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Written by: Brent Mikkelson, Kevin D. Murray

FADE IN: EXT. FOREST -- NIGHT 1985. A terrified fifteen year old GIRL is running for her life life. She trips as she looks back over her shoulder. SCREAMS and hollering echo around her. The Girl jumps back up and fights her way though the branches and undergrowth. EXT. FOREST, CLEARING -- MOMENTS LATER The Girl explodes from the forest, arms flailing and tears streaming down her face. She's in hysterics as she stops in the middle of the clearing. A DOZEN ROBED AND HOODED FIGURES emerge from the surrounding woods and close in around her. They push her around like a rag doll. She drops to the ground, cowering in fear. The two largest Robed Figures grab the girl by the arms and drag her towards a wooden stake nearby. She tries in vain to resist. The Girl is bound to the stake, her arms tied behind her back. One of the Robes takes out a hunting knife and starts slashing away the girls clothes, leaving many cuts. Several others in the mob place piles of sticks around her. GIRL Please... The Robes stand in front of the Girl. One of them approaches with a can of gasoline. The Girl's eyes go wide in fear. Oh God. The Robe pauses. GIRL (CONT'D) Please, please let me go. A glimmer of hope on the Girl's face.

GIRL (CONT'D) If you let me go I won't tell anyone. I don't even know who you are. I don't want to die. Another Robe springs forward and smacks the Girl. Shut up. ROBE Shut the fuck up!

The gasoline is poured on and around the Girl. A nearby Robe lights a torch and slowly approaches the Girl. The Robe leans in close to the trembling Girl. The torch is thrown at the Girl's feet. She screams and thrashes but the gasoline hasn't lit. The Girl goes quiet. ROBE (CONT'D) I guess next time we shouldn't use water. Laughter and the Robes pull their hoods back revealing themselves as high school aged kids.

2. ROBE (CONT'D) I don't know what's worse. That you were being such a pussy or that you can't tell the difference between gas and water. The Robe grabs the Girl by the chin and makes her look her in the face. ROBE (CONT'D) What I do know is that if you ever go near my boyfriend again the gas will be real. The Girl's binds are cut and the Robes start to leave. ROBE (CONT'D) Don't forget where you're from new girl, cuz it ain't from 'round here. Fade to black: EXT. FAIRHAVEN STATE HOSPITAL -- NIGHT Present day. Through the howling wind , pouring rain and intermittent flashes of lightening we see the large concrete slab and brass lettering of Fairhaven State Hospital for the criminally insane. The outlying building which was the hospital could have passed for an older learning institution except for the bars on the windows and spotlights on the hospital grounds. A bolt of lightening hits the power transformer causing a rain of sparks followed by an explosion. INT. FAIRHAVEN STATE HOSPITAL, CONTROL ROOM -- CONTINUOUS A hugely obese GUARD is monitoring the many video screens. The monitors go black and lights cut out. INT. FAIRHAVEN STATE HOSPITAL, CELL BLOCK -- MOMENTS LATER The hall is dark. A series of loud CLICKS echo through the hall. Several of the cell doors swing open. INT. FAIRHAVEN STATE HOSPITAL, CONTROL ROOM -- MOMENTS LATER The Guard tries the emergency phone but gets no dial tone. GUARD Awww, fuck. He struggles to move his massive frame out of his chair. INT. FAIRHAVEN STATE HOSPITAL, CELL BLOCK -- MOMENTS LATER A very groggy and confused PATIENT enters the hall. More Inmates walk out into the hall, unsure of what to do.

3. EXT. FAIRHAVEN STATE HOSPITAL -- MOMENTS LATER The main doors to the hospital open. Several INMATES lurch out in their pajamas and slippers like zombies and filter out into the nearby woods. EXT. HIGHWAY -- MORNING Off in the distance we see an older model station wagon approaching. The roof rack is loaded with boxes and a few pieces of small furniture crudely held on with bungy cords. A loud BANG from under the hood followed by smoke a cloud of smoke. The car pulls over onto the gravel shoulder of the road. J.D CAMPBELL, 35, slim petite, manicured and gorgeous, gets out and slams her door in frustration. She walks around the car unsure of what to do. J.D takes out her cell phone and moves around trying to get reception. J.D Fuck. J.D pops open the hood and a cloud of smoke hits her in the face. She steps back. J.D looks around. Miles of empty highway in each direction. Her kids get out of the car. LACY, 16, similar build to her mother but a goth kid. Jet black hair, thick black eye shadow and white makeup. JARED, 15, mowhawk with dyed green tips and facial piercings. LACY Nice going, Mom. J.D Lacy, what do you want me to do? Seriously, just give me a break. JARED We got anything to drink? J.D You drank the lst coke. JARED Well that's just great. You move us out to some fucking hick town and then get us stranded in the middle of nowhere. Thanks for fucking up our lives. J.D Don't you dare talk to me like that mister. Why don't you get in the car and cool off? I don't want to deal with you right now. JARED Make me. He sits down on the side of the road. He takes a set of drumsticks out of his pocket and starts drumming on his knee.

4. LACY You know he's right. J.D Dammit Lacy, not now. J.D gets in the car and slams the door. temples. EXT. HIGHWAY -- AFTERNOON The station wagon's hazards are flashing. Lacy is laying in the back seat with her feat out the windows. Jared is sitting on the hood of the car staring down his mother inside. J.D looks in the side view mirror and sees a vehicle approaching in the distance. J.D gets out of the car and wavers her arms. The vehicle is a tow truck and stops in front of the station wagon. JOHN steps out, 5'11 220 pounds, mid 40's, shaggy and unkempt. J.D Thank God. It was looking like nobody was going to drive by. John nods, refusing to take the stubby cigar out of his mouth to talk. He hitches the car up to his truck in silence. INT. JOHN'S TRUCK -- LATER John driving. J.D is in the passenger seat with Lacy squeezed onto her lap. J.D looks back at the station wagon where Jared is inside, angrily drumming on seats. J.D Soooo, lived around here very long? John nods. Eyes never leaving the road. J.D (CONT'D) That's good to hear. Must be an ok place if people stick around. Stable surroundings. JARED I noticed that there's no cell phone reception here. Which sucks since I spent three hundred bucks on my cell-- you do KNOW what a cell phone is, right? J.D (rebuking) Jared! JARED What kind of fucking town can't get cell phone signals? I'd get better reception in Mongolia. John shrugs. J.D sighs. WELCOME TO SLAUGHTER. They drive past a sign reading She rubs her

5. LACY Is this a joke? You're moving us to a place called Slaughter? And that's better than L.A? J.D Lacy, not now. INT. STATION WAGON -- CONTINUOUS Jared perks up and reads the road sign. JARED I have to admit that's fucking cool. EXT. TOWN OF SLAUGHTER -- AFTERNOON The tow truck drives through the town. They pass a small park with a run down gazebo. The TOWN BAND which had been waiting all day, spy out the vehicles and jump to attention and they jump into a horrible but enthusiastic rendition of HAIL TO THE CHIEF. A sign reading, WELCOME SHERIFF CAMPBELL hangs from the gazebo. The vehicles pass by without even slowing. The band stops playing and looks confused. John pulls the tow truck to a stop in front of the diner which is centrally located in the town and the hub of activity. J.D, Jared and Lacy step out of the vehicles. They grab a few bags from the station wagon. J.D So I'll just pick it up when you're done? John nods. J.D (CONT'D) Ok. So how do I find your shop? John points up the street to his shop. Easy enough. John drives away. JARED The local hicks are staring at us. J.D looks at the diner. CURIOUS FOLKS are staring out. J.D (CONT'D) Thanks for the help.

J.D Just get your butts inside. INT. DINER -- MOMENTS LATER J.D, Lacy and Jared enter a basic small town diner. A few booths, long counter top and bar stools. Pictures of town events and achievements decorate the walls. J.D and the kids go sit at the counter.

6. CONNIE, the no nonsense 40 year old waitress/ owner with the build of a rugby player and fiery red hair tied back in a bun approaches with a coffee pot. She looks at them judgingly. CONNIE Anybody want a coffee? J.D No thanks. I'll have a coke. want one too Lacy? LACY Uh, yeah, sure. What? JARED I don't exist now? You

He looks at Connie. JARED (CONT'D) I'll have a coffee. Connie is about to pour. No way. J.D You're too young mister.

JARED What the hell are you talking about? I drink coffee all the time. J.D You will not be drinking coffee if I have any say in it. JARED Look... (looks at name tag) Connie. Just pour me the coffee. Sorry honey. shots. CONNIE Your Mom calls the

JARED If you're worried about the ten percent I can cover it. CONNIE Sorry. JARED Fucking ridiculous. Whatever. don't need anything. I

Connie walks away. Jared takes out his drumsticks and drums away on the counter. J.D shoots a look. Jared pretends not to notice. Connie returns with the drinks.

7. CONNIE You're going to have to cool it with those in here. I don't want it to disturb my customers. Jared keeps drumming. JARED Am I ruining the ambiance or something? J.D Put those goddamn drumsticks away. JARED Bunch of fascists. Jared storms out of the diner. CONNIE Got a real free spirit there. J.D nods and gives a nervous laugh. She's tapping her nails on the counter and breaks one. J.D Dammit. Know a good salon I can get this fixed? CONNIE Oh, honey. You really don't know where you are. TURNER enters. A middle aged spark plug of a man with salt and pepper hair. He's wearing his filthy butcher's whites and takes a seat next to Lacy who looks disgusted. TURNER You folks new in town? Yes. J.D Just got in. I'm out.

TURNER That's great. What brings you here? J.D The new sheriff's job. TURNER You mean your husband, right? Been waiting all day to meet him. Even had the band in the park to welcome all of you. Which you drove right past incidentally. Sorry. J.D I'm the new Sheriff.

8. TURNER I don't think so. I'm John Turner. The Mayor as well as town butcher. I guess you can call me a renaissance man. I also do the hiring and I hired a Joe Dawn Campbell. That's me. My oh my. TURNER Hell of a blunder on my part. Well-- a woman Sheriff. Hopefully this doesn't bite me in the ass. (a beat) I might as well show you where you live. EXT. SHERIFF'S HOUSE -- AFTERNOON Turner leads the family up the walkway of a single level cement home with a crude brick addition with barred windows built onto the side. A hitching post for horses out front. TURNER What do you think? Has some real character to it wouldn't you say? JARED Is this a fucking joke? TURNER Excuse me? You should drop the attitude son. JARED I ain't your boy. TURNER The kid could use some discipline. JARED Like a spanking maybe? Bet you'd be all over that. This is some meat you're not getting your hands on. J.D Jared, show some respect. Fuck that. Jared leaves. J.D Maybe we should go inside. JARED I'm taking a walk. J.D Joe Dawn Campbell. CONNIE

9. INT. SHERIFF'S HOUSE -- MOMENTS LATER Cramped and cluttered. The living room is also a secretary's office. Sitting at a desk is GERTRUDE KNIGHT, late 70's, five feet tall, white hair in a bun, horned rimmed glasses. TURNER This is Gertie. Anything you need to know she can answer it for you. J.D Nice to meet you. GERTIE So when can we expect Mr. Campbell? TURNER There was a mixup Gertie. the Sheriff. GERTIE A woman Sheriff. I see. Gertie goes back to doing crosswords. INT. SHERIFF'S HOUSE -- MOMENTS LATER J.D, Lacy and Turner are in a messy office. Trophy heads and hunting photos adorn the walls. On the desk is a badge, colt .45 pistol, old police radio, flashlight, bubble light for a squad car and star magnets reading SHERIFF. TURNER This was his inner sanctum. would spend hours in here. He This IS

LACY Like, thinking about killing things? TURNER He was an avid hunter. J.D It shows. So when is all of this going to be picked up? TURNER Actually, it has to stay here. that going to be a problem? J.D No... not at all. INT. SHERIFF'S HOUSE, KITCHEN -- MOMENTS LATER An old but tidy kitchen. J.D and Lacy stare in shock across the room. An iron barred holding cell has been built off of the kitchen. Inside the cell is a small bed and a toilet. Is

10. TURNER This may take time getting used to. J.D There is a jail cell in my kitchen. TURNER After a while it will seem normal. J.D A jail cell... in my kitchen. TURNER We're not a rich town. We have to adapt and improvise here. J.D is fighting back tears. Turner pats her on the back.

TURNER (CONT'D) It'll be ok. we'll get you a big black curtain to cover that cell so you can eat in dinner in peace. J.D Sure. It's been a long day MR. Turner. If you don't mind , I need to lie down for a bit. Of course. TURNER I'll show you the rooms.

INT. SHERIFF'S HOUSE, BASEMENT -- MOMENTS LATER J.D , Lacy and Turner stand in the narrow hallway. is a bedroom on either side. TURNER Unfortunately since there are three of you and only two rooms you'll have to make due somehow. Turner opens the door to a room revealing bunk beds. LACY Oh my God. TURNER If you need anything I'll either be at the butcher shop or the diner. J.D Good to know. Thanks for all your help. How about I walk you out? INT. SHERIFF'S HOUSE -- MOMENTS LATER J.D and Turner are met in the hall by EFFRAM RAVLOV. A lean 65 year old in long black riding coat and black stetston. Effram is the town vet and coroner. With him is ABLE'S BOY. A slim 10 year old with big ears and coke bottle glasses. There

11. TURNER Effram, what brings you and Able's boy here? Effram nudges Able's boy. EFFRAM Tell the Mayor what you found boy. Stop wasting time. ABLE'S BOY (unable to contain excitement) I found a body! I found a body! J.D Pardon? TURNER Bullshit. You better not be telling more tall tales boy. I've had it. ABLE'S BOY I can take you it's not far. EFFRAM Probably time to break in that new Sheriff. He around yet? TURNER Standing next to me. EFFRAM The surprises don't end. Effram takes off his riding glove and extends his weathered and scarred hand. He is unimpressed. EFFRAM (CONT'D) (condescending tone) Looks like you get to jump right in... Sheriff. J.D I guess I should grab my stuff. Where's my squad car parked? TURNER No squad car. Take those magnets off your desk and slap them on your car and you're good to go. J.D Um, ok. my car's in the shop so I guess we're walking. It's not far? Able's boy nods. J.D (CONT'D) Ok... let's go.

12. EXT. SHERIFF'S HOUSE -- MOMENTS LATER Able's Boy leads J.D, Effram and Turner out of the house. Effram's horse is hitched to the post. Effram mounts up. EXT. ROAD, CENTER OF TOWN -- AFTERNOON A small crowd of people are curiously following J.D , Able's boy Turner and Effram as they walk through town. EXT. OLD STEAK HOUSE -- AFTERNOON Able's Boy is now dragging J.D as he points to an old burned out steak house. Effram dismounts his horse. J.D scans the burned ruins of the building. Turner is keeping TOWNSPEOPLE at a distance. EFFRAM You think it's maybe time we went inside Sheriff? Some of us have busy lives. J.D (to Able's Boy) You're going to have to stay out here, ok? ABLE'S BOY Awww, I'm not scared. J.D I know. But I think I need you to guard the front door so no one else comes in. Able's Boy grins and gives a salute. J.D nods to him. She pulls on some gloves and slowly opens the front door. INT. OLD STEAK HOUSE -- MOMENTS LATER J.D and Effram enter the eery ruins. The only light coming from the massive holes in the roof. Evidence of kids partying over the years. J.D takes out her flashlight. In the middle of the room is a meticulously laid out table. In between two silver candle holders with now melted candles is what appears to be large roasted pig. She steps in closer and gasps, dropping the flashlight. The body is an adult male bound in barbed wire and glazed golden brown. An apple in his mouth and a carving knife in his back. On the table are all the fixings for a proper meal. J.D bolts for the door. EXT. OLD STEAK HOUSE -- CONTINUOUS J.D stumbles out and falls to her hands and knees, starts being sick. Effram is leaning against the doorframe. EFFRAM You ok Sheriff? Maybe you should sit this one out.

13. J.D lifts her head, breathes deep. She looks at the small crowd in the distance and then back to the steakhouse and Effram. She stands up, composes herself. J.D (quietly to herself) Never again. You can do this. Get it together. J.D walks past Effram and enters the steakhouse. INT. OLD STEAK HOUSE -- MOMENTS LATER J.D and Effram look at the body. J.D Have you made any determinations. Effram gives a long hard look. EFFRAM A few. J.D About the body? EFFRAM That too. Effram takes his riding glove off his right hand. presses two fingers against the carotid artery. EFFRAM (CONT'D) You'll never believe this. J.D Believe what? EFFRAM He's dead. Funny. J.D Possible time of death? He

EFFRAM Well, I could take the liver temperature but I left my meat thermometer at home next to the turkey baster. Turner has entered and joins them. TURNER Sweet Christ. J.D I'm going to need a crime kit. TURNER Just give your deputy a ring on the radio and he'll bring it over.

14. My deputy? J.D Does he have a name? My boy.

TURNER Deputy Bruce Turner. J.D Of course. TURNER Give me the radio. J.D hands over the radio.

I'll do it.

TURNER (CONT'D) (into radio) Bubba. It's your old man. Get your ass over to the old steak house. BUBBA (o.c) I've still got some deliveries pa. Might take a while. TURNER I'm not asking boy. You can worry about the other stuff later. Turner shuts off the radio and turns to Effram. TURNER (CONT'D) Think one of them fucking crazies did this? EFFRAM Could be. TURNER Should probably call the Doc. EFFRAM Sounds right. J.D What are you talking about? EFFRAM Well, ma'am-- pardon me, SHERIFF. We would be referencing the state psychiatric hospital just outside of town. Turner never mentioned it? J.D Actually, no. TURNER What's the difference? locked up anyway. They're

15. EFFRAM For the most part, sure. J.D What do you mean, for the most part? EFFRAM Nasty storm about a week ago. The power went out and a bunch of inmates got... misplaced. That being said Doc Grunner assured us that-TURNER (interrupting) He told us they were returned to their nice comfy padded cells. EXT. OLD STEAK HOUSE -- LATER A pimped out black SUV skids to a stop nearby. BRUCE "BUBBA" TURNER steps out of the vehicle. He's mid 20's, dark hair, 5'11 and oafish frame. BUBBA Hey Pa-- Effie. And who is this fine little lady? Well deputy. fill you in. J.D Maybe your Pa will

TURNER Bubba, this is the new Sheriff. BUBBA A woman? And an outsider at that. I thought I was going to be Sheriff. TURNER You whining, boy? BUBBA No sir...just saying. TURNER You ain't got the smarts to be Sheriff. Be happy with what you got and listen to your new boss. BUBBA Sure, whatever. J.D Do you have a crime kit in your car? In the back. J.D walks to the SUV. BUBBA Help yourself.

16. TURNER You still got any of my stuff in your car? BUBBA I told you I wasn't done the deliveries. TURNER And you sent her to get the kit form your car? What the fuck, boy? BUBBA Sorry, wasn't thinking. A beat. TURNER Well go stop her for Christ's sake. Bubba rushes to stop J.D. TURNER (CONT'D) Looks like we got a fucking mess on our hands. EFFRAM Looks that way. J.D opens the back of the SUV and is taken back. Bubba stands by her awkwardly. Inside the SUV are crates of jug shaped bottles and a large cache of guns. J.D Is this what I think it is? BUBBA Best moonshine in the state. J.D Moonshine? Mostly. there. BUBBA There's some other stuff

J.D You seized this? BUBBA It would be best if you stopped asking questions now. J.D That figures. She lets out an exasperated laugh. J.D (CONT'D) You ever worked a crime scene before?

17. BUBBA I've taken prints and stuff before. J.D You have some practical experience at least. Go see what you can dig up in there. BUBBA You don't have any experience? How did you get this job? J.D I finished some courses and applied. Nobody else wanted the job. BUBBA Unbelievable. And I answer to you. Anyway, my old man will want me to finish these deliveries. J.D Look , I don't care about your family business on the side. I'm in charge right now and I would appreciate your help since you have more experience than me. TURNER Bubba, give the Sheriff the damn crime scene kit and get back to the deliveries. BUBBA My boss wants me to gather prints and stuff. TURNER We already know it was one of the damn crazies. Why waste the boys' time? If you still feel like poking around in there be my guest Sheriff. EFFRAM Don't speak for me John. I just agreed there's a good chance it was one of the nut jobs. TURNER I'm too busy to argue. Bubba, do what the girl wants and then finish up your deliveries. I'm out of here. Turner leaves. EFFRAM You'll have to meet me at the hospital. I only have one seat. Effram mounts his horse.

18. J.D How am I supposed to get to the hospital with no vehicle? EFFRAM You'll find a way. Effram slowly rides away. A state patrol car pulls up. SGT. GREENE, a burly mid 30's trooper steps out. SGT. GREENE You J.D Campbell? J.D That's right. SGT. GREENE You got a boy, fifteen or so? Looks like a Hollywood freak or something? J.D I might. She sees Jared in the back of the patrol car. J.D (CONT'D) What did he do? SGT. GREENE Picked him up on the highway. He said he was hitching back to L.A. J.D Yeah, that's my boy. Sgt. Greene lets Jared out of the car. SGT. GREENE Might want to keep a better eye on him. JARED I got your badge big guy. Consider your ass sued for harassment. I'll fucking own you. SGT. GREENE (pissed off) I don't think I heard you. JARED What do you got supercop? it. Bring J.D is furious.

Sgt. Greene gets in his car and drives off. JARED (CONT'D) Hey, I said I was leaving.

19. J.D Not another word. Not today. going to deal with you, hard. Bubba comes outside. BUBBA I got all I can in there. J.D Already? Did you actually do anything? BUBBA Look, if you want me to come back after my deliveries I can. J.D Fine. Whatever. Drive me back to my place before we hit the hospital? BUBBA You're the boss. Bubba and J.D seal off the door of the steakhouse with police tape then get into the SUV with Jared. BUBBA (CONT'D) Check your feet. I just detailed the interior. INT. SHERIFF'S HOUSE, KITCHEN -- EVENING Close up on J.D's face. Furious and in tears. I'm

J.D Do you have any idea what could have happened to you? You're not as bad and tough as you think young man. There are sick people out there waiting for kids to fuck up and do something stupid. Jared is locked in the holding cell in the kitchen. J.D (CONT'D) What am I going to do with you Jared? JARED Do you mind? I'd just like to do my time in peace. J.D I'll be back in a couple hours. We're not finished. J.D leaves. Lacy sits down at the kitchen table.

JARED Lacy, let me out.

20. LACY No, I'm enjoying this. EXT. FAIRHAVEN STATE HOSPITAL -- EVENING Bubba's black SUV stops at the security gate. down the window and presses the intercom. BUBBA We're here from Slaughter. Deputy Turner and Sheriff Campbell. The gate slides open and Bubba drives through. INT. FAIRHAVEN STATE HOSPITAL, CONTROL ROOM -- MOMENTS LATER J.D is at the control desk. J.D I'm Sheriff Campbell. GUARD Dr. Grunner is expecting you. I'll walk you down. He struggles to raise himself from his seat. J.D Don't worry about it. You can just point me in the direction. GUARD Straight ahead down the hall. J.D Thanks. INT. FAIRHAVEN STATE HOSPITAL, HALLWAY -- MOMENTS LATER J.D stops outside Grunner's office. inside. J.D knocks. HANS GRUNNER (o.s) Come on in. INT. FAIRHAVEN STATE HOSPITAL, GRUNNER'S OFFICE -CONTINUOUS J.D enters. The office is a Norman Rockwell setting. Old and classic, neat and tidy. Effram is leaned back in a chair, his boots and stirrups resting on the desk. Behind the desk is HANS GUNNER, 33 5'8 170 pounds, blonde hair, blue eyes. HANS GRUNNER (jumping up) It's great to meet you. Grunner and J.D shake hands. There is LAUGHING Bubba rolls

21. J.D Better circumstances would have been nice. HANS GRUNNER Hell of a first day for you. Effram and I have been catching up while we waited. Can I get you anything? Coffee? Maybe some tea? He snaps his fingers. HANS GRUNNER (CONT'D) You're from L.A. Maybe a latte? I have a machine. J.D That's ok, I'm good. HANS GRUNNER All right, grab a seat. J.D sits down. Grunner sits at his desk. Leans forward.

HANS GRUNNER (CONT'D) So Effram gave me a little information but not everything. J.D I heard you had a recent breakout. HANS GRUNNER The storm knocked out our power, deactivating the locks on the cells. A few inmates got out before the backup generator kicked in. J.D Would those patients pose a threat? HANS GRUNNER In the extreme. Which was why I was glad we rounded most of them up in a matter of hours. The rest a couple days later. J.D I see. I hate to say we've found a body. HANS GRUNNER Who? EFFRAM A towny. HANS GRUNNER Could be coincidence. EFFRAM This had crazy person written all over it.

22. HANS GRUNNER How? J.D The victim had been cooked and carefully prepared. Even fixings. Mental illness pops into mind. HANS GRUNNER Yes. Not your regular crime of passion or tractor accident. J.D Definitely not. HANS GRUNNER What would you like from me? J.D We'd like to see the files. HANS GRUNNER I'd like to help but these people have been trusted in my care and their files are confidential. EFFRAM We understand that Hans. We're just trying to rule out other options. You know we could get a warrant for those files. Hans takes a deep breath. J.D Do you have a patient where something like this comes to mind? Hans flips through his files. Takes one out and drops it on the desk. J.D looks at the folder, picks it up. J.D (CONT'D) So this is the file for a Mr. Julien Levinson. She skims through the file. J.D (CONT'D) (paraphrasing out loud) Given the moniker of " The Chef" by FBI agents due to his obsession with cooking his victims. Not interested in cannibalism as much as leaving an elaborate meal for others to enjoy. Would often drug his victims with-INT. OLD STEAK HOUSE, (FLASHBACK) -- AFTERNOON The door is kicked open. We see a man from the shoulders down dragging a heavy brown sack.

23. He whistles as he opens the sack to reveal a drugged naked man. He throws the man over a cart and straps him down. He sparks up a blowtorch. THE CHEF Now, this is going to hurt. The Chef burns the man's hair off his body. screams. The man

THE CHEF (CONT'D) Just cleaning you up nice and good. The Chef wafts the smoke away form his face. THE CHEF (CONT'D) Whew... stinky. The man has passed out from the pain. THE CHEF (CONT'D) I have to get the stove ready. right back. Be

INT. OLD STEAK HOUSE, KITCHEN -- MOMENTS LATER The Chef is stoking the fire of a wood burning oven. INT. OLD STEAK HOUSE -- MOMENTS LATER The man is trussed like a hog with a metal tool holding his mouth open. The Chef slowly turns the crank, widening the man's mouth. The jawbone cracks as it it's being shattered. The Chef keeps turning the crank. The man screams. He passes out from the pain. The Chef takes out the crank, uses his hand to lift the jaw up and down while making creaking door noises. The Chef stuffs an apple in the man's mouth. THE CHEF The oven should be ready. INT. OLD STEAK HOUSE, KITCHEN -- MOMENTS LATER The Chef rolls the cart with the man into the kitchen and uses the momentum to launch him part way into the stove. The Chef is forced to shove the rest of the man in. INT. OLD STEAK HOUSE -- MOMENTS LATER A series of shots. -- The Chef sets the dinner table. -- The Chef lights the candles. -- The Chef reads a cooking magazine. -- The Chef checks his watch. -- The Chef rolls the cooked man in on a cart.

24. -- The Chef admires his completed meal. THE CHEF The guests should be here shortly. INT. FAIRHAVEN STATE HOSPITAL, GRUNNER'S OFFICE -- NIGHT J.D closes the folder and slides it back to Grunner. J.D (to Effram) How does it sound to you? EFFRAM Sounds about right. HANS GRUNNER In all of his crimes the Chef is consistent. Every one virtually identical. It had to be him. J.D So all he does is run around looking for people to cook? HANS GRUNNER Yup. He could have tried to get as far away as he could but he didn't. J.D And you recaptured him? HANS GRUNNER He's right back in his cell where he belongs. EFFRAM Circle of life. J.D I guess that's reassuring. HANS GRUNNER He's under heavy sedation but if you want to talk to him when he's more lucid you're more than welcome. EFFRAM Sounds like case closed. J.D What an awful first case. sick. HANS GRUNNER No argument here. EFFRAM You get what you get. Hans ushers J.D and Effram to the door. I feel

25. HANS GRUNNER (to J.D) If you need anything don't be afraid to stop by. This hospital has a working arrangement with the town and I act as the general practitioner. If you ever need a prescription or to talk, I'm here. J.D Honestly, I hope I never have to come here again. HANS GRUNNER Everything considered, I'm not insulted by that. Good luck Sheriff. INT. SHERIFF'S HOUSE -- NIGHT J.D enters, exhausted and stressed. her crosswords. GERTIE You in for the night? J.D Yes Gertie. Gertie collects her things. GERTIE Time for me to head home. J.D Good night Gertie. GERTIE Don't know what's so good about it. Gertie leaves. J.D (to herself) Me neither. What the hell am i doing? INT. SHERIFF'S HOUSE, KITCHEN -- MOMENTS LATER J.D enters. Jared and Lacy are devouring a hot cooked meal. Connie is bustling about the kitchen. CONNIE I hope I didn't overstep my bounds but I just wanted to help out. Heard you were putting in a long day. J.D That's one word for it. you. Thank Gertie looks up from

26. CONNIE I let your boy out of the cell so he could eat but feel free to put him back. I'm not one to judge another parent's style of punishment. J.D sits at the table. CONNIE (CONT'D) Are you hungry? There's some left over. J.D I'd like that. CONNIE Feel like talking about it? J.D No thank you. LACY You ok, Mom? J.D I'm fine. I hope you both thanked Connie for dinner. JARED See anything cool? Oh wait, I'm the only cool thing in this town and you left me to starve in a cell. J.D Nothing cool. Just your average first day. INT. SHERIFF'S HOUSE -- MORNING J.D comes up the stairs dressed for work. at her desk working on her crosswords. Morning. in. J.D I didn't hear you come Gertie is already

GERTIE Why would you? By the way your car has been returned. J.D That's a relief. J.D heads towards the kitchen. INT. SHERIFF'S HOUSE, KITCHEN -- CONTINUOUS J.D enters. Lacy and Jared are eating.

27. J.D You guys going to be ok today? JARED We don't have much choice. J.D No, you don't. If this doesn't go smooth I'm going to crack some heads. JARED I wish child services could hear this. How the hell will I fit in here? It's redneck heaven. J.D How, is up to you. done. I just want it

LACY Couldn't we just be home schooled? J.D Now you? We're not negotiating. You will go to school and be good. We're in this for the long haul. JARED Like your marriage to Dad? is bullshit. This

J.D When you're eighteen you can do whatever you want. But right now I own you and if you fuck around you'll be living in that goddamn cell. The kids are stunned by the show of force. J.D (CONT'D) We clear? JARED We clear, BOSS. Jared leaves the kitchen. Lacy follows him.

INT. SLAUGHTER HIGH SCHOOL, HALLWAY -- MORNING Jared and Lacy draw stares from STUDENTS who look like they have been taken straight out of conservative 1950's America. JARED Jesus, this is bad news. Two members of the baseball team step in front of Jared. JARED (CONT'D) You're blocking my way, dude.

28. TEAM CAPTAIN I know. We just wanted to make sure you were properly greeted. JARED Thanks but we don't plan on staying in this shit hole for very long. The Team Captain presses a finger into Jared's chest. TEAM CAPTAIN Watch your mouth. You insult this town, you insult us. I know. JARED I'm just getting started.

INT. DINER -- MORNING J.D enters, sits at the counter. Connie pours J.D coffee.

CONNIE I know that look. Lot of waiting in this town. Not much happens. J.D I have no idea what I should be doing. CONNIE All you have to do is be visible. Put out the occasional flare up. J.D I could really go for some hot yoga right now. CONNIE What's that? INT. SLAUGHTER HIGH SCHOOL, HALLWAY -- MORNING One of the baseball team members is on the ground trying to stop the blood flowing from his nose. SHOUTS and SCREAMS from the CROWD OF STUDENTS watching. Jared slams the Team Captain head first into a locker. Jared slams a fist into his stomach then puts him in a choke hold. Yeah! JARED Tap out, bitch!

Close up on the Team Captain's face as he passes out. INT. DINER -- MORNING J.D sips her coffee. Able's boy runs into the diner, arms flailing like a windmill. He hunches over, panting. ABLE'S BOY Sheriff...i found something. J.D sighs. Finishes off her coffee.

29. J.D Of course you did sweetie. INT. SLAUGHTER HIGH SCHOOL, PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE -- MORNING Jared, not a scratch on him, sits across from the pot bellied, middle aged, balding PRINCIPAL. PRINCIPAL In all my years. He points to the clock on the wall. It reads 8:52.

PRINCIPAL (CONT'D) It's not even 9. school hasn't even started. You haven't even had your first day and I have to suspend you. JARED I was protecting myself. PRINCIPAL That's not what everyone else is saying. JARED They're a bunch of dumb hicks. PRINCIPAL Son, you're going to have to make an effort to fit in here. But for now I'm going to give you a couple days to cool off and think about things JARED Not a good idea. PRINCIPAL And why is that? JARED My Mom is the Sheriff, dude. She's got a lot of power. What I'm saying is you shouldn't fuck with me. EXT. SHERIFF'S HOUSE -- MORNING J.D slaps the magnetic Sheriff's decals on her car. J.D Effram is going to meet us there. Hopefully our favorite deputy isn't too busy and he can join us too. Her and Able's Boy get in the car. EXT. THE ABANDONED GRAVEL PIT -- MORNING J.D's car stops in the middle of the pit. Rusted out relics of machinery and old tools scattered about.

30. J.D and Able's Boy get out of the car. J.D puts on some gloves. Able's Boy points. Several yards away is a body buried to the waist. ABLE'S BOY It's right there. J.D I see. This is a pretty long walk for a kid. What were you doing here? ABLE'S BOY I like to explore. J.D Don't you have friends to play with? ABLE'S BOY Pappy doesn't like the kids in town. But it's fine because I like to explore on my own. J.D What about school? ABLE'S BOY Pappy teaches me at home. Don't you want to look at the body? J.D I'm stalling. They start walking. They pass a pitching machine that's in good condition. J.D peers into the loader. It's full of rocks. The machine is aimed towards the body. J.D (CONT'D) Jesus. ABLE'S BOY Cursing. J.D Sorry about that. They walk closer to the body. Barely recognizable remains of a woman pummeled into a broken mess. Arms bound behind her. J.D (CONT'D) Maybe you should go wait in the car. ABLE'S BOY I think I'll just walk home. J.D I'd feel better giving you a ride.

31. ABLE'S BOY It's ok. Bye Sheriff. J.D shakes her head in astonishment as she watches him leave. She takes a seat on an exposed boulder. Takes out her radio. J.D Bubba, this is Sheriff Campbell. BUBBA (o.c) What would you like? J.D I'd like to know why you're not with me at the gravel pit. BUBBA (o.c) Sorry Sheriff. Too busy. J.D I really need you here Bubba. BUBBA (o.c) Sorry, J.D. Besides, I'm too far away to get there anytime soon. J.D Whatever. Radio me when you're done. You need to know what's going on. She taps the radio against her head in frustration. LOUD FOOTSTEPS ON GRAVEL. J.D looks over. Effram enters on his horse. He gets to J.D and dismounts. EFFRAM Sheriff Campbell. J.D Hello Effram. Looks like we've got more trouble. Effram surveys the scene. EFFRAM It would appear that way. Also, I hate redundant statements. He walks over to the body. J.D follows.

EFFRAM (CONT'D) If it's ok I'll jump to conclusions on the cause of death. J.D No argument from me.

32. EFFRAM There shouldn't be. He walks in circles around the body. EFFRAM (CONT'D) How are you with your scriptures? J.D I didn't have the patience for all of that while growing up. EFFRAM It's obvious this woman was stoned to death. There may not be a religious connection but-J.D (interrupting) People don't usually kill others by throwing rocks at them. Effram nods towards the pitching machine. EFFRAM Admittedly in an extremely lazy way. J.D Killer didn't want to wear out his arm? EFFRAM Maybe he throws like a girl. J.D He used small rocks. EFFRAM Why do you think? J.D Prolong the suffering? EFFRAM Sounds about right. Effram kneels down and focuses on the body's hands. skin on the fingers has been worn to the bone. J.D You know this town pretty well. Who could have done this? EFFRAM I don't know. Did you notice the hands? J.D They don't look like typical defense wounds. The

33. EFFRAM They're not. And since I don't see a shovel around I'll let you put one plus one together. J.D That poor woman. Effram is staring at the body, lost in thought. J.D (CONT'D) Are you ok, Effram? (a beat) Do you know this woman? EFFRAM Her own Mother wouldn't recognize her. But it's a small town. J.D And everybody knows everybody. EFFRAM When you get to the hospital to see Grunner, make sure they send the ambulance out here faster than they did with the last one. Effram mounts his horse. J.D Why do you think I'm going to the hospital Effram? EFFRAM You already know. J.D It takes a special kind of person to do something like this. Effram nods and casually rides away. EXT. FAIRHAVEN STATE HOSPITAL -- AFTERNOON J.D's car arrives at the gate. She buzzes the intercom and the gate is opened. She drives through. EXT. FAIRHAVEN STATE HOSPITAL, PARKING LOT -- MOMENTS LATER J.D parks in a visitors spot. is met right away by Grunner. She gets out of her car and

HANS GRUNNER Sheriff Campbell, great to see you. J.D How are you Dr. Grunner?

34. HANS GRUNNER Pretty good compared to the company I keep. What brings you here? J.D We found another body. HANS GRUNNER I see. INT. FAIRHAVEN STATE HOSPITAL, GRUNNER'S OFFICE -- LATER J.D is sitting across form Grunner. A folder sits in front of J.D. She's drinking a latte.

HANS GRUNNER This could look really bad for the hospital. J.D You did the best you could. Everybody is back in your care, right? Nobody running loose? HANS GRUNNER No. It's like I said before.Everyone accounted for. J.D flips open the file. J.D So here we have Paul Abbot. Captured in 1999 after a string of murders spanning 15 years... been in this hospital since 2000. Victims usually prostitutes or women deemed sexually promiscuous. Nicknamed the Heretic. (looks at Grunner) Do all your patients have nicknames? HANS GRUNNER A lot of serial murderers in here that were given monikers by the press. J.D A lot. HANS GRUNNER Unfortunately. J.D looks back at the file. EXT. THE ABANDONED GRAVEL PIT (FLASHBACK) -- MORNING A car skids to a stop. The HERETIC gets out of the car. We don't see his face. He wears a cowl, a large burlap sack almost to the knees. His feet bare. He opens the trunk.

35. THE HERETIC Get up. The WOMAN sits up. She's terrified. Her arms tied behind her back. The Heretic fastens a leash around her neck and yanks her out of the trunk and drags her across the pit. THE HERETIC (CONT'D) Looks like another beautiful God created morning. The Woman is crying. Her makeup running.

THE HERETIC (CONT'D) And God wants you to dig a hole. WOMAN I...I don't understand. THE HERETIC Dig. The Heretic takes out a scalpel and cuts the woman's binds. He shoves her to the ground while still holding the leash. WOMAN (crying) Why? What are you going to do? THE HERETIC My patience is wearing thin. Dig.

The Woman starts to dig but quickly stops. It hurts. WOMAN I can't.

THE HERETIC You can and you will. Now dig. WOMAN I can't. THE HERETIC (screaming) Dig! You filthy whore! He points the scalpel at her. She resumes digging. fingers quickly start to bleed. Her

EXT. THE ABANDONED GRAVEL PIT (FLASHBACK) -- AFTERNOON The Woman is buried to her waist. Clothes stripped away and hands tied behind her. The Woman screams in horrific pain as The Heretic cuts away her eyelids with the scalpel. THE HERETIC You have sinned before the Lord. Disgraced you and those around you.

36. WOMAN I don't know what you're talking about. I've done nothing. THE HERETIC Don't play that game. I should just call you Jezebel. He turns his back to her and walks to the pitching machine. THE HERETIC (CONT'D) The Lord is handing down punishment through me. It will be up to him when you have endured enough. The Heretic starts up the machine. A rock fired out and lands a few feet left of the Woman. THE HERETIC (CONT'D) High and outside. He adjusts the machine. Another rock fires and misses.

THE HERETIC (CONT'D) Low and to the right. He raises his arms to the sky. THE HERETIC (CONT'D) Lord let my aim be true. The next rock is fired and we see the impact and hear the sickening sound. The Woman is screaming. THE HERETIC (CONT'D) Steeeeerike! The Heretic sets the machine on automatic and gets into his car. More rocks are fired and make contact. We see a last rock from the P.O.V of the Woman as it comes towards her. INT. FAIRHAVEN STATE HOSPITAL, GRUNNER'S OFFICE -AFTERNOON J.D puts down the file. A beat passes.

J.D I guess that's it. My God. And you deal with these people every day. HANS GRUNNER I feel so responsible for this whole mess. J.D is quiet. HANS GRUNNER (CONT'D) I'm going to be down at the diner later. (MORE)

37. HANS GRUNNER (CONT'D) You should pop in and we'll talk more. This must be overwhelming. J.D I just might. Thank you. HANS GRUNNER You've had a pretty horrific two first days on the job. EXT. FAIRHAVEN STATE HOSPITAL -- AFTERNOON J.D's car passes the gate and is turning down the road when the engine stalls out and dies. A red sports car pulls up beside her. Grunner steps out and approaches J.D's window. HANS GRUNNER Car trouble? J.D (getting out of her car) Yes. This is so humiliating. HANS GRUNNER How about I give you a lift. We might as well have that coffee now. J.D I'm going to have to call for a truck first. A trucks horn. John the tow truck driver pulls up. He gets out of the truck and points towards J.D's engine. J.D nods. John hitches up her car and when he's done hands J.D an envelope. He gets in his truck and drives off. HANS GRUNNER That was a little strange. did he give you? J.D opens the envelope. J.D The bill from the last time. HANS GRUNNER I'll buy the coffee. EXT. ROAD, CENTER OF TOWN -- AFTERNOON Lacy is walking by herself. Effram pulls up beside her on his horse. Lacy is pretending not to notice. EFFRAM You Sheriff Campbell's girl? Maybe. LACY Who are you? What

38. EFFRAM A friend from work. anything useful? LACY I guess not. EFFRAM Then follow me. I need some help. LACY You're not a pervert are you? EFFRAM No. I'm the town vet and coroner. But then again you do look young and supple. So who knows? Follow me. INT. DINER -- AFTERNOON J.D and Hans are drinking coffee. J.D Is it wrong to want to kill your children? HANS GRUNNER In most cultures. Sometimes extenuating circumstances are taken into consideration though. J.D So I might be able to get away with it? HANS GRUNNER Sure. You'd be surprised what you can get away with. The Team Captain walks by and waves to Hans. TEAM CAPTAIN Hey, Coach. HANS GRUNNER What happened to you? TEAM CAPTAIN Don't want to talk about it. HANS GRUNNER Anyway, if you do decide to get rid of your kids I can help you with the alibi. J.D laughs. HANS GRUNNER (CONT'D) There you go. When was the last time you laughed? You doing

39. J.D It's been a while. INT. EFFRAM'S STABLE -- AFTERNOON Effram and Lacy are in a stable full of horses. EFFRAM The girl who usually helps me hasn't been around lately. LACY Did she quit? EFFRAM I suppose so. Nobody's good for their word anymore--so I need help brushing and feeding my friends here. LACY Um, ok. EFFRAM I'll pay you for your time and if you're any good you can come back. Whatever. LACY So where do we start?

Effram hands Lacy a large bag of oats. EFFRAM Start on one end and work your way down. LACY Ok. Are you sure you're not a pervert? INT. DINER -- AFTERNOON J.D and Hans are talking. J.D Jared is just so angry. And Lacy seems lonely and depressed. HANS GRUNNER Being a teenager is tough. They're probably going through some serious abandonment issues from the divorce. Feel free to bring them in to talk to me, nothing serious. Just a chat to see where they're at. J.D I think I'll take you up on that. HANS GRUNNER And if talking doesn't work you can leave them at the hospital.

40. Connie walks over. CONNIE Have any plans for dinner J.D? J.D I was just going home to whip something up. CONNIE Don't bother. We have some left over ribs and sweet potatoes. I can bring them over later. J.D Thanks Connie. CONNIE Don't mention it. INT. EFFRAM'S STABLE -- AFTERNOON Lacy is brushing a horse. Effram watches closely.

EFFRAM Not terrible. But there is a better way of doing that. Effram takes the brush and Shows her. EFFRAM (CONT'D) You're not as useless as you look. If you want, you can come back. LACY I think I might. Probably time for me to get going home. EFFRAM If you want, you can ride one of the horses home. LACY Really? EFFRAM You're not dressed right though. EXT. STREET -- AFTERNOON Effram and Lacy are Riding side by side. Lacy is wearing riding pants with her skirt tucked in. A black vest over her shirt. LACY I look like an idiot. EFFRAM You look fine. J.D, walking home, sees Effram and Lacy.

41. EFFRAM (CONT'D) I hope you don't mind. I've asked Lacy to help with my animals after school and on weekends. LACY Is it ok Mom? J.D Seriously? Sure, why not? your brother? Where's

LACY I haven't seen him since he got suspended before class this morning. J.D (slow burning) I'm going to kill him. They come to the house. Lacy tries to dismount and trips.

EFFRAM It will get easier the more you ride. Effram tips his stetson and heads home with his horses. J.D Did you have fun? Yeah, sure. J.D smiles. LACY Whatever.

They enter the house.

INT. SHERIFF'S HOUSE -- MOMENTS LATER J.D and Lacy enter. a letter. Gertie is at her desk. J.D What's this? Gertie ignores her. J.D reads the note. She hands J.D

J.D (CONT'D) (reading) Dear Sheriff Campbell, I am sorry to inform you that your son Jared is suspended indefinitely. Please see me at your earliest convenience. GERTIE The paperwork on the steakhouse incident is on your desk and waiting to be signed so I can forward it to the State Police. J.D The paperwork?

42. Yes. GERTIE Paper work. Sheriff.

J.D Of course. Sorry. I've just been so distracted. We found another one this morning. GERTIE I know. That one is on your desk as well. (gathering up her things) I'm heading home. Your boy is in the kitchen. J.D Thanks Gertie. INT. SHERIFF'S HOUSE, KITCHEN -- MOMENTS LATER J.D enters and on the warpath. Jared is relaxing in the cell, drumming away on the bars. J.D Do you want to tell me what happened? JARED I was forced to defend myself. J.D You got into a fight. JARED Not really a fight. Those guys were a couple of bitches and they got what they had coming to them. J.D Do you have any idea how angry I am? JARED Well, I am in here. save you some time. Figured I'd

J.D You'd better get comfortable in there. JARED I am. J.D You just don't get it. have to do? JARED Nothing. What do I

43. J.D What do you mean, nothing? your Mother. I'm

JARED We're never going to fit in here. They don't want us to. J.D How can you know that? You've only been here a couple of days. JARED You weren't there. J.D And now you won't be for a while. JARED Hopefully forever. This town is fucked. Just look around. J.D When you decide to get your act together you can leave that cell. JARED So it's a battle of wills you're looking for. Challenge accepted. J.D Jesus, give me a break. JARED Not on this one, Mom. INT. SHERIFF'S HOUSE, KITCHEN -- EVENING Connie is bustling around the kitchen. J.D and Lacy are eating at the table. Jared is eating in the cell. J.D Thank you so much Connie. CONNIE Don't mention it. My daughter is staying at a friends' place tonight and I figured, why eat alone? J.D How old is your daughter, Connie? CONNIE About the same age as Lacy. We'll have to introduce them sometime. J.D That would be good, right Lacy? LACY Don't be lame, Mom.

44. JARED Is she hot? J.D Zip it. Connie gestures to the cell. CONNIE I sure wish I had one of those. EXT. SHERIFF'S HOUSE -- MORNING J.D, Lacy and Jared are getting into the car. JARED This is a total waste of time. J.D Just get in the car. INT. SLAUGHTER HIGH SCHOOL, PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE -- MORNING J.D and Jared are sitting across form the Principal. J.D I'm just asking that you give him a second chance. PRINCIPAL He'll get a second chance. As soon as he serves his suspension. J.D Don't you think it be for the best if you let it slide this time? Being suspended isn't going to help him being accepted here. JARED I don't want to be accepted here. J.D Not another word. JARED How about hand signals? Jared gives the finger to the Principal. PRINCIPAL I'm sorry Sheriff Campbell. I can't let what he did go unpunished. JARED Oh, darn. Looks like I'm not getting back in. What a shame. Jared leaves the room.

45. INT. STATION WAGON -- MORNING J.D is driving down a country road. JARED Looks like it's back to my cell. J.D I have another idea. EXT. FAIRHAVEN STATE HOSPITAL -- MORNING J.D's station wagon passes through the gate. EXT. FAIRHAVEN STATE HOSPITAL, PARKING LOT -- MORNING J.D and Jared get out of the station wagon. JARED What the hell is this? INT. FAIRHAVEN STATE HOSPITAL, GRUNNER'S OFFICE -- MORNING J.D and Jared enter the office and are greeted by Hans. HANS GRUNNER J.D, how are you? This must be Jared. Hans extends his hand but Jared won't take it. J.D I was wondering id Jared could hang out here for the day. JARED Say, what? HANS GRUNNER No problem. I can find some things for him to do. JARED I'm not doing a fucking thing. Jared flops down into a chair. J.D I'm sorry Hans. HANS GRUNNER Don't worry. It will be fine. do whatever you need to do. Thanks Hans. J.D Good luck. Go

HANS GRUNNER Don't need it. JARED Don't be so sure.

46. J.D leaves. Hans shuts the door behind her.

HANS GRUNNER So what do you think of town? JARED Not much. Looks like a bunch of fucking primitives living in the stone age. HANS GRUNNER I guess it could seem that way. JARED It is that way. HANS GRUNNER If it's possible, I'd like you to help me out a bit around here. JARED Not likely, dude. Jared takes out his drumsticks, drums on the desk. JARED (CONT'D) What is this place anyway? Old folks home? You change a lot of diapers? HANS GRUNNER (laughing) Lot of security for a retirement home. Actually, this is a hospital for the criminally insane. Jared stops drumming. JARED You fucking serious? Yup. HANS GRUNNER Murderers, serial murderers. JARED Kick ass. HANS GRUNNER I'll show you around. INT. DINER -- MORNING J.D enters and takes a seat at the counter. Connie pours J.D a coffee. Through the diner windows we see Bubba's SUV pull up. Bubba gets out and enters the diner. BUBBA Sheriff. J.D Missed you yesterday, Bubba.

47. BUBBA Sorry, J.D. Got some good news though. J.D That's a nice change. BUBBA Got an I.D on the victim. J.D Which one? BUBBA What do you mean? J.D We found another one yesterday. BUBBA Shit. J.D Yup. BUBBA Well, the guy at the steakhouse was Nick Sheffield. Had his prints on a state database. I know him. together. CONNIE We went to school

J.D When did you last see him? CONNIE Been a while. Usually around this time of year he goes to Vegas with three other locals. I guess he didn't go with them this year. J.D Who are the others? CONNIE Lance Jones, Jane Freeman and Tena Alexander. We all used to be close but grew apart over the years. J.D It happens. I'm sorry what happened to Nick though, Connie. CONNIE I'm just going to sit for a minute. Connie walks to the back of the diner.

48. J.D Three others...possibly missing. I think there's only two missing now. BUBBA You think the other victim is one of those three? J.D It's possible. BUBBA I hate to leave you like this but the old man needs me to run errands. J.D Of course he does. BUBBA There's something else J.D. At the scene we also got prints from Julien Levinson and of course, Able's Boy. But there was another set from an unknown person. They seemed recent. Bubba leaves J.D. EXT. EFFRAM'S FARM -- DAY J.D's car pulls up in front Effram's massive house on a huge sprawling farm. Effram is on his front porch watching a small dog maneuver on a small wheeled cart. Both of the dog's hind legs are in casts. J.D gets out of the car and joins Effram on the porch. Afternoon. surprise. EFFRAM This is a bit of a

J.D Just checking out where Lacy is going to be spending time. What happened to your little friend? EFFRAM Got hit by a car. He'll be ok. Just going to look stupid for a while. J.D Poor little guy. EFFRAM So why are you really here? INT. FAIRHAVEN STATE HOSPITAL, CELL BLOCK -- AFTERNOON Jared and Hans are in the cell block. bucket. Hans has a mop

49. HANS GRUNNER I noticed you like the drums. play in a band? You

JARED Back in L.A. we were getting good. HANS GRUNNER I used to be in a band too. JARED Wouldn't have figured. HANS GRUNNER I played bass and sang. We recorded a couple demos but it never really went anywhere. JARED You probably sucked. HANS GRUNNER Maybe. But it was fun. This looks like a good spot. You can start mopping here and keep going to the end of the hall. JARED I'm not mopping anything. HANS GRUNNER I'll give you a choice. You can mop the floor and be useful or you can hang out in the cell over here with the prisoner all afternoon. I don't really do baby sitting. Jared looks into the cell. We see a hulking giant of a man mumbling to himself and smacking himself in the head. JARED No fucking way. You can't do that. HANS GRUNNER I run this hospital. I can do anything. And you've been such a pain in the ass, nobody in town cares if you complained. JARED That guy could mess me up. HANS GRUNNER Hard to say. He's so medicated he might not notice you. But if he does... well forget it. He's a killer AND a sexual predator. JARED Fine, I'll mop your stupid floor.

50. HANS GRUNNER Good choice. Jared intentionally knocks over the mop bucket. Oops. JARED Sorry.

Jared does a half assed mopping job. Seriously. that? HANS GRUNNER What was the point of

JARED Hey, man. Relax. I'm mopping the floor just like you said. EXT. EFFRAM'S FARM -- AFTERNOON J.D and Effram are walking. J.D I think there may be more bodies turning up soon. Interesting. EFFRAM How many?

J.D Maybe two. A group of people everybody else had thought went on vacation. EFFRAM I guess we'll see. J.D There's something else. Bubba found another set of prints that don't match up to anyone. EFFRAM That's a little strange. J.D Is it? It's not like everyone is going to have prints on file. EFFRAM For Slaughter it's strange. Everybody who's born here gets fingerprinted and filed in the state database. J.D Is that constitutional? EFFRAM It's not but we do it anyway.

51. J.D So the other prints could be from someone from out of town? EFFRAM We don't get visitors. passes through here. Nobody

J.D So what does this all mean? EFFRAM Right now? Nothing. We've had two bodies, two killers, and two neat and tidy explanations. J.D Seems that way. INT. FAIRHAVEN STATE HOSPITAL, CELL BLOCK -- AFTERNOON Hans watches Jared mop the floor. HANS GRUNNER That wasn't so bad, was it? JARED You're crazy dude. HANS GRUNNER I'm in the right place for that. JARED Why did my Mom bring me here? HANS GRUNNER Why do you think? JARED She worries too much. HANS GRUNNER It's her job to worry. JARED I don't know why she should. Not like Dad ever did. Anyway, I'm good on my own. I don't need anyone. HANS GRUNNER I hear you. I just can't figure out why you're so angry. I don't think it's your Mom. JARED It's not. But I don't think I'm angry. People just can't accept who I am. I'm too fucking real.

52. HANS GRUNNER You really should cut your Mom some slack. This isn't easy for her. JARED Hey man, she moved us to dumbfuckville USA. HANS GRUNNER Does a single parent really have that many choices? You do what you need to, to get by. JARED It's bullshit. I can't wait till I'm eighteen. EXT. SHERIFF'S HOUSE -- EVENING The station wagon pulls into the driveway. J.D, Jared and Lacy get out. Effram's horse is hitched to the post. LACY Effie's here. Effie? Shut up. J.D Just get inside. INT. SHERIFF'S HOUSE, KITCHEN -- MOMENTS LATER The family enters the kitchen. The air is thick with cigar smoke. Turner, Bubba, Effram, Gertie and the Principal are playing poker. Gertie is winning. The smoke alarm is on the table with the batteries pulled out. Kids. J.D Go downstairs. JARED Don't you mean, king hick? LACY

Lacy leaves but Jared stays. JARED I want to see this. J.D Go. Jared leaves. J.D (CONT'D) What the hell is this? TURNER It's our weekly poker night. played here for years. We've Now.

53. Not anymore. a casino. J.D This is my home not

TURNER Look, J.D. You should just cool it. The town provides this house and you don't pay a dime. I suggest you just mind your own business. J.D This is my home. My children's home. Get your fucking poker game out of here. If you don't leave I'll pack my family up and go. TURNER Seems to be a theme with you. Go ahead. With your stellar credentials and experience I'm sure you'll have no troubles finding another job. EFFRAM Come on Turner. Let's not let this blow out of proportion. We'll just go use the diner. TURNER What a bunch of bullshit. Let's give her majesty what she wants. They gather up their chips. GERTIE You better not have killed my streak. INT. SHERIFF'S HOUSE, BASEMENT -- MOMENTS LATER Jared is on the top bunk. Lacy is sitting on the floor.

LACY What do you think Mom's doing? JARED Hopefully killing them. LACY Effram's ok. Whatever. JARED Don't you miss L.A?

LACY Yeah but there's nothing we can do. JARED I'm getting out of here as soon as I can. There's nothing for me here. Nothing for you either.

54. INT. SHERIFF'S HOUSE, KITCHEN -- MORNING J.D, Jared and Lacy are having breakfast. J.D What am I going to do with you today? JARED The eternal question. J.D Maybe you can help out Hans again. JARED Aww, come on. J.D grabs the kitchen phone and dials. drumming on the table. Jared starts

J.D (into the phone) Hi Hans. I was wondering if Jared could help you at the hospital again. Thank you so much. (a beat) There's something else too. There may be more people missing from town. One of them might be the woman who's body we found-J.D sees Jared and Lacy looking at her. Sorry. J.D (CONT'D) Can we identify the body?

INT. FAIRHAVEN STATE HOSPITAL -- CONTINUOUS Hans is on the phone. HANS GRUNNER Dental records are out of the question since the face was pulverized. No skin means no fingerprints. However, if the woman had any distinctive medical procedures done you may be able to match it to her records. INT. SHERIFF'S HOUSE, KITCHEN -- CONTINUOUS J.D is frustrated. J.D Do we send the body upstate for further examination then?

55. INT. FAIRHAVEN STATE HOSPITAL, GRUNNER'S OFFICE -CONTINUOUS HANS GRUNNER No need. I'm qualified to perform autopsies and have access to the files of everyone in town. I need to get back to work, J.D. Bring Jared over whenever you can. INT. SHERIFF'S HOUSE, KITCHEN -- CONTINUOUS Thanks Hans. J.D We'll talk more.

J.D hangs up the phone. LACY Mom... what's going on? Nothing. that. J.D You didn't here any of

JARED Yeah, right. That didn't sound like nothing. J.D It was nothing. no one. Whatever. J.D Both of you, get in the car. Jared and Lacy leave the room. dials. J.D picks up the phone and And you will tell


J.D (CONT'D) Bubba. It's J.D. I want you to meet me at the hospital. Just be there. INT. STATION WAGON -- MORNING J.D is driving Lacy and Jared. JARED What the hell is that? J.D It's the angel of death. Through the windshield we see Able's Boy running hard, holding his side. J.D stops the car and rolls down the window. J.D (CONT'D) What's wrong?

56. Able's Boy is breathing so hard he can't talk. in the direction he was running from. J.D (CONT'D) Ok. Just get in the car and we'll figure this out. EXT. FAIRHAVEN STATE HOSPITAL, PARKING LOT -- MORNING J.D, Jared, Lacy and Able's Boy are waiting around. arrives in his SUV. He gets out. Hans arrives. HANS GRUNNER I didn't know there was going to be a party. J.D I'm sorry Hans. It looks like there may be more unpleasantness. She points at Able's Boy. J.D (CONT'D) He needs to show me something. BUBBA You're kidding. J.D I wish. LACY So, am I going to school or what? I guess not. J.D Sorry Lacy. Bubba He points

JARED That's nothing to be sorry about. BUBBA What's the plan? J.D You get on the radio to Effram. Then we go with Able's Boy. LACY I don't want to hang out here. J.D There's no choice. HANS GRUNNER I can drive Lacy to school. My morning schedule is pretty light. JARED Dude. I thought we were going to do some bonding.

57. HANS GRUNNER Funny. I'll be back well before you finish mopping. JARED Fantastic. EXT. ABANDONED FARM -- MORNING J.D's car and Bubba's SUV pass through an open, rusted out gate. The Vehicles continue down the dirt road through long since neglected fields. They stop in front if a dilapidated barn and nearby decaying farmhouse. J.D and Able's Boy get out of her car. Bubba hops out of his SUV. BUBBA Effram should be here soon. J.D I think he's already here. J.D points to Effram's horse hitched to a post. EXT. SLAUGHTER HIGH SCHOOL-- MORNING Lacy gets out of Hans's car and heads to the entrance. The Team Captain joins her as she walks. TEAM CAPTAIN Hey, where's your freak brother? Lacy ignores him and enters the school. as he watches from his car. EXT. ABANDONED FARM -- MORNING J.D and Bubba slowly approach the barn. J.D (to Able's Boy) You stay here. Effram walks out of the barn. EFFRAM Not very pretty in there. J.D enters the barn followed by Bubba and Effram. EXT. FAIRHAVEN STATE HOSPITAL, OPERATING ROOM -- MORNING Hans and Jared enter dressed in scrubs, surgical masks and face shields which are flipped up. A body covered with a sheet lies on a stainless steel table. HANS GRUNNER You ever seen a dead body? JARED Why do you ask? Are you wearing a wire? Hans is frowning

58. HANS GRUNNER Cute. Hans pulls back the sheet revealing the dead woman from the previous day. Holy shit. JARED What a fucking mess.

HANS GRUNNER If you're not weak stomached you can assist me. JARED What do you want me to do? HANS GRUNNER Mostly I need you to hold pans for me to put the internal organs in. Hans holds up a surgical saw. HANS GRUNNER (CONT'D) Pull your shield down. There should be a lot of splatter action. JARED Nice. They flip their shields down. Hans starts up the saw. Blood splatters all over Jared's mask. INT. BARN -- MORNING J.D, Bubba and Effram are standing behind the corpse of a nude woman positioned in a chair to appear to be gazing at a large portrait in front of her. J.D moves closer. The painting is of a woman with the title " REDS ANATOMY". It is lit with reflected sunlight from carefully placed mirrors in the barn. Human organs have been nailed to the painting in the correct anatomical places. The organs are from the body which has been completely mutilated. BUBBA It's Jane Freeman. J.D Are you sure? EFFRAM Yes. EXT. BARN -- LATER J.D, Bubba and Effram exit the barn. on the hood of the car. J.D We're going back into town. you want to come along? Able's Boy is sitting


59. ABLE'S BOY That's ok. I'll just hike home. J.D We can give you a ride. ABLE'S BOY No thank you. He starts walking home. BUBBA One strange kid. EFFRAM I'm heading home. Reach me there later if you want. Effram mounts his horse and rides off. EXT. ROAD -- AFTERNOON J.D's car breaks down again. She steps out and looks to the sky for answers. Bubba pulls up in his SUV. BUBBA Hop in. INT. SUV -- LATER Bubba is driving. J.D looks into the back. large amount of moonshine. J.D When are you supposed to be delivering that? BUBBA Right now I suppose. J.D Your Dad going to be pissed? BUBBA That's his problem. Maybe he shouldn't have made me deputy. J.D Do you like being deputy? BUBBA I don't know. It never meant anything before. Might be nice to feel like a real law man. J.D I know what you mean. EXT. DINER -- AFTERNOON Bubba parks the SUV. Him and J.D go inside. There is a

60. INT. DINER -- CONTINUOUS J.D and Bubba walk straight to Connie who is reading a newspaper. J.D Is it ok if we join you Connie? Of course. CONNIE What's up? early

J.D Maybe you should close up today.

CONNIE That's just silly. I always keep to my posted hours. Is something wrong? J.D We found another body just outside of town. BUBBA It was Jane Freeman, Connie. Oh my God. CONNIE Who did it?

J.D We don't know. It's possible it was some psychotic and Jane was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. CONNIE I can't believe it. Are you sure?

BUBBA It was definitely her. J.D It's a slight possibility that a local from town did it. Was there any bad blood between Jane and anyone? Like a local artist or something? Artist? CONNIE Here?

J.D When was the last time you saw Jane? CONNIE About a week and a half ago. Does this mean that the others could be dead too?

61. J.D We don't know. BUBBA It doesn't look good. Turner bursts into the diner. TURNER Boy! You lost your fucking mind? My phone's been ringing off the hook and I've been dealing with people who don't fuck around. What are you doing here when there's work to be doing? BUBBA I AM doing work. TURNER The only work you have is what I tell you to do. You have no business running around like a real lawman. J.D Actually he does Turner. TURNER Stay out of it. J.D We've got another body to deal with and I think that takes precedence. TURNER Good Christ. You show up and everything goes to shit. Don't forget that this town affords you that house you and your two brats live in. J.D Don't you even care about the woman who died? TURNER We all go sometime. (points at Bubba) It could be the end of the goddamn world and you will still run my product. Understand? J.D He's his own man. TURNER Hiring you was the worst mistake of my life.

62. J.D Maybe so. I don't care. Right now we have a job to do so you can go fuck yourself. TURNER This ain't finished. Turner leaves. J.D Bubba and I need to get back to work. Are you going ot be ok, Connie? CONNIE It's a lot to take in. J.D How about you come over to my place later for dinner? Bring your daughter. I will. CONNIE Thank you. Far from it.

J.D hugs Connie and then leaves with Bubba. EXT. DINER -- CONTINUOUS J.D and Bubba walk to the SUV. John drives by and honks his horn. He's towing J.D's car. J.D shakes her head. J.D The greatest tow truck driver alive. INT. FAIRHAVEN STATE HOSPITAL, HALLWAY -- AFTERNOON J.D and Bubba walk up to Grunner's office door. J.D is about to knock but stops when we hear a muffled conversation between Hans and a woman. BUBBA He's got company I guess. J.D We still need to talk to him. J.D knocks on the door. HANS GRUNNER (o.c) Come in. INT. FAIRHAVEN STATE HOSPITAL, GRUNNER'S OFFICE -CONTINUOUS J.D and Bubba enter, surprised to see Hans by himself. J.D I could have sworn someone was in here with you.

63. HANS GRUNNER Really? J.D Sounded like a woman. HANS GRUNNER Oh, that. I was just reviewing some taped sessions with patients. Hopefully you're just here to pick up Jared. J.D Unfortunately not. anyway? Where is Jared,

HANS GRUNNER I gave him a treat earlier and now he's earning it. INT. FAIRHAVEN STATE HOSPITAL, WASHROOM -- AFTERNOON Jared is on his hands and knees scrubbing a toilet. INT. FAIRHAVEN STATE HOSPITAL, GRUNNER'S OFFICE -AFTERNOON HANS GRUNNER I guess you want to get down to business. What did you find? J.D A woman had been carved up for a piece of artwork. Hans buries his face in his hands. I'm ruined. HANS GRUNNER Absolutely ruined. This whole

J.D You don't know that. thing is a fluke.

HANS GRUNNER No offense but I think a bunch of psychopaths escaping form a mental hospital and killing innocent people is a career killer. BUBBA It was just bad luck Hans. HANS GRUNNER No matter how you cut it, I'm in charge. I'm responsible. I didn't issue a warning because I wanted to keep the escape quiet. Hans takes out a folder and passes it to J.D.

64. HANS GRUNNER (CONT'D) You'll find what you're looking for there. I need to take a walk. Hans pauses at the door. HANS GRUNNER (CONT'D) I managed to I.D the gravel pit victim. A full x-ray revealed a serious knee injury which had required pins to be inserted. Tena Alexander had a bad cheerleading accident senior year. Hans leaves. J.D opens the folder. Also known

J.D Mr. Anthony Giovani. as "The Artist." INT. BARN -- AFTERNOON

The large barn doors open letting in beams of sunlight. The backlit silhouette of The Artist in his painters smock and beret can be seen but we are unable to see his face. He's dragging a woman. INT. BARN, (FLASHBACK) -- LATER Jane Freeman is semiconscious and propped up in a chair in front of a large canvas. The Artist takes out a scalpel and cuts away her clothes. THE ARTIST Tell me darling, have you ever considered nude portraits? I think you would be exquisite. The Artist stares at the canvas and ponders. THE ARTIST (CONT'D) Red. Yes. Most definitely. That's the color screaming out at me. He takes Jane Freeman's arm and vain. She is drugged and feels blood on a painters palate. He and paints a few strokes on the INT. BARN, (FLASHBACK) -- LATER The Artist is looking at the painting. THE ARTIST Something is missing. It needs a harder edge. More truth. He looks at the groggy but still alive Jane Freeman and snaps his fingers. slices the scalpel down a nothing. He catches her dips a brush into the blood canvas.

65. THE ARTIST (CONT'D) I've got it. This will be special and you will be remembered. The Artist takes the scalpel and slices down the middle of Jane Freeman's chest down to her lower abdomen. He starts pulling out Jane Freeman's internal organs and hammering them to the canvas. THE ARTIST (CONT'D) Never has a muse effected me like you have darling. It's a shame we'll never collaborate again. EXT. ABANDONED FARM, (FLASHBACK) -- AFTERNOON The Artist exits the old farmhouse with two large mirrors. INT. BARN (FLASHBACK) -- LATER The Artist is taking in his masterpiece. Mirrors are reflecting light, giving the portrait a magnificent glow. THE ARTIST Breathtaking. The Artist kisses Jane Freeman's hand and leaves. INT. FAIRHAVEN STATE HOSPITAL, GRUNNER'S OFFICE -AFTERNOON J.D closes the folder. Bubba shakes his head.

J.D Sounds about right. BUBBA Do you mind if we leave this place as soon as possible. A knock on the door. Hey. Jared enters.

JARED Where's the Doc?

J.D He went for a walk. J.D stands up. She glances at the tape machine. J.D (CONT'D) Weird. BUBBA What? J.D No tape in there. BUBBA He probably put it away.

66. Right. J.D That would make sense.

EXT. JANE FREEMAN'S HOME -- AFTERNOON J.D and Bubba get out of his SUV. J.D Any chance you want to take the lead on this? BUBBA Sorry J.D. They approach the door. J.D knocks. and frail answers the door. J.D Mrs. Freeman? Yes? JOYCE FREEMAN What can I do for you? JOYCE FREEMAN, 70

J.D I'm Sheriff Campbell. I here to talk to you about Jane. JOYCE FREEMAN Is something wrong? INT. SUV -- EVENING Bubba stops in front of J.D's house. J.D Thanks Bubba. You want to come in and have dinner with us? BUBBA That's ok J.D. If you need me I'll be down at the bar. INT. SHERIFF'S HOUSE, KITCHEN -- EVENING J.D, Lacy, Jared, Connie and her daughter EMILY, 17, blonde, pretty and well dressed. JARED You got a boyfriend? EMILY Yeah. JARED Well, if you ever want a real man, let me know. J.D Jared! JARED Fine.

67. Jared leaves the room. J.D Lacy, why don't you show Emily around the house. Let me and Connie talk. Lacy and Emily leave the room. J.D (CONT'D) How are you? CONNIE It's a big shock. Just really sad. Why would anyone hurt her or the others? J.D It all looks like random attacks by a couple psychotics. CONNIE You think so? J.D It really looks that way but did she have any enemies? CONNIE I don't know. For a lot of years me and her caused a lot of grief. Kids stuff mostly though. J.D You? The town sweetheart? a little hard to believe. That's

CONNIE For a long time if you met me you could safely assume I was a stone cold bitch. All of us. We raised a lot of hell back in the day. J.D takes a bottle of rye out of a cupboard and pours two glasses for her and Connie. CONNIE (CONT'D) Thank you. I just can't wrap my head around it. All those memories ot them all seem so recent. J.D Time sure flies by, doesn't it? It feels like it was just yesterday I got married. Now it's years later, two kids, divorced and no idea what I'm doing. CONNIE So what happened with you and your husband?

68. J.D I was young and he was successful. As I got older I realized all he offered was financial stability. It's an empty way to live. CONNIE True. Though I wouldn't mind trying it sometime. Mine had nothing when I met him and nothing when I left. J.D To get back at me he closed the accounts, sold the house and relocated. Cut off all contact from the kids. CONNIE Cocksucker. J.D Yup. CONNIE We'll find you a man sweetie. J.D How about you? CONNIE Honey, I've pretty much had all the men in this town. INT. SHERIFF'S HOUSE, KITCHEN -- MORNING Lacy and Jared are eating breakfast. J.D enters wearing her housecoat. Hair is messy, dark circles under her eyes. LACY Oh, my God Mom! Are you hung over? JARED This town makes me want to drink too. J.D I'm not hung over. I didn't sleep well and I'm running late. You guys will have to get yourselves to school. Lacy and Jared put their dishes in the sink and start to leave the room. J.D grabs Jared by the arm. J.D (CONT'D) For the love of God be good. begging you. I'm

JARED I can only say I will try. Trouble seems to know where to find me.

69. J.D Jared. Be good. If you don't I'll take my gun and shoot you. JARED That's the booze talking, Mom. Besides, I don't know if you looked but they didn't give you bullets for your gun. J.D What? JARED Gotta run. Jared leaves. INT. SLAUGHTER HIGH SCHOOL, GYM -- MORNING A class dodge ball game. Jared is standing around, barely moving. Balls are flying all around him and he doesn't care. He's hit in the chest and he walks to the sideline. Jared looks over to see Lacy running for her life and not enjoying the game. The Team Captain throws a ball at Lacy so hard it doubles her over. TEAM CAPTAIN You're out, freak. Jared picks up a rolling ball. He sneaks up on the Team Captain's blind side. Jared beats him down with the ball. The Team Captain falls and Jared continues pounding him. JARED Guess who's out now, bitch? INT. SHERIFF'S HOUSE -- MORNING The phone rings. Hello? Gertie hangs up. GERTIE (CONT'D) (shouting) J.D...J.D! J.D enters. J.D What is it Gertie? GERTIE You need to go pick up your boy. J.D Where's my gun? Gertie answers. GERTIE I'll tell her right away.

70. INT. SLAUGHTER HIGH SCHOOL, PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE -- MORNING J.D enters. She's dressed in sweats and looks like a mess. The Principal is at his desk. J.D What happened? PRINCIPAL Your son got into another fight. J.D You're kidding. PRINCIPAL He attacked another boy in gym class. JARED He was bullying Lacy. J.D So where is this other boy? PRINCIPAL He's still in class. Jared is the one in the wrong and he will be suspended again. J.D Is it true that other boy was bullying Lacy? PRINCIPAL Sheriff Campbell. The class was playing dodge ball. That's all it was. Jared is just making excuses. JARED That's a bunch of crap. He chased her down and hit her as hard as he could. J.D That could easily be assault. could be charged. PRINCIPAL I don't see how. Jared clearly has anger problems and blew the whole thing out of proportion. J.D Is this the same boy form last time? PRINCIPAL Unfortunately. Jared seems to have a vendetta. J.D Why would he do that? He

71. JARED Because he's a punk bitch. J.D You're not helping. JARED So true. PRINCIPAL I really think you should consider home schooling Jared. J.D No chance. He's not staying home unsupervised. PRINCIPAL Then I really don't know what to say. We can't be expected to control your boy. It's too much. JARED Your wife does an alright job. J.D Jared, be quiet. Come on. Shut it. Like i said. tell you. PRINCIPAL I don't know what to JARED Kick me out. J.D Do it.

J.D Tell me you're going to suspend the other boy as well. Obviously he's not that innocent. I also want you to say you're giving Jared another chance. PRINCIPAL The other boy is my son. I'll take his word over Jared's any day. J.D This makes things easier then. You will definitely keep Jared in school and give him a break. PRINCIPAL Why should I do that? J.D For the sake of your son. (MORE)

72. J.D (CONT'D) I could be very tempted to follow him around every day of his life and wait for something I can charge him for. Maybe I'll make stuff up. Maybe I'll even take the leash off Jared, so to speak. You haven't even seen the worst from him yet. I'll just look the other way. PRINCIPAL You can't threaten me. J.D I just did and Jared is staying in school. (looks at her watch) I have to get going. Please don't waste my time anymore. J.D leaves. Jared flashes the Principal a thumbs up. JARED You the man. Jared stands up, yawns, stretches out his arms. JARED (CONT'D) I'm gonna take an early lunch. See you around boss. EXT. ROAD -- AFTERNOON Lacy has her backpack on and is walking. catches up with her. Hey. TEAM CAPTAIN Hold up. The Team Captain

LACY What do you want? TEAM CAPTAIN I want to apologize. LACY Yeah right. No, really. jerk. TEAM CAPTAIN I'm sorry I've been a

LACY Just leave me alone.


TEAM CAPTAIN I'd really like to hang out sometime. LACY Leave me alone.

73. Ok. sorry. TEAM CAPTAIN I'll talk to you later.

Lacy turns down the road to Effram's house. INT. EFFRAM'S STABLE -- AFTERNOON Lacy enters the stable and is surprised. LACY What are you doing here? EMILY What do you mean? I work here.

LACY Effram said the girl who came by quit. EMILY I didn't quit. I just wasn't feeling good for a while. LACY That sucks. I was looking forward to making some money. EMILY Don't worry about that. Effram has enough money to pay us both. The guy is loaded. LACY Really? EMILY Yeah. I think his family founded the town or something. As long as you take care of his animals he won't care. That's good. here. LACY I really like coming

EMILY Cool. We can have a lot of fun. I haven't fed the animals yet if you want to. LACY Deal. Lacy picks up a bag of feed. EXT. EFFRAM'S STABLE -- AFTERNOON Lacy and Emily are taking a break behind the stable. lights up a cigarette and offers a drag to Lacy. LACY No thanks. Emily

74. EMILY Are you sure? Yeah. LACY I'm sure.

EMILY Suit yourself. Don't tell anyone though. Effie would kill me and my Mom would throw a fit. LACY It's all good, I won't tell. Lacy brushes her hair out of her eyes. EMILY I have an extra scrunchy if you need it. I'm surprised you have your hair down while you work. LACY I've always worn it down but I guess it does get in the way. Emily takes the scrunchy out of her pocket and gives it to Lacy who promptly ties her hair back. EMILY Crazy. You look totally different. (takes a drag of her cigarette) So do you miss L.A? LACY Yeah. It's hard not having my friends around and nobody seems to want us here. EMILY That would suck. But tell you what, I think we can be good friends. Anytime you want to hang out just call. LACY Ok. EMILY Can I ask you something? LACY What? EMILY Is your brother crazy like everyone is saying? LACY I'm not a doctor but yes, he's messed up.

75. INT. DINER -- AFTERNOON J.D is sitting at the counter. to her. BUBBA How goes it, J.D? J.D Oh, you know how it is. Just waiting for the next mutilated body to turn up. BUBBA Yeah, I have a bad feeling too. I talked to a couple of the families of everyone who went on that Vegas trip. They all left in the same van. J.D So, where's the van? BUBBA It could be anywhere. places to be hidden. J.D Maybe Lance Jones Too many Bubba takes the seat next

got away somehow.

BUBBA Anything's possible at this point. Connie walks over and tops off J.D's coffee. J.D You doing ok, Connie. CONNIE No. I'll manage though. on Lance Jones? Any news

J.D I'm afraid any news now will be bad news. J.D gets up. J.D (CONT'D) Bubba bad I need to get back to work. I'll talk to you later Connie, ok? Sure. CONNIE Be careful J.D.

INT. SUV -- AFTERNOON Bubba and J.D get inside. BUBBA Where to?

76. J.D Let's go to Fairhaven. INT. FAIRHAVEN STATE HOSPITAL, HALLWAY -- AFTERNOON J.D, Bubba and Hans walk through the halls. HANS GRUNNER I hope this is of some help. INT. FAIRHAVEN STATE HOSPITAL, CELL BLOCK -- AFTERNOON J.D, Hans and Bubba stand outside the cell of Julien Levinson. He's severely sedated, looking right at them. Bits of drool down his chin. J.D Mr. Levinson? Mr. Levinson, I'm Sheriff Campbell. I want to ask you about the people you hurt in town. Levinson mumbles and slaps himself upside the head. BUBBA Maybe we should try another one. HANS GRUNNER We can try. They are all under fairly heavy sedation 24/7. INT. FAIRHAVEN STATE HOSPITAL, CELL BLOCK -- LATER J.D , Bubba and Hans are in front of Anthony Giovani's cell. He's drugged and in a straight jacket. J.D This a complete waste of time. Sorry Hans. What's with the straight jacket? HANS GRUNNER Well since he's an artist, sometimes as a way of acting out he paints on the cell walls. BUBBA Doesn't sound like a big deal. HANS GRUNNER With feces. BUBBA Gotcha. HANS GRUNNER If you want I can scale back their dosages and in a few days they'll be more lucid.

77. J.D Might be a waste of time. We're just trying it find the whereabouts of Lance Jones. HANS GRUNNER I'll let you know if any of them start talking. J.D Thanks Hans. EXT. FAIRHAVEN STATE HOSPITAL -- LATER J.D and Bubba walk along the grounds. MAINTENANCE WORKERS are carrying away pieces of the old transformer. J.D Must have been one heck of a lightening strike. MAINTENANCE WORKER That's what we though at first. BUBBA But? MAINTENANCE WORKER Looks like some pretty bad vandalism. Nothing new. The fucking kids around here are always pulling shit like this. J.D So it was just smashed up? MAINTENANCE WORKER Big time. INT. SUV -- EVENING Bubba is driving. J.D is watching through the window.

BUBBA We've been driving around for hours J.D. J.D We need to find that van. BUBBA It'll turn up. For right now though I think it's time to get you home. J.D What are you going to do? BUBBA Since I didn't make any deliveries today I think I have to mend some fences.

78. J.D You in trouble? BUBBA You never know , J.D. INT. SHERIFF'S HOUSE, KITCHEN -- NIGHT J.D is taking dinner out of the stove. Jared is drumming away on the table. Lacy enters and sits at the table. Lacy. Yeah? J.D I can't remember the last time. LACY Not a big deal Mom. Just did it for work after school. J.D Ok. Don't get defensive. JARED I guess I should thank you for keeping me in school. J.D You're welcome. JARED But I won't. Getting kicked out would have been good for everyone. J.D I'm sorry but I was serious when I said I don't want you running loose. JARED It's going to happen sometime. J.D Not for a couple of years. JARED Whatever. Hey Lacy, what's it like being a slave for Effram? LACY I'm not a slave. I get paid. J.D You're hair is up. LACY

JARED You can't pay me enough to work. J.D How do you expect to get anywhere in your life? I really don't understand.

79. JARED Probably just cruise by on my looks. J.D Well, good luck with that. JARED Thank you for being supportive. INT. DINER -- MORNING J.D strolls into the diner and takes a seat next to Hans who is eating alone. J.D Strange seeing you this time of day. HANS GRUNNER Really just didn't feel like cooking. J.D Lazy day? HANS GRUNNER I suppose. Hopefully I can shake of the malaise. There's a lot of paperwork to work on. J.D It's just paperwork. a day or two. Leave it for

HANS GRUNNER Normally I might agree but not today. There's going to be an probe into the hospital. It's possible we might lose state funding. J.D That sounds pretty bad. HANS GRUNNER It is. They may close down the hospital causing the town to lose a rather large subsidy from the state. J.D This is because of the escape and the killings? HANS GRUNNER And my attempt to cover it up like nothing happened. This could be the final nail in the coffin of a badly struggling town.

80. J.D Try to think positive. There's a chance it will blow over. HANS GRUNNER Not likely. And when you get down to it I'm the one to blame. J.D Hans, try to be strong. Things have a way of working out. Able's Boy is outside the diner pounding on the window. HANS GRUNNER Oh, Jesus Christ! J.D Maybe he's just saying hi. Able's Boy is hitting the glass and pointing away from the diner. J.D (CONT'D) I guess Lance Jones turned up. EXT. DINER -- MOMENTS LATER J.D and Hans join Able's Boy. J.D What is it sweetie? ABLE'S BOY The slaughterhouse. J.D That's just perfect. ABLE'S BOY It's pretty bad. HANS GRUNNER (despondent) Of course it is. EXT. SLAUGHTERHOUSE -- MORNING The SUV pulls up in front of an old grey, deserted building. Bubba and J.D get out and start walking. BUBBA Should we have called Effram? J.D Let's see what we find first. They stop at the door. After you. Bubba opens the door for J.D. BUBBA

81. J.D Gee, thanks. J.D takes out her flashlight and enters. INT. SLAUGHTERHOUSE -- MOMENTS LATER It's dark. J.D and Bubba are slowly searching . The beams from their flashlights are crisscrossing all over. J.D See a light switch anywhere? BUBBA I think so. Bubba tries the switch. No power. They continue. flashlights reveal old stainless steel equipment. BUBBA (CONT'D) Found some fresh blood J.D. J.D Let's follow the trail. They follow the blood trail. a bin marked "HOT DOG MEAT". jumps back. Fuck! BUBBA You ok? On top of the bin is a human head. Eyes removed, lips sliced away leaving a permanent toothy grin. On each side of the head are amputated feet and hands. BUBBA (CONT'D) Holy Christ. J.D Now we just need to find the rest of him. BUBBA Worst scavenger hunt ever. J.D and Bubba continue along. On a table station there appear to be slabs of cut steak and cutting tools. BUBBA (CONT'D) This is going to take a lot of evidence bags. J.D You might be right. They continue down the line. internal organs on display. Another table station with J.D's attention is drawn to She moves in closer then The


82. Great. J.D (CONT'D) Where's the rest of him?

BUBBA Does it really matter at this point? J.D walks into a small adjoining room. J.D (o.c) In here. INT. SLAUGHTERHOUSE, CURING ROOM -- MOMENTS LATER J.D and Bubba stare at the torso and hind quarters of Lance Jones hanging on meat hooks for curing. J.D Let's get Effram here and have the hospital send the ambulance down. BUBBA I'll set up some work lights inside. EXT. SLAUGHTERHOUSE -- AFTERNOON J.D and Bubba are leaning against the building. approaches on his horse. EFFRAM Afternoon J.D, Bubba. He dismounts and ties his horse to a tree. J.D Hey Effram. It's a bit of an ugly scene in there. EFFRAM It's an ugly world J.D. Will you be going over to the hospital? J.D I'm going to have Bubba drive me home so I can take my car to see Hans. Bubba will come back and wait for the ambulance. EFFRAM Don't let me keep you. Just point me in the direction of the body. J.D waves in the direction of the building. J.D It's all over there. Effram nods and goes inside. J.D (CONT'D) You want to get going? Effram

83. BUBBA Gladly. EXT. FAIRHAVEN STATE HOSPITAL, PARKING LOT -- AFTERNOON J.D gets out of her car. Hans is waiting for her.

HANS GRUNNER When you called and said what you found there was only one possibility. He hands J.D a folder. together. They start walking along the grounds

EXT. FAIRHAVEN STATE HOSPITAL, GARDEN -- AFTERNOON J.D and Hans sit down on a bench in the hospital garden. HANS GRUNNER His name is Karl Daniels. Got himself the nickname of "The Butcher." J.D Well earned it seems. J.D opens the folder. INT. SLAUGHTERHOUSE, (FLASHBACK) -- MORNING Road flares are burning inside creating an eery red glow. The door opens and THE BUTCHER enters while dragging the naked Lance Jones by a chain and collar tied around his neck. In his other hand The Butcher is holding a large black bag. THE BUTCHER Get on the line. Lance Jones cowers on the floor.The Buther takes out a cattle prod and shocks Lance Jones. THE BUTCHER (CONT'D) Get on the line. Lance Jones struggles to get on the line. Once he's on the Butcher shocks him again causing him to collapse. He's immobilized but still conscious. The Butcher lowers a meat hook and attaches it to Lance Jones' collar. THE BUTCHER (CONT'D) Don't want you running off. Normally at this point I'd put a bolt through the animals skull to ease the suffering. I think that would be too good for you though. The Butcher takes a surgical saw out of his bag. THE BUTCHER (CONT'D) This is where it gets fun.

84. He starts up the saw and cuts off one of Lance Jones hand at the wrist. Lance Jones screams and recoils. The Butcher gives him another shock with the cattle prod, shutting him up. The Butcher takes a cauterizing tool out of his bag and stops the blood flowing from Lance Jones arm. THE BUTCHER (CONT'D) We don't want you losing too much blood right away. There's still a lot of work to do. The Butcher takes the saw, cuts off Lance Jones other hand. Lance Jones chokes out something between a scream and a moan. THE BUTCHER (CONT'D) How do you like feet? Personally I hate them. Just the sight of them makes me sick. The Butcher starts up the saw again. THE BUTCHER (CONT'D) Let's do something about that. The Butcher cuts off Lance Jones feet. INT. SLAUGHTERHOUSE, (FLASHBACK) -- LATER We see Lance Jones face up close. He's passed out. The Butcher violently slaps him awake. Lance Jones' eyes flutter open then go wide in terror as he remembers where he is. He's about to scream but stops when The Butcher holds the cattle prod close to his eye. THE BUTCHER That's right. You don't want that again, do you? The Butcher points down the slaughter line. THE BUTCHER (CONT'D) I need you to get from here to there. The man shakes his head as he cries. him in the ass with the cattle prod. Now! Lance Jones struggles to move down the line on the stumps of his arms and legs. THE BUTCHER (CONT'D) Come on stumpy! Ok, that's far enough. Lance Jones collapses and is being choked by his collar attached to the meat hook. The Butcher unhooks him. The Butcher shocks


85. THE BUTCHER (CONT'D) Need a break? I don't want to push you too hard. INT. SLAUGHTERHOUSE, (FLASHBACK) -- LATER Lance Jones wakes up. His head is locked in a vice.

THE BUTCHER Good, you're awake. I was getting impatient. The Butcher holds up the saw in front of Lance's face. THE BUTCHER (CONT'D) You a steak fan? I love it. The only problem is I think the only decent cut I can get off you is from your thigh. The Butcher shrugs. THE BUTCHER (CONT'D) Beggars can't be choosers. He starts up the saw and cuts into Lance's thigh. Jones passes out. INT. SLAUGHTERHOUSE, (FLASHBACK) -- LATER Lance wakes up and is barely hanging on. THE BUTCHER You have really nice teeth. should show them more. You Lance

The Buther takes a scalpel and cuts off Lance's lips. THE BUTCHER (CONT'D) That's a lot better. You've been a good trooper but I don't think you want to see the rest of what's going to happen. He takes the scalpel and peels out Lance's eyes like grapes. EXT. FAIRHAVEN STATE HOSPITAL, GARDEN -- AFTERNOON J.D closes the folder. Hans looks at her.

J.D How can you work in a place surrounded with people like this? HANS GRUNNER It used to fulfill a morbid curiosity. Now I don't know. It's a moot point anyway. Most likely I'll be losing my position. J.D If that happens what will you do?

86. HANS GRUNNER I don't know. Maybe I'll work counseling youth. J.D You can start with my son. HANS GRUNNER I don't do miracles. J.D Too bad. This has all been so overwhelming. I really don't know what to do. Four dead bodies and everyone is going to wonder why the Sheriff didn't do anything about it. HANS GRUNNER It really has nothing to do with you. The wheels were in motion on this before you even got here. You just got caught up in the ride. J.D I hope you're right. HANS GRUNNER I know it. You'll be a great Sheriff for this town. EXT. FAIRHAVEN STATE HOSPITAL, PARKING LOT -- AFTERNOON J.D and Hans are standing by her car. HANS GRUNNER You should really think about taking a couple days off. J.D I can't do that Hans. everyone in town say? What will

HANS GRUNNER Probably the same stuff they're saying right now. You need a couple days off. The town will forgive that. J.D I'll think about it. HANS GRUNNER Good. EXT. ROAD -- AFTERNOON Jared is walking down the road. A truck full of rowdy teens follows slowly behind him honking it's horn. Jared is unfazed.

87. ROWDY TEEN Go home freak. EXT. SLAUGHTER HIGH SCHOOL -- AFTERNOON Lacy is leaving school. her. Hey cutie. LACY Yeah, right. TEAM CAPTAIN I'm serious. I feel really bad about how me and everyone else have been treating you. Bull. LACY What do you want? The Team Captain jogs over to


TEAM CAPTAIN I was thinking...this is awkward. I was hoping maybe you want to go out with me. LACY No way. Come on. fun. TEAM CAPTAIN You'll have a lot of LACY I doubt it. TEAM CAPTAIN There's this awesome place in the woods everyone hangs out around a fire pit and just has a good time. I'd like to show you. LACY Why are you doing this? TEAM CAPTAIN Look, I know I've been a creep. But you're different from everyone here and I'm starting to realize that I like that. LACY Really? Yes. TEAM CAPTAIN So will you go out with me?

Hans is driving by and sees Lacy talking to the Team Captain.

88. INT. SHERIFF'S HOUSE -- EVENING Gertie is doing her crosswords. Jared and Lacy are sitting around looking bored. J.D enters. Hey guys. J.D How were your days?

JARED Do you really want to know? J.D Yes. JARED I have nothing to say. J.D How about you Lacy? LACY My day was ok I guess. anything. Gertie is collecting her things. J.D How would you guys feel about going away for a couple days? JARED And leave all of this? LACY I think I might like that. J.D Ok. we'll go away for the weekend. Gertie is standing in the open doorway. GERTIE J.D? J.D Yes Gertie? GERTIE I think you should look at this. J.D and the kids walk to the door. On the front lawn is a 10 foot burning effigy of Jared. They stare in silence. JARED Even I think that's a bit much. But hey, I'm sure this town is full of reasonable people and one day we'll hash out our differences. J.D Please be quiet. Didn't do

89. EXT. ROAD, CENTER OF TOWN -- MORNING J.D and Effram are walking through town. townsfolk are giving J.D dirty looks. Many of the

MALE LOCAL Why didn't you help Tena and Lance? What are we paying you for? FEMALE LOCAL Should have hired a man. J.D I'm sorry for everyone's loss. don't know what to say. I

EFFRAM Don't bother J.D. There's nothing you can say. People are going to think what they think. J.D They think I'm useless. EFFRAM In time you'll prove them wrong. J.D I hope so. Four good people dead in a random spree. Wrong place, wrong time. EFFRAM You could say that. that bothers you? Nothing about

J.D Of course there are things that bother me. It's hard to fathom drugged up inmates having the means and wherewithal to kill four people so quickly after escaping. But the answers in life isn't always neat and tidy. EFFRAM True. One thing I know though is over the years all those kids and I can call them kids, hurt a lot of feelings. J.D They were the most popular people in town. EFFRAM They were feared as much as they were admired. Time mellowed them out but they did a lot of damage over the years.

90. J.D What are you trying to say? That there are a lot of possible suspects? Evidence of those inmates are all over those crime scenes. I know. it. EFFRAM And I believe they did

J.D So what are we talking about? EFFRAM I'm an old man. The idea of conspiracies excites me. J.D I'll humor you. Let's say there were no serial killers. Who would you suspect? EFFRAM That's tough to say. Twenty some odd years of raising hell creates a lot of possibilities. J.D It's a small town though. EFFRAM Jane Freeman used to write down everything that happened around here. We all used to think she'd be a journalist. Always had a notebook on her. J.D You think there's clues in that? EFFRAM People like that aren't picky about what they document. It all has meaning. J.D I think you just want to read a girls diary. EFFRAM Sure. The dirty old man in me would love that. INT. DINER -- AFTERNOON Hans is sitting a corner drinking tea. Lacy is a few tables over reading a book. The Team Captain sits down across from her. TEAM CAPTAIN Hi.

91. Hi. LACY What do you want?

TEAM CAPTAIN I want to take you out Friday night. LACY When? TEAM CAPTAIN Midnight. Meet me near the town square by that path that goes into the woods. INT. CLOTHING STORE -- AFTERNOON J.D is walking through a rustic clothing store. All the clothes are drab and plain. She shakes her head. SHOPKEEPER What's the matter? Not up to your fancy standards? J.D Oh, no. Not at all. Just not sure what I'm looking for. SHOPKEEPER Well maybe you should look elsewhere. INT. FAIRHAVEN STATE HOSPITAL -- EVENING Hans is walking down the hall writing on a clipboard. Jared catches up to him. JARED Hey Doc. HANS GRUNNER What are you doing here? you be heading home? Shouldn't

JARED I have a couple hours to kill and I'm bored. HANS GRUNNER That's no good. JARED Things go bad when I'm bored. HANS GRUNNER Well, I was just about to administer some shock therapy. JARED Lead the way.

92. INT. FAIRHAVEN STATE HOSPITAL, SHOCK TREATMENT ROOM -EVENING Hans and Jared are standing by a table with a middle aged MALE PATIENT strapped to the table. Hans is working with the equipment. HANS GRUNNER Things getting better for you here? JARED Same old shit-show. HANS GRUNNER How about your sister? JARED She's ok. HANS GRUNNER Are you sure? JARED She seems fine. Got a job, made a friend. Once she gets knocked up and drops out of school she'll fit right in here. HANS GRUNNER I'm going to say this as someone who came in as an outsider here. You have to watch your back. People don't accept strangers here. JARED No shit. There was a bonfire on my front lawn the other night. HANS GRUNNER Just keep an eye on Lacy. It's hard to know who you can trust here. JARED Lacy can handle her own. HANS GRUNNER I'm serious guy. JARED Yeah, yeah. I'll keep an eye out. We gonna fry this guy or what? HANS GRUNNER You want to press the button? JARED Hell yes. Jared presses the button to shock the patient.

93. EXT. JANE FREEMAN'S HOME -- EVENING J.D knocks on the door. Hi Joyce. Joyce Freeman opens the door.

J.D Could we talk a bit?

EXT. JANE FREEMAN'S HOME -- NIGHT J.D leaves the house carrying a box of notebooks and diaries. INT. SHERIFF'S HOUSE -- MORNING J.D has the box od books nearby and she is reading a diary. Gertie enters the house. GERTIE You're up early. J.D Couldn't sleep so I decided to read up on town history. GERTIE Hell. If you want to know the town's history just ask me. I've seen it all. J.D I'll remember for next time. EXT. DINER -- MORNING Bubba gets out his SUV and is about to go inside the diner. Three BIKERS jump him and beat him down with clubs. BIKER You owe us some product Bubba. They continue beating the shit out of Bubba. INT. SHERIFF'S HOUSE -- MOMENTS LATER The phone rings. Gertie answers and listens for a beat.

GERTIE Bubba is in some serious trouble. EXT. DINER -- MOMENTS LATER Bubba is crawling as he's being kicked and punched. runs up and un-holsters her pistol. J.D Stop what you're doing. the deputy Sheriff. That's J.D

BIKER Oh, we know sweet thing. Bubba has been fucking things up for us.

94. He continues hitting Bubba. J.D I will shoot. BIKER We have no quarrel with you Sheriff. This is all about business. J.D fires into the air. J.D You hit him again and you're dead. BIKER You're the boss. The Bikers get into their truck and leave. BUBBA I was just about to make my move J.D. Thanks though. J.D This is all about botched moonshine deliveries? BUBBA There's a lot more to it but telling you would be bad for you and your family. My old man deals with the dark side and has his hands in a lot of pots. J.D helps him up. J.D Are you ok? BUBBA I just got beat up by three guys with clubs J.D. J.D Let's get you some ice. BUBBA How about you get me a doctor? INT. SHERIFF'S HOUSE, BASEMENT -- NIGHT Jared is asleep in his bed. Lacy pulls back her covers and she is dressed to go out. She quietly gets out of bed and tip toes across the room. INT. SHERIFF'S HOUSE -- MOMENTS LATER Lacy quietly moves through the living room. J.D is asleep on the floor next to a pile of open notebooks. Lacy slips out through the front door.

95. EXT. TOWN OF SLAUGHTER -- NIGHT Lacy walks quickly through the empty street. EXT. FOREST -- NIGHT Lacy is waiting on the path to the forest. and sees several figures in hooded robes. LACY What's going on? The Robed figures light torches and start moving towards Lacy. Lacy takes off into the woods. They chase after her. EXT. FOREST -- MOMENTS LATER Lacy is running as she is being pursued. All around are chilling screams and howling. Lacy is terrified. She stops and hides behind a tree. A hand is clasped over her mouth. Shhhh. JARED It's me. I'm so scared. She looks over

LACY What's going on?

JARED It's ok. Just come with me. EXT. ROAD -- LATER Jared and Lacy emerge from the woods and onto a road. Hans is waiting for them in his car. Jared and Lacy get in. EXT. SHERIFF'S HOUSE -- LATER Hans stops his car in front of the house. LACY Can you please not tell my Mom? HANS GRUNNER I won't if you promise to be more careful. LACY I promise. Lacy gets out of the car and goes inside the house. is about to get out. Hans grabs his arm. HANS GRUNNER You did a good thing. JARED Don't make a big deal of it. Jared

96. HANS GRUNNER So what now? JARED I'm going to kill that guy. HANS GRUNNER Let it go. JARED No fucking way. HANS GRUNNER Let it go. I'll take care of it. Trust me, ok? I know him and the family real well. JARED Dude, I refuse to make any promises. But thanks for your help. Jared gets out of the car and goes inside. INT. DINER -- AFTERNOON J.D is reading one of Jane Freeman's diaries. She stops on one of the pages in disbelief. She folds over the corner of the page to find her place again. CONNIE Looks like you're doing some serious reading. J.D Definitely more serious than I expected. CONNIE Don't you think you've had enough seriousness lately? J.D Yes. I'm taking the kids away for the weekend. We're going ot leave tonight. CONNIE Good for you. J.D You should come. Bring Emily.

CONNIE No thanks. I'd have to close for a couple days. J.D If you change your mind let me know. Connie nods and tends to her other customers.

97. EXT. SHERIFF'S HOUSE -- EVENING J.D, Lacy and Jared are filling the car with bags. arrives. J.D Change your mind Connie? CONNIE No, sorry J.D. I was just wondering if you've seen Emily. No, sorry. Emily? J.D Lacy, have you seen Connie

LACY Not since school. J.D Do you want us to help you look Connie? CONNIE Don't worry J.D. Go ahead with your trip. She's probably with some boy. J.D Yeah, probably. Jared and Lacy get into the car. Connie and gets into the car. EXT. ROAD -- NIGHT The family car is traveling on a forest road. INT. STATION WAGON -- MOMENTS LATER Jared is staring out the window. JARED You see that? J.D See what? JARED The woods are glowing. J.D looks over. There's an amber glow in the nearby forest. She stops the car. LACY What do you think it is, Mom? J.D I don't know. I'm going to take a look. J.D waves goodbye to

98. JARED Want some back up? J.D Wait here with Lacy. J.D gets out of the car. EXT. FOREST -- MOMENTS LATER J.D is walking through the forest towards the glowing. She reaches a clearing. There is a large bonfire. J.D moves in closer and is taken aback. J.D Oh, my God. She moves as close to the fire as the heat allows her. A charred corpse is tied to a stake and burns away. Nearby is a pile of women's clothes that have been cut and torn. J.D kneels down and inspects them. She finds a wallet and looks inside. She puts the wallet in her pocket and sprints away. INT. STATION WAGON -- MOMENTS LATER J.D jumps into the car and guns the engine. quickly climbs into triple digits. JARED What's going on? This is pretty fast. Lacy places her hands on the dashboard. Jared buckles his seat belt. Tears are running down J.D's face. LACY Mom, what's wrong? EXT. ROAD, CENTER OF TOWN -- LATER The car speeds through town narrowly missing other vehicles. EXT. DINER -- MOMENTS LATER The station wagon skids to a stop. comes outside. J.D gets out. Connie The speedometer

CONNIE J.D, what's the commotion? J.D Let's go inside and talk. INT. DINER -- MOMENTS LATER J.D and Connie are sitting alone in the diner. CONNIE What's wrong, J.D?

99. J.D I found this. J.D takes out the wallet she found and hands it to Connie. CONNIE Where did you get this? J.D I found it in a clearing. CONNIE In a clearing? J.D I found Emily there too. Thank God. CONNIE Where is she now? I found her

J.D You don't understand. body, Connie. What?

CONNIE What--what do you mean? She's gone

J.D She'd been burned. Connie. Oh no. Connie is shaking. CONNIE My baby.

J.D Do you know anyone who might have wanted to hurt her? CONNIE It's just like before. J.D Just like before, what? CONNIE This is for what we did to Emily. J.D I don't understand. daughter. Emily is your

CONNIE Emily was a girl we went to school with. When I was a kid, I did some terrible things. J.D Emily was the girl your tormented in high school. (MORE)

100. J.D (CONT'D) I read about in in Jane Freeman's diaries. They only mentioned her as the new girl or the outsider. CONNIE I thought she had been trying to make a move on my boyfriend. So we set her up and humiliated her. J.D And she ended up killing herself. CONNIE Yes. J.D So this could have been friends or family of hers? CONNIE No. She had no friends. The family couldn't take it and left soon after. They had went to the Sheriff and tried to have us charged but nothing ever came of it. I've never been able to shake the guilt. When I had my baby I named her Emily in hope it in some small way it would make up for my sins. J.D I don't know what to say Connie. CONNIE You don't have to say anything. did what I did and my baby paid for it. J.D And your friends. CONNIE Everyone who's passed in the last while was involved that night. J.D You're probably in danger too. CONNIE I don't have anything left to lose. J.D We're going ot solve this. CONNIE A little late, don't you think? J.D I'm so sorry Connie. I

101. EXT. DINER -- NIGHT J.D is waiting outside. Bubba's SUV pulls up followed by Han's car. Bubba and Hans get out of there vehicles. HANS GRUNNER What can I do to help? J.D Connie is inside. counseling? Yes. Can you do grief

HANS GRUNNER I'll go talk to her.

Hans goes inside. BUBBA What do we do? J.D I'm going to wait for Effram and go to the scene with him. BUBBA What do you want me to do? J.D There's a killer out there somewhere. Start asking around if anyone has seen anything or anyone unusual. Effram arrives on his horse. EFFRAM Normally I'd say something cute here but I'd rather get right down to it. J.D Ride with me it will be faster. EXT. CLEARING -- NIGHT J.D and Effram are standing in front of the body. The fire has died leaving the charred skeletal remains. EFFRAM I'm sorry you had to find her. J.D I'm just numb. It's so sick. EFFRAM Revenge is like that. J.D But Emily never hurt anyone.

102. EFFRAM We all pay for the sins of our fathers J.D. Mothers too. J.D is collecting evidence. body. Effram kneels in close to the

J.D Did you ever hear much back in the day about the kids pretending they were going to burn other kids alive? EFFRAM A dark tradition that's gone on for generations. J.D Why? EFFRAM Fear I suppose. Wasn't just reserved for newcomers. All you had to be was different. J.D You remember a girl named Emily who ended up killing herself? EFFRAM The family ended up leaving town with their son. Nobody knows after that. They never had any roots here. J.D I just don't understand. Something happens twenty five years ago and Emily ends up paying for it. EFFRAM You don't seem to understand how vendettas work. But this isn't Emily. J.D What are you talking about? EFFRAM This body is male. J.D Who? EFFRAM No clue. But I'm wishing I had stayed in bed today. INT. DINER -- LATER Hans is consoling Connie.

103. CONNIE I'm a monster. I killed my child. HANS GRUNNER You didn't kill Emily. Everybody has skeletons in their past. Hans has a liquid vial. He takes out a syringe.

HANS GRUNNER (CONT'D) Nc I give you this? It will settle you a bit. Connie nods. Hans gently injects her.

CONNIE I don't deserve to be alive. HANS GRUNNER Far from me to argue. CONNIE What? Connie is getting woozy. HANS GRUNNER You don't deserve to live. that tranquilizer working? CONNIE What did you give to me? HANS GRUNNER It's a cool little drug that mimics paralysis. If you can hear me and understand blink twice. Connie blinks twice. HANS GRUNNER (CONT'D) Emily is still alive. Do you understand? Connie blinks twice. HANS GRUNNER (CONT'D) After I leave here I'm going to where I'm keeping her and I will kill her for real. She will suffer immensely. I'll make sure of that. Hans takes out another vial. HANS GRUNNER (CONT'D) After I'm done with her I'm going to come back and kill you. This is to make sure you can't do anything about it. Hans injects her again. How's

104. HANS GRUNNER (CONT'D) Do you understand? Do you understand I'm going to kill your daughter and then you? Connie blinks twice. Hans grins. He gets up, pours himself a coffee and leaves the money for it on the counter. As he leaves he shuts off the lights. HANS GRUNNER (CONT'D) Don't go anywhere. INT. STATION WAGON -- NIGHT J.D and Effram are in the car as is speeds down the road. J.D This isn't over yet, is it? EFFRAM The finish line seems to be still quite a way off. J.D We need to get back to Connie. EFFRAM Might be too late. J.D We left her with Hans. like she's alone. It's not

EFFRAM No offense to Hans but what's he going to do face to face with a killer? The man is weak. INT. FAIRHAVEN STATE HOSPITAL, CELL BLOCK -- NIGHT Hans is giving pills to the inmates. curiously. The Guard is watching

GUARD What are you giving them Dr. Grunner? HANS GRUNNER Very potent and long lasting amphetamines. GUARD Why in the hell would you do that? HANS GRUNNER Do you have your stun gun on you? GUARD Sure. HANS GRUNNER May I see it?

105. The Guard hands the stun gun to Hans. and shoots the Guard. He looks it over

HANS GRUNNER (CONT'D) I'm bringing some excitement and fear to this shithole. Hans starts letting out all the inmates. EXT. DINER -- NIGHT J.D's car skids to a stop. J.D and Effram get out. diner is locked up and the lights are off. EFFRAM I don't like it. A car approaches and slows near them. his head out the driver side window. It's Hans. He pokes The

HANS GRUNNER I had an emergency at the hospital so I took Connie home. She's sedated and resting. J.D Anything you need help with? HANS GRUNNER No need. I'll be able to sort it out quickly. J.D Is anybody with Connie? she's still in danger. No, sorry. that. We think

HANS GRUNNER I didn't even think of

J.D It's ok. You've been a big help Hans. Hans waves and drives off. climbs out. BUBBA Got some news. Us too. J.D Emily might still be alive. BUBBA That true? EFFRAM Could be. Bubba arrives in his SUV. He

106. BUBBA We'll , it turns out the kid from the baseball team is missing. Parents have been looking all over. J.D It just gets better. Let's get to Connie's and talk more there. INT. CONNIE'S HOUSE -- NIGHT J.D, Effram and Bubba enter the dark house and turn the lights on. They search the house but don't find Connie. BUBBA Why would Hans lie that Connie was here? J.D Is it possible that she wandered off in her drugged state? EFFRAM I doubt it. She would have been sleeping until tomorrow afternoon. BUBBA What the hell is going on? J.D thinks it over a long beat. J.D He's finishing it. Who? Hans? BUBBA Why?

J.D Maybe Hans isn't really Hans. BUBBA Who the hell else would he be? EXT. CLEARING -- NIGHT Hans is dressed in a fire retardant suit and dragging Emily who is bound and gagged. He slams Emily against a large wooden stake in the middle of the clearing. He ties her to the stake and starts cutting away her clothes. EXT. CONNIE'S HOUSE -- NIGHT J.D takes the diary out of the glove box of her car. BUBBA They could be anywhere. we find them? You drive. in this. How can

J.D I think I can find it

107. She holds up the diary. the SUV. INT. SUV -- NIGHT Bubba is racing the SUV down the road. J.D is reading the diary. She stops on a page and hands it to Effram. J.D I think this place she talks about in the diary may be where Hans has gone. Do you know it? Effram scans it over. EFFRAM I think I can find it. J.D We can't afford to be wrong. EFFRAM If we're right can you do what needs to be done? J.D You have to ask? EFFRAM It's not a slight. J.D inspects and loads her pistol. EXT. CLEARING -- MOMENTS LATER Emily is naked and screaming. Hans is pouring out the remnants of the gas canister on her. He tosses the can away. HANS GRUNNER (in female voice) When you and your Mother are reunited in hell tell her not to forget where she's from. Hans takes out a Zippo lighter. ignites the lighter. Hans! J.D Don't do this! Effram and He flips the lid and J.D, Bubba and Effram get into

Hans turns. J.D has her gun levelled on Hans. Bubba are at her side. J.D (CONT'D) She's just a child Hans. HANS GRUNNER (in female voice) So was I. What does it matter?

108. EMILY (crying) Please, J.D. Help me. Hans. J.D Step away from Emily.

HANS GRUNNER (female voice) Hans isn't here. And what are you going to do? Shoot me and light up this whole clearing when I drop the lighter? J.D I'll shoot. HANS GRUNNER (in female voice) Then you'll burn us all. for me. BUBBA Is this for real?


Who are you?

Hans pulls on the hood for his suit. Hans! J.D Don't you fucking do it!

Hans drops the lighter. EMILY (screaming) NO! J.D shoots and clips Hans in the shoulder. The lighter hits the ground igniting all the gasoline. Emily's screams pierce the air as a giant fireball engulfs the clearing. J.D , Effram and Bubba are blown back. J.D fires blindly from her back into the flames. Emily's screams turn to a warble then stop. Effram and Bubba slowly lift themselves up. They stare into the fire unable to conceal their sickening despair. INT. SHERIFF'S HOUSE -- NIGHT Jared and Lacy are boarding up the front door. Jared grinning. LACY Don't you even feel scared? JARED I feel... ALIVE. We hear GLASS SHATTERING somewhere in the house. LACY Oh my God, what was that? Lacy catches

109. Window. JARED I'm on it.

Jared picks up a baseball bat and rushes out of the room. LACY Don't leave me alone, you asshole! INT. SUV -- NIGHT It's deathly quiet. Bubba is driving and has to dry his eyes with the sleeve of his shirt so he can see. J.D stares vacantly out the passenger window. Effram is sitting in the back fidgeting with his hat in his hands. INT. SHERIFF'S HOUSE -- NIGHT Jared and Lacy barricade themselves in their room. EXT. ROAD, CENTER OF TOWN -- NIGHT The SUV is moving fast. An ESCAPED PATIENT jumps out of the shadows and darts across the street. The SUV swerves to avoid him. INT. SUV -- CONTINUOUS BUBBA What the hell!? Bubba slams the brakes. reality. J.D and Effram are jolted back to

EFFRAM Christ's sake Bubba-J.D gets out of the SUV. BUBBA J.D, where you going? Bubba and Effram follow after her. EXT. ROAD, CENTER OF TOWN -- CONTINUOUS Bubba and Effram join J.D. around them is the carnage of the ESCAPEES running wild. Broken business windows, small fires. J.D Crafty bastard. EFFRAM He unleashed his own Armageddon. Hans's car is parked in front of the diner. are on inside. INT. DINER -- MOMENTS LATER J.D, Bubba, and Effram enter the diner, pistols drawn. Hans is standing with his back to them. The lights

110. As they get closer he raises his arms and places them behind his head. They see what Hans is looking at. Connie is sitting lifeless at a table. Her sliced arms have bled out all over the table and floor. A sharp kitchen knife near her hands. BUBBA You sick son of a bitch! HANS GRUNNER (woman's voice) Easy there Hoss. We had nothing to do with this. J.D She killed herself. HANS GRUNNER (woman's voice) She sure did-- the bitch! J.D Why did you do it, Emily? HANS GRUNNER (woman's voice) They had to pay. You know how blood feuds can get. BUBBA Why didn't you run? HANS GRUNNER (woman's voice) I don't follow. BUBBA When you found Connie here, you had a huge head start. Could have made a run for it. HANS GRUNNER (woman's voice) We're big believers in accountability. We did wrong and we'll take our consequences. Bubba slaps some cuffs on Hans. Hans snaps back to reality.

HANS GRUNNER (CONT'D) Hey--when did you guys get here? How's everything J.D? BUBBA Are you fucking serious? HANS GRUNNER You guys taking me somewhere? J.D Sending you on a little vacation.

111. HANS GRUNNER That could be ok. I've been really stressed. BUBBA Let's go. Bubba drags Hans out. J.D is staring at Connie. puts his hand on her shoulder. EFFRAM I'll take care of this. J.D. J.D nods and leaves. EXT. ROAD, CENTER OF TOWN -- AFTERNOON J.D and Effram are sitting on a bench by the side of the road. Bubba joins them. BUBBA Handed Hans over to the state boys. J.D Good. But I think you mean Robert. That was Emily's brother from her diary. BUBBA Hans Grunner is a real person. Really impressive credentials. He's just working with troubled youth in San Diego. Not running a mental hospital. J.D How could this all happen? BUBBA I figure if all his certificates and credentials looked in order whoever hired him left it at that. EFFRAM We're not exactly a hot spot for the intellectual elite. Some schooling-- or the appearance of schooling, impresses folks here. BUBBA When the position came up Hans was the only applicant. I checked. J.D There you go. BUBBA How did your kids handle all the crazies running around last night? Go home Effram

112. J.D They were fine. I think Jared was disappointed that we got them all rounded up with everyone's help. He loved the excitement. EFFRAM Probably about time I started my reports. Might be a good idea for you to get on that as well J.D. BUBBA Hold on. You don't want to miss the excitement. Several ATF vehicles as well as State Police cars speed into town. They stop in front of Turner's butcher shop. Armed AFT AGENTS dressed in body armor rush the building. J.D What's going on? BUBBA A while back I started talking with the ATF. J.D Why did you do that? BUBBA This town, the way my old man ran it-- it's a house of cards. I figured out I didn't want to be caught under it when it came crashing down. Turner crashes through the storefront window trying to escape. He's tackled by STATE POLICE. Atf agents start carrying guns out of the shop. BUBBA (CONT'D) Besides, how could I ever be a real law man doing what I was doing? J.D I don't know what to say. BUBBA Tell me I have the day off today. J.D It's ok. I'm calling in sick. John pulls up in his tow truck honking the horn. Hitched to the back is new patrol car, fully decked out. John gets out of the truck and unhitches the car. J.D walks over to him. J.D (CONT'D) I've been meaning to thank you for all the help. How's my car?

113. John takes the cigar stub out of his mouth. JOHN That piece of shit is on blocks and going to stay that way. J.D is shocked to hear John speak. J.D What am I going to do? John hands her a set of car keys and points at the new car. J.D (CONT'D) Are you serious? JOHN It's a thank you for keeping an eye on my grandson. J.D Your grandson? I don't follow. Able's Boy appears out of nowhere and tugs on J.D's sleeve. ABLE'S BOY Thank you Sheriff Campbell. JOHN He took a shine to you and you were kind to him. I appreciate it. The boy's a little different-strange. J.D How can you afford this? JOHN I married well. Did even better with the life insurance policy. She made sure I'd be taken care of when she got the cancer. J.D I'm so sorry. JOHN It's ok. Time marches on Sheriff. New beginnings. Boy-- get in the truck. Thank you. J.D Take care John.

John starts getting in the truck-- he remembers something. JOHN One last thing. There's a town hall meeting tomorrow for everyone to get to know the new Sheriff.

114. J.D I'll be there. John nods and drives off. Lacy is standing several feet away. J.D waves goodbye to Bubba and Effram as the crosses over to Lacy. J.D (CONT'D) Want to take a spin in the new car? LACY I guess that means we're staying. J.D For a while at least. Wouldn't be fair to judge things from the past week. LACY It might be the smart move Mom. Maybe. J.D Where's your brother?

EXT. ROAD -- AFTERNOON Jared is walking backwards thumbing for a ride. Duffel bag slung over his shoulder. The sign reading NOW LEAVING SLAUGHTER behind him. The convoy of ATF vehicles and State Police cars speed past. A trailing patrol car slows down and turns on the flashing lights. It's Sgt. Greene. He gives Jared a long, hard look. INT. SGT. GREENE'S PATROL CAR -- CONTINUOUS Sgt. Greene turns off the lights. He watches Jared giving him the finger through the rear view mirror as he drives away. FADE TO CREDITS.

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