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SOURCE CODE: /* C Program on binary Search Tree */ #include< stdio.h> #include< conio.h> #include< string.h> #include< dos.

h> #include< stdlib.h> struct node { char data[15]; struct node *left,*right; }; void insert(struct node *r,struct node *p) { if((r->right==NULL)&&(strcmp(p->data,r->data)>0)) r->right=p; else if((r->right!=NULL)&&(strcmp(p->data,r->data)>0)) insert(r->right,p); if((r->left==NULL)&&(strcmp(p->data,r->data)< 0)) r->left=p; else if((r->left!=NULL)&&(strcmp(p->data,r->data)< 0)) insert(r->left,p); } void tree(struct node *r,int c) { int top,flag; struct node *w,*stack[20]; if(r!=NULL) { if(c!=4) { if(c == 1) printf(" %s ",r->data); tree(r->left,c); if(c == 2) printf(" %s ",r->data); tree(r->right,c); if(c == 3) printf(" %s ",r->data); }

} if(c == 4) { top = 0; w = r; flag = 0; while((top != -1)&&(w!=NULL)) { while((flag == 0) && (w->left!=NULL)) { stack[top] = w; top++; w = w->left; } printf(" %s ",w->data); if(w->right != NULL) { w = w->right; flag = 0; } else { top--; w = stack[top]; flag = 1; } } } } void main() { int choice,c,i,flag; char temp='N',temp1[15]; struct node *s,*root,*r,*q; root = NULL; do { clrscr(); printf("\n 1. Enter"); printf("\n 2. Delete "); printf("\n 3. Search "); printf("\n 4. Display"); printf("\n 5. Exit"); printf("\nEnter Your Choice : "); scanf("%d",&choice); switch(choice)

{ case 1:printf("***** Data Entry ***** "); do { s=malloc(sizeof(struct node)); s->left=NULL; s->right=NULL; printf("\nEnter Data : "); scanf("%s",&s->data); if(root==NULL) root=s; else insert(root,s); printf("\nEnter Your Elements[y/n] : "); scanf("%c",&temp); } while(temp=='y'); break; case 2:printf("****** Delete Operation *******\n"); do { printf("\nEnter Element To Be Deleted : "); scanf("%s",temp1); s=root;i=0;flag=0; do { if(strcmp(s->data,temp1)>0) { r=s; s=s->left; i=2; } if(strcmp(s->data,temp1)==0) { flag=1; if(i==0) { if(root->right!=NULL) { q=root->left; root=root->right; insert(root,q); } if(root->right==NULL) root=root->left;

} else { if(i==1) { q=s->left; r->right=s->right; if(s->left!=NULL) insert(r,q); } if(i==2) { q=s->right; r->left=s->left; if(s->right!=NULL) insert(r,q); } } } } while(flag==0&&s!=NULL); printf("\n Delete Any More[Y/N] : "); scanf("%c",&temp); } while(temp=='y'); break; case 3:printf("****** Search Operation *******\n"); do { printf("\n Enter Name To Be Searched"); scanf("%s",temp1); i=0; s=root; while(s!=NULL&&i==0) { if(strcmp(s->data,temp1)< 0) s=s->right; if(strcmp(s->data,temp1)>0) s=s->left; if(strcmp(s->data,temp1)==0) i=1; } if(i==0) printf("\nElement Not Found\n"); else printf("\nElement Found\n");

printf("\nEnter More Elements[Y/N] : "); scanf("%c",&temp); } while(temp=='y'); break; case 4:clrscr(); do { clrscr(); printf("\n 1. Preorder\n 2. Inorder \n 3. Postorder \n 4. Non Recursion \n 5. Exit"); printf("\nEnter Your Choice : "); scanf("%d",&c); if(root==NULL) printf("Tree Not Started Yet"); else tree(root,c); printf("\n Press Any Key To Continue......"); getch(); } while(c!=5); break; } } while(choice!=5); } OUTPUT: 1. Enter 2. Delete 3. Search 4. Display 5. Exit Enter Your Choice : 1 /****** Data Entry ******* Enter Data : Lionel Enter More Elements(Y/N) : y Enter Data : Dylan Enter More Elements(Y/N) : y Enter Data : Daniel Enter More Elements(Y/N) : y Enter Data : Malcolm Enter More Elements(Y/N) : y Enter Data : Cyril

Enter More Elements(Y/N) : y Enter Data : Jason Enter More Elements(Y/N) : n 1. Enter 2. Delete 3. Search 4. Display 5. Exit Enter Your Choice : 4 // entering sub-menu 1. Preorder 2. Inorder 3. Postorder 4. Non Recursion 5. Exit Enter Your Choice : 1 Lionel Dylan Malcolm Cyril Daniel Jason Press Any Key to Contiue.... 1. Preorder 2. Inorder 3. Postorder 4. Non Recursion 5. Exit Enter Your Choice : 2 Malcolm Cyril Dylan Lionel Jason Daniel Press Any Key to Contiue.... 1. Preorder 2. Inorder 3. Postorder 4. Non Recursion 5. Exit Enter Your Choice : 3 Cyril Malcolm Dylan Lionel Jason Daniel Press Any Key to Contiue.... 1. Preorder 2. Inorder 3. Postorder 4. Non Recursion 5. Exit

Enter Your Choice : 4 Malcolm Cyril Dylan Lionel Jason Daniel

Press Any Key to Contiue.... 1. Preorder 2. Inorder 3. Postorder 4. Non Recursion 5. Exit Enter Your Choice : 5

// leaving the sub-menu

Press Any Key To Continue..... 1. Enter 2. Delete 3. Search 4. Display 5. Exit Enter Your Choice : 3 Enter Name To Be Searched : Dylan Element Found Enter More Elements(Y/N) : n 1. Enter 2. Delete 3. Search 4. Display 5. Exit Enter Your Choice : 2 ****** Delete Operation ******* Enter Element To Be Deleted : Dylan Delete Any More(Y/n) : n 1. Enter 2. Delete 3. Search 4. Display 5. Exit Enter Your Choice : 5


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