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Whipped Cream Cream Cheese Frosting Bahan 1 pack (250gr) cream cheese, suhu ruangan 50 gr gula halus 1/8

us 1/8 sdt garam. 1 sdt vanilla essence. 1 1/2 cup heavy whipping cream. 1 sdm perasan lemon dan sedikit parutan kulit lemon.

Caranya: 1. Kocok whipped cream hingga kaku dan mengembang. Sisihkan. 2. Kocok cream cheese, gula halus, garam, vanilla essence, perasan lemon dan parutan kulit lemon hingga rata. 3. Lalu masukkan whipped cream ke dalam adonan cream cheese. Aduk hingga rata. 4. Masukkan ke piping bag, lalu hias di atas cupcake. Untuk frosting ini, ketika membuatnya saya tidak menggunakan gula lagi, karena kebetulan whipped cream yang saya pakai sudah agak manis, tetapi jika memang whipped cream yang akan digunakan rasanya plain, boleh ditambahkan gula sesuai resep atau sesuai selera..

Lemony Swiss Meringue Buttercream (Someday I will make a post, besides my pancakes or mint macarons, that doesnt involve this recipe!) I made this recipe twice today because I underestimated the amount of buttercream I would need/ I would recommend that you do the same because you would need a HUGE bowl to make this much buttercream at one time! Please click here for a step-by-step guide to making Swiss Meringue Buttercream and troubleshooting tips! To fill and crumb coat: 9 egg whites 1 c (350 g) sugar 4 sticks (452 g) butter, room temp 2 tsp lemon extract To frost: 5 egg whites 1 c (200 g) sugar 2 sticks (226 g) butter, room temp 1 tsp lemon extract Cook the egg whites and sugar in a small saucepan over medium heat, whisking constantly, until the sugar is completely dissolved (test by rubbing some between your fingers. If it's completely smooth, it's done). Pour into another bowl (a stand mixer is preferable) and whip on high speed until room temp. Then, on a medium-slow speed, add the butter, waiting until each piece is completely incorporated

before adding the next. After all the butter has been added, turn the mixer back to high speed and whip until it has come together, about five minutes. Add the extract, beat briefly and then use. If the buttercream seems soupy after all of the butter is added and does not come together after whipping, refrigerate for 5 to 7 minutes and continue whipping until it becomes fluffy and workable. Assembly Stack the layers in your preferred order and fill and frost as you would any other cake. Once frosted, the cake can be left on the counter without any problems, but feel free to refrigerate it. Just be sure that the cake is at room temperature when serving or the frosting will be hard, not smooth.

Cream Cheese Frosting Recipe

Prep time: 5 minutes

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1/2 cup of butter (1 stick), room temperature 8 oz of Philly cream cheese (1 package), room temperature 2 - 3 cups of powdered sugar 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract

1 With an electric mixer, mix the butter and cream cheese together, about 3 minutes on medium speed until very smooth. Scrape down the sides and bottom of the bowl to ensure even mixing. 2 Add the vanilla extract and mix. Slowly add the powdered sugar. Keep adding until you get to desired sweetness and thickness. 3 Either spread on with a blunt knife or spatula, or spoon into a piping bag to decorate your cake or cupcake. Variations:

Adding a teaspoon of Chinese Five Spice is always great for exotic chocolate cakes. Adding freshly ground ginger helps spice up a carrot cake. Freshly ground chai spice or even the contents of a bag of earl grey tea are heady and aromatic. The scrapings from a vanilla bean can be very sweet and heavenly for red velvet or dark chocolate cakes. Freshly grated or dried, flaked coconut mixed in makes it perfect for a coconut cake.

Use this to frost Carrot Cake Cookies and Cupcakes with Cream Cheese Frosting. Adapted from Martha Stewart Living, June 2003. Martha Stewart's Cookies

Yield Makes about 2 cups

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8 ounces cream cheese, room temperature 8 tablespoons (1 stick) unsalted butter, cut into pieces, room temperature 1 cup confectioners' sugar 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract

1. Place cream cheese in a medium mixing bowl. Using a rubber spatula, soften cream cheese. Gradually add butter, and continue beating until smooth and well blended. Sift in confectioners' sugar, and continue beating until smooth. Add vanilla, and stir to combine.

ently sweet Cream Cheese Icing has a surprising twist of orange zest. Great with Carrot Cupcakes!


1 cup (2 sticks) butter, softened 2 packages (8 oz. each) cream cheese, softened 8 cups sifted confectioners' sugar (about 2 lbs.) 2 tablespoons milk 1 tablespoon orange juice 1 teaspoon orange zest

About 5 1/2 cups of icing.

Step 1

In medium mixer bowl, cream butter and cream cheese together until smooth. Add sugar one cup at a time and milk. Mix well. Beat on high until smooth (only 30 seconds to 1 minute). Thin to ice cake smooth; use full strength for piping borders.

Step 2
NOTE: Do not use light cream cheese or butter substitute. If margarine is used, icing will be softer.

Aneka Resep Buttercream

Wah, seperti mendapatkan rezeki nomplok ketika para master baking bersedia berbagi resep buttercream mereka. Maklum, seenak apa pun kuenya kalo BC nya eneg pasti cita rasanya jadi rusak. Di bawah ini adalah beberapa resep BC yang aku daptkan. Terima kasih buat mb Ani, mb Nenis, Yuli Kue Rumahan, Uni Dewi Anwar, Vivi Liong dan semua yang sudah berbagi. Catatan: jika ada resep yang oke lagi, posting ini akan aku edit. (st) ================ (1) Resep Buttercream ala Ani Lizzarni Bahan: 250gr Mentega putih tawar Catatan: kalo mau lebih enak ganti mentega putih australi dengan Hollman Softcream 125ml susu kental manis 3sdm air garam catatan: didapat dari 1 sdt yang dilarutkan di 1 cangkir air, aduk rata, lalu ambil 3 sdm 100gr gula pasir direbus dengan air garam 1sdm pasta vanili (Red Bell) Cara membuat: - Gula dicampur air garam, dimasak diatas api kecil hingga gula benar2 larut. Selagi panas segera campurkan dengan susu, jangan tunggu dingin. Kalo tunggu dingin gula akan menggumpal lagi. - Setelah gula dan susu tercampur rata, boleh ditunggu dingin dulu baru masukkan mentega putihnya dan kocok sampe mengembang. - Kalo mau ditambahkan Hollman softcream, kocok dulu campuran diatas, setelah tercampur baru holman dimasukkan terakhir. Sumber: Ani Lizzarni (via milis NCC) dan Buku 'Serba-Serbi Cupcake' ================ (2) Buttercream Icing ala Hollman Bahan: 1000 gr Hollman Soft Cream 1000 gr mentega putih 750 gr gula buttercream/susu kental manis 50 susu bubuk full cream 50 cc rhum butter cream Toffieco (optional) Cara Membuat: 1. Kocok semua bahan menjadi satu kecuali susu bubuk fullcream, kurang lebih 15 menit. 2. Masukkan susu bubuk full cream sambil diayak, kocok kembali kurang lebih 10 menit sampai mengembang dan halus. 3. Buttercream siap dipakai. Note: Hollman Soft Cream akan mengembang volumenya menjadi dua kali lipat setelah dikocok. Sumber: kemasan Hollman Soft Cream ================ (3) ButtercreamLembut dan Tidak Eneg ala Nenis

Rasa Vanilla 1000 gr Mentega putih 250 gr Hollman softcream 350 ml Simple syrup / gula cair siap beli di TBK 1 kaleng Susu kental manis cap Enak Vanilla cair secukupnya Rasa Keju

Vanilla cair diganti dengan 100 gr cream cheese

Cara Membuat: 1) Kocok mentega putih hingga lembut 2) Masukan gula cair, kocok lagi 3) Masukan softcream nya, lalu susu, kocok hingga mengembang dan lembut 4) Terakhir masukan vanilla (atau keju), kocok lagi. 5) Siap digunakan. Catatan: BC ini cukup kokoh untuk dijadikan mawar BC. (4) Buttercream Enak untuk Cupcake ala NCC (note: ditambahkan 30 Apr 2010) Bahan2: 100gr mentega putih 100gr merrywhip 100gr eisella whip 100gr glukose/gula cair Cara Membuat: 1) Kocok semua bahan kurleb 30 menit sampai menjadi krim yang lebut dan homogen 2) Tambahkan pasta jika suka 3) Lebih spesial ditambah cream cheese ================= (5) Butter Cream Mocca (note: ditambahkan 1 Juni 2010) Original recipe by Lanny Soechan, modified by Vita Bahan2: 125 gr mentega putih 125 gr merry whip 125 gr margarine Blueband (atau apapun yang salted) 200 ml susu kental manis putih 3 sdm mocca pasta (aku pakai Seruni campur Toffieco) Cara membuat: Kocok sampai mengembang. Aku pakai merry whip, karena ingin dapat efek mengembang spt sifatnya soft cream. Margarine, pilih yang asin ya, ada beberapa margarine dapur yang rasa asin nya kurang kuat, nah itu hasilnya kurang gurih. aku suka dengan hasil warna coklatnya, plus rasanya juga uenaaaak...

-Vita (6) Buttercream Coklat (note: ditambahkan 13 Sep 2010) By Rachmah Setyawati

Bahan2: 350 gr MerryWhip Gold Bullion 500 gr Mentega Putih 1/2 kaleng SKM 150 gr - 175 gr Gula Cair (tergantung selera manisnya) 1 sdt vanili essence 75gr DCC, cairkan, tunggu hingga tidak hangat tp masih cair Cara Membuat: - Kocok semua jadi satu, kecuali DCC cair - Kalo sudh tercampur rata dan mengembang, baru masukkan DCC cair, aduk rata

(7) Resep Buttercream Coklat ala Yasaboga (note: ditambahkan 29 Oct 2010) Hasil sharing oleh Viency Bahan2: 250 gr unsalted butter (elle n vire) 225 gr gula halus 100 gr coklat bubuk (bensdorp) 2 sdm rhum Cara: Kocok lembut butter + bahan lainnya sampai rata.

Inilah parade kue kue simple dengan hiasan coklat siram ganache ( coklat leleh plus whipcream yang rasanya yummy slruuup ) aku share nanti ya caranya buat ganache Bahan-bahan: 1. whipped cream cair 200 ml {kalau aku pakai whipped cream bubuk(haan,biobanca,pondant) 100 gram + air 200 ml, aduk

rata} 2. dark cooking chocolate(coklat blok) 300 gram potong potong Caranya: - panaskan whip cream dengan api kecil, masak sampai mendidih, matikan api - masukkan coklat blok, dan aduk rata sampai coklat meleleh - diamkan sampai uapnya hilang siap dipakai untuk ganache siram(lebih shinny ditambah butter 1 sendok selagi adonan msh hangat) untuk ganache oles: - simpan dalam lemari es selama kurang lebih 2 jam - keluarkan dari lemari es, kocok dengan kecepatan tinggi. - ganache akan mengembang, dan siap digunakan untuk ganache oles.

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