l.OvE- calml y
-e-nnt i ll the beat of emotion-s-uvi you
need not fear "ove r pu ni shment ."
It is very strongly recommended NOT
Th e Pl.AIN l1l UTH
to use anyrhing that could properl y
be considered an "impleme nt" for pun-
ishment short of one year of age! Par-
ents arc str ictly caut ioned to beextreme-
Iy careflll in the appl ication of proper
puni shment to 3. very tiny child.
Now that we have di scussed how
spank ing should be done, let us cover,
in princi ple, ot her import ant things to
It Must Be Prompt !
To be effecti ve, spanking should al-
ways be prompt! Frequentl y, because
of "embarrassment " in the presence of
fr iends. being in a publ ic place, driving
in a car, or other d ifficult}, whi ch seems
co make the immedi at e application of
punishment somewhat probl ematic, par-
ents will defer punishment until later
rime. This sbos ld ll e Z'er be donet The
chi ld (and t he younger the child the
tru er thi s is ) , will tend to IOJe sight
of the seriousness of hi s offense, and
the exact relati onsbi p between the of-
fens" and t he punishment meted our
becomes somewhat unclea r in his mind
after a period of del ay.
"Punishment , to be effective,
mu st be pr ompt, especia lly wit h a
very young child. Prompt pu nish -
ment docs nor mea n hasty punish-
ment, in ange r , Rather. it means
bringing the results of an act close
enough to the event so that a child,
whose memory is short, will not
have forgotten why he is bei ng
punished" ( p. 179, Cbildcere and
T raining, Paegrc and Anderson ) .
As t he example already cited in a
previous install ment of the parents ear-
ing in a restaurant with a child, the
pa rent should t hink more 0/ t be child
and of the child's [nm re than he does
of the mere "opinions" of people seat-
ed around. He should quietly and calm-
ly take the child am of the restaurant,
app ly the: proper puni shment, and re-
t urn , rather than deferri ng the punish.
mcnr unri l late r.
"The fundamental in all disci-
pl ine is to be lu re you are r ight,
then go ahead. Go ahead in a way
whi ch leaves no shadow of dou bt
whether you or your child wi ns.
\'(lha((:ver you do, do some thing
deci sive. Do not tell a child who
coasts down a da ngerous and for -
bidden driveway that he canner use
his coaster any more that day and
then lee him coax you into g iving
it back in five mi nutes, Do not
Fe bru a ry, 1962
spank a child and cuddle his tears
away, mur muring: ' Daddy is sor ry
he had to span k you... ( pp. 50-51,
Al tbe T wig 11 Bent , Hohman }.
Only when puni shment is adminis-
tered IMMEDIATELY after the offense,
and especially is this t rue wi th aver)'
Jotmg child, will it be tru ly effect ive.
This is the only fashion in which the
very young child can be expected to
ASSOCIATE t he immediate retr ibutive
chastisement wit h the wr ong action,
The more swi ftly the punishment
can follow the acr of disobedience, the
more effective it will be! Thi s is a
principle whi ch shou ld NEVER be for-
To pu nish for an inf racti on one day,
and then to allow t he same infract ion
u-itbom puni shment the next day is
tota lly confusing to a child.
"The habi t of obedience should
be developed by t he second birth-
day and firmly fixed by the t hird.
It should become automatic. By t he
end of t he first year, the founda -
tion should be laid. This foundation
arises our of a firm, calm, CONSIST
ENT tr eat ment of the child dur ing
t he first year. The child will get
his first lesson of obedience in
learn ing inhibitions. There is some-
thi ng which babies should not do;
mother says ' no' and sees to it that
the baby does ncr do the forbidden
th ing [by pu nishing IMMEDI ATELY
if an inf racti on occu rs] . The rnor her
must be sure that the first lessons
are absolutely success ful. She must
say ' no' onl y with good reason, but
when she says it she mUll see t hat
tbe cbild obeys" (pp. 148-149,
Training Children, Pyle ) . (Ernpha-
sis ours.)
I have observed m ~ m ) ' parents make
the gross mi stake of tot ally inconsistent
punishment and tr ai ning. The unde r-
lying cause for inconsistency is t hat the
parents have lapsed into t he habit of
punishing their ch ildren ONLY when
the children finally "get on their
nerves" ro t he effect that the parent
becomes angry, and "lashes our" at
t he child in retribut ive haste!
Frequently, parent s will say "But I
DO spank him !" and then go on co
argue "Bur it doesn't seem to do a bi t
of good!" ALWAYS, at the roor of a
stat ement such as this, is discipl ine that
is rotally ineffecti ve because it is nor
Feb rua ry, 1962
being done consistently.
This is perhaps the most common of
;111 parental faili ngs in administering
JUSt and loving discipl ine! On one day,
mother rna}' spank lit tle Johnnie for
having pulled a kn ife Out of the draw-
er . On the followi ng day, she may total-
ly ignore John nie as he plays with a
whole fi'lfHI of enires and fork"
Here, tOO, is one of the grearcsr er -
rors of par ent s today.
"Johnnie! Get back up there on that
chair and finish your dinner!" says the
parent . But J ohnnie ignores the parent,
going about his own pu rsuits as if he
had 1101 eren heard the voice of the
parent. Most parents are taiien in by
this "ignoring" which all children will
.olr)" with their parents, and so are con-
vinced J ohnnie really didn't hear the
command! The command is repea ted-
and repeated-s-and repeated! FINALLY
-Ihe child may even be picked up and
PLACED on the chair by the fru strated
paren t! ORwhat is jllJI as like/I' ( in the
pr acti ce wh ich I myself have observed
on many occasions) after five or six
fr uitless admoni tions, the parent him -
self may turn away from this futile at-
tempe at chi ld traini ng and go back
ro his newspaper or other pursuits, let-
ting the chi ld have his own way! Par -
ents who say. "Did you hear me?" are
those who always speak more than
once! Parents who say "\'{fhat am I go-
ing ro do with you?" are parems who
altrays speak more tha n oncel Par ent s
who say "Am I going to have to give
you a spanking?" are parent s who AL-
\X' AYS speak more than once.
Have "Oil been using these phrases?
Do )'011 speak mor e than ONCE to your
Speak to your child oncel Then, if
disobedience follows, IMMEDIATELY ap-
ply the proper punishment! 11 is 0111"
in Ihis zeaJ that p/llliJbmem can be
ITIIIy efJecliz'e!
It is truly amazing the deg ree to
which a child's hearing may be sharp-
ened by only speaking ONCE, firmly,
and sharply! Thousands of parents
seem to be in bl issful ignorance of the
fact that the ir child ren could be tr ained
ro lit er ally "jump at the snap of thei r
fingers" if the y cared to use the dili -
gence to ga in this end. You may have
hear d of the children who were start led
into hum ble quietude by the me re
"clearing of the throat" of t heir fathe r
as a warn ing. You may have heard of
ot her children who could have been
silenced with a mere look. But by far
the more average is the child who can't
be quiet ed with a thousand adruoni-
dons, and who never listens to his
This is such a common failing of
parents that it deserves ample discus-
sion! Check up Oil ,'ourself.' Begin (0
speak unly ONCE!
If you want your child for some-
thing, simply say, "Jo hnnie, come
here!" If the child ign ores you, wait
just a moment or t WO, -hcn arise from
your chai r, calml y bar e he child's bot-
rom and apply abou r fi e or six good
sharp swats! If ] ohnni pretends he
"d idn't hear you!" and 1'-. d ully tell s you
he didn't realize you wee calling him
- you may be positi vely assured that
if you exp lain the reason why he is
being spanked, he \'(fILL hear you the
next ti me!
I have seen so many d -ns, yes even
hu ndreds of parents spea 19 time and
li me again to their chil .ren without
an) inal e[ea tha t it is tr uly amazing!
You, as a parent, shou ld begi n to
speak to YOUt child only once! Say, "Eat
your di nner!" And t hen, if, af ter a few
moments, the child is sti ll toyi ng wit h
his food , showing disi nte rest, or day-
dr eami ng-calmly rake him down from
the di nner table, into another room,
lower his pant s and give him a good
effecti ve spanking! Allow him to re-
main in his room unt il the crying has
comple tely subsided, and unti l he is
set tled down agai n, and then firmly
place him on hi s cha ir and say, "Eat
your dinner!" This time, you may be
fully persuaded . the chances are far
more likely that he is going to finish
his di nner! However, let's assume he
DOESN'T, What t hen? Thi s bri ngs up
the next basic principle.
Always FINISH What Is Starred
NEVER CEASE! Never quit! Never
give up! Once you have begun teaching
your child the meaning of the wor d
"no," and to respond to a single com-
mand, don't euer give lJP/ Let 's assume
Page 37
your child does 110t learn to eat his
dinner after thi s one spanking. If he
eats only tWO or three bites after the
first one, and the n begins to roy with
his food again-repeal the wbole process.
DON'T SPEAK AGAIN-you've already
done that-simply arise from the table,
take him into hi s room, and adrninis-
rer ano ther spanking!
Perhaps it ma y seem unnecessarily
harsh to you-bur you should continue
thi s process as long as if made necessary
by YOUt child's REBELLION'
Th ere is going to come a time in the
life of ev"y child when he is going to
"try" his parents almos t to t he breaking
point. He will rebel. It may be over a
simple thi ng such as eating his dinner,
picki ng up his toys, coming when you
call, goi ng to bed quietl y, or any num-
ber of thi ngs. My son, on one occasion,
simply refused to blow his nose! My
wife would say "Blow!" , and wait, hold-
ing the handkerchi ef to his nose. He
had been blowing hi s nose by himself
for qu ite some months-there was no
question bur that he knew how. He re-
belled, My wife spanked him, and then
told him "Blow!" aga in, Again, he re-
fused, My wife spanked him the second
rime. Finall y, afrer my wife had been
spa nk ing him quite a number of times,
she called me, I took ove r the situation,
and he still refused to "blow!" I do nor
remember now-and I am sure my son
Mar k doesn' t remember, eit her-it may ~
have take n as many as fifteen or twenty
separate spa nkings of six or eight licks
each! However , after the last one-he
Had 1 let my son win that bal/le-
I may never have gained cont rol of him
aga in!
My child was not bruised- he was
not il1jured-and the pain was all over
in JUSt a few momenrsl! Bur the LESSON
he learned is still with him to this day,
as he's roundi ng OUt his thi rd year in
school! My wi fe and I then expl ained
to him that he would never have needed
even ONE spanki ng if he had merely
blown his nose as he sbould have-in
the beginning! \'{fe impressed this firm-
ly upon his mind , t elling him that
spank;'lgJ are nor enjoyable, the}' are
not "fu n" for anyone concerned, bur
that because we love him, we MUST
teach hi m what is best for him , and
PaJ;?:c 38
what Almi gh ty God requires, in order
that he will grow up to be an obedient ,
loving, respectful child, always doi ng
exactly what his parents tell him!
I have seen 11ldllJ parent s spank their
children once or twice for an infracti on ,
and then giie liP because their children
CONTINUED (0 rebel. Thi s is disast rous
(0 reaching real discip line.
Use CAUTION, howeve r! N EVER go
(0 an extreme and BEAT your child.
Puni sh wisely, in l OVE!
Punishment, CO betml)' elJeeth'e must
always be JUST and graded to th e na-
cure and degree of the offense! Never
puni sh harshly, or orerly much for a
sma ll infracr ian! Never punish lightly.
or too littl e for a major infracti on' Usc
wisdom and judg ment! I never punished
very hard for reaching for a kn ickknack
or reaeup. I puni shed t'er)' firmly for
running our into the street ! The one
offense, if repea ted , might resul t in a
broken teacup; the other, if repeated,
might result in rhe loss of the life of
the most precious possession any parent
can be given!
Use RI GHT Psychology
Punishment must be ada pted to t he
indi vidual child! However, in explai n-
ing rhis, [ may run the risk of having
some parents retort , "My child never
needs a spanking !" Bur this, after read-
ing rhe inspired word of Goo on the
subject, would be sheer rid iculousness!
AtJ)' and ellery child NEEDS spankings!
It is a vit al, int egral PART of his posi-
rive teachi ng and training! To be left
wit hout punishment is co be left with -
our a ver y precious benefit given by
Almi gbr y God in His Sopreme love for
instilling a dee p sense of respecr, dis-
cip line, rel iance, self-cont rol and a set-
tled, orderly, appreciat ion of loving
aut hority.
Granted, some children are of totally
different natu res than ochers, Some are
"easily upset" while ocher s seem to be
qu ite stoical, almost imperturbable. It
may take only one or two sharp spars
for one child to burst int o a ver itable
flood of tears and repentance. It mar
cake 10 or 12 for anot her child co show
equal remor se. Surely, 110 one is in a
better positi on to know and evaluare
thi s than lOll - i f you are wise and
lovi ng parents.
A chi ld should (J1ll/a)'I understand the
PURPOSE of the puni shment . Spanking
shou ld al u'ays be accompanied by the
positi ve TEACHING as to how to do
the RIGHT thing, as opposed to the
wrong, Most parent s have come to feel
that spa nki ng is ent irely "negati ve."
This is simply nor rrue! SpatJkil1g
should be, i/ properl)' utilized, the most
positire method of child rearing tbere
is. \X'irh t he proper, kind and discerning
TEACHING of the RIGHT act ion, borh
before and aft er t he spanking, this gi ves
a posi tive and negative side to the
spa nking proced ure which will be lase-
ingly beneficial. For exampl e: If your
child is frequently running in and our
of the house, and leaving rhe door open,
call him back, inform hi m of his mi s-
take, and firmly tell him to always close
the door after him when eirher coming
in or going Out of the house. Assuming
he forgers wit hin a few minutes and
leaves the door ajar again, call him to
you, sbou: him the open door and ad-
minister a just spanking! THEN, take
the child to the door, and have him
close it. Have hi m then go in and Out
of th e door jil1e or six times, each time
he does it, opening ami closing it prop-
erly.' Insti ll the HAUIT of obedience.
TEACH him the positive acr he should
be expected to do ! In t his way, with the
positive reaching immediately follow-
ing and accompanying the spanking for
an infraction, a valuable and long last-
ing lesson may be taught .
Most of the rime, your child, is going
to di sobey "accidentally." He will dis -
obey rhrough carelessness, though r1ess-
ness, forgerfulness, or simply rhrough a
lack of understanding of whar is ex-
pected of hi m. Hou'er'er---don't be de-
ceiredl There are many occasions when
a child will DELIBERATELY disobey-
and needs to be spanked accordingly!
Ler your child know you beli eve in
his underlying good intent! Frequently,
rhe young boy or gi rl will say, quite
tearfully, " I didn't mean to! " You
shoold answer, "Of course yoo didn'r
MEAN to!" Explain to the child how
you "understa nd" that he did ie merely
through carelessness or for getf ulness.
BOI say "had I thought you would
have done such a deed on purpose I
would have punished you much mo re
severely! I know and understand that
Februar y, 196 2
you wouldn't have done this deliber-
ate/;'-TRYING to be disobedient-but
because I love you, I must impress upon
yOll that you should never do this
rhrough for getfulness or carelessness
Then , when the tear s have subsided
after a spanking, l OVE your children-
rake them up and show them some af-
fection! N EVER allow the child to run
from the one parent who has done the
p unishing co the ot ber for t he loving
and the affection-bur AL\V AYS make
1IIre t he chi ld is loved, fi m of all by
the parent who has done the puni shi ng!
The insip id misundersta nd ing and
calloused indi fference of some of the
child psychcl ogt srs is di tliculr ro d igest,
ind eed! On e chi ld psychologi st advo-
vated a pat on the head at bed rime, a
handshake in t he morning, and , now
and then. a "nod of approval !" This.
the parents were assured. was to avoid
"roo much mother love!"
\X'hat a loveless, cold and torally
hopeless atmosphere it would be if a
t iny child could expect only a pat on
[he head , a shake of the hand , and a
nod of approval once in a while!
For a chil d of fou r, six, ten or four -
reen-or tHz)' age-to come to a parent
and say "I sure do love you, Daddy! "
voluntarily , is one of rhe most loving
and emot ionally satisfying, joy-filled ex-
per iences of life! Granted, [here may
be such a rhing as "ove rprorecriveoess"
on rhe parr of some parcnrs-c-and es-
pecially, some mot hers! However , sure-
ly a lack of protecti veness, lack of pa-
ren tal love and direct ion is far mo re
prevalent in roday's society than "tOO
much love! "
Yes, punisbment when used properly,
and in lOVE is a tr uly marvelous mer h-
od of pos itive child reaching and t rai n-
ing. God says:
"The rod and reproof gi ve wi s-
dom : BOI a child left to himself
bringeth his mother to shame!
"Correct thy son, and he shall
give thee rest ; yea. he shall gi ve
deli ghr unto rhy soul" ( Prov.
29: 15,1 7) .
Further , the Ruler of thi s universe,
the God who gives you every br earh of
air you breathe also gi ves you an infal-
lible promise that if you "train up a
child in the way he should go," he will.
(Please continue 011 page 47)

-What does
it mean?
Why has the world's weather become so VIOLENT and
CHAOTIC? Read the little-known facts how the weather has
affected history and howit will affect yournation's future.
by Robert C. Boro ker
URRICAN ES, fl oods, typhoons,
tornadoes, and hailstorms -
report s from all over the world
reveal surprising CHAOTIC WEATHER
PAlTERNS! W hile some areas suffer
from droug ht , Others at [he same rno-
mem are devastated by hurricanes and
The hurr icane which hit America's
Gulf Coast recent ly, was called the most
fierce of the century! When "Carla" hi t
POrt Lavaca with winds up to 173 mil es
an hour and ten-foot tidal waves, all bur
a thousand of its 10,000 residents had
fled in one of the greatest evacuations in
the face of a national calamity duri ng
modern times.
Killer t ornadoes erupted in the back-
wash of dying "Hurr icane Carla" and
smashed residential areas of Ga lveston
to rubble. The property damage due to
the hurr icane and tornadoes was fan-
tastic and amounted to hundreds of
mi llions of dollars!
And this is not all that has occurred
in JUSt the past few months. In the
drought-stricken Los Angeles area, fires
broke out and destroyed 456 homes
valued at S24,OOO,OOO, including several
filmstars' and business executives' homes
valued as high as S250,OOO each.
And so it goes throughout the nation
and around the world. Bur WHY is the
weather in such tur11luil? W ill the
weather become better or worse in the
fut ure? It's ti me you knew the facts
behind it al/!
W eather in History
Few people realize that the weather
has played a vital role in shaping world
events all down through history. First,
there was the Flood. during the time of
Noah wh ich tota lly changed the world
uf that time. Plagues of hail and fire
were sene by God on the Egyptians in
order to free: the Israelit es from slavery.
In more recent times, the weather has
played an import ant part in determining
the ouscome of wars. Th e first example
we have rook place during the at tempted
conquest of Engl and by the Spanish Ar-
mada in 1588.
Philip II of Spain was determined to
conquer England and assembled what he
thought to be the "Invincible Armada. "
'rhe Spanish Armada comprised 149
ships compared to the 80 vessels of the
English fleet. Despite these odds , the
English decided to force an engagement
when the Armada dropped anchor near
Calais in the English Channel.
Lighting eight fire-shi ps, rhe British
sent them down wit h the tide coward
rhe Spani sh line. Th e Spanish galleons
All over the wor ld floods, hu rricanes devastate cit ies . Here is common inundation scene in Souther n United States .
Wid. Worl d Photo
Page 40
immediately CUt their cables and sailed
in panic our to sea. Captain Drake reo
solved at all COStS to prevent their rerum,
and at dawn the English ships closed in
and used almost their last shoe be-
fore the sun went down. Three great
galleons had sunk, thr ee had dr ifted
helplessly on to the Flemish coast-but
the bulk of the Spanish vessels remained.
The work of destructi on had been
left to a mightier foe than Drake. Sup-
pli es fell short and the English vessels
were forced to gi ve up the chase, but
the Spanish were unable to re-form-c.
their last chance to do so being de-
stroyed by a GALE. The wind was so
violently against them that they were
forced to steer in a circuit around the
British lsles in order to return to their
home POt t. And so failed Philip's plan
for the invasion of England and with it
his dream of world domination.
French Invasion Twice Foil ed
The weather foiled two invasions of
England attempted by the French. In
1759, when the French Beet at Brest
attempted to join the troop transports
assembled to carryon the projected in-
vasion of England, the British pursued
it to Quiberon Bay where it was attacked
and destroyed in a heavy gale. A similar
event happened once when God "break-
est the ships of Tarshish with an east
wind" ( Psa. 48:7).
Napoleon also resolved to conquer
England. But Nelson gained the victory
at Trafalgar which /inaIly shattered
Napoleon's schemes for invasion.
Ten years later, it was through the
power of British Arms, fighting with
th eir Allies and helped by TIMELY RAIN,
that Napoleon's career was ended at
Waterloo. "If it had not rained the night
between the 17th and 18th of Jun e,"
wrote Victor Hugo, "tbe future of
Europe would have been changed."
The Weather du ring World War I
During the 1914-18 War, the Ger-
mans planned to extend their air offen-
sive by using Zeppelins which were to
drift silently with the wi nd across the
target, The first raid of thi s kind was
made in 1917. Here is the account of
that raid given in a London newspaper:
"Towards moonset on the evening of
October 19, 1917, a Beet of eleven Zep-
pelins left Germany in what wert:
thought to be ideal conditions for an
attack on London-light westerly breez-
es, clear skies, and a low-lying mist.
Guided by the then novel method of radio
direction-finding, nine of the aircraft
reached the Metropolis, one passing
over the West End and dtopping a bomb
in Piccadilly Circus,
"Meantime, an unforeseen cyclonic
disturbance was forming off our south-
west coast. While the ground mist
thickened into fog, obliterating land-
marks, the upper wi nd veered north-
wa rd, and rapidly freshened from twenty
to over fifry miles an hour at the in-
vaders' height of 15,000 to 20,000 feet.
The Zeppelins' directional radio ap-
paratus failed, owi ng, it was believed,
to the sudden intense cold, and, as a
result, the raiders completely lost their
bearings. All unawares, they were driven
southward far off their homeward
course" (The Obseroer, October 17,
1937) .
Lt. Col. Sir Alfred Rawlinson, who
was actively connected wi th the defense
of London, declared: "On that night
London was once more defended by
'Powers' which were beyond the control
of defense . . . OUt faithful and invalu-
able ally the wind continued to 'freshen'
with most persistent and truly gratify-
ing regularity" (The Dejente of Lon-
don, 1915-18, p. 218 ) .
The weather brought about anorher
victory for the Allies in 1918. On Au-
gust 10th, the leadi ng art icle in The
Times reported: "The new offensive
initiated under the command of Sir
Douglas Haig is one of the greatest and
most gratifying surprises of the war.
Even the weazber favored the Allies, for
the assault was launched under cover of
a thick mist . No offensive in which the
British Army has participated has ever
made so much progress on the opening
Re por rs received fr om Germa n
sources confirmed the significance of
this remarkable and surprising change
of events in the complaint that "the
Allies were favored by thick fog."
The Mi racle of Dunkirk
Many of the victories duti ng World
War II were due to favorable weather
conditions. The weather made it possible
February, 1962
for 335,000 men to be evacuated from
Dunkirk. This evacuation would have
been impossible had it not been for un-
usual wearher c.:onditions-a violent
storm over France and a calm sea in the
The story of what happened at Dun-
kirk was reporred in the London Daily
Telegraph: "As the Stoty is told, rwo
great wonders stand forth; and on them
have turned the fortune of the troops.
"I have talked to officers and men who
have gotten safely back to England, and
all of them tell of these two phen omena.
The first was the GREAT STORM which
broke over Flanders on Tuesday, May
28, and the other was the GREAT CALM
which settled on the English Channel
during the days following ...
"The story of the strange armada
which took the men from the beaches of
Dunkirk is already familiar in outline.
In its complete fullness it will probably
never be known, but it is undoubted
that there was such a calmness over the
whole of the waters of the English
Channel for that vital period of days as
has rarely been experienced. Those who
are accustomed to the Channel testify
to the strangeness of this calm; they are
deeply impressed by the phenomenon
of Narure by which it became possible
for tiny craft to go back and forth in
"So the noo miracles made possible
what seemed impossible. In the darkness
of the storm and the violence of the
rain, formations which were eight to
twelve miles from Dunkirk were able
to move up on foot to the coast with
scarcely any interruption from aircraft,
for aircraft were unable to operate in
such turbulenr condilrons' (July 8,
1940 ) .
In his memoirs, Mr. Churchill re-
veals that Hitler undoubredly believed
"that his air superiority would be suffi-
cient to prevent a large-scale evacua-
tion by sea" ( W orld War II, voJ. ii,
p. 68 ) . But the Fuehrer did not take
the weather into his reckoning, for on
May 30, General Halder , Chief of the
German General Staff, complained in
his diary: "Bad weather has grounded
the Luftwaffe and now we must stand
by and watch countless thousands of the
enemy gett ing away to England right
under our noses." But that is nor all!
February, 1962
Afrer the epi sode at Dunkirk, Hitler
nu de plans for invading England with
his "Operation Sea Lion." UNFAVOR-
ABLE \'\' EATHER again gr eatly added to
the Ge rman di fficult ies.
In the German Naval \Var Diary,
there is a laconi c entry for September
17: "The ueatber simasion as a whole
does not permit us [Q expect a period
of calm . . . The Fuehrer therefore de-
cides [0 postpone 'Sea Lion' indefi nit ely"
( The Rise and Fall of tbe Third Reicb
by \'(' illiam L. Shir er, p. 773).
Bumper Harvests
l r rakes good ureathe r to pr oduce
abundant harvest. In 1942, England was
blessed with boumiful harvests which
were di rely needed. The Minister of
Agr icult ure made thi s comment on the
B.B.C: s 9 o'clock news broadcast: "Some
Power has wrought a miracle in the
English harvest fields thi s summer, for
in this, our year of greatest need, the
land has given us bread in greater
abundance than we have ever known
before: '
The capture of Casablanca in Morocco
was aided by good weather conditions.
Th e Allied General Staff had been
warned by weather experts that after
October 1 the Atlant ic swell off the
coast of Mor occo would probably be roo
high for landing purposes. Bur at mid-
night on November 6-7, Admiral Hewitt
decided to ri sk the weather and go for
Casablanca. The toeatber [avored him.
The sea went down. and on November
7, his large collection of ships was ap-
proaching the coast in fair ureatber wit h
a nort heasterly wind and a smooth sea
( A Sailor', OdYJJey by Admiral Cun-
ningham, p 49 1) .
The Invasion of Sicily
Th e weather was again a vi tal factor
du ri ng the invasion of Sicily. How the
weathe r aided the Alli ed invasion was
r el at ed b y Command er Anth ony
"Beyond the horizon there were other
forces, some even larger than our own,
approac hi ng Sicily to arr ive with us dead
on zero hour. But although we could
not see them. we knew that there was
one rhing which was worrying them
JUSt as much as us-the weather.
"By all the rules one expects fine
weat her and a calm sea in the Medit er-
ranean at this time of the year, but now
it suddenly started to blow, a real blow,
Force 6, half a gale, from the nort hwest.
Thi s meant that it would be blowing
down the coast and that many of the
beaches would have littl e lee. The surf
would be terrific, and it would be al-
most impossible for our landing craft
to force their way through and land
their precious cargoes intact.
"We hoped and prayed that with sun-
set the wind would drop, but as the sun
dipped over the horizon. the wind. if
anything, seemed to grow stronger. It
was strange and, to me anyhow, a ter-
rifying feeling . In spite of everything
that man's ingenuity could do to pro-
duce the most modern and up-to-dare
ships and landi ng craft; in spi te of all
the elaborate preparations : here we
were , in the long run, at the mere)' oj
the elements.
"The memory of how a gale had
sealed the fate of the Spanish Armada
sent a nasty chill down one's spine. Foul
ureatber: the eternal enemy of the sailor.
Bur there was nothing to be done about
it, and the ships ploughed on with many
of the smaller craft taking it over gr een
as they wallowed in the high seas.
"But there was no turning back now,
and as the darkness closed down and the
ships ploughed on, I couldn't help thin k-
ing of some of the MIRACLES OF
WEATHER whi ch had already favored
us in this war : Dunki rk; North Africa.
Perhaps three times was too much to
expect . Perhaps . . . and then it hap-
"W ith barely an hour and a half to
go before zero hour, rhe willd JJiddellly
dropped, the white horses disappeared,
and the swell went down quicker than
I have ever seen it do before. It was so
sudden that it was almost miraculous, as
if . . . well, pur it this way, many a
silent prayer of thanks was offered up"
(The Listener, July 2,1943 ) .
The earli er uniauorable weasber was
actually a blessing in disguise. The
enemy garri sons on the Sicilian coast
had been on the alert for weeks. But
the garrisons were lulled int o a sense of
secur ity by the wild weather as they
believed no one would attempt a land-
ing in such condit ions. Th ey allowed
their vigi lance to relax. confined their
Page 41
small craft ro harbor and themselves to
The successful campaign in Sicily
was soon followed by the invasion of
the mai nland of It aly and Mussolini' s
dr amatic downfall. It marked, as Presi-
dent Roosevelt declared, "the begi nning
of the end."
D-Day Weather
Of all the miracles that took place
during World War II, none would prob-
ably compare with the miracle of D-Day
in 1944 when Allied troops landed in
France to open the last campaign
against Germany during that war.
Every hazard that could be eliminated
had been elimi nared. Every foreseeable
risk had been covered. and then came
that weather. The official story of the
invasion weather forecast was report ed
in The Times:
"For months the meteorological -sec-
tion ar Supreme Headquart ers had been
study ing the relative advantages of May,
J une and J uly for weather. Using sra-
ristics , they found that the chances were
about 50 to 1 agai nst weather. tide, and
moon being favorable for all services,
land, sea and air . . .
"On the mor ning of the assault the
wind had moderated, and the cloud was
not only well broken, but its base was
at least 4,000 feet high, ideally suited
for the large-scale airborne operations.
In the hour preceding the landings,
when perfect conditions for pinpoint
bombings were so essential , there were
large areas of temporarily dear sky, and
thr oughout the critical time medium and
light bombers were unhampered" (Sep-
tember 9, 1944 ) .
The invasion had been delayed for
24 hours because of bad weather. Gen -
eral Eisenhower made the "final and
irre vocable decision" to pr oceed with
the invasion on Tuesday, J une 6. The
importance of this deci sion was later
revealed by the General when speaking
in his home town :
"This day eight years ago, I made
the most agonizing decision of my life.
I had to decide to posrpone by at leasr
twenty -four hours the most formidable
array of fighti ng ships and of fight ing
men that was ever launched across the
sea agai nst a hostile shore. Th e conse-
quences of that decision at that moment
Page 42
could nor have been foreseen by any-
one. If there were nothing else in my
life [Q prove the existence of an almighty
and merciful God, the events of the next
rwenry-four hours did it . . . The great-
est break in a terrible out la)' of weather
occur red the next day and allowed that
great invasion [Q proceed, wi th losses
far below those we had ant icipated .. ."
( T ime, June 16, 1952) .
What seemed [Q be an obstacle at the
rime to the Allies, was actually a bless-
i" g in many ways. The weather bluffed
the enemy comple tely. "The German
commanders were adv ised by their
meteorological serv ice that there could
be no invasi on in the period including
June 6 because of continuous JIMmy
weather. That is why Di Day forces,
landing during a br ief break in the
windiest month in Normandy for at
least 20 years, found so many German
troops without officers, and why Other
enemy coasta l uni ts were having exer-
cises at the time of t he landi ngs" ( T he
Times, September 11, 1944 ) .
" Preserv ed for Some Purp ose"
The weather was favorable to the
All ies in t he last war becaus e it was
God's purpose for Germa ny t o l ose that
war. The Air Mi nister of Engl and, Sir
Archibald Sinclair, summed up the
matter when he addressed the General
Assembly of the Church of Scotland:
"We have been most miraculously
preserved. \ "{I e must have been PRE-
must seek humbly to di scover what that
purpose is and be faithful to it . . . I
feel sure that we mus t st rive for the
utmost for victory, and when we get
vicrory jt will solve none of the great
problems which are troubli ng our hearts
and mi nds , but it will give us oppor-
"Then the questi on will come : what
use . . . shall we make of that op -
port unity. The thing that seems clear
to me is that we shall not succeed in
maki ng the most of that opport unity IF
Goo" ( Evening Standard, May 21,
1943 ) .
God allowed t he All ies to win World
\,' ar II in order for tbis work of the
\X'ORLD TOMORROW broadcast and PLAIN
TRUTH magazine to have an opport uni ty
to carry the Gos pel of God' s coming
Kingdom to the worl d bef ore the end
comes ( Mart . 24:14 ) .
The WEATHER is an instrument in t he
bands of God through which He worked
to bring victory to t he Allies in the last
war in the same way t hat He gave vic-
tory to the Israelites in their battl e wi th
the Phi list ines ( I Sam. 7: 10) .
But the Israelitish nat ions of today-
Great Britain, United States and nor th-
western Europe-have forsaken God
and His commandments . The world has
f orgorren that GOD CONTROLS THE
WEATHER-"the Lord hath hi, way in
the 'whi rl wind ( hurricane or tornado )
and in t he storm, and the clouds are the
dust of his feet. He rebukerh the sea,
and maketh it dr y, and drierh up all
the rivers" ( Nahum I : 3,4) . Also read
Matt . 8:24; Psalm 107:2 5 and 135 :6,7 .
God uses the weather to ei ther bless
ur curse a nat ion (Job 36:27-31 and
37 : 1-13) . Why is our nation suffer-
ing from bad weat her conditions? It is
because of slN-tramgreSJitlg t he com-
mandments and laws of God! ( Lev. 26
and Deut . 28 ) .
God is now punis hiug t he nations of
Grea t Bri tain and the Uni ted States. W e
can no longer expect favorable weather
cond itions. Russia, Germany and Europe,
instead , will probably recei ve the good
ING!-SO says Bible prophecy ( Rev.
8:5 -12; 11:6; 16:21 ) . There will be
more drought ( Amos 4:7-8) , more
rampaging floods, more violent storms ,
and MORE devas tating hurricanes and
t ornadoes!
B,,' 'you can be protect ed-IF you
wiJl REPENT now ( ACtS 2: 38 ) and turn
to God for His divine protecti on that
He will give co those who are obeyi ng
and serving Him (Nahum 1: 7) .
lfi'al ch world events and PRAY that
you will be accounted WOrthy to escape
carast rapbic weather YET TO COME!
What do you Mean-
( Conti nued from page 22)
ci ples were walking that Sund ay after-
noon, on the road to Emmaus. Sudde nly
j esus (lppeared beside them, But , later,
February. 1962
He "v anished out of their sight" ( Luke
24:3 1 ). The twelve di scipl es were in a
room, with the doors closed. and prob-
ably bolted, because they were afraid
of the Jew s. There was no knock on the
door. No door opened. Suddenly, as if
from nowh ere, Christ APPEARED.
Ho w does Jesus Christ appear, NOW?
What docs He look like ? He has now
been BORN of God ( Rom . 1:4 ). He
was begotten of God, from the instant
of concept ion in the womb of the Vi r-
gin Mary. But He was HUMAN and
MORTAL-alt hough begotten of God
( differentl y than we may be, since Hi s
conception was divine, not human )-
He was composed of MATERIAL FLESH,
subject ro human DEATH. He did die!
Bur, He was then BORN of God!
HOW' ? But a Resur recti on from t he
dead ( Rom. 1:4 ) . WHEN? At t he
ti me of His resurrect ion!
He ascended to heaven, to the very
has been ever since. It is the GLORIFIED
Christ who shall rerum to ear th.
What does the Gl.ORIFI EO Chr ist Inok
like? His eyes blaze forth like flames of
fire! Hi s feet glow like fi nely burnished
brass. His face shi nes like the SUN, in
FULL STRENGTH-so bright, it would
blind your eyes if He were visible to
you now! ( Rev. 1: 14-16; 19: 12-13;
Mat. 17:2. )
And THAT is the way yOU and I
shall look, if and when we ate finally
BORN of Goo! These decei ved people
who talk about having had a "born-
aga in experience" cert ainly don't look
like THAT!
WHEN Born Again ?
That tremendous , glor ious event of
being BORN of God is to take place AT
the ti mc of Christ' s second coming to
eart h! Noti ce these PLAIN Scriptures!
NOtice: "For our CITIZENSHIP (mar-
gi nal correct tr anslati on ) is ( now) in
heaven; from whence also we look for
the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ (at
His Second Coming ) : WHO SHALL
\X' e are now FLESH- vile, corr up tible
Februa ry, 1962
flesh subject co rotting and decay. But,
at Christ's coming, when we shall be
BORN of God, this vile body shall be
CHANGED, and made exactly like Jesus
Yes , I know-this is probably TOO
WONDERFUL for you co grasp !
But Scripture after Scr ipture piles up
Look at the very Resurrection chapter,
1 Corinthians 15.
The BIBLE, wh ich is Goo'S MESSAGE
where teaches any such th ing as the
PAGAN doctrine of an "immort al soul"
going to heaven at death. It teaches that
the soul is MORTAL, and shall DIE
( Ezek. 18:4,20).
But it does teach the RESURRECTION
of t he DEAD.
Now WHEN? At Christ 's SECOND
"For as in Ad am all di e, even so in
Christ shall all be mad e alive, but every
man in hi s own order : Christ the first -
frui ts; "-that was more than 1900 year s
ago-c-vafrerward they that are Christ's
at His coming" ( 1 Cor. 15: 2223 ) .
That is WHEN- at Christ's COMING!
And, notice, Christ is t he "firstf ruits"-
the fin t of those who have been human
to be BORN OF GOD by a resurrection
from the dead! The true Christians-
those that ar e Christ's-c-shal l be made
alive AT HI S COMING! .
Now HOW? What kind of BODY?
That questi on is asked in verse 35.
Notice GOD'S answer :
"... that whi ch thou sowest"- bur y
in the ground- "thou sowest not the
body that shall be" ( Verse 37). The
IMMORTAL body tha t comes up in the
resur recti on will NOT be thi s vile, rot-
ting body of material flesh-but a DIF-
FERENT body. Cont inue: "Bur God
giveth it a bod y as it hath pleased Him,
. .. So is the resurrecti on of the dead .
It is sown in corrup rion; Ir is rai sed in
incorruption.... It is sown a natural
bod y't-c-rha r is, of NATURE-MATERIAL
FLESH-"it is rai sed a SPIRITUAL
BODY"-COmposed of SPIRIT! "And as
we have borne the image of the earthy"
-material fiesh-c-of the earr h-eart hy
( verses 47-48)-"we shall also bear the
image of the heavenly"-like GOD-
like CHRIST in H is glorified body!
"Now this 1 say, brethren, that flesh
and blood" ( human people of material
flesh ) "cannot inherit the Kingdom of
God." ( This is precisely what Jesus said
to Nicodemus. This proves that the
CHURCH is not the Kingdom of God,
It proves also that no human of ma terial
flesh has been BORN of God. )
Continuing: ''. . . We shall nor all
sleep" ( be dead ) "but we shall all BE
CHANGED, in a moment, in the twinkl ing
of an eye, at the last tr ump" ( t he rime
of Ch rist 's Com ing ) : "for the trumpet
shall sou nd, and the dead shall be
raised incor ruptible, and we" ( if the n
still living ) "shall be CHANGED. . . . SO
WHEN thi s corruptible shall have pUt on
incorruption, and th is mortal sha ll have
P"t 0 1/ IMMORTALlTY, then shall be
brought to pass t he saying that is writ-
ten, Death is swallowed up in vi ctory!"
(I Cor . 15: 38- 54. )
All true Christians who shall have
died before Chri st 's coming shall ri se
first-in a resurrection-and then all
Ch ristians still alive, in morral flesh,
shall be instantaneously-in the t win-
kling of an eye----eHANGED from morral
to IMMORTAL-from materi al flesh to
immaterial SPIRIT-from HUMAN to
DIVINE, at last BORN of GOD!
Cbrist Only t he Fi rst
I have been the father of twO sons.
am human-they, born of ME, were
born HUMAN, as 1 am! When we are
BORN of GOD, we shall be of HIS VERY
FAMILY-we shall be SPIRIT as He is
Spirit-immortal as HE is immorra l-
divine as HE is divine !!
WHY does not organized professed
"Christ ianity" KNOW that? WHY should
that seem incredulous, impossible, or,
even, to some} like blasphemy ? WHY?
teaches that all t he way through! Jesus
taught it ! Paul reaches it! Peter teaches
it! John teaches ir! The Holy Spirit IN-
SPIRED IT, repeatedly!
You have seen, in Philippians 3: 20-
21, how, as stated JUSt above in I Cor.
I S, at Christ's coming our vile bodies
shall be CHANGED, changed int o SPIRIT,
made IMMORTAL, fashioned like Christ's
GLORIFIED BODY. T hat is when we shall
be BORN of God. And THAT change
does flat lake place in THIS LIFE! All
the se religious-professing people who
Page 43
think they have been "born again" HAVE
Now we saw, I Cor . 15: 23, that
Chr ist, who was BORN OF GOD by His
resur rect ion, was the FIRSTfrult s of
those to be resurrected-those [0 be
Now believe Other Scriptures which
say the same thing!
Believe Romans 8:29: "For whom He
did fore know, he also did predestinat e"
( write for free booklet on meaning of
predestination ) "to be conformed to the
IMAGE of His Son ( Christ) , that HE
might be the firstbom of many bretb-
ren:" Christ was born a SON of God by
a resurrection from th e dead ( Rom.
1: 4 ) . He was only the first to be so
We are to be in His same IMAGE- as
He is, NOW! We are put on H IS SAME
PLANE-as His BRETHREN-to be also
BORN OF Gop-e-re become Goo's SONS!
We are already begotten sons-e-rr
really converted-bur what we SHALL
BE, in rhe resurrected GLORIFIED BODY
-does nat yet APPEAR-cannor yet be
seen (I John 3: 1-2) .
God is to have MANY SONS born of
Him. Of all these, JESUS was the first
to be so BORN. He is the ONLY human
so far BORN of God, though many have
alre ady been BEGOTTEN!
Believe Colossians 1: 15, 18: Speaking
of Jesus "who is t he IMAGE of the IN-
creature.. .. the FIRSTBORN from the
dead," Yes , just the first of many BRETH
REN, in the very IMAGE of bright shin-
we are to be conformed to the SAME
IMAGE ( Rom. 8:29 ).
Now will you believe what God says
in the Book of Hebrews?
WHY should God be concerned about
human beings? From a small airplane
we look like little ants down here. From
a jet 5 to 6 miles high, people on the
ground have shrunken so small they
can't be seen. How TINY must we look
to GOD? WHY should He have concern
for us?
The question is answered in Hebrews
2, beg inni ng verse 6. God made man a
little lower t han angels; but, in God's
Page 44
man, as He first has Christ, with GLORY,
and HONOR.
What is [he GLORYwith which Chri st
is now CROWNED? A crown denotes
KINGship - rule - authority - power.
Jesus Christ said, just before ascending
to heaven, that ALL POWER in the uni-
verse-in heaven and in earth-had
been given to HIM.
In Heb. I : 1 3, ir is revealed [bar
Christ is God's HEIR-heir of ALL
which He now has already inherited!
He now is the BRIGHTNESS of God's
Yes, His eyes like Bashing Barnes of
fire-His face shining bright as the
full-strength SUN. He is the express im-
age of Goo's PERsoN-and here the in-
spired Greek words mean stamped, or
engraved wirh God's own perfect spirit.
THINGS-see Moffatt translation, Heb.
1:3-He susrains, controls, RULES, the
ENTIRE UNIVERSE! God Almighty [he
Father has del egated to Chr ist [he ad-
minisrrative and executive power, rule,
Christ's GLORY is such that now He
sustains, upholds, controls, every force,
energy, and power that exists EVERY-
WHERE-supreme POWER over the uni-
Yes, and as a BORN Son of GOD,
Chr ist IS God! God Almighty His
Father is God. They are two sep'arate
and individual Persons (see Rev. 5: I,
67) .
How can this be? I suppose most
people thi nk of GOD as one single in-
dividual Person. Or, as a "TRINITY."
THIS IS NOT TRUE. Genesis 1:1 gives
God's name as, in the Hebrew,
"ELOHIM:' This is a uni PLURAL name.
It means more than one Person, but
combined into the ONE FAMI LY, which
Yes, the name "GOD" as God revealed
it in the Hebrew language, is a name like
FAMILY, CHURCH, or TEAM. There may
be several individual members in ONE
FAMILY. In I Cor. 12 we find MANY
individual MEMBERS form the o NE
CHURCH. And Jesus pr ayed that we,
in His CHURCH, might be ONE in the
same manner that He and God the
Father ate ONE GOD! ( See J ohn
Notice Heb. I :6-[he very angel s
are to WORSHIP CHRIST! If He is not
Gon-e-char is, one of the members of
the FAMILY, or [he KINGDOM of Goo,
then that would break the first Com-
mandment! He is CALLED GOD in
verse 8.
Now remember, the true Christian
is an HEIR of God ( Gal. 3:29), and
a JOINTHEIR witb Cbriu ( Rom. 8: 17) .
WITH HIM (same verse) . Christ is now
an inheritor-a possessor. WE are still
only HEI RS-not yet inheritors-e-nor
until we are BORN AGAIN!
Now back to Hebrews 2. Remember
we are co-hei rs with CHRIST-begot-
ten SONS of GOD. Christ has INHERITED
the enti re UNIVERSE, which He now
RULES. And in Heb. 2:68, we ate
told plainly rhar God's PURPOSE is to
pUt ALL THI NGS in subjection UNDER
US. The Greek words translated "ALL
THINGS" mean, simply, THE WHOLE
UNIVERSE. God "left NOTHING [hat is
not put under him"-verse 8--only,
WE SEE NOT YET this entire uni-
verse pur under the dominion of man-
No, you'll read in Gen esis I: 28 that
God, so far, has given HUMANS domin-
ion only over the solid earth, the seas,
and the AIR-but not yet OUTER SPACE
which man is now trying to conquer!
But, God continues, verse 9, we see
AND HONOR-which, in chapter 1:23,
is explained to mean KI NGwith domin-
ion over the whole UNIVERSE.
Now notice verse to: "For it became
HIM . . . in bringing MANYSONS UNTO
GLORY, to make the Cap tai n ( margin,
Leader, or Predecessor, or Pioneer)
perfect through suffer ings." And in
verse 11 Jesus calls us His BROTHERS.
Oh, what matchless, transcendent
GLORY God purposes for us-when we
WHY Not Now?
But , as we read in Heb. 2:8, we do
not see YET all this GLORY having been
inh eri ted by any but CHRIST. WHY,
then are we not YET born?
Because, when we are, we are to be
given such POWERS to guide, direct, and
control, that we have to BE TRAINED,
February, 1962
CHARACTER devel oped in us so [hat
we may safely be entrusted with such
vast powers!
Scientists beve learned to harness and
control certai n physical powers-nu-
clear energy, for example. And men
be able to control rightly and guide
such colossal power into safe and pr o-
ductive and beneficial channels. Men
have turned that POWER inca such tre-
mendous stockpiles of OESTRUCfIVE
and WAR-making force that there is
now the power more than 50 times
So, bef ore we may be even BEGOT-
TEN of God, we must REPENT of trans-
LOVE-God's WAY to peace, happiness,
abundance, and joy. Then, we must BE
LED BY God's Hol y Spiri t which He
gives us, IN THE WAY of God's RIGHT
SPIRITUAL .LAWS-in the way of
Now LOVE is the fulfilling of God's
Law. Bur it is a SPIRITUAL Law that
is in inexorable 11lotioll-and it re-
quires SPIRITUAL LOVE to ful fill it.
This is "the LOVE of GOD, shed abroad
in our heart s BY THE HOLY SPIRIT"
( Rom. 5: 5 ) , whi ch God gives only to
[hose that OBEY Him! ( Acts 5:32. )
God CREATED this universe. He is
the REAL Supreme Ruler! He is not
going to turn over that power to rule
to any except those who will rule HIS
WAY-who will OBEY HIM--<>bey HIS
So, it is ONLY those that are LED BY
God's Holy Spir it, in HIS WAYS who
ate [he SONS of God ( Rom. 8: 14) .
And we have to begin OVERCOMING
our own self-natures, the wrong WAYS
of thi s world whic h have become fixed
HABIT, and the devil. We must GROW
in grace and Chris t's KNOWLEDGE ( II
Pet. 3: 18).
Yes, even as the unborn, bur begot-
ten human baby must GROW from its
beginni ng size no larger than a pin-
point, fed on physical food-so, once
we are impregnated by Go o's HOLY
FOOD of God 's Word the BIBLE, and
by PRAYER, and what fellowship is pos-
February, 1962
sible with truly begott en BRETHREN
in God's TRUTH.
And UNLESS we do conti nue to
GROW in spiritual charac ter develop.
merit , more and more LIKE GOD, we
become li ke the unborn babe that mis-
carries---or like an abortion! AND
Per haps a basic err or that has blind-
ed nearly all professing "Christians"
since t he Great CONSPIRACY crept in
as a Fif th Columnist-by which religi ous
actually conspired to STEAL the NAME
"Chrisna n't-s-berween 70 and 170 A.D.,
is founded on a MIStranslat ion of Ro-
mans 8:15.
In the AV. it reads, ". . . bur ye have
received t he spiri t of adoption, wher eby
we cry, Abba, Father! " The marginal
rendering for "adopt ion" is, pr operly,
SONSHIP. But the t heologians and
"H igher Cr itics" have blindly accepted
t he her etical and false doctrine intro-
duced by PAGAN false prophets who
crept in, t hat the HOLY SPIRIT is a
THIRD PERSON- the heresy of the
"TRINITY." Thi s LIMITS God to "Three
Per sons." This DENIES that Christ,
through Hi s Holy Spiri t, actually comes
now INTO the converted Christia n and
does Hi s saving work on t he INSIDE-
"Christ IN you, the hope of GLORY"
(Col. 1:27).
Pere r plain ly shows that the Holy
Spirit ent er ing INTO us me ans t hat we
t hen become "Partakers of the DIVINE
NATURE." The "Tri nity" doctrine
DENIES thi s.
Any Church, or pr eacher , that DENIES
that CHRIST is actually COAlING INTO
each converted Chris tian, thr ough Hi s
And those are MANY, today. See I
John 4:2, and II John 7. The expres-
sion "Jesus Christ IS COME in the
flesh," as inspired in its orig inal Greek
language means, liter ally, PRF.sENT
TENSE-that Chr ist is NOW COMING-
and t he way He now COMES in human
flesh, is t hat He comes lit erally INTO
every t ruly begotten chi ld of God, BY
If the Holy Spi ri t were a thi rd PER
SON that wou ld be IMPOSSIBLE!
That false doctrine, beautiful as it
may have been made to sound, DENIES
the presence of God's Holy Spirit wit h-
in, to impregnate or BEGET us with the
!';'JATURE and the very LIFE of Goo!
Th at heresy DENIES the true BORN
AGAIN experience!
That false teaching DENIES tha t the
Church is t he true BODY OF CHRIST-
because, as it was (he HOLY SPIRIT of
God wor king IN the indiv idual BODY
of Jesus, who started God's present
work , so it is that SAME SPIRIT, now
Hi s CHURCH, which carr ies God's work
on. Thus the true Church is the BODY
But the Holy SPIRIT is the SPIRIT t hat
emanates f rom both the Father, and
from CHRIST, and li ter ally ent ers I NTO
us, begetting s, so that we may BE
BORN as the VERY sons of GOD!
Yes, "BEHOLD, W HAT manner of
love the FATHER hath bestowed upon
us, that WE should be called THE SONS
OF Gonl !" Yes, if conve ned, then al-
ready, NOW, we are the begotten SONS
of the Eternal Living GOD!
SIN is humanity's one super ENEMY!
SIN-the t ransgression of Go o's per -
feer spiritual LAW-has robbed t he
worl d of PEACE-has bro ught poverey,
empti ness, misery, crime, heart ache,
WARS, and untold DESTRUCTION! But,
when we are finally BORN of God, we
then be IMPOSSIBLE- and we shall
know only HAPPINESS, and JOY, and
pr oducti ve ACCOMPLISHMENT!
As CHRIST already, now, HAS Gl.ORY,
For, as we read in P.omans B:IB-1 9:
".. . The sufferings of this pr esent time
are nat worthy to be COMPARED wi th
t he GLORY that shall be revealed in us.
For the earnest expectat ion of the CREA
TION- yes. the entire
wai ts for the MANIFESTATJON of the
SONS of GOI>-( ioben we ' shall be
BORN of GOD! )
W hat WONDERFUL, almost INCOM-
And the BEST NEWS is, that the COM-
ING OF CHRIST is now drawing VERY
NEAR! J usr a very few more years!
And then- the PEACEFUL, HAPPY,
All who NOW are begotten sons of
God shall then be BORN-elevat eJ
Page 45
from mortal co IMMORTAL, from decay-
ing FLESH to SPIRIT-from HUMAN ro
EXPERIENCE will be as incomparably
more GLORIOUS than the fake, vague,
mea ni ngless, so-called "bum-again ex-
perience" that deceived THOUSANDS
thi1Jk they have had, now, as t he pr esent
transcendi ng GLORY of CHRIST is su-
peri or to the status of sickly, diseased,
sinning, sufferi ng HUMANIIT TODAY!
But , t he Scriptures tha t break bef ore
our eyes this GLORIOUS GOOD NEWS,
also warn us to TAKE HEED, and to
(Continued from page 20)
alit pl ans for your famil y that you may
have had to put off for )'earl before
you began to obey God's law of tithing.
How to Experience the Blessings
God Offers You
Many people have assumed that God
want s people to be poor, downtrodden,
ignorant. Nothing could be furt her from
the trut h. Jes us Christ stated: "1 am
come that they might have li/e, and
that they might have it more ABUN-
DANTLY" (John 10: 10 ) .
If you would experience the blessings
everyone really wants, chen carry Out
literally (he suggestions conta ined in this
art icle. Begin to seek God's will and Hi s
way FIRST. Take time to really STUDY
the Bible and PROVE what God's will
reall y is. Spend time in prayer and
meditation. Since you are already reading
The PLAIN TRUTH maga zine, take time
-with an open mind-to PROVE wheth-
er or nor this is God's work thr ough
whic h He is spea king to the narions of
t he world and to you.
Then, as you prove God's will in ever
greater detai l, act on and OBEY each
point as you prove it. Remember, God
will nor conti nue to pou r out blessings
on you or open lip spiritual knowl edge
to you unless you OBEY the points of
trut h which have already been revealed.
When you have proved whe re God
is working, then pUt your whole HEART
into God's work-into preparing for
Page 46
Hi s coming Kingdom and government
on this earth. J esus said : "Lay up for
yourselves treasures in heaven, where
neither moth nor rust dorh corrupt, and
where thieves do nor break through nor
steal. For where your treasure is, there
will your HEART be also" ( Matt. 6:20-
21) . Give of your time, your treasure,
your prayers and energies CO carrying our
the tr ue work of God on this eart h! In
this age when we are threatened with
human annihilation, NOTHING is more
importa nt ! Learn to base your life on the
TRUE scale of values!
Then, in relati on to financial bless-
ings, do ,'our part. God expects you to
It-'ork bard at your job. If you have a
purpose in mind, and the Spirit of God
to help you, you cert ainly WILL be able
to do thi s. Your Cr eator says: "W hatso
evet thy hand finde rh to do, do it with
thy MIGHT; for there is no work, nor
device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in
the grave, whither thou goesr" ( Eccl.
9: 10) .
In add ition to working hard at your
job, learn to sse your head. Ask God
for wisdom which He pr omises to give
all 01 us (Jas. 1: 5) . In relati onship to
your job problems and other problems,
learn to seek good advice and ACT upon
it. God says: "W here no counsel is, the
people fall: but in the multitude 01
counsellors there is safety" ( Prov. 11:
14 ) . Instead 01 blundering Irom job to
job-or failing to look ahead into the
changes in your own field of work or
your own plane or office-learn to seek
wisdom from God and int elligent coun-
sel from ot hers in all these things.
Exercise FAITH
Then, alter rruly purrin g God 's Kin g-
dom FIRST, and aft er doing your part
with zeal, claim God' s promi ses in
FAITH. KNOW that the God 01 heaven
means exactl y what He says in His
Word! Realize rhar He will back up
Hi s promises, and bless you financially
and physically lor ti thing and obeying
the ot her laws concerned wit h blessings
in thi s area of life.
One word of caurion, however. Don't
give up too soon! Don't begi n to tit he
for a few days or weeks "[ust waiting"
for God to fail so you can turn sour
and biner. This is NOT faith. This is
more like frustration.'
Remember that God speaks 01 "the
TRIAL of your faith, being much more
precious than of gold that perishes" ( I
Per. 1:7) .
So do your part with zeal and faith,
and quietly and confidently EXPECT the
answer to come. It WILL come in God's
time and God'! way. He may cause you
to be promoted or blessed in the job
you now hold. He may bless you with
a new and better job. He may bless
you through a gift , an inheritance, or
simply- in an unusual way--opening
up circumstances in your own way of
lif e where you are able to save more
on cert ain things than you ever dreamed
you coul d and thereby come OUt way
ahead financially.
But God always KEEPS His promises!
In the turbulent years that lie ahead ,
you need to come to KNOW the true
God, to understand what is prophesied
to happen so you will be better able
to plan your life, and to OBEY Hi s spirit-
ual and financial laws so that you may
have tbe only real source of SECURITY
there is in this age.
The Biggest News
(Cor uineed from page 8)
--<:>r about 235 years bef ore Noah died.
W hen Noah's grandchildren began
building rhe great Tower, God said:
"Behold the peopl e is one, and they
have all one langu age; and this they
begin to do: and now NOTHING WILL
they have imagined to do . . ." ( Gen.
11:6 ). And so God conlou nded their
language, dividing men inca different
races and nati ons, speaking different
langu ages.
Up unt il OUR MODERN TIME, thi s
has slowed technological , invent ive, and
mechanical development to a standstill,
virtua lly. Bur, in the past 100 years,
modern science has bur st forth upon
the world. People are now learning one
anot her's languages. Today I can travel
in [he various nations of Europe, the
Middle Ease, Ind ia, Southeast Asia-
around the world-and everywhere in
hotels, in stores. in airplanes, peopl e
understand English.
Already, on Tbe IForkl Tomorrow
broadcast. the program goes Ollt in not
only English, but also Spanish, French,
February, 1962
German and Russian languages. We are
planning now for broadcasts in japa-
nese, Swedish , Itali an, and orher lan-
Today man nor only has invented the
automobile, the steamship, the subma-
rin e, the railroad, the airplane, bur
NUCLEAR energy, by which he is able
to blast human life our of existence!
And, now, finally, ROCKETS, by which
MAN has left the earth, and gone up
Today, MAN says he is going to go
to the moon end back during thi s pre s-
em decade of the 60's-and to Mars ,
and orher planets, during the 70' s!
ONCE AGAI N, man says he is going
Bur GOD ALMIGHTI still governs this
Uni verse, and every force and energy
and power in it! God Almi ght y gave
man DOMI NION over the solid earth,
the water s in the seas, and the AIR
( Gen. 1:28 )-but NOT ABOVE THE
When man propels himself into our-
er space, he is invading GOD'S DO-
MAIN! When the men of ancient
said they were going to build them-
selves a means of "reaching t o
HEAVEN"-invading GOD'S domain-
Bur He said, then, that unless He
did Stop them, NOTHING would ot her-
wise be restr ained from them. And so,
MAN to be able to go to MARS, THE
God has nat changed!
God did come down! He did int er-
vene! He did srop it, before!
HE WILL AGAIN! The dawn of the
SPACE AGE signals the very IMMINENT
coming back down to earth of CHRIST
in all the supreme POWER and GLORY
01 God Almi ghty! He will stop it!
God has decreed that MAN, af ter he
is BORN AGAIN, shall have dominion
over the entire universe! Yes, after man
has learn ed to OBEY GOD, and to direct
the great powers of the universe accord-
ing to GOD'S LAWS, constructi vely in-
February, 1962
stead of destruct ively! BUT NOT YET!
SO, the SPACE AGE is anot her sign-
POSt along the wa}', that says: "KING-
DOM OF GOD-illu a [eio yea"
straight abeedl"
The lIlOST Import ant Ful filJment
Yes, it would be difficult to decide
WHICH of all these stupendous events
fulfilling prophecy is the most impor-
But there is one other. hardly noticed
by the world-greeted by no banner
newspaper headlines whatever, which is
the MOST IMPORTANT of all. It is the
BIGGEST of the BIG NEWS of our time!
Of all the events of world history,
up to now, the one MOST important to
humanity. to GOD, and to posterity and
the universe, was one the world as a
whole took no note of. whatever. at
the time!
It was greeted wit h no banner news-
paper headlines ! That event was the
FIRST corning to this earth of Jesus
Christ- His ministry, founding His
Church, starring GOD'S '''' ORK, His of-
fering of His LIFE for the sins of the
world, and His Resur rection and ascen-
sion to heaven.
The MOST IMPORTANT event that
ever SHALL occur, is the supernatural
intervention of GOD, to STOP the de-
structive course of MAN, to SEND
tablish WORLD GOVERNMENT under the
KINGDOM OF Gen-e-and to convert the

And, while it is only the fi rst PRE
LIMINARY phase of Goo's DI VINE and
bring PEACE, and to CONVERr THE
\x'ORlo-and a phase which GOD has
been execut ing by and through poor,
weak, but yielded and willing HUMAN
news of world events in OC R TIME is
that phase of God's direct supernatural
When Jesus Christ came, 1934 years
ago, with the GOOD NEWS from God of
be ruled by the KINGDOM OF GOD---
that was the BIGGEST news ever released
by a news-caster for mankind. But
men HATED it-they "loved darkness
rather than the light." They crucifi ed
Jesus because He proclaimed it!
Later, fift h-column pagans, religious
leaders of the Babyl onian MyJt eri eJ,
appropriated the NAME of Christ,
called themselves "Christ ian," and then
blotted out of their doctrines every-
thing vital that Chri st taught. retained
their own pagan customs, and branded
the TRUE Christians as "heret ics."
But Jesus Christ Himself said that,
in OUR TIME, the firSt begi nning of
Goo's INTERVENTION in world affairs
pr ior to Christ's arrival to TAKE OVER
world, would be this:
"And ibis Gospel of the Kingdom
shall be preached ["published"- Mark
13: 10] in all the world for a witness
unto all nations; and then shall the
END [of this world] come." ( Mat.
24: 14 ) ,
This is the continuation, on an ever-
expanding scale, once again, of the
PROCLAMATION as a fi nal witness to
the world, of Goo's MESSAGE which
men hated and used every organized
effort to Jtamp om , when CHRIST fi rst
brought it 1934 years ago!
God ordained that it should go, now,
as His Message of Peace, and in LOVE,
through human instruments of His
choosing. \X' hen men scoff, scorn and
reject the Message, as they do and will ,
finally God is going to deliver it BY
FORCE, through the RULE of CHRIST.
Bur before that, God is giving every-
one who hears or reads this one final
opportunity to accept HIS LOVE-His
SALVATION, through the preaching in
Bur make no miJtake.' In a blinded,
deceived world, it's hard for men to
see- bur it's TRUE-THIS MESSAGE IS
Thi s is GODS doing! It is the FIRST
phase, to be accepted or rejected by
man voluntarily, of GOD'S SUPER
MORE IMPORTANT than anything
MAN is doing, dest ructiveiy, to fulfill
God always Stares things, through
His human instr uments, the very small-
est-s-and they grow to the BIGGEST. GOD
started the work that proclaims The
WORLDTOMORROW Message into every
continent on earth- the work that pub-
lishes T he Plain Trtl lh---exacdy 28
Page 47
So tfU, 01 ask: HOW does if happ_c:n I find
my $ubKn ption pri ce for The: PLAIN TRUTH ht.!
already h,,,, p",tJ? HOW can you publ ish such a
high class magaz.ine withou t adyen ising revee ce z"
The is as simple as it is astoni shing! It is
a parad oll. Christ's Gos pel cannot be sold like
mer chandise _ You eaneoe buy salvauon, Yet it dOC'S
con mone y to publish Ch ri st' s TRUTH and ma il ie
to all conti nents on ean h. h dOC'S have 10 be p.sid
lor! This is Christ's wor k, We solve Ihi s pr oblem
Chrin', WAY!
Jesus said. This Gospel of me Kins dom shall
be pr eached ( and pub lished-Mark 0 : 10) in all
the worl d for a wnness unto all nadons" ( M al.
24 : 14) ar ,h ,r tim" JUSt before the end of this age
A PRICE mtl U b, paid for the magazine. the broad .
case, Ihe Cc rrespondeece Course, or other liter ature .
But HOW ? Chri sl for bids us to JIll it 10 the se ....ho
recei ve 'Free ly ye have received. " said Jesus to
His disci p,!es who He was sending to pr oclaim Hi s
Gosp el, 'free ly GIV E! ' "It is mo" hl, n , d," He
sai d, ' 10 GI VE t han to receive."
God 's WAY is the way of LOVE-and Ihu is
the way of gi,.. i "g , God expects ever y child of His
to gi,.. , free-will offerings and to t ithe, as His means
of payi ng the casu of carry ing Hi s Gospel to ol h"I.
We . cherefore, simply lt un our Lord Jesus Ch rin 10
lay it on the mi nds and hea ns of Hi s followers 10
give genero usly. t hus payin g the con of pun ing [he
preci oc s Gospel TRUTH in the hands of
Yet il must go 0,,1, 10 chose ....ho ,Ill lor it lor
th ,m"I"fI! Each mun, for himself. JIlburih_and
his subscriplion has thus already h," p"ut,
Th us the livi ng dynami c ChriS! Himself en.lbles
us to broadcast...-or fd-wtd e, withou t ever asking for
contr iburions over the air; to enr oll ma oy thousands
in the Ambassador Coll ege Bible Correspondence
Course with full roirion COst .1,,<#1, p" u ; to send
y<lUr PLAIN TRUTH en aD "I""", p"id basis.
God's ...ay is GOOD!
years ago, in the smallest possible man-
ner. He ktlew He was choosing human
instruments of very little power or
strengt h ( Rev, 3: 8), and for that rea-
son, He OPENED the powerful DOORS
of MASS evangelism, of radio and the
printi ng press, It starred the smallest!
either the BIGGEST user of radio power
on earth-more than 20 milli on watts
per u,,'eek-or at the present rate of
growth soon will be!
The world pays little heed. The
world rakes God's BIG NEWS-the
GOOD NEWS of His Kingdom- very
cheaply, But it is THE VERY WORK OF
It is, unrealized by man, the BIGGEST
fulfillment of Prophecy that has oc-
curred in our time! It prepares the way
before, and signifies the IMMINENCYof,
happy, peaceful, abundant, joyful
This is no ordinary magazine you are
now reading: May GOD open your eyes
to its true significance. that you LJ C C f)
its Message from GOD!
How to Get Results
(Continued [rom page 38 )
when he is old, "NOT depart from it"
( Prov. 22:6) .
There are many methods of proper
Page 48
puni shment-noc all of them involving
physical or corporal pun ishment.
Natural Co nsequences Sometimes
Pun ish
Sometimes, natural consequences of
a child's action may serve. However,
thi s should only be done when the
natural consequences of the act are nor
roo severe, and no real injury or lasting
harm is involved. Obvi ously, a parent
should nor wai t unti l a child is severely
shocked in order to teach a very young
chi ld not to pull our or play with elec-
tric cords. However, a child will often-
times learn unassisted b" the parents
through natura l consequences of his acts,
how to get along in his surroundings.
For exampl e, he may, by bumpi ng his
head when raising up under the piano
bench or the rable, learn to crawl OUt
from under any such obstacle before
pulling up or standing. He will learn
after one or tWO minor brushes with a
hoc radiat or to avoid it.
Used as a method of pun ishment, the
parent may warn a child crawling toward
a hot ( bur not t oo hot!) radiator-
" NO!" The chi ld may disobey this corn-
mand, and teach our to touch it any-
how! Obviously, if it is going to result
in a severe burn, the parent should
snatch up the child before "the child is
allowed to touch the radi ator and apply
corporal pun ishment in a right and lov-
ing manner. However, if it is merely
going to result in' a momentary pain,
the natural conseque nce may, in all
likelihood , serve to illustrate to the
child that immediate retribution and
pain will follow the disobedience of
[he " N O!" command.
Isol ati on
Isolation may be used as a proper
method of pun ishment if the circum-
stances warrant it. Especially would
this be beneficial if the child is being
uncooperative in playing u-itb otber
children. The simple "no!" command
for a very young child, or a longer ad-
monition, in the event the child is
ulder, should a/waF precede ANY form
of punishment ! If the child is taking
toys away from othe rs, or not playing
in a cooperative manner, he may be
secluded in his own room, or removed
and taken to an isolated place ( NEVER
a darkened closet, cupboard, or small,
confined place ), preferably bis 01l' 1I
room. He may be made to remain there
for a shorr period of time, or longer.
dependent upon the circumstances.
Deprivation of some special toy,
some parti cular pleasure, dessert after
a meal, a trip to the store, or any num-
ber of things will serve as a lasting
admonition for some offenses.
For example, a child who is old
enough to talk and can understand such
admonitions might be warned, "If you
don't eat all your spinach, you shall nor
have any ice cream with the rest of us
as dessert! " If the child persists in his
rebellion, and does not finish his spinach
-the parem should be firm, and DE
PRIVE the child of the ice cream.
Voiced diIapprova/ may be uti lized
in some instances. However, mere
"naggi ng" at the child, constan t recrim-
inati ons and rebukes, or parental dis-
gUSt shown over and over gain will
do norhi ng more than frigh ten, dis-
hearten and induce sulkiness in a child.
Never Use Shortcuts
NOl1e of the aforementioned met b-
ods should EVER, under auy circum-
stances, supplant or substitute as per.
manent measures f or corporal punish-
ment l There are thousands of parents
who will assure others rhat they can
"reason wit h" their children, and there-
fore have never needed to spank rhernl
The re are many thousands of others who
assure all who will listen that their
children can merely be "shamed" as a
result of any wrong deed, and have
never " N EEDED" a spanking!
These are simp le excuses and attempt-
ed "shortcuts:' by parent s who abhor
and detest any usage of the God-given
means of teachi ng and training childr en
- corporal puni shment ! They are going
to lead to heartache and serious trou-
bles later-and it must be stated here,
that even though natural consequences,
deprivation of special pleasures, or dis-
approval are and can be used as effec-
tive means of pun ishment-they should
never be used exclusively, or as a sub-
stit ute for proper, loving, corporal
pun ishment.
T o be cont inued next issue.
February, 1962
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